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Breeding leaner pigs during the last decades may have changed pig’s empty body (EB) composition, a key trait for elaborating feeding recommendations. This research aimed to provide new experimental data on changes in the chemical composition of the EB of pigs from 20 to 140 kg BW. In addition, the impact of a reduction in the dietary CP associated with lower lysine, methionine+cystine, threonine and tryptophan levels was determined. In total, 48 males, castrates and females weighing 20 kg BW were allocated either to a control grower–finisher diet formulated according to current Swiss feeding recommendations, or a low CP grower–finisher diet (80% of control). Feed intake was monitored and pigs were weighed weekly. The chemical composition of EB (blood, hairs and hoofs, offals, bile, carcass) was determined at 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 and 140 kg BW on four pigs per gender and diet (eight pigs per gender at 20 kg). The five fractions were weighed and samples were analysed for dry matter, protein, fat and energy. Nutrient deposition rates and N efficiency were calculated by using the 20 kg BW category as reference. Analysis revealed an accurate feed optimisation for the aforementioned essential amino acids (EAA), whereas digestible isoleucine content in the low CP diet was at 70% of the control diet. Despite similar feed intake, daily gain and feed efficiency were impaired (P<0.01) from 20 to 100 kg BW in the low CP compared with the control pigs. In the same growth period, castrates had the greatest feed intake but, together with females, displayed the lowest (P<0.01) feed efficiency. Protein deposition was reduced (P<0.01) by up to 31% with low CP diet and was lower (P<0.01) in castrates and females than males at 100 kg BW. The greatest fat deposition rates were found with low CP diet and castrates. N efficiency improved (P<0.05) by 10% with the low CP diet from 100 to 140 kg. The males displayed the greatest (P<0.05) N efficiency. These findings suggest that the CP content of finisher II diets could be reduced to 102, 102 and 104 g/kg for females, castrates and males, respectively, without a negative impact on protein deposition or growth. It remains unclear whether the negative effects found in the BW range from 20 to 100 kg on the EB deposition were due to the 20% reduction of the dietary CP and the five limiting EAA or to other EAA via an unbalanced EAA profile.  相似文献   

The optimized use of dietary nutrients and the accurate knowledge of the growth dynamics of body components is important for efficient pig production. This study aimed at evaluating the growth of carcass components and organs of Swiss Large White pigs from birth to 140 kg BW depending on the CP and amino acid (AA) supply. A total of 66 entire males (EM), 58 castrates (CA) and 66 female (FE) pigs were used. From 20 kg BW onwards, they had either ad libitum access to a control (C) or a diet (LP) with 20% lower CP, lysine, methionine + cystine, threonine and tryptophan content compared to C. The weight of organs, primal cuts and external fat were recorded in eight EM and eight FE; at 10 kg BW, on two EM, CA and FE each, and at 20 kg BW, on eight pigs from each sex. From 40 to 140 kg BW at 20 kg intervals, measurements were recorded on four pigs per sex and dietary treatment. The weight of each component was related to empty body (EB) using allometric regressions. Kidneys were heavier (P<0.05) in C- than LP-pigs and in EM than CA and FE. Above 21 kg EB weight, growth rate of LP-FE overpassed (P<0.05) the one of C-pigs. Consequently, LP-FE had heavier (P<0.05) lean cuts than C-pigs in the finisher period. However, LP-CA and LP-EM displayed lower (P<0.05) weights and growth rates of the lean cuts than C-CA and C-EM. Shoulder and loin weights and growth rates were reduced (P<0.05) in LP-pigs when compared to C-pigs. Growth rates of the ham were greater (P<0.05) in LP-FE than C-FE, whereas in LP-EM and LP-CA they were lower (P<0.05) than their C-counterparts. Total amounts of subcutaneous fat, backfat, ham fat and shoulder fat were lower (P<0.05) in C- than LP-pigs. The total amount of subcutaneous fat, backfat and shoulder fat of C-CA was, regardless of diet, greater (P<0.05) than of C-FE. In the LP group, this difference was even more pronounced. The amount of deposited ham fat was greater (P<0.05) in LP-CA than LP-FE, but not in C-CA v. C-FE. Differences in kidney weights suggested a greater nitrogen clearance required in C-pigs. Overall, dietary restriction and sex did not affect all body parts to the same extent. This study further suggests the possibility to reduce the CP and AA supply in FE without compromising the yield of primal lean cuts or increasing the amount of subcutaneous fat.  相似文献   

