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An experiment was carried out to investigate stomatal responsesin wheat to four ‘closing treatments’, viz. highcarbon dioxide concentration, darkness, dry air and nil, eachgiven under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Thus theeffect of lack of oxygen on the closing (or opening) tendencywas estimated. Changes in calculated from resistance porometer readings were used as data and reasonsare given for thinking this is the best available measure forinvestigating stomatal dynamics in wheat. Williams's hypothesisdemands that lack of oxygen should cause stomatal opening orprevent closure; the present experiment shows that anaerobicconditions significantly increase the closing tendency when‘closing treatments’ are first applied. There isalso some suggestion that oxygen-lack itself tends to causeclosure in the absence of any other ‘closing treatment’.Williams's hypothesis in its original form is thus disproved(for wheat) but the present results would be consistent withan ‘active’ uptake of water by the guard cells contributingto stomatal opening. A nearly significant interaction betweencarbon dioxide and oxygen suggests that under anaerobic conditionsa ‘closing substance’ may perhaps be formed, forexample, by the union of some intermediate in glycolysis withcarbon dioxide.  相似文献   

Transmission electron micrographs revealed that a substantialpart of the guard cell wall of both Quercus robur L. and Populusnigra ‘italica’ L. was either free of cuticle orcovered with a greatly reduced cuticular layer. In Quercus thestructure of the guard cell was such that the area of limitedcuticular development would be exposed to the evaporating powerof the atmosphere even when the stomata were closed. Lanthanumstaining confirmed that this area might be an important siteof evaporation. A similar evaporation site was identified inthe guard cell wall of Pinus sylvestris L. Light micrographsrevealed that this area could also be exposed on the outsideof the leaf when the stomata were closed. It appears that guardcell orientation with respect to the epidermal plane dependsupon epidermal turgor. Changes in orientation of the guard cellcoupled with the exact location of the cuticle-free area inthe guard cell wall may explain the nature of the stomatal responseof individual species to changing VPD and the effect of othervariables, e.g. water deficit, on this response. Quercus robur L, oak, Populus nigra L, poplar, stomata, guard cells, cuticle, evaporation, vapour pressure difference  相似文献   

Stomatal Responses to High Temperature in Darkness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PEMADASA  M. A. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(5):969-976
The effect of a temperature increase from 25 to 35°C onstomatal opening in darkness (‘night opening’) onexcised, turgid leaves of Stachytarpheta indica was investigatedby microscopic examination of a baxial epidermis fixed in absoluteethanol. An appreciable degree of opening occurred towards theend of a 14-h night at 25°C, and this was substantiallyenhanced by the temperature increase to 35°C in the dark,which also promoted a marked increase in starch hydrolysis andaccumulation of potassium in the guard cells. The degree oftemperature-induced night opening was somewhat smaller thanthat of light-induced opening, and was higher in CO2-free airthan in normal air. 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) was effective inarresting stomatal opening and suppressing starch hydrolysisand increase in stomatal potassium. The temperature-inducednight opening is related, to a great extent, to the enhancementby high temperature of starch hydrolysis and potassium accumulationin the guard cells, and the inhibitory effect of DNP on stomatalopening is attributed largely to its suppression of these twometabolic processes. The importance of oxidative phosphorylationas a possible source of energy for stomatal opening is brieflydiscussed.  相似文献   

The rates of CO2 incorporation into the epidermis of C. communiswere linear and were similar during the completion of opening(2 h) and closing (1 h) movements of stomata. The kinetics of14C turnover between metabolites and the rates of ‘leakage’of metabolites were determined for opening and closing movements.When stomata were opening there was a slow turnover of 14C frommalate chiefly into sugars. Upon stomatal closure 14C was initiallymainly in sugars, malate, and sugar phosphates. Thereafter,there was a slight loss of label from sugar phosphates witha corresponding increase in malate. Starch became labelled duringopening and closing movements. Rates of incorporation of CO2found in the ‘leakage’ fraction were greatest whenstomata were opening. Of the labelled compounds Most‘from the tissue, malate was the most highly labelled whetherstomata were opening or closing. Although interpretation of the turnover patterns is difficultwithout knowledge of pool sizes for the metabolites it is suggestedthat a pool of sugars exists within the guard cells, which havefairly direct and reversible access to carbon from starch andmalate. The implications of loss of malate from guard cellsduring stomatal opening and closing are discussed.  相似文献   

