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Recent segmental and gene duplications in the mouse genome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文


The high quality of the mouse genome draft sequence and its associated annotations are an invaluable biological resource. Identifying recent duplications in the mouse genome, especially in regions containing genes, may highlight important events in recent murine evolution. In addition, detecting recent sequence duplications can reveal potentially problematic regions of the genome assembly. We use BLAST-based computational heuristics to identify large (≥ 5 kb) and recent (≥ 90% sequence identity) segmental duplications in the mouse genome sequence. Here we present a database of recently duplicated regions of the mouse genome found in the mouse genome sequencing consortium (MGSC) February 2002 and February 2003 assemblies.


We determined that 33.6 Mb of 2,695 Mb (1.2%) of sequence from the February 2003 mouse genome sequence assembly is involved in recent segmental duplications, which is less than that observed in the human genome (around 3.5-5%). From this dataset, 8.9 Mb (26%) of the duplication content consisted of 'unmapped' chromosome sequence. Moreover, we suspect that an additional 18.5 Mb of sequence is involved in duplication artifacts arising from sequence misassignment errors in this genome assembly. By searching for genes that are located within these regions, we identified 675 genes that mapped to duplicated regions of the mouse genome. Sixteen of these genes appear to have been duplicated independently in the human genome. From our dataset we further characterized a 42 kb recent segmental duplication of Mater, a maternal-effect gene essential for embryogenesis in mice.


Our results provide an initial analysis of the recently duplicated sequence and gene content of the mouse genome. Many of these duplicated loci, as well as regions identified to be involved in potential sequence misassignment errors, will require further mapping and sequencing to achieve accuracy. A Genome Browser database was set up to display the identified duplication content presented in this work. This data will also be relevant to the growing number of investigators who use the draft genome sequence for experimental design and analysis.

New genes commonly appear through complete or partial duplications of pre-existing genes. Duplications of long DNA segments are constantly produced by rare mutations, may become fixed in a population by selection or random drift, and are subject to divergent evolution of the paralogous sequences after fixation, although gene conversion can impede this process. New data shed some light on each of these processes. Mutations which involve duplications can occur through at least two different mechanisms, backward strand slippage during DNA replication and unequal crossing-over. The background rate of duplication of a complete gene in humans is 10(-9)-10(-10) per generation, although many genes located within hot-spots of large-scale mutation are duplicated much more often. Many gene duplications affect fitness strongly, and are responsible, through gene dosage effects, for a number of genetic diseases. However, high levels of intrapopulation polymorphism caused by presence or absence of long, gene-containing DNA segments imply that some duplications are not under strong selection. The polymorphism to fixation ratios appear to be approximately the same for gene duplications and for presumably selectively neutral nucleotide substitutions, which, according to the McDonald-Kreitman test, is consistent with selective neutrality of duplications. However, this pattern can also be due to negative selection against most of segregating duplications and positive selection for at least some duplications which become fixed. Patterns in post-fixation evolution of duplicated genes do not easily reveal the causes of fixations. Many gene duplications which became fixed recently in a variety of organisms were positively selected because the increased expression of the corresponding genes was beneficial. The effects of gene dosage provide a unified framework for studying all phases of the life history of a gene duplication. Application of well-known methods of evolutionary genetics to accumulating data on new, polymorphic, and fixed duplication will enhance our understanding of the role of natural selection in the evolution by gene duplication.  相似文献   



The vertebrate tetraspanin family has many features which make it suitable for preserving the imprint of ancient sequence evolution and amenable for phylogenomic analysis. So we believe that an in-depth analysis of the tetraspanin evolution not only provides more complete understanding of tetraspanin biology, but offers new insights into the influence of the two rounds of whole genome duplication (2R-WGD) at the origin of vertebrates.  相似文献   



Genome analyses have revealed that gene duplication in plants is rampant. Furthermore, many of the duplicated genes seem to have been created through ancient genome-wide duplication events. Recently, we have shown that gene loss is strikingly different for large- and small-scale duplication events and highly biased towards the functional class to which a gene belongs. Here, we study the expression divergence of genes that were created during large- and small-scale gene duplication events by means of microarray data and investigate both the influence of the origin (mode of duplication) and the function of the duplicated genes on expression divergence.  相似文献   

Transformation-associated recombination (TAR) cloning allows selective isolation of a desired chromosomal region or gene from complex genomes. The method exploits a high level of recombination between homologous DNA sequences during transformation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We investigated the effect of nonhomology on the efficiency of gene capture and found that up to 15% DNA divergence did not prevent efficient gene isolation. Such tolerance to DNA divergence greatly expands the potential applications of TAR cloning for comparative genomics. In this study, we were able to use the technique to isolate nonidentical chromosomal duplications and gene homologues.  相似文献   

