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As an approach to the problem of pattern formation in the insect appendage, various graft combinations were studied in the legs of the large milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus. Metathoracic legs of fourth instar larvae were amputated through the tibia within 24 hr after ecdysis and grafted back onto the stumps. The orientation of the graft was altered by rotation through 90 or 180° and/or by exchanging right and left stumps and grafts, yielding seven possible orientations in addition to the control. Many of these grafts resulted in the production of one or two supernumerary regenerates of the distal segments, which appeared at the graft junction after the second postoperative ecdysis. When two supernumerary regenerates resulted, one appeared to be produced from the stump and the other from the graft. When one regenerate was present, it appeared to be a composite of material produced from both the stump and the graft. In contrast to the results obtained in cockroaches, the external face of the leg appeared to be the only one capable of giving rise to a supernumerary regenerate.  相似文献   

An analysis was made of the regeneration of legs and antennae of Oncopeltus. Amputations were performed on first instar larvae within 24 hr after hatching, and on later instars within 24 hr after ecdysis. The resulting regenerates were then measured at each instar. When amputations were performed soon after hatching, there was no significant effect on the duration of any instar. The regenerate was usually visible after the second post-operative ecdysis, and was smaller than a normal appendage (hypomorphic). Removal of the three distal segments of the antenna usually resulted in regeneration of only one segment which was abnormally long and showed a combination of the bristle patterns characteristic of the two most distal segments of the control. In a few such cases a partial intersegmental membrane was present in the regenerated segment. Removal of the tarsus resulted in a structurally complete regenerate which was smaller than the control tarsus. The largest leg regenerates were obtained when amputation was performed through the tibia. With amputation through the femur, a decrease in length of the remainder of this segment was observed after the first ecdysis. This type of amputation and amputation through the trochanter in some cases resulted in the formation of a globular stump containing tarsal claws. The results indicate that amputation of part of an appendage in Oncopeltus does not stimulate an increased growth rate in the stump, but merely causes reorganization of the stump material which subsequently grows at the normal rate. Since even the most hypomorphic regenerates contained well-formed claws, even though proximal parts were missing, it appears that the reorganization process must begin at the most distal point and proceed proximally.  相似文献   

Grafting operations were performed on the metathoracic legs of fourth instar Oncopeltus fasciatus within 24 hr after ecdysis. Different levels along the tibia were combined so that a lengthened tibia, approximately 1.5 times the normal length, or a shortened tibia, about half the normal length, were created. Intercalary regeneration occurred between the graft and stump in both combinations and the extra tissue was visible on the adult leg. The intercalary regenerate produced by the lengthened tibia showed reversed bristle polarity, while that produced in the shortened segment showed normal polarity. It is suggested that a regenerate with reversed polarity represents a mirror image duplication of the graft and might originate from the graft, whereas a regenerate with normal polarity may originate, as in normal regeneration, from the stump. It appears that each level in the appendage has the developmental capacity to produce only more distal structures. This conclusion is supported by the results of a grafting operation in which a portion of the tibia was grafted back on to the stump with its proximo-distal axis reversed. Regeneration of appropriate distal structures proceeded from the free proximal surface of the grafted tibia.  相似文献   

Summary Complete sets of life-history data (sufficient to construct life-tables and calculate intrinsic rates of increase) were collected at each of three constant temperatures for descendants of two tropical populations of the Large Milkweed Bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus. Although the two populations occur only about 60 km apart, they experience quite different thermal regimes, with little variation in mean monthly temperature at either site. In addition to the pronounced effect of ambient temperature on life-history traits, significant population-by-temperature interactions were observed for six of the eight traits examined. The data and the recent history of the species' distribution are consistent with the hypothesis that natural selection in the cool habitat has favored improved survival and increased reproduction at cool temperatures, with some trade-offs with respect to performance at higher (but ecologically relevant) temperatures.  相似文献   

Abstract The adipokinetic hormone (AKH) of the large milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus is isolated from an acidified methanolic extract of 200 corpora cardiaca, purified by single step reversed phase high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and N‐terminally deblocked using pyroglutamate aminopeptidase. The sequence is identified by Edman degradation and matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization‐time of flight mass spectroscopy as pGlu‐Leu‐Asn‐Phe‐Ser‐Pro‐Asn‐Trp amide. This structure is confirmed by chemical synthesis and coelution of native and synthetic peptide on HPLC. The AKH of O. fasciatus is identical to Tenmo‐HrTH, a member of the adipokinetic/red pigment‐concentrating hormone peptide family that had been isolated earlier from several tenebrionid beetles. Tenmo‐HrTH causes a significant rise in the concentration of haemolymph lipids when injected into adult male and female O. fasciatus, but displays no hyperglycaemic activity. There is no indication of the presence of other AKHs in O. fasciatus. The large milkweed bug represents the first member of the seed bugs (Lygaeidae) for which the endogenous AKH has been identified.  相似文献   

