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Two new field bioassay methods were developed to compare the repellent activity of BioUD® (containing 7.75% 2‐undecanone), 98.1% DEET and 0.5% permethrin against natural populations of nymphal Amblyomma americanum (L.) (Acari: Ixodidae). In a cloth sheet assay, pieces of material measuring 41 × 58 cm, separately treated with one of the test materials or the appropriate solvent carrier, were placed at random on the ground and baited with dry ice for 1 h. Mean numbers of ticks on repellent‐treated sheets were significantly lower than on control sheets. There was no significant difference in the number of ticks collected between sheets treated with BioUD® and those treated with DEET. However, significantly fewer ticks were found on sheets treated with BioUD® or DEET than on permethrin‐treated sheets. In a sock test, over‐the‐calf tube socks were treated with one of the test materials or the appropriate solvent carrier. Human volunteers wore a repellent‐treated and a corresponding carrier‐treated sock on either leg and walked randomly over an area of approximately 4000 m2 for 15 min. Significantly fewer ticks were collected from socks treated with BioUD® or DEET than from socks treated with the carrier and there was no significant difference in repellency between these two agents. No difference in the mean number of ticks collected was found between permethrin‐treated and corresponding carrier‐treated socks. To examine the mechanism of repellency of BioUD®, a four‐choice olfactometer was used to assess spatial repellency against adult A. americanum. As expected in the absence of a repellent, when all choices were represented by water‐treated filter paper, ticks were equally distributed among the choices. When one choice consisted of BioUD®‐treated filter paper and the remaining choices of water‐treated paper, the distribution of ticks on the repellent‐treated paper was significantly lower than might be expected to occur by chance, suggesting that repellency is at least partly achieved by an olfactory mechanism.  相似文献   

We investigated Ehrlichia platys infection of dogs and ticks in Okinawa, Japan. Using E. platys specific primers, E. platys and HE3-R, PCR-positive results were obtained with 32.0% (64/200) of blood samples of dogs and 3.8% (3/77) of ticks. The nucleotide sequences of the amplified DNA fragment from the dogs and the ticks infesting them were identical, and the sequence corresponded to that of the E. platys Gzh981 strain. We concluded that there is a cyclic maintenance of E. platys between dogs and ticks in Okinawa.  相似文献   

Beauveria bassiana s.l. is a cosmopolitan fungus used in the control of different species of arthropods. The current study explored the virulence for ticks, proteolytic and lipolytic activities of 10 Brazilian B. bassiana s.l. isolates. For this purpose, Rhipicephalus microplus biological parameters was evaluated after immersion of the engorged females in fungal suspension (108 conidia mL?1) and the enzymatic activities were performed posteriorly the fungal growth in minimal medium. After the biological assays, five isolates changed all parameters analysed with highest efficacy of approximately 61% (CG 206) and 66% (CG 481). However, we observed that the most virulent isolates did not show the highest enzymatic activities. Interestingly, CG 500, considered an isolate of intermediate efficacy, demonstrated higher enzymatic activities than the other isolates in four of five analyses (total protease, Pr1, Pr2 and lipase; p?相似文献   

A hexane extract of the gum of an African plant, Commiphora erythraea Engler (Burseraceae), has larvicidal and repellent activity against the lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum (L.) and the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Say). Adult deer ticks, Ixodes dammini Spielman, Clifford, Piesman and Corwin, were also repelled by the extract. Concentrations of 0.02 mg/cm2 of the extract impregnated onto filter paper killed 96.15 (±3.56)% of A. americanum larvae exposed to it for 24h. A concentration of 0.16 mg/cm2 was needed to kill 80.3% of D. variabilis larvae. The extract was less effective as a larvicide against A. americanum and D. variabilis than permethrin. Less than 15.5% of A. americanum larvae and adults and D. variabilis and I. dammini adults entered and remained for 2 or 3 min on areas of cloth strips treated with the extract at the rate of 0.2 mg/cm2. However, 73.3 to 83.3% of the ticks tested entered and remained in areas treated with hexane. Permethrin was about 1 or 2 orders of magnitude more effective against A. americanum larvae as a repellent than the extract.
Résumé Un extrait à l'hexane de la gomme de la plante africaine, C. erythraea Engler (Burseraceae) a des effets larvicides et répulsifs contre les tiques, Amblyomma americanum L. et Dermacentor variabilis Say; les adultes de Ixodes dammini Spielman, Clifford, Piesman & Corwin, ont été aussi éloignés par l'extrait. Une concentration de 0,02 mg/cm2 de l'extrait imprégnant du papier filtre a tué 96,15% (±3,56) larves de A. americanum exposées pendant 24 h. Une concentration de 0,16 mg/cm2 a été nécessaire pour tuer 80,3% des larves de D. variabilis. L'extrait a été moins efficace que la perméthrine comme larvicide contre A. americanum et D. variabilis. Moins de 15,5% des larves et des adultes de A. americanum et des adultes de D. variabilis et de I. dammini pénétrèrent et séjournèrent 2 à 3 minutes dans des morceaux de tissu traités avec l'extrait à raison de 0,2 mg/cm2, contre 73,3 et 83,3% qui pénétrèrent et restèrent lors de traitement avec de l'hexane. Contre A. americanum, la perméthrine est un répulsif d'un ordre de grandeur une à deux fois supérieur à l'extrait de C. erythraea.

