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The PHYD gene of the Wassilewskija (Ws) ecotype of Arabidopsis contains a 14-bp deletion (the phyD-1 mutation) beginning at amino acid 29 of the reading frame, resulting in translation termination at a nonsense codon 138 nucleotides downstream of the deletion end point. Immunoblot analyses showed that Ws lacks phyD but contains normal levels of phyA, phyB, and phyC. By backcrossing into the Ws and Landsberg erecta genetic backgrounds, we constructed sibling pairs of PHYD+ and phyD-1 lines and of phyB- PHYD+ and phyB- phyD- lines. Hypocotyl lengths after growth under white or red light increased sequentially in strains that were B+D+, B+D-, B-D+, and B-D-. In the Ws genetic background, an increase in petiole length, a reduction in cotyledon area and in anthocyanin accumulation in seedling stems, a diminished effect of an end-of-day pulse of far-red light on hypocotyl elongation, and a decrease in the number of rosette leaves at the onset of flowering were also seen sequentially in these lines. Thus, phyD, which is approximately 80% identical in amino acid sequence to phyB, acts in conjunction with phyB in regulating many shade avoidance responses. The existence of the apparently naturally occurring phyD-1 mutation indicates that phyD is not essential in some natural environments.  相似文献   

Summary The possibility that phytochrome is involved in the promotion of flowering by far-red light was investigated. The addition of far-red (FR) to a day extension with red (R) light promotes inflorescence initiation in Lolium. A 2-hour interruption with darkness also promoted flowering compared with the uninterrupted red light control; apex length was further increased by a 10-minute FR irradiation given before the 2-hour dark interruption and was decreased by 10-minutes of R light given in the middle: both FR promotion and R inhibition were reversed by R and FR respectively. Apex length increased approximately linearly with increasing duration of dark interruption up to at least 2 1/2 hours. When varying ratios of R:FR light were substituted for a 2-hour dark period, apex length was increasingly depressed as the % R was increased above 25%; no difference between 25% R/75% FR and 100% FR could be detected. Apex length was inversely linearly related to the calculated [Pfr]/[P] ratios above about 40% Pfr.FR promoted flowering when given during a 5-hour interruption of a day extension with R light but, between 0.25 and 0.90 J m2 s-1, there was no effect of intensity of FR; at 0.11 J m-2 s-1 apex length was shorter than at 0.25 J m-2 s-1 but longer than in darkness. When the duration of FR (from the beginning of a dark interruption of a day extension with R) was varied, apex length increased with increasing duration of FR up to 1 1/4 to 2 hours but further increasing the duration of FR did not promote flowering more.The results implicate phytochrome in the promotion of flowering by FR light. It has been demonstrated that a low [Pfr]/[P] ratio (less than present in 25% R/75% FR) is needed over a relatively long period of time: this explains why a relatively high proportion of FR light must be added to R for several hours in order to give maximum promotion of flowering. It is concluded that, in Lolium, the increased flowering response to FR light is brought about by a reduction of [Pfr]/[P] ratio at the appropriate time, although the possibility that another effect of far-red is also involved has not been rigorously excluded.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis mutant hypersensitive to red and far-red light signals.   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
A new mutant called psi2 (for phytochrome signaling) was isolated by screening for elevated activity of a chlorophyll a/b binding protein-luciferase (CAB2-LUC) transgene in Arabidopsis. This mutant exhibited hypersensitive induction of CAB1, CAB2, and the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RBCS) promoters in the very low fluence range of red light and a hypersensitive response in hypocotyl growth in continuous red light of higher fluences. In addition, at high- but not low-light fluence rates, the mutant showed light-dependent superinduction of the pathogen-related protein gene PR-1a and developed spontaneous necrotic lesions in the absence of any pathogen. Expression of genes responding to various hormone and environmental stress pathways in the mutant was not significantly different from that of the wild type. Analysis of double mutants demonstrated that the effects of the psi2 mutation are dependent on both phytochromes phyA and phyB. The mutation is recessive and maps to the bottom of chromosome 5. Together, our results suggest that PSI2 specifically and negatively regulates both phyA and phyB phototransduction pathways. The induction of cell death by deregulated signaling pathways observed in psi2 is reminiscent of retinal degenerative diseases in animals and humans.  相似文献   

