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Understanding the factors that may affect behavioural thermoregulation of endangered reptiles is important for their conservation because thermoregulation determines body temperatures and in turn physiological functions of these ectotherms. Here we measured seasonal variation in operative environmental temperature (Te), body temperature (Tb), and microhabitat use of endangered crocodile lizards (Shinisaurus crocodilurus) from a captive population, within open and shaded enclosures, to understand how they respond to thermally challenging environments. Te was higher in open enclosures than in shaded enclosures. The Tb of lizards differed between the open and shaded enclosures in summer and autumn, but not in spring. In summer, crocodile lizards stayed in the water to avoid overheating, whereas in autumn, crocodile lizards perched on branches seeking optimal thermal environments. Crocodile lizards showed higher thermoregulatory effectiveness in open enclosures (with low thermal quality) than in shaded enclosures. Our study suggests that the crocodile lizard is capable of behavioural thermoregulation via microhabitat selection, although overall, it is not an effective thermoregulator. Therefore, maintaining diverse thermal environments in natural habitats for behavioural thermoregulation is an essential measure to conserve this endangered species both in the field and captivity.  相似文献   

We examined the contributions of alterations in daily activity and behavioral selection of microhabitat to thermoregulation in a population of the lizard, Ameiva exsul (Teiidae), by combining data on lizard activity with data on the availability of sun-shade patches and operative temperatures (Te). By comparing Te distributions predicted by “no thermoregulation” and “only thermoregulation” hypotheses to those predicted by random use of thermal habitat, we assessed the relative contributions of microhabitat selection and daily activity to regulation of body temperature (Tb). Over the course of a day lizards maintained Tb very close to optimal temperature (Tsel) despite Tes that deviated substantially from Tsel. Data demonstrating a unimodal daily activity pattern reject the hypothesis of uniform activity throughout the day. Also, lizard activity was not positively correlated with the proportion of Tes within Tsel nor negatively correlated with the absolute deviation of available Te from Tsel (de) (“only thermoregulation”). Microsite use by A. exsul deviated significantly from predictions of the “no thermoregulation” hypothesis, but our data could not reject predictions of the “only thermoregulation” hypothesis that lizards would use sun-shade patches relative to the proportion of microsites where Te is within Tsel. Also, lizards appeared to actively select sunlit and partially shaded microsites at different times of day. Thus, despite thermal constraints imposed by the habitat, A. exsul maintained high and relatively constant Tbs throughout its daily activity period and thermoregulated effectively. This appears to be generally representative of West Indian species of Ameiva.  相似文献   

为了提高体温,荒漠沙蜥喜好晒太阳的同时增加了紫外线对其皮肤的损伤。本实验研究了不同的紫外线强度(110、300、500、800mJ/cm2)对荒漠沙蜥皮肤形态、蜕皮、脂质过氧化和抗氧化酶的影响。结果显示:皮肤损伤和丙二醛含量的最高峰发生在暴露紫外线300、500、800mJ/cm2后的96、48、24h;SOD活性的最低峰发生在暴露紫外线110、300、500、800mJ/cm2后的24、48、12h;CAT活性在暴露紫外线后立即抑制,然后恢复提高。CAT活性的高低往往伴随皮肤的损伤程度和蜕皮的发生,这表明紫外线对皮肤的损伤与皮肤的脂质过氧化密切相关,CAT是一种主要的抗氧化酶。皮肤的角质层对保护皮肤免受紫外线的损伤也有重要作用。  相似文献   

We investigate how a unique dietary specialist, the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum), uses behavioral thermoregulation to elevate body temperature (Tb) after feeding. Lizards in a laboratory thermal gradient were fed rodent meals of three different sizes (5, 10, or 20% of body mass), or sham fed (meal of 0% body mass), and Tbs were recorded for three days before feeding and seven days after feeding. Gila monsters selected a mean Tb of 25.2 °C while fasting (set-point range 23.6–27.1), and increased Tbs after feeding. The magnitude and duration of post-prandial Tb increases are positively related to meal size, and Gila monsters selected mean Tbs up to 3.0 °C higher and maintain elevated Tbs for 3–6 days after feeding. Selection of Tb does not appear to differ between day and night time periods, and because the lizards are both diurnal and nocturnal (at different times of year), photoperiod may not be an important influence on Tb selection.  相似文献   

Inbred Fisher and Buffalo rats were raised in small and in large litters and by such litter manipulation, large- and small-bodied animals were obtained within the same strain. When the rats were exposed to extreme cold and heat, it appeared that large-bodied rats in both strains survived longer in cold and small-bodied rats survived longer in heat. The two trends were clearly evident, and individual correlations between survival time and body mass were generally significant. However, there were also irregularities in such correlations. It is concluded that this is due to the fact that body mass is only one factor determining temperature tolerance in addition to hypothalamic, endocrine, and possibly neurochemical factors not known to be correlated to body mass.  相似文献   

