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We have examined the role of Ia-positive and Ia-negative accessory cells (AC) and soluble factors in Con A-stimulated murine T cell activation. Supernatant fluids containing interleukin 1 (IL 1) derived from the P388D1 macrophage cell line and from a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophage hybridoma provided only partial reconstitution of the response of purified T cells (18 to 27%). The complete reconstitution obtained with gamma-irradiated spleen cells or LPS-activated B cells was inhibited by approximately 60 to 77% when anti-Ia antibody was included in the culture. Despite this apparent involvement of Ia+ spleen AC, Ia-negative L cell AC could also reconstitute the response of both Class I-restricted Lyt-2+ T cells and Class II-restricted L3T4+ T cells. When the Ia-negative AC were employed, the L3T4 antigen on L3T4+ T cells played a critical role because addition of anti-L3T4 antibody to the culture inhibited the response by 85 to 90%. In contrast, anti-L3T4 did not inhibit the response in the presence of spleen AC. These results suggest that the molecules involved in T cell-AC interactions may vary depending on the AC source. Moreover, at least one of the putative target ligands for L3T4 presumably is not Ia, because anti-L3T4 inhibited T cell stimulation when Ia-negative AC were used.  相似文献   

Separation of three class II antigens from a homozygous human B cell line   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Three class II molecules were isolated from a homozygous DRw6 human B lymphoblastoid cell line using the monoclonal antibodies L243 (L203), L227, LKT 111, and Genox 3.53. Two of the antigens appeared to employ the same heavy chain but expressed different light chains. The two light chains were separated after denaturation using L227 and LKT 111. One or both of these two molecules carried the DRw6 and MT2 determinants. The third class II antigen expressed the DC1 determinant. It was composed of a heavy and light chain different from the DR-like antigen subunits. The antibodies L243, L227, and LKT 111 did not preclear the cell lysate of the DC1 antigen recognized by Genox 3.53. However, a xenoanti-DR serum immunoprecipitated both the DR-like and the DC1 antigens. Thus, in total, one cell line can express at least two class II heavy chains and three class II light chains. This observation was not unique to this cell line.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of B cell Ag presentation in homeostasis of the memory B cell compartment in a mouse model where a conditional allele for the beta-chain of MHC class II (MHC-II) is deleted in the vast majority of all B cells by cd19 promoter-mediated expression of Cre recombinase (IA-B mice). Upon T cell-dependent immunization, a small number of MHC-II(+) B cells in IA-B mice dramatically expanded and restored normal albeit delayed levels of germinal center (GC) B cells with an affinity-enhancing somatic mutation to Ag. IA-B mice also established normal levels of MHC-II(+) memory B cells, which, however, subsequently lost MHC-II expression by ongoing deletion of the conditional iab allele without significant loss in their number. Furthermore, in vivo Ag restimulation of MHC-II(-) memory B cells of IA-B mice failed to cause differentiation into plasma cells (PCs), even in the presence of Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells. In addition, both numbers and Ag-specific affinity of long-lived PCs during the late post-GC phase, as well as post-GC serum affinity maturation, were significantly reduced in IA-B mice. These results support a notion that MHC-II-dependent T cell help during post-GC phase is not absolutely required for the maintenance of memory B cell frequency but is important for their differentiation into PCs and for the establishment of the long-lived PC compartment.  相似文献   

Human class II histocompatibility antigens were purified from the Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human B lymphoblastoid cell line LG-2 by immunoaffinity chromatography. This is the first time all three subsets have been prepared as nonradioactive materials on a milligram scale. The yields of DR, DQ, and DP from 10 g of cells were approximately 12, 2, and 0.2 mg, respectively. Cross-contamination of the subsets was found to be less than 2% when assayed by measuring the binding of antigen-specific monoclonal antibodies to antigen immobilized on fixed erythrocytes. The three purified subsets were extensively characterized. They contained no detectable invariant chain. The three proteins were distinguished by their migration on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing. The denatured antigens were susceptible to partial removal of carbohydrate by endoglycosidase H and apparently complete removal of carbohydrate by endoglycosidase F. The isolated, denatured chains differed in their affinities for radiolabeled lectins, suggesting differences in carbohydrate structures. A water-soluble form of each antigen was prepared by a controlled papain digestion of the native antigen. Both native and denatured antigens were analyzed for their reactivities with a panel of class II antigen-specific monoclonal antibodies, allowing a precise definition of the specificities of the antibodies.  相似文献   