Adults of the large milkweed bug, oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas), deprived of food for 48 hr, were fed 5% solutions of either sucrose, maltose, lactose, raffinose or melezitose, for 15–20 min. The alimentary canals were then dissected out 30 min or 1 hour after the period of feeding, and the gut contents chromatographed. The results indicated the presence in the gut of the following carbohydrases: -glucosidase, -fructosidase, -galactosidase and -galactosidase.
Résumé Des adultes de la punaise de l'asclépiade, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas), soumis au jeûne pendant 48 heures, ont été nourris ensuite durant 15 à 20 minutes avec des solutions aqueuses de 5% de glucides, comprenant soit le sucrose le maltose, le lactose, le raffinose ou le mélézitose. Les tubes digestifs furent prélevés 30 ou 60 minutes après l'ingestion des sucres, et leur contenu glucidique séparé et identifié par chromatographie sur papier filtre. Les résultats ont révélé la présence dans le tube digestif des carbohydrases suivantes: -glucosidase, -fructosidase, -galactosidase et -galactosidase.

ABSTRACT. Differences were found in duration of diapause, as measured by days to first oviposition following adult eclosion, between female Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas) mated with male O.sandarachatus (Say) (mean =55 days), and those mated with their brothers (mean =99 days). Under the same conditions (LD 11:13 at 23°C), O.sandarachatus pairs showed no delay in reproduction (mean = 12 days). Male O.sandarachatus exhibit greater sexual activity than male O.fasciatus , and it is postulated that this behaviour may play a significant role in determining the length of diapause in the female.  相似文献   

Oncopeltus fasciatus tolerated 1954× and 7288×, respectively, the LD50 ouabain dose of Schistocerca gregaria and Periplaneta americana when ouabain was injected into the haemocoel of these insects. The maximal ouabain dose that could be injected into O. fasciatus (200 nmol) resulted in no mortality; this dose is higher than the lethal ouabain doses recorded for vertebrates and invertebrates. The ouabain concentration resulting in 50% inhibition (I50) of Na,K-ATPase activity was determined in lyophilates of nervous tissue of O. fasciatus and brain and recta of S. gregaria and were 2.0 × 10−4, 2.0 × 10−6 and 1.0 × 10−6 M, respectively. The I50 value for ouabain inhibition of Na,K-ATPase activity in the nervous tissue of O. fasciatus is higher than the I50 values for nervous tissue in most other insects as well as many other invertebrate and vertebrate tissues. Thus, the presence of ouabain-resistant Na,K-ATPases appears to be a factor in the tolerance and sequestration of plant cardenolides in O. fasciatus.  相似文献   

Summary The large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus, is a specialized seed feeder that has been observed completing nymphal development in the field on only a small proportion of its potential host species within the genus Asclepias. In central Missouri only two of the six milkweed species studied, A. syriaca and A. verticillata, commonly supported nymphal O. fasciatus growth in the field. The seed of all six species, however, was equally suitable food for bugs reared in the laboratory. In laboratory preference tests, adult bugs chose to feed on the largest seeds, A. hirtella, but such a preference could not explain the observed field feeding patterns.One explanation to account for the observed host plant selection is based upon an energetic analysis. Only A. syriaca provided enough seed biomass for a clutch of O. fasciatus nymphs to develop on a single plant, and only A. verticillata grew in high enough density that a clutch could find sufficient food within the limited range of nymphal movement. These results illustrate a corollary of the resource concentration hypothesis: within a plant group whose members share similar secondary plant chemistries, the only species that will be viable hosts for a specialized herbivore are those that provide the minimal resource density necessary for the completion of nymphal development.In central Missouri, O. fasciatus has specialized on a critical resource density, not traits of individual Asclepias species. The appearance of host selection within the potential host plant spectrum is the result of a characteristic growth form, seed output, and dispersion pattern for each milkweed species that makes some species much more likely than others to produce sufficient seed resources.  相似文献   

田晓轩  谢强  卜文俊 《昆虫学报》2011,54(4):390-396
针对非完全变态类昆虫发育关键基因的研究相对匮乏, 尤其缺少Hox基因家族的基因结构和序列信息。为了研究Hox基因家族成员之一的Ubx基因在非完全变态类昆虫中的结构特点, 本实验选取乳草长蝽Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas, 1852)为代表, 应用RACE和RT-PCR技术, 对其Ubx基因的全长开放阅读框进行克隆。结果显示: 乳草长蝽Ubx基因(Of-Ubx)开放阅读框全长888 bp, 推测的完整蛋白含有295个氨基酸。Southern blot证实Ubx基因以单拷贝形式存在且含有内含子。在Of-Ubx的YPWM基序和同源异型结构域之间存在选择性剪接位点, 可产生3种不同转录本。分析以上实验结果, 发现乳草长蝽与黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen, 1830)的Ubx基因拥有相似的剪接位置、剪接体组合和边界序列, 提示它们很可能具有相似的剪接机理。这是Ubx基因的多转录本现象在昆虫纲中果蝇属以外类群中的首次详尽报道。

