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California is home to both the native state-threatened Sierra Nevada red fox (Vulpes vulpes necator), which historically inhabited high elevations of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountains, and to multiple low-elevation red fox populations thought to be of exotic origin. During the past few decades the lowland populations have dramatically expanded their distribution, and possibly moved into the historic range of the native high-elevation fox. To determine whether the native red fox persists in its historic range in California, we compared mitochondrial cytochrome-b haplotypes of the only currently-known high-elevation population (n = 9 individuals) to samples from 3 modern lowland populations (n = 35) and historic (1911–1941) high-elevation (n = 22) and lowland (n = 7) populations. We found no significant population differentiation among the modern and historic high-elevation populations (average pairwise F ST = 0.06), but these populations differed substantially from all modern and historic lowland populations (average pairwise F ST = 0.52). Among lowland populations, the historic and modern Sacramento Valley populations were not significantly differentiated from one another (F ST = −0.06), but differed significantly from recently founded populations in the San Francisco Bay region and in southern California (average pairwise F ST = 0.42). Analysis of molecular variance indicated that 3 population groupings (mountain, Sacramento Valley, and other lowland regions) explained 45% of molecular variance (F CT = 0.45) whereas only 4.5% of the variance was partitioned among populations within these groupings (F SC = 0.08). These findings provide strong evidence that the native Sierra Nevada red fox has persisted in northern California. However, all nine samples from this population had the same haplotype, suggesting that several historic haplotypes may have become lost. Unidentified barriers have apparently prevented gene flow from the Sacramento Valley population to other eastern or southern populations in California. Future studies involving nuclear markers are needed to assess the origin of the Sierra Nevada red fox and to quantify levels of nuclear gene flow.  相似文献   

Henry P  Sim Z  Russello MA 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e39077
When faced with rapidly changing environments, wildlife species are left to adapt, disperse or disappear. Consequently, there is value in investigating the connectivity of populations of species inhabiting different environments in order to evaluate dispersal as a potential strategy for persistence in the face of climate change. Here, we begin to investigate the processes that shape genetic variation within American pika populations from the northern periphery of their range, the central Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. At these latitudes, pikas inhabit sharp elevation gradients ranging from sea level to 1500 m, providing an excellent system for studying the effects of local environmental conditions on pika population genetic structure and gene flow. We found low levels of neutral genetic variation compared to previous studies from more southerly latitudes, consistent with the relatively recent post-glacial colonization of the study location. Moreover, significant levels of inbreeding and marked genetic structure were detected within and among sites. Although low levels of recent gene flow were revealed among elevations within a transect, potentially admixed individuals and first generation migrants were identified using discriminant analysis of principal components between populations separated by less than five kilometers at the same elevations. There was no evidence for historical population decline, yet there was signal for recent demographic contractions, possibly resulting from environmental stochasticity. Correlative analyses revealed an association between patterns of genetic variation and annual heat-to-moisture ratio, mean annual precipitation, precipitation as snow and mean maximum summer temperature. Changes in climatic regimes forecasted for the region may thus potentially increase the rate of population extirpation by further reducing dispersal between sites. Consequently, American pika may have to rely on local adaptations or phenotypic plasticity in order to survive predicted climate changes, although additional studies are required to investigate the evolutionary potential of this climate change sensitive species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Eared Quetzals ( Euptilotis neoxenus ), a threatened species, are one of the least studied trogons in Mexico. We monitored 29 Eared Quetzal nests in the Chihuahuan portion of the Sierra Madre Occidental from 1998 to 2003. All nests were in tree cavities, and the mean tree and nest cavity heights ( N = 14) were 16.9 ± 7.8 m and 11.4 ± 4.1 m, respectively. The mean clutch size was 2.8 ± 0.9 eggs ( N = 28), the incubation period lasted 22 d ( N = 1), and nestling periods ranged from 29 to 31 d ( N = 5). Both adults incubated eggs and fed nestlings. Of 80 eggs, 70 hatched (87.5%) and 67 of 70 young fledged (95.7%). Twenty-five of 29 nests (86.2%) produced at least one fledgling. One nest was predated, and two failed when nest trees fell. Higher rates of nest predation have been reported for other species of trogons. However, fewer potential predators, such as snakes and mammals, are present in the Sierra Madre than in tropical zones where most trogon species occur. In addition, antipredator behaviors, including nestlings with calls resembling a snake and nests with an unpleasant odor, may contribute to the high nesting success. The main limiting factors for Eared Quetzals in the northern Chihuahua may be competition for cavities with other secondary cavity-nesters, and the failure of nests when snags fall.  相似文献   

