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Summary The effect on translational fidelity of a particular mutation in the gene coding for protein S5 (rpxE) has been investigated. This mutation has the opposite effect of a restrictive strA mutation; in vivo, it relieves the restriction imposed by strA on the suppression of T4 nonsense mutants and results in hypersensitivity to streptomycin; in vitro, the presence of the altered S5 protein in 30S ribosomes results in increased intrinsic misreading. It is concluded that this mutation, ramC319, acts as a ribosomal ambiguity mutation similar to certain mutations of protein S4 (ramA).  相似文献   

Summary A ribosome preparation from E. coli made without stringent washing procedures has been shown to contain the same relative amounts of nearly all the ribosomal proteins as ribosomes in intact cells. Stoichiometric measurements on all the proteins of this preparation except for L8, L20, L31 and L34 have been made using an isotope dilution technique. When the scatter of the values obtained, the uncertainty in the molecular weights, and the losses occurring during extraction are taken into account, none of the proteins except L7/L12 is present at a level significantly different from one molecule per ribosome. There are multiple copies of L7/L12. These data suggest that the ribosomes of Escherichia coli are homogeneous in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary Antibodies raised against D. melanogaster ribosomal proteins were used to examine possible structural relationships between eukaryotic and prokaryotic ribosomal proteins. The antisera were raised against either groups of ribosomal proteins or purified individual ribosomal proteins from D. melanogaster. The specificity of each antiserum was confirmed and the identity of the homologous E. coli ribosomal protein was determined by immunochemical methods. Immuno-overlay assays indicated that the antiserum against the D. melanogaster small subunit protein S14 (anti-S14) was highly specific for protein S14. In addition, anti-S14 showed a cross-reaction with total E. coli ribosomal proteins in Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion assays and with only E. coli protein S6 in immuno-overlay assays. From these and other experiments with adsorption of anti-S14 with individual purified proteins, the E. coli protein homologous to the D. melanogaster protein S14 was established as protein S6.  相似文献   

Summary In Escherichia coli, a number of ribosomal proteins are methylated. The time of methylation of L7 and L11 during ribosome assembly was studied. It was observed that the methylation of L7 could occur in the free protein stage. Both the 32S and 40S ribonucleoprotein intermediates also contained methylated L7 although the extent of methylation in these particles was not as high as in the free L7, the 45S or the 50S particles. Free L11 could also be partially methylated but the bulk of methylation of this protein was found in the 45S and the 50S particles.It was previously reported that the methylation of L7 is inversely proportional to the growth temperature (Chang 1978), we now show that once L7 is methylated at 25°, the methyl group is stable when the culture is shifted to 37°C. However, a partial turnover of the methyl group of L7 is observed when the methylated ribosome is chased at 25°C. On the other hand, the methyl groups of L11 appear to be stable at either 25°C or 37°C. We also observe that the extent of methylation of both L7 and L11 stays nearly constant during the cell growth cycle from early log to stationary phase.  相似文献   

Summary Episomes of E. coli, which cover argG but not the str region, were transferred to Serratia marcescens. Ribosomal proteins from these hybrid strains were analyzed with phospho-cellulose or carboxymethyl-cellulose column chromatography. Two E. coli ribosomal proteins, L21 and S15, could be detected in the ribosome from the hybrid strains in addition to the ribosomal proteins of S. marcescens.  相似文献   

Summary The ribosomal RNA synthesis in a cell-free system containing the nucleoids and the cytoplasmic fraction prepared from Escherichia coli cells has been investigated. The addition of the 4S fraction from the cytoplasm to the isolated nucleoids induces RNA synthesis by a new chain initiation. In this system a preferential initiation of rRNA chains occurs. The experimental results suggest that the 4S fraction contains at least two activities, one for releasing RNA-polymerases from the nucleoids, and another for the frequent initiation of rRNA chains. No restriction of the rRNA synthesis has been observed in the nucleoids and the 4S fraction from the amino acidstarved rel + cells. The rRNA synthesized in the above system is detected at about 23S and 16S rRNA regions.  相似文献   

Summary A battery of immunological tests were used to investigate mutants which had been determined as lacking one or two ribosomal proteins on the basis of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels. Proteins which were confirmed as missing from the ribosome in one or more mutants were large subunit proteins L1, L15, L19, L24, L27, L28, L30 and L33 and small subunit proteins S1, S9, S17 and S20. Cross-reacting material (CRM) was also absent from the post-ribosomal supernatant except in the case of protein S1. Since mutants lacking protein L11 have been previously described, any one of 13 of the 52 ribosomal proteins can be missing. None of these 13 proteins, except S1, can therefore have an indispensable role in ribosome function or assembly. In several mutants in which a protein was not missing but altered, it was present as several moieties of differing charge and size.  相似文献   

Summary The ribosomal proteins of temperature-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli isolated independently after mutagenesis with nitrosoguanidine were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Out of 400 mutants analyzed, 60 mutants (15%) showed alterations in a total of 22 different ribosomal proteins. The proteins altered in these mutants are S2, S4, S6, S7, S8, S10, S15, S16, S18, L1, L3, L6, L10, L11, L14, L15, L17, L18, L19, L22, L23 and L24. A large number of them (25 mutants) have mutations in protein S4 of the small subunit, while four mutants showed alterations in protein L6 of the large subunit. The importance of these mutants for structural and functional analyses of ribosomes is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary P1 transduction studies of a mutation of Escherichia coli affecting the rpsB gene previously suggested the map order popC-rpsB-dapD. Biochemical analysis of transductants has now revealed that the rpsB gene lies in fact to the right hand (tsf) side of the dapD marker.  相似文献   

