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Samples of tracheal sap of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Washington Navel were taken from field trees throughout the year and the nitrogen composition of the sap was determined. The nitrogenous fraction of the sap was composed mainly of free amino acids (92–97% of total nitrogen) and nitrates throughout the year. Proline was the most abundant amino acid during almost the entire cycle, and its concentration was especially high during the autumn and winter period. Nevertheless, a significant part (40–60%) of the total organic nitrogen was transported as arginine. Total nitrogen as well as amino acids and nitrates were maximal at spring flush. At spring flush and summer flush there was also a diversification of α-amino nitrogen among different amino acids. During the spring flush, nitrates, asparagine and γ-aminobutyric acid in the xylem sap seemed to have a radicular origin, whereas glutamic acid and arginine were released from the surrounding parenchyma. The results suggest a metabolic transformation in the wood parenchyma of nitrogenous compounds coming from the roots (including reduction of nitrates) and a turnover of different nitrogen metabolites between the xylem and surrounding cells.  相似文献   

Rates of growth of seedlings of E. globulus, E. regnans and E. nitens were related to phosphorus supply in two soils but concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in most plant tissues did not vary significantly among soil or phosphorus treatments. Differences in concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus and in the composition of the pool of free amino-acids among leaves at different stages of development were far greater than differences between treatments. The most significant of these differences were several-fold greater concentrations of arginine in the oldest leaves and these are most likely due to protein degradation and/or in situ synthesis since arginine is not generally phloem mobile. The concentration of reduced nitrogen in xylem sap was inversely related to growth and glutamine was by far the dominant nitrogenous solute. We suggest that specific nitrogenous solutes may be useful indices of the nitrogen status of eucalypt tissues for insect herbivores.  相似文献   

The function of the ectomycorrhizal mutualism depends on the ability of the fungal symbionts to take up nutrients (particularly nitrogen) available in inorganic and/or organic form in the soil and to translocate them (or their metabolites) to the symbiotic roots. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying nutrient exchanges between fungus and plant at the symbiotic interface is necessary to fully understand the function of the mycorrhizal symbioses. The present review reports the characterization of several genes putatively involved in nitrogen uptake and transfer in the Hebeloma cylindrosporum-Pinus pinaster ectomycorrhizal association. Study of this model system will further clarify the symbiotic nutrient exchange which plays a major role in plant nutrition as well as in resistance of plants against pathogens, heavy metals, drought stress, etc. Ultimately, ecological balance is maintained and/or improved with the help of symbiotic associations, and therefore, warrant further understanding.  相似文献   

The nitrogen fixing bacterial endophytes Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus and Herbaspirillum spp. have been proposed to benefit sugarcane (Saccaharum spp. hybrids) growth. Variable populations of these endophytes exist depending upon ontogenic and climatic variations as well. This study investigates the effect of variable chemical nitrogen application in soil on the population of endophytic diazotrophs, acetylene reduction ability of excised roots, plant N-nutrient use efficiency and probable interactions among different parameters in eight commercial sugarcane varieties of subtropical India. Recovery efficiency (RE), agronomic efficiency (AE), partial factor productivity (PFP) and physiologic efficiency (PE) indicators were used for accounting N-nutrient use efficiency. The population of G. diazotrophicus was more at N75 compared to N0 and N150, whereas Herbaspirillum population increased from N0 to N150. ARA was positively correlated with Gluconacetobacter population in rhizosphere and root, whereas it had poor correlation with Herbaspirillum population. Positive correlation of RE and AE with ARA of roots, Gluconacetobacter and Herbaspirillum populations in roots and stems indicate their positive contribution in total nitrogen uptake by the plant per kg of N applied. Average PFP was 808.9 at N75 compared to 408.7 at N150 indicating that N was utilized efficiently at low N input status in sugarcane. Strong positive correlations of AE75 (agronomic efficiency from 75 kg N ha−1 to 150 kg N ha−1) with N-uptake (r 2 = 0.615), cane yield (r 2 = 0.758) and PFP (r 2 = 0.758) and other parameters compared to AE (agronomic efficiency from 0 kg N ha−1 to 75 kg N ha−1 or 150 kg N ha−1) correlations with N-uptake (r 2 = 0.111), cane yield (r 2 = 0.368) and PFP (r 2 = 0.190) indicated that the AE of sugarcane was strongly directed towards producing more cane yield per unit of N fertilizer once the sugarcane plant has established using initial dose of nitrogen and thus AE75 seems to be a more appropriate indicator for accounting N-nutrient use efficiency in sugarcane.  相似文献   

