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Fate mapping of the mouse prosencephalic neural plate   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Fate map for the 32-cell stage of Xenopus laevis   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
A complete fate map has been produced for the 32-cell stage of Xenopus laevis. Embryos with a regular cleavage pattern were selected and individual blastomeres were injected with the lineage label fluorescein-dextran-amine (FDA). The spatial location of the clones was deduced from three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of later stages and the volume of each tissue colonized by labelled cells in each tissue was measured. The results from 107 cases were pooled to give a fate map which shows the fate of each blastomere in terms of tissue types, the composition of each tissue by blastomere, the location of each prospective region on the embryo and the fate of each blastomere in terms of spatial localization. Morphogenetic movements up to stage 10 (early gastrula) were assessed by carrying out a number of orthotopic grafts at blastula and gastrula stages using donor embryos uniformly labelled with FDA. Although there is a regular topographic projection from the 32-cell stage this varies a little between individuals because of variability of positions of cleavage planes and because of short-range cell mixing during gastrulation. The cell mixing means that the topographic projection fails for anteroposterior segments of the dorsal axial structures and it is not possible to include short segments of notochord or neural tube or individual somites on the pregastrulation fate map.  相似文献   

The diencephalon is a central area of the vertebrate developing brain, where the thalamic nuclear complex, the pretectum and the anterior tegmental structures are generated. It has been subdivided into prosomeres, which are transversal domains defined by morphological and molecular criteria. The zona limitans intrathalamica is a central boundary in the diencephalon that separates the posterior diencephalon (prosomeres 1 and 2), from the anterior diencephalon (prosomere 3). This intrathalamic limit appears early on in neural tube development, and the molecular pattern that it reveals suggests an important role in the diencephalic histogenesis. We hereby present a fate map of the presumptive territories in the diencephalon of a chick embryo at the 10-11 somite stages (HH9-10), by homotopic and isochronic quail-chick grafts. The anatomical interpretation of chimeric brains was aided by correlative whole-mount in situ hybridization with RNA probes for chicken genes expressed in specific diencephalic territories. The resulting fate map describes the distribution of the presumptive diencephalic prosomeres in the neural tube, and demonstrates their topologically conserved relationships throughout the neural development. Moreover, we show that the presumptive epithelium of ZLI can be localized at early developmental stages in the diencephalic alar plate at the anterior limit of the Wnt8b gene expression domain.  相似文献   

In contrast to the classical assumption that neural crest cells are induced in chick as the neural folds elevate, recent data suggest that they are already specified during gastrulation. This prompted us to map the origin of the neural crest and dorsal neural tube in the early avian embryo. Using a combination of focal dye injections and time-lapse imaging, we find that neural crest and dorsal neural tube precursors are present in a broad, crescent-shaped region of the gastrula. Surprisingly, static fate maps together with dynamic confocal imaging reveal that the neural plate border is considerably broader and extends more caudally than expected. Interestingly, we find that the position of the presumptive neural crest broadly correlates with the BMP4 expression domain from gastrula to neurula stages. Some degree of rostrocaudal patterning, albeit incomplete, is already evident in the gastrula. Time-lapse imaging studies show that the neural crest and dorsal neural tube precursors undergo choreographed movements that follow a spatiotemporal progression and include convergence and extension, reorientation, cell intermixing, and motility deep within the embryo. Through these rearrangement and reorganization movements, the neural crest and dorsal neural tube precursors become regionally segregated, coming to occupy predictable rostrocaudal positions along the embryonic axis. This regionalization occurs progressively and appears to be complete in the neurula by stage 7 at levels rostral to Hensen's node.  相似文献   