Lake Saimaa in eastern Finland is inhabited by a critically endangered ringed seal subspecies Pusa hispida saimensis. Since accidental mortality in gill nets, resulting in reduced pup survival, is considered to be the main factor contributing to the decline in its population, fishing restriction areas have been established. In this study, 10 pups were located daily using very high frequency (VHF) telemetry to estimate their home ranges, movements, and survival. The pups dispersed after weaning at the age of ca. 3 mo and moved up to 15 km a day between consecutive locations and up to 25 km away from their birth sites. The home ranges of the pups at the age of 3–4 mo were variable in size, from 3 to 162 km2. The pups preferred the same shallow water areas (<6 m) that were used for gill net fishing. The annual fishing restrictions covered an average of 83% of the pups’ home ranges. Four of the pups were nevertheless killed in fishing gear. The results have implications for Saimaa ringed seal management and conservation. For instance, large home ranges of pups and the long distances movements should be taken into account when zoning shore use and imposing fishing restrictions.  相似文献   

The Sierra Madre Occidental (SMOc) is located in the boundary between the Nearctic and Neotropical regions, area which has been considered as a complex transition zone. We analysed biogeographic patterns of its resident avifauna, including species richness, endemism, and biotic regionalization by analysing presence-absence matrices of 148 species of resident-terrestrial birds. We created the species richness maps by overlapping potential distribution maps obtained for each species via species distribution models (SDMs). To depict biogeographic patterns, we used strict consensus cladograms from parsimony analyses of endemicity (PAE) and phenograms from an unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic average clustering algorithm. The Pacific slope of the SMOc contains the highest species richness, decreasing towards the northeast, and reflected in endemic and endangered species richness patterns. The PAE resulted in one area of endemism represented by the whole SMOc, outlining a divided area in its Pacific slope. The cluster analyses divided the area into two. One group towards the Pacific slope, delimited by the mountain ridge and characterized by tropical vegetation types and Mexican-Mesoamerican affinities; the other group is located towards the east and northeast, characterized by arid and temperate types of vegetation and Nearctic affinities. These results evidence a transition from a tropical to a temperate composition of bird species. In this way the location for a boundary between the Nearctic and the transition zone, for birds in this part of Mexico, is restricted to these highest elevations.  相似文献   

Fire is a common but poorly understood disturbance in the forested ecosystems of the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico. In this study, fire history, forest structure (density, species composition, regeneration, forest floor fuels, herbaceous cover, and age of pines), and the dendrochronological tree-ring record were measured at two unharvested 70-ha pine-oak sites near Ojito de Camellones, Durango, Mexico. Study sites were matched in slope, aspect, elevation, slope position, and plant composition, but they differed in fire history since 1945 and in forest structure. The long-term mean fire intervals (MFI) for all fires at both sites up to 1945 were similar—4.0 years at Site 1 (1744–1945) and 4.1 years at Site 2 (1815–1945)—but Site 1 burned only three times at the site margins since 1945 while Site 2 had 9 fires that scarred two or more sample trees and 15 total fires since 1945. Density measurements and age and diameter distributions showed that Site 1 was dominated by numerous, younger, smaller trees (mean total basal area of 23.4 m2/ha and 2730 trees/ha), while Site 2 had fewer, older, larger trees (basal area of 37.2 m2/ha, 647 trees/ha). Large, rotten fuel loading and duff depth were also greater at Site 1. Because regeneration averaged 6200 stems/ha at Site 1 and 8730 stems/ha at Site 2 (no significant difference), forest density at Site 2 was not limited by regeneration capability. The distributions of overstory diameter and pine age at both sites indicate that tree establishment occurred in pulses, with the largest cohort of trees establishing at Site 1 following the 1945 fire. The dense regeneration and heavy fuel accumulation at Site 1 are likely to support a switch from the former low-intensity fire regime to a high-intensity, stand-replacing fire across the site when the next suitable combination of ignition and weather occurs. Baseline quantitative information on fire frequency and ecological effects is essential to guide conservation or restoration of Madrean forests and may prove valuable for restoration of related fire-dependent ecosystems that have experienced extended fire exclusion elsewhere in North America.  相似文献   

