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GROWTEK bioreactor was used as modified solid-state fermentor to circumvent many of the problems associated with the conventional tray reactors for solid-state fermentation (SSF). Aspergillus oryzae IFO-30103 produced very high levels of α-amylase by modified solid-state fermentation (mSSF) compared to SSF carried out in enamel coated metallic trays utilizing wheat bran as substrate. High α-amylase yield of 15,833 U g−1 dry solid in mSSF were obtained when the fungus were cultivated at an initial pH of 6.0 at 32°C for 54 h whereas α-amylase production in SSF reached its maxima (12,899 U g−1 dry solid ) at 30°C after 66 h of incubation. With the supplementation of 1% NaNO3, the maximum activity obtained was 19,665 U g−1 dry solid (24% higher than control) in mSSF, whereas, in SSF maximum activity was 15,480 U g−1 dry solid in presence of 0.1% Triton X-100 (20% higher than the control).  相似文献   

An F2 cross between Duroc and Large White pigs was carried out in order to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for 11 meat quality traits (L*, a* and b* Minolta coordinates and water-holding capacity (WHC) of two ham muscles, ultimate pH of two ham and one loin muscles), 13 production traits (birth weight, average daily gain during post-weaning and fattening periods, carcass fat depths at three locations, estimated lean meat content, carcass length and weights of five carcass cuts) and three stress hormone-level traits (cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline). Animals from the three generations of the experimental design (including 456 F2 pigs) were genotyped for 91 microsatellite markers covering all the autosomes. A total of 56 QTL were detected: 49 reached the chromosome-wide level (suggestive QTL with a maximal probability of 0.05) and seven were significant at the genome-wide level (with a probability varying from 6 × 10(-4) to 3 × 10(-3)). Twenty suggestive QTL were identified for ultimate pH, colour measurements and WHC on chromosome (SSC) 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 17. For production traits, 33 QTL were detected on all autosomes except SSC6, 8 and 9. Seven of these QTL, located on SSC2, 3, 10, 13, 16 and 17, exceeded the genome-wide significance threshold. Finally, three QTL were identified for levels of stress hormones: a QTL for cortisol level on SSC7 in the cortisol-binding globulin gene region, a QTL for adrenaline level on SSC10 and a QTL for noradrenaline level on SSC13. Among all the detected QTL, seven are described for the first time: a QTL for ultimate pH measurement on SSC5, two QTL affecting birth weight on SSC2 and 10, two QTL for growth rate on SSC15 (during fattening) and 17 (during post-weaning) and two QTL affecting the adrenaline and noradrenaline levels. For each QTL, only one to five of the six F1 sires were found to be heterozygous. It means that all QTL are segregating in at least one of the founder populations used in this study. These results suggest that both meat quality and production traits can be improved in purebred Duroc and Large White pigs through marker-assisted selection. It is of particular interest for meat quality traits, which are difficult to include in classical selection programmes.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of pH, temperature, substrate concentration and organic solvents (dimethylformamide, dimethylsulfoxide) on the -chymotrypsin stability in a water/organic solvent system was studied. The enzyme activity was measured as the dipeptide, AcPheLeuNH2 synthesis and the ester substrate hydrolysis. Enzyme stability was enhanced by lower pH and temperature values and higher substrate concentrations. Dimethylsulfoxide allowed an higher enzyme stability than dimethylformamide. -Chymotrypsin displayed an higher stability in the water medium when it was compared to the organic system.  相似文献   

Organic mono-phase and organic–aqueous two-phase systems were applied for 17-carbonyl reduction of androst-4-en-3,17-dione to testosterone by whole cells of the microalga Nostoc muscorum (Nostocaceae). To investigate the correlation between solvent hydrophobicity and biotransformation yield in mono- and biphasic systems, a range of 16 organic solvents with log Poctanol values (logarithm of the solvent partition coefficient in the n-octanol/water system) between ? 1.1 and 8.8 were examined. Organic solvents with log Poctanol values greater than 7, such as hexadecane and tetradecane, provided the best biocompatibility with the bioconversion by algal cells. The data also indicated that the highest yields were obtained using organic–aqueous (1:1, v/v) biphasic systems. The optimum volumetric phase ratio, reaction temperature and substrate concentration were 1:1, 30°C and 0.5 mg mL?1, respectively. Under the mentioned conditions a fourfold increase in biotransformation yield (from 7.8±2.3 to 33.4±1.8%) was observed.  相似文献   