To better understand the topological organization of the primordia within the anterior forebrain, we made a fate map of the rostral neural plate in the chick. Homotopic grafts at the four-somite stage were allowed to survive for up to 9 days to enable an analysis of definitive brain structures. In some cases, the topography of the grafted neuroepithelia was compared with gene expression patterns. The midpoint of the anterior neural ridge maps upon the anterior commissure in the closed neural tube, continuing concentrically into the preoptic area and optic field. Non-neural epithelium just in front of this median ridge gives rise to the adenohypophysis. Areas for the presumptive pallial commissure, septum, and prosencephalic choroidal tissue lie progressively more posteriorly along the ridge, peripheral to the telencephalic entopeduncular and striatopallidal primordia (the subpallium), and the pallium (olfactory bulb, dorsal ventricular ridge, and cortical domains). Subpallial structures lie topologically anterior to the pallial formations, and both are concentric to the septum. Within the pallium, the major cortical domains (Wulst and caudolateral, parahippocampal, and hippocampal cortices) appear posterior to the dorsal ventricular ridge. The amygdaloid region appears concentrically across both the subpallial and pallial regions. This fate map shows that the arrangement of the prospective primordia in the neural plate is basically a flattened representation of topological relationships present in the mature brain, though marked phenomena of differential growth and selective tangential migration of some cell populations complicate the histogenetic constitution of the mature telencephalon.  相似文献   

The mapping resolution of the physical map for chicken Chromosome 4 (GGA4) was improved by a combination of radiation hybrid (RH) mapping and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) mapping. The ChickRH6 hybrid panel was used to construct an RH map of GGA4. Eleven microsatellites known to be located on GGA4 were included as anchors to the genetic linkage map for this chromosome. Based on the known conserved synteny between GGA4 and human Chromosomes 4 and X, sequences were identified for the orthologous chicken genes from these human chromosomes by BLAST analysis. These sequences were subsequently used for the development of STS markers to be typed on the RH panel. Using a logarithm of the odds (LOD) threshold of 5.0, nine linkage groups could be constructed which were aligned with the genetic linkage map of this chromosome. The resulting RH map consisted of the 11 microsatellite markers and 50 genes. To further increase the number of genes on the map and to provide additional anchor points for the physical BAC map of this chromosome, BAC clones were identified for 22 microsatellites and 99 genes. The combined RH and BAC mapping approach resulted in the mapping of 61 genes on GGA4 increasing the resolution of the chicken–human comparative map for this chromosome. This enhanced comparative mapping resolution enabled the identification of multiple rearrangements between GGA4 and human Chromosomes 4q and Xp.  相似文献   

A simple system was constructed and used in the experimental elucidation of the fate of a mutant emerging in a population. ThreeEscherichia coli strains having the same genetic background except for their glutamine synthetase gene were used as model competitors. The difference in the enzyme gene were introduced by random mutation. Competition between these bacterial strains was carried out and observed in a continuous liquid culture. In most cases, the competitors stably coexist either in a steady state or in an oscillating state. In addition, the competition between the strains was found to be a deterministic process and not a stochastic one. These results showed that an emerging mutant in a population, be it a closely related one to the original members, can attain a state of stable coexistence even in a homogeneous environment. The ability of each of the emerging mutants to maintain its stable coexistence with the original population gives rise to the accumulation of various mutants in a population. Therefore, evolution starts from gradual accumulation of various mutants in the population, which in turn leads to the diversification of the population. As our experimental system is a minimum model for the various competitions in the natural ecosystem, the observed competitive coexistence is proposed to be a general phenomenon in nature.  相似文献   

The neural crest is a transient and multipotent cell population arising at the edge of the neural plate in vertebrates. Recent findings highlight that neural crest patterning is initiated during gastrulation, i.e. earlier than classically described, in a progenitor domain named the neural border. This chapter reviews the dynamic and complex molecular interactions underlying neural border formation and neural crest emergence.  相似文献   

