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Barnacles were sampled from various microhabitats in the rocky intertidal at multiple sites in two years. At sites in which there were large differences among microhabitats in temperature profiles, Mpi genotype frequencies were consistently and significantly different. Genotype frequencies for another allozyme locus (Gpi) as well as a DNA marker shown to be neutral (the mtDNA control region) were statistically homogeneous among thermal microhabitats at all sites in both years. The data indicate that temperature and/or desiccation mediated selection is operating at Mpi or a linked locus and that Mpi genotypes experience differential mortality in the various habitat types. If the relative fitness of genotypes is dependent on habitat type, the Mpi polymorphism may be actively maintained by a Levene model of balancing selection (Levene 1953). Because barnacle larvae are produced in abundance each year and spend five to eight weeks dispersing in the water column, there is little opportunity for the accumulation of adaptive divergence over the environmental grain size relevant in intertidal habitats. The Mpi polymorphism may be an important component of a suite of traits involved in the adaptation of barnacles to heterogeneous environments. Due to the relatively high concentration of mannose in a variety of algal groups, the metabolism of mannose may substantially affect individual performance and fitness in this and other species that feed on algae and phytoplankton. Because the Mpi locus is one of the most strongly polymorphic in marine organisms, these findings may be relevant for a diversity of other such species.  相似文献   

Acorn barnacle adults experience environmental heterogeneity at various spatial scales of their circumboreal habitat, raising the question of how adaptation to high environmental variability is maintained in the face of strong juvenile dispersal and mortality. Here, we show that 4% of genes in the barnacle genome experience balancing selection across the entire range of the species. Many of these genes harbor mutations maintained across 2 My of evolution between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. These genes are involved in ion regulation, pain reception, and heat tolerance, functions which are essential in highly variable ecosystems. The data also reveal complex population structure within and between basins, driven by the trans-Arctic interchange and the last glaciation. Divergence between Atlantic and Pacific populations is high, foreshadowing the onset of allopatric speciation, and suggesting that balancing selection is strong enough to maintain functional variation for millions of years in the face of complex demography.  相似文献   

On the unstable sedimentary tidal flats of the Wadden Sea, a suitable attachment substrate for sessile organisms is generally lacking. Epibenthic mussel beds (Mytilus edulis L.) provide the only and strongly limited settlement sites available for the barnacle, Semibalanus balanoides (L.). Field investigations showed that barnacles were non-randomly distributed within a mussel bed. They preferentially occurred near the siphonal apertures of living mussels but rarely grew on dead mussels or shell fragments. Field experiments revealed that this was due to selective settlement of barnacle cyprid larvae. Growth of barnacles was significantly higher upon living mussels than on empty mussel shells. Moreover, a higher reproductive output was obtained by individuals on living mussels which produced twice as many nauplii larvae than barnacles attached to empty shells. This study shows that selective settlement of S. balanoides cyprid larvae on living mussels is adaptive with respect to individual fitness. Received in revised form: 15 January 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Larval supply and settlement of Semibalanus balanoides (L.) on a semi-exposed wave-swept shore in E Scotland were assessed by means of a new larval trap design. Two midshore sites were utilised throughout the peak of the 2001 settlement season (May 11–June 3). Larval supply was quantified by 176 ml baffled cylinder traps filled with a 4-M killing solution of urea in seawater. Larval trap washout of urea typically ranged from 25% per day under minimal wave action to a maximum of 39% under heavy wave action during an onshore gale. The maximum capture for a single trap was 334 cyprids over one tide. Significant and consistent positional effects, both on urea retention and larval capture, were found for replicate traps separated by 9 cm. These indicated fine-scale variations in hydrodynamic flow and larval supply over the substratum which will have implications for the quantification of spatial heterogeneity of larval input to the benthos. The retention of urea and larval capture efficiency generally were not compromised by traps being serviced daily, as opposed to tidally, except perhaps for captures at very low larval densities. Larval supply measured on a tidal basis was strongly correlated between sites (r=0.975), but supply at Site C was 5× that at Site T: the reduction at Site T could not be explained by its slightly shorter immersion time and hence ‘availability’ of cyprids alone. At Site C settlement was quantified for 5×5 cm quadrats of natural substratum cleared daily. Settlement on these clearances (subject to possible grazing by limpets) was quantified only from May 20–June 3, after the peak of larval supply on May 17, and the variation in larval supply explained 65% of the variance in settlement. The larval supply/settlement relationship at Site T was quantified using grooved acrylic panels. A high correlation coefficient (0.961) was obtained for the daily supply/settlement relationship for these panels over the period May 15–June 3, which included the peak of supply. Larval supply varied up to 15-fold within a site on consecutive tides and up to 100-fold between sites on the same tide. Although further improvements to both the larval trap and the settlement panels can be made, this larval trap does appear capable of providing high-resolution data on tidal or daily larval supply over a wide range of wave conditions and larval concentrations.  相似文献   


