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Strontium in archaeological human bones is widely, almost paradigmatically, used as a measure of the relative dietary abundances of plants and meat. Quantitative modeling reveals, however, that there is not a simple proportional relationship between bone strontium and the dietary plant/meat ratio. While knowledge of specific foods and their compositions may permit accurate calculation of average bone strontium levels, knowledge of bone strontium does not inversely allow accurate calculation of specific foods. Although bone strontium quantitatively reflects the average dietary Sr/Ca ratio, it is disproportionately sensitive to high-calcium foods and can be easily affected by minor dietary constituents and culinary practices. Bone strontium, and by analogy, barium, should be seen as a reflection of the high-mineral dietary components rather than a quantitative index of trophic position. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Ca, Sr, Ba and Mn were determined in up to five successive needle age classes from 54 individual Norway spruce trees [Picea abies (L.) Karst] from nine different sites. The accumulation behaviour was found to be very nonuniform, going from an increase with needle age to a decrease; irregular patterns were also found. The type of accumulation is largely site specific. The increasing behaviour can in most cases be approximated by a simple arithmetic function. All four elements usually show the same accumulation pattern, the similarities being closest between Ca and Mn and least between Ca and Ba. It is postulated that the similarity between the four elements is due to their precipitation and storage as oxalates. The similarity between Ca, Sr and Ba is observed at all concentrations, that with Mn only at concentrations larger than 300 g/g. Mn at small concentrations (< 50 g/g) shows a decreasing pattern and no similarity at all with Ca, Sr and Ba, but behaves similar to mobile elements.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of Ca cycling in an ecosystem is desirable because of the role of this element in tree mineral nutrition and its status as a major base cation on the soil exchange complex. The determination of the origin of Ca in forests is particularly indicated in regard of important changes linked to acid inputs and intensive logging. Natural strontium isotopes are increasingly used as tracers of Ca in forest ecosystems for qualitative and quantitative assessments. Nevertheless this method is limited to relatively simple systems with two sources of nutrients. Some recent studies coupled Sr/Ca or Sr/Ba ratios to Sr isotopic measurements in order to solve more complex systems. Such method has however associated with it some uncertainties: this approach assumed that Ca, Sr and Ba behave similarly throughout the ecosystem and does not take into account the Ca biopurification processes occurring in some tree’s organs which can alter element ratio. The present work focuses on two deciduous species covering large areas in Europe: European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.). In order to test the similarity of behaviour between Ca, Sr and Ba, their concentrations were measured extensively in the major compartments of two forest ecosystems. In parallel, the discrimination process inside tree organs was studied in 23 stands for beech and 10 stands for oak. We found that Sr and Ca behave similarly in all soil and tree compartments. By contrast, Ba and Ca appear to have contrasting behaviours, especially in streams, soil solution and soil exchange complex (no correlations between element concentrations). Sr/Ba and Ba/Ca ratios must therefore be used with care as tracer of Ca. The Ca biopurification is absent in roots and slight in bole wood but is large in bark, twigs and leaves. The discrimination factors (DF) between wood and leaves are characteristic of the two species studied and do not change significantly as a function of the soil Ca status (acidic or calcareous soils). Therefore, strontium–calcium DF can be used as a correction factor of the Sr/Ca ratio of leaves when this ratio is used in connection with Sr isotopic ratios. This correction allows to solve systems of tree nutrition with more than two sources of Ca.  相似文献   

