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Instrumental defensive (avoidance/escape) and alimentary responses (reinforced with palatable food) in dogs were conditioned by the same stimulus (6-Hz light flashes). Differential inhibition for these responses (0.6-Hz flashes) was formed in unalterable series. Later on, alternative experiments with choice between reinforcements were carried out. In both of experimental series, the degree of alimentary excitability (hunger, satiation) was changed. Numbers of responses to differential and positive conditioned stimuli and their latencies were calculated. Under condition of choice (electrodes on a leg and a pedal in front of a dog) the response depended on a dominant motivation. The dogs differed in the degree of motivation dominance. Differential inhibition was less perfect in unalterable experimental series with dominant motivation. Under conditions of choice between alimentary and defensive reinforcements, the response to the differential stimuli depended on the balance between these motivations: two days of hunger increased the number of alimentary responses, defensive responses prevailed after satiation.  相似文献   

Individual typological features of behavior of dogs were investigated by the method of choice between the low-valuable food available constantly and food of high quality presented with low probability. Animals were subjected to instrumental conditioning with the same conditioned stimuli but different types of reinforcement. Depression of a white pedal was always reinforced with meat-bread-crumb mixture, depression of a black pedal was reinforced with two pieces of liver (with probabilities of 100, 40, 33, 20, or 0%). The choice of reinforcement depended on probability of valuable food and individual typological features of the nervous system of a dog. Decreasing the probability of the reinforcement value to 40-20% revealed differences in behavior of dogs. Dogs of the first group, presumably with the weak type of the nervous system, more frequently pressed the white pedal (always reinforced) than the black pedal thus "avoiding a situation of risk" to receive an empty cup. They displayed symptoms of neurosis: whimper, refusals of food or of the choice of reinforcement, and obtrusive movements. Dogs of the second group, presumably with the strong type of the nervous system, more frequently pressed the black pedal (more valuable food) for the low-probability reward until they obtained the valuable food. They did not show neurosis symptoms and were not afraid of "situation of risk". A decrease in probability of the valuable reinforcement increased a percentage of long-latency depressions of pedals. It can be probably suggested that this phenomenon was associated with increasing involvement of cognitive processes, when contributions of the assessments of probability and value of the reinforcement to decision making became approximately equal. Choice between the probability and value of alimentary reinforcement is a good method for revealing individual typological features of dogs.  相似文献   

Two experimental models with a choice between two reinforcements were used for assessment of individual typological features of dogs. In the first model dogs were given the choice of homogeneous food reinforcements: between less valuable constantly delivered reinforcement and more valuable reinforcement but delivered with low probabilities. In the second model the dogs had the choice of heterogeneous reinforcements: between performing alimentary and defensive reactions. Under conditions of rise of uncertainty owing to a decrease in probability of getting the valuable food, two dogs continued to prefer the valuable reinforcement, while the third animal gradually shifted its behavior from the choice of a highly valuable but infrequent reward to a less valuable but easily achieved reinforcement. Under condition of choice between the valuable food reinforcement and avoidance of electrocutaneous stimulation, the first two dogs preferred food, whereas the third animal which had been previously oriented to the choice of the low-valuable constant reinforcement, steadily preferred the avoidance behavior. The data obtained are consistent with the hypothesis according to which the individual typological characteristics of animals's (human's) behavior substantially depend on two parameters: extent of environmental uncertainty and subjective features of reinforcement assessment.  相似文献   

Formation and achievement of heterogenous instrumental reflexes to two consecutive complex stimuli was studied in dogs. Under the action of conditioned complex stimulus tone--Pause--tone, the dogs may be trained not to have a motor response to the first tone presentation, but perform alimentary instrumental reaction only to its repeated administration. Introducing into the experiment not only alimentary but also defensive complex stimulus stone-pause--light resulted in a change in animal's reactions in such a sequence: at first alimentary instrumental reaction was disinhibited under the action of the preparatory stimulus and during the pause, then bieffector responses appeared, further on in most of the dogs motor defensive reactions mainly took place. Trigger stimuli evoked the adequate instrumental reaction.  相似文献   

The role of the prefrontal cortex was investigated on the reaction of the active choice of the two feeders under changes value and probability reinforcement. The experiments were performed on 2 dogs with prefrontal ablation (g. proreus). Before the lesions the dogs were taught to receive food in two different feeders to conditioned stimuli with equally probable alimentary reinforcement. After ablation in the inter-trial intervals the dogs were running from the one feeder to another. In the answer to conditioned stimuli for many times the dogs choose the same feeder. The disturbance of the behavior after some times completely restored. In the experiments with competition of probability events and values of reinforcement the dogs chose the feeder with low-probability but better quality of reinforcement. In the experiments with equal value but different probability the intact dogs chose the feeder with higher probability. In our experiments the dogs with prefrontal lesions chose the each feeder equiprobably. Thus in condition of free behavior one of different functions of the prefrontal cortex is the reactions choose with more probability of reinforcement.  相似文献   