Many temperate marine organisms, including the boreo‐arctic barnacle Semibalanus balanoides, have well‐delineated reproductive seasons. The aim of this study was to examine the consequences of small changes in deployment time of settlement experiments within such a settlement season upon long term demographic parameters. Repeat deployments of settlement tiles were made at 1‐week intervals for six weeks during the April 1996 S. balanoides settlement season in the Clyde Sea, UK. The colonies were harvested in November 1996 and density, mortality, fecundity, morphology, and dry weight of eggs, somatic tissue and shell determined. There were non‐linear relationships between density (D) and deployment time (W) (D = 1.11+1.38W‐0.24W 2), and between morphology (M) and deployment time (M = 21.2 + 0.54W‐0.13W 2). There were linear relationships between mortality (L) and deployment time (L = 61.49 ‐ 7.99 W), body weight (B) and deployment time (B = 0.0050 + 0.0012W), shell (S) dry weight and deployment time (S = 0.17 + 0.02W). Egg dry weight did not vary significantly with deployment time. This study demonstrates how small changes in deployment time of settlement can have substantial consequences on the long‐term demographic processes within single species populations. The relationships between deployment, density and other demographic parameters are discussed, as are strategies for dealing with the confounding effects of reproduction.  相似文献   

Acorn barnacles are important model organisms for the study of sex allocation. They are sessile, nonselfing hermaphrodites that copulate with penises that have been suggested to be phenotypically plastic. On wave-exposed shores, Semibalanus balanoides develop penises with relatively greater diameter whereas in wave-protected sites they are thinner. A reciprocal transplant experiment between wave-exposed and protected sites tested whether these exposure-specific morphologies have adaptive value. Mating success was compared over a range of distances to compare the ability of barnacles to reach mates. Barnacles that grew in the wave-protected site and mated in the wave-protected site fertilized more broods at increasing distances than those transplanted to the wave-exposed site. For barnacles that developed in the wave-exposed site, there was no difference in the ability to fertilize neighbors between sites of differing exposure. This study demonstrates the adaptive value of plasticity in penis morphology. The results suggest a trade-off between development of a penis adapted to wave exposure and the ability to fertilize distant mates. Barnacles in different physical environments are limited by different factors, which may limit numbers of potential mates, constrain optimal sex allocation strategies and alter reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract In reciprocal transplant experiments, Bertness and Gaines (1993) found that Semibalanus balanoides juveniles that had settled in an upper Narragansett Bay estuary survived better in that estuary that did juveniles from coastal localities. The observed pattern of survivorship led to the claim that local adaptation may result from a combination of limited gene flow between and strong selection within these habitats. Here we test the hypothesis that limited gene flow has led to habitat‐specific population differentiation using sequence and restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses of the mitochondrial DNA D‐loop region of S. balanoides. Samples were analyzed from replicated coastal and estuary localities in both Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, and Damariscotta River, Maine. The patterns of FST indicate that gene flow between coast and estuary is extensive (Nm > 100) and is not lower in the estuary with lower flushing rates (Narragansett Bay). Given the high estimate of genetic exchange, adaptations for unpredictable environments seem more likely than local adaptation in this species because loci that respond to selection in one generation are essentially homogenized by the next seasons' settlement. Nevertheless, these estimates of neutral gene flow can help identify the strength of selection necessary for local adaptation to accumulate in Semibalanus.  相似文献   

Many marine invertebrate larvae respond behaviourally to environmental settlement cues, yet behaviours are often only inferred from settlement patterns or are limited to laboratory studies. The behaviour of wild cypris larvae of Semibalanus balanoides L. was filmed on settlement tiles in the field. Tiles were of five different textures with a nested treatment of crude conspecific adult extract (AE). The effects of texture and AE on eleven defined behaviours were analysed. Texture affected the gross and net exploratory distances, velocity, acceleration and time spent exploring. AE attracted more cyprids during the first minute of immersion and increased the time spent on surfaces. Relatively few arrivals that either travel far and fast, or exit the surface rapidly, may indicate a lower chance of settlement. An increase in time spent on a surface may increase the probability of being in contact with the surface when the sign stimulus to settle occurs.  相似文献   