In immunocastrated (IC) pigs, revaccination (V2) increases lipid deposition (LD) because of increased voluntary feed intake; but little is known on associated effect of diet composition on partitioning of nutrients in IC pigs. Digestibility measurements, N and energy balances in respiration chambers were performed in two subsequent stages in four replicates of two male littermates to determine the changes between 85 (stage 1) and 135 (stage 2) kg live weight due to combined effect of IC, growth and increased feed intake (IC/growth). During stage 1, pigs received a standard low-fat diet (LF diet; 2.5% dry matter (DM) of fat fed at 2.27 MJ metabolizable energy (ME)/kg BW0.60 per day), whereas during stage 2, feed intake was increased to 2.47 MJ ME/kg BW0.60 per day and one littermate was fed LF diet whereas the second received a fat-enriched diet (HF diet; 8.9% DM of fat) to determine the effect of increased dietary fat content on energy utilization in IC pigs. Results from N balance and measurements of gas exchanges were used to calculate respiratory quotient (RQ), heat production (HP), nutrient contribution to fat retention, components of HP, protein deposition (PD) and LD. Nutrients and energy apparent digestibility coefficients, methane losses and N retention (P<0.05) increased with IC/growth. Despite higher ME intake, total HP remained similar (1365 kJ/kg of BW0.60 per day; P=0.47) with IC/growth. Consequently, total retained energy (RE) increased with IC/growth (from 916 to 1078 kJ/kg of BW0.60 per day; P<0.01) with a higher fat retention (625 to 807 kJ/kg BW0.60 per day; P<0.01), originating mainly from carbohydrates associated with a higher lipogenesis (536 to 746 kJ/kg BW0.60 per day; P<0.01) and RQ (1.095 to 1.145; P<0.01). Both PD (from 178 to 217 g/day; P=0.02) and LD (from 227 to 384 g/day; P<0.01) increased due to IC/growth. Feeding HF diet after IC was associated with increased crude fat digestibility (P<0.01) and increased RE as fat (807 to 914 kJ/kg BW0.60 per day; P=0.03), originating mainly from dietary fat (P<0.01) and resulting in increased LD (384 to 435 g/day; P<0.01) and lower RQ (from 1.145 to 1.073; P<0.01). Altogether, present results indicate that increased fatness of IC pigs is a result of increased daily LD caused by higher energy intake and lower basal metabolic rate. In addition, LD is further enhanced by dietary energy enrichment with fat after V2.  相似文献   

