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1. With the aid of a coupled system involving glutathione reductase, the reaction of glutathione with the disulphide bonds of purified proteins has been studied. 2. Bovine serum albumin, conalbumin, lysozyme, trypsin inhibitors from egg white, lima bean and soya bean either did not react with glutathione or reacted only slightly. With these proteins reactivity was markedly increased by limited proteolysis. 3. Bovine and human gamma-globulins, fibrinogen and beta-lactoglobulin exhibited some reactivity (less than 15%) with glutathione and again this was increased by limited proteolysis. Pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin exhibited greater reactivity than the proteins previously mentioned. Di-isopropylphosphoryl-chymotrypsin exhibited less reactivity than chymotrypsin, suggesting that autolysis under the experimental conditions used contributed towards the reactivity of this protein. Proteolysis also increased the reactivity of these proteins. The three disulphide bonds of insulin were reduced by glutathione. 4. Above 35 degrees the disulphide bonds of serum albumin show a progressive increase in reactivity and at 55 degrees half of the bonds become accessible to glutathione. 5. From the results obtained with the proteins investigated, the conclusion reached is that the disulphide bonds of native proteins are structurally protected and do not react with glutathione under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

It has been recently concluded that the hydrophobic effect, hitherto regarded as a major driving force in the folding of proteins, destabilizes the folded state relative to the unfolded state. We summarize the properties of the hydrophobic effect obtained from solvent transfer experiments and show that the recent conclusion is an artifact of crosslinking in the unfolded state, caused by disulphide bonds, metals or cofactors. We show that, for the proteins in the data set, crosslinks surprisingly destabilize folded structures entropically, but stabilize them enthalpically to a greater extent. We also calculate non-polar surface areas of these unfolded proteins. These surface areas are decreased by crosslinks. The unfolded state of proteins lacking constraints, such as myoglobin, is well approximated by a mixture of residues containing alpha-helical and beta-sheet dihedral angles. Surface areas of unfolded proteins cannot be obtained by summing the surface areas of individual residues, since this ignores any unavoidable side-chain-side-chain interactions.  相似文献   

Erabutoxin a was partially hydrolysed with enzymes and sulphuric acid and the resulting peptides were separated from each other by column chromatography and paper electrophoresis. From the results of amino acid analyses of the sulphur-containing peptides and their oxidized components, all four disulphide bridges in the toxin molecule were located. The disulphide bonds were found between half-cystine residues at positions 3 and 24, 17 and 41, 43 and 54, and 55 and 60 from the N-terminus.  相似文献   

Previous work indicates that a dimer of Cd-thionein (Cd-bp-D, 19,000 MW) is involved in the hereditary resistance to Cd-embryotoxicity seen in the inbred NAW/Pr (NAW) mouse strain. Cd-bp-D is not detected in virgin females after Cd exposure and is detected only after the first 24 hours of exposure to Cd in an inbred strain (C57BL/10ChPr) susceptible to Cd-induced embryotoxicity (Wolkowski, '74; Wolkowski-Tyl, '78). Since progesterone (P) is critical for maintenance of pregnancy in mice, we have studied the possible relationship between this hormone and Cd-bp-D production. As a model system, was examined effects of Cd treatment on Cd-bp synthesis in NAW males. It was anticipated that this model could provide information bearing not only on the relationship between P and Cd-bp-D production, but also on that between Cd-bp-D and Cd toxicity, since a single sc injection of CdCl2 causes typical testicular hemorrhagic necrosis in NAW males, and these animals make only metallothionein and not Cd-bp-D. NAW males were, therefore, given P (0.1 g/Kg bw) and then exposed to Cd. Sephadex gel chromatography (G-200) of liver cytosol from animals killed 24 hours later detected only Cd-bp-D. Testes of these males did not show hemorrhagic necrosis. Since the adrenals of male mammals release P in response to stress, NAW males were stressed by repeated sesame oil or propylene glycol injections (5 ml/Kg bw), or the adrenal was stimulated directly with injections of ACTH (100 IU/Kg bw) for seven days prior to Cd exposure. All methods tested which significantly elevated serum P levels (as confirmed by radioimmunoassay), also resulted in production of Cd-bp-D and absence of testicular hemorrhage in Cd-treated NAW males. Suppression of P release by injection of dexamethazone or corticosterone or by adrenalectomy resulted in testicular hemorrhage and production of only metalicthionein after Cd exposure. The relevance of the interaction between P, Cd-bp-D and protection against Cd-induced toxicity seen in the model system was supported by analysis of serum P levels in pregnant females; elevated levels were seen in resistant (NAW dams on day 10 of gestation and significantly lower levels seen in dams from a Cd-sensitive strain.  相似文献   