The roles of Class II-restricted L3T4+ T cells and of accessory cells (AC) during the in vitro generation of Class I-restricted Lyt-2+ cytotoxic T cells (CTL) specific for a Class II-negative syngeneic tumor cell line, FBL, was examined. Treatment of responder FBL-immune spleen cells with alpha L3T4 plus complement before culture, as well as the direct addition of alpha L3T4 to cultures, diminished the generation of FBL-specific CTL. The contribution of L3T4+ cells could be completely replaced by the addition of exogenous cytokines. The data demonstrate that the optimal generation of FBL-specific Lyt-2+ CTL requires the presence of L3T4+ cells, presumably to provide necessary lymphokines. FBL-specific CTL could not be generated from purified FBL-immune T cells in the absence of AC. Syngeneic Ia+ macrophages (M phi), added at the initiation of culture, restored the response of purified T cells. Pretreatment of M phi with ammonium chloride or chloroquine, or the addition of monoclonal alpha I-Ab antibody at the initiation of culture, inhibited the ability of M phi to reconstitute the CTL response. Finally, the addition of exogenous helper factors could replace M phi and reconstitute the FBL-specific response of AC-depleted immune T cells. These results suggest that during the generation of Lyt-2+ CTL to a syngeneic tumor expressing only Class I MHC antigens, Ia+ AC are required to biochemically process antigen released from the tumor cells and present this modified antigen to Class II-restricted T helper cells.  相似文献   

We report here a role of B cell stimulatory factor 1 (BSF-1) in the induction of antigen-specific proliferation of affinity-purified small B lymphocytes by a thymus-dependent antigen and a carrier-reactive T cell line. By using an ovalbumin-reactive T cell line (designated Hen-1), which does not produce BSF-1 following activation, it was possible to demonstrate that the antigen-specific proliferative response of trinitrophenyl (TNP)-binding B cells to TNP-ovalbumin required exogenous BSF-1 in addition to direct interaction with irradiated Hen-1 T cells. The activation obtained under these conditions was highly efficient, being sensitive to antigen doses as low as 0.001 microgram/ml. The addition of saturating amounts of BSF-1 did not alter the antigen-specificity or the requirements for hapten-carrier linkage or major histocompatibility complex-restricted T-B interaction in this system. The involvement of BSF-1 was confirmed by the ability of 11B11 anti-BSF-1 antibody to specifically suppress the response of TNP-binding B cells to TNP-ovalbumin, BSF-1, and irradiated Hen-1 T cells. Finally, this response was augmented by addition of the monokine interleukin 1. These data indicate that the proliferative response of small B cells to the thymus-dependent antigen and carrier-reactive T cell line used in our experiments can be regulated by the same factors that govern B cell proliferation induced by thymus-independent type 2 antigens or anti-IgM antibodies.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated previously that mixed cell suspensions from the female reproductive tract consisting of human epithelial and stromal cells were capable of presenting foreign antigen to autologous T cells. There have been, however, no reported studies examining antigen presentation by isolated epithelial cells from the human female reproductive tract. It is now shown that freshly isolated epithelial cells from the uterine endometrium constitutively express MHC class II antigen and that class II was upregulated on cultured epithelium by interferon gamma (IFNγ). Using a highly purified preparation, it was demonstrated that these epithelial cells were able to process and present tetanus toxoid recall antigen driving autologous T cell proliferation. Cells isolated from the basolateral sub-epithelium stroma were also potent antigen presenting cells in this model system. Thus, isolated endometrial epithelial cells were able to directly process and present antigen to T cells and may be responsible for the transcytosis and delivery of antigen to professional antigen presenting cells found in the sub-epithelial stroma.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of DNA topoisomerase II in a human tumor cell line.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The phosphorylation of the nuclear enzyme DNA topoisomerase II was characterized from HeLa human cervical carcinoma cells labeled with 32Pi. Analysis of topoisomerase II immunoprecipitates from 32P-labeled HeLa cells indicated that phosphorylation of the enzyme occurred at serine residues. Incorporation of 32P into topoisomerase II was not due to other types of phosphomodifications such as poly(ADP-ribosylation) or covalent interactions of the enzyme with nucleic acids. The stability of topoisomerase II protein and topoisomerase II phosphorylation was also investigated in HeLa cells. Topoisomerase II protein was relatively stable, having a half-life of approximately 27 h. Phosphorylation of HeLa topoisomerase II was also remarkably stable with a T1/2 of 17 h.  相似文献   