In this study, the consumption of 4-bromobenzoic acid and 4-chlorobenzoic acid by the fungus Penicillium brasilianum, an endophyte from Melia azedarach is evaluated. This fungus metabolizes these halobenzoic acids to produce three new brominated compounds, which have been isolated and characterized, and three new chlorinated derivatives identified by HRMS. Among these products, (4-bromobenzoyl)proline has been also chemically synthesized and employed in biological assays, thus providing insights for the elucidation of the defense mechanism of P. brasilianum towards these halobenzoic acids.  相似文献   

Contribution of amino compounds to dissolved organic nitrogen in forest soils   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) may play an important role in plantnutrition and nitrogen fluxes in forest ecosystems. In spite of the apparentimportance of DON, there is a paucity of information concerning its chemicalcomposition. However, it is exactly this chemical characterization that isrequired to understand the importance of DON in ecosystem processes. Theprimaryobjective of this study was to characterize the distribution of free aminoacidsand hydrolyzable peptides/proteins in the DON fraction of Oa horizon leachatesalong an extreme edaphic gradient in northern California. Insitu soil solutions were extracted by centrifugation from Oahorizonscollected beneath Pinus muricata (Bishop pine) andCupressus pygmaea (pygmy cypress) on slightlyacidic/fertile and highly acidic/infertile sites. DON accounted for 77 to99% of the total dissolved nitrogen in Oa horizon leachates. Nitrogen infree amino acids and alkyl amines ranged from 0.04–0.07 mgN/L on the low fertility site to 0.45–0.49 mg N/L onthe high fertility site, and accounted for 1.5 to 10.6% of the DON fraction.Serine, glutamic acid, leucine, ornithine, alanine, aspartic acid andmethylamine were generally the most abundant free amino compounds. Combinedamino acids released by acid hydrolysis accounted for 48 to 74% of theDON, suggesting that proteins and peptides were the main contributor to DON inOa horizon leachates. Together, nitrogen from free andcombined amino compounds accounted for 59 to 78% of the DON. Most of theDON was found in the hydrophobic fraction, which suggests the presence ofprotein/peptide-polyphenol complexes or amino compounds associated withhumic substances. Because free and combined amino acids can be an importantnitrogen source for some plants, soil DON may play an important role in plantnutrition and ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Claire Cookson  H. Hughes  J. Coombs 《Planta》1980,148(4):338-345
Dwarf french beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L., were grown with or without inoculation with rhizobia (strain 3644), and with or without a combined nitrogen source (nitrate or ammonium ions). The distribution of radioactivity into products of dark 14CO2 assimilation was studied in roots or nodules from these plants. A detailed study was also made of the distribution and rates of excretion of nitrogen in xylem bleeding sap in 28 day old plants grown on the various sources of nitrogen. Whereas detached nodules accumulated radioactive glycine, serine and glutamate when incubated with 14CO2, bleeding sap from plants root fed 14CO2 contained low levels of radioactivity in these compounds but higher levels in allantoin. Chemical analysis showed allantoin to be the major compound transported in the xylem of nodulated plants, whether or not they were fed on combined nitrogen. In contrast uninoculated plants accumulated mainly amino acids in the bleeding sap, the amount and chemical composition of which depended on the combined nitrogen source.Abbreviations PEP phosphoenol pyruvate - OAA oxaloacetate  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that allelochemicals from sugarcane straw may suppress the growth of arrowleaf sida (Sida rhombifolia L.). A study was conducted to establish: (1) the direct or indirect role of the organic molecules from sugarcane straw leachate on the growth suppression of arrowleaf sida and (2) if leachate phytotoxins induce proline accumulation in arrowleaf sida tissues as an adaptative response to a water or an oxidative stress. Inhibition of root elongation was the primary effect of sugarcane straw leachate on arrowleaf sida grown in unsterile soil. Addition of activated charcoal to unsterile soil before incorporation of straw leachate reduced the inhibition in root growth suggesting a direct participation of organic molecules in leachate phytotoxicity on arrowleaf sida. Inorganic straw constituents did not inhibit root growth while microbial activity increased leachate phytotoxicity. Soil chemical analysis suggested a direct action of organic molecules in leachate phytotoxicity rather than variations in macro and micronutrients or nutrient microbial immobilization. Straw leachate induced proline accumulation in roots and cotyledons of arrowleaf sida. Proline increase was related with oxidative stress in the roots but not in the cotyledons. Our results indicate a direct action of organic compounds from sugarcane straw and/or their microbial transformation products on root growth of arrowleaf sida. These substances induced proline accumulation in roots mainly as consequence of an oxidative stress while water stress may be the main cause of high proline content in the cotyledons. Although the observed responses could be due to phenolic compounds, the involvement of organic molecules with other chemical nature could not be excluded.  相似文献   