The California killifish, Fundulus parvipinnis, is a marine species that lives in salt marshes, estuaries and wetlands along the California and Baja California coasts. In order to estimate levels of dispersal between different coastal habitats over its range, we have studied six populations using morphological and genetic markers. Lateral line scale and vertebrae counts showed significant differences between individuals collected north of Punta Eugenia and south of Punta Eugenia. Morphological differences across Punta Eugenia were accompanied by large genetic differences at the mitochondrial control region (5.8%). Gene flow was in general very reduced over the range of the species (pairwise average F(st)=0.70, Nm=0.30), with a strong break at Punta Eugenia (F(st)=0.95, Nm=0.03). Such limited interchanges between coastal habitats have important theoretical and conservation implications.  相似文献   

Pinpointing processes that structure the geographical distribution of genetic diversity of marine species and lead to speciation is challenging because of the lack of obvious dispersal barriers and the likelihood of substantial (passive) dispersal in oceans. In addition, cryptic radiations with sympatric distributions abound in marine species, challenging the allopatric speciation mechanism. Here, we present a phylogeographical study of the marine nematode species complex Rhabditis ( Pellioditis ) marina to investigate processes shaping genetic structure and speciation. Rhabditis ( P .) marina lives on decaying macroalgae in the intertidal, and may therefore disperse over considerable distances. Rhabditis ( P .) marina consists of several cryptic species sympatrically distributed at a local scale. Genetic variation in the COI gene was screened in 1362 specimens from 45 locations around the world. Two nuclear DNA genes (ITS and D2D3) were sequenced to infer phylogenetic species. We found evidence for ten sympatrically distributed cryptic species, seven of which show a strong genetic structuring. A historical signature showed evidence for restricted gene flow with occasional long-distance dispersal and range expansions pre-dating the last glacial maximum. Our data also point to a genetic break around the British Isles and a contact zone in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. We provide evidence for the transoceanic distribution of at least one cryptic species (PmIII) and discuss the dispersal capacity of marine nematodes. The allopatric distribution of some intraspecific phylogroups and of closely related cryptic species points to the potential for allopatric speciation in R. ( P .) marina .  相似文献   

Sex-biased dispersal is an important but unexplored area of amphibian ecology. We predicted female-biased dispersal in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) based on aspects of their mating system and tested this prediction using data from seven polymorphic DNA microsatellite loci. Allelic (F-statistics) and genotypic [assignment index, (AIc)] frequencies from nine Ontario populations support our prediction, although significant sex differences in inbreeding and variance of AIc were not detected. The diversity of mating systems found in amphibians represents an important avenue for investigating the relationship between reproductive systems, dispersal and phylogeny.  相似文献   

Aims In situ species survival involves persistence at current sites and/or colonization of new locations. Determining the likelihood of these events requires an understanding of population dynamics and dispersal. We address these issues in populations of a critically endangered tropical conifer Araucaria nemorosa and provide conservation recommendations. Location Port Boise, island of Grand Terre, New Caledonia, Pacific Ocean. Methods We characterize the demographic structure of six populations of A. nemorosa based upon size class frequencies and relative basal area compared to competing angiosperm trees. Using genotype data from 280 adult individuals at seven microsatellite loci, we indirectly estimate dispersal distances and project a maximal dispersal envelope around the extant populations. Results Our survey detected marked differences in demographic parameters including the proportion of basal area occupied by A. nemorosa versus angiosperm trees (ranging from 25% to 77%), the size class frequency distributions of Anemorosa and seedling densities (ranging from 500 to 37300 seedlings ha?1) among some populations. Wright’s genetic neighbourhood ranged from 22 to 876 trees, and historic gene dispersal ranged from 10.8 to 82.4 m, indicating that most seed dispersal is <100 m. Main conclusions This study indicates that the risk of recruitment failure in remnant populations of Araucaria nemorosa is low in most of the stands but is high in the inland population Forêt Nord. In situ natural regeneration appears to be constrained in this population, most likely as a consequence of competitive exclusion. Our results also suggest that the majority of seed dispersal is too short to allow A. nemorosa to disperse to new more hospitable sites within an ecologically relevant time‐scale. Our findings have implications not only for this emblematic tree species but also for a wide range of fragmented and degraded plant species populations with limited dispersal that are vulnerable to competitive exclusion.  相似文献   

In order to detect sex-biased dispersal in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea in southern Africa, we used the assignment index technique to determine the probability that individuals originated from the population in which they were sampled. This is the first time that this multilocus genetic test has been used in a bird species and is informative despite evidence that the population under study exhibits little genetic structure. There was a pattern of male-biased dispersal, the first example in a passerine, and the first time that evidence of a sex-biased pattern of dispersal has been shown for queleas.  相似文献   