Cultures of human thymic epithelial cells (TEC) were tested for the expression of HLA class I (A, B, C) and class II (DR and DC) antigens by indirect immunofluorescence. The epithelial nature of the cells was proven by using an antikeratin antiserum. A high level of expression (close to 100% positive cells) of HLA class I antigens was observed on TEC at the beginning of the culture and remained unchanged for up to 12 days. In contrast, HLA class II antigen expression (85% DR+ and 75% DC+ cells on day 2) decreased gradually and reached very low levels (less than 5% DR+ or DC+) by day 7 of culture. This loss of class II antigen expression was not seen when cultures were performed in the presence of supernatants from activated T cells containing interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). Furthermore, the presence of recombinant IFN-gamma (rIFN-gamma) in the medium from the onset of culture maintained HLA-DR and DC antigen expression on a high number of cells (comparable to that observed on day 2 of culture). A large percentage of rIFN-gamma-treated cells also showed intracytoplasmic HLA-DR antigen expression. Addition of rIFN-gamma at various times after the onset of the culture led to a reinduction of DR and DC antigen expression. This effect of rIFN-gamma was observed in 48 hr with concentrations as low as 10 IU/ml and was apparently specific for this IFN species, in that rIFN-alpha was unable to modify HLA class II antigen expression at concentrations up to 1000 IU/ml. The increased expression of HLA class II antigen was truly due to induction in individual TEC, rather than selection of class II-positive cells, because induction under the influence of IFN-gamma was reversible and occurred in the absence of proliferation in mitomycin-treated or gamma-irradiated cultures. Our results indicate that synthesis and membrane expression of class II HLA antigens are enhanced by IFN-gamma in TEC cultures. This finding raises the possibility that IFN-gamma participates in the mechanisms that assure the permanent expression of DR and DC antigens observed in TEC in vivo, with potentially important functional consequences in terms of education for self recognition.  相似文献   

The relative sensitivity of the MLR responses of freshly isolated human lymphocytes to Con A-induced suppressor cells (SC) was compared to that of lymphocytes that had been primed previously in vitro. Fresh and primed cells were suppressed 72 and 17%, respectively, when cultured under similar conditions (p less than 0.0005). Titration of SC indicated that equivalent suppression in the two populations would require greater than a 50-fold excess of SC in the primed cells. Neither preincubation of the primed cells for 24 or 72 hr with the SC before restimulation, addition of fresh autologous cells to the primed cells, nor preincubation of the SC with fresh cells before addition to the primed cells increased suppression of primed cells. SC added at the beginning of a primary MLC were, however, very suppressive for both the primary response (67% suppression) and the subsequent secondary response (81% suppression). These data indicate that although the human primary MLR and the precursor of the memory cell are both sensitive to the suppressors induced by Con A, the memory cell itself possess an intrinsic resistance to such suppressors that is not related to simple kinetic phenomena nor to the loss in vitro of an intermediate regulatory cell. Cell depletion experiments suggest that resistance to nonspecific suppression may occur at the level of the helper cell.  相似文献   