Part 1, under the frontispiece portrait of Dr. N. B. Eales,the words ‘President 1948–1951’ should havebeen added. Page 103, line 49, for ‘Newton Collection’ read‘Norman Collection (Canon Norman)’. 185, line 37, for ‘capillaris’ read ‘capillacca’. 188, Table 1, for ‘bemoralis’. read ‘nemoralis’. 188, Table 2, for ‘Cochlicella acuta (Müll)? ventrosa(Fér.)’ read ‘Cochlicella ventrosa (Fér.)’. 191, line 24, for ‘araheo-’ read ‘archeo-’.  相似文献   

The accumulation of betacyanin, in dark-grown Amaranthus tricolorseedlings, in response to cytokinins or red light, occurs mainlyin two specific tissues, the lower epidermal cells of the cotyledons(with the exception of guard cells), and the endodermis of thehypocotyl. The possible significance of this ‘spatialpattern of competence’ is discussed, together with theconcept of target cells in relation to plant hormones. The effect of removing exogenously supplied cytokinin at varioustimes during a 24 h induction period is reported. There is noevidence that cytokinins act by a ‘triggering’ effectwith a long half life, the response in the target cells beingthe same as that expected from the amount of cytokinin and cytokininmetabolite remaining in the tissue at the time of extraction.Either continuous presence of cytokinin is needed or any triggeraction is short lived, and continuous ‘re-triggering’is needed to achieve maximum response. Key words: Amaranthus tricolor, Betacyanin synthesis, Cytokinin action, Target cells  相似文献   

The Permeability of the Guard Cell Plasma Membrane and Tonoplast   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Uptake experiments and efflux compartmental analysis of planthormones, osmotica and toxins using ‘isolated’ guardcells of Valerianella locusta and guard cell protoplasts (GCP)of Vicia faba were performed in order to study the permeabilityproperties of guard cell plasma membrane and tonoplast. Theplasma membrane of guard cells exhibits a higher permeabilitythan plasma membranes of mesophyll cells for most solutes investigated.The permeability coefficients (Ps calculated for the guard cellplasma membranes are also significantly higher than the Ps valuesfor the guard cell tonoplast. This applies also for protonatedABA. We suppose that the high permeability for ABAH could bepart of the target cell properties. A Collander analysis demonstratesa linear correlation between Ps, values and the ratio Kr/Mr1,5for both plasma membrane (r = 0.87) and for the tonoplast (r=0.93). Because of deviations from the observed correlations,the permeation of some solutes (ABA, GA, IAA through the tonoplast;methylamine through the plasma membrane) seems to be facilitatedby an additional transport mechanism. The Collander analysisof the plasma membrane of GCP shows very similar results tothe analysis of the plasma membrane of ‘isolated’guard cells, indicating that isolation of protoplasts does notalter the permeability of the guard cell plasma membrane. Key words: Permeability coefficient, guard cells, plasma membrane, tonoplast  相似文献   

ROBSON  M. J. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(3):321-329
Simulated swards of each of two selection lines of Lolium perennecv. S23 with ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ ratesof ‘mature tissue’ respiration were establishedin growth rooms at 20/15 °C day/night temperatures and studiedover four successive regrowth periods of 46, 30, 26 and 53 daysduration. The ‘slow’ line outyielded the ‘fast’,both in harvestable shoot (above a 5 cm cut) and in root andstubble. Its advantage increased over successive regrowth periodsto 23 per cent (total biomass). Gas analysis measurements onthe entire communities (including roots), during the final regrowthperiod, showed that the ‘slow’ line had a 22–34per cent lower rate of dark respiration per unit dry weight.This enabled it to maintain its greater mass of tissue for thesame cost in terms of CO2 efflux per unit ground area. Halfthe extra dry weight produced by the ‘slow’ line,relative to the ‘fast’, could be attributed to itsmore economic use of carbon. The rest could be traced to a 25per cent greater tiller number which enabled the ‘slow’line to expand leaf area faster (though not at a greater rateper tiller), intercept more light and fix more carbon, earlyin the regrowth period. Lolium perenne L., ryegrass, respiration, maintenance respiration, tiller production, simulated swards, canopy photosynthesis, carbon economy  相似文献   

