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目的:探讨常规剂量奥美拉唑治疗早产儿喂养不耐受的疗效及对血清胃泌素(gastrin,GAS)的影响.方法:选取60例出现喂养不耐受的早产患儿随机分为2组,对照组30例给予常规处理,治疗组30例在常规治疗基础上于生后第4天开始给予奥美拉唑注射液静脉滴注(0.7mg/kg·d),1次/d,连用5天.采用放射免疫分析法测定治疗组血清胃泌素水平.结果:治疗组胃潴留及腹胀症状消失时间、恢复至出生体重所需日龄、足量胃肠道喂养时间、2周末奶量与对照组比较有显著差异(P<0.01).治疗组血清GAS水平较对照组明显升高,差异有显著性(P<0.05).结论:奥美拉唑促进早产儿胃泌素分泌,治疗早产儿喂养不耐受有显著疗效,未见不良反应,为早产儿喂养不耐受的治疗提供了新的治疗方法.  相似文献   


Zinc (Zn) plays crucial roles in mammalian metabolism. There is increasing interest about the potential beneficial effects of Zn on the prevention or treatment of non-communicable diseases. This review critically analyzes the information related to the role of Zn on the metabolic syndrome (MetS) as well as type 2 diabetes (T2D), and summarizes the biological basis of these potential effects of Zn. There are several mechanisms by which Zn may help to prevent the development or progression of MetS and T2D, respectively. Zn is involved in both insulin secretion and action in peripheral tissues. Specifically, Zn has insulin-mimetic properties that increase the activity of the insulin signaling pathway. Zn modulates long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids levels through its action on the absorption of essential fatty acids in the intestine and its subsequent desaturation. Zn is also involved in both the assembly of chylomicrons and lipoproteins as well as their clearance, and thus, plays a role in lipolysis regulation. Finally, Zn has been found to play a role in redox metabolism, and in turn, on blood pressure. The evidence related to the association between Zn status and occurrence of MetS is inconsistent. Although there are several studies reporting an inverse relationship between Zn status or dietary Zn intake and MetS prevalence, others found a direct relationship between Zn status and MetS prevalence. Intervention studies also provide confusing information about this issue, making it hard to reach firm conclusions. Zn as part of the treatment for patients with T2D has been shown to have positive responses in terms of glucose control outcomes, but only among those with Zn deficiency.


