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The salivary gland of Periplaneta americana (L.) is innervated from both the stomatogastric nervous system (SNS) and subesophageal ganglion (SEG). Methylene-blue preparations, histological sections and electron microscopy revealed a pair of nerves from the SEG, each of which contains two axons 5–7 μ in diameter, and these are accompanied by several smaller ones. The nerves going to the salivary glands from the SNS contain a dozen or more axons, each less than 2 μ thick. Axons from two sources innervate the efferent salivary ducts, the acini, the anterior ends of the salivary reservoirs, and the reservoir suspensory muscles. A nerve which has reached an acinus forms a plexus upon its surface. Electron micrographs disclose penetration of axons with or without glial wrappings, into the intercellular spaces between gland cells. Axons without glial wrappings have been observed in intimate contact with gland-cell membranes, and several areas which resemble synaptic junctions have been seen.  相似文献   

As a basis for understanding the mechanism of erection in an animal model frequently used in research in reproductive biology, the angioarchitecture of the penis of the rat has been described using scanning electron microscopy. Study of the penile vasculature of the rat indicates that the corpora cavernosa penis and the corpus spongiosum are independent erectile tissues, each with its own arterial and venous vessels. The large vascular spaces and abundant smooth muscle of the penile crura are compatible with its role in regulating blood flow to more distal penile tissues. Helicine arteries of the crura, but not the parent deep penile artery or arteries elsewhere, have muscular cushions in their walls. The venous drainage of the penile crura is via subtunical veins which are thought to be compressed during erection to elevate pressure within the penis. Large, paired cavernous veins drain the shaft of the penis. A unique method for inhibiting blood flow from the penis is indicated by the division of the cavernous veins into smaller channels prior to joining the subtunical venous plexus. Erectile tissue in the bifid origins of the corpus spongiosum has abundant cavernous muscle, while in the remainder of the corpus spongiosum little smooth muscle lines the cavernous spaces. The cavernous spaces on either side of the urethra coalesce to form vessels, each of which communicates with cavernous spaces in the glans. In addition, a bypass of the glans is effected by communication of these vessels directly with the deep dorsal vein. The apparent absence of muscular pads in vessels of the spongiosum, the relative paucity of cavernous smooth muscle, and the ample venous drainage provided by the deep dorsal vein may account for the lack of a venous occlusive mechanism similar to that of the corpora cavernosa penis.  相似文献   

The morphology of the oesophageal mucosa of adult male and female albino rats (Rattus norvegicus) is studied by means of scanning electron microscopy of several levels. A precise surface analysis of the upper, middle, and lower portion of the esophagus is done and the results are compared with each other.  相似文献   

Summary The cytoarchitecture of the medial layer of rat thoracic aorta was examined by scanning electron microscopy after removal of the connective tissue. The outermost lamella showed a lattice-like structure of muscle bundles of closely apposed smooth muscle cells (SMCs), whereas the inner lamellae consisted of more-or-less continuous muscle sheets of vaguely defined subgroups of parallel SMCs. Longitudinal rows of ridges ran along the adventitial surface of these muscle bundles and sheets. The SMCs of the outermost lamella, were 5.1 m wide, and varied in shape, whereas those of the inner lamellae, were 52.7 m long, 2.6 m wide and 4.1 m thick, and were elongated, spindle-shaped cells with serrated outlines. These latter SMCs extended obliquely, and partially overlapped each other. The surface of the SMCs in the outermost lamella exhibited a rugged texture, with nodular protrusions and oblique and longitudinal laminar folds, while the inner lamellar cells showed longitudinal laminar folds and finger-like processes on both sides of the ridges, pointing in opposite directions to the ridges. The angle of deviation from the transverse axis of the vessel, of the muscle bundles and subgroups in the outermost lamella, was 33.6°, in the second and third lamellae, 22.5°, and in the innermost lamellae, 12.8°. The mean angle of the muscle bundle and subgroup arrangement, with respect to the long axis of the vessel, however, was basically 90° in all lamellae.  相似文献   

A histological and ultrastructural examination of the opercular gland of the cleaner-wrasse Labroides dimidiutus has demonstrated that the slimy envelope which covers the animal at night is mainly produced by large mucous goblet cells in a folded epithelium; there is a high number of acidophilic secretory cells. At the ultrastructural level, both cell-types open at the surface of the epidermis. Preliminary experiments with pilocarpine, atropine and the α-blocker propranolol reveal a neural regulation of mucus discharge. Also, the rich vascularization of the gland could indicate a hormonal control e.g. by prolactin. The secretory products of both types of goblet cells are discussed in relation to their possible antibiotic properties.  相似文献   

