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Four sibling species from the melanogaster subgroup (Drosophila melanogaster, D. simulans, D. sechellia, and D. mauritiana) were studied for genetic divergence, by high-resolution two-dimensional protein electrophoresis (2DE) coupled with ultrasensitive silver staining. A total of eight tissues from larval and adult developmental stages representing both gonadal (germ-line) and nongonadal (somatic) tissues were analyzed for protein divergence between species. Close to 400 polypeptides (protein spots) were scored from each tissue and species, and protein divergence was measured on the basis of qualitative differences (presence/absence) of protein spots in pairwise species comparisons. The observed levels of genic divergence varied among tissues and among species. When larval hemolymph proteins (which are known to be highly polymorphic) were excluded, there was no evidence to suggest that either the larval or adult-stage proteins, as a whole, are more diverged than the other; variation between different tissues rather than between developmental stages appears to be the most significant factor affecting genetic divergence between species. The reproductive tissue (testis and accessory gland) showed more divergence than did the nonreproductive tissue; D. melanogaster testis (from both larvae and adult males) showed the highest level of divergence. In view of the previous observation that D. simulans, D. mauritiana, and D. sechellia show similar but significantly less reproductive isolation from each other than from D. melanogaster, the present results suggest a correlation between the levels of reproductive-tract-protein divergence and the degree of reproductive isolation in these species.  相似文献   

Despite the popularity of Drosophila melanogaster in functional and evolutionary genetics, the global pattern of natural variation has not yet been comprehensively described in this species. For the first time, we report a combined survey using neutral microsatellites and mitochondrial sequence variation jointly. Thirty-five populations originating from five continents were compared. In agreement with previous microsatellite studies, sub-Saharan African populations were the most variable ones. Consistent with previous reports of a single 'out of Africa' habitat expansion, we found that non-African populations contained a subset of the African alleles. The pattern of variation detected for the mitochondrial sequences differed substantially. The most divergent haplotypes were detected in the Mediterranean region while Africa harboured most haplotypes, which were all closely related. In the light of the well-established African origin of D. melanogaster, our results cast severe doubts about the suitability of mtDNA for biogeographic inference in this model organism.  相似文献   

Aguade M  Miyashita N  Langley CH 《Genetics》1989,122(3):607-615
Restriction map variation in 64 X chromosome lines extracted from three different populations of Drosophila melanogaster was investigated with seven six-nucleotide-recognizing restriction enzymes for a 106-kb region encompassing the yellow gene and the achaete-scute complex that is located in the region of reduced crossing over close to the telomere. Nine restriction site polymorphisms (out of 176 sites scored) and 19 length polymorphisms (15 insertions and 4 deletions) were detected. The estimated level of heterozygosity per nucleotide, H = 0.0003, is much lower than that reported for autosomal and sex-linked loci located in regions with normal levels of crossing over. The overall frequency of polymorphic restriction sites is reduced. Six out of nine restriction site polymorphisms are unique and the other three have frequencies less than 0.17. Some large insertions have reached relatively high frequencies, 0.08 to 0.17. Consistent with the theoretically predicted negative relationship between crossing over and the magnitude of linkage disequilibrium, an increase in the relative number of nonrandom associations was observed in the y-ac-sc region.  相似文献   

Pecsenye K  Saura A 《Hereditas》2002,136(1):75-83
Enzyme activity variation was assessed in several isofemale lines originating from two Hungarian Drosophila melanogaster populations. Samples from each population were taken from from two villages; 8-9 isofemale lines were established from each village. The activities of ADH, alphaGPDH, IDH and 6PGDH were determined in the adults (in the F1 generation) and in the larvae (in the F3 generation) as well. Enzyme activities were measured on starch gel after electrophoresis. The activity of the enzyme was detected in a single individual and it was also possible to determine its genotype. The results showed that most of the variation occurred within sites for all four enzymes. This within site variation was more or less equally partitioned into within and between isofemale line (family) components. A smaller portion of variation was attributable to the differences between the populations. Nevertheless, adult alphaGPDH, and larval IDH and 6PGDH activities exhibited significant differences between the two populations. Variation in larval activities of all enzymes was higher than that of the adults, but 6PGDH had considerably higher variation in the adults. The greater variation in larval activities probably reflected the greater environmental variation in the microhabitat of the larvae compared to that of the adults. Larval activities of the investigated enzymes showed much stronger correlation than adult activities. The correlation pattern in the adults differed greatly between the two populations.  相似文献   

Restriction-map variation in 64 X chromosome lines extracted from three different natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster was investigated with seven six-nucleotide-recognizing enzymes for a 20-kb region including the zeste and tko genes. Ten restriction-site and four length polymorphisms (two insertions and two deletions) were detected. Contrary to the predicted lower level of variation for genes on the X chromosome, the level of variation attributable to nucleotide substitution (estimated heterozygosity/nucleotide = 0.004) was similar to that previously reported for autosomal loci. The amount of insertion/deletion variation in the studied region was within the range observed in autosomal regions and thus not explainable by a simple selection model against the effects of insertional mutations. A general lack of linkage disequilibrium between polymorphic sites was observed.   相似文献   

