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The new oldest representative of the subfamily Sagrinae, Gallopsis perita gen. et sp. n. from the Paleocene of Menat (France), is described and illustrated. It is distinguished from the genus Neodiaphanops Blackburn, 1899 by the metafemora without teeth, wider pronotum, weakly widened tibiae, bilobed tarsomere 2, subparallel elytra, and narrower metanepisterna. It differs from the Australian genus Carpophagus Macleay, 1826 in the head without rostrum, weakly widened metafemora without teeth, and gently sculptured pronotum and elytra. The new genus differs from the Eocene genus Eosagra Haupt, 1950 in the longer antennomere 2, wider pronotum and elytra, dense and diffuse elytral puncturation, and weakly inflated metafemora.  相似文献   

Two new genera Petropsis gen. n., and Menatorhis gen. n., and two species, Petropsis rostrata gen. et sp. n. (Ithyceridae) and Perapion menatensis sp. n. (Brentidae), are described from the Paleocene of Menat (France). Petropsis rostrata gen. et sp. n. is similar to Cretocar luzzii Gratshev et Zherikhin (2000) but differs from it in the comparatively short ventrites 1 and 2, almost straight and not dilated metatibiae, short precoxal portion of the prosternum, slightly convex elytra and antennae inserted more closely to the middle of the rostrum. Perapion menatensis sp. n. is similar to Perapion antiquum (Gyllenhal, 1833) but differs from it in the straight rostrum, sparser and finer punctures of the pronotum, and somewhat larger body. The families Ithyceridae and Brentidae are recorded for the first time in the Paleocene of Menat. The systematic positions of Balaninus elegans Piton (1940) (type species of Menatorhis gen. n.) and Hipporhinus ventricosus Piton (1940) are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of pelecinid wasp, Eopelecinus marechali sp. nov., is described and figured from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber based on a single well-preserved female specimen. Contrary to Eopelecinus inopinatus Jouault et al., 2020a, unique other Eopelecinus known from this deposit, the new species is based on a complete female specimen. This discovery confirms that the Pelecinidae were highly diverse during the Cretaceous and highlights the underestimated diversity of the genus Eopelecinus in Burmese amber biota. Eopelecinus marechali sp. nov. differs from all other Eopelecinus species by its unique metasomal ratio. A summary on the fossil pelecinid species with distributions and ages is provided. Based on the particular geological history of the West Burmese Terrane and the fossil record of the family, the hypothesis of an Asian origin of the family is discussed. The records of Eopelecinus in both Laurasia and Burmese amber biota, during the mid-Cretaceous, suggest that possible transfers of fauna have taken place between these two geological blocks.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of anaxyelid wasp is described and figured from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber as Curvitexis kopylovi gen. et sp. nov. The placement of this new genus within the Anaxyelidae is corroborated by its wing venation and the configuration of its mesosoma. This new genus differs from all other Syntexinae from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber biota, inter alia, owing to its forewing with the vein 1Rs curved and longer than 1M, the crossvein 1r-rs absent, the vein 2Rs + M present; the hind wing with the abscissa 2M + Cu present, the vein m-cu absent, and the cell r closed. The recently described Paraxiphydria resinata Gao et al., 2022 is transferred to Anaxyelidae: Syntexinae, and the subfamily Paraxiphydriinae Gao et al., 2022 is synonymized under Syntexinae.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of mountain liochelid scorpion are described on the basis of a single specimen collected in Tibet (China). This is the first liochelid scorpion found in the high Himalayan Mountains of Tibet, and the first example of the family to be collected out of its typical tropical and subtropical areas of distribution. Some considerations on mountain scorpions are proposed.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(5):489-500
A new stem dugongid species, Prototherium ausetanum sp. nov. (Dugongidae, Halitheriinae), is described based on a cranium from the middle Eocene of Mas Vilageliu (Tona, NE Iberian Peninsula). The new species displays a combination of features that enables its distinction from other halitheriines, including Prototherium veronense (type species of the genus), Prototherium? intermedium (which likely belongs to a different genus), and Prototherium? montserratense (here considered a nomen dubium), as well as Eotheroides spp. In overall morphology (e.g., dolichocephaly) the new species more closely resembles species previously included in Prototherium. However, a cladistic analysis based on craniodental features recovers the new species as the sister taxon of Eotheroides aegyptiacum (type species of this genus), further constituting a polytomy with P. veronense, Eotheroides lambondrano and the remaining Halitheriinae. Our analysis further indicates that P.? intermedium is more derived than other species of Prototherium, but it does not conclusively resolve the phylogenetic relationships between the included species of Prototherium and Eotheroides. A deeper taxonomic revision of these two genera would be required in order to better resolve the phylogeny of early dugongids.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Cryptohelops menaticus gen. et sp. n., are described from the Palaeocene of Menat (France). The new genus belongs to the subtribe Helopina of the tribe Helopini (subfamily Tenebrioninae of Tenebrionidae) based on the coarse and dense punctation of the hypomera, shape of the prosternum and metepisterna, a similar appearance to the native genera Helops and Stenohelops and the structure of the epipleura. The new genus also resembles Raiboscelis and Entomogonus by having the protibiae excised along the base of the inner side. The new genus is the oldest representative of the tribe Helopini. Four species of Helops sensu lato previously described from the Oligocene (H. wetteravicus K. Heyden et L. Heyden, 1865) and Miocene (H. atticus Redtenbacher in Ungern, 1867; H. meissneri Heer, 1847 and H. molassicus Heer, 1883) lack important diagnostic characters and should be regarded as members of the tribe Helopini with uncertain generic attribution.  相似文献   

