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Abnormal glycosylation of cellular glycoconjugates is a common phenotypic change in many human tumors. Here, we explore the possibility that an altered Golgi pH may also be responsible for these cancer-associated glycosylation abnormalities. We show that a mere dissipation of the acidic Golgi pH results both in increased expression of some cancer-associated carbohydrate antigens and in structural disorganization of the Golgi apparatus in otherwise normally glycosylating cells. pH dependence of these alterations was confirmed by showing that an acidification-defective breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) also displayed a fragmented Golgi apparatus, whereas the Golgi apparatus was structurally normal in its acidification-competent subline (MCF-7/AdrR). Acidification competence was also found to rescue normal glycosylation potential in MCF-7/AdrR cells. Finally, we show that abnormal glycosylation is also accompanied by similar structural disorganization and fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus in colorectal cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. These results suggest that an inappropriate Golgi pH may indeed be responsible for the abnormal Golgi structure and lowered glycosylation potential of the Golgi apparatus in malignant cells.  相似文献   

The human (h) P2X(3) receptor and its mutants deficient in one out of four N-glycosylation sites were expressed in HEK293 cells. Concentration-response curves were generated by whole-cell recordings of alpha,beta-methylene ATP (alpha,beta-meATP)-induced currents. A gradual change of external pH from the alkaline 8.0 to the acidic 5.0 successively decreased the maximum current amplitude (E(max)) without affecting the EC(50) value. The replacement of Asn-139 and -170 by Asp (N139D, N170D) abolished the pH sensitivity of the wild-type (WT) hP2X(3) receptor. In the case of N194D, the E(max) was again the highest at the alkaline pH value with no change from 7.4 to 6.5, whereas in the case of N290D, there was an inverse pH sensitivity, with an increase of E(max) in the acidic range. However, this effect appeared to be due to enhanced protonation by the insertion of Asp into the receptor, because replacement of Asn by the neutral Thr resulted in a comparable potency of alpha,beta-meATP at any of the pH values investigated. In accordance with the reported finding that His-206 is involved in the modulation of WT P2X(3) receptors by protons, we showed that the normal change of E(max) by an acidic, but not alkaline pH was abolished after substitution of this His by Ala. However, the double mutant H206A + N290D did not react to acidification or alkalinization with any change in E(max). In conclusion, only fully N-glycosylated P2X(3) receptors recognize external pH with a modified sensitivity towards alpha,beta-meATP.  相似文献   

The effect of pH on the hemolysis of erythrocytes photosensitized (366 nm, 23 Wt/m2) by psoralen has been studied. The dependence of the photohemolysis rate (V) on irradiation dose (D) was described by the equation V = Vo + kD, where Vo is the rate of hemolysis without irradiation (dark), and k is the constant. The index of the power at dose x was approximately equal to 2, and its value did not change as the pH of the erythrocyte suspension was changed. It was found that changes in pH led to a sharp change in the value of coefficient k and correspondingly V. The lowest rate of photohemolysis was observed in the pH range from 8.0 to 8.4. As pH was changed from 3.4 to 9.0 or from 8.0 to 7.4, the V value increased approximately twofold. At pH below 7.4, an abrupt increase (approximately fourfold) in V was observed, with the pK value being equal to 7.3. The psoralen molecule lacks titratable acidic and basic groups; therefore, the effects of pH can hardly be assigned to changes in the photophysical properties of the sensitizer. The increase in V in the alkaline region is prohably related to the acceleration of photooxidation of reduced glutathione, whereas the jump of V at pH of about 7.3 may be due to the titration of the product of psoralen photooxidation. The latter assumption is confirmed by the data of hign performance liquid chromatography. In these experiments, psoralen was oxidized in ethanol and mixed with the phosphate buffer at different pH values followed by a qualitative and quantitative analysis by high performance liquid chromatography of photoproducts. Several photoproducts of psoralen have been identified whose content depended on pH. The curve of titration of one photoproduct was similar in shape to the pH dependence of psoralen-photosensitized hemolysis.  相似文献   