In this study, we show that CIPK14, a stress responsive CBL-interacting protein kinase gene, is involved in phytochrome A-mediated far-red light inhibition of greening in Arabidopsis seedlings. The CIPK14-impairment mutant cipk14 grown in continuous far-red (FR) light did not show greening when exposed to white light illumination for 15 h. By contrast, the FR-grown phytochrome A null mutant phyA greened within 0.5 h of exposure to white light. Although greening of Col-4 (wild-type) was not completely abolished by FR, it exhibited a significantly decreased greening capacity compared with that of phyA. Further analyses demonstrated that the expression of protochlorophyllide reductase (POR) genes was correlated with the greening ability of the genotypes. In addition, CIPK14 appeared to be regulated by both the circadian clock and PhyA. Taken together, these results suggest that CIPK14 plays a role in PhyA-mediated FR inhibition of seedling greening, and that a Ca-related kinase may be involved in a previously undefined branch point in the phytochrome A signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Nebel  Bernard J. 《Planta》1969,87(1-2):170-179
Summary Protonemata of Physcomitrium were grown in a liquid medium of sucrose and mineral nutrients. Under these conditions, the filaments respond phototropically most readily to red and far-red irradiation by growing out on the apical flank nearest the light source. This response has been examined as a function of the angle of polarization for red (662 nm) and far-red (732 nm) light given singly and simulataneously. Results indicate that both red and far-red light, striking the growing cell surface perpendicularly, are absorbed independently of their angle of polarization. However, radiation striking the flank tangentially is absorbed if the plane of polarization (vibrational plane of the electric vector) is parallel to the cell surface but not if it is vertical to the cell surface. It is concluded that the active photoreceptors are dichroic and coin- or disc-shaped. Synergistic interaction between red and far-red irradiation supports the hypothesis that the photoreceptor is phytochrome and that the light growth response is proportional to the total quanta absorbed by the pigment and/or the consequent cycling of the phytochrome between the Pr and the Pjr states. No evidence was found for a difference in receptor orientation between the red and far-red absorbing states.Published with the approval of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.This work was carried out under partial support by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under Contract AT (30-I)2373.  相似文献   

Jasmonates are phytohormones derived from oxygenated fatty acids that regulate a broad range of plant defense and developmental processes. In Arabidopsis, hypocotyl elongation under various light conditions was suppressed by exogenously supplied methyl jasmonate (MeJA). Moreover, this suppression by MeJA was particularly effective under red light condition. Mutant analyses suggested that SCFCOI1-mediated proteolysis was involved in this function. However, MeJA action still remained in the coi1 mutant, and (+)-7-iso-JA-L-Ile, a well-known active form of jasmonate, had a weaker effect than MeJA under the red light condition, suggesting that unknown signaling pathway are present in MeJA-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl elongation. EMS mutant screening identified two MeJA-insensitive hypocotyl elongation mutants, jasmonate resistance long hypocotyl 1 (jal1) and jal36, which had mutations in the phytochrome B (PHYB) gene. These analyses suggested that inhibition of hypocotyl elongation by jasmonates is enhanced under red light in phyB dependent manner.  相似文献   

In independent genetic screens, for shade-avoidance response and cytokinin sensitivity, we identified two Arabidopsis mutants, attenuated shade avoidance 1 (asa1) and umbrella1 (umb1), which have very similar pleiotropic phenotypes. asa1 and umb1 are allelic to tir3-1, and are caused by mutations in BIG, which is required for normal auxin efflux. They have a compact rosette, fewer lateral roots, delayed flowering, more secondary inflorescence, smaller seeds and, in the Laer-0 background, much shorter internodes between adjacent flowers, suggesting an interaction between BIG and ERECTA. These mutants have organ-specific defects in response to cytokinins, ethylene, N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and gibberellin (GA). The phenotype of the asa1 ga1-3 double mutant is consistent with defects in GA signalling. There are subtle effects in responses to auxins, abscisic acid and brassinolide. Elongation growth associated with shade avoidance in phyA phyB null mutants is suppressed by asa1 in all organs other than the hypocotyl. Therefore, we here provide evidence that BIG is a key player not just in auxin signalling, but in a multitude of light and hormone pathways.  相似文献   

The effects of overexpression of oat phytochrome A on neighbour detection and on stem-growth responses to changes in red light (R), far-red light (FR) and blue light (B) simulating neighbours were investigated in transgenic tobacco seedlings grown under natural radiation. In wild-type (WT) seedlings, stem extension growth was promoted: (1) by lowering the R:FR by means of daytime supplementary FR, end-of-day FR, neighbours reflecting FR, or selective light filters placed around the base of the shoot to reduce R without affecting FR; and (2) by lowering phytochrome-absorbable radiation (R+FR) reaching the stem. Transgenic seedlings only responded to reductions in R:FR involving no significant changes in FR irra-diance, i.e. end-of-day FR and filters placed around the stem to reduce R. Neither daytime supplementary R nor selective filters placed around the stem to reduce B affected stem growth in any genotype. In growing canopies, WT seedlings responded to the reduction of R:FR caused by FR reflected in neighbour plants. Transgenic seedlings responded to plant density about a week later, when mutual plant shading reduced R and (to a lesser extent) FR below sunlight levels. Overexpression of phytochrome A impaired early neighbour detection.  相似文献   