Fate of the mammalian cardiac neural crest   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
A subpopulation of neural crest termed the cardiac neural crest is required in avian embryos to initiate reorganization of the outflow tract of the developing cardiovascular system. In mammalian embryos, it has not been previously experimentally possible to study the long-term fate of this population, although there is strong inference that a similar population exists and is perturbed in a number of genetic and teratogenic contexts. We have employed a two-component genetic system based on Cre/lox recombination to label indelibly the entire mouse neural crest population at the time of its formation, and to detect it at any time thereafter. Labeled cells are detected throughout gestation and in postnatal stages in major tissues that are known or predicted to be derived from neural crest. Labeling is highly specific and highly efficient. In the region of the heart, neural-crest-derived cells surround the pharyngeal arch arteries from the time of their formation and undergo an altered distribution coincident with the reorganization of these vessels. Labeled cells populate the aorticopulmonary septum and conotruncal cushions prior to and during overt septation of the outflow tract, and surround the thymus and thyroid as these organs form. Neural-crest-derived mesenchymal cells are abundantly distributed in midgestation (E9.5-12.5), and adult derivatives of the third, fourth and sixth pharyngeal arch arteries retain a substantial contribution of labeled cells. However, the population of neural-crest-derived cells that infiltrates the conotruncus and which surrounds the noncardiac pharyngeal organs is either overgrown or selectively eliminated as development proceeds, resulting for these tissues in a modest to marginal contribution in late fetal and postnatal life.  相似文献   

The origin of prospective M cells, which are median neuroepithelial cells that become wedge-shaped during bending of the neural plate and eventually form the midline floor of the neural tube, was determined by constructing quail/chick chimeras and using the quail nucleolar marker to identify quail donor cells in chick host blastoderms. Two possible sites of prospective M-cell origin in the epiblast were examined: a single, midline rudiment located just rostral to Hensen's node and paired rudiments flanking the cranial part of the primitive streak. Our results suggest that M cells arise exclusively from the midline, prenodal rudiment. From this rudiment, M cells extend caudally throughout the entire length of the neuroepithelium. This new information on the origin of prospective M cells will aid in the analysis of their role in neurulation.  相似文献   

Fate map of early avian cardiac progenitor cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cardiogenic fate maps are used to address questions on commitment, differentiation, morphogenesis and organogenesis of the heart. Recently, the accuracy of classical cardiogenic fate maps has been questioned, raising concerns about the conclusions drawn in studies based on these maps. We present accurate fate maps of the heart-forming region (HFR) in avian embryos and show that the putative cardiogenic molecular markers Bmp2 and Nkx2.5 do not govern the boundaries of the HFR as suggested in the literature. Moreover, this paper presents the first fate map of the HFR at stage 4 and addresses a void in the literature concerning rostrocaudal patterning of heart cells between stages 4 and 8.  相似文献   

A comparative map was made of chicken chromosome 13 (GGA13) with a part of human chromosome 5 (HSA5). Microsatellite markers specific for GGA13 were used to screen the Wageningen chicken bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library. Selected BAC clones were end sequenced and 57 sequence tag site (STS) markers were designed for contig building. In total, 204 BAC clones were identified which resulted in a coverage of about 20% of GGA13. Identification of genes was performed by a bi-directional approach. The first approach starting with sequencing mapped chicken BAC subclones, where sequences were used to identify orthologous genes in human and mouse by a basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) database search. The second approach started with the identification of chicken orthologues of human genes in the HSA5q23-35 region. The chicken orthologous genes were subsequently mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) and/or single neucleotide polymorphism typing. The total number of genes mapped on GGA13 is increased from 14 to a total of 20 genes. Genes mapped on GGA13 have their orthologues on HSA5q23-5q35 in human and on Mmu11, Mmu13 and Mmu18 in mouse.  相似文献   

