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Data visualization and interactive data exploration are important aspects of illustrating complex concepts and results from analyses of omics data. A suitable visualization has to be intuitive and accessible. Web-based dashboards have become popular tools for the arrangement, consolidation, and display of such visualizations. However, the combination of automated data processing pipelines handling omics data and dynamically generated, interactive dashboards is poorly solved. Here, we present i2dash, an R package intended to encapsulate functionality for the programmatic creation of customized dashboards. It supports interactive and responsive (linked) visualizations across a set of predefined graphical layouts. i2dash addresses the needs of data analysts/software developers for a tool that is compatible and attachable to any R-based analysis pipeline, thereby fostering the separation of data visualization on one hand and data analysis tasks on the other hand. In addition, the generic design of i2dash enables the development of modular extensions for specific needs. As a proof of principle, we provide an extension of i2dash optimized for single-cell RNA sequencing analysis, supporting the creation of dashboards for the visualization needs of such experiments. Equipped with these features, i2dash is suitable for extensive use in large-scale sequencing/bioinformatics facilities. Along this line, we provide i2dash as a containerized solution, enabling a straightforward large-scale deployment and sharing of dashboards using cloud services. i2dash is freely available via the R package archive CRAN (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=i2dash).  相似文献   

Gliomas are the most common and malignant intracranial tumors in adults. Recent studies have revealed the significance of functional genomics for glioma pathophysiological studies and treatments. However, access to comprehensive genomic data and analytical platforms is often limited. Here, we developed the Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas(CGGA), a user-friendly data portal for the storage and interactive exploration of cross-omics data, including nearly 2000 primary and recurrent glioma samples from Chinese cohort. Currently, open access is provided to whole-exome sequencing data(286 samples), mRNA sequencing(1018 samples) and microarray data(301 samples), DNA methylation microarray data(159 samples), and microRNA microarray data(198 samples), and to detailed clinical information(age, gender, chemoradiotherapy status,WHO grade, histological type, critical molecular pathological information, and survival data). In addition, we have developed several tools for users to analyze the mutation profiles,mRNA/microRNA expression, and DNA methylation profiles, and to perform survival and gene correlation analyses of specific glioma subtypes. This database removes the barriers for researchers,providing rapid and convenient access to high-quality functional genomic data resources for biological studies and clinical applications. CGGA is available at http://www.cgga.org.cn.  相似文献   

Network propagation is a powerful tool for genetic analysis which is widely used to identify genes and genetic modules that underlie a process of interest. Here we provide a graphical, web-based platform (http://anat.cs.tau.ac.il/WebPropagate/) in which researchers can easily apply variants of this method to data sets of interest using up-to-date networks of protein–protein interactions in several organisms.  相似文献   

A procedure for comparing survival times between several groups of patients through rank analysis of covariance was introduced by WOOLSON and LACHENBRUCH (1983). It is a modification of Quade' rank analysis of covariance procedure (1967) and can be used for the analysis of right-censored data. In this paper, two additional modifications of Quade' original test statistic are proposed and compared to the original modification introduced by Woolson and Lachenbruch. These statistics are compared to one another and to the score test from Cox' proportional hazards model by way of a limited Monte Carlo study. One of the statistics, QR2, is recommended for general use for the rank analysis of covariance of right-censored survivorship data.  相似文献   

The exact generalization of GEHAN's (1965) two-sample test for arbitrarily censored survival data has been overlooked by subsequent work on the multisample problem. We give this general covariance matrix and show how it may be used in test procedures. While this permutation test is less powerful than its competitors in cases where both apply, it may be used on types of data not previously discussed.  相似文献   



Metal ions play a critical role in the stabilization of RNA structures. Therefore, accurate prediction of the ion effects in RNA folding can have a far-reaching impact on our understanding of RNA structure and function. Multivalent ions, especially Mg2+, are essential for RNA tertiary structure formation. These ions can possibly become strongly correlated in the close vicinity of RNA surface. Most of the currently available software packages, which have widespread success in predicting ion effects in biomolecular systems, however, do not explicitly account for the ion correlation effect. Therefore, it is important to develop a software package/web server for the prediction of ion electrostatics in RNA folding by including ion correlation effects.


The TBI web server http://rna.physics.missouri.edu/tbi_index.html provides predictions for the total electrostatic free energy, the different free energy components, and the mean number and the most probable distributions of the bound ions. A novel feature of the TBI server is its ability to account for ion correlation and ion distribution fluctuation effects.


