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High-pressure freezing (HPF) in combination with freeze substitution (FS) was used to analyse changes in the structure of barley chloroplasts during the daily change of light and darkness. In contrast to conventional treatment of samples, HPF-FS revealed substantial differences in chloroplast shape, volume and ultrastructure in the light period and during darkness. While chloroplasts have an ellipsoidal shape in the light, they have an enlarged and round form during the dark period. Samples collected in the light show the typical differentiation of stroma and grana thylakoids as observed by conventional ultrastructural analyses. In chloroplasts of samples collected during the dark period, thylakoids were swollen and grana stacks to a large extent were disintegrated. Similar changes occurred when leaves in the light were treated with the uncoupler gramicidin. The results suggest that the light-dependent changes in thylakoid membrane organization are related to the light-dependent changes in the ionic milieu of the thylakoid lumen and the stroma.  相似文献   

The light reactions of photosynthesis in green plants are mediated by four large protein complexes, embedded in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast. Photosystem I (PSI) and Photosystem II (PSII) are both organized into large supercomplexes with variable amounts of membrane-bound peripheral antenna complexes. PSI consists of a monomeric core complex with single copies of four different LHCI proteins and has binding sites for additional LHCI and/or LHCII complexes. PSII supercomplexes are dimeric and contain usually two to four copies of trimeric LHCII complexes. These supercomplexes have a further tendency to associate into megacomplexes or into crystalline domains, of which several types have been characterized. Together with the specific lipid composition, the structural features of the main protein complexes of the thylakoid membranes form the main trigger for the segregation of PSII and LHCII from PSI and ATPase into stacked grana membranes. We suggest that the margins, the strongly folded regions of the membranes that connect the grana, are essentially protein-free, and that protein-protein interactions in the lumen also determine the shape of the grana. We also discuss which mechanisms determine the stacking of the thylakoid membranes and how the supramolecular organization of the pigment-protein complexes in the thylakoid membrane and their flexibility may play roles in various regulatory mechanisms of green plant photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic membranes of higher plant chloroplasts are composed primarily of polar, but uncharged, galactolipids unlike most mammalian membranes which contain large amounts of phosphatidylcholine. It is unclear what role(s) the galactolipids play in maintaining the differentiated thylakoid membranes, or in stabilizing the photosynthetically active enzyme complexes. Some of the membrane complexes show no lipid selectivity for maintaining structural or functional integrity. Others are poisoned or dissociated in the presence of high concentrations of a trace lipid class. The efficiency of energy transfer and the reconstitution of protein complexes into liposomes are dependent on the lipid class employed. The lipids are asymmetrically arranged along and across the thylakoid membranes but not as distinctly as the proteins.Abbreviations DGDG digalactosyldiglyceride - MGDG monogalactosyldiglyceride - SQDG sulfoquinovosyldiglyceride - PG phosphatidylglycerol - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PSI photosystem I - PSII photosystem II - LHC chlorophylla/b lightharvesting complex - cytb 6 f cytochromeb 6 f complex - CF0/CF1 coupling factor ATPase - DCIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - LRa galactolipase fromRhizopus arrhis  相似文献   

An overview is given of electrical events that occur in plant chloroplasts in association with their energization and subsequent photosynthetic performance. Special emphasis is given to the measuring techniques, in particular application of patch-clamp methods, which enable comparison of light-induced photocurrent and -potential kinetics of the thylakoid with kinetics of changes in chlorophyll fluorescence yield.  相似文献   

The PsbS subunit of photosystem II (PSII) plays a key role in nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ), the major photoprotective regulatory mechanism in higher plant thylakoid membranes, but its mechanism of action is unknown. Here we describe direct evidence that PsbS controls the organization of PSII and its light harvesting system (LHCII). The changes in chlorophyll fluorescence amplitude associated with the Mg(2+)-dependent restacking of thylakoid membranes were measured in thylakoids prepared from wild-type plants, a PsbS-deficient mutant and a PsbS overexpresser. The Mg(2+) requirement and sigmoidicity of the titration curves for the fluorescence rise were negatively correlated with the level of PsbS. Using a range of PsbS mutants, this effect of PsbS was shown not to depend upon its efficacy in controlling NPQ, but to be related only to protein concentration. Electron microscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy showed that this effect was because of enhancement of the Mg(2+)-dependent re-association of PSII and LHCII by PsbS, rather than an effect on stacking per se. In the presence of PsbS the LHCII.PSII complex was also more readily removed from thylakoid membranes by detergent, and the level of PsbS protein correlated with the amplitude of the psi-type CD signal originating from features of LHCII.PSII organization. It is proposed that PsbS regulates the interaction between LHCII and PSII in the grana membranes, explaining how it acts as a pH-dependent trigger of the conformational changes within the PSII light harvesting system that result in NPQ.  相似文献   