目的探索氮源对大球盖菇生长及亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐含量的影响。方法在培养基中添加不同含氮化合物,培养菌丝,定时测定生长量,并采用重氮偶合分光光度法测定其亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐含量。结果添加亚硝酸盐的基质,菌丝生长速度比对照慢。尿素、硫酸铵、硝酸铵和硝酸钾四处理之间差异无显著性,其生长速度最快。各处理间亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐含量差异均存在非常显著性。亚硝酸钾处理,亚硝酸盐含量高达402.03 mg/kg,不宜食用。硝酸钾处理,亚硝酸盐含量为30.87 mg/kg,食用100 g,就会超出亚硝酸盐日限量;硝酸铵处理,硝酸盐含量远远超过日常蔬菜,也不宜食用。结论在栽培大球盖菇时氮源不宜使用亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐,应使用尿素或硫酸铵,有机氮源也可以。  相似文献   

Sugar-related traits are of great importance in sugarcane breeding. In the present study, quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping validated with association mapping was used to identify expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats (EST-SSRs) associated with sugar-related traits. For linkage mapping, 524 EST-SSRs, 241 Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms, and 10 genomic SSR markers were mapped using 283 F1 progenies derived from an interspecific cross. Six regions were identified using Multiple QTL Mapping, and 14 unlinked markers using single marker analysis. Association analysis was performed on a set of 200 accessions, based on the mixed linear model. Validation of the EST-SSR markers using association mapping within the target QTL genomic regions identified two EST-SSR markers showing a putative relationship with uridine diphosphate (UDP) glycosyltransferase, and beta-amylase, which are associated with pol and sugar yield. These functional markers can be used for marker-assisted selection of sugarcane.  相似文献   

甘蔗糖蜜发酵生产多不饱和脂肪酸的菌种筛选   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用苏丹黑B染色和测定多不饱和脂肪酸碘值的方法,从土壤中筛选出一株适合用甘蔗糖蜜为原料生产多不饱和脂肪酸的霉菌LB1。研究表明,该菌株培养的最适糖蜜浓度为10°BX,通过单因素实验和正交实验设计,确定了优化培养条件:最适温度28℃、摇床转速为160r/min、pH值为6.0和培养天数为5d。在优化条件下,菌株的油脂含量为其生物量的57.08%,其中油脂中多不饱和脂肪酸的组成及含量为:油酸15.42%,亚油酸14.38%、γ-亚麻酸23.55%、α-亚麻酸3.06%、花生四烯酸9.87%、廿碳五烯酸8.14%、廿二碳六烯酸6.07%等。多不饱和脂肪酸的含量占总脂肪酸的80.49%。对LB1菌株进行形态特征、生理特征分析及5.8S rDNA基因两侧的内转录间隙进行序列分析推测该菌株为反屈毛霉。  相似文献   

