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真菌DNA条形码研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
张宇  郭良栋 《菌物学报》2012,31(6):809-820
DNA条形码(DNA barcode)是通过一段短的标准DNA片段实现物种的快速、准确和标准化鉴定。线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基I(COI)基因作为动物的DNA条形码已广泛应用于物种鉴定中,在植物上已选定叶绿体rbcL和matK基因作为基本的DNA条形码。目前世界各国真菌学家正对不同的真菌类群进行不同基因片段的筛选与评价,并在第四届国际生命条形码大会上正式推荐了ITS作为真菌的首选DNA条形码。对国内外真菌DNA条形码的研究进展进行总结与分析,并展望真菌DNA条形码的应用前景。  相似文献   

木霉属补充DNA条形码筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱兆香  曾昭清  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2014,33(6):1253-1262
木霉属真菌是一类重要的生物资源,在工农业、环境保护等方面具有较高经济价值,对其进行快速、准确的物种鉴定兼具理论意义和应用前景。以木霉属35个概念清晰的种为材料,选择ITS、rpb2和 tef1作为候选基因序列,利用TaxonGap对231个序列片段进行分析,将种内与种间序列差异以及序列获取难易程度作为评价指标,筛选该属的补充条形码片段。结果表明,rpb2具有适宜的种内与种间序列差异,其最小的种间差异(2.48%),大于最大种内差异(1.8%),种内、种间遗传距离存在明显的间隔区,并且该基因序列具有较高的PCR扩增与测序成功率(94.4%);ITS和tef1基因序列的种内与种间序列差异之间存在交叉重叠。因此建议rpb2作为木霉属的补充DNA条形码序列。  相似文献   

DNA条形码: 从物种到生物群区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克平 《生物多样性》2015,23(3):279-289
<正>DNA条形码技术在过去十年多的时间里快速发展,现在已经成为分子生物学技术和方法在宏观生物学及其相关领域广泛应用的成功范例,尤其是为传统的生物分类学发展注入了新的活力(肖金花等,2004)。DNA条形码技术的建立源于DNA分类学的概念(Tautz et al.,2002,2003)。Hebert(2003a,b)选择动物线粒体COI基因作为条形码开展动物鉴定的尝试并获得成功,成为DNA条形码技术的创立者。  相似文献   

Choosing and using a plant DNA barcode   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The main aim of DNA barcoding is to establish a shared community resource of DNA sequences that can be used for organismal identification and taxonomic clarification. This approach was successfully pioneered in animals using a portion of the cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1) mitochondrial gene. In plants, establishing a standardized DNA barcoding system has been more challenging. In this paper, we review the process of selecting and refining a plant barcode; evaluate the factors which influence the discriminatory power of the approach; describe some early applications of plant barcoding and summarise major emerging projects; and outline tool development that will be necessary for plant DNA barcoding to advance.  相似文献   

Approximately 1460 species of spiders have been reported from Canada, 3% of the global fauna. This study provides a DNA barcode reference library for 1018 of these species based upon the analysis of more than 30 000 specimens. The sequence results show a clear barcode gap in most cases with a mean intraspecific divergence of 0.78% vs. a minimum nearest‐neighbour (NN) distance averaging 7.85%. The sequences were assigned to 1359 Barcode index numbers (BINs) with 1344 of these BINs composed of specimens belonging to a single currently recognized species. There was a perfect correspondence between BIN membership and a known species in 795 cases, while another 197 species were assigned to two or more BINs (556 in total). A few other species (26) were involved in BIN merges or in a combination of merges and splits. There was only a weak relationship between the number of specimens analysed for a species and its BIN count. However, three species were clear outliers with their specimens being placed in 11–22 BINs. Although all BIN splits need further study to clarify the taxonomic status of the entities involved, DNA barcodes discriminated 98% of the 1018 species. The present survey conservatively revealed 16 species new to science, 52 species new to Canada and major range extensions for 426 species. However, if most BIN splits detected in this study reflect cryptic taxa, the true species count for Canadian spiders could be 30–50% higher than currently recognized.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding has become one of the most important techniques in plant species identification. Successful application of this technology is dependent on the availability of reference database of high species coverage. Unfortunately, there are experimental and data processing challenges to construct such a library within a short time. Here, we present our solutions to these challenges. We sequenced six conventional DNA barcode fragments (ITS1, ITS2, matK1, matK2, rbcL1, and rbcL2) of 380 flowering plants on next‐generation sequencing (NGS) platforms (Illumina Hiseq 2500 and Ion Torrent S5) and the Sanger sequencing platform. After comparing the sequencing depths, read lengths, base qualities, and base accuracies, we conclude that Illumina Hiseq2500 PE250 run is suitable for conventional DNA barcoding. We developed a new “Cotu” method to create consensus sequences from NGS reads for longer output sequences and more reliable bases than the other three methods. Step‐by‐step instructions to our method are provided. By using high‐throughput machines (PCR and NGS), labeling PCR, and the Cotu method, it is possible to significantly reduce the cost and labor investments for DNA barcoding. A regional or even global DNA barcoding reference library with high species coverage is likely to be constructed in a few years.  相似文献   