WARBURG, M. R., 1965. On the water economy of some Australianland snails. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 36, 297–305. Page 298: second line from bottom, should read ‘within± 1 µg for Themapupa’. Page 300: Fig. 2 legend, should read ‘Evaporative waterloss from Sinumelon remissum (a), Pleuroxia sp. (b) and Themapupaadelaidae (c)’. Page 300: section 4 heading, should read ‘Continuous curvesfor water loss’. Page 301: second line, for ‘Fig. 9’ read ‘Fig.3’. Page 301: Table 1, last line, for ‘0.120024’ read‘0.12024’. Present address: Israel Institute for Biological Research, Ness-Ziona,Israel.  相似文献   

Effects of coupled solute and water flow in plant roots withspecial reference to Brouwer's experiment. Edwin L. Fiscus. p. 71 Abstract: Line 3 delete ‘interval’ insert‘internal’. p. 73 Materials and Methods: line 6: delete ‘diversion’ insert ‘division’ line 9 equation should read Jv=Lp PRT(C0C1). 74 Last line of figure legend: 10–1 should read 10–11. 75 Line 11: delete ‘seems’ insert ‘seem’. le 1 column heading—106 should read 1011. 77 delete ‘...membrane in series of...’ insert ‘membranein series or...’ Delete final paragraph.  相似文献   

Studies on the stomatal regulation in the root (wilt) affectedcoconut palms (Cocos nucifera L.) revealed that the diseasedpalms had low stomatal resistance compared to the healthy palms,irrespective of their age. The same trend was observed whetherthe determinations were made at different times of the day (6–18h) or under irrigated and unirrigated conditions or in differentseasons (‘dry’ and ‘wet’). Thus, thestomatal regulation was significantly impaired in the diseasedpalms resulting in excessive water loss compared to the healthypalms. Results are discussed with the available literature onother similar disease caused by fungi, bacteria and mycoplasma-likeorganisms in different plants. Key words: Cocos nucifera L., Stomatal resistance, Root (wilt) disease  相似文献   

HARDWICK  R. C. 《Annals of botany》1987,60(4):439-446
The ‘core-skin’ hypothesis postulates that secondarilythickened plants behave energetically as an inert ‘core’covered by an active ‘skin’, the ‘skin’being two-imensional, the ‘core’ three-dimensional.This would explain the ‘self-thinning ‘or‘–3/2’ rule of plant ecology, that is, the tendencyfor log (dry weight per plant) and log (number of plants perunit area) to progress along a straight line relationship, withslope = – 3/2’. The hypothesis was tested as follows. Plant nitrogen contentwas used as an estimate of the mass of ‘skin’ perplant, and dry weight as an estimate of the mass of the ‘core’.As plants mature the slope of the relationship between y = log(mass of nitrogen per plant) and x = log (mass of dry matterper plant) is expected to decline from an initial value of 1.0towards a final value of 0.66. The intercept of the relationshipis expected to reflect the intrinsic content of ‘skin’per unit of ‘core’. Genotypic variation in thisparameter should cause genotypic differences in the maximumattainable yield of biomass per unit area. The expectations were investigated by fitting the function y= p+qx+r exp – x to 30 sets of data on plant nitrogencontent, plant weight and time in 18 different vegetables. Simplelinear regressions of y on x were fitted to more limited setsof data on weights and nitrogen contents of mature trees. Theexpectations were, with some minor exceptions, confirmed. Nitrogen, yield, plant competition, self-thinning  相似文献   

Diverse Responses of Maple Saplings to Forest Light Regimes   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Seedlings of 11 species of forest maples (AcerL.) were grownoutdoors from budburst to senescence under three light regimes:‘gap centre under clear skies’ (approx. 20% opensky irradiance; red:far-red ratio=1.12); ‘gap centre undercloudy skies’ (1.5%, ratio=1.03); and ‘gap edge’(2.5%, ratio=0.6). Seedlings grown under the gap centre (clearsky) regime had significantly greater height growth, greaterspecific leaf mass, higher root:shoot ratio, greater investmentin roots, higher leaf nitrogen concentrations, greater chlorophylla:bratio,lower photosynthetic rates under dim light, higher maximum photosyntheticrate, higher stomatal conductance, and lower leaf internal CO2concentrationscompared with those grown in either gap edge or gap centre (cloudy)regimes. Responses to the gap edgevs.gap centre (cloudy) treatmentsdiffer little, suggesting that shade acclimation in forest mapleseedlings is mainly a response to light intensity rather thanspectral quality. The ubiquitous and, except for leaf internalCO2concentration, highly significant interspecific variationin traits was broad-ranging and continuous. These results suggestthat (1) the responses to light quality found in shade intolerantherbaceous and woody species growing in more open habitats maynot have a selective advantage in seedlings of shade tolerantforest trees, and (2) the adaptive plastic response to understoreyvs.gapenvironments in forest maples, which is qualitatively consistentacross species, is founded on co-ordinated, small shifts insets of functionally inter-related traits.Copyright 1998 Annalsof Botany Company Acer,forest gap heterogeneity, plasticity, specific leaf mass, photosynthesis, leaf chlorophyll, nitrogen, stomatal density, root growth, root:shoot ratio, growth form.  相似文献   