By accounting for the ion correlation and fluctuation effects, the TBI server is a unique online tool for computing ion-mediated electrostatic properties for given RNA structures. The results can provide important data for in-depth analysis for ion effects in RNA folding including the ion-dependence of folding stability, ion uptake in the folding process, and the interplay between the different energetic components.  相似文献   

Gene co-expression network (GCN) mining identifies gene modules with highly correlated expression profiles across samples/conditions. It enables researchers to discover latent gene/molecule interactions, identify novel gene functions, and extract molecular features from certain disease/condition groups, thus helping to identify disease biomarkers. However, there lacks an easy-to-use tool package for users to mine GCN modules that are relatively small in size with tightly connected genes that can be convenient for downstream gene set enrichment analysis, as well as modules that may share common members. To address this need, we developed an online GCN mining tool package: TSUNAMI (Tools SUite for Network Analysis and MIning). TSUNAMI incorporates our state-of-the-art lmQCM algorithm to mine GCN modules for both public and user-input data (microarray, RNA-seq, or any other numerical omics data), and then performs downstream gene set enrichment analysis for the identified modules. It has several features and advantages: 1) a user-friendly interface and real-time co-expression network mining through a web server; 2) direct access and search of NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) databases, as well as user-input gene expression matrices for GCN module mining; 3) multiple co-expression analysis tools to choose from, all of which are highly flexible in regards to parameter selection options; 4) identified GCN modules are summarized to eigengenes, which are convenient for users to check their correlation with other clinical traits; 5) integrated downstream Enrichr enrichment analysis and links to other gene set enrichment tools; and 6) visualization of gene loci by Circos plot in any step of the process. The web service is freely accessible through URL: https://biolearns.medicine.iu.edu/. Source code is available at https://github.com/huangzhii/TSUNAMI/.  相似文献   

Mutated genes are rarely common even in the same pathological type between cancer patients and as such, it has been very challenging to interpret genome sequencing data and difficult to predict clinical outcomes. PIK3CA is one of a few genes whose mutations are relatively popular in tumors. For example, more than 46.6% of luminal-A breast cancer samples have PIK3CA mutated, whereas only 35.5% of all breast cancer samples contain PIK3CA mutations. To understand the function of PIK3CA mutations in luminal A breast cancer, we applied our recently-proposed Cancer Hallmark Network Framework to investigate the network motifs in the PIK3CA-mutated luminal A tumors. We found that more than 70% of the PIK3CA-mutated luminal A tumors contain a positive regulatory loop where a master regulator (PDGF-D), a second regulator (FLT1) and an output node (SHC1) work together. Importantly, we found the luminal A breast cancer patients harboring the PIK3CA mutation and this positive regulatory loop in their tumors have significantly longer survival than those harboring PIK3CA mutation only in their tumors. These findings suggest that the underlying molecular mechanism of PIK3CA mutations in luminal A patients can participate in a positive regulatory loop, and furthermore the positive regulatory loop (PDGF-D/FLT1/SHC1) has a predictive power for the survival of the PIK3CA-mutated luminal A patients.  相似文献   

Tumor-specific neoantigens have attracted much attention since they can be used as biomarkers to predict therapeutic effects of immune checkpoint blockade therapy and as potential targets for cancer immunotherapy. In this study, we developed a comprehensive tumor-specific neoantigen database (TSNAdb v1.0), based on pan-cancer immunogenomic analyses of somatic mutation data and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) allele information for 16 tumor types with 7748 tumor samples from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and The Cancer Immunome Atlas (TCIA). We predicted binding affinities between mutant/wild-type peptides and HLA class I molecules by NetMHCpan v2.8/v4.0, and presented detailed information of 3,707,562/1,146,961 potential neoantigens generated by somatic mutations of all tumor samples. Moreover, we employed recurrent mutations in combination with highly frequent HLA alleles to predict potential shared neoantigens across tumor patients, which would facilitate the discovery of putative targets for neoantigen-based cancer immunotherapy. TSNAdb is freely available at http://biopharm.zju.edu.cn/tsnadb.  相似文献   

Recent studies of the human genome have indicated that regulatory elements (e.g. promoters and enhancers) at distal genomic locations can interact with each other via chromatin folding and affect gene expression levels. Genomic technologies for mapping interactions between DNA regions, e.g., ChIA-PET and HiC, can generate genome-wide maps of interactions between regulatory elements. These interaction datasets are important resources to infer distal gene targets of non-coding regulatory elements and to facilitate prioritization of critical loci for important cellular functions. With the increasing diversity and complexity of genomic information and public ontologies, making sense of these datasets demands integrative and easy-to-use software tools. Moreover, network representation of chromatin interaction maps enables effective data visualization, integration, and mining. Currently, there is no software that can take full advantage of network theory approaches for the analysis of chromatin interaction datasets. To fill this gap, we developed a web-based application, QuIN, which enables: 1) building and visualizing chromatin interaction networks, 2) annotating networks with user-provided private and publicly available functional genomics and interaction datasets, 3) querying network components based on gene name or chromosome location, and 4) utilizing network based measures to identify and prioritize critical regulatory targets and their direct and indirect interactions. AVAILABILITY: QuIN’s web server is available at http://quin.jax.org QuIN is developed in Java and JavaScript, utilizing an Apache Tomcat web server and MySQL database and the source code is available under the GPLV3 license available on GitHub: https://github.com/UcarLab/QuIN/.
This is a PLOS Computational Biology Software paper.