We report results, using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE), of natural population surveys of allelic variation in approximately 300 male-reproductive-tract polypeptides in both Drosophila melanogaster and its sibling species, D. simulans. Despite our efforts to maximize operational sensitivity of our 2DE gels to polymorphism, variation estimates in both species were low (proportion of polymorphic loci [P] = 9%, and average heterozygosity [H] = 1%-3%), compared with those by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis (1DE) (P = 29%-55%; H = 8%-19%) in the same populations. However, H of polymorphic loci was very similar for 2DE and 1DE proteins; and for 17 of a total of 54 polymorphic proteins, 2DE detected three or four distinct alleles. The results suggest that the differing levels of variability widely seen with 1DE and 2DE are real and reflect differing intensities of functional constraint between different classes of structural loci. However, the alternative possibility remains that 2DE has a greater between-locus unevenness of variant detection sensitivity than does 1DE.  相似文献   

We have sampled wild chromosomes from two natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster and obtained flies fully homozygous for the second chromosome, the third chromosome, or both, as well as flies heterozygous for one or both wild chromosomes and balancer chromosomes. Rate of embryogenesis (egg laying to larval hatching) and rate of development from egg to adult are measured, by classifying the individuals into fast, intermediate, and slow developmental classes. The experiments indicate that variation for rate of embryogenesis and for rate of egg-to-adult development is plentiful in the natural populations. Various hypotheses are enunciated to account for the small range of phenotypic variation observed in wild-type individuals with respect to the two parameters (embryogenesis and egg-to-adult development) and for the difficulty in changing the mean rates by artificial selection. Appropriate experiments may decide among the hypotheses, helping us to understand the genetic control of rate of ontogenesis, which is an important fitness component.  相似文献   

We have surveyed the region of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster which encodes the yellow, achaete and scute genes for restriction map variation. Two natural populations, one from North Carolina, U.S.A. and the other from southern Spain were screened for variation at about 70 restriction sites and for variation due to DNA insertion or deletion events in 120 kilobases of DNA. Mean heterozygosity per nucleotide was estimated to be 0.0024 and 15 large insertions were found in the 49 chromosomes screened. Extensive disequilibrium between polymorphic sites were found across much of the region in the North Carolina population. The frequency of large insertions, which usually correspond to transposable genetic elements, is significantly lower than has been observed in autosomal regions of the genome. This is predicted for X-linked loci by certain models of transposable element evolution, where copy number is restricted by virtue of the recessive deleterious effects of the insertions. Our results appear to support such models. The deficiency of insertions may in this case be enhanced by hitch-hiking effects arising from the high level of disequilibrium.  相似文献   

Girard  P.  Palabost  L.  Petit  C. 《Biochemical genetics》1977,15(5-6):589-599
Allozyme polymorphisms at seven loci have been studied in nine natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster from the Saône and Rhône valleys sampled in 1973 and 1974. A great deal of polymorphism was observed; an individual was on the average heterozygous at 20.2% of its loci. The populations were genetically very homogeneous throughout the region sampled. The number of ovariolae per female varied from one group of populations to another depending on their geographical separation. Yet the number of ovariolae remained constant from one year to the next. The results show that migration alone cannot explain the homogeneity of the allozyme frequencies. It seems reasonable to conclude that selection plays a major role in maintaining the homogeneity of populations living in proximal biotopes.E.R.A. No. 406: Analyse et mécanismes de maintien du polymorphisme.  相似文献   

Balakirev ES  Ayala FJ 《Genetics》2003,165(4):1901-1914
We have investigated nucleotide polymorphism in the Est-6 gene region in four samples of Drosophila melanogaster derived from natural populations of East Africa (Zimbabwe), Europe (Spain), North America (California), and South America (Venezuela). There are two divergent sequence types in the North and South American samples, which are not perfectly (North America) or not at all (South America) associated with the Est-6 allozyme variation. Less pronounced or no sequence dimorphism occurs in the European and African samples, respectively. The level of nucleotide diversity is highest in the African sample, lower (and similar to each other) in the samples from Europe and North America, and lowest in the sample from South America. The extent of linkage disequilibrium is low in Africa (1.23% significant associations), but much higher in non-African populations (22.59, 21.45, and 37.68% in Europe, North America, and South America, respectively). Tests of neutrality with recombination are significant in non-African samples but not significant in the African sample. We propose that demographic history (bottleneck and admixture of genetically different populations) is the major factor shaping the nucleotide patterns in the Est-6 gene region. However, positive selection modifies the pattern: balanced selection creates elevated levels of nucleotide variation around functionally important (target) polymorphic sites (RsaI-/RsaI+ in the promoter region and F/S in the coding region) in both African and non-African samples; and directional selection, acting during the geographic expansion phase of D. melanogaster, creates an excess of very similar sequences (RsaI- and S allelic lineages, in the promoter and coding regions, respectively) in the non-African samples.  相似文献   