Coeliac disease is characterised by inflammation of small intestinal mucosa accompanied by abnormal villous architecture. It is now accepted that some patients with positive coeliac serology tests may have minor mucosal lesions that may not be apparent on routine histopathological analysis. The aim of the study was to perform detailed examination of enterocyte morphology and cytoskeletal structures using a high content analysis technology. Duodenal biopsies from 14 untreated and 10 treated coeliac patients and from 20 non-coeliac controls were examined. Tissue sections from six patients (study group subjects) before and after the development of gluten-sensitive enteropathy were also investigated. Immunohistochemical studies were performed on paraffin-embedded sections using an anti-α-tubulin antibody. Significant differences in enterocyte morphology and intracellular cytoskeletal structures were demonstrated in patients with proven coeliac disease and in the study group subjects. These changes were present in study group biopsies before evidence of enteropathy, as assessed by routine microscopy. This is the first study to demonstrate detailed characteristics of enterocyte morphology in coeliac patients using a high content analysis approach. The use of this technology allows a quantitative analysis of enterocyte intracellular structures from routine biopsy material and permits detection of subtle changes that precede the characteristic histological lesion.  相似文献   

The locations of the six disulphide bonds and the single free cysteine residue in a variant surface glycoprotein, VSG 117, from the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei have been determined to be Cys-14--Cys-140, Cys-121--Cys-182, Cys-389--Cys-404, Cys-398--417, Cys-447--Cys-461 and Cys-455--Cys-468. Cys-244 bears the single thiol group, which is unreactive towards 2-nitro-5-thiocyanobenzoate in the native molecule and is probably buried. Biosynthetically incorporated [35S]cysteine aided the location of the disulphide bonds. Two proteinase-resistant glycosylated domains, each containing two disulphide bonds, were identified in the C-terminal region of the glycoprotein. Details of purification of [35S]cysteine-containing peptides, and Tables of amino acid analyses, are presented in Supplementary Publication SUP 50119 (32 pages), which has been deposited with the British Library Lending Division, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ, U.K., from whom copies can be obtained on the terms indicated in Biochem. J. (1981) 193,5.  相似文献   

Acetic-acid-soluble storage proteins from gluten of the bread wheat cv. Sprint 3 were fractionated by adsorption chromatography on 2000 Å controlled-pore glass (CPG) beads, and glutenin polymers with molecular mass higher than 107 Da and free from monomeric gliadins were recovered. The glutenin polymers were found to consist of high-molecular-weight (HMW) and low-molecular-weight (LMW) glutenin subunits. Peptic-tryptic (PT) digests of glutenins were examined for their agglutination activity on human myelogenous leukemia K 562(S) cells, agglutination being strongly correlated with toxicity for the celiac intestine. The peptide fraction at a concentration of 1 g/L of culture medium was able to agglutinate 30% of K 562(S) cells, suggesting a moderate toxic effect. This toxicity may be accounted for by homologies in amino acid sequences between glutenin subunits and α/β-and γ-gliadins. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This is a translation of a report on the Registry of Cytotoxicity (RC), originally published in German in 1998. The report presented an advanced in vitro method, which can significantly reduce the number of animals needed for the toxicity testing of a broad range of compounds/xenobiotics. With the RC method, it was possible to predict the oral or intravenous acute toxicity (LD50)--which is a regulatory requirement for newly developed pharmaceuticals and industrial and household chemicals--from the cytotoxicity data (mean IC50 = IC50X) obtained with mammalian cells. The RC method can be used before the in vivo test, and it does not pose any additional harm or suffering to laboratory animals. The RC method is of broad practical use: it can be applied, for example, in the pharmaceutical industry or the chemical industry in regulatory testing or in research. It is ready for validation, and could then be incorporated into OECD guidelines, thus reducing the total number of animals needed for regulatory toxicity testing. The RC method is based on the comparison of the IC50X values and the LD50 values by using linear regression analysis. With the RC method, it was possible to predict, within a predefined dose range, the acute oral LD50 for 252 of 347 xenobiotics, and the intravenous LD50 for rats and/or mice for 117 of 150 xenobiotics. Comparative studies showed that these results are highly reproducible.  相似文献   