In dogs with electrodes chronically implanted in the hippocampus, the conditioned activity, heart rate frequency and spectral characteristics of the hippocampal theta-rhythm were studied in conditions of irregular presentation after a preparatory stimulus now of alimentary and now of defensive triggering conditioned stimuli. It is shown that uncertainty of alimentary or defensive reinforcement is a stronger emotiogenic factor than the action of the triggering defensive conditioned stimulus. Changes in electrical hippocampal activity and autonomous activity depend, along with other factors, on forecasted volume of the forthcoming motor activity. The speed of instrumental conditioned reflexes formation correlates with the hippocampal theta-rhythm frequency, typical for the given animal.  相似文献   

A reversal of signal meaning of stimuli signalling experimental situation was performed on dogs with conditioned defensive motor reflexes to clicks: clicks and electro-cutaneous stimulation were stopped, and the animals were started to be given food in the same experimental situation. Reversal of conditioned defensive tonic stimuli to alimentary ones led to a complex of behavioral and electrographic reactions. Isolated click tests showed that signals of experimental situation considerably affect a fully-elaborated defensive motor reflex. At the same time the preparatory role of certain situational elements may be specialized with regard to the components of the conditioned reflex, in particular to the local flexor reaction.  相似文献   

Substitution of regular partial reinforcement for random one (in both cases the reinforcement frequency was 50%) acted in some dogs as a neurotizing factor: they showed unrest, stable defensive reflexes disappeared, corresponding changes were observed in vegetative reactions. At the same time activation of the sympatho-adrenal system was recorded along with a drop in concentration of acetylcholine in peripheric blood. It is noted that the development of neurotic disturbances in dogs in these conditions were to a certain degree dependent of the dominating motivation.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the effect of stimulation of the caudate nucleus head in the contralateral hemisphere differs at different stages of achievement of a defensive instrumental habit in dogs. Stimulation preceding the action of the conditioned signal or delivered simultaneously with the beginning of the latter did not change the criteria for the achievement of successive programs of the instrumental defensive reaction. Stimulation of the same areas in the last phase of the instrumental response, as a rule, lead to the cessation of instrumental movement. A conclusion has been drawn that in a defensive situation the inhibitory influence of the caudate nucleus on instrumental behaviour of intact dogs is not so sharply expressed as in experiments with alimentary reinforcement. In dogs with a preliminary ablation of the CI and CII cortical zones of the contralateral hemisphere, stimulation of the caudate nucleus head was attended with a sharp drop in every criterion of the instrumental defensive reactions.  相似文献   

In snails changes of defensive and alimentary behaviour and of reactions of command and modulator neurones of these kinds of behaviour were studied during elaboration of sensitization. After a single action of 50% chinine solution on mollusc's head, a short-term (during 50-70 min) and long-term (hours or days) facilitation was found of animals defensive reactions and responses of command neurones of defensive behaviour to tactile and chemical sensory stimuli. Alimentary behaviour of the snails and reactions of modulator neurones of alimentary behaviour to carrot juice presentation were inhibited in sensitized animals. Dynamics differences of defensive responses to tactile and chemical stimuli in the same sensitized animals were observed. Short-term responses facilitation under sensitization correlated chiefly with depolarization of the membrane potential of defensive behaviour neurones and with an increase of plasmatic membrane excitability. Prolonged facilitation of responses was due mainly to a change of effectiveness of synaptic transmission. The described model of sensitization elaboration can be a base for studying of molecular-cellular mechanisms, underlying the learning.  相似文献   

The behavioral effect of electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus with a current of equal parameters in chronic experiments on dogs depended on the signal significance of the surroundings. Stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus against the background of a defensive situational reflex in dogs which were in an experimental situation for the first time, far from evoking orientation to food and the act of feeding, enhanced the background fear reaction. After transformation of the defensive signal significance of the situation into an alimentary one, stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus began to activate the alimentary instrumental reflex and the act of feeding. However, at first the former was manifested irregularly. Combinations of stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus and achievement of the alimentary instrumental reflex with subsequent reinforcement stabilized and enhanced the alimentary instrumental reflex to the stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Ablation of the orbital cortical zones in dogs after ablation of the basolateral part of the amygdala and the caudate nucleus head considerably impeded the elaboration of secretory conditioned alimentary reflexes, without affecting the rate of elaboration of simple instrumental food-procuring reaction. The dogs lost however the capacity to differentiate non-reinforced stimuli from reinforced ones, which was revealed in both secretory and instrumental reactions.  相似文献   

At comparison of the formation of neurosis in dogs with different typological characteristics in conditions with alimentary and pain reinforcement, a resemblance was revealed of transition from norm to the initial stage of pathology. In strong animals a development was seen of compensatory tachycardia at circular changes of conditioned activity. Weak type dogs are characterized by a lowering or full disappearance of reflexes in combination with bradycardia. The method of differentiation, allowing in situations with alimentary reinforcement to classify the tested animals according to the type of higher nervous activity and differentiate the states of "norm" and "initial stage of neurosis", proved to be effective for the analogous aims also in studies with defensive reinforcement.  相似文献   