The ever increasing discovery of non-coding RNAs leads to unprecedented demand for the accurate modeling of RNA folding, including the predictions of two-dimensional (base pair) and three-dimensional all-atom structures and folding stabilities. Accurate modeling of RNA structure and stability has far-reaching impact on our understanding of RNA functions in human health and our ability to design RNA-based therapeutic strategies.


The Vfold server offers a web interface to predict (a) RNA two-dimensional structure from the nucleotide sequence, (b) three-dimensional structure from the two-dimensional structure and the sequence, and (c) folding thermodynamics (heat capacity melting curve) from the sequence. To predict the two-dimensional structure (base pairs), the server generates an ensemble of structures, including loop structures with the different intra-loop mismatches, and evaluates the free energies using the experimental parameters for the base stacks and the loop entropy parameters given by a coarse-grained RNA folding model (the Vfold model) for the loops. To predict the three-dimensional structure, the server assembles the motif scaffolds using structure templates extracted from the known PDB structures and refines the structure using all-atom energy minimization.


The Vfold-based web server provides a user friendly tool for the prediction of RNA structure and stability. The web server and the source codes are freely accessible for public use at “http://rna.physics.missouri.edu”.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Peptide drugs are generally compounds with 2–50 amino acids connected by peptide bonds and having drug effects. Because of their...  相似文献   

The HTSstation analysis portal is a suite of simple web forms coupled to modular analysis pipelines for various applications of High-Throughput Sequencing including ChIP-seq, RNA-seq, 4C-seq and re-sequencing. HTSstation offers biologists the possibility to rapidly investigate their HTS data using an intuitive web application with heuristically pre-defined parameters. A number of open-source software components have been implemented and can be used to build, configure and run HTS analysis pipelines reactively. Besides, our programming framework empowers developers with the possibility to design their own workflows and integrate additional third-party software. The HTSstation web application is accessible at http://htsstation.epfl.ch.  相似文献   

A Bayesian procedure is developed for the selection of concomitant variables in survival models. The variables are selected in a step-up procedure according to the criterion of maximum expected likelihood, where the expectation is over the prior parameter space. Prior knowledge of the influence of these covariates on patient prognosis is incorporated into the analysis. The step-up procedure is stopped when the Bayes factor in favor of omitting the variable selected in a particular step exceeds a specified value. The resulting model with the selected variables is fitted using Bayes estimates of the coefficients. This technique is applied to Hodgkin's disease data from a large Cooperative Clinical Trial Group and the results are compared to the results from the classical likelihood selection procedure.  相似文献   

Rhinoviruses (RV) are increasingly being reported to cause mild to severe infections of respiratory tract in humans. RV are antigenically the most diverse species of the genus Enterovirus and family Picornaviridae. There are three species of RV (RV-A, -B and -C), with 80, 32 and 55 serotypes/types, respectively. Antigenic variation is the main limiting factor for development of a cross-protective vaccine against RV.Serotyping of Rhinoviruses is carried out using cross-neutralization assays in cell culture. However, these assays become laborious and time-consuming for the large number of strains. Alternatively, serotyping of RV is carried out by alignment-based phylogeny of both protein and nucleotide sequences of VP1. However, serotyping of RV based on alignment-based phylogeny is a multi-step process, which needs to be repeated every time a new isolate is sequenced. In view of the growing need for serotyping of RV, an alignment-free method based on “return time distribution” (RTD) of amino acid residues in VP1 protein has been developed and implemented in the form of a web server titled RV-Typer. RV-Typer accepts nucleotide or protein sequences as an input and computes return times of di-peptides (k = 2) to assign serotypes. The RV-Typer performs with 100% sensitivity and specificity. It is significantly faster than alignment-based methods. The web server is available at http://bioinfo.net.in/RV-Typer/home.html.  相似文献   

A web-based microarray data analysis tool, ArrayOU (freely available at www.bioinformatics.plantbio.ohiou.edu.), has been developed at the Ohio University Genomics Facility for the research and education community to analyze Agilent microarray data. Agilent''s microarray pipeline has gained in popularity as a result of its ease of use and low cost of customized arrays. The current version of the ArrayOU pipeline allows users to visualize, analyze, and annotate microarray data from commercially available and customized Agilent expression arrays and is extendable for further implementations.  相似文献   

With the ever-growing web traffic, cluster-based web server is becoming more and more important to the Internet's infrastructure. Making the best use of all the available resources in the cluster to achieve high performance is thus a significant research issue. In this paper, we introduce Cyclone, a cluster-based web server that can achieve nearly optimal throughput. Cyclone makes use of a novel network support mechanism called Socket Cloning (SC), together with the method of hot object replication, to obtain high performance. SC allows an opened socket to be moved efficiently between cluster nodes. With SC, the processing of HTTP requests can be migrated to the node that has a cached copy of the requested document, thus obviating the need for any cache transfer between cluster nodes. To achieve better load balancing, frequently accessed documents (hot objects) are replicated to other cluster nodes. Trace-driven benchmark tests using http_load show that Cyclone outperforms existing approaches and can achieve a throughput of 14575 requests/s (89.5 MBytes/s), which is 98% efficiency of the available network bandwidth, with eight web server nodes.  相似文献   

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