The paper describes the determination of deoxynivalenol (DON) in 55 wheat food and feed samples, 26 from conventional and 29 from organic production. Immunoaffinity columns prepared by entrapping anti-DON antibodies by the sol–gel method were used for sample clean-up. DON was quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultraviolet (UV) detection. In general, the incidence of DON contamination was rather low. In eight samples (14.5%) the DON concentration was above the LOQ (380 ng/g), in six samples (10.9%) DON was detected but could not be quantified (>LOD (200 ng/g), <LOQ). In seven conventional samples (two pasta, two cookie, two snack and one feed sample) but only in one organic sample (a snack) the DON concentration was >LOQ. The data indicate both a higher incidence of DON contamination and higher DON concentrations in food and feed samples from conventional than in those from organic production.  相似文献   

The glycosylation of recombinant β-glucocerebrosidase, and in particular the exposure of mannose residues, has been shown to be a key factor in the success of ERT (enzyme replacement therapy) for the treatment of GD (Gaucher disease). Macrophages, the target cells in GD, internalize β-glucocerebrosidase through MRs (mannose receptors). Three enzymes are commercially available for the treatment of GD by ERT. Taliglucerase alfa, imiglucerase and velaglucerase alfa are each produced in different cell systems and undergo various post-translational or post-production glycosylation modifications to expose their mannose residues. This is the first study in which the glycosylation profiles of the three enzymes are compared, using the same methodology and the effect on functionality and cellular uptake is evaluated. While the major differences in glycosylation profiles reside in the variation of terminal residues and mannose chain length, the enzymatic activity and stability are not affected by these differences. Furthermore, the cellular uptake and in-cell stability in rat and human macrophages are similar. Finally, in vivo studies to evaluate the uptake into target organs also show similar results for all three enzymes. These results indicate that the variations of glycosylation between the three regulatory-approved β-glucocerebrosidase enzymes have no effect on their function or distribution.  相似文献   

Automatic milking systems (AMS), or milking robots, are becoming widely accepted as a milking technology that reduces labour and increases milk yield. However, reported amount of labour saved, changes in milk yield, and milk quality when transitioning to AMS vary widely. The purpose of this study was to document the impact of adopting AMS on farms with regards to reported changes in milking labour management, milk production, milk quality, and participation in dairy herd improvement (DHI) programmes. A survey was conducted across Canada over the phone, online, and in-person. In total, 530 AMS farms were contacted between May 2014 and the end of June 2015. A total of 217 AMS producers participated in the General Survey (Part 1), resulting in a 41% response rate, and 69 of the respondents completed the more detailed follow-up questions (Part 2). On average, after adopting AMS, the number of employees (full- and part-time non-family labour combined) decreased from 2.5 to 2.0, whereas time devoted to milking-related activities decreased by 62% (from 5.2 to 2.0 h/day). Median milking frequency was 3.0 milkings/day and robots were occupied on average 77% of the day. Producers went to fetch cows a median of 2 times/day, with a median of 3 fetch cows or 4% of the herd per robot/day. Farms had a median of 2.5 failed or incomplete milkings/robot per day. Producers reported an increase in milk yield, but little effect on milk quality. Mean milk yield on AMS farms was 32.6 kg/cow day. Median bulk tank somatic cell count was 180 000 cells/ml. Median milk fat on AMS farms was 4.0% and median milk protein was 3.3%. At the time of the survey, 67% of producers were current participants of a DHI programme. Half of the producers who were not DHI participants had stopped participation after adopting AMS. Overall, this study characterized impacts of adopting AMS and may be a useful guide for making this transition.  相似文献   