It was our hypothesis that, as a consequence of increased oxidative stress, cholesterol-derived hydroperoxides and oxysterols are increased in livers of rats exposed to ethanol. To test this we dosed Wistar rats (approximately 0.1 kg initial body weight) with ethanol chronically (rats fed a nutritionally complete liquid diet containing ethanol as 35% of total calories; sampled liver at approximately 6-7 weeks). We measured concentrations of 7 &#102 - and 7 &#103 -hydroperoxycholest-5-en-3 &#103 -ol (7 &#102 -OOH and 7 &#103 -OOH) as well as 7 &#102 - and 7 &#103 -hydroxycholesterol (7 &#102 -OH and 7 &#103 -OH), and 3 &#103 -hydroxycholest-5-en-7-one (also termed 7-ketocholesterol; 7-keto). In response to chronic alcohol feeding, there were significant elevations in the concentrations of 7 &#102 -OOH (+169%, P =0.005 ) and 7 &#103 -OOH (+199%, P =0.011 ). Increases in the concentrations of hepatic 7-keto (+74%, P =0.01 ) and decreases in cholesterol ( &#109 43%; P =0.03 ) also occurred. In contrast, the concentrations of both 7 &#102 -OH and 7 &#103 -OH were not significant (NS). However, when oxysterols in chronic ethanol-fed rats were expressed relative to cholesterol there were significant increases in 7-keto/cholesterol ( P =0.0006), 7 &#102 -OH/cholesterol ( P =0.0018) and 7 &#103 -OH/cholesterol ( P =0.0047). In conclusion, this is the first report of increased 7 &#102 -OOH, 7 &#103 -OOH, and 7-keto in liver of rats and their elevation in chronic experimental alcoholism represent evidence of increased oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Five highly conserved per os infectivity factors, PIF1, PIF2, PIF3, PIF4, and P74, have been reported to be essential for oral infectivity of baculovirus occlusion-derived virus (ODV) in insect larvae. Three of these proteins, P74, PIF1, and PIF2, were thought to function in virus binding to insect midgut cells. In this paper evidence is provided that PIF1, PIF2, and PIF3 form a stable complex on the surface of ODV particles of the baculovirus Autographa californica multinucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV). The complex could withstand 2% SDS-5% β-mercaptoethanol with heating at 50°C for 5 min. The complex was not formed when any of the genes for PIF1, PIF2, or PIF3 was deleted, while reinsertion of these genes into AcMNPV restored the complex. Coimmunoprecipitation analysis independently confirmed the interactions of the three PIF proteins and revealed in addition that P74 is also associated with this complex. However, deletion of the p74 gene did not affect formation of the PIF1-PIF2-PIF3 complex. Electron microscopy analysis showed that PIF1 and PIF2 are localized on the surface of the ODV with a scattered distribution. This distribution did not change for PIF1 or PIF2 when the gene for PIF2 or PIF1 protein was deleted. We propose that PIF1, PIF2, PIF3, and P74 form an evolutionarily conserved complex on the ODV surface, which has an essential function in the initial stages of baculovirus oral infection.The entry mechanism of enveloped viruses includes two major steps: virus binding to host receptors and subsequent fusion of the viral membrane with the cell membrane. For many viruses the processes of binding and fusion are mediated by a machinery composed of several membrane proteins working in concert with sequential events triggered by conformational changes upon interaction with host (co)receptors. Examples are herpes simplex virus (HSV) (4) and vaccinia virus (23), which have an entry machinery composed of four and eight proteins, respectively. The entry of the occlusion-derived virus (ODV) form of baculoviruses into insect midgut epithelial cells upon oral infection of insect larvae may involve a similar strategy, but little is known about the role of ODV membrane proteins.Baculovirus ODVs are orally infectious, enveloped virus particles embedded in a protein crystal called an occlusion body (OB) that infect midgut epithelial cells (24). After ingestion of OBs by the host, the proteinaceous OB crystal dissolves quickly due to the alkaline conditions (pH 10 to 11) in the midgut, and the ODV particles are released (reviewed in reference 24). After passage through the peritrophic membrane, ODVs bind and fuse with the microvilli of columnar epithelial cells, resulting in the release of nucleocapsids into the cytosol and subsequent initiation of infection (10, 12, 24). A second type of virus particle, the budded virus (BV), is produced in these cells and infects other cells and tissues in the insect, causing a systemic infection (reviewed in reference 22). While the entry mechanisms of BVs have been studied at least to a certain extent (16, 31, 32), the entry mechanism of ODVs is still rather enigmatic due to its complexity and the lack of proper cell lines supporting ODV entry.ODVs contain more than 10 different envelope proteins (3). Five of these, denoted PIF1, PIF2, PIF3, PIF4, and P74, have been identified to be essential for per os infection of insect larvae (6, 7, 14, 18, 20). These PIF proteins function in the early stage of virus infection, and deletion of any of these pif genes leads to a block in infection prior to viral gene expression in midgut epithelial cells (7, 10, 18). Until now, three of these proteins, PIF1, PIF2, and P74, have been reported to function in virus binding (10, 18). Deletion of any of these three proteins leads to a loss of oral infectivity, while only a 3-fold reduction in binding is measured, and no significant reduction in fusion efficiency is observed (10, 18). This suggests that the three PIF proteins, apart from binding to midgut epithelial cells, may have other unknown functions for which they may have to work together. The functions of PIF3 and PIF4 are rather enigmatic although there has been speculation that PIF3 functions in nucleocapsid translocation along the microvilli as it seemed to be dispensable for ODV binding and fusion (18, 24).All five proteins are highly conserved in Baculoviridae and are encoded by so-called core genes (3, 6, 11, 29). Recent work further revealed that these proteins have homologues in other large invertebrate DNA viruses which replicate in the nucleus, such as salivary gland hypertrophy viruses (SGHVs) (9), nudiviruses (30) and white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) (Nimaviridae) (J. A. Jehle, personal communication). pif genes are also found in polydnaviruses of braconid wasps (2). This high conservation of pif genes in a diverse range of large, circular, double-stranded DNA viruses suggests that the PIF proteins are associated with a conserved and evolutionarily ancient entry mechanism of viruses into invertebrate hosts.The aim of the present study is to follow the ODV entry process by investigating whether the PIF proteins form a complex on the ODV membrane. Based on immunogold labeling, cross-linking, differential temperature SDS-PAGE, and coimmunoprecipitation (CoIP) analysis with a panel of recombinant viruses, we provide strong evidence that PIF1, PIF2, PIF3, and P74 form a complex on the ODV surface. This complex is likely to play an essential role in virus entry into midgut epithelial cells of susceptible insect larvae.  相似文献   