Ramageoptera platycephala gen. et sp. nov., a new protopristocerine wasp, is described and figured from a female individual preserved in mid-Cretaceous amber from Tanai, northern Myanmar. Ramageoptera platycephala gen. et sp. nov. shows most of the known characters used to circumscribe the extinct subfamily Protopristocerinae, and highlights the putative status of stem-Pristocerinae that may occupy the Protopristocerinae. Ramageoptera platycephala gen. et sp. nov. is unique among the Protopristocerinae, at least, for possessing a flat and square shaped head; eyes glabrous and small; mandibles with four conspicuous sharp teeth; antenna with short scape; forewing with Rs + M vein absent; vein M straight; cell 2R1 distally opened; cell 1Cu closed, sub-equal to R cell; cell 2Cu open.  相似文献   

The oldest terrestrial darkling beetle of the opatrine lineage, Palaeosclerum pohli gen. et. sp. nov. (subfamily Tenebrioninae) is described from the Middle Paleocene of Menat (France). The complex of characters, combining the peculiar shape of body (robust, adapted to a fossorial lifestyle), structure of fossorial protibia, 5-segmented antennal club demonstrates a considerable similarity of the new genus to the extant representatives of the ‘sclerina’ generic group of the subtribe Opatrina. Palaeosclerum gen. nov. is compared with recent genera Sclerum Dejean, 1834, Platynosum Mulsant and Rey, 1859 and Eurycaulus Fairmaire, 1868.  相似文献   