Histochemical investigations on the Prosopis juliflora seedcoat indicate the occurrence of a hydrophobic ‘strip’as the primary water barrier. Its position and the structureand histochemistry of the palisade cells of the seed coat differaccording to their location on the seed. These differences maybe responsible for differences in the water permeability ofvarious parts of the seed coat. In particular, parts of theseed coat in which the hydrophobic ‘strip’ is locatedmore superficially tend to be more water impermeable than partslike the chalaza, in which the ‘strip’ is more deeplylocated within the palisade cells. Prosopis juliflora, seed coat impermeability, palisade cells, hydrophobic ‘strip’  相似文献   

Naturally occurring gibberellin-like substances possessing acidic,basic, and neutral properties were detected, by paper partitionchromatography, in ethanolic extracts of tomato seed and ofetiolated seedlings after 72 and 116 hours' growth. Dwarf maizemutants of the d-1 and d-5 types, ‘Meteor’ pea seedlingsand young ‘Potentate’ tomato plants were used asbioassay material. Hydrolysis of seed and seedling proteinsby ficin in phosphate buffer, pH 6.2, after removal of ethanol-solublesubstances, liberated more and different ‘bound’gibberellin-like substances. It is suggested that protein hydrolysisduring germination is an important means of liberating thesesubstances at different stages of seedling development. Acidic substances were present in all the extracts prepared,but in general two with Rfs 0.25 and 0.55 in iso-propanol: ammonia:water : : 10:1:1 v/v were differentiated on d-2 and d-5 maizerespectively. Neutral substances in dry seed extracts chromatographedin the same solvent, had Rfs of 0.05, 0.35, and 0.95 and thesewere found only in the ethanolic (‘free’) extracts.They were active on d-1 and d-2 maize and ‘Meteor’pea. Basic gibberellin-like substances with Rfs of 0.05 and0.35 were found in ‘free’ extracts of both dry seedand etiolated seedlings after 116 hours' growth which were activeon d-2 maize only. Two others with Rfs 0.45 and 0.95 were extractedfrom seedlings after 72 hours' growth and these were activeon young ‘Potentate’ tomato plants. It is suggested that certain gibberellin-like substances, capableof reversing dwarfism in test plants, may be responsible formorphogenetic or other responses not involving stem extensionin the parent species. Changes were found in the levels of gibberellin-likesubstances but there was no evidence of changes in levels ofseed inhibitors relative to seed growth substances.  相似文献   

The seed coat structure and histochemistry of Abelmoschus esculentuswere studied by bright-field, fluorescence and scanning electronmicroscopy. The seed coat was typical of species of the Malvaceae.The endotesta cells had inner tangential walls which were verythick and autofluorescent. The occurrence of phenolic substancesat this level has been related to seed coat imposed dormancy.The palisade cells were composed of three differently shapedparts: an upper ‘prismatic part’, a medium ‘transitionpart’ and a lower ‘twisted part’. The formerwas rich in hydrophilic substances, the latter was lignified.The swelling of the ‘prismatic parts’ was relatedto seed coat cracks. The region controlling onset of water entrywas thought to be the chalazal area. Thanks to the presenceof a large amount of highly acidic polysaccharide, water wasable to penetrate from the permeable maternal tissue, throughthe chalazal cap and plug as far as the boundary between thepalisade and underlying mesophyll. During imbibition of watera kidney-shaped ‘blister’ was seen to rise, formedby separation of the palisade cells from an underlying singlelayer of subpalisade cells. The palisade layer forming the blisterroof showed the same histochemical characteristic of other seedregions. The single layer of the blister floor showed an affinitywith Toluidine Blue O and Alcian blue. Both blister roof andfloor were strongly autofluorescent. Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench, okra, seed coat, chalazal region, water entry, structure, histochemistry  相似文献   