In three dogs formation and performance of spatial alimentary natural conditioned responses of the second order was studied when the dog had to find food preliminarily shown to it in one of the four food-distributors (psychonervous activity directed by a food image in terms proposed by I. S. Beritashvili). Characteristics of this form of behaviour were demonstrated and discussed: rapid formation, dependence of performance on the delay time, conflict between responses of the first and the second order. In the second series of the experiments food-procuring behaviour of dogs was studied under conditions of conflict between the quality (value) of alimentary reinforcement and probability of its finding in certain food-distributor. Such kind of behavior was shown to depend on the motivation level and individual characteristics of the dog. Interaction of "informational" (anterior areas of the neocortex, hippocampus) and "motivational" (nuclei of amigdalar complex, hypothalamus) cerebral structures is supposed to underlie the organization of behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary electrical activity of different brain structures (chiefly the hippocampal theta-rhythm) and cardiac and respiratory rhythms were recorded during self-stimulation (SS) in dogs. Emotional-motivational excitation in dogs, preceding SS, is attended with a moderate increase in theta-activity in the hippocampus. The SS period is characterized by desynchronization of the electrical activity, the appearance of high-frequency rhythmics and diminished theta-rhythm. After withdrawal of the pedal, hypersynchronization of the theta-rhythm sets in in most of the structures studied. SS is accompanied by considerable shifts of the cardiac and respiratory rhythms. The dynamics of behavioral, electrophysiological and vegetative shifts during SS in dogs points to a successive involvment of the brain mechanisms of search, positive reinforcement and emotional-negative interruption of the pedal pressing series. Complex interaction of the three mechanisms underlies the external phenomenology of the SS instrumental conditioned reflex.  相似文献   

The impulsive activity of parietal cortex neurons of rabbits during the elaboration and specialisation of switching-over of alimentary and defensive conditioned reflexes has been studied. There are changes of parietal cortex neurons activity correlated with the stages of switching-over elaboration. The significant differences of the background neurons activity and neurons response to the conditional signal during alimentary and defensive conditioned reflexes have been established. The dominant motivation influences the neurons activity by modulation of background and conditioned activity of neurons. The integrative properties of neurons investigated in switching-over situation are revealed in their ability to summarize the excitation coming to the same sensory input with excitation from different motivational and reinforcement systems.  相似文献   

The work is a logical continuation of previous studies (analysis of the background electrical activity in the band 1-100 Hz in interstimulus intervals in the process of lever pressing alimentary conditioning in dogs) and it is dedicated to correlation-spectral analysis of prestimulus periods and EEG-reactions to conditioned stimuli, previous to conditioned lever pressing. Visually the EEG reactions present discharges of high-frequency (40-100 Hz) synchronized activity preceding for 40-300 ms the beginning of the changes in EMG of the "working" limb. It is shown that EEG reactions are characterized (in comparison with the background activity) by a higher energetic level and a greater expression of the high coherence (I greater than 0.75) and also by greater phase shifts, in counterbalance to the domination of little phase shifts in the background activity. It is assumed that the patterns of EEG reactions may participate in trigger mechanisms either eliciting conditioned motor reactions (to positive conditioned stimuli) or preventing them (to inhibitory conditioned stimuli).  相似文献   

During extinction a previously learned behavior stops being reinforced. In addition to the decrease in the rate of the instrumental response, it produces an aversive emotional state known as frustration. This state can be assimilated with the fear reactions that occur after aversive stimuli are introduced at both the physiological and behavioral levels. This study evaluated frustration reactions of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) during a communicative situation involving interactions with a human. The task included the reinforcement and extinction of the gaze response toward the experimenter's face when the dogs tried to obtain inaccessible food. The dog's frustration reactions during extinction involved an increase in withdrawal and side orientation to the location of the human as well as lying down, ambulation, sniffing, and vocalizations compared with the last acquisition trial. These results are especially relevant for domestic dog training situations in which the extinction technique is commonly used to discourage undesirable behaviors.  相似文献   

The method of "low choice" of food value reinforcement depending on delayed response to its reception demonstrated various strategy of behaviour, showing short or delayed responses of pressing pedal for reception of low or high value of food reinforcement. In trained cats, multiunit activity was recorded in investigated brain areas and functional interneuron interactions were subsequently analysed. Significant prevalence of interneuron interactions was revealed in "impulsive" animals in both cortical zones as well as intergroup differences during the pre-signal and signal periods in visual and frontal cortex.  相似文献   

The influence of cAMP analogue 8-Br-cAMP on conditioning was studied in white rats. Two models of learning were used with different kinds of reinforcement, i. e. conditioned active avoidance and instrumental alimentary reactions in a complex maze. Intraventricular 8-Br-cAMP injection 4 or 24 hours before the beginning of learning improved the process of defensive as well as alimentary conditioning. Characteristics of formation of complex behaviour of experimental rats in a maze showed that under the influence of 8-Br-cAMP, not only conditioning was accelerated, but the process of optimal decision making itself was changed. The data obtained permit to suppose that 8-Br-cAMP first of all affects initially poorly learning rats.  相似文献   

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