Annelid polychaetes have been seldom the focus of dedicated DNA barcoding studies, despite their ecological relevance and often dominance, particularly in soft‐bottom estuarine and coastal marine ecosystems. Here, we report the first assessment of the performance of DNA barcodes in the discrimination of shallow water polychaete species from the southern European Atlantic coast, focusing on specimens collected in estuaries and coastal ecosystems of Portugal. We analysed cytochrome oxidase I DNA barcodes (COI‐5P) from 164 specimens, which were assigned to 51 morphospecies. To our data set from Portugal, we added available published sequences selected from the same species, genus or family, to inspect for taxonomic congruence among studies and collection location. The final data set comprised 290 specimens and 79 morphospecies, which generated 99 Barcode Index Numbers (BINs) within Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD). Among these, 22 BINs were singletons, 47 other BINs were concordant, confirming the initial identification based on morphological characters, and 30 were discordant, most of which consisted on multiple BINs found for the same morphospecies. Some of the most prominent cases in the latter category include Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776) (7), Eulalia viridis (Linnaeus, 1767) (2) and Owenia fusiformis (delle Chiaje, 1844) (5), all of them reported from Portugal and frequently used in ecological studies as environmental quality indicators. Our results for these species showed discordance between molecular lineages and morphospecies, or added additional relatively divergent lineages. The potential inaccuracies in environmental assessments, where underpinning polychaete species diversity is poorly resolved or clarified, demand additional and extensive investigation of the DNA barcode diversity in this group, in parallel with alpha taxonomy efforts.  相似文献   

Studies focusing on marine macrophyte metabarcoding from environmental samples are scarce, due to the lack of a universal barcode for these taxa, and to their poor representation in DNA databases. Here, we searched for a short barcode able to identify marine macrophytes from tissue samples; then, we created a DNA reference library which was used to identify macrophytes in eDNA from coastal sediments. Barcoding of seagrasses, mangroves and marine macroalgae (Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta and Phaeophyceae) was tested using 18 primer pairs from six barcoding genes: the plant barcodes rbcL, matK and trnL, plus the genes ITS2, COI and 18S. The 18S gene showed the highest universality among marine macrophytes, amplifying 95%–100% of samples; amplification performance of the other barcodes was limited. Taxonomy was assigned using a phylogeny‐based approach to create an 18S DNA reference library. Macrophyte tissue sequences were accurately identified within their phyla (88%), order (76%), genus (71%) and species (23%). Nevertheless, out of 86 macrophytes tested, only 48% and 15% had a reference sequence at genus and at species level, respectively. Identification at these levels can be improved by more inclusive reference libraries. Using the 18S mini‐barcode and the reference library, we recovered eDNA from 21 marine macrophytes in sediments, demonstrating the barcode's ability to trace primary producers that contribute to blue carbon. We expect this barcode to also be useful for other ecological questions, such as tracing macro primary producers in marine food webs.  相似文献   

Small portions of the barcode region – mini‐barcodes – may be used in place of full‐length barcodes to overcome DNA degradation for samples with poor DNA preservation. 591,491,286 rbcL mini‐barcode primer combinations were electronically evaluated for PCR universality, and two novel highly universal sets of priming sites were identified. Novel and published rbcL mini‐barcode primers were evaluated for PCR amplification [determined with a validated electronic simulation (n = 2765) and empirically (n = 188)], Sanger sequence quality [determined empirically (n = 188)], and taxonomic discrimination [determined empirically (n = 30 472)]. PCR amplification for all mini‐barcodes, as estimated by validated electronic simulation, was successful for 90.2–99.8% of species. Overall Sanger sequence quality for mini‐barcodes was very low – the best mini‐barcode tested produced sequences of adequate quality (B20 ≥ 0.5) for 74.5% of samples. The majority of mini‐barcodes provide correct identifications of families in excess of 70.1% of the time. Discriminatory power noticeably decreased at lower taxonomic levels. At the species level, the discriminatory power of the best mini‐barcode was less than 38.2%. For samples believed to contain DNA from only one species, an investigator should attempt to sequence, in decreasing order of utility and probability of success, mini‐barcodes F (rbcL1/rbcLB), D (F52/R193) and K (F517/R604). For samples believed to contain DNA from more than one species, an investigator should amplify and sequence mini‐barcode D (F52/R193).  相似文献   