The production of pork with high amounts of intramuscular fat (IMF) without an increase in subcutaneous fat is highly desirable for the pig industry and consumers. Herein, we question the impact of dietary protein reduction (18% v. 13%) on fat deposition in the subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) and longissimus lumborum (LL) muscle using genetically diverse pigs for body fatness (lean v. fat). A clear effect of genotype was observed on plasma insulin (P=0.004) and leptin (P<0.001), as well as on backfat thickness (P<0.001), with the fat pigs having higher values. Accordingly, IMF was higher in the fat pigs, when compared with their lean counterparts (P=0.003), which was supported by enlarged adipocytes (P<0.001). The area of lipid droplets within the LL fibres (P=0.039) and extramyocellular lipids number (P=0.017) were increased in pigs fed reduced protein diets, regardless of genotype, which is consistent with higher levels of plasma triacylglycerols (P=0.002). The gene-expression pattern of lipogenic factors in the SAT was distinct from the LL muscle. In the SAT, PPARG expression was similar among genotypes (P>0.05), whereas in the LL muscle it was higher in the lean pigs (P=0.023), especially when fed on low protein diet (P=0.057). The CEBPA and FABP4 mRNA levels were increased in the SAT of fat pigs (P<0.001), without changes in the LL muscle (P>0.05). The influence of diet on FABP4 expression in the SAT was dependent on pig’s genetic background (P=0.005). In conclusion, fat deposition was clearly influenced by genotype and, to a lesser extent, by dietary protein level, the SAT being more sensitive than the LL muscle. One can speculate that the pathways involved in lipid metabolism are downregulated in intramuscular adipocytes when compared with SAT fat cells. This result might be a direct consequence of the relatively low proportion of adipocytes found in the LL muscle.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate the effect of variation in forage source and feed particle size of a diet, including interactions, on the amount and the composition of microbial crude protein (CP) in a semi-continuous culture system (Rusitec). Different microbial CP fractions were compared. Five diets with mean forage proportion of 0.88 and different maize silage to grass silage ratios (100 : 0, 79 : 21, 52 : 48, 24 : 76 and 0 : 100) were used. Diets were ground through sieves with a pore size of either 1 or 4 mm, matching the particle size of fine (F) and coarse (C), respectively. Diets were characterised by increasing concentrations of CP and fibre fractions, and decreasing concentrations of starch with ascending inclusion rates of grass silage. Microbial mass was isolated from feed residues after incubation from the liquid phase of the fermenter and from the liquid effluent. The amount of synthesised microbial CP was determined on the basis of 15N balance. It increased quite linearly by the stepwise replacement of maize silage by grass silage, and was higher in C treatments compared to F treatments. Efficiency of microbial CP synthesis (EMPS) was improved from 29 to 43 mg microbial N/g degraded organic matter (OM) by increasing the proportion of grass silage in the diet, but was unaffected by particle size. The N content as well as the profiles of amino acids of the three microbial fractions was affected by diet composition and particle size. The ratio of solid- to liquid-associated microbes was affected by diet composition and feed particle size. The amount and EMPS seemed to be improved by degradation of OM from grass silage and an increasing availability of N. Moreover, the results of this study indicated a shift in the composition of the microbial community caused by variation in forage composition and feed particle size.  相似文献   

Determination of appropriate nutritional requirements is essential to optimize the productivity and longevity of lactating sows. The current recommendations for requirements do not consider the large variation between animals. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the amino acid recommendations for lactating sows using a stochastic modeling approach that integrates population variation and uncertainty of key parameters into establishing nutritional recommendations for lactating sows. The requirement for individual sows was calculated using a factorial approach by adding the requirement for maintenance and milk. The energy balance of the sows was either negative or zero depending on feed intake being a limiting factor. Some parameters in the model were sow-specific and others were population-specific, depending on state of knowledge. Each simulation was for 1000 sows repeated 100 times using Monte Carlo simulation techniques. BW, back fat thickness of the sow, litter size (LS), average litter gain (LG), dietary energy density and feed intake were inputs to the model. The model was tested using results from the literature, and the values were all within ±1 s.d. of the estimated requirements. Simulations were made for a group of low- (LS=10 (s.d.=1), LG=2 kg/day (s.d.=0.6)), medium- (LS=12 (s.d.=1), LG=2.5 kg/day (s.d.=0.6)) and high-producing (LS=14 (s.d.=1), LG=3.5 kg/day (s.d.=0.6)) sows, where the average requirement was the result. In another simulation, the requirements were estimated for each week of lactation. The results were given as the median and s.d. The average daily standardized ileal digestible (SID) protein and lysine requirements for low-, medium- and high-producing sows were 623 (CV=2.5%) and 45.1 (CV=4.8%); 765 (CV=4.9%) and 54.7 (CV=7.0%); and 996 (CV=8.5%) and 70.8 g/day (CV=9.6%), respectively. The SID protein and lysine requirements were lowest at week 1, intermediate at week 2 and 4 and the highest at week 3 of lactation. The model is a valuable tool to develop new feeding strategies by taking into account the variable requirement between groups of sows and changes during lactation. The inclusion of between-sow variation gives information on safety margins when developing new dietary recommendations of amino acids and protein for lactating sows.  相似文献   