The processing and presentation of Ag by Ag-specific B cells is highly efficient due to the dual function of the B cell Ag receptor (BCR) in both signaling for enhanced processing and endocytosing bound Ag. The BCR for IgG (FcgammaRIIB1) is a potent negative coreceptor of the BCR that blocks Ag-induced B cell proliferation. Here we investigate the influence of the FcgammaRIIB1 on BCR-mediated Ag processing and show that coligating the FcgammaRIIB1 and the BCR negatively regulates both BCR signaling for enhanced Ag processing and BCR-mediated Ag internalization. Treatment of splenic B cells with F(ab')2 anti-Ig significantly enhances APC function compared with the effect of whole anti-Ig; however, whole anti-Ig treatment is effective when binding to the FcgammaRIIB1 was blocked by a FcgammaRII-specific mAb. Processing and presentation of Ag covalently coupled to anti-Ig were significantly decreased compared with Ag coupled to F(ab')2anti-Ig; however, the processing of the two Ag-Ab conjugates was similar in cells that did not express FcgammaRIIB1 and in splenic B cells treated with a FcgammaRII-specific mAb to block Fc binding. Internalization of monovalent Ag by B cells was reduced in the presence of whole anti-Ig as compared with F(ab')2 anti-Ig, but the internalized Ag was correctly targeted to the class II peptide loading compartment. Taken together, these results indicate that the FcgammaRIIB1 is a negative regulator of the BCR-mediated Ag-processing function.  相似文献   

Ia-positive splenic adherent cells (SAC) have been shown to be the predominant stimulators of a mixed lymphocyte response (MLR) to whole H-2 differences, in which most of the proliferative response is directed against I region-encoded determinants. The present studies were undertaken to examine the ability of several purified lymphoid subpopulations to activate T cells in response to the non-H-2-linked MIs products or to products of the K or D regions of H-2. The results demonstrated that adherent cell-depleted populations of T and B cells were nonstimulatory, whereas SAC were potent stimulators for responses involving each of these genetic differences. Treatment of these SAC with anti-Ia and C abrogated their MLR-stimulating ability. In contrast, whereas treatment of SAC with anti-Ia and C abrogated their ability to stimulate an MLR directed against K or D region-encoded determinants, this treatment had no effect on their ability to generate a cytotoxic T lymphocyte response against these same determinants. These findings suggest that in addition to presenting allogeneic I region-encoded determinants, Ia-positive SAC also play a unique role in the presentation of non-I region-encoded alloantigens to proliferating T cells.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that treatment of SJL/J mice with anti-interferon-gamma monoclonal antibody (mAb) exacerbated experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) only if administered at the time of encephalitogenic challenge. Here we investigate the role of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and anti-IFN-gamma mAb in the early events of T cell activation in vitro. Pretreatment of murine peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) with IFN-gamma led to a significant increase in their ability to activate myelin basic protein (MBP)-specific, short-term T cell lines. When exogenous IFN-gamma was added to cocultures of T cells and MBP-pulsed PEC, the antigen-specific T cell proliferation was considerably reduced. Anti-IFN-gamma mAb added to these cultures neutralized the inhibitory effect of the exogenous IFN-gamma on T cell proliferation but had no visible effect on class II MHC expression by the antigen-pulsed PEC present in the same cultures. A reduction in T cell proliferation was also observed when the T cells were treated with IFN-gamma prior to coculture with the MBP-pulsed PEC. These results demonstrate that, on one hand, IFN-gamma enhances the ability of PEC to induce antigen-specific T cell proliferation but, on the other hand, acts on the T cells themselves by inhibiting their proliferation in response to the antigen-pulsed PEC. This may explain why treatment with anti-IFN-gamma antibody in vivo induces EAE exacerbation.  相似文献   

Five MHC class II monoclonal antibodies costimulated proliferation of cord blood leukocytes with Epstein-Barr virus. These agonistic antibodies were of different isotypes, but all of them were either specific for or cross-reacting with HLA-DR. The other MHC class II antibodies, including three that were specific for HLA-DQ and one that was specific for HLA-DP and also those that were specific for MHC class I or leukocyte common antigen, were not costimulatory. The agonistic effect of different MHC class II antibodies was additive, such that costimulation by different antibodies combined significantly exceeded that achieved by either of these antibodies alone. Spent culture media of B cell lines also costimulated B cell proliferation with the virus. Although MHC class II antibodies augmented the effects of suboptimal concentration of the conditioned media, their combined effects did not exceed the maximum costimulation achieved by either the antibodies or the spent culture media alone. These results raised the possibility that MHC class II antigen may contain distinct functional domains involved in the regulation of B cell progression.  相似文献   