A preliminary linkage map of the chicken genome.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
N Bumstead  J Palyga 《Genomics》1992,13(3):690-697
We have used backcross progeny from a cross between two inbred lines of chickens to construct a linkage map of the chicken. The map currently consists of 100 loci, identified using either anonymous cloned fragments of genomic DNA or sequences corresponding to cloned genes. Parent birds were derived from two lines of White Leghorn chickens, which differ in susceptibility to a number of diseases. Restriction fragment length variants were identified by comparison of the DNA of these two parent birds using a panel of seven restriction enzyme digests and the segregation pattern observed in progeny of these two birds. Restriction fragment length variants were detected for approximately 41% of the clones tested, whether these were known genes or random genomic fragments. This high level of variability was also reflected in the presence of variation within the parental lines for some clones. The overall size of the linkage groups and the progressively higher incidence of linkage as further clones were added suggests that the map covers the majority of the genome, although it is unlikely that there are marker loci on all the microchromosomes. The present map will be of use in locating genes affecting disease resistance, but also illustrates the relative ease with which such maps for the chicken can be constructed.  相似文献   

To increase the number of type I loci on the chicken linkage map, chicken genes containing microsatellite sequences (TAn, CAn, GAn, An) were selected from the nucleotide sequence database and primers were developed to amplify the repeats. Initially, 40 different microsatellites located within genes were tested on a panel of animals from diverse breeds, and identified 17 polymorphic microsatellites. These polymorphisms allowed us to add 15 new genes to the chicken linkage map. In addition, two genes were added to the chicken map by fluorescent in situ hybridization. As the map position of the human homologues of 13 of these genes is known, these markers extend the comparative map between chicken and man. Our results confirm and refine conserved regions between chicken and man on chicken chromosomes 2 and 7 and on linkage group E29C09W09. Furthermore, an additional conserved region is identified on chromosome 7.  相似文献   

Analysis of the protein complement of a biological system through proteomics provides the opportunity to directly monitor the functional readout of gene expression. In this study, proteomics was applied to the mouse embryo to investigate the molecular events underlying the processes occurring at the stage of neural tube closure. Protein profiles of embryos between embryonic days 8.5 and 10.5 exhibited a number of stage-specific changes. Identification of developmentally regulated proteins by mass spectrometry revealed several groups of functionally related proteins including circulatory, cytoskeletal, and stress proteins. Additional proteins of unknown function were identified, such as Copine 1 and PICOT, whose developmental regulation was previously unsuspected.  相似文献   

The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is a critical signaling center at the tip of the limb that promotes outgrowth. In mouse, formation of the AER involves a gradual restriction of AER gene expression from a broad ventral preAER domain to the tip of the limb, as well as progressive thickening of cells to form a multilayered epithelium. The AER is visible from embryonic day 10.5 to 13.5 (E10.5-E13.5) in the mouse forelimb. Previous short-term fate mapping studies indicated that, once a cell is incorporated into the AER, its descendents remain within the AER. In addition, some preAER cells appear to become incorporated into the ventral ectoderm. In the present study, we used an inducible CreER/loxP fate mapping approach in mouse to examine the long-term contribution of preAER cells to limb ventral ectoderm, as well as the ultimate fate of the mature AER cells. We used a CreER transgene that contains Msx2 regulatory sequences specific to the developing AER, and demonstrate by marking preAER cells that, at stage 2 of mouse limb bud development, the majority of the ventral ectoderm that protrudes from the body wall later covers only the paw. Furthermore, when Msx2-CreER-expressing preAER cells are marked after the onset of preAER gene expression, a similar domain of paw ventral ectoderm is marked at E16.5, in addition to the AER. Strikingly, mapping the long-term fate of cells that form the mature AER showed that, although this structure is indeed a distinct compartment, AER-derived cells are gradually lost after E12.5 and no cells remain by birth. A distinct dorsal/ventral border nevertheless is maintained in the ectoderm of the paw, with the distal-most border being located at the edge of the nail bed. These studies have uncovered new aspects of the cellular mechanisms involved in AER formation and in partitioning the ventral ectoderm in mouse limb.  相似文献   

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