Energy requirements for veal calves have not been updated recently despite the increased age at slaughter and the predominance of the Prim'Holstein breed in Europe. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of four feeding levels (FLs) on protein and fat deposition and heat production in milk-fed calves at three stages of fattening and to determine energy requirements of calves. At each stage, 16 Prim'Holstein male calves (mean body weight (BW): 73.4, 151.6 and 237.4 kg) were fed a milk replacer at 79%, 87%, 95% or 103% of a reference FL. Measurements for one stage were conducted over 4 successive weeks in two open-circuit respiration chambers and consisted of a 6-day nitrogen and energy balance followed by a fasting day for estimating fasting heat production (FHP) of the calves. Heat production (HP) measurements were analyzed using a modeling approach to partition it between HP due to physical activity (AHP), feed intake (thermic effect of feeding (TEF)) and FHP. There was no effect of FL and stage on apparent digestibility coefficients, except for a tendency for increased digestibility coefficient of fat as animals got older. The metabolizable energy (ME)/digestible energy (DE) ratio did not depend on FL but decreased (P < 0.01) as animals got older in connection with marked increases in urinary glucose and urea excretion. The AHP and TEF components of HP were not affected by stage or FL and averaged 8.4% and 7.8% of ME intake, respectively. The FHP, expressed per kg BW0.85, increased with increasing FL, suggesting that also ME requirement for maintenance (MEm) may depend on FL. For an average intake of 625 kJ ME/kg BW0.85 per day (95% of the reference FL), FHP was 298 kJ/kg BW0.85 per day. Energy retention as protein and fat increased with increasing FL resulted in higher BW gain. But the rate of increase depended on stage of growth. The slope relating protein deposition to FL was lower in the finishing phase than in the growing phase, while the slope for lipid deposition was greater. Protein and fat contents of BW gain were not affected by FL but increased as animals got older. From these results, the energy requirements of veal calves are proposed according to a new approach, which considers that MEm (expressed per kg BW0.85) depends on ME intake (kJ/kg BW0.85) according to the following relationship: MEm = 197 + 0.25 × ME intake. The corresponding marginal efficiencies of ME utilization for protein and fat deposition are then 82% and 87%, respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of sex, source of saturated fat (lard v. palm oil) and glycerol inclusion in the fattening diet on composition and fatty acid positional distribution in the triglyceride molecule was studied in pigs from 78 to 110 kg BW. Average daily gain and carcass characteristics, including ham and loin weight, were not affected by dietary treatment but sex affected backfat depth (P<0.01). A significant interaction between sex and glycerol inclusion was observed; dietary glycerol increased lean content in gilts but not in barrows (P<0.05 for the interaction). Individual and total saturated fatty acid (SFA) concentrations were greater in barrows than in gilts. In contrast, the concentration of total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and of C18:2n-6, C18:3n-3, C20:3n-9 and C20:4n-6 in the intramuscular fat (IMF) was higher (P<0.05) in gilts than in barrows. Sex did not affect total monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) concentration in the IMF. The proportion of SFA in the subcutaneous fat (SF) was higher in barrows than in gilts (P<0.001). Within the individual SFA, sex affected only the concentrations of C14:0 and C16:0 (P<0.001). Dietary fat did not affect total SFA or PUFA concentrations of the IMF but the subcutaneous total MUFA concentration tended to be higher (P=0.079) in pigs fed lard than in pigs fed palm oil. Dietary glycerol increased total MUFA and C18:1n-9 concentration in the IMF and increased total MUFA and decreased C18:2n-6, C18:3n-3 and total PUFA concentrations in the SF. The data indicate that altering the fatty acid composition of the triglyceride molecule at the 2-position, by dietary intervention during the fattening phase, is very limited.  相似文献   