Rat molar enamel has been studied by sectioning the enamel along various planes, and observing the etched surfaces in the SEM. It was found that the prism pattern was much more variable than in rat incisor enamel. Regions without prism decussation seemed to dominate in the occlusal half of the molars. Where present, prism decussation was of the uniserial lamellar type, but it varied considerably in distribution, extent, and distinctness. Prism decussation seemed to have a predilection for the cervical enamel, and was almost absent in the enamel on the occlusal surface. The interprismatic substance showed a characteristic configuration: In the inner enamel it appeared in the form of radially oriented sheets, which tended to delimit radially directed, single lines of prisms. In regions with prism decussation these single lines of prisms encompassed prisms belonging to different prism lamellae. In the outer part of the enamel the interprismatic substance exhibited a honeycomb appearance. The similarities and differences between the prism patterns of rat incisor and molar enamel may be of importance for understanding the mechanisms of amelogenesis, especially for the recognition of factors controlling the movement of ameloblasts.  相似文献   

The submandibular gland of the mouse was studied by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, using the osmium-dimethylsulfoxide-osmium method. The three-dimensional structures of the intracellular membranous organelles of acinar cells were clearly revealed. The luminal surface of cisterns of the granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus exhibited particles of 8-15 nm in diameter. The secretory canaliculi presented short microvilli which were irregularly arranged. The striated duct cells were characterized by rich mitochondria arranged vertically in the basal portion. The lamellar mitochondrial cristae were noted in three-dimensional images. The luminal surface extended short microvilli, while that of the excretory duct cell presented complicated microplicae. The capillary endotheliocytes showed a few short microvilli, and their fenestrated areas were bordered by cytoplasmic crests. Fenestrae were 50-80 nm in diameter and showed a plug in their center. The basement membranes of the acini and capillaries showed a spongy structure with various strands and meshes. Collagenous fibrils crisscrossed on their surface.  相似文献   

Estrogen plays important roles in preparing mammary tissue for lactation. However, estrogen also influences innervation in some tissues. We examined the effect of estrogen on peripheral innervation of mammary tissues of ovariectomized adult virgin female rats. Seven days after ovariectomy, 17beta-estradiol or placebo pellets were implanted subcutaneously, and tissues were harvested 1 week later. Estrogen treatment decreased mammary gland mass and adipocyte content, while ductal content increased and vascular composition was unaffected. Estrogen increased total areas occupied by nerves in mammary gland sections immunostained for the pan-neuronal marker protein gene product 9.5, and this increase persisted after normalizing for treatment-induced differences in gland mass. Although a significant increase in tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive sympathetic nerve area was observed, no difference was detected following correction for differences in gland size, implying a conserved number of sympathetic nerves in the face of reduced gland volume. Calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive sensory nerve sectional area was also increased, and corrected nerve area remained 88% greater, indicating nerve proliferation during estrogen treatment. Total, sensory, and sympathetic innervation of the nipple and adjacent dermal tissue were unaffected by estrogen. We conclude that chronic estrogen elevation induces selective proliferation of rat mammary gland calcitonin gene-related peptide-containing nerves, which are associated primarily with blood vessels and are probably nociceptors. Because they are likely to subserve a vasodilatory function, increased innervation may promote increased blood flow necessary for milk formation during suckling. Moreover, these findings may help explain abundant anecdotal reports of increased breast sensitivity in humans under high estrogen conditions.  相似文献   

The surface ultrastructure of Kupffer cells in the rat liver has been studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results demonstrate that Kupffer cells are both significantly different and clearly distinct from endothelial cells. Kupffer cells have neither pores (and/or "sieve plates") nor fenestrations, all of which are present in endothelial cells. They possess a stellate shape, and only indirectly, with slender and irregular evaginations, contribute to the lining of the sinusoidal wall. Furthermore, the luminal surface in some areas contains a large population of short microvilli, microphicae and invaginations. These elements form a kind of microlabyrinth which may correpond to the "worm-like" structures described by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In the present study, transition forms between endothelial and Kupffer cells were never found. On the contrary, considering the highly fenestrated nature of the endothelial cells, the Kupffer cells may, by ameboid movements, easily cross the overlapping barrier of the sinusoid and protrude into the lumen. Thus, acting as activated macrophages, the Kupffer cells might function to prevent the entrance of foreign material into the tissues of the liver through the fragile and highly fenestrated endothelium. Finally, the topographical reconstruction of the sinusoid by correlated SEM and TEM studies demonstrates the Kupffer cells, with their protruding cytoplasm and ability to extend into the lumen of the sinusoid, may actually change the caliber of the vessel, and thus function as a "sphincter" which causes a temporary arrest of the blood flow when the diameter of the sinusoidal lumen is reduced.  相似文献   