The occurrence of phytochrome-mediated highirradiance responses (HIR), previously characterised largely in dicotyledonous plants, was investigated in Triticum aestivum L., Zea mays L., Lolium multiflorum Lam. and in both wild-type Oryza sativa L. and in transgenic plants overexpressing oat phytochrome A under the control of a 35S promoter. Coleoptile growth was promoted (maize, ryegrass) or inhibited (wild-type rice) by continuous far-red light (FRc). However, at equal fluences, hourly pulses of far-red light (FRp) were equally effective, indicating that the growth responses to FRc were not true HIR. In contrast, in maize and rice, FRc increased anthocyanin content in the coleoptile in a fluence-rate dependent manner. This response was a true HIR as FRp had reduced effects. In maize, anthocyanin levels were significantly higher under FRc than under continuous red light. In rice, overexpression of phytochrome A increased the inhibition of coleoptile growth and the levels of anthocyanin under FRc but not under FRp or under continuous red light. The effect of FRc was fluence-rate dependent. In light-grown rice, overexpression of phytochrome A reduced leaf-sheath length, impaired the response to supplementary far-red light, but did not affect the response to canopy shade-light. In grasses, typical HIR, i.e. fluence-rate dependent responses showing reciprocity failure, can be induced by FRc. Under FRc, overexpressed phytochrome A operates through this action mode in transgenic rice.Abbreviations FR far-red light - FRc continuous far-red light - FRp pulses of far-red light - HIR high-irradiance responses - LFR low-fluence responses - OPHYA transgenic rice overexpressing oat phytochrome A - Pfr far-red light-absorbing form of phytochrome - phyA phytochrome A - R red light - Rc continuous red light - VLFR very low-fluence responses - WT wildtype We thank Marcelo J. Yanovsky for his help with the photographs and Professor Rodolfo A. Sanchez for providing a reprint of the paper by P.J.A.L. de Lint. This work was supported by grants from UBA (AG041) and Fundacion Antorchas (A-13218/1-15) to J.J.C.  相似文献   

The presence of a phytochrome pool down-regulated by light and the occurrence of high-irradiance responses to far-red light are well documented in angiosperms but not in gymnosperms. A pool of phytochrome was identified in Pinus elliottii and Pseudotsuga menziesii seedlings grown in darkness with a monoclonal antibody developed against oat phytochrome A. This pool was barely detectable in light-grown tissues. Dark-grown conifer seedlings transferred to continuous red light showed a gradual decrease of the levels of immunodetectable phytochrome. This decrease was significantly slower in gymnosperms than in angiosperms. Dark-grown seedlings of P. elliottii and P. menziesii showed enhanced growth of the cotyledonary whorl and increased anthocyanin pigmentation of the hypocotyl, but no hypocotyl-growth inhibition in response to continuous far-red light. Hourly pulses were significantly less effective than continuos far-red light. The response to far-red light was not observed in seedlings pretreated with red light to reduce the levels of immunodetectable phytochrome. Rudiments of phytochrome A-like function and kinetics are present in P. elliottii and P. menziesii.  相似文献   

D. Francis 《Protoplasma》1981,107(3-4):285-299
Summary 28-day-old plant ofSilene coeli-rosa were exposed at 1,700 hours to 5 or 10 minutes red light, 5 or 10 minutes far-red light, red followed by far-red, far-red followed by red or maintained in darkness. Measurements of the proportions of cells with the 2 C and 4 C amounts of DNA in the shoot apex of the plants, sampled at 2,000 hours, showed that far-red light promoted an increase in the G2 proportion whereas red light resulted in an increase in the G1 proportion of the cell cycle, relative to the dark controls. Moreover these changes were red, far-red reversible. All light treatments resulted in increases in the mitotic index in the apex compared with the dark controls, suggesting increases in the growth rate. The data implicate phytochrome in a low energy response and suggest that, in the shoot apex, G1 is shortened markedly following exposure to farred light, whilst G2 is shortened the most following exposure to red light. The results are discussed in relation to flower-initiation.  相似文献   