The variability and biologicalfractionation of Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca and 87Sr/86Srratios were studied in a soil–plant–invertebrate–bird food chain in two forested ecosystems withcontrasting calcium availability in the northeasternU.S.A. Chemical measurements were made of the soilexchange pool, leaves, caterpillars, snails, and boththe femurs and eggshells of breeding insectivorousmigratory songbirds. 87Sr/86Sr values weretransferred up the food chain from the soil exchangepool to leaves, caterpillars, snails and eggshellswithout modification. Adult birds were the oneexception; their 87Sr/86Sr values generallyreflected those of lower trophic levels at each site,but were lower and more variable, probably becausetheir strontium was derived in part from foods intropical winter habitats where lower87Sr/86Sr ratios are likely to predominate. Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios decreased at each successive trophiclevel, supporting previous suggestions that Sr/Ca andBa/Ca ratios can be used to identify the trophic levelat which an organism is primarily feeding. The changesin Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios we measured for vegetationand insects were comparable to similar measurementsmade previously (but based on single samples of eachorganism) in an alpine ecosystem. Changes in Sr/Ca andBa/Ca ratios between birds and their food have notpreviously been measured, but the values we obtainedwere similar to those for herbivorous and carnivorousmammals at similar trophic levels. Our results provideevidence that supports the use of Sr/Ca ratios in thedetermination of human paleodiets and suggests thatSr/Ca ratios may also provide a useful tool in studiesof modern food webs. Furthermore, our findings suggestthat 90Sr from nuclear fallout will notbioaccumulate in forests and that changes in Sr/Caratios between trophic levels will need to beconsidered in some cases when using87Sr/86Sr as a tracer of calciumbiogeochemistry.  相似文献   

Differential uptake and translocation of Ca and Sr in organisms have been reported, calling into question the use of Sr to track Ca cycling in the environment. We investigated the relationship between Ca/Sr ratios in soil extracts of various strengths (H2O, NH4Cl, and NH4EDTA) and seedlings of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) grown from natural regeneration on 37 sites. Our objectives were to determine if Ca/Sr ratios in soil extracts are correlated with those in sugar maple tissues, and what soil extractant best duplicate plant tissue Ca/Sr ratios. Leaves had higher Ca/Sr ratios than stems and the extractants did not produce equal Ca/Sr ratios: H2O had the lowest Ca/Sr, and NH4EDTA the highest. The relationships between soil extract Ca/Sr ratios and leaf and stem Ca/Sr ratios were significant and linear, but the slopes differed among extractants. The lowest slope (0.45) was observed for the water extract/leaves and the highest (2.15) for the NH4EDTA extract/stem with discrimination factors ranging from 0.22 with NH4EDTA to 1.59 for water. Leaf extracts were more strongly correlated with soil Ca/Sr than stem extracts (R 2 of 0.57–0.7 vs. R 2 of 0.45–0.6, respectively). These findings support the use of Ca/Sr ratios in plants to track their source of soil Ca, but they highlight the need to calibrate the relationships for the plant tissue and soil extractant used.  相似文献   

The cell wall-bound pectin-gelatinizing factor, whose existence was reported in a previous paper (Yamaoka and Sato, 1981), was found to be composed of a proteinous factor (PGF) and calcium ion. Magnesium ion could not replace Ca2+ whereas Sr2+ could replace Ca2+ and Ba2+ could cause gelation without the action of PGF. In the hypocotyl of soybean seedlings, the basal region contained more PGF than did the apical region. The gel of apple pectin formed by the action of PGF and Ca2+ was solubilized by acid treatment for some time after the gelation. It was also found that the gel became more and more resistant to acidity with time. The hardened gel was almost completely dissolved by boiling in 0.2 M NaCl solution. The idea that the gelation of apple pectinin vitro may simulate the gelation of pectin in the primary cell wall was discussed in view of the results and the phenomenon of acid growth.  相似文献   

Ca2+ and Sr2+ entry pathways activated by pro-inflammatory agonists FMLP, LTB4 and PAF have been compared to thapsigargin in human neutrophils. 2-APB (10 μM) increased Ca2+ influx and to a greater extent in agonist than in thapsigargin stimulated neutrophils. This action of 2-APB was specific to Ca2+ because 2-APB did not augment Sr2+ entry in agonist and thapsigargin stimulated neutrophils. This suggests that Ca2+ and Sr2+ entry can be used to discriminate between receptor and non-receptor (store)-operated Ca2+ influx. Our data show for the first time that Pyr3 whilst partially inhibiting agonist induced Ca2+ influx almost completely abolished Ca2+ influx after thapsigargin stimulation.  相似文献   

Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios of bone are commonly used as biochemical indicators of trophic level in modern and fossil mammals. Concerns over the effects of diagenesis on Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios of bone led archaeologists and paleontologists to favor tooth enamel, which is less prone to alteration. Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios of bone, enamel, and dentin from three farm-raised steers (Bos taurus) and five wild white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from central Missouri were compared. Our results show that changes in diet, discrimination, and growth rate during ontogeny can lead to significant differences in Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios of different bioapatite types as well as significant differences within the same bioapatite forming at different times. Early- and late-forming tooth enamel can have significant differences in Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios equivalent to almost one full trophic step. Although differences between early- and late-forming dentin are typically not significant, dentin Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios are significantly greater than enamel values. This difference in Sr/Ca or Ba/Ca ratios between enamel and dentin from the same tooth can be greater than one full trophic step. These results have profound implications for the use of dental bioapatites in trophic level reconstructions. They highlight the importance of consistency in bioapatite selection, tooth selection, and relative location of sampling within the enamel cap. Furthermore, this expected difference in Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios could be used as another means of checking for diagenetic alteration in ancient samples.  相似文献   

Complexes of type [M(tftb)2Ln] [M=Sr; n=1, L=tetraglyme (4), 2,3-benzo-10-aza-1,4,7,13-tetraoxacyclopentadeca-2-ene (batcp) (5), n=2, L=2,2-bipyridine-N,N (bipy) (6); M=Ba; n=1, L=tetraglyme (7), 2,3-benzo-10-aza-1,4,7,13-tetraoxacyclopentadeca-2-ene (batcp) (8); n=2, L=2,2-bipyridine-N,N (bipy) (9)] were prepared by in situ reactions of 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(2-thienyl)-1,3-butanedione (Htftb) (1) with M(OH)2 [M=Sr (2a); Ba (2b)] in the presence of the ancillary ligands L (3a: L=tetraglyme; 3b: L=2,3-benzo-10-aza-1,4,7,13-tetraoxacyclopentadeca-2-ene (batcp); 3c: L=2,2-bipyridine-N,N (bipy)) in aqueous ethanol. The compounds were obtained in high yields and characterized by elemental analysis, 1H NMR, mass spectrometry and IR analysis. Molecular structure of the [Sr(tftb)2(batcp)] (5) has been determined by X-ray single crystal analysis.  相似文献   

Influence of seawater Sr content on coral Sr/Ca and Sr thermometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Ca content of a Porites coral from Xisha, South China Sea is quite uniform along its 18-year growth axis. A comparison with previously published data shows that the Ca content of corals from different sites varies by only 0.4%. This is much smaller than the variation of Ca in seawater (2.2%), indicating that Ca variations in seawater do not significantly affect the Ca compositions of coral skeletons. The variation in skeletal Ca contents results in only ±0.6°C of uncertainty in SST calculations, which is much smaller than the large disparities observed for previously established coral Sr/Ca thermometers. In contrast, Sr in tropical seawater varies spatially by as much as 2.4%, corresponding to ~4°C offset for coral Sr/Ca calibrations. The effect of seawater Sr variations on coral Sr/Ca thermometers is evaluated and we demonstrate that the content of seawater Sr is the major factor responsible for disparities in these coral Sr/Ca thermometers. The disparities can be significantly reduced when seawater Sr contents are included in the Sr/Ca thermometers.  相似文献   