Based on recent single-molecule imaging results in the living cell plasma membrane, we propose a hierarchical architecture of three-tiered mesoscale (2-300nm) domains to represent the fundamental functional organization of the plasma membrane: (i) membrane compartments of 40-300nm in diameter due to the partitioning of the entire plasma membrane by the actin-based membrane skeleton 'fence' and transmembrane protein 'pickets' anchored to the fence; (ii) raft domains (2-20nm); and (iii) dimers/oligomers and greater complexes of membrane-associated proteins (3-10nm). The basic molecular interactions required for the signal transduction function of the plasma membrane can be fundamentally understood and conveniently summarized as the cooperative actions of these mesoscale domains, where thermal fluctuations/movements of molecules and weak cooperativity play crucial roles.  相似文献   

The architecture of grana membranes from spinach chloroplasts was studied by cryo electron tomography. Tomographic reconstructions of ice-embedded isolated grana stacks enabled to resolve features of photosystem II (PSII) in the native membrane and to assign the absolute orientation of individual membranes of granal thylakoid discs. Averaging of 3D sub-volumes containing PSII complexes provided a 3D structure of the PSII complex at 40 ? resolution. Comparison with a recently proposed pseudo-atomic model of the PSII supercomplex revealed the presence of unknown protein densities right on top of 4 light harvesting complex II (LHCII) trimers at the lumenal side of the membrane. The positions of individual dimeric PSII cores within an entire membrane layer indicates that about 23% supercomplexes must be of smaller size than full C(2)S(2)M(2) supercomplexes, to avoid overlap.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, some familiar themes have emerged on how proteins are inserted into or translocated across the plant chloroplast thylakoid membrane and bacterial inner membranes. In the SecA and signal recognition particle (SRP) pathways, nucleotides and soluble factors are used to translocate proteins across the membrane bilayer in the unfolded state. However, the delta pH-dependent pathway in thylakoids uses a radically different mechanism: transport of proteins across the membrane is driven by the transmembrane pH gradient, and neither stromal factors nor nucleotide triphosphates are needed. In addition, this pathway, which requires the membrane-bound protein Hcf106, appears to translocate proteins in a tightly folded form. Recently, a similar pathway has been shown to operate in eubacteria, and several of its components have been identified.  相似文献   

Subunit G of photosystem I is a nuclear-encoded protein, predicted to form two transmembrane alpha-helices separated by a loop region. We use in vitro import assays to show that the positively charged loop domain faces the stroma, whilst the N- and C-termini most likely face the lumen. PSI-G constructs in which a His- or Strep-tag is placed at the C-terminus or in the loop region insert with the same topology as wild-type photosystem I subunit G (PSI-G). However, the presence of the tags in the loop make the membrane-inserted protein significantly more sensitive to trypsin, apparently by disrupting the interaction between the loop and the PSI core. Knock-out plants lacking PSI-G were transformed with constructs encoding the C-terminal and loop-tagged PSI-G proteins. Experiments on thylakoids from the transgenic lines show that the C-terminally tagged versions of PSI-G adopt the same topology as wild-type PSI-G, whereas the loop-tagged versions affect the sensitivity of the loop region to trypsin, thus confirming the in vitro observations. Furthermore, purification of PSI complexes from transgenic plants revealed that all the tagged versions of PSI-G are incorporated and retained in the PSI complex, although the C-terminally tagged variants of PSI-G were preferentially retained. This suggests that the loop region of PSI-G is important for proper integration into the PSI core. Our experiments demonstrate that it is possible to produce His- and Strep-tagged PSI in plants, and provide further evidence that the topology of membrane proteins is dictated by the distribution of positive charges, which resist translocation across membranes.  相似文献   

Abstract. A review is given of the organization and properties of thylakoid membrane proteins and lipids as a basis for understanding the factors which regulate the light reactions of photosynthesis. Particular emphasis is placed on the lateral organization of the major intrinsic multipeptide complexes and on the importance of diffusional processes in controlling the kinetics of electron transport and the distribution of light energy between photosystems 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Chloroplastic membrane proteins can be targeted to any of three distinct membrane systems, i.e., the outer envelope membrane (OEM), inner envelope membrane (IEM), and thylakoid membrane. This complex structure of chloroplasts adds significantly to the challenge of studying protein targeting to various membrane sub-compartments within a chloroplast. In this investigation, we examined the role played by the transmembrane domain (TMD) in directing membrane proteins to either the IEM or thylakoid membrane. Using the IEM protein, Arc6 (Accumulation and Replication of Chloroplasts 6), we exchanged the stop-transfer TMD of Arc6 with various TMDs derived from different IEM and thylakoid membrane proteins and monitored the subcellular localization of these Arc6-hybrid proteins. We showed that when the Arc6 TMD was replaced with a TMD derived from various thylakoid membrane proteins, these Arc6(thylTMD) hybrid proteins could be directed to the thylakoid membrane rather than to the IEM. Conversely, when the TMD of the thylakoid membrane proteins, STN8 (State Transition protein kinase 8) or Plsp1 (Plastidic type I signal peptidase 1), was replaced with the stop-transfer TMD of Arc6, STN8 and Plsp1 were halted at the IEM. From our investigation, we conclude that the TMD plays a critical role in targeting integral membrane proteins to either the IEM or thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