Shan J  Mehler EL 《Proteins》2011,79(12):3346-3355
The MM-SCP has been applied to predict pK(a) values of titratable residues in wild type and mutants of staphylococcal nuclease (SNase). The calculations were based on crystal structures made available by the Garcia-Moreno Laboratory. In the mutants, mostly deeply buried hydrophobic residues were replaced with ionizable residues, and thus their pK(a) values could be measured and calculated using various methods. The data set used here consisted of a set of WT SNase for which His pK(a) at several ionic strengths had been measured, a set of mutants for which measured pK(a) were available and a set of 11 mutants for which the measured pK(a) were not known at the time of calculation. For this latter set, blind predictions were submitted to the protein pK(a) cooperative, 2009 workshop at Telluride, where the results of the blind predictions were discussed (the RMSD of the submitted set was 1.10 pH units). The calculations on the structures with known pK(a) indicated that in addition to weaknesses of the method, structural issues were observed that led to larger errors (>1) in pK(a) predictions. For example, different crystallographic conditions or steric clashes can lead to differences in the local environment around the titratable residue, which can produce large differences in the calculated pK(a) . To gain further insight into the reliability of the MM-SCP, pK(a) of an extended set of 54 proteins belonging to several structural classes were carried out. Here some initial results from this study are reported to help place the SNase results in the appropriate context.  相似文献   

Plant chloroplasts are promising vehicles for recombinant protein production, but the process of protein folding in these organelles is not well understood in comparison with that in prokaryotic systems, such as Escherichia coli . This is particularly true for disulphide bond formation which is crucial for the biological activity of many therapeutic proteins. We have investigated the capacity of tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) chloroplasts to efficiently form disulphide bonds in proteins by expressing in this plant cell organelle a well-known bacterial enzyme, alkaline phosphatase, whose activity and stability strictly depend on the correct formation of two intramolecular disulphide bonds. Plastid transformants have been generated that express either the mature enzyme, localized in the stroma, or the full-length coding region, including its signal peptide. The latter has the potential to direct the recombinant alkaline phosphatase into the lumen of thylakoids, giving access to this even less well-characterized organellar compartment. We show that the chloroplast stroma supports the formation of an active enzyme, unlike a normal bacterial cytosol. Sorting of alkaline phosphatase to the thylakoid lumen occurs in the plastid transformants translating the full-length coding region, and leads to larger amounts and more active enzyme. These results are compared with those obtained in bacteria. The implications of these findings on protein folding properties and competency of chloroplasts for disulphide bond formation are discussed.  相似文献   

Coeliac disease is a life-long disorder characterised by small-intestinal mucosal damage caused by gluten. The treatment, gluten-free diet, leads to mucosal restoration and reduces the risk of malignant and non-malignant complications. According to our recent results, cumulative incidence in Croatian children is 1:519 life-births. Coeliac disease presents early, mostly with typical symptoms. We investigated possible influences of breast-feeding duration and time of gluten introduction on such presentation of the disease. Study included coeliacs born in Medimurje between 1985 and 1994 (N = 31). Patients' adherence to treatment was also studied. Although short breast-feeding (mean 2.9 months) and early gluten introduction (mean 4.9 months) were shown, no correlation was found between those factors and time of the disease presentation. Concerning adherence to gluten-free diet, only 50% of patients maintained it strictly, 23% irregularly, while 27% were on normal diet. In order to improve it, regular follow-ups are recommended.  相似文献   