Two previously recorded new species of the large-eye seabream genus Gymnocranius (Gymnocranius sp. D and Gymnocranius sp. E) remain undescribed. Here we describe Gymnocranius sp. E as Gymnocranius obesus sp. nov. This new species is morphologically distinct from all other known species under Gymnocranius by the following combination of characters: relatively deep body, with ratio of standard length to body depth 2.2–2.4; protruding large eye, with eye diameter about equal to or slightly larger than inter-orbital width; caudal fin moderately forked; no blue spots or wavy blue lines on cheek and snout in adults; fourth transversal dark bar on flank running from the sixth spine of the dorsal fin to the origin of the anal fin; anal, caudal and dorsal fins drab with yellowish to yellow margins. Gymnocranius obesus sp. nov. is distinct from G. griseus, with which it has been previously confused by a relatively larger head, scales above lateral line without dark basal patch, and a smaller number of front scales on the dorsal side of the head. Gymnocranius obesus sp. nov. is genetically distinct from its closest known relative, Gymnocranius sp. D by 104 diagnostic nucleotide characters, which translates into a 9.6% sequence divergence at the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Gymnocranius obesus sp. nov. reaches a length of at least 295 mm. Its distribution, from the Ryukyu Islands to Bali, including Taiwan and the Flores Sea, mostly coincides with the western half of the Coral Triangle.  相似文献   

A complete Devonian sequence is well exposed in the eastern Taurides, forming more than 1000 m-thick succession of carbonate and siliciclastic sediments. The carbonate succession, stratigraphically ranging from Middle Devonian to early Late Devonian and mostly comprising limestones, dolomitic limestones and reefal limestones, contains abundant and diverse assemblages of foraminifers, corals, stromatoporoids, calcareous algae, bivalves, brachiopods, ostracods, and conodonts. The limestone samples collected from a more closely sampled stratigraphic section have been investigated for their foraminiferal content. The micropalaeontological analyses carried out on these samples have revealed the presence of an early Frasnian foraminiferal assemblage including predominantly unilocular parathuramminid species and multilocular forms of the genera Nanicella, Paratikhinella and Semitextularia? and further indicated the presence of a new genus and a new species Halevikia deveciae n. gen. n. sp. which appears as an important phylogenetic and stratigraphic transitional taxon between the families Baituganellidae n. fam. and Tournayellinidae, the phylogenetic potentiality of which during the Late Devonian is currently probably underestimated.  相似文献   

The blue-spotted maskray, previously N. kuhlii, consists of up to eleven lineages representing separate species. Nine of these species (N. australiae, N. bobwardi, N. caeruleopunctata, N. malaccensis, N. moluccensis, N. orientale, N. vali, N. varidens, N. westpapuensis) have already been formally described and two (Indian Ocean maskray and Ryukyu maskray) remain undescribed. Here, the Indian Ocean maskray is described as a new species, Neotrygon indica sp. nov. Specimens of the new species were generally characterized on their dorsal side by a moderately large number of small ocellated blue spots, a low number of medium-sized ocellated blue spots, the absence of large ocellated blue spots, a high number of dark speckles, a few dark spots, and a conspicuous occipital mark. The new species formed a distinct haplogroup in the tree built from concatenated nucleotide sequences at the CO1 and cytochrome b loci. A diagnosis based on colour patterns and nucleotide sequences at the CO1 and cytochrome b loci is proposed. The distribution of N. indica sp. nov. includes the Indian coast of the Bay of Bengal, the Indian coast of the Laccadives Sea, and Tanzania. Considerable sampling effort remains necessary for an in-depth investigation of the phylogeographic structure of the Indian Ocean maskray.  相似文献   

The Couderousse Member of the Blacourt Formation in the Banc-Noir quarry, Ferques inlier, Boulonnais (Pas-de-Calais, France) has yielded a tooth plate whose morphology is similar to that of Synthetodus, which is considered a holocephalan. Its histology is made of an outer enameloid-like tissue, and an inner trabecular dentine. Its occlusal surface shows a bean-shaped bulge. This tooth plate was prepared from a limestone that is dated from the Middle–Upper varcus Conodont Zone, that is lower upper Givetian. This limestone has also yielded a Pokorninella bricae–Rothpletzella–Tentaculites assemblage, which is indicative of an environment of the inner to middle marine platform boundary. This specimen appears to be the oldest confirmed holocephalan (‘bradyodont’) tooth plate for which the name Melanodus loonesi nov. gen. et sp. is erected.  相似文献   