Mazzella MA  Bertero D  Casal JJ 《Planta》2000,210(3):497-501
 Vegetative plants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. form a compact rosette of leaves in which internode growth is virtually arrested. Rapid extension of the internodes occurs after flower buds are present in the reproductive apex. Under natural radiation, continuous light from fluorescent lamps, or short photoperiods of light from fluorescent lamps, plants of the phyB cry1 double mutant (lacking both phytochrome B and cryptochrome 1) did not form normal rosettes because all the internodes showed some degree of elongation. Internode elongation was weak in the phyB single mutant and absent in the cry1 mutant, indicating redundancy between phytochrome B and cryptochrome 1. The absence of phytochrome A caused no effects. The failure to form normal rosettes was conditional because internode elongation was arrested at low temperatures in all the mutant combinations. In contrast, the temperature dependence of phytochrome B and cryptochrome 1 effects on hypocotyl growth was weak. The elongation of the internodes in phyB cry1 was not accompanied by early flowering as showed by the lack of effects on the final number of leaves. Apex dissection indicated that in phyB cry1 double mutants internode elongation anticipated the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive stage. Thus, stem growth in Arabidopsis thaliana is not fully dependent on the program of reproductive development. Received: 2 June 1999 / Accepted: 13 August 1999  相似文献   

Tillering responses to light quality in different phenological stages of a perennial warm-season grass Eragrostis curvula were investigated in controlled environments. In vegetative plants, the tillering rate was greater (P<0.01) in the high (1.1–1.3) than in the low (0.59–0.70) red:far-red ratio (R/FR) light regime. Tillering rates were higher in the low R/FR treatment when the plants in the high R/FR regime reached the reproductive stage, while the plants in the low R/FR regime remained vegetative. After the reproductive tillers were removed by defoliation, more tillers were produced in the defoliated plants grown in the high R/FR regime. When the plants in both light treatments entered the reproductive stage, the tillering rate under the two light regimes became similar, suggesting a significant interaction between tillering and inflorescence development. The more advanced inflorescence development in the high R/FR regime may have reduced assimilate availability to tiller growth and overshadowed the effect of high R/FR on tillering. Both tillering and inflorescence development appeared to be controlled by R/FR ratio. The higher rate of aerial tiller production on the reproductive culms during the post-anthesis period in the high R/FR regime suggested that high R/FR ratio stimulated not only basal tillering, but also aerial tillering.  相似文献   

The interaction of light perception with development is the subject of intensive genetic analysis in the model plant Arabidopsis. We performed genetic screens in low white light-a threshold condition in which photomorphogenetic signaling pathways are only partially active-for ethyl methane sulfonate-generated mutants with altered developmental phenotypes. Recessive mutants with exaggerated developmental responses were obtained in eight complementation groups designated shl for seedlings hyperresponsive to light. shl1, shl2, shl5, and shl3 shl4 (double mutant) seedlings showed limited or no phenotypic effects in darkness, but showed significantly enhanced inhibition of hypocotyl elongation in low-white, red, far-red, blue, and green light across a range of fluences. These results reflect developmental hyper-responsiveness to signals generated by both phytochrome and cryptochrome photoreceptors. The shl11 mutant retained significant phenotypic effects on hypocotyl length in both the phyA mutant and phyB mutant backgrounds but may be dependent on CRY1 for phenotypic expression in blue light. The shl2 phenotype was partially dependent on PHYB, PHYA, and CRY1 in red, far-red, and blue light, respectively. shl2 and, in particular, shl1 were partially dependent on HY5 activity for their light-hyperresponsive phenotypes. The SHL genes act (genetically) as light-dependent negative regulators of photomorphogenesis, possibly in a downstream signaling or developmental pathway that is shared by CRY1, PHYA, and PHYB and other photoreceptors (CRY2, PHYC, PHYD, and PHYE).  相似文献   

Etiolated seedlings of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) were exposed to single light pulses predicted to establish different proportions of phytochrome in its far-red absorbing form (Pfr/P). The angle between the cotyledons was compared in wild-type and transgenic seedling overexpressing Avena phytochrome A over the range of both very low-fluence responses (VLFR) and low-fluence responses (LFR). The unfolding of the cotyledons increased linearly for 24 h after the light pulse. At this time the Pfr/P-response curve showed two linear segments. The segment below a calculated Pfr/P = 3% (i.e. VLFR) was steeper than the segment above 3% (i.e. LFR). In the VLFR range the slope was almost threefold higher in transgenic than wild-type seedlings. However, in the LFR range the difference was less than 50%. From these data we propose that Avena phytochrome A makes a higher contribution to VLFR than LFR in etiolated tobacco seedlings.Abbreviations FR far-red light - LFR low-fluence response - Pfr/P proportion of phytochrome (P) in its FR-absorbing form (Pfr) - R red light - VLFR very low-fluence response Financial support was provided by the University of Buenos Aires and Fundación Antorchas (Argentina) to J.J.C., CONICET (Argentina) to R.A.S. and the U.S. Department of Energy (DE-FG02-88ER13968) to R.D.V.  相似文献   