The aim of this work was to develop techniques for the real time filming of Semibalanus balanoides cyprid larvae in the field in order to describe the exploratory behaviour of S. balanoides cyprids under natural field conditions. The underwater camera system consisted of a high resolution, remotely controlled colour camera attached to a cradle which could be deployed from a pier. A light utilising a battery of far‐red light‐emitting diodes (λmin = 615 nm) was used for filming at night. Transparent acrylic treated with barnacle settlement factor and smooth green polyester tiles were used as targets. From the films the tracks of the exploring cyprids were digitised from the 30 min trials. During five, 30 min trials a total of 1014 cyprids explored the surface. The numbers of cyprids exploring the surface varied from 49 to 522 cyprids per trial, and a Monte‐Carlo randomisation model showed that larval supply was random or aggregated. The mean exploration time spent on the target was 163 s with a mean distance travelled on the target of 8.5 cm. Exploratory track length was related to water current velocity by a negative curvilinear regression (R2 = 0.92, F = 45.65, p < 0.05). There were significant differences in exploratory behaviour between day and night for total distance travelled (p < 0.001), straight line distance (p < 0.001) and velocity (p < 0.001) and the mean heading angle of the exploratory track (p < 0.01). The results are discussed in relation to settlement patterns and the screening of antifouling surfaces.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory for simultaneous hermaphrodites predicts increases in relative allocation to male-specific function as competition for fertilizations increases. Theoretical models developed specifically for competing acorn barnacles predict that the proportional allocation to male function increases toward an asymptote of 50% as the number of competitors for fertilizations increases. Experimental manipulations were used to investigate how mate competition affected both relative and absolute allocation to the sex functions for two species of acorn barnacle: Semibalanus balanoides and Balanus glandula. The ratio of male to female allocation did not increase with the number of competitors for either species. However, both species showed increased allocation to male function (estimated as total mass of sex-specific tissues) with increased crowding. Allocation to female function seemed to be limited by other factors and did not vary with mating group size as predicted. Allocation to male and female function were both positively related to body size, but a trade-off between male and female function, a key assumption of prior models, was not observed.  相似文献   


A major driving force to mechanistic studies of barnacle gregarious settlement is to contribute to an understanding of observed patterns of settlement in nature. In particular, how cyprids perceive adult conspecifics and how they discriminate between conspecific and allospecific barnacles are questions which have taxed researchers for nearly 50 years. The putative, active component of adult barnacles to which the cyprids respond has long been known to be a glycoprotein, referred to here as the settlement‐inducing protein complex (SIPC). The present study examines the discriminatory abilities of laboratory‐reared Balanus amphitrite and wild Semibalanus balanoides cyprids at settlement. Using a recently developed nitrocellulose membrane‐choice settlement assay, laboratory studies revealed that both species settled at a significantly higher rate on regions of membrane on which crude conspecific SIPC had been adsorbed compared to untreated regions. Moreover, when offered a choice between conspecific and allospecific SIPC, a trend to greater settlement on the conspecific regions was observed. The membrane assay was also evaluated in field trials using real‐time video footage of cyprid searching behaviour. Of 211 S. balanoides cyprids recorded during exploratory behaviour, only one settled. Exploratory behaviour was, however, clearly associated with regions of the membrane treated with either conspecific or allospecific (B. Amphitrite) SIPC compared to untreated regions. These results are generally in accord with previous reports on the discriminatory abilities of barnacle cyprids and suggest that the membrane assay may be usefully applied to field studies of settlement behaviour.  相似文献   