High sucrose intake is generally thought to be a risk factor for obesity and insulin resistance. We examined the effects of feeding sucrose on fat accumulation and insulin release in male rats. Six-week-old male Wistar rats were maintained on a high sucrose diet for 4 or 12 weeks. Control rats were fed a diet based on starch. No significant difference in daily caloric intake or weight gain existed between the two dietary groups. There was no difference between the two dietary groups in the gain of abdominal subcutaneous fat (SC) at 4-week. In contrast, rats fed the high sucrose diet had significantly more mesenteric fat (MES) than controls (p<0.01). At 12 weeks, rats fed the high sucrose diet had significantly more SC and MES than controls (SC:p<0.05, MES:p<0.01). Basal immunoreactive insulin (IRI) concentrations in the portal vein (PV) of rats fed the high sucrose diet was significantly higher compared to those of controls (4 wk: p<0.05, 12 wk: p<0.05). No difference between the two dietary groups in basal IRI concentrations in the inferior vena cava (TVC) existed at 4 weeks; whereas at 12 weeks, the basal IRI concentrations in the IV C in rats fed the high sucrose diet were significantly higher than in controls (p<0.05). The mesenteric and subcutaneous fat accumulations were closely related to hyperinsulinemia in the portal vein and inferior vena cava, respectively. Twelve weeks of high sucrose feeding caused accumulation of abdominal adipose tissue with marked hyperinsulinemia and hyperlipidemia. Our study is the first to demonstrate that abdominal fat induced by high sucrose intake in male rats is accompanied by an abnormal metabolic state similar to an insulin-resistant state.  相似文献   

研究了紫红笛鲷(Lutjanus argentimaculatus)幼鱼在不同集群密度和投饵定额下的摄食反应.实验设7个不同的集群组(1、2、3、4、8、12、16尾/组),每个集群组又分成7个不同的投饵定额组(18.4×10-227.6×10-2、36.8×10-2、46.0 × 10-2、55.2×10-2、64.4×10-2、73.6×10-2g/组),通过测定摄食量观测幼鱼的摄食反应.在定额投饵的情况下,紫红笛鲷每尾幼鱼的一次平均摄食量随群体密度的增大呈先增加、超过一定密度后下降的趋势.1尾组与其他组差异极显著(P<0.01),其组平均一次摄食量最低.当集群密度不变时,紫红笛鲷幼鱼一次平均摄食量随投饵定额的增大而增加,然后减小.随着集群密度增大,不同密度群体的最大摄食量向投饵定额增加的方向移动;而随着投饵定额增加,不同定额组的最大摄食量相对集中在2~8尾的群体中.结果表明,集群密度、投饵定额以及两者的交互作用对紫红笛鲷幼鱼的一次摄食量有极显著影响,群居的互利性和竞争性作用效果明显.  相似文献   

The FLooded Upland Dynamics Experiment (FLUDEX) at the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) in northwest Ontario was designed to test the hypothesis that methylmercury (MeHg) production in reservoirs is related to the amount, and subsequent decomposition, of flooded organic matter. Three upland forest sites that varied in the amounts of organic carbon stored in vegetation and soils (Low C, 30,870 kg C ha−1; Medium C, 34,930 kg C ha−1; and High C, 45,860 kg C ha−1) were flooded annually from May to September with low-organic carbon, low-MeHg water pumped from a nearby lake. Within five weeks of flooding, MeHg concentrations in the reservoir outflows exceeded those in reservoir inflows and remained elevated for the duration of the experiment, peaking at 1.60 ng L−1 in the Medium C reservoir. We estimated the net production of MeHg in each reservoir by calculating annual changes in pools of MeHg stored in flooded soils, periphyton, zooplankton, and fish. Overall, there was an initial pulse of MeHg production (range = 120–1590 ng m−2 day−1) in all FLUDEX reservoirs that lasted for 2 years, after which time net demethylation (range = 360–1230 ng MeHg degraded m−2 day−1) began to reduce the pools of MeHg in the reservoirs, but not back to levels found prior to flooding. Rates of MeHg production were generally related to the total amount of organic carbon flooded to create the reservoirs. Large increases in MeHg stores in soils compared to those in water and biota indicate that flooded soils were the main sites of MeHg production. This study should assist hydroelectric utilities and government agencies in making informed decisions about selecting sites for future reservoir development to reduce MeHg contamination of the reservoir fisheries.  相似文献   