The present study aims to assess the effects of pig’s genotype (lean v. fatty) and dietary protein level (control v. reduced) on intramuscular fat (IMF) content, fatty acid composition and fibre profile of psoas major, a representative red muscle in pig’s carcass scarcely studied relative to white longissimus lumborum. The experiment was conducted on 40 intact male pigs (20 Alentejana purebred and 20 Large White×Landrace×Pietrain crossbred) from 60 to 93 kg of live weight. Pigs were divided and allocated to four dietary groups: control protein diet equilibrated for lysine (17.5% of CP and 0.7% of lysine) and reduced protein diet (RPD) not equilibrated for lysine (13.1% of crude protein and 0.4% of lysine) within a 2×2 factorial arrangement (two genotypes and two diets). Alentejana purebred had higher IMF content (15.7%) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) (8.9%), whereas crossbred pigs had higher PM weight (46.3%) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (20.1%). The genotype also affected colour with higher lightness (15.1%) and yellowness (33.8%) and lower redness (9.9%) scores in crossbred pigs. In line with this, fatty pigs displayed more oxidative fibres (29.5%), whilst lean pigs had more glycolytic (54.4%). Relative to fatty acids, RPD increased MUFA (5.2%) and SFA (3.2%) but decreased PUFA (14.8%). Ultimately, RPD increased IMF content (15.7%) in the red muscle under study, with no impact on glycolytic to oxidative fibre type transformation.  相似文献   

Xiang C G  Zhang P J  Pan G X  Qiu D S  Chu Q H 《农业工程》2006,26(6):1667-1673
Influence of the agricultural management practices on soil quality and the ecosystem functioning has been an increasing concern in soil science and ecology with sustainable agriculture. This study deals with the changes of soil earthworm communityfrom a paddy soil under different long-term fertilizations. The soil earthworms were collected and counted from different fertilizer treated plots in the field after the rape harvest in May 2004, and their taxonomic groups were determined under a binocular stereoscope at the laboratory. The body of the earthworm (Metaphire californica) was crushed by a cell crusher to collect protein, and the protein molecules with different sizes were analyzed by electrophoresis. Furthermore, the Metaphire californica collected was hydrolyzed and the aliquots were subject to an amino acid auto-analyzer. The results showed that totally seven species of earthworms were recognized in the paddy field with the number varying with different fertilization treatments. The structure of earthworm communities was dramatically affected by the fertilization practice. Under chemical fertilization only, both the number of earthworm species and the quantity of individuals were significantly smaller than those under other treatments, or even than those under no fertilization. Furthermore, there was an obvious decrease in the total amino acid and the contents of most individual amino acids of Metaphire californica under chemical fertilization only, compared with those under the combined fertilization of chemical and organic fertilizers. Although chemical fertilizers in combination with rice straw return increased earthworm amino acid content, long-term pig manure application tended to increase earthworm protein content. As a molecular footprint, long-term chemical fertilization caused a reduction in the content of protein with MW less than 25 kd, but a significant increase in that of protein with molecule size around 33 kd. Our study demonstrated that different fertilizations affected not only earthworm population but also diversity and richness in the paddy soil after 16 years of treatment, and that long-term chemical fertilization may impact the soil animal community and, thus, influence the paddy ecosystem functioning for yield stability. This study implicated that not only the community structure but also the amino acid metabolism for life functioning of earthworms in cropland soils may pose significant responses to the agricultural management practices.  相似文献   

Influence of the agricultural management practices on soil quality and the ecosystem functioning has been an increasing concern in soil science and ecology with sustainable agriculture. This study deals with the changes of soil earthworm communityfrom a paddy soil under different long-term fertilizations. The soil earthworms were collected and counted from different fertilizer treated plots in the field after the rape harvest in May 2004, and their taxonomic groups were determined under a binocular stereoscope at the laboratory. The body of the earthworm (Metaphire californica) was crushed by a cell crusher to collect protein, and the protein molecules with different sizes were analyzed by electrophoresis. Furthermore, the Metaphire californica collected was hydrolyzed and the aliquots were subject to an amino acid auto-analyzer. The results showed that totally seven species of earthworms were recognized in the paddy field with the number varying with different fertilization treatments. The structure of earthworm communities was dramatically affected by the fertilization practice. Under chemical fertilization only, both the number of earthworm species and the quantity of individuals were significantly smaller than those under other treatments, or even than those under no fertilization. Furthermore, there was an obvious decrease in the total amino acid and the contents of most individual amino acids of Metaphire californica under chemical fertilization only, compared with those under the combined fertilization of chemical and organic fertilizers. Although chemical fertilizers in combination with rice straw return increased earthworm amino acid content, long-term pig manure application tended to increase earthworm protein content. As a molecular footprint, long-term chemical fertilization caused a reduction in the content of protein with MW less than 25 kd, but a significant increase in that of protein with molecule size around 33 kd. Our study demonstrated that different fertilizations affected not only earthworm population but also diversity and richness in the paddy soil after 16 years of treatment, and that long-term chemical fertilization may impact the soil animal community and, thus, influence the paddy ecosystem functioning for yield stability. This study implicated that not only the community structure but also the amino acid metabolism for life functioning of earthworms in cropland soils may pose significant responses to the agricultural management practices.  相似文献   