This study focused on the antigenic cross‐reactivity between tick‐borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) and Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus (OHFV) to assess the efficacy of the commercial TBE vaccine against OHFV infection. Neutralization tests performed on sera from OHFV‐ and TBEV‐infected mice showed that neutralizing antibodies are cross‐protective. The geometric mean titers of antibodies against TBEV and OHFV from TBEV‐infected mice were similar. However, the titers of anti‐TBEV antibodies in OHFV‐infected mice were significantly lower than those of anti‐OHFV antibodies in the same animals. In mouse vaccination and challenge tests, the TBE vaccine provided 100% protection against OHFV infection. Eighty‐six percent of vaccinees seroconverted against OHFV following complete vaccination, and the geometric mean titers of neutralizing antibodies against OHFV were comparable to those against TBEV. These data suggest that the TBE vaccine can prevent OHFV infection.  相似文献   

为验证萜类驱避化合物与嗅觉引诱物二氧化碳存在缔合作用, 并研究缔合作用对蚊虫驱避活性的影响。本研究借助计算化学的方法获得缔合体和缔合能量, 利用Gaussian View和Gaussian 03W软件分别构建和优化二氧化碳、 22个萜类蚊虫驱避化合物以及它们与二氧化碳缔合后的三维分子结构, 经Ampac 8.16转化后, 获得它们的缔合能量。借助定量构效关系计算方法研究缔合作用对驱避活性的影响, 利用Codessa 2.7.10计算获得驱避剂和缔合体的各类结构描述符, 从包括缔合体结构描述符及特征描述符在内的各类结构参数中筛选显著性参数, 以萜类驱避化合物对白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus的校正驱避率的对数值为活性数据, 建立结构描述符与驱避活性的定量构效关系(quantitative structure-activity relationship, QSAR)模型。结果获得了22个萜类驱避化合物与二氧化碳缔合的缔合能量, 计算显示它们之间存在缔合作用并且可以形成缔合体; 获得1个R2为0.9643的4参数QSAR模型, 这4个参数所对应的结构描述符分别是COM-WNSA 3 Weighted PNSA (PNSA3*TMSA/1 000) [Zefirov’s PC], f-TerCO2-Min e-n attraction for a C-O bond, M-Max 1-electron reaction index for an O atom, M-Min (>0.1) bond order of an H atom, 前2个参数分别为缔合体的整体结构描述符和碎片特征描述符。计算化学结果表明, 萜类驱避化合物与二氧化碳存在缔合作用, 该缔合作用对驱避活性的影响显著。  相似文献   

The vitellogenin and vitellin concentrations in the haemolymph and ovaries of Ixodes scapularis females were determined using a double sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The level of vitellogenin in the haemolymph began to increase just prior to tick detachment from the host and continued to increase until 2 days after detachment. There was a slight decrease in the vitellogenin level 4 days after detachment, but a second peak was observed approximately 5 days after oviposition. Subsequent to oviposition, the vitellogenin levels in the haemolymph quickly decreased. The concentration of vitellogenin in the haemolymph ranged from 1.55 to 11.48 g l-1 during the period after dropping from the host through oviposition. The concentration of vitellin in the ovaries began to increase as the female began rapid engorgement (0.03 mg per female) and declined after oviposition (0.1 mg per female).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of the entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) Heterorhabditis bacteriophora HP88 and Heterorhabditis indica LPP1 on the reproductive biology of partially engorged females of Dermacentor nitens. Four groups were formed, with each group containing 10 females and exposed to concentrations of 0, 75, 300, and 1200 nematodes for each female. This procedure was performed separately for each nematode. The following biological parameters were evaluated: egg mass weight, egg production index, hatching percentage, and percentage of control. H. bacteriophora HP88 at the two highest concentrations (300 and 1200 EPNs/female) caused a reduction (p < 0.05) on the egg mass and egg production index. Was noted a significant reduction (p < 0.05) in the percentage of hatched in all the treated groups. For H. indica LPP1, all treatments resulted in decreased (p < 0.05) values for all the parameters. The percentages of controls obtained at concentrations of 75, 300, and 1200 EPNs/female were 56.3, 89.3, and 98.8 and 77.5, 77.1, and 95.9 for H. bacteriophora HP88 and H. indica LPP1, respectively. Therefore, it is concluded that these nematodes showed pathogenicity toward partially engorged females of D. nitens, thereby negatively affecting the reproductive biology of this tick.  相似文献   