DAS-ELISA studies were conducted on detection of sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV) causing yellow leaf syndrome (YLS) of sugarcane in leaf and juice antigens. Among the two types of antigen sources used for the virus detection, juice antigen showed high titre for the virus as compared to leaf antigen. Assay with juice samples recorded more number of varieties positive to the virus. Further DAS-ELISA studies revealed that plants raised from disease-infected planting materials recorded high titre for SCYLV as compared to those raised from symptom-free seed canes. Similarly, assaying SCYLV titre in plant and ratoon crop in the field showed that SCYLV infection was partial in plant crop and in the subsequent ratoon crop, all the samples were positive to the virus. ELISA studies also indicated that 33 of 41 cane varieties showing YLS were positive to the virus.  相似文献   

Summary Rumen contents from three fistulated Japanese native goats fed Lucerne hay cubes (Medicago sativa) and concentrate mixture were collected to prepare the suspensions of mixed rumen bacteria (B), mixed protozoa (P) and a combination of the two (BP). Microbial suspensions were anaerobically incubated at 39°C for 12h with or without 1 MM ofl-phenylalanine (Phe). Phe, tyrosine (Tyr) and other related compounds in both supernatant and microbial hydrolysates of the incubations were analyzed by HPLC. Tyr can be produced from Phe not only by rumen bacteria but also by rumen protozoa. The production of Tyr during 12h incubation in B (183.6 mol/g MN) was 4.3 times higher than that in P. One of the intermediate products between Phe and Tyr seems to bep-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. The rate of the net degradation of Phe incubation in B (76.O mol/g MN/h) was 2.4 times higher than in P. In the case of all rumen microorganisms, degraded Phe was mainly (>53%) converted into phenylacetic acid. The production of benzoic acid was higher in P than in B suspensions. Small amount of phenylpyruvic acid was produced from Phe by both rumen bacteria and protozoa, but phenylpropionic acid and phenyllactic acid were produced only by rumen bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary All cells including neurons and glial cells are able to keep their volume within a very limited range. The volume regulatory mechanism involves changes in the concentration of osmolytes of which taurine appears to be of particular importance in brain cells. Swelling in brain cells may occur as a result of depolarization or small fluctuations in osmolarity. In isolated brain cells these conditions will always lead to a release of taurine, the time course of which is superimposable on that of the volume regulatory decrease which follows the initial cell swelling. The mechanism responsible for taurine release associated with swelling has not been fully elucidated but a large body of evidence seems to exclude participation of the taurme high affinity carrier. Using a number of inhibitors of anion exchangers it has been demonstrated that both volume regulation and taurine release in brain cells are inhibited by these drugs, implicating an anion channel in the process. It has be controversial issue as to whether or not taurine release is Ca++ dependent. Recent evidence appears to suggest that the release process is not associated with Ca++ or Ca++ channels. It is, however, quite possible that the swelling process may involve the Ca++ calmodulin system or other second messengers. Taurine also contributes to volume regulation after shrinkage of brain cells, in this case by increasing its intracellular concentration. This change is accomplished byan upregulation of the Na+/taurine cotransporter, together with reduced passive fluxes and increased endogenous synthesis.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of exogenous amino acids on apoplastic and symplastic uptake and root to shoot translocation of nickel (Ni) in two wheat cultivars. Seedlings of a bread (Triticum aestivum cv. Back Cross) and a durum wheat cultivar (T. durum cv. Durum) were grown in a modified Johnson nutrient solution and exposed to two levels (50 and 100 μM) of histidine, glycine, and glutamine. Application of amino acids resulted in increasing symplastic to apoplastic Ni ratio in roots of both wheat cultivars, although glutamine and glycine were more effective than histidine under our experimental conditions. The amino acid used in the present study generally increased the relative transport of Ni from the roots to shoots in both wheat cultivars. Higher amounts of Ni were translocated to wheat shoots in the presence of histidine than the other amino acids studied, which indicated that histidine was more effective in translocation of Ni from roots to shoots. Amino acids used in the present study largely increased root symplastic Ni, but shoot Ni accumulation was much lower than the total Ni accumulation in roots, indicating a large proportion of Ni was retained or immobilized in wheat roots (either in the apoplastic or symplastic space), with only a very small fraction of Ni being translocated from the root to the shoot. According to the results, glutamine and glycine were more effective than histidine in enhancing the symplastic to apoplastic Ni ratio in the roots, while more Ni was translocated from the roots to the shoots in the presence of histidine.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas spp., a ubiquitous biocontrol agent, protects the plants from phytopathogens by suppressing them directly by reinforcing the plant’s intrinsic defense mechanism. Root exudated phenolics play an important role in establishing the rhizobacteria population and cross the host boundaries in beneficial plant–microbe interaction. In this study, Pseudomonas spp. HU-8 & HU-9 antagonized the sugarcane red rot pathogen (C. falcatum) and showed a positive chemotactic response against different concentrations (10–30 µM) of synthetic phenolic acids like p-coumaric, vanillic, and 3,4 di-hydroxybenzoic acid. In a pot experiment, they effectively colonized the sugarcane rhizosphere and mediated defense response in sugarcane plants challenged with red rot pathogen C. falcatum by regulating the exudation of root phenolics under hydroponic conditions. They significantly induced the activity of the antioxidant enzymes CAT (1.24–1.64 fold), PO (0.78–1.61 fold), PAL (0.77–0.97 fold), and PPO (3.67–3.73 fold) over untreated plants in sugarcane. They also induced the total phenolic contents (TPC) in sugarcane in the presence (6.56–10.29 mg/g GAE) and absence (2.89–4.16 mg/g GAE) of the pathogen quantified through the Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) method. However, their effect was lower than that of the pathogen (4.34–8 mg/g GAE). The Pseudomonas spp. significantly colonized the sugarcane rhizosphere by maintaining a cell population of (1.0E + 07–1.3E + 08 CFU/mL). A significant positive Pearson’s correlation was observed between the root exudated total phenolic contents, antioxidant enzymatic activities, and rhizospheric population of inoculated bacteria. The 16S rRNA and rpoD gene analysis showed sequence conservation (C: 0.707), average number of nucleotide differences (k: 199.816), nucleotide diversity, (Pi): 0.09819), average number of informative nucleotide sites per site (Psi: 0.01275), GC content (0.57), and polymorphic sites (n = 656). These diverse Pseudomonas spp. could be an ideal bio-inoculants for a broad range of hosts especially graminaceous crops.  相似文献   