The Florida grasshopper sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum floridanus, is a non-migratory, endangered subspecies endemic to the prairie region of south-central Florida. It has experienced significant population declines and is currently restricted to five locations. We found substantial levels of variation in microsatellites and mtDNA control region sequences, estimates of inbreeding genetic effective population sizes that were much larger than the estimated census size, and no evidence of inbreeding within five sampled populations (n = 105). We also found a lack of genetic structure among populations (F ST = 0.0123 for microsatellites and θ = 0.008 for mtDNA), and evidence for dispersal between populations, with 7.6% of all individuals identified as immigrants to their population of capture. We suggest that the subspecies be managed as a single management unit on a regional scale rather than as multiple management units on a local subpopulation scale. There is still a limited opportunity to preserve much of the present genetic variation in this subspecies, if immediate measures are taken to reverse the current population decline before this variation is reduced by genetic drift.  相似文献   

Many models of sex-biased dispersal predict that the direction of sex-bias depends upon a species' mating system. In agreement with this, almost all polygynous mammals show male-biased dispersal whereas largely monogamous birds show female-biased dispersal (FBD). The hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) is polygynous and so dispersal is predicted to be male biased, as is found in all other baboon subspecies, but there are conflicting field data showing both female and male dispersal. Using 19 autosomal genetic markers genotyped in baboons from four Saudi Arabian populations, we found strong evidence for FBD in post-dispersal adults but not, as expected, in pre-dispersal infants and young juveniles, when we compared male and female: population structure (F(st)), inbreeding (F(is)), relatedness (r), and the mean assignment index (mAIc). Furthermore, we found evidence for female-biased gene flow as population genetic structure (F(st)), was about four times higher for the paternally inherited Y, than for either autosomal markers or for maternally inherited mtDNA. These results contradict the direction of sex-bias predicted by the mating system and show that FBD has evolved recently from an ancestral state of male-biased dispersal. We suggest that the cost-benefit balance of dispersal to males and females is tightly linked to the unique hierarchical social structure of hamadryas baboons and that dispersal and social organization have coevolved.  相似文献   

Amitostigma hemipilioides is an endangered terrestrial orchid endemic to China. In the Southwestern China, the species is found restricted growing in the karst limestone or rock in the edge of farmland, moist hillsides or river. In the present study, the genetic diversity and differentiation was estimated within and among habitats, populations and groups of this species by ISSR markers. Using 13 polymorphic primers, an intermediate level of genetic diversity was found at the species level and population level with the percentage of polymorphic bands (P) of 64.7 and 50.9 %, Shannon index of diversity (I) of 0.3873 and 0.2949, respectively. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the high level of population differentiation was presented with 45.63 % relative to the total genetic variation residing among eight populations. It was noteworthy that as much as 69.17 % of the total diversity was most likely attributed to the difference among the populations in fragmentation habitat conditions, while 16.32 % of the total diversity could be attributed to the difference among the populations in stable and favorable habitat conditions. The in situ conservation is a top strategy, thus the mycorrhizal fungi and pollinators are protected by protecting habitat and avoiding fragmentation which is helpful to the cycle of this endangered orchid species and recovery of its wild populations. In addition, to maintaining the germplasm bank of this species, the ex situ conservation by habitat simulation and reintroduction has been considered in the living collection at Kaili University ecological garden and Yuntai Mountain scenic spot using the plants collected in this study.  相似文献   

Inter-specific hybridization may be especially detrimental when one species is extremely rare and the other is abundant owing to the potential for genetic swamping. The Cuban crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer) is a critically endangered island endemic largely restricted to Zapata Swamp, where it is sympatric with the widespread American crocodile (C. acutus). An on-island, C. rhombifer captive breeding program is underway with the goals of maintaining taxonomic integrity and providing a source of individuals for reintroduction, but its conservation value is limited by lack of genetic information. Here we collected mtDNA haplotypic and nuclear genotypic data from wild and captive C. rhombifer and C. acutus in Cuba to: (1) investigate the degree of inter-specific hybridization in natural (in situ) and captive (ex situ) populations; (2) quantify the extent, distribution and in situ representation of genetic variation ex situ; and (3) reconstruct founder relatedness to inform management. We found high levels of hybridization in the wild (49.1%) and captivity (16.1%), and additional evidence for a cryptic lineage of C. acutus in the Antilles. We detected marginally higher observed heterozygosity and allelic diversity ex situ relative to the wild population, with captive C. rhombifer exhibiting over twice the frequency of private alleles. Although mean relatedness was high in captivity, we identified 37 genetically important individuals that possessed individual mean kinship (MK) values lower than the population MK. Overall, these results will guide long-term conservation management of Cuban crocodiles for maintaining the genetic integrity and viability of this species of high global conservation value.  相似文献   