Timm  Henn  Ivask  Mari  Möls  Tõnu 《Hydrobiologia》2001,464(1-3):153-164
A survey was started in 1990 of the benthic macroinvertebrate community and water quality in some Estonian streams affected by organic pollution, especially the spreading of slurry on fields. The study was expanded during 1991–1998 to involve 47 sampling sites. Long-term dependence was tested using the SAS/GLM contrast statement. All biological indices used (BMWP-ASPT, number of ASPT scoring families (NASPT), Danish Fauna Index, Belgian Biotic Index, EPT-index) were significantly related to the degree of organic pollution. Compared with the reference sites, the test sites revealed significantly lower water quality: higher BOD7, total P and NH4; lower pH and all hydrobiological indices. Season and stream size at the sampling site (expressed in km from the stream source) had significant effects on both hydrochemical and hydrobiological variables. On the contrary, discharge and precipitation had no significant influence on the studied water quality indicators, with the exception of pH in a few cases. At the same time, all but three variables for the reference and the test sites were different at the beginning of the sampling period; this difference remained only for a few sensitive indices such as ASPT and Danish Fauna Index at the end of the period, indicating general improvement in the environment.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of the conversion of tropical forest to pasture on soil organic matter (SOM) origin and quality along a chronosequence of sites, including a primary forest and six pastures. Bulk soil samples received a physical size-fractionation treatment to assess the contribution of each compartment to total SOM pool. Besides a general increase in total C and N stocks along the chronosequence, we observed a reduction of the relative contribution of the coarser fractions to total soil C content, and an increased concentration in the finer fractions. The origin of the C in each size fraction was established from measurements of13C abundance. After 80 years about 93% of the C in the least humified fraction of the top 10 cm of soil was of pasture origin, while in the most humified it was 82%. Chemical analyses indicated that the fine silt and coarse clay fractions contained the most refractory carbon.  相似文献   

Pit lakes (abandoned flooded mine pits) represent a potentially valuable water resource. However, acid mine drainage (AMD) generation due to mining activities often results in pit lake waters with low pH, high sulphate and dissolved metal concentrations. Sulphate reduction-based bioremediation offers tremendous scope for removal of acidity and metals from pit lake water. In this study, the effect of storing sewage on its carbon quality for bioremediation of acidic pit lake water was studied. In addition, the effectiveness of labile organic carbon (lactic acid and ethanol) on SRB activity was tested. Bioremediation experiments were performed in controlled and replicated microcosms with acidic (pH 2.2) water from a pit lake by addition of stored (3 years at 4 °C) sewage for stimulation of sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) activity. This sewage had been previously used successfully in remediating to pH 7 water from this pit lake. The initial aim was to test the sewage at lower doses (18 and 28 g/L) and in a pulsed addition (over 5 weeks). Bioremediation efficacy was evaluated by measuring pit lake water pH increase, redox potential decrease, and acidity and sulphate removal. Though the stored sewage had retained a very similar high total organic carbon (TOC) equivalent to prior to storage, it failed to increase dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels in pit lake water. Microcosms amended with doubled doses of sewage and an extended remediation time still failed to demonstrate any substantial improvement in water quality, other than a small amount of sulphate reduction and direct neutralisation by the sewage. In order to determine if low DOC concentrations in sewage were the cause of the bioremediation failure, labile organic carbon (LOC), consisting of 50:50 (w/w) lactic acid and ethanol, was added to all microcosm treatments at concentrations of 3000, 6000 and 9000 mg/L. After LOC addition, water quality improved with effective removal of acidity, sulphate and metals in the lowest carbon concentration (3000 mg/L). However, 6000 and 9000 mg/L LOC concentrations showed a delay in response due to the increased acidity associated with the lactic acid addition. The experiments showed that pulsed dosing of carbon simply slowed the commencement of remediation but it was ultimately able to reach the same effectiveness as the equivalent quantity added all at once. Prolonged storage of sewage leads to loss of LOC. In situ pit lake remediations which aim to make use of sewage as the main carbon source will need to factor in the storage time required to obtain sufficient sewage for the treatment into the design. Pulsing may help reduce issues with storage or supplementation with LOC may need to be considered. Results highlight that LOC is a more useful indicator of material effectiveness compared to a simple measures of TOC.  相似文献   

Apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of energy, dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N) and amino acids and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids in low quality soybean meals with different CP concentration (SBM 44% CP and SBM 48% CP) with or without 400 U β-mannanase/kg supplementation were evaluated in 20 cannulated barrows ((Landrace×Yorkshire)×Duroc) with an average BW of 25.08±3.42 kg. A N-free diet was used to determine basal endogenous losses of amino acids. The supplementation of β-mannanase improved (P<0.05) AID of DM compared with non-supplemented diet. However, enzyme supplementation did not improve (P>0.05) AID of N and energy. The type of SBM (SBM 44% CP v. SBM 48% CP) had no effect on AID of DM, N and energy. β-mannanase improved (P<0.05) AID of sum of essential amino acids, arginine, histidine, lysine, valine and glycine. The SID of lysine was higher (P<0.05) in enzyme supplemented than in non-supplemented diets. Larger AID and SID of threonine and proline (P<0.05) were observed in SBM 48% CP than in SBM 44% CP. In conclusion, the supplementation of enzyme improved AID of arginine, histidine, lysine, valine and glycine, but it did not cause marked difference in SID of these amino acids except for lysine. The low nutrient digestibility of the SBM sources used in the present experiment might have favoured the positive effect of β-mannanase supplementation.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to compare growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality and fatty acid composition of the adipose tissue of group-penned barrows, immunocastrated boars and entire males. Furthermore, the effect of housing of entire males on the aforementioned parameters was evaluated. At 55.2 days of age, 52 Swiss Large White pigs were blocked by litter and assigned by BW to four experimental groups: barrows (C), immunocastrated boars (IC), entire males (EMG) reared in group pens and entire males (EMP) reared in individual pens. In experiment 1, the effects of the method of castration were investigated (experimental groups C, IC and EMG). In experiment 2, the effects of housing on entire male pigs were evaluated (experimental groups EMG and EMP). All pigs had ad libitum access to standard diets from weaning to 107 kg BW. The two vaccinations (Improvac®) were applied to the IC pigs at an average BW of 22.6 and 73.0 kg. In experiment 1, average daily gain (ADG) did not (P > 0.05) differ among the experimental groups. However, EMG consumed less feed and had a better feed-conversion ratio than C (P < 0.001 for each). For IC, intermediate values were observed, which differed (P < 0.001) from EMG and C. Lean meat percentage decreased (P < 0.05) from EMG to IC, and from IC to C. The androstenone and skatole levels were higher (P < 0.05) in the adipose tissue of EMG than IC and C. Shear force values were higher (P < 0.01) in the longissimus muscle of C and EMG, compared to IC. The concentration of saturated fatty acid in the adipose tissue increased (P < 0.001) from EMG to IC, and from IC to C pigs, and that of polyunsaturated fatty acid decreased (P < 0.001). In experiment 2, ADG did not (P > 0.05) differ between EMP and EMG. However, EMP pigs consumed more feed than EMG pigs and had a poorer feed efficiency (P < 0.01 for each). In conclusion, EMG pigs had a better feed efficiency than IC pigs and their carcasses were leaner, but the risk of boar tainted pork was elevated. Group-housing negatively affected average daily feed intake but not ADG of entire males. At the moment, immunocastration offers a good approach to avoid castration and minimize the risk of boar taint.  相似文献   

Farming practices and the addition of chemical synthetic substances in conventional agroecosystems are detrimental mainly to natural enemies of phytophagous insects, diminishing the natural regulation of pest insects. On the other hand, in organic agriculture, biological processes and care of the environment are favoured, hence an increase in insect biodiversity is predicted in this type of systems. In this work, abundance, richness of insects and proportion of functional groups were compared through a single quantitative sampling of insects in horticultural crop fields, three under organic and three under conventional management practices. Insect species richness, total and for guilds (phytophagous and entomophagous insects) were significantly higher in organic orchards, and also was the abundance of entomophagous insects. Richness and abundance of all insect orders (with exception of Homoptera abundance), were higher in orchards under organic management, being significative the differences for richness of Coleoptera and richness and abundance of Hymenoptera. Similar tendencies were observed in data obtained through sweep net in weeds. These results suggest that organic practices increase the diversity of species, particularly that of natural enemies.  相似文献   



The aim of our retrospective study was to compare the clinical usefulness of two non-invasive embryo scoring systems based either on a simplified pronuclear morphology of the zygote or on early cleavage rate, as well as their combination, for the selection of embryos with the best implantation potential in embryo transfer (ET).  相似文献   

Solubilization and interaction of α-tocopherol into bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulphosuc cinate sodium salt microemulsion systems have been studied by temperature dependent phase transition, viscosity and nuclear magnetic resonance studies. Tocopherol being an amphiphilic molecule dissolves into the interfacial surfactant monolayer of the microemul sion droplets. The dissolution leads to an enhancement of the rigidity of the surfactant monolayer as studied by the increase in mixing and phase transition temperatures of the microemulsion droplets. Solubilization of tocopherol into microemulsion droplets causes an increase in the effective size of the droplet and as a consequence, the inter-droplet interactions are also increased. The water binding capacity of the surfactant (bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulphosuccinate sodium salt) is reduced due to solubilization of tocopherol as is evidenced from the downfield shifts of water proton magnetic resonances. In the presence of the dissolved electrolytes into the aqueous core, tocopherol is squeezed out of the microemulsion droplets increasing the membrane fluidity and permeability.  相似文献   

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