An oil extracted from the leaves of a tropical shrub Ocimum suave was found to repel as well as kill all stages of the tick Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. In an in vitro bioassay for the larvae, the LC50 of the oil in liquid paraffin was 0.024%. A 10% solution was found to kill all immatures and more than 70% of adults feeding on rabbits. Rabbits were protected for 5 days against attaching larvae using a 10% solution. Preliminary experiments undertaken with cattle kept in the field suggest that the oil may have potential in tick control, and a role in integrated tick management.  相似文献   

We report the finding of tick‐borne encephalitis (TBE)‐virus in indigenous Ixodes ricinus (L.), ‘Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis’ in exotic Ixodes frontalis (Panzer) and Rickettsia aeshlimannii in exotic Hyalomma marginatum Koch subadult ticks detached from 18.5% (107/577) infested migratory birds in the Baltic region of Russia. This is the first record of human pathogenic ‘Candidatus N. mikurensis’ in I. frontalis ticks. Moreover, seven other pathogens were identified in I. ricinus ticks. Spotted Fever Group rickettsiae were the predominant pathogen group and were detected only in nymphs. Future investigations are warranted to further characterize the role of birds in the epizootiology of tick‐borne pathogens in this region.  相似文献   

2-十三烷酮对棉铃虫细胞色素P450的诱导作用   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
将2-十三烷酮按0.005%~0.01%(重量比)的浓度加到棉铃虫人工饲料中,连续诱导3代,测定棉铃虫中肠和脂肪体中细胞色素P450(cyt-P450)含量以及与标准配基(正丁醇、吡啶、苯胺、环己烷)形成的氧化型结合光谱。2-十三烷酮诱导品系的中肠cyt-P450与CO结合光谱的最大吸收峰在449 nm处,脂肪体cyt-P450与CO结合光谱的最大吸收峰在450.7 nm处。中肠cyt-P450除了在450 nm附近存在一个吸收峰外,在通入CO后依次在414、415、418 nm附近出现吸收峰,随后该峰消失,随着时间的推移(第31次扫描)在420 nm处又开始出现一个弱吸收峰。2-十三烷酮诱导品系的中肠、脂肪体cyt-P450与4种标准配基形成的差光谱与对照相比在峰型上存在着不同程度的差异。中肠cyt-P450与正丁醇形成双峰双谷的光谱;脂肪体cyt-P450与正丁醇形成的光谱最大吸收峰在416.61 nm处,波谷在424.91 nm处;中肠cyt-P450和脂肪体cyt-P450与吡啶形成的光谱为典型的Ⅱ型光谱,而与环己烷形成的光谱为不典型Ⅰ型光谱;中肠和脂肪体的cyt-P450与苯胺形成典型的Ⅱ型光谱,最大吸收峰分别在443.30和428.92 nm处,最小吸收分别在402.30和401.00 nm处。  相似文献   

Migratory birds are known to play a role in the long‐distance transportation of microorganisms. To investigate whether this is true for rickettsial agents, we undertook a study to characterize tick infestation in populations of the migratory passerine bird Riparia riparia (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae), the sand martin. A total of 194 birds were sampled and ticks removed from infested birds. The ticks were identified as female Ixodes lividus (Acari: Ixodidae) using standard morphological and molecular techniques. Tick DNA was assayed to detect Rickettsia spp. using polymerase chain reaction and DNA was sequenced for species identification. A single Rickettsia spp. was detected in 100% of the ticks and was designated Rickettsia sp. IXLI1. Partial sequences of 17‐kDa and ompA genes showed greatest similarity to Rickettsia sp. TCM1, an aetiological agent of Japanese spotted fever‐like illness, previously described in Thailand. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Rickettsia sp. IXLI1 fitted neatly into a group containing strains Rickettsia japonica, Rickettsia sp. strain Davousti and Rickettsia heilongjiangensis. In conclusion, this research shows that U.K. migratory passerine birds host ticks infected with Rickettsia species and contribute to the geographic distribution of spotted fever rickettsial agents.  相似文献   