Gene duplication is a fundamental source of genetic novelty in vertebrate evolution. In this study, we hypothesized that both continuous small-scale and discrete large-scale duplication play crucial roles in vertebrate genome. On the basis of the hypothesis, we developed mixture density to model the age distribution of gene duplications. The results of formal statistical inference suggest that the contribution of both duplication modes can be confirmed by the model, and one or two successive rounds of large-scale duplication are placed at the early origin of vertebrates. The half life of a duplicate becomes much longer in the long run than in the short run, which implies its functional evolution from redundancy to conservation. In addition, the model reveals disparate impact of the duplication modes, which appears to be correlated with macroevolution.  相似文献   

Initial human genome sequence analysis has revealed large segments of nearly identical sequence in particular chromosomal regions. The recent origin of these segments and their abundance (approximately 5%) has challenged investigators to elucidate their underlying mechanism and role in primate genome evolution. Although the precise fraction is unknown, some of these duplicated segments have recently been shown to be associated with rapid gene innovation and chromosomal rearrangement in the genomes of man and the great apes.  相似文献   

Adaptor protein complexes and the related complexes COPI and TSET function in packaging vesicles for transport among endomembrane compartments in eukaryotic cells. Differences in the complement of these complexes in lineages such as yeast and mammals as well as apicomplexan and kinetoplastid parasites via loss or duplication of subunits appears to reflect specialization in their respective trafficking systems. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana possesses multiple paralogues for adaptor protein complex subunits, raising questions as to the timing and extent of these duplications in embryophytes (land plants). However, adaptor protein complex evolution in embryophytes is unexplored. Therefore, we analyzed genomes of diverse embryophytes and closely related green algae using extensive homology searches and phylogenetic analysis of 35 complex subunit proteins. The results reveal numerous paralogues, the vast majority of which, approximately 97%, arose from recent duplication events. This suggests that specialization of these protein complexes may occur frequently but independently in embryophytes.  相似文献   

Segmental duplications and copy-number variation in the human genome   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
The human genome contains numerous blocks of highly homologous duplicated sequence. This higher-order architecture provides a substrate for recombination and recurrent chromosomal rearrangement associated with genomic disease. However, an assessment of the role of segmental duplications in normal variation has not yet been made. On the basis of the duplication architecture of the human genome, we defined a set of 130 potential rearrangement hotspots and constructed a targeted bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) microarray (with 2,194 BACs) to assess copy-number variation in these regions by array comparative genomic hybridization. Using our segmental duplication BAC microarray, we screened a panel of 47 normal individuals, who represented populations from four continents, and we identified 119 regions of copy-number polymorphism (CNP), 73 of which were previously unreported. We observed an equal frequency of duplications and deletions, as well as a 4-fold enrichment of CNPs within hotspot regions, compared with control BACs (P < .000001), which suggests that segmental duplications are a major catalyst of large-scale variation in the human genome. Importantly, segmental duplications themselves were also significantly enriched >4-fold within regions of CNP. Almost without exception, CNPs were not confined to a single population, suggesting that these either are recurrent events, having occurred independently in multiple founders, or were present in early human populations. Our study demonstrates that segmental duplications define hotspots of chromosomal rearrangement, likely acting as mediators of normal variation as well as genomic disease, and it suggests that the consideration of genomic architecture can significantly improve the ascertainment of large-scale rearrangements. Our specialized segmental duplication BAC microarray and associated database of structural polymorphisms will provide an important resource for the future characterization of human genomic disorders.  相似文献   



Human gene duplicates have been the focus of intense research since the development of array-based and targeted next-generation sequencing approaches in the last decade. These studies have primarily concentrated on determining the extant copy-number variation from a population-genomic perspective but lack a robust evolutionary framework to elucidate the early structural and genomic characteristics of gene duplicates at emergence and their subsequent evolution with increasing age.