Sex-biased dispersal is capable of generating population structure in nonisolated populations and may affect adaptation processes when selective conditions differ among populations. Intrasexual competition for local resources and/or mating opportunities predicts a male-biased dispersal in polygynous species and a female bias in monogamous species. The patterns of sex-biased dispersal in birds and mammals are well explained by their respective mating systems, but the picture emerging from fish studies is still mixed. Using neutral genetic markers, we investigated whether there is any evidence for sex-biased dispersal among Baltic Sea populations of the three-spined stickleback ( Gasterosteus aculeatus ). The null hypothesis of non sex-biased dispersal was rejected in favour of male-biased dispersal in this species. As the three-spined stickleback has a polygynous mating system, the observed male bias in dispersal is consistent with the hypothesis that local mate competition might drive the observed pattern. Although more research both on the proximate and ultimate causes behind the observed pattern is needed, our results serve as a first step towards understanding patterns of sex-biased dispersal in this species.  相似文献   

Inhibited dispersal, leading to reduced gene flow, threatens populations with inbreeding depression and local extinction. Fragmentation may be especially detrimental to social insects because inhibited gene flow has important consequences for cooperation and competition within and among colonies. Army ants have winged males and permanently wingless queens; these traits imply male‐biased dispersal. However, army ant colonies are obligately nomadic and have the potential to traverse landscapes. Eciton burchellii, the most regularly nomadic army ant, is a forest interior species: colony raiding activities are limited in the absence of forest cover. To examine whether nomadism and landscape (forest clearing and elevation) affect population genetic structure in a montane E. burchellii population, we reconstructed queen and male genotypes from 25 colonies at seven polymorphic microsatellite loci. Pairwise genetic distances among individuals were compared to pairwise geographical and resistance distances using regressions with permutations, partial Mantel tests and random forests analyses. Although there was no significant spatial genetic structure in queens or males in montane forest, dispersal may be male‐biased. We found significant isolation by landscape resistance for queens based on land cover (forest clearing), but not on elevation. Summed colony emigrations over the lifetime of the queen may contribute to gene flow in this species and forest clearing impedes these movements and subsequent gene dispersal. Further forest cover removal may increasingly inhibit Eciton burchellii colony dispersal. We recommend maintaining habitat connectivity in tropical forests to promote population persistence for this keystone species.  相似文献   

Information on demographic, genetic, and environmental parameters of wild and captive animal populations has proven to be crucial to conservation programs and strategies. Genetic approaches in conservation programs of Brazilian snakes remain scarce despite their importance for critically endangered species, such as Bothrops insularis, the golden lancehead, which is endemic to Ilha da Queimada Grande, coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. This study aims to (a) characterize the genetic diversity of ex situ and in situ populations of B. insularis using heterologous microsatellites; (b) investigate genetic structure among and within these populations; and (c) provide data for the conservation program of the species. Twelve informative microsatellites obtained from three species of the B. neuwiedi group were used to access genetic diversity indexes of ex situ and in situ populations. Low‐to‐medium genetic diversity parameters were found. Both populations showed low—albeit significant—values of system of mating inbreeding coefficient, whereas only the in situ population showed a significant value of pedigree inbreeding coefficient. Significant values of genetic differentiation indexes suggest a small differentiation between the two populations. Discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) recovered five clusters. No geographic relationship was found in the island, suggesting the occurrence of gene flow. Also, our data allowed the establishment of six preferential breeding couples, aiming to minimize inbreeding and elucidate uncertain parental relationships in the captive population. In a conservation perspective, continuous monitoring of both populations is demanded: it involves the incorporation of new individuals from the island into the captive population to avoid inbreeding and to achieve the recommended allelic similarity between the two populations. At last, we recommend that the genetic data support researches as a base to maintain a viable and healthy captive population, highly genetically similar to the in situ one, which is crucial for considering a reintroduction process into the island.  相似文献   

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