Summary Stoichiometric investigations were made for all 21 proteins of the 30S subunit and for 31 proteins of the 50S subunit. While the results for the 30S proteins strongly suggest the existence of two different stoichiometric classes, the so-called fractional (F) and unit (U) proteins with average molar amounts of 0.1–0.5 and 0.8–1.2 per mole 30S respectively, at least one further group is present in isolated 50S particles. Therefore 50S proteins may be subdivided in the following way: a) 9–10 proteins with average molar amounts of 0.2–0.6 (F-proteins), b) 15–16 proteins with 0.8–1.2 copies per 50S particle (U-proteins), c) at least one protein with an average value of 1.8–2.2 copies, the repeated (R) proteins, d) a group of 7 proteins with 1.4–1.7 copies per particle; they can be named fractional repeated (FR) proteins. These findings indicate that 50S ribosomal particles show a more differentiated degree of structural heterogeneity at least in vitro than has been shown for 30S subunits.Paper No. 35 on Ribosomal Proteins. Preceding paper is by E. Deusser and H. G. Wittmann, Nature 238, 269 (1972).  相似文献   

The rRNA N-glycosidase activities of the catalytically active A chains of the heterodimeric ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) ricin and abrin, the single-chain RIPs dianthin 30, dianthin 32, and the leaf and seed forms of pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) were assayed on E. coli ribosomes. All of the single-chain RIPs were active on E. coli ribosomes as judged by the release of a 243 nucleotide fragment from the 3′ end of 23S rRNA following aniline treatment of the RNA. In contrast, E. coli ribosomes were refractory to the A chains of ricin and abrin. The position of the modification of 23S rRNA by dianthin 32 was determined by primer extension and found to be A2660, which lies in a sequence that is highly conserved in all species.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty proteins were isolated from the 30S ribosomal subunits of Bacillus subtilis and their amino acid compositions and amino-terminal amino acid sequences were determined. These results were compared with the data of Escherichia coli 30S ribosomal proteins and the structural correspondence of individual ribosomal proteins has been established between B. subtilis and E. coli.Post-translational modifications of amino-terminal amino acids of the ribosomal proteins which have been found in E. coli are almost absent in B. subtilis with the exception of acetylated forms of S9.  相似文献   

Summary Growth of a culture of E. coli strain B or 15 in medium containing caffeine resulted in the accumulation of inviable cells in the population. A caffeine concentration of 8 mM caused the death of between 30% and 50% of the cells in 12 independent populations grown for 15 generations or more. The thymine dimer excision-defective strains Bs-1, Bs-8 and Bs-12 and the exr mutant Bs-2 were resistant to this lethal effect. The reckless, hcr + mutant Bs-11 was more sensitive than the parental B strain. Although 100mM caffeine did not impair DNA synthesis in vitro, concentrations of the drug 8 mM caused a significant decline in DNA synthesis in vivo in E. coli B cells. From the fit of an experimental growth curve to an algebraic model of growth in which a proportion of cells are inactivated at each replication it is suggested that caffeine does not affect the replication rate of the viable cells. The observed impairment of DNA synthesis in vivo is equated with this cell death (caffeine-death). For E. coli 15 or B, 8 mM caffeine induced caffeine-death at a rate of 18% per cell generation. Caffeine-resistant mutants of E. coli B and E. coli 15 were isolated. Of those studied in detail a substantial proportion proved to be U.V. and X-ray sensitive and excision-defective. Others were more U.V. and X-ray resistant than strain B. Yet another class proved highly unstable. A chromosome breakage model of caffeine-death implicating enzymes of the excision-repair process is discussed.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of the rod-shaped Escherichia coli is determined by controlled growth of an exoskeleton made of murein (peptidoglycan). Recent insights in the growth strategy of the stress-bearing murein sacculus has contributed to our understanding of how the required concerted action of murein polymerizing and hydrolyzing enzymes is achieved. The proteins involved are coordinated by the formation of multienzyme complexes. In this review, we summarize the recent results on murein structure and metabolism. On the basis of these findings, we present a model that explains maintenance of the specific rod shape of E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary An improved method for the two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis of ribosomal proteins on acrylamide gel slabs has been developed by combining the procedures for the first dimension of Mets and Bogorad (1974) and for the second dimension of Kaltschmidt and Wittmann (1970) and by introducing several modification. Ribosomal proteins of various Escherichia coli mutants have been analyzed by the new method. Advantages are that (1) it requires only small amounts of protein (100–200 g 70S ribosomal proteins), (2) reproducibility is very high, and (3) it makes it easier to identify mutational alterations in proteins S10, L4, L10, and L21 which hardly migrate out of the sample gel with our previous electrophoresis procedure. Furthermore, the new method can be nicely adapted to analysis of the ribosomal proteins from other organisms, such as Bacilli or yeast.  相似文献   

Summary A strain of E. coli K12 has been isolated which gives rise to mutations in a large number of ribosomal proteins. Mutant VT, which was derived from A19, shows a novel type of streptomycin dependence and has an altered ribosomal protein S8. Streptomycin-independent isolates from mutant VT contain a great variety of changed proteins on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels. 120 revertants screened in this way have changes in thirteen 30S proteins and fifteen 50S proteins. Several mutants were found in which additional proteins are present on the ribosome. Further, there is one instance of a ribosomal protein (L1) being absent, and one of apparent doubling of a ribosomal protein (L7/12). The unique properties of mutant VT probably are the result of the altered S8.  相似文献   

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