The present study reports a detailed investigation into the interaction of [Cr(phen)2(dppz)]3+ and [Cr(phen)3]3+ with transferrin, the key protein for the transport of Fe3+ in blood plasma; its cycle holds promise as an attractive system for strategies of drug targeting to tumor tissues. This can allow us to understand further the role of both complexes as sensitizers in photodynamic therapy (PDT). Chromium(III) complexes, [Cr(phen)2(dppz)]3+ and [Cr(phen)3]3+, (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline and dppz = dipyridophenazine), where dppz is a planar bidentate ligand with an extended π system, have been found to bind strongly with apotransferrin (apoTf) with an intrinsic binding constant, Kb, of (1.8 ± 0.3) × 105 M− 1 and (1.1 ± 0.1) × 105 M− 1 at 299 K, for apoTf-[Cr(phen)2(dppz)]3+ and apoTf-[Cr(phen)3]3+, respectively. The interactions of apoTf with the different Cr(III) complexes were assessed employing UV-visible absorption, fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The relative fluorescence intensity of the protein decreased when the increasing concentration of Cr(III) complex was added, suggesting that perturbation around the Trp and Tyr residues took place. The analysis of the thermodynamic parameters ΔG, ΔH, ΔS indicated that the presence of the Cr(III) complex stabilizes the protein with a strong entropic contribution. The binding distances and transfer efficiencies for apoTf-[Cr(phen)2(dppz)]3+ and apoTf-[Cr(phen)3]3+ binding reactions were calculated according to Föster theory of non-radiation energy transfer. All these experimental results suggest that [Cr(phen)2(dppz)]3+ and [Cr(phen)3]3+ bind strongly to apoTf indicating that this protein could act as a carrier of these complexes for further applications in PDT.  相似文献   

In addition to many small molecular mass sweeteners there are in nature a few sweet proteins. The molecular volume of sweet proteins is so different from that of common sweeteners that it was difficult to understand how molecules as large as proteins can activate a receptor designed to host small molecules. We have recently shown that sweet proteins can activate the sweet receptor by a mechanism of interaction, called 'wedge model", in which proteins fit a large cavity of the receptor with wedge-shaped surfaces of their structures. In order to substantiate this model we have designed, expressed and characterized seven mutants of MNEI, a single chain monellin. Three uncharged residues of the interaction surface, Met42, Tyr63 and Tyr65, were changed either into acidic or basic residues whereas Asp68, a key acidic residue, was changed into a basic one. As a general trend, we observe that an increase of the negative charge is much more detrimental for sweetness than an increase of positive charge. In addition we show that by a careful choice of a residue at the center of the interface between MNEI and receptor, it is possible even to increase the sweetness of MNEI. These results are fully consistent with the wedge model.  相似文献   

An efficient strategy for the synthesis of orexin A, a recently discovered neuropeptide with two intramolecular disulphide bonds, was developed. Four different methods for the synthesis of peptides containing two disulphide bonds were compared and optimized with respect to reaction time, purity of the crude peptide and yield of the purified peptide. A new one-step cyclization method in solution is presented for fast, easy and high yield synthesis of orexin A, based on iodine oxidation in acetic acid/water and S-acetamidomethyl (S-Acm) and S-trityl (S-Trt) for side-chain protection of cysteine. Disulphide formation without selective side-chain protection leads to the formation of different mono- and bicyclic configurations of orexin A. These data stress the requirement of selective cysteine side-chain protection in the synthesis of orexin A.  相似文献   

Disulphide bonds contribute significantly to the maintenance of structural/functional integrity of many proteins. Therefore it was of interest to study the distribution and the effect of disulphides on conformation of complement components C3 and C4. These proteins are precursors of several fragments with various binding sites and distinct physiological functions. The constituents of C3c (beta, alpha 27, alpha 43) and those of C4c (beta, alpha 27, alpha 16, gamma) were investigated, since other fragments of C3 or C4 do not participate in interchain linkages. Inter-and intra-chain disulphide bonds in C3c and C4c were localized by using a modification of conventional SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate)/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis such that the change in mobility of disulphide-bond-containing proteins can be detected throughout the transition from a non-reduced to a fully reduced state. Several forms of the alpha 43 fragment from C3, and of the gamma-chain of C4, with different mobilities can exist, depending on the number of intra-chain disulphide bonds reduced. The intermediates (heterodimers) generated by a partial reduction of C3c or C4c were characterized by two-dimensional SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis performed in the absence, then in the presence, of beta-mercaptoethanol. The inter-chain linkages in C3c were determined to be beta-alpha 27 and alpha 27- alpha 43, thus indicating the presence of only one interchain bond in C3. The two interchain bonds in C4c are beta-alpha 27 and alpha 16-gamma. The third interchain bond in C4 (alpha 27-gamma, tentative) remains to be determined.  相似文献   

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