The present study shows that thylakoid membranes of the diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana contain much higher amounts of negatively charged lipids than higher plant or green algal thylakoids. Based on these findings, we examined the influence of SQDG on the de-epoxidation reaction of the diadinoxanthin cycle and compared it with results from the second negatively charged thylakoid lipid PG. SQDG and PG exhibited a lower capacity for the solubilization of the hydrophobic xanthophyll cycle pigment diadinoxanthin than the main membrane lipid MGDG. Although complete pigment solubilization took place at higher concentrations of the negatively charged lipids, SQDG and PG strongly suppressed the de-epoxidation of diadinoxanthin in artificial membrane systems. In in vitro assays employing the isolated diadinoxanthin cycle enzyme diadinoxanthin de-epoxidase, no or only a very weak de-epoxidation reaction was observed in the presence of SQDG or PG, respectively. In binary mixtures of the inverted hexagonal phase forming lipid MGDG with the negatively charged bilayer lipids, comparable suppression took place. This is in contrast to binary mixtures of MGDG with the neutral bilayer lipids DGDG and PC, where rapid and efficient de-epoxidation was observed. In complex lipid mixtures resembling the lipid composition of the native diatom thylakoid membrane, we again found strong suppression of diadinoxanthin de-epoxidation due to the presence of SQDG or PG. We conclude that, in the native thylakoids of diatoms, a strict separation of the MGDG and SQDG domains must occur; otherwise, the rapid diadinoxanthin de-epoxidation observed in intact cells upon illumination would not be possible.  相似文献   

The grana margins of plant thylakoid membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant thylakoid membranes contain three structurally distinct domains: the planar appressed membranes of the grana; the planar non-appressed stroma thylakoids; and the highly curved, non-appressed margins of the grana. Evidence is presented to suggest that the grana margins form a significant structural domain, which has hitherto been neglected. If indeed the grana margins contain some of the cytochrome b/f complex, photosystem (PS) I complex and ATP synthase, they form a third functional domain of the laterally heterogeneous continuous thylakoid membrane network. The consequences of grana margins containing complexes are explored with respect to linear electron transport under light-saturating and light-limiting conditions, non-cyclic vs cyclic photophorylation, and the regulation of light energy distribution to both PS I and PS II.  相似文献   

A proper spatial distribution of photosynthetic pigment‐protein complexes – PPCs (photosystems, light‐harvesting antennas) is crucial for photosynthesis. In plants, photosystems I and II (PSI and PSII) are heterogeneously distributed between granal and stromal thylakoids. Here we have described similar heterogeneity in the PSI, PSII and phycobilisomes (PBSs) distribution in cyanobacteria thylakoids into microdomains by applying a new image processing method suitable for the Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 strain with yellow fluorescent protein‐tagged PSI. The new image processing method is able to analyze the fluorescence ratios of PPCs on a single‐cell level, pixel per pixel. Each cell pixel is plotted in CIE1931 color space by forming a pixel‐color distribution of the cell. The most common position in CIE1931 is then defined as protein arrangement (PA) factor with xy coordinates. The PA‐factor represents the most abundant fluorescence ratio of PSI/PSII/PBS, the ‘mode color’ of studied cell. We proved that a shift of the PA‐factor from the center of the cell‐pixel distribution (the ‘median’ cell color) is an indicator of the presence of special subcellular microdomain(s) with a unique PSI/PSII/PBS fluorescence ratio in comparison to other parts of the cell. Furthermore, during a 6‐h high‐light (HL) treatment, ‘median’ and ‘mode’ color (PA‐factor) of the cell changed similarly on the population level, indicating that such microdomains with unique PSI/PSII/PBS fluorescence were not formed during HL (i.e. fluorescence changed equally in the whole cell). However, the PA‐factor was very sensitive in characterizing the fluorescence ratios of PSI/PSII/PBS in cyanobacterial cells during HL by depicting a 4‐phase acclimation to HL, and their physiological interpretation has been discussed.  相似文献   