Persistence criteria are given for the highest trophic level predator in ordinary differential equation models of food chains exhibiting arbitrary omnivory and external supplementation of food source or an intermediate predator. The results are expressed in terms of inequalities involving the bounds on the intrinsic growth and interaction rates. Whether omnivory or external forcing enhances persistence is discussed, particularly for the examples of three-, four-, and five-link Lotka-Volterra food chains.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum, the most lethal malarial parasite, expresses an ortholog for the protein kinase C (PKC) activator RACK1. However, PKC has not been identified in this parasite, and the mammalian RACK1 can interact with the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R). Therefore we investigated whether the Plasmodium ortholog PfRACK also can affect InsP3R-mediated Ca2+ signaling in mammalian cells. GFP-tagged PfRACK and endogenous RACK1 were expressed in a similar distribution within cells. PfRACK inhibited agonist-induced Ca2+ signals in cells expressing each isoform of the InsP3R, and this effect persisted when expression of endogenous RACK1 was reduced by siRNA. PfRACK also inhibited Ca2+ signals induced by photorelease of caged InsP3. These findings provide evidence that PfRACK directly inhibits InsP3-mediated Ca2+ signaling in mammalian cells. Interference with host cell signaling pathways to subvert the host intracellular milieu may be an important mechanism for parasite survival.  相似文献   

Correlation of stratigraphic sections from different continents suggests a worldwide interruption of carbonate sedimentation at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary, which coincided with one of the most catastrophic mass extinctions in the Phanerozoic. Both events are linked by a vulcanogenic maximum of carbon dioxide, which led to a temporary undersaturation of sea water with respect to aragonite and calcite and a corresponding suppression of carbonate sedimentation including non-preservation of calcareous skeletons. Besides the frequently cited climatic effect of enhanced carbon dioxide, lowering the saturation state of sea water with respect to calcium carbonate was an additional driving force of the end-Triassic mass extinction, which chiefly affected organisms with thick aragonitic or high-magnesium calcitic skeletons. Replacement of aragonite by calcite, as found in the shells of epifaunal bivalves, was an evolutionary response to this condition.  相似文献   

The effects of Ca-antagonists on the thrombin-induced mobilization of radiolabeled arachidonate preincorporated into rat platelets as well as the subsequent formation of labeled cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase products were analyzed in the presence of either Call or Ca2+-substitutes, Sr2+ and Ba2+. Results indicate that following thrombin stimulation (0.2 U/ml) in the presence of Ca2+, nitrendipine (Nit), Cd2+ or Mn2+ reduced the release of arachidonate and the biosynthesis of thromboxane 132- Inhibition of arachidonic acid release and metabolism were also obtained by both Nit and Cd2+ in the presence of Sr2+ and Bat+. Results from studies with a semi-purified phospholipase A2 fraction prepared from rat platelets indicated that the activity was almost unaffected by Nit or Cd2+. From these findings, we concluded that inhibition of platelet-induced release and metabolism of arachidonic acid by the Ca-antagonists tested require intact platelets. These data support the hypothesis of an interaction of these agents at an unknown surface membrane level.Abbreviations AA Arachidonic Acid - 5-HT 5-hydroxy-tryptamine - HETE 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid - HHT 12-hydroxy-heptadecanoic acid - HHT Nitrendipine - TXB2 Thromboxane B2  相似文献   

Flying fish wing area and wing-loading both rise in strongly negative allometric fashion with increasing body length and mass. Evidence is presented to show that this occurs because: (1) the leading edge of the pectoral fin 'wing' is fixed at 24% of standard length (  L S) from the snout, (2) the wing length cannot exceed 76% of L S or the tips will interfere with propulsive tail beat and (3) increased mass demands faster flying and wings with better lift : drag ratios; this selects for tapered, higher aspect ratio wing shapes. A consequence of this situation is that larger flying fishes have centres of mass increasingly further behind the centre of wing pressure. Resultant longitudinal instability restricts the maximum size of the two-winged design and the pelvic fins of four-wingers act as a stabilizing tailplane. These data indicate that the accepted model of evolution of flight in flying fishes (by extension of ballistic leaps) is flawed; it is proposed that evolution of lift-supported surface taxiing in half-beaks with enlarged pectoral fins (enhanced by ground effect) was an essential preliminary; subsequent forward migration of the centre of mass to within the wing chord permitted effective gliding.  相似文献   