Certain allele-specific alloreactive T cell clones do not recognize the products expressed by some B cell lines that, according to typing methods other than sequencing, carry the allelic molecules recognized by these clones. In order to characterize the naturally occurring sequence polymorphisms putatively responsible for the differential allorecognition of these class II molecules, we have determined the third and/or second exon nucleotide sequences of HLA-DRB1, -DRB3/4/5, -DQB1, and -DQA1 genes from 35 representative lymphoblastoid cell lines. In some cases, the lack of recognition correlates with the presence of single amino acid substitutions in either the second or third hypervariable region (HVR) of the first domain of these molecules. In other cases, the differentially allorecognized class II molecules have identical second and/or first domain amino acid sequences. These findings indicate that a) class II MHC-alloreactive T cell clones can distinguish between molecules with identical amino acid sequences expressed by B cell lines established from unrelated individuals; b) allorecognition of class II molecules is sensitive to naturally occurring single amino acid substitutions in either the second HVR of class II molecules, which is unavailable to interact with TCR residues, or the third HVR. Our results also suggest that 1) in different B cell lines, identical class II molecules may present different endogenous peptides, which may behave as histocompatibility Ag; 2) the peptide-binding specificity of a class II molecule may be affected by amino acid substitutions in its second HVR (Ag-binding site); and 3) human class II allorecognition may be restricted by epitopes contributed by residues of their third HVR.  相似文献   

Two different kinds of alloreactive T cell hybridomas were established in previous experiments. One is reactive and the other is nonreactive to allogeneic I-A region-associated membrane antigen (mIa) on B cells. In the present experiments the difference between these hybridomas were analyzed by using representative clones, B cell mIa-reactive clone CB-11.4, and nonreactive clone HTB-9.3. Unresponsiveness of HTB-9.3 clone to allogeneic B cells could not be due to the inability of B cells in interleukin 1 production or the density of mIa molecules on B cells. HTB-9.3 clone could respond to C57BL/6 mouse B cells treated with neuraminidase (Nase), and Nase-treated HTB-9.3 clone could respond to normal B cells from C57BL/6 mouse, indicating that sialic acid on both B cells and HTB-9.3 clone plays a regulatory role in the alloreactivity of the clone. In response to B cells from C57BL/6 mouse, T cells from C3H/He mouse spleen showed similar reactivity to HTB-9.3 clone; that is, T cells could respond to Nase-treated B cells, and Nase-treated T cells to B cells, and T cells primed with C57BL/6 spleen cells in vitro showed similar reactivity to CB-11.4 clone. These results suggest that HTB-9.3 clone represents virgin T cells and CB-11.4 clone-primed T cells at least in alloreactivity. Anti-L3T4a was shown to block alloreactivities of both T cell hybridomas and splenic T cells against B cells more efficiently than against splenic adherent cells. These results suggest that L3T4a on T cell plays more important role in allogeneic response to B cells than to splenic adherent cells.  相似文献   

Processing and presentation by Ag-specific B cells is initiated by Ag binding to the B cell Ag receptor (BCR). Cross-linking of the BCR by Ag results in a rapid targeting of the BCR and bound Ag to the MHC class II peptide loading compartment (IIPLC). This accelerated delivery of Ag may be essential in vivo during periods of rapid Ag-driven B cell expansion and T cell-dependent selection. Here, we use both immunoelectron microscopy and a nondisruptive protein chemical polymerization method to define the intracellular pathway of the targeting of Ags by the BCR. We show that following cross-linking, the BCR is rapidly transported through transferrin receptor-containing early endosomes to a LAMP-1+, beta-hexosaminadase+, multivesicular compartment that is an active site of peptide-class II complex assembly, containing both class II-invariant chain complexes in the process of invariant chain proteolytic removal as well as mature peptide-class II complexes. The BCR enters the class II-containing compartment as an intact mIg/Igalpha/Igbeta complex bound to Ag. The pathway by which the BCR targets Ag to the IIPLC appears not to be identical to that by which Ags taken up by fluid phase pinocytosis traffick, suggesting that the accelerated BCR pathway may be specialized and potentially independently regulated.  相似文献   

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