Regulation of Notch signaling by glycosylation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Notch receptors are approximately 300 kDa cell surface glycoproteins whose activation by Notch ligands regulates cell fate decisions in the metazoa. The extracellular domain of Notch receptors has many epidermal growth factor like repeats that are glycosylated with O-fucose and O-glucose glycans as well as N-glycans. Disruption of O-fucose glycan synthesis leads to severe Notch signaling defects in Drosophila and mammals. Removal or addition of O-fucose glycan consensus sites on Notch receptors also leads to Notch signaling defects. Ligand binding and ligand-induced Notch signaling assays have provided insights into how changes in the O-fucose glycans of Notch receptors alter Notch signaling.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Na++K+-dependent ATPase activity by Pi was maximal in the pH range of 6.1-7, but decreased with increasing pH in the range of 7-8.5. Ki of Pi was 2.8 mM at pH 7.1, and 12 mM at pH 7.8. K+-dependent phosphorylation of the enzyme by Pi, which is thought to be responsible for inhibition of ATPase activity, also decreased with increasing pH. The data suggest that (a) previously observed requirement of high Pi concentrations for inhibition of ATPase activity and associated pump fluxes may have been due to high pH of the assays; (b) at normal values of intracellular pH the pump may be partially inhibited by intracellular Pi; and (c) this effect of Pi may be amplified or dampened with alterations in intracellular pH and ATP/Pi ratio.  相似文献   

Changes in the paramagnetic properties of aqueous suspensions of melanin polymers have been monitored over a pH range from 1 to 12. Distinct changes in spin concentration and electron spin resonance spectral parameters (effective g value and line shape) are shown to occur. These data are interpreted in terms of pH- and temperaturedependent equilibria between diamagnetic and paramagnetic units on the melanin polymer, which can be partly or completely quenched if the melanin is precipitated by lowering the pH or by increasing the salt concentration. The heterogeneity of these units and possible chemical structures are discussed.  相似文献   



Acidification of the cytoplasm and the extracellular environment is associated with many physiological and pathological conditions, such as intense exercise, hypoxia and tumourigenesis. Acidification affects important cellular functions including protein synthesis, growth, and proliferation. Many of these vital functions are controlled by mTORC1, a master regulator protein kinase that is activated by various growth-stimulating signals and inactivated by starvation conditions. Whether mTORC1 can also respond to changes in extracellular or cytoplasmic pH and play a role in limiting anabolic processes in acidic conditions is not known.


We examined the effects of acidifying the extracellular medium from pH 7.4 to 6.4 on human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells and immortalized mouse embryo fibroblasts. Decreasing the extracellular pH caused intracellular acidification and rapid, graded and reversible inhibition of mTORC1, assessed by measuring the phosphorylation of the mTORC1 substrate S6K. Fibroblasts deleted of the tuberous sclerosis complex TSC2 gene, a major negative regulator of mTORC1, were unable to inhibit mTORC1 in acidic extracellular conditions, showing that the TSC1–TSC2 complex is required for this response. Examination of the major upstream pathways converging on the TSC1–TSC2 complex showed that Akt signaling was unaffected by pH but that the Raf/MEK/ERK pathway was inhibited. Inhibition of MEK with drugs caused only modest mTORC1 inhibition, implying that other unidentified pathways also play major roles.


This study reveals a novel role for the TSC1/TSC2 complex and mTORC1 in sensing variations in ambient pH. As a common feature of low tissue perfusion, low glucose availability and high energy expenditure, acidic pH may serve as a signal for mTORC1 to downregulate energy-consuming anabolic processes such as protein synthesis as an adaptive response to metabolically stressful conditions.  相似文献   

Proton translocation in spheroplasts from Escherichia coli has been studied in two mutants, one of which expresses cytochrome o and the other cytochrome d as the terminal oxidase. Using the O2 pulse method, the H+/e- ratio of proton translocation associated with cytochrome o was confirmed to be near 2 at neutral pH, but was found to decrease considerably when the medium pH was raised above 8. At high pH there was an increase in H+/OH- permeability of the cell membrane, but this was not sufficient to explain the decline in proton ejection. The pH effect was confined to cytochrome o-linked activity. It was not present when cytochrome d generated the electrochemical proton gradient. This makes it improbable that the Na+/H+ antiporter is responsible. The most likely explanation for our finding is that there is a "slip" in the proton-pumping mechanism of cytochrome o at high pH.  相似文献   

Regulation of human neutrophil chemotaxis by intracellular pH   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The relationship of N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine-stimulated Na+/H+ exchange to the chemotactic responsiveness of human neutrophils was investigated. The pHi changes, measured from the equilibrium distribution of 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione, were correlated with the migratory behavior of the cells as assessed by the leading front method. Exposure of cells to 10 nM FMLP caused activation of Na+/H+ exchange, leading to a rise in pHi from approximately 7.25 to approximately 7.75. This intracellular alkalinization was inhibited by amiloride and by three more potent analogues. All four compounds reduced the chemotactic response to FMLP with apparent Ki values similar to those for inhibition of the pHi transients, thereby suggesting that the blocking effect of the drugs on directed cell migration was related to inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange. The effect was specific for stimulated cell locomotion: FMLP-induced chemotaxis and chemokinesis were inhibited in parallel, whereas random motility was unimpaired. The relationship of pHi to function was also studied as the pHi of FMLP-activated cells was varied between 6.8 and 8.6 by altering the chemical gradients for Na+ and H+ across the cell membrane. There was a direct, positive correlation between the pHi value attained following FMLP-stimulation and the locomotor response to a chemotactic gradient. These results indicate that the motile functions of human neutrophils can be regulated by their pHi.  相似文献   