Despite differences in behaviors and living conditions, vertebrate organisms share the great majority of proteins, often with subtle differences in amino acid sequence. Here, we present a simple way to analyze the difference in amino acid occurrence by comparing highly homologous proteins on a subproteome level between several vertebrate model organisms. Specifically, we use this method to identify a pattern of amino acid conservation as well as a shift in amino acid occurrence between homeotherms (warm-blooded species) and poikilotherms (cold-blooded species). Importantly, this general analysis and a specific example further establish a broad correlation, if not likely connection between the thermal adaptation of protein sequences and two of their physical features: on average a change in their protein dynamics and, even more strongly, in their solvation. For poikilotherms, such as frog and fish, the lower body temperature is expected to increase the protein–protein interaction due to a decrease in protein internal dynamics. In order to counteract the tendency for enhanced binding caused by low temperatures, poikilotherms enhance the solvation of their proteins by favoring polar amino acids. This feature appears to dominate over possible changes in dynamics for some proteins. The results suggest that a general trend for amino acid choice is part of the mechanism for thermoadaptation of vertebrate organisms at the molecular level.  相似文献   

水稻土在不同施肥管理下的土壤质量及其生态系统功能的变化是当前土壤学和农业生态学的关注领域。对太湖地区一个15a的长期不同施肥处理下稻田进行了蚯蚓群落的调查采样,并测定了蚯蚓蛋白质含量和氨基酸组成。供试水稻土中共检出7种蚯蚓。长期不同施肥措施影响了蚯蚓的群落结构,单施化肥下农田蚯蚓的种类和数量明显减少,多样性指数和丰富度明显降低,且蚯蚓总氨基酸的含量和大部分种类氨基酸含量降低,同时蚯蚓中分子量小于25kd的蛋白质含量降低,而分子量33kd附近的蛋白质含量明显增加;相反,长期化肥配合秸杆还田和配施猪粪趋向于提高蚯蚓蛋白质含量或氨基酸含量。看来.农田中蚯蚓不但在种群变化上,而且在体内生命活性物质组成上均响应稻田不同施肥措施下的土壤环境变化。  相似文献   

研究了小麦不同品种开花后各地上器官游离氨基酸含量的变化动态及其与籽粒蛋白质含量的关系,以及氮素营养的调节作用。结果表明,小麦叶片和颖壳十穗轴游离氨基酸含量均在开花后持续增加,至花后14d达到最大值,之后开始下降。茎和叶鞘游离氨基酸含量则在开花后上升较缓慢,至花后21d达最大值。籽粒游离氨基酸含量一般在开花后就持续降低。各地上器官游离氨基酸含量与成熟期籽粒蛋白质含量均呈显著或极显著正相关,说明源器宫中游离氨基酸供应充足,有利于籽粒蛋白质积累。增施氮肥能够提高各地上器官中的游离氨基酸含量,进而促进籽粒蛋白质的合成,提高籽粒蛋白质含量。品种之间籽粒蛋白质含量的差异,是由各地上营养器官向籽粒运输氨基酸的综合作用所造成的。  相似文献   