Bees (Apidae), of which there are more than 19 900 species, are extremely important for ecosystem services and economic purposes, so taxon identity is a major concern. The goal of this study was to optimize the DNA barcode technique based on the Cytochrome c oxidase (COI) mitochondrial gene region. This approach has previously been shown to be useful in resolving taxonomic inconsistencies and for species identification when morphological data are poor. Specifically, we designed and tested new primers and standardized PCR conditions to amplify the barcode region for bees, focusing on the corbiculate Apids. In addition, primers were designed to amplify small COI amplicons and tested with pinned specimens. Short barcode sequences were easily obtained for some Bombus century‐old museum specimens and shown to be useful as mini‐barcodes. The new primers and PCR conditions established in this study proved to be successful for the amplification of the barcode region for all species tested, regardless of the conditions of tissue preservation. We saw no evidence of Wolbachia or numts amplification by these primers, and so we suggest that these new primers are of broad value for corbiculate bee identification through DNA barcode.  相似文献   

Non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) are a diverse population that commonly causes respiratory allergies in humans. Chironomid larvae can be used to indicate freshwater pollution, but accurate identification on the basis of morphological characteristics is difficult. In this study, we constructed a mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)-based DNA barcode library for Korean chironomids. This library consists of 211 specimens from 49 species, including adults and unidentified larvae. The interspecies and intraspecies COI sequence variations were analyzed. Sophisticated indexes were developed in order to properly evaluate indistinct barcode gaps that are created by insufficient sampling on both the interspecies and intraspecies levels and by variable mutation rates across taxa. In a variety of insect datasets, these indexes were useful for re-evaluating large barcode datasets and for defining COI barcode gaps. The COI-based DNA barcode library will provide a rapid and reliable tool for the molecular identification of Korean chironomid species. Furthermore, this reverse-taxonomic approach will be improved by the continuous addition of other speceis’ sequences to the library.  相似文献   

Kraaijeveld AR  Godfray HC 《Heredity》2008,100(4):400-406
An artificial selection experiment designed to explore the evolution of resistance to a fungal pathogen, Beauveria bassiana, in Drosophila melanogaster is reported here. The experiment was designed to test whether there is sufficient additive genetic variation in this trait for increased resistance to evolve, and, if so, whether there are correlated responses that might represent a cost to defence. After 15 generations of selection, flies from selected lines did not have higher overall fitness after infection compared with control lines. The response to selection for resistance against this pathogen is thus much weaker than against other species, in particular, parasitoids. There was, however, evidence for increased late-life fecundity in selected lines, which may indicate evolved tolerance of fungal infection. This increase was accompanied by reduced early-life fitness, which may reflect the well-known trade-off between early and late reproduction. In the absence of fungal infection, selected flies had lower fitness than control flies, and the possibility that this is also a trade-off with increased tolerance is explored.  相似文献   

DNA barcodes were obtained for 81 butterfly species belonging to 52 genera from sites in north‐central Pakistan to test the utility of barcoding for their identification and to gain a better understanding of regional barcode variation. These species represent 25% of the butterfly fauna of Pakistan and belong to five families, although the Nymphalidae were dominant, comprising 38% of the total specimens. Barcode analysis showed that maximum conspecific divergence was 1.6%, while there was 1.7–14.3% divergence from the nearest neighbour species. Barcode records for 55 species showed <2% sequence divergence to records in the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD), but only 26 of these cases involved specimens from neighbouring India and Central Asia. Analysis revealed that most species showed little incremental sequence variation when specimens from other regions were considered, but a threefold increase was noted in a few cases. There was a clear gap between maximum intraspecific and minimum nearest neighbour distance for all 81 species. Neighbour‐joining cluster analysis showed that members of each species formed a monophyletic cluster with strong bootstrap support. The barcode results revealed two provisional species that could not be clearly linked to known taxa, while 24 other species gained their first coverage. Future work should extend the barcode reference library to include all butterfly species from Pakistan as well as neighbouring countries to gain a better understanding of regional variation in barcode sequences in this topographically and climatically complex region.  相似文献   

The diversity of fungi in permanently frozen soil from northeastern Siberia was studied by culture-independent PCR amplification of diverse environmental 18S rRNA genes. Elaborate protocols to avoid contamination during drilling, sampling, and amplification were used. A broad diversity of eukaryotic DNA sequences that were 510 bp long, including sequences of various fungi, plants, and invertebrates, could be obtained reproducibly from samples that were up to 300,000 to 400,000 years old. The sequences revealed that ancient fungal communities included a diversity of cold-adapted yeasts, dark-pigmented fungi, plant-parasitic fungi, and lichen mycobionts. DNA traces of tree-associated macrofungi in a modern tundra sample indicated that there was a shift in fungal diversity following the last ice age and supported recent results showing that there was a severe change in the plant composition in northeastern Siberia during this period. Interestingly, DNA sequences with high homology to sequences of coprophilic and keratinophilic fungi indicated that feces, hair, skin, and nails could have been sources of ancient megafauna DNA recently reported to be present in small amounts of Siberian permafrost sediments.  相似文献   