From the 1H-NMR study of Tyr-Gly-Gly and Phe-Gly-Gly in H2O and 2H2O as a function of pH it follows that these tripeptides display at least two and probably three conformational zones. Under slow exchange conditions of the peptidic NH-protons, coupling constants 3J(NH, CaH) may be extracted as the probe. At higher pH values shift values and 3J(a, beta) of the side chain and the titration curves are indicative for these conformational alterations.  相似文献   

The approach that most animal cells employ to regulate intracellular pH (pH(i)) is not too different conceptually from the way a sophisticated system might regulate the temperature of a house. Just as the heat capacity (C) of a house minimizes sudden temperature (T) shifts caused by acute cold and heat loads, the buffering power (beta) of a cell minimizes sudden pH(i) shifts caused by acute acid and alkali loads. However, increasing C (or beta) only minimizes T (or pH(i)) changes; it does not eliminate the changes, return T (or pH(i)) to normal, or shift steady-state T (or pH(i)). Whereas a house may have a furnace to raise T, a cell generally has more than one acid-extruding transporter (which exports acid and/or imports alkali) to raise pH(i). Whereas an air conditioner lowers T, a cell generally has more than one acid-loading transporter to lower pH(i). Just as a house might respond to graded decreases (or increases) in T by producing graded increases in heat (or cold) output, cells respond to graded decreases (or increases) in pH(i) with graded increases (or decreases) in acid-extrusion (or acid-loading) rate. Steady-state T (or pH(i)) can change only in response to a change in chronic cold (or acid) loading or chronic heat (or alkali) loading as produced, for example, by a change in environmental T (or pH) or a change in the kinetics of the furnace (or acid extrudes) or air conditioner (or acid loaders). Finally, just as a temperature-control system might benefit from environmental sensors that provide clues about cold and heat loading, at least some cells seem to have extracellular CO(2) or extracellular HCO(3)(-) sensors that modulate acid-base transport.  相似文献   

Specificity and pH dependence for acylproline cleavage by prolidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Catalytic pH dependence for the hydrolytic activity of the enzyme prolidase with a series of dipeptide substrates is found to be generally bell-shaped (kcat/Km) or simple sigmoidal (kcat). An enzymic residue with a pKa value of 6.6 is found to be critically involved in the catalytic mechanism, as is the substrate amino group. Significant catalysis at a pH of 6.6 is also observed for prolidase with (alkylthio)acetylprolines and with haloacetylprolines. A reverse-protonation state mechanism for substrate binding and activation is postulated, involving a chelative interaction of the aminoacylamide portion of substrate with a strongly Lewis-acidic active site metal ion.  相似文献   

Regulation of the alternative pathway of complement by pH   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is an acquired hemolytic anemia. The abnormal PNH erythrocytes are highly susceptible to complement-mediated lysis in vitro, especially at pH 6.4. Lysis has been shown to be due to alternative pathway activation. The purpose of this study was to determine why lysis of PNH erythrocytes is increased at acidic pH. The results presented demonstrate that at pH 6.4: binding of C5 and Factor B to C3b deposited on human erythrocytes is markedly enhanced; generation of the two C3 convertases, C3(H2O), Bb and C3b,Bb is increased; and control of C3b on human erythrocytes by CR1 and Factor I is diminished. In addition, it was found that rabbit erythrocytes, which activate the human alternative pathway, are also lysed much better at pH 6.4 than at pH 7.4. These results indicate that the optimal pH for the initiation and amplification of the alternative complement pathway, and probably also for the activation of the membrane attack complex, is 6.4.  相似文献   

Upon heating cytochrome c peroxidase (ferrocytochrome c: hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase, EC at pH 4 and 5, the enzyme precipitates at 41 degrees C and 51 degrees C, respectively. Incubating the enzyme at lower temperatures causes a slow dissociation of the heme from the protein. The heme precipitates, while the apoprotein remains soluble. Between pH 6 and 8, the native enzyme is converted to a low-spin ferric form upon heating. The Soret maximum shifts from 408 to 414 nm. The midpoint of this transition is pH-dependent, with a value of 46 degrees C at pH 6 decreasing to 29 degrees C at pH 8. At high temperatures the 414 nm form is converted to a species which has a 'free heme' spectrum with low absorptivity and Soret maximum at 390 nm. The midpoint temperature of this latter transition is 62 degrees C and 57 degrees C at pH 7 and 8, respectively.  相似文献   

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