家蚕体内因缺乏维生素B6而引起的若干代谢变动   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
张剑韵  黄龙全 《昆虫学报》2003,46(4):436-440
采用不含桑叶粉末、以去维生素牛乳酪蛋白为蛋白源的准合成饲料饲育家蚕Bombyx mori 5龄幼虫,探讨了缺乏维生素B6(VB6)对蚕体氨基酸代谢、脂肪酸代谢以及转氨酶活力的影响。缺乏VB6引起支链氨基酸分解代谢受阻,幼虫体液中大量积累亮氨酸、缬氨酸和异亮氨酸。同时因绢丝腺发育停滞,丝氨酸也在体液中积累。另一方面,缺乏VB6幼虫体液中赖氨酸、脯氨酸、精氨酸、甲硫氨酸和谷氨酸含量减少,其中赖氨酸尤为突出。推测缺乏VB6引起赖氨酸分解代谢亢进。结果还表明,缺乏VB6幼虫体内脂肪酸代谢异常,谷丙转氨酶活力显著低下。  相似文献   

The interaction of dietary protein type and fat level on the body fat-reducing activity of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) was studied in male rats fed diets containing casein (CAS) or soy protein (SOY) as a protein source with low fat (LF, 6.0% soybean oil) or high fat (HF, 13.0% soybean oil) combinations for 4 weeks. CLA was added at the 1.0% level to all diets. The weight of perirenal adipose tissue tended to be lower in the SOY groups than in the corresponding CAS groups, and the difference between the LF diets was significant. The weight of epididymal adipose tissue showed a similar but insignificant trend. The weight of brown adipose tissue was heaviest on the SOY-HF diet and lowest on two CAS diets, the SOY-LF diet being intermediate. The concentration of serum leptin was lowest on the SOY-LF diet and was significantly lower than that of the corresponding CAS group, but this difference disappeared when the dietary fat level increased. The serum cholesterol-lowering activity of SOY in relation to CAS was reproduced even when CLA was given. Thus the body fat-reducing activity of CLA was most marked when rats were fed the SOY-LF diet. Although the CAS-HF diet increased body fat deposition, the magnitude of the reduction by lowering dietary fat level was more marked than in the case of SOY. These results indicate a complicated interaction of dietary manipulations with the body fat-reducing effect of CLA, but the combination of CLA with the SOY-LF diet appears to be an appropriate approach.  相似文献   

Yu H  Daura X  van Gunsteren WF 《Proteins》2004,54(1):116-127
We have performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to study the dimerization, folding, and binding to a protein of peptides containing an unnatural amino acid. NMR studies have shown that the substitution of one residue in a tripeptide beta-strand by the unnatural amino acid Hao (5-HO2CCONH-2-MeO-C6H3-CO-NHNH2) modifies the conformational flexibility of the beta-strand and the hydrogen-bonding properties of its two edges: The number of hydrogen-bond donors and acceptors increases at one edge, whereas at the other, they are sterically hindered. In simulations in chloroform, the Hao-containing peptide 9 (i-PrCO-Phe-Hao-Val-NHBu) forms a beta-sheet-like hydrogen-bonded dimer, in good agreement with the available experimental data. Addition of methanol to the solution induces instability of this beta-sheet, as confirmed by the experiments. MD simulations also reproduce the folding of the synthetic peptide 1a (i-PrCO-Hao-Ut-Phe-Ile-Leu-NHMe) into a beta-hairpin-like structure in chloroform. Finally, the Hao-containing peptide, Ac-Ala-Hao-Ala-NHMe, is shown to form a stable complex with the Ras analogue, Rap1 A, in water at room temperature. Together with the available experimental data, these simulation studies indicate that Hao-containing peptides may serve as inhibitors of beta-sheet interactions between proteins.  相似文献   