Protein kinases of the thylakoid membrane   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The claim of Racker and co-workers (Lin, Z. F., Lucero, H. A., and Racker, E. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 12153-12156 and Lucero, H. A., Lin, Z. F., and Racker, E. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 12157-12160) that two protein kinases, designated CPK1 (25 kDa) and CPK2 (38 kDa), are present in spinach thylakoid membranes was investigated in light of results from this laboratory (Coughlan, S. J., and Hind, G. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 11378-11385) showing that 75-80% of the measurable protein kinase activity of isolated thylakoids is attributable to a protein kinase of 64 kDa apparent molecular mass. Extraction of thylakoid membranes with octyl glucoside/cholate according to the procedure of Lin et al. (Lin, Z. F., Lucero, H. A., and Racker, E. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 12153-12156) released proteins assignable to CPK1 and CPK2 on the basis of photoaffinity labeling with 8-azido-[32P]ATP. The 64-kDa protein kinase was present in this extract and accounted for greater than 80% of the total phosphotransferase activity toward lysine-rich histone as substrate; it was not labeled by the photoaffinity reagent. The three presumptive kinases were purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, sucrose density gradient centrifugation, hydroxylapatite chromatography, and affinity chromatography. CPK1 was specifically eluted from Cibacron blue-Sepharose by 10 mM ATP; it electrophoresed on denaturing polyacrylamide gels as a single band with apparent molecular mass of 25 kDa. Its specific activity toward lysine-rich histone as substrate was approximately 250 pmol of phosphate transferred (mg protein)-1 min-1. The 64-kDa protein kinase was eluted from the affinity column by 1% (w/v) lithium dodecyl sulfate or from a histone IIIs-Sepharose affinity column by 0.25 M NaCl. Its specific activity towards lysine-rich histone was 100-200 times greater than that of CPK1. CPK2 eluted from the Cibacron blue affinity column in 10 mM NADP+; it had an apparent molecular mass of 38 kDa, possessed NADPH-dependent diaphorase activity (specific activity: 225 nmol of ferricyanide reduced (mg protein)-1 min-1), and cross-reacted with immunoglobulin raised against purified ferredoxin:NADP+ oxidoreductase, with which it was thus identified. Kinase activity was not detectable in CPK2 or in reductase isolated by conventional procedures.  相似文献   

The thylakoid membranes of higher plant chloroplasts.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

The Arabidopsis vte1 mutant is devoid of tocopherol and plastochromanol (PC‐8). When exposed to excess light energy, vte1 produced more singlet oxygen (1O2) and suffered from extensive oxidative damage compared with the wild type. Here, we show that overexpressing the solanesyl diphosphate synthase 1 (SPS1) gene in vte1 induced a marked accumulation of total plastoquinone (PQ‐9) and rendered the vte1 SPS1oex plants tolerant to photooxidative stress, indicating that PQ‐9 can replace tocopherol and PC‐8 in photoprotection. High total PQ‐9 levels were associated with a noticeable decrease in 1O2 production and higher levels of Hydroxyplastoquinone (PQ‐C), a 1O2‐specific PQ‐9 oxidation product. The extra PQ‐9 molecules in the vte1 SPS1oex plants were stored in the plastoglobules and the chloroplast envelopes, rather than in the thylakoid membranes, whereas PQ‐C was found almost exclusively in the thylakoid membranes. Upon exposure of wild‐type plants to high light, the thylakoid PQ‐9 pool decreased, whereas the extrathylakoid pool remained unchanged. In vte1 and vte1 SPS1oex plants, the PQ‐9 losses in high light were strongly amplified, affecting also the extrathylakoid pool, and PQ‐C was found in high amounts in the thylakoids. We conclude that the thylakoid PQ‐9 pool acts as a 1O2 scavenger and is replenished from the extrathylakoid stock.  相似文献   

Summary Most of the studies devoted to the mechanism by which certain antibiotics increase the ion permeability ofbiological membranes have been carried out on artificialmodel systems. Undoubtedly one of the major reasons for this was that some of the most relevant biological membrane systems are of submicroscopic dimensions and thus inaccessible to the common electrochemical measuring techniques. This holds for the inner membrane systems of chloroplasts, mitochondria, and retinal rods. Since it is not trivial that a mechanism of action found for a model membrane works as well in a biological one with a much higher structural complexity, it seemed worth-while to study the mechanism of action of ionophorous antibiotics on the above-mentioned biological membranes. In this paper, a nonelectrochemical method for measuring both the voltage and the current across the inner chloroplast membrane (or thylakoid membrane) is established in extension of earlier work. This method is used to characterize the mode of action of valinomycin on the thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

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