交配是蜱类繁殖过程的关键环节,诱发雌蜱发生一系列的生理变化,并最终产卵。蜱雄性附腺分泌物在交配过程中发挥着重要作用,具有保护、活化精子,促进受精、卵巢发育和卵黄发生的功能,并对雌蜱的生殖生理行为等产生影响,如诱导雌蜱快速吸血和加速产卵。本文在简要分析蜱雄性附腺结构和分泌物生化特性基础上,系统阐述了蜱雄性附腺分泌物中各种功能因子的研究现状,着重论述其在精子获能、诱导雌蜱吸血、促进雌蜱卵巢发育和卵黄发生等方面的进展,并对未来研究提出了展望,以期为此领域的研究拓展思路。  相似文献   

Argasid ticks of the Ornithodoros erraticus complex are associated with traditional pig‐farming practices on the Iberian Peninsula and are also found elsewhere in North Africa, West Africa, and western Asia. The ticks associated with pig farming on the Iberian Peninsula are the only biological vectors of African swine fever virus (ASFV) known to occur in Europe, and their ecology makes them an extremely effective reservoir of both ASFV and the Borrelia species which cause tick‐borne relapsing fever (TBRF) in humans. The recent reappearance of ASFV in the European Union, coupled with evidence that Portuguese tick populations continue to harbor Borrelia despite a lack of confirmed human infections, suggest that these populations merit closer attention. In Portugal, a series of surveys over the last twenty‐five years indicates that the number of farm sites with tick infestations has declined and suggest that populations are sensitive to changes in farm management, particularly the use of modern pig housing. Various technologies have been suggested for the control of farm‐associated Ornithodoros ticks and related species but, in our opinion, farm management changes are still the most effective strategy for population control. Furthermore, we suggest that this species could probably be eradicated from Iberian pig farms.  相似文献   

A tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) patient was found in Hokkaido in 1993, and TBE viruses were isolated from animals and ticks in our previous studies. To develop a diagnostic reagent to identify TBE viruses, monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) were produced against the TBE virus strain Hokkaido (Oshima 5-10). Seven Mabs were obtained which reacted with the envelope protein of the Oshima 5-10 strain. These Mabs were flavivirus genus-specific, TBE virus complex-specific or TBE virus type-specific. The Mabs are applicable for identification of TBE virus strains.  相似文献   

Juniperus communis leaf oil, J. chinensis wood oil, and Cupressus funebris wood oil (Cupressaceae) from China were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We identified 104 compounds, representing 66.8-95.5% of the oils. The major components were: α-pinene (27.0%), α-terpinene (14.0%), and linalool (10.9%) for J. communis; cuparene (11.3%) and δ-cadinene (7.8%) for J. chinensis; and α-cedrene (16.9%), cedrol (7.6%), and β-cedrene (5.7%) for C. funebris. The essential oils of C. funebris, J. chinensis, and J. communis were evaluated for repellency against adult yellow fever mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti (L.), host-seeking nymphs of the lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum (L.), and the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis Say, and for toxicity against Ae. aegypti larvae and adults, all in laboratory bioassays. All the oils were repellent to both species of ticks. The EC(95) values of C. funebris, J. communis, and J. chinensis against A. americanum were 0.426, 0.508, and 0.917 mg oil/cm(2) filter paper, respectively, compared to 0.683 mg deet/cm(2) filter paper. All I. scapularis nymphs were repelled by 0.103 mg oil/cm(2) filter paper of C. funebris oil. At 4 h after application, 0.827 mg oil/cm(2) filter paper, C. funebris and J. chinensis oils repelled ≥80% of A. americanum nymphs. The oils of C. funebris and J. chinensis did not prevent female Ae. aegypti from biting at the highest dosage tested (1.500 mg/cm(2) ). However, the oil of J. communis had a Minimum Effective Dosage (estimate of ED(99) ) for repellency of 0.029 ± 0.018 mg/cm(2) ; this oil was nearly as potent as deet. The oil of J. chinensis showed a mild ability to kill Ae. aegypti larvae, at 80 and 100% at 125 and 250 ppm, respectively.  相似文献   

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