The pattern of cell division is very regular in Arabidopsis embryogenesis, enabling seedling structures to be traced back to groups of cells in the early embryo. Recessive mutations in the FASS gene alter the pattern of cell division from the zygote, without interfering with embryonic pattern formation: although no primordia of seedling structures can be recognised by morphological criteria at the early-heart stage, all elements of the body pattern are differentiated in the seedling. fass seedlings are strongly compressed in the apical-basal axis and enlarged circumferentially, notably in the hypocotyl. Depending on the width of the hypocotyl, fass seedlings may have up to three supernumerary cotyledons. fass mutants can develop into tiny adult plants with all parts, including floral organs, strongly compressed in their longitudinal axis. At the cellular level, fass mutations affect cell elongation and orientation of cell walls but do not interfere with cell polarity as evidenced by the unequal division of the zygote. The results suggest that the FASS gene is required for morphogenesis, i.e., oriented cell divisions and position-dependent cell shape changes generating body shape, but not for cell polarity which seems essential for pattern formation.  相似文献   

Variation in vegetation density creates a range of red to far-red ratios of irradiance (R:FR) potentially permitting fine-scale discrimination of light conditions for seed germination. However, remarkably few studies have explored whether R:FR responses of germination vary among species that differ in distribution and life-history traits. In this study, we explored the relationships between R:FR requirements and four species characteristics: seed mass, latitudinal distribution (tropical vs. temperate), seed dormancy (dormant vs. nondormant), and plant growth form (woody vs. nonwoody). We obtained data on germination response to R:FR of 62 species from published literature and added new data for ten species from aseasonal tropical forests in Borneo. First, we analyzed whether species characteristics influenced overall light dependency of germination using phylogenetic logistic regression. We found that seed mass had a strong negative effect on light dependency, but that the seed mass at which tropical taxa had a 50 % probability of light dependency was 40 times that of temperate taxa. For light-dependent species, we found that the threshold R:FR that stimulates 50 % of maximum germination (R:FR50) was also related to seed mass and latitudinal distribution. In agreement with an earlier study, we found that for temperate taxa, the R:FR50 was significantly negatively correlated with seed mass. In contrast, for 22 tropical taxa, we found a significant positive correlation. These opposing relationships suggest contrasting selection pressures on germination responses of tropical taxa (mostly trees) and temperate herbaceous plants, and which are likely related to differences in seed longevity, seed burial rates, and reproductive output.  相似文献   

We have characterized a far-red-light response that induces a novel pathway for plastid development in Arabidopsis seedlings. This response results in the inability of cotyledons to green upon subsequent white light illumination, and the response is suppressed by exogenous sucrose. Studies with mutants showed that this far-red block of greening is phytochrome A dependent and requires an intact downstream signaling pathway in which FHY1 and FHY3 may be components but in which HY5 is not. This highlights a previously undefined branchpoint in the phytochrome signaling pathway. Ultrastructural analysis showed that the far-red block correlates with both the failure of plastids to accumulate prolamellar bodies and the formation of vesicles in the stroma. We present evidence that the far-red block of greening is the result of severe repression of protochlorophyllide reductase (POR) genes by far-red light coupled with irreversible plastid damage. This results in the temporal separation of phytochrome-mediated POR; repression from light-dependent protochlorophyllide reduction, two processes that normally occur in coordination in white light.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fluence-rate response curves were determined for the inhibition of hypocotyl growth in 54-h-old dark-grown Sinapis alba L. seedlings by continuous or hourly 5 min far-red light irradiation (24 h). Just as in red light ( Heim & Schäfer, 1982 ), a fluence-rate dependence was observed for both kinds of irradiations, even if only 35% of the continuous light effect could be substituted for by hourly far-red pulses. The same total fluence was used for the two different light regimes. Measurements of Pfr and Pfr/Ptot showed a strong fluence-rate dependence under continuous light which only partially paralleled the fluence-rate response curves for the inhibition of the hypocotyl growth. It was concluded that neither spectrophotometrically determined levels of Pfr nor Pfr/Ptot can be the only light-dependent factor controlling hypocotyl lengthening under continuous irradiation.  相似文献   

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