We analyzed 184 gene duplicate pairs comprising small gene families in the draft human genome with 10 % or less synonymous sequence divergence. Human gene duplicates primarily originate from DNA-mediated events, taking up genomic residence as intrachromosomal copies in direct or inverse orientation. The distribution of paralogs on autosomes follows random expectations in contrast to their significant enrichment on the sex chromosomes. Furthermore, human gene duplicates exhibit a skewed gradient of distribution along the chromosomal length with significant clustering in pericentromeric regions. Surprisingly, despite the large average length of human genes, the majority of extant duplicates (83 %) are complete duplicates, wherein the entire ORF of the ancestral copy was duplicated. The preponderance of complete duplicates is in accord with an extremely large median duplication span of 36 kb, which enhances the probability of capturing ancestral ORFs in their entirety. With increasing evolutionary age, human paralogs exhibit declines in (i) the frequency of intrachromosomal paralogs, and (ii) the proportion of complete duplicates. These changes may reflect lower survival rates of certain classes of duplicates and/or the role of purifying selection. Duplications arising from RNA-mediated events comprise a small fraction (11.4 %) of all human paralogs and are more numerous in older evolutionary cohorts of duplicates.


The degree of structural resemblance, genomic location and duplication span appear to influence the long-term maintenance of paralogs in the human genome. The median duplication span in the human genome far exceeds that in C. elegans and yeast and likely contributes to the high prevalence of complete duplicates relative to structurally heterogeneous duplicates (partial and chimeric). The relative roles of regulatory sequence versus exon-intron structure changes in the acquisition of novel function by human paralogs remains to be determined.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1827-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Koszul R  Dujon B  Fischer G 《Genetics》2006,172(4):2211-2222
The high level of gene redundancy that characterizes eukaryotic genomes results in part from segmental duplications. Spontaneous duplications of large chromosomal segments have been experimentally demonstrated in yeast. However, the dynamics of inheritance of such structures and their eventual fixation in populations remain largely unsolved. We analyzed the stability of a vast panel of large segmental duplications in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (from 41 kb for the smallest to 268 kb for the largest). We monitored the stability of three different types of interchromosomal duplications as well as that of three intrachromosomal direct tandem duplications. In the absence of any selective advantage associated with the presence of the duplication, we show that a duplicated segment internally translocated within a natural chromosome is stably inherited both mitotically and meiotically. By contrast, large duplications carried by a supernumerary chromosome are highly unstable. Duplications translocated into subtelomeric regions are lost at variable rates depending on the location of the insertion sites. Direct tandem duplications are lost by unequal crossing over, both mitotically and meiotically, at a frequency proportional to their sizes. These results show that most of the duplicated structures present an intrinsic level of instability. However, translocation within another chromosome significantly stabilizes a duplicated segment, increasing its chance to get fixed in a population even in the absence of any immediate selective advantage conferred by the duplicated genes.  相似文献   

Several eukaryotic genomes have been completely sequenced and this provides an opportunity to investigate the extent and characteristics (e.g., single gene duplication, block duplication, etc.) of gene duplication in a genome. Detecting duplicate genes in a genome, however, is not a simple problem because of several complications such as domain shuffling, the existence of isoforms derived from alternative splicing, and annotational errors in the databases. We describe a method for overcoming these difficulties and the extents of gene duplication in the genomes of Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, and yeast inferred from this method. We also describe a method for detecting block duplications in a genome. Application of this method showed that block duplication is a common phenomenon in both yeast and nematode. The patterns of block duplication in the two species are, however, markedly different. Yeast shows much more extensive block duplication than nematode, with some chromosomes having more than 40% of the duplications derived from block duplications. Moreover, in yeast the majority of block duplications occurred between chromosomes, while in nematode most block duplications occurred within chromosomes.  相似文献   

Sadovskiĭ MG 《Genetika》2002,38(5):695-701
A specific index of nucleotide sequence redundancy, the specific restriction length of a finite frequency dictionary, was determined for a complete set of genes in some viral genomes and a genome of a bacterium, Bacillus subtilis. The distribution of the gene number over the specific restriction length was shown to be bimodal for viral genomes and unimodal for the Bac. subtilis genome. These results agree with earlier data.  相似文献   

Summary From eight pairs of crosses between differently reconstructed diploid karyotypes of Vicia faba, the progeny after selfing of plants heterozygous for both parental chromosome reconstructions were inspected for occurrence and transmission of duplications and deletions of defined chromosome segments, comprising together about one third of the metaphase genome length. The duplications and deletions studied involved either one or more chromosome segments of the respective karyotype (0.8%–9.1% of the metaphase length). They arose during meiosis in double heterozygotes by crossing over between partially homologous chromosomes or by mis-segregation from multivalents. While most duplications, provided they were not accompanied by deletions and in dependence on the segment involved, were viable and transmissible, even in homozygous state, deletions had lethal effects on gametes of both sexes.  相似文献   

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