Summary Absorption and accumulation of alkali (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) and alkaline earth (Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) metals were investigated as taxonomic characteristics (in 62 plant species). Leaf and soil samples were collected from 9 sites in temperature forest in Japan and the above mentioned elements were analyzed. Considerable differences were found among species in their ability to accumulate alkali and alkaline earth metals. Very high concentrations of Li (45 ppm, D.W.), K (37×103 ppm), Rb (159 ppm) and Cs (8.2 ppm) were detected inLastrea japonica which were about 412, 12, 27 and 6 times higher than those of the species with the lowest concentrations. Na content was high inAcer micranthum (358 ppm) which was 16 times higher than species with the lowest concentration. Other species containing high levels of alkali metals wereHydrangea macrophylla, Struthiopteris niponica, Clethra barbinervis. Mean discrimination ratio (D.R.) for all investigated plant species for Li, Na, Rb, and Cs to K were 1.7, 0.44, 0.9 and 1.8 respectively. High concentrations of alkaline earth metals Ca (36×103 ppm), Sr (345 ppm), and Ba (241 ppm) were found in the leaves ofHydrangea paniculata which were about 31, 84, and 72 times higher than those for the species with the lowest concentration. Mg was very high inStruthiopteris niponica (83×102 ppm). Other species with high concentrations of alkaline earth metals belonged to the genus Viburnum. Mean D.Rs. for Mg, Sr, and Bavs Ca were 1.0, 0.7 and 0.08. Principal component analysis of interrelationships between the mineral content in leaf tissues indicated that these elements could be classified into 2 groups with respect to their accumulation behavior in plants. The alkali metals K, Li, Rb, and Cs behaved similarly in their accumulation in leaves but Na behaved independently. Alkaline earth metals Ca, Mg, Sr, and Ba were also found to behave similarly in their accumulation. Factors scores of 1st and 2nd components revealed three groups of plant species: alkaliphilic, alkaline earthphilic, and neutral (non-accumulators).  相似文献   

A key step in mitosis is the sister-chromatid separation at the metaphase-anaphase (M/A) transition. Several earlier studies had suggested that Ca(2+) signal is involved in regulating this process in somatic cells. The detailed mechanisms, however, are not yet well understood. In this study, we used the GFP-gene fusion method and a living-cell imaging technique to examine the effects of suppressing cytosolic Ca(2+) level on the mitotic process in HeLa and PtK2 cells. We observed that application of the Ca(2+) chelator BAPTA/AM can block or severely delay the M/A transition. This blockage was caused by a failure in activating the anaphase-promoting complex (APC), since both cyclin B and securin could not be degraded under this situation. Furthermore, using YFP-labeled tubulin, we found that the mitotic spindle structure in most of the BAPTA-treated cells gradually deformed with time. Other Ca(2+) signal blockers, such as heparin, also produced a similar effect. These results suggest that one pathway for the blockage of M/A transition by suppressing cytosolic Ca(2+) level is due to its interference with the mitotic spindle checkpoint.  相似文献   

We previously developed a calcium phosphate (CaP) calcifying solution that allows to deposit a uniform layer of nanocrystalline apatite on metallic implants in a few hours. In this work we modified the composition of the CaP solution by addition of Sr2+, Mg2+, and Mn2+, in order to improve the biological performance of the implants. The results of the investigation performed on the coatings, as well as on the powders precipitated in the absence of the substrates, indicate that both Sr2+ and Mg2+ reduce the extent of precipitation, although they are quantitatively incorporated into the nanocrystalline apatitic phase. The inhibitory effect on deposition is much more evident for Mn2+, which completely hinders the precipitation of apatite and yields just a small amount of amorphous phosphate relatively rich in manganese content. Human osteoblast-like MG-63 cells cultured on the different materials show that the Mg2+ and Sr2+ apatitic coatings promote proliferation and expression of collagen type I, with respect to bare Ti and to the thin layer of amorphous phosphate obtained in the presence of Mn2+. However, the relatively high content of Mn2+ in the phosphate has a remarkable beneficial effect on osteocalcin production, which is even greater than that observed for Sr2+.  相似文献   

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