Liu C  Shi L  Xu X  Li H  Xing H  Liang D  Jiang K  Pang X  Song J  Chen S 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e35146
The DNA barcoding technology uses a standard region of DNA sequence for species identification and discovery. At present, "DNA barcode" actually refers to DNA sequences, which are not amenable to information storage, recognition, and retrieval. Our aim is to identify the best symbology that can represent DNA barcode sequences in practical applications. A comprehensive set of sequences for five DNA barcode markers ITS2, rbcL, matK, psbA-trnH, and CO1 was used as the test data. Fifty-three different types of one-dimensional and ten two-dimensional barcode symbologies were compared based on different criteria, such as coding capacity, compression efficiency, and error detection ability. The quick response (QR) code was found to have the largest coding capacity and relatively high compression ratio. To facilitate the further usage of QR code-based DNA barcodes, a web server was developed and is accessible at http://qrfordna.dnsalias.org. The web server allows users to retrieve the QR code for a species of interests, convert a DNA sequence to and from a QR code, and perform species identification based on local and global sequence similarities. In summary, the first comprehensive evaluation of various barcode symbologies has been carried out. The QR code has been found to be the most appropriate symbology for DNA barcode sequences. A web server has also been constructed to allow biologists to utilize QR codes in practical DNA barcoding applications.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding uses a standard DNA sequence to facilitate species identification. Although the COI gene has been adopted as the standard, COI alone is imperfect due to several shortcomings. The primary endosymbiont of aphids, Buchnera, has higher evolutionary rates and interspecies divergence than its co‐diverging aphid hosts, making it a potential tool for resolving the ambiguities in aphid taxonomy. We compared the effectiveness of employing two different DNA regions, gnd and COI, for the discrimination of over 100 species of aphids. The mean interspecific divergence of the gnd region was significantly higher than the mean intraspecific variation; there were nearly nonoverlapping distributions between the intra‐ and interspecific samples. In contrast, COI showed a lower interspecific divergence, which led to difficulties in identifying closely related species. Our results show that gnd can identify species in the Aphididae, which suggests that the gnd region of Buchnera is a potentially effective barcode for aphid species identification. We also recommend the 2‐locus combination of gnd + COI as the aphid barcode. This will provide a universal framework for the routine use of DNA sequence data to identify specimens and contribute toward the discovery of overlooked species of aphids.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle and Aconitum balfourii Stapf, are two highly important, threatened medicinal plants of the Indian Himalayan Region. Root-tubers of...  相似文献   

Using non-conventional markers, DNA metabarcoding allows biodiversity assessment from complex substrates. In this article, we present ecoPrimers, a software for identifying new barcode markers and their associated PCR primers. ecoPrimers scans whole genomes to find such markers without a priori knowledge. ecoPrimers optimizes two quality indices measuring taxonomical range and discrimination to select the most efficient markers from a set of reference sequences, according to specific experimental constraints such as marker length or specifically targeted taxa. The key step of the algorithm is the identification of conserved regions among reference sequences for anchoring primers. We propose an efficient algorithm based on data mining, that allows the analysis of huge sets of sequences. We evaluate the efficiency of ecoPrimers by running it on three different sequence sets: mitochondrial, chloroplast and bacterial genomes. Identified barcode markers correspond either to barcode regions already in use for plants or animals, or to new potential barcodes. Results from empirical experiments carried out on a promising new barcode for analyzing vertebrate diversity fully agree with expectations based on bioinformatics analysis. These tests demonstrate the efficiency of ecoPrimers for inferring new barcodes fitting with diverse experimental contexts. ecoPrimers is available as an open source project at: http://www.grenoble.prabi.fr/trac/ecoPrimers.  相似文献   

A DNA barcode based on 650 bp of mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase I is proving to be highly functional in species identification for various animal groups. However, DNA degradation complicates the recovery of a full‐length barcode from many museum specimens. Here we explore the use of shorter barcode sequences for identification of such specimens. We recovered short sequences — i.e. ~100 bp — with a single PCR pass from more than 90% of the specimens in assemblages of moth and wasp museum specimens from which full barcode recovery was only 50%, and the latter were usually less than 8 years old. Short barcodes were effective in identifying specimens, confirming their utility in circumstances where full barcodes are too expensive to obtain and the identification comparisons are within a confined taxonomic group.  相似文献   

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