Computer database searching for microsatellites can be particularly effective for organisms like Drosophila melanogaster for which there are extensive sequence data. Here we demonstrate that 17 out of 18 such microsatellites are also highly polymorphic in natural populations of Drosophila, and that this variation is easily scorable with PCR followed by electrophoresis on high-resolution agarose. This form of variation is likely to be of great value in studies of the genomic distribution of polymorphism, population structure, the relation between intraspecific polymorphism and interspecific divergence and the mutation rate and pattern of mutations of microsatellites. In this preliminary survey of 15 lines, we find that the variance in repeat count is most strongly correlated with the maximum count, that perfect repeats are significantly more variable than imperfect repeats and that repeats which are split by an imperfection have unexpectedly low variance given the size of the perfectly repeated portion.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 59 gene loci coding for enzymes (50) and larval proteins (9) has been studied in sympatric populations of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans from insular and continental origin. The average number of alleles per locus, the mean proportion of polymorphic loci and the mean heterozygosity are similar both within and between species. There are however some significant differences between D. simulans populations in the genotypic frequencies for four polymorphic loci.  相似文献   

Population structure concerning P element activity was investigated in two natural Drosophila populations. These populations are very different as far as in the viability spectrum is concerned. In one population, the Raleigh, United States population, genetic loads related to viability have been kept at a fairly high level. In the other population, the Nagasaki, Japan, population, the genetic loads tend to be stable at very low levels. In the Raleigh population it is estimated that on the average 4 copies of intact P elements that possess transposase activity exist in the genome. On the other hand only 0.7 complete copies are estimated to exist in the genome of the Nagasaki population. Heterogeneity in the P element copy number and significant positive linkage disequilibrium among occupied sites were detected in the Raleigh population. Our results, with some evidences which indicate that high mutation rate was caused by the P element, suggests that the large genetic loads in the Raleigh population are caused by the rapid invasion of P element in this population.  相似文献   

Restriction-map variation was studied in 126 copies of the G6pd region in X chromosome lines of Drosophila melanogaster from North America, Europe, and Africa. Special attention was focused on the distribution of variation relative to the geographically variable polymorphism for two electrophoretic variants. Nucleotide heterozygosity as determined by eight six-cutter restriction enzymes for the 13-kb region is estimated, on the basis of the worldwide sample, to be 0.065%, which is the lowest value reported for any comparable region in the D. melanogaster genome. Significant linkage disequilibrium between electrophoretic alleles and restriction-site variation is observed for several sites. In contrast to published studies of other genetic regions, there are large insertions that reach significant frequencies and are found across considerable geographic distances. There is a clustering of this variation inside the first large intervening sequence of the G6PD gene.   相似文献   

Clinal variation for repeat number in the Thr-Gly region of the period circadian timing gene in Drosophila melanogaster was described in Europe and has subsequently been used as evidence of thermal selection on period alleles. To test for clinal variation in this gene along the east coast of Australia, the period polymorphism was scored on flies from multiple samples collected repeatedly over a 5-year interval, along with variation at another circadian rhythm locus, clock. For period, there was no consistent evidence of clinal variation in the 17 and/or 20 repeat alleles, although when average allele length was examined a weak consistent clinal pattern was detected. For clock there was no evidence of clinal variation in the two most common alleles or in average repeat size. These data are inconsistent with the reported patterns in Europe and suggest that clinal variation in timing genes needs to be re-examined in this region.  相似文献   

To elucidate genetic variation in susceptibility to organophosphate insecticides within natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster, we conducted an analysis of variance for mortality data sets of isofemale lines (10-286 lines) used in the previous studies. Susceptibility of isofemale lines to the three organophosphate insecticides was continuously distributed within each natural population, ranging from susceptible to resistant. Analysis of variance showed highly significant variation among isofemale lines in susceptibility to each insecticide for each natural population. Significant genetic variances in susceptibility to the three chemicals were estimated for the Katsunuma population; 0.0529-0.2722 for malathion, 0.0492-0.1603 for prothiophos, and 0.0469-0.1696 for fenitrothion. Contrary to the consistent seasonal tendency towards an increase in mean susceptibility in the fall, reported in the previous study, genetic variances in susceptibility to the three organophosphates did not change significantly in 1997 but tended to increase by 2- to 5-times in 1998. We tested whether both the observed situations, maintenance and increase in genetic variance in organophosphate resistance, can be generated under circumstances in which the levels of resistance to the three organophosphates tended to decrease, by conducting a simulation analysis, based on the hypothesis that resistant genotypes have lower fitnesses than susceptible ones under the density-independent condition. The simulation analysis generally explained the pattern in the mean susceptibility and genetic variances in susceptibility to the three organophosphates, observed in the Katsunuma population of D. melanogaster. It was suggested that the differences in the frequencies of resistance genes in the summer population could affect the patterns in genetic variance in organophosphate resistance in the fall population.  相似文献   

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