Aim Marine sessile inter‐tidal invertebrates are expected to undergo shifts in distribution due to climate change. Using a combination of survey and transplant data with thermal modelling, we investigated the role of climate on the poleward contraction of the southern range edge of the north temperate barnacle Semibalanus balanoides. Location Western Atlantic of the United States. Methods Barnacle surveys were conducted along the east coast of the United States in 1963 and 2007. Presence, absence and abundance data were collected and the time periods were compared. Transplant experiments monitoring survival with relation to temperature were conducted upon S. balanoides along the more southerly portion of their range, and modelling predicting barnacle survival with relation to biogeography was completed. Results The southern limit of S. balanoides has contracted approximately 350 km to the north. Main conclusions The changes thus far observed in climate along the east coast of the United States have contributed to the southern limit range contraction of S. balanoides. Further changes in the biogeography of S. balanoides are expected with continued climate warming.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns in aggregations form as a result of the interplay between costs and benefits experienced by individuals. Such self-organisation of aggregations can be explained using a zonal model in which a short-range zone of repulsion and longer-range zone of attraction surrounding individuals leads to emergent pattern properties. The signal of these processes can be detected using spatial pattern analyses. Furthermore, in sessile organisms, post-settlement mortality reveals the relative costs and benefits of positions within the aggregation. Acorn barnacles are known to require contact with conspecifics for reproduction and are therefore believed to aggregate for this purpose; isolated individuals may also be more susceptible to abiotic stress and predation. At short distances, however, competition for space and resources is likely to occur. In this study spatial patterns of barnacles (Semibalanus balanoides L.) were analysed using pair-correlation functions. Individuals were dispersed at distances below 0.30 cm, but peak relative density occurred at a distance of 0.36 cm from conspecifics. This is much closer than required for reproductive access, implying a strong aggregative drive, up to the point of physical contact with neighbours. Nevertheless, analysis of dead barnacles illustrated that such proximity carries a cost as barnacles with many neighbours were more likely to have died. The inferences obtained from these patterns are that barnacles aggregate as closely as they can, and that local neighbourhood competition is a powerful determinant of mortality. These processes give rise to the observed pattern properties.  相似文献   

Using a heuristic separation-of-time-scales argument, we describe the behavior of the conditional ancestral selection graph with very strong balancing selection between a pair of alleles. In the limit as the strength of selection tends to infinity, we find that the ancestral process converges to a neutral structured coalescent, with two subpopulations representing the two alleles and mutation playing the role of migration. This agrees with a previous result of Kaplan et al., obtained using a different approach. We present the results of computer simulations to support our heuristic mathematical results. We also present a more rigorous demonstration that the neutral conditional ancestral process converges to the Kingman coalescent in the limit as the mutation rate tends to infinity.  相似文献   

Temporally varying selection is known to maintain genetic polymorphism under certain restricted conditions. However, if part of a population can escape from selective pressure, a condition called the “storage effect” is produced, which greatly promotes balanced polymorphism. We investigate whether seasonally fluctuating selection can maintain polymorphism at multiple loci, if cyclically fluctuating selection is not acting on a subpopulation called a “refuge.” A phenotype with a seasonally oscillating optimum is determined by alleles at multiple sites, across which the effects of mutations on phenotype are distributed randomly. This model resulted in long‐term polymorphism at multiple sites, during which allele frequencies oscillate heavily, greatly increasing the level of nonneutral polymorphism. The level of polymorphism at linked neutral sites was either higher or lower than expected for unlinked neutral loci. Overall, these results suggest that for a protein‐coding sequence, the nonsynonymous‐to‐synonymous ratio of polymorphism may exceed one. In addition, under randomly perturbed environmental oscillation, different sets of sites may take turns harboring long‐term polymorphism, thus making trans‐species polymorphism (which has been predicted as a classical signature of balancing selection) less likely.  相似文献   

Existing inference methods for estimating the strength of balancing selection in multi-locus genotypes rely on the assumption that there are no epistatic interactions between loci. Complex systems in which balancing selection is prevalent, such as sets of human immune system genes, are known to contain components that interact epistatically. Therefore, current methods may not produce reliable inference on the strength of selection at these loci. In this paper, we address this problem by presenting statistical methods that can account for epistatic interactions in making inference about balancing selection. A theoretical result due to Fearnhead (2006) is used to build a multi-locus Wright-Fisher model of balancing selection, allowing for epistatic interactions among loci. Antagonistic and synergistic types of interactions are examined. The joint posterior distribution of the selection and mutation parameters is sampled by Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, and the plausibility of models is assessed via Bayes factors. As a component of the inference process, an algorithm to generate multi-locus allele frequencies under balancing selection models with epistasis is also presented. Recent evidence on interactions among a set of human immune system genes is introduced as a motivating biological system for the epistatic model, and data on these genes are used to demonstrate the methods.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea , exhibits a flower color polymorphism at the W locus throughout the southeastern North America. The W locus controls whether flowers will be darkly pigmented ( WW ), lightly pigmented ( Ww ), or white with pigmented rays ( ww ). In this report, we describe results of a perturbation, or convergence, experiment using five plots designed to determine whether balancing selection operates on the W locus. The pattern of gene frequency changes obtained are indicative of balancing selection operating at the W locus, providing direct evidence that both the alleles are actively maintained by selection.  相似文献   

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