The utilization of carbohydrates by the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas), was studied by feeding the nymphs on chemically defined diets and recording the effects of the various sugars on growth, development, survival, and reproduction. The carbohydrate utilization by the early nymphal stages was largely similar to that observed for later ones. The results showed that some dietary carbohydrate is necessary for maintaining O. fasciatus on chemical diets. Arabinose and rhamnose were of poor value, but the insect was able to utilize glucose, fructose, mannose, galactose, sucrose, maltose, trehalose, lactose, turanose, melibiose, raffinose, and melezitose. The degree of utilization for each sugar, however, differed. Glucose promoted best growth and development among monosaccharides, sucrose among disaccharides, and melezitose among trisaccharides. The optimum level of sugar in the diet was around 4%, and a higher or lower concentration (2, 8, 12%) usually reduced growth. Viable eggs were obtained on some of the diets.
Résumé La valeur nutritive de plusieurs glucides pour la punaise de l'asclépiade, Oncopeltus fasciatus, a été déterminée en élevant des larves sur des régimes nutritifs de composition chimique connue. Les effets des sucres sur la croissance, le développement, la longévité et la reproduction ont été établis, et ces effets apparaissent semblables chez les très jeunes larves de même que chez les larves plus âgées. Les résultats indiquent que la présence d'un sucre dans le régime nutritif est indispensable pour la survie de l'insecte. Cependant certains sucres, tels que l'arabinose ou le rhamnose n'ont que peu ou pas de valeur nutritive, tandis que d'autres (glucose, fructose, mannose, galactose, sucrose, maltose, tréhalose, lactose, turanose, mélibiose, raffinose et mélézitose) ont une valeur nutritive variant de faible à élevée. Les sucres qui ont donné les meilleurs résultats sont le glucose, le sucrose, et le mélézitose. La concentration glucidique optimale dans le régime se situe à 4% et une concentration moindre (2%) ou plus élevée (8 ou 12%) ralentit généralement la croissance. Les larves sur certains régimes se sont développées jusqu'au stade adulte et des ufs fertiles ont été pondus.

Te Brugge VA  Orchard I 《Peptides》2008,29(2):206-213
The milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus, is a plant feeding hemipteran. While there has been much research done on the neurohormonal control of the post-feeding diuresis in the blood-feeding hemipteran, Rhodnius prolixus, little is known about the control of the post-feeding diuresis in O. fasciatus. One of the neurohormones that may play a role in this rapid diuresis belongs to the calcitonin-like diuretic hormone (DH31) family of insect peptides. In this study we demonstrate the presence of DH31-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system (CNS) and gut of O. fasciatus 5th instars. As well, DH31-like material was quantified and partially purified from the CNS of 5th instar O. fasciatus using reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) and monitored with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). When tested on O. fasciatus 5th instar Malpighian tubules, DH31-like peptides significantly increased the rate of secretion over saline controls. The results suggest that there is a DH31-like peptide(s) present in the CNS of O. fasciatus and that this peptide may play a role in the control of Malpighian tubule secretion.  相似文献   

In this study, the condensation of the three thoracic and 11 abdominal segmental ganglia to form a prothoracic and central nerve mass during embryogenesis is described. During katatrepsis, many changes occur in the organization of these ganglia; this study suggests that some of these changes are caused by mechanical forces acting on the ventral nerve cord at this time. The ventral nerve cord begins its anterior migration and coalescence ten hours after katatrepsis and is completed 63 hours later. The central ganglion is made up of the meso- and metathoracic ganglia and seven abdominal ganglia. Intrasegmental median cord nuclei are shown to form glial elements in the median sagittal plane of the neuropile and in the longitudinal connectives. Intersegmental median cord neuroblasts migrate into the posterior gangliomeres but, apparently, degenerate soon after katatrepsis. Lateral cord cells bordering on the neuropile form a glial investment that surrounds this fiber tract region. Peripheral lateral cord cells are shown to form the cells of the outer ganglionic sheath, the perineurium.  相似文献   

A report is given on the pharmacological activity of body fluids from milkweed bugs maintained on a diet of sunflower seeds, together with observations on the toxin accumulating system of the adult insect.  相似文献   

The process of head development in insects utilizes a set of widely conserved genes, but this process and its evolution are not well understood. Recent data from Tribolium castaneum have provided a baseline for an understanding of insect head development. However, work on a wider range of insect species, including members of the hemimetabolous orders, is needed in order to draw general conclusions about the evolution of head differentiation and regionalization. We have cloned and studied the expression and function of a number of candidate genes for head development in the hemipteran Oncopeltus fasciatus. These include orthodenticle, empty spiracles, collier, capncollar, and crocodile. The expression patterns of these genes show a broad conservation relative to Tribolium, as well as differences from Drosophila indicating that Tribolium + Oncopeltus represent a more ancestral pattern. In addition, our data provide a blastodermal fate map for different head regions in later developmental stages and supply us with a “roadmap” for future studies on head development in this species.  相似文献   

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