Sugarcane is an economically important crop for both food and biofuel industries. Marker-assisted breeding in sugarcane is becoming a reality with the recent development and deployment of markers linked with disease resistance genes. Large linkage disequilibrium in sugarcane makes genome-wide association studies (GWAS) a better alternative to biparental mapping to identify markers associated with agronomic traits. GWAS was conducted on a Louisiana core collection to identify marker-trait associations (MTA) for 11 cane yield and sucrose traits using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and insertion-deletion (Indel) markers. Significant (P < .05) MTAs were identified for all traits where the top ranked markers explained up to 15% of the total phenotypic variation. High correlations (0.732 to 0.999) were observed between sucrose traits and 56 markers were found consistent across multiple traits. These markers following validation in more diverse populations could be used in marker-assisted selection of clones in sugarcane breeding program in Louisiana and elsewhere.  相似文献   

An extracytoplasmic 86.7 kDa protein was isolated from intercellular washing fluids (IWF) of Phaseolus vulgaris etiolated hypocotyls. Micro sequencing of tryptic peptides of the 86.7 kDa protein revealed 100% identity with a bean lipoxygenase (LOX) protein fragment. Purified P87-LOX exhibited LOX activity characterized by an optimal pH of 6.0 and linolenic acid as an optimal substrate, and was classified as a 13-LOX with respect to its positional specificity of linoleic acid oxygenation. A protein identical to P87-LOX, as determined by MALDI-TOF analysis and biochemical characterization, was purified from hypocotyl microsomes. Immunoblot analysis showed that P87-LOX is present in plasma membrane-enriched fractions, from which it was solubilized using high ionic strength buffers. These observations suggest that P87-LOX is a peripheral protein associated to the apoplastic face of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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