Substitutions of amino acids for Gly 12 or Gly 13 in theras oncogene-encoded P21 proteins have been demonstrated to produce unique structural changes in these proteins that correlate with their ability to produce cell transformation. For example, the P21 proteins with Arg 12 or Val 13 are both known to be actively transforming. Recent site-specific mutagenesis experiments on the transforming Arg 12 protein have found that the substitution of Val for Gly 10 has no effect on transforming activity whereas the substitution of Val for Gly 13 led to a loss of transforming activity. In this study, we examine the structural effects of these substitutions on the amino terminal hydrophobic decapeptide (Leu 6-Gly 15) of P21 using conformational energy analysis. The results show that the transforming proteins with Gly 10 and Arg 12 or Val 10 and Arg 12 can both adopt the putative malignancy-causing conformation, whereas, for the nontransforming protein with Arg 12 and Val 13, this conformation is energetically disallowed. These results further support the theory that due to structural changes the transforming P21 proteins are unable to bind to some regulatory cellular element which may be the recently identified binding protein responsible for the induction of increased GTPase activity in normal P21 compared with transforming mutants.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is used extensively in the production of proteins within biotechnology for a number of therapeutic applications. Here, we discuss the production and overexpression of the potential biopharmaceutical human thioredoxin protein (rhTRX) within E. coli. Overexpression of foreign molecules within the cell can put an enormous amount of stress on the translation machinery. This can lead to a misfiring in the construction of a protein resulting in populations differing slightly in amino acid composition. Whilst this may still result in a population of active molecules being expressed, it does present significant problems with molecules that are destined for clinical applications. Amino acid misincorporation of this subset could potentially result in antibodies being raised to these unnatural proteins. Cross-reaction with a patient's endogenous thioredoxin could then lead to an autoimmune phenomena and serious health implications. Generally, the issue of misincorporation appears not to be a routine regulatory concern (see ICH Q6B guidelines). Therefore, amino acid misincorporation may not have been detected, much less explored in the clinic as the occurrence or absence of these random errors is not routinely reported. Using current technologies based on proteomics, the ability to find misincorporation critically depends upon the criteria for matching theoretical and experimental mass spectrometry data. Additionally, isolation and extraction of these mistranslated proteins from the production process is both difficult and expensive. Therefore, it is advantageous to find routes for removing their production during the upstream phase. In this study, we show how modern proteomic technology can be used to identify and quantify amino acid misincorporation. Using these techniques we have shown how manipulation of gene sequence and scoping of fermentation media composition can lead to the reduction and elimination of these misincorporations in rhTRX.  相似文献   

Mineral composition and relative deposition rates in the pig’s body are used to assess the mineral net requirements for growth and input–output balances. The study aimed to examine the dynamics of changes in mineral composition and deposition rates in the empty body (EB) from birth to 140 kg BW depending on dietary protein supply. In the experiment, 66 entire male, 58 castrated and 66 female Swiss Large White pigs were used to determine body composition at birth, 10, 20 kg and at 20 kg intervals from 40 to 140 kg BW. From 20 kg BW, they had either ad libitum access to a control grower and finisher diet or a grower and finisher diet containing 80% CP, lysine, methione+cystine, threonine and tryptophan of the control diet. Each EB fraction (carcass, organs and empty intestines, blood and bile) was weighed and analyzed for water, ash, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper, iron, manganese and zinc contents. Allometric relationships between the amount of each mineral in the EB and the EB weight (EBW) were fitted. The R2 of the allometric equations was above 0.92, except for copper and manganese (below 0.33), revealing the EBW as an excellent explanatory variable of the analyzed amounts. The copper and manganese composition in the EB were extremely low and variable which explain the low R2. Except for zinc, all mineral relative deposition rates decreased with increasing EBW. The amount of ash, calcium and phosphorus in the EB was not affected by the diet, but when expressed relative to body protein these minerals were increased when pigs were fed the low protein diet. This suggests an independent protein deposition and bone mineralization when animals are fed diets limiting in protein content. The diet also affected the amount of potassium in the EB which was greater when the low protein diet was fed. The gender only affected the amounts of potassium and sodium in the EB which were greater in entire males. Entire males had also greater amounts of water in the EB, which may explain the observed effect of gender on these two electrolytes. Finally, gender and dietary protein did not affect to a sufficient relevant way the body mineral composition and deposition rates in the EB, suggesting that their distinction may not be necessary to assess, on BW basis, the mineral net requirements for growth and the exported amount of minerals in input–output balances.  相似文献   

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