Metabolic Inhibitors Block ABA-Induced Stomatal Closure   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Closure of stomata of Commelina communis L. leaf epidermis causedby abscisic acid (ABA) was inhibited by sodium azide, potassiumcyanide and hypoxic conditions. Azide was more effective thancyanide at low concentrations, but the cyanide effect couldbe enhanced by addition of salicylhydroxamic acid, providingindirect evidence for cyanide-resistant respiration in epidermaltissue. Azide also inhibited ABA-induced closure of ‘isolated’ stomata and shrinkage of guard cell protoplasts.The results indicate that metabolic energy is required for ABAaction involving solute loss from the guard cells. Possiblemechanisms of action are discussed.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of [U-14C]sucrose in suspension culturesof Catharanthus roseus cells was monitored for 96 h after thecells were transferred to fresh complete (‘+Pi’)or to phosphate-deficient Murashige and Skoog (‘–Pi’)medium. Sucrose was hydrolysed extracellularly to glucose andfructose. The rate of uptake of sugars by the cells was 1.5–3times higher in ‘+Pi’ culture than in ‘–Pi’culture. Little difference in the rate of incorporation of radioactivityinto the ethanol-soluble fraction was found between the ‘+Pi’and ‘– Pi’ cultures during the initial 24h of culture, but after 48 h the rate in ‘ +Pi’cultures was higher than that in ‘–Pi’ cultures.Incorporation of radioactivity into ethanol-insoluble macromoleculeswas always significantly higher in the cells in ‘+Pi’cultures than in those in ‘–Pi’ cultures.The results suggest that Pi strongly affects the utilizationof sugars by cultured plant cells through the stimulation oftransport of sugars as well as through the activation of metabolism. Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar periwinkle, suspension culture, inorganic phosphate, sucrose, transport, metabolism  相似文献   

Gossypium hirsutum L. (upland cotton) and G. barbadense L. (Pimacotton) are two of the most important fibre producing cottonspecies in cultivation. When grown side-by-side in the field,G.hirsutum has higher photosynthetic and transpiration rates (Luet al., 1997. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology24: 693–700).The present study was undertaken to determine if the differencesin physiology can be explained by leaf and canopy morphologyand anatomy. Scanning electron microscopy was used to comparethe leaf anatomy of field-grown upland (‘Delta’and ‘Pine Land 50’) and Pima (‘S6’)cotton. Compared to G. hirsutum, mature leaves of G. barbadenseare larger and thinner, with a thinner palisade layer. G. barbadenseleaves show significant cupping or curling which allows fora more even absorption of insolation over the course of theday and much more light penetration into the canopy. AlthoughG. barbadense leaves have a 70–78% higher stomatal densityon both the abaxial and the adaxial surfaces, its stomates areonly one third the size of those of G. hirsutum. This resultsin G. barbadense having only about 60% of the stomatal surfacearea per leaf surface area compared to G. hirsutum. These resultsare indicative of the anatomical and physiological differencesthat may limit the yield potential of G. barbadense in certaingrowing environments. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Cotton, leaf anatomy, leaf development, photosynthesis, Gossypium hirsutum, Gossypium barbadense, stomatal density  相似文献   

RAHIM  M. A.; FORDHAM  R. 《Annals of botany》1991,67(2):167-171
Garlic cultivars ‘Bangladesh Local’ and ‘Fructidor’were grown under field conditions in the south-east of Englandand subjected to different shading treatments. The effects ofshading on final leaf size were related to cell numbers anddimensions. An increase in light intensity reduced leaf lengthand size of epidermal cells. In the cv. Fructidor, cell lengthwas reduced, but in the cv. Bangladesh Local, both length andwidth of cells were reduced. The stomatal index decreased withincreasing light intensity in both cultivars. Leaf thicknessincreased with light intensity, resulting in corresponding gainsin leaf d. wt per unit area. Data from cv. Fructidor growing in full sunlight indicated thatthe epidermal tissue adjacent to the abaxial leaf surface hada greater number of cells than that next to the adaxial surface,but no significant differences were found in the correspondingcell depths. The size of epidermal cells in both epidermisesdecreased from the base to tip of the leaf due to reductionin cell length and width. The influences of environmental factorson leaf growth in general, and those related to shade, are alsodiscussed. Allium sativum L. cv. Bangladesh Local, Allium sativum L. cv. Fructidor, epidermal cells, garlic, light intensity, shade, stomatal index  相似文献   

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