The experiments on dietary intoxication of rats by HgI2 or Hg(NO3)2 show that the activities of lysosomal proteinase cathepsin B and cytosolic Ca2+-activated proteinases (calpains I and II) in the liver and kidney depend on the mercury salt solubility and the exposure duration. Mercury iodide and nitrate contribute more to inhibiting cathepsin B and calpains activities in the above tissues, respectively.  相似文献   

Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) ac83 is a baculovirus core gene whose function in the AcMNPV life cycle is unknown. In the present study, an ac83-knockout AcMNPV (vAc83KO) was constructed to investigate the function of ac83 through homologous recombination in Escherichia coli. No budded virions were produced in vAc83KO-transfected Sf9 cells, although viral DNA replication was unaffected. Electron microscopy revealed that nucleocapsid assembly was aborted due to the ac83 deletion. Domain-mapping studies revealed that the expression of Ac83 amino acid residues 451 to 600 partially rescued the ability of AcMNPV to produce infectious budded virions. Bioassays indicated that deletion of the chitin-binding domain of Ac83 resulted in the failure of oral infection of Trichoplusia ni larvae by AcMNPV, but AcMNPV remained infectious following intrahemocoelic injection, suggesting that the domain is involved in the binding of occlusion-derived virions to the peritrophic membrane and/or to other chitin-containing insect tissues. It has been demonstrated that Ac83 is the only component with a chitin-binding domain in the per os infectivity factor complex on the occlusion-derived virion envelope. Interestingly, a functional inner nuclear membrane sorting motif, which may facilitate the localization of Ac83 to the envelopes of occlusion-derived virions, was identified by immunofluorescence analysis. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Ac83 plays an important role in nucleocapsid assembly and the establishment of oral infection.  相似文献   

Changes in brain lipid composition have been determined in 24 months-old Fischer rats with respect to 6 months-old ones. The cerebral levels of sphingomyelin and cholesterol were found to be significantly increased in aged rats, whereas the amount of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidic acid appear to be unaffected by aging. Long-term feeding with acetyl-L-carnitine was able to reduce the age-dependent increase of both sphingomyelin and cholesterol cerebral levels with no effect on the other measured phospholipids. These findings shown that changes in membrane lipid metabolism and/or composition represent one of the alterations occurring in rat brain with aging, and that long-term feeding with acetyl-L-carnitine can be useful in normalizing these age-dependent disturbances.  相似文献   

目的:研究单剂量头孢三嗪在急诊剖宫产手术中预防感染的效果。方法:1998-2000年急诊剖宫产病例399例,分A,B两组,A组201例,于术前30分钟静脉推注头孢三嗪1.0g;B组198例为对照组,采用传统的青霉素静脉点滴方法。结果:两组病例的产褥病率,产褥感染,切口感染的发生率无显著差异,A组术后排气时间较B组早,A组的费用低于B组,结论:单剂量头孢三嗪用于急诊剖宫产手术预防感染疗效好,费用低。  相似文献   

Methylmercury compounds are very toxic for most organisms. Here, we investigated the potential of earthworms to methylate inorganic-Hg. We hypothesized that the anaerobic and nutrient-rich conditions in the digestive tracts of earthworm''s promote the methylation of Hg through the action of their gut bacteria. Earthworms were either grown in sterile soils treated with an inorganic (HgCl2) or organic (CH3HgCl) Hg source, or were left untreated. After 30 days of incubation, the total-Hg and methyl-Hg concentrations in the soils, earthworms, and their casts were analyzed. The impact of Hg on the bacterial community compositions in earthworms was also studied. Tissue concentrations of methyl-Hg in earthworms grown in soils treated with inorganic-Hg were about six times higher than in earthworms grown in soils without Hg. Concentrations of methyl-Hg in the soils and earthworm casts remained at significantly lower levels suggesting that Hg was mainly methylated in the earthworms. Bacterial communities in earthworms were mostly affected by methyl-Hg treatment. Terminal-restriction fragments (T-RFs) affiliated to Firmicutes were sensitive to inorganic and methyl-Hg, whereas T-RFs related to Betaproteobacteria were tolerant to the Hg treatments. Sulphate-reducing bacteria were detected in earthworms but not in soils.  相似文献   

Previous empirical and theoretical work has focused on how feedingterritory size is governed by average levels of food availabilityand intrusion pressure; the potentially important effects ofvariability have not yet been studied in detail. Here I incorporatevariation in food availability and intrusion pressure in somesimple optimality models of territory size. The results showthat the possible effects of variability are diverse, includingboth increase and decrease in territory size. And in some cases,variation in food availability produces qualitatively differenteffects than variation in intrusion pressure.  相似文献   

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