 Lysozyme (muramidase) is capable of direct bacteriolytic action by hydrolyzing glycosidic bonds in bacterial cell walls. Although it is broadly distributed in vertebrate tissues and secretions, the cellular and subcellular localizations of the enzyme are still not well known. The present study examines the distribution of lysozyme expression in the various cell types of LR gold-embedded rat parotid gland, applying a postembedding immunogold-silver staining technique for light microscopy. Simultaneously, a postembedding immunogold method for electron microscopy was used to determine the cellular compartments engaged in the biosynthesis and exocytosis of lysozyme. Silver-amplified immunogold staining for lysozyme demonstrated identical localization in both paraffin and semithin LR-gold sections: in the supranuclear parts of acinar and intercalated duct cells. Staining intensity varied even between adjacent cells. In the electron microscope, immunogold labeling was detected over the cell compartments associated with protein synthesis and exocytosis in acinar and intercalated duct cells. Lysozyme antigenic sites were visible over endoplasmic reticulum and throughout the Golgi apparatus, being intense over the trans-Golgi network, but even stronger in the condensing vacuoles and most prominent over secretory granules in both cell types. The findings provide the first immunocytochemical evidence of the synthesis and secretion of lysozyme in parotid acinar and intercalated duct cells. Accepted: 3 December 1996  相似文献   

Rat cerebral vasculature serves as a model for study of the pathophysiology of stroke in humans. Human thalamic arteries show a high incidence of stroke. The objective is to describe the thalamic arterial vascular pattern in normotensive male rats as the initial step for quantitative histochemical studies of enzyme activities in the walls of these vessels. Intracardiac injections of methyl methacrylate monomer provide detailed vascular endocasts. The thalamic vascular bed defined by in situ dissection, serial reconstruction, and light and scanning electron microscopy of endocasts contained four groups of vessel: ventral medial thalamic arteries, thalamic branches from the posterior cerebral artery, and ventral lateral and ventral anterior thalamic arteries. Thalamic vessels are muscular arterioles that, after three to four bipinnate branches, feed into a continuous capillary bed (no loops). The parent vessels and their subsequent branches have been evaluated in terms of their mean internal diameters, mean interbranch intervals, and branch angles. The arterial patterns to rat and human thalami are very similar, with the exception of the anterior choroidal artery which is missing in the rat. The branches supplying the thalamus in both the rat and human are closely associated with the circle of Willis; however, the constituent parts of the circle in rat vary from the pattern in human brain. The rat thalamic arteries show morphological features similar to those seen in the stroke-prone ganglionic arteries in the human basal ganglia.  相似文献   

The morphological features of the ependymal surface and supraependymal elements of the fourth ventricle of the rat were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and by the transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results confirm the following aspects: 1) The presence of supraependymal elements and microvilli in the ependymal territories, including the sites where the cilia completely cover the ependymal surface; 2) The existence of cilia with oval or spherical thickenings together with supraependymal bulbs similar in size to those of the larger ciliary swellings; 3) Identification of the long supraependymal fibres with intermittent fusiform dilations observed under the SEM with the nerve fibres seen under the TEM; 4) The existence of intraventricular axodendritic synapses.  相似文献   

The exine of birch pollen was examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy in the native state and after fixation in different aqueous fixatives: glutaraldehyde + OsO4; glutaraldehyde + cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) + OsO4; glutaraldehyde + cuprolinic blue (CB); and periodate + lysine + paraformaldehyde (PLP). The native pollen exine showed a thin (3-5-nm) border of electron-dense material lining the tectum and electron-dense material within microchannels and bacula cavities. Fixation with the addition of CPC resulted in a voluminous surface coat surrounding the pollen grain, but empty microchannels and bacula cavities. After fixation with the addition of CB, there was a thin surface coat, whereas microchannels and bacula cavities were partially filled with electron-dense material. The other fixatives led to empty microchannels and bacula cavities. There was no surface coat on the pollen grain. However, after all fixation procedures, a thin electron-dense border of the tectum remained visible. Concerning the electron-dense material filling microchannels and bacula cavities in the native pollen grain, the results obtained in the present study suggest that it is either completely lost (after conventional and PLP fixation) or, after fixation with a precipitating additive, partially (CB) or completely (CPC) solubilized and precipitated on the surface of the pollen grain as a surface coat.  相似文献   

Changes in the glomerular capillaries in the first phase of rat Masugi nephritis were studied by scanning electron microscopy. The changes developed immediately after the injection of nephrotoxic rabbit IgG and early endothelial lesions (2 to 6 h) were characterized by an increase in microvilli and a decrease in endothelial pores. The microvilli were fused and produced abundant pored projections (cytofolds). The peripheral endothelium was then lifted off from the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), leaving scattered endothelial fragments on the GBM. The denuded GBM exhibited a rather uniform, thick carpet-like appearance with occasional crater formation. Depositon of fibrin strands was seen associated with endothelial exfoliation. These later dissolved and were converted to a fibrinoid material, consisting of a complex of fragmented, thin fibrils. A parallel study using the electron microscope revealed that the fibrinoid material was removed by emigrating monocytic macrophages. At the stage of resolution (24 to 72 h), the denuded GBM was covered mostly with a regenerating endothelial layer. A possible process of reorganization of the endothelial pores is discussed.  相似文献   

Brain Cell Biology - The dopaminergic innervation of the rat primary (area 17) and secondary (areas 18 and 18a) visual cortical areas was examined immunocytochemically using an antiserum directed...  相似文献   

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