The diversity of praeaulacid wasps in Kachin amber is relatively poorly documented. Here, a new genus and species of praeaulacid wasp are described and illustrated from the mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber as Archeogastrinus kachinensis gen. et sp. nov., and placed in the subfamily Praeaulacinae. This new genus is distinguishable from the other Praeaulacidae because of its particular tibial spurs formula 1-2-2; its forewings with a long and thin pterostigma, a 1-M longer than 1-Rs, a 1-Rs longer than its distance to pterostigma, a crossvein 2r-rs aligned (or nearly) with 2rs-m and originating near the middle of pterostigma, a 2rs-m present, a cell 3rm long, a 1cu-a postfurcal to 1-M, a vein 2-M distinct; its hind wings cu-a reaching Cu distad M + Cu fork; and its metasoma with a first segment petiole-like (i.e., long and thin) and ventrally inflated in its distal half. The position of the genus Mesevania is briefly discussed, as well as the validity of the genus Paleosyncrasis, both described from the mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber.  相似文献   


Two French fossil Histeridae are described or revised, viz. Hister cerestensis n. sp. from the Oligocene of Céreste (Lubéron) and Plegaderus pitoni (Theobald, 1935), n. comb. from the Pliocene of Chambon Lake (Puy-de-Dôme). Morphometric data are used to compare fossil and extant taxa, with multivariate statistics. A list of the fossil Histeridae is given.  相似文献   

Eocene forest ecosystems can be considered as rich biodiversity hotspots regarding soldier beetles (family Cantharidae). Paleogene European ambers, for instance, comprised many genera that are still extant in Europe, but also extinct forms and lineages such as the tribe established herein, or the tribe Mimoplatycini Kazantsev, 2013 that mimics the lycids. In this note, the authors describe Cacomorphocerus wiszniewskii sp. nov., and the new tribe Cacomorphocerini tri. nov. is proposed for Cacomorphocerus Schaufuss, 1892 and Sucinocantharis Ku?ka and Kania, 2010. The new tribe is characterized by antennae with 12 or 16 articles, with saucer-shaped or dilated central antennomeres and is distributed in Eocene Baltic and Rovno amber. Furthermore, Cacomorphocerus is transferred from the subfamily Dysmorphocerinae Brancucci, 1980 to Cantharinae Imhoff, 1856.  相似文献   

A taxonomic study of the Korean Passandridae is presented. The family, genus and species (Ancistria apicalis Reitter) are reported for the first time in Korea. Comparison with a lectotype was made. An illustration of the habitus and line drawings of diagnostic characters are provided.  相似文献   

New comments are proposed on the geographic distribution of genus Opisthacanthus, and the Gondwanian model is further supported. The diversity of the genus is extraordinary in Madagascar, with the same number of species as in continental Africa, but sub-Saharan Africa is home to six out of the nine groups currently recognized of Opisthacanthus. Given the affinities of the Opisthacanthus groups and their current distribution, a center of origin in Africa could be favored for these ancient scorpions. The proposed Gondwana model suggests that the Madagascar Opisthacanthus are closer to those of the New World, which is consistent with the affinities observed in morphological characters. A new species, Opisthacanthus titanus sp. n., is described from the Torotorofotsy Forest, located in Eastern Madagascar. The new species shows affinities with both Opisthacanthus madagascariensis Kraepelin, 1894 known from dry regions in the western portion of the island and Opisthacanthus lavasoa Lourenço, Wilmé & Waeber, 2016 only known from the extreme southeast of the island. The new species and O. madagascariensis have similar external morphologies but the morphometric values are markedly distinct. Moreover, O. madagascariensis is exclusively found in spiny forest thickets and open woodlands, whereas the new species was found in the humid forest of Torotorofotsy. The total number of species in Madagascar is now raised to twelve. Biogeographical scenarios are also proposed to infer the origin of the Opisthacanthus and better understand its distribution in the New World, in Africa and Madagascar.  相似文献   

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