The capacity for an ectothermic reptile to thermoregulate has implications for many components of its life history. Over two years, we studied thermoregulation in a population of Midland painted turtles (Chrysemys picta marginata) in a shallow, thermally variable wetland during summer in Northern Michigan. Mean body temperature (Tb) of free-ranging turtles was greater in 2008 (25.8 °C) than in 2010 (19.7 °C). Laboratory determined thermoregulatory set point (Tset) ranged from 25 °C (Tset-min) to 31 °C (Tset-max) and was lower during the fall (17–26 °C). Deviations of Tb distributions from field measured operative temperatures (Te) and indices of thermoregulation indicated that C. picta marginata were capable of a limited degree of thermoregulation. Operative temperatures and thermal quality (de=|Tset-minTe| and |TeTset-max|) cycled daily with maximal thermal quality occurring during late morning and late afternoon. The accuracy of thermoregulation (db=|Tset-minTb| and |TbTset-max|) was maximal (db values were minimal) as Tb declined and traversed Tset during the late afternoon–early evening hours and was higher on cloudy days than on sunny days because relatively low Te values decreased the number of Tb values that were above Tset. Our index of thermal exploitation (Ex=frequency of Tb observations within Tset) was 36%, slightly lower than that reported for an Ontario population of C. picta marginata. Regression of db (thermal accuracy) on de (thermal quality) indicated that turtles invested more in thermoregulation when thermal quality was low and when water levels were high than when they were low. There were no intersexual differences in mean Tb throughout the year but females had relatively high laboratory determined Tb values in the fall, perhaps reflecting the importance of maintaining ovarian development prior to winter.  相似文献   

Jin YT  Brown RP  Liu NF 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(8):1971-1982
Phrynocephalus vlangalii is restricted to dry sand or Gobi desert highlands between major mountain ranges in the Qinghai (Tibetan) Plateau. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence (partial ND2, tRNA(Trp) and partial tRNA(Ala)) was obtained from 293 Phrynocephalus sampled from 34 sites across the plateau. Partitioned Bayesian and maximum parsimony phylogenetic analyses revealed that P. vlangalii and two other proposed species (P. erythrus and P. putjatia) together form a monophyletic mtDNA clade which, in contrast with previous studies, does not include P. theobaldi and P. zetangensis. The main P. vlangalli clade comprises seven well-supported lineages that correspond to distinct geographical areas with little or no overlap, and share a most recent common ancestor at 5.06 +/- 0.68 million years ago (mya). This is much older than intraspecific lineages in other Tibetan animal groups. Analyses of molecular variance indicated that most of the observed genetic variation occurred among populations/regions implying long-term interruption of maternal gene flow. A combined approach based on tests of population expansion, estimation of node dates, and significance tests on clade areas indicated that phylogeographical structuring has been primarily shaped by three main periods of plateau uplift during the Pliocene and Pleistocene, specifically 3.4 mya, 2.5 mya and 1.7 mya. These periods corresponded to the appearance of several mountain ranges that formed physical barriers between lineages. Populations from the Qaidam Basin are shown to have undergone major demographic and range expansions in the early Pleistocene, consistent with colonization of areas previously covered by the huge Qaidam palaeolake, which desiccated at this time. The study represents one of the most detailed phylogeographical analyses of the Qinghai Plateau to date and shows how geological events have shaped current patterns of diversity.  相似文献   

Summary The hypothalamic nuclei of the lizard, Calotes versicolor, can be broadly divided into AF-positive and AF-negative. The AF-positive cell complexes include the nucleus supraopticus, nucleus paraventricularis, and a few interconnecting bridge cells. In addition, some AF-positive neurones are also observed in the median eminence. As many as 15 AF-negative nuclei-like accumulations of nerve cells can be identified in the hypothalamus. The nucleus periventricularis hypothalami of earlier authors is subdivided into eight circumscribed neuronal complexes. In addition, a few AF-negative nuclei, e.g. nucleus subfornicalis, nucleus ventralis tuberis, nucleus med. recessus infundibuli, nucleus lat. recessus infundibuli and nucleus praemamillaris, are regarded for the first time as anatomical entities. The distribution of the hypothalamic nuclei and their cytoarchitectonic features are described at the light microscopical level. An attempt has been made to interprete the nuclei identified in the present study on a comparative and phylogenetic basis.Dedicated to Professors W. Bargmann and B. Scharrer, the pioneers of neuroendocrinology, on the occasion of their birthday anniversariesSupported in part by research grant [No. F. 30-4 (6431)/76(SR-II)] by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India. The facilities provided by Dr. V. K. Thakare are hereby acknowledgedFormer scholar of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stuftung (1973–1975), Federal Republic of Germany. The present study was initiated by Professor A. Oksche, Department of Anatomy and Cytobiology, Justus Liebig University of GiessenThe facilities provided by Dr. A.K. Dorle are gratefully acknowledged

Komodo dragons from hatchlings (≈0.1 kg) to adults (≤80 kg) express the full magnitude of varanid species size distributions. We found that all size groups of dragons regulated a similar preferred body temperature by exploiting a heterogeneous thermal environment within savanna, forest and mangrove habitats. All dragons studied, regardless of size, were able to regulate a daytime active body temperature within the range 34–35.6 °C for 5.1–5.6 h/day. The index of effectiveness of thermoregulation (a numerical rating of thermoregulatory activity) was not different among size groups of dragons. However, the index of closeness of thermoregulation, which rates the variability of body temperature, suggests a greater precision for regulating a preferred body temperature for medium compared to small and large dragons. Reference copper cylinders simulating small, medium and large Komodo dragons heated and cooled at the same rate, whereas actual dragons of all size groups heated faster than they cooled. Larger dragons heated and cooled more slowly than smaller ones. The mean operative environmental temperatures of copper cylinders representing medium sized dragons were 42.5, 32.0 and 29.4° C for savannah, forest and mangrove habitats, respectively. The index for average thermal quality of a habitat as measured by the absolute difference between operative environmental temperature and the dragon’s thermal range suggests the forest habitat offers the highest thermal quality to dragons and the savannah the lowest. The percent of total daytime that the operative environmental temperature was within the central 50% of the body temperatures selected by dragons in a thermal gradient (Phillips, 1984) was 45%, 15%, and 9% for forest, mangrove and savannah, respectively. Forest habitat offers the most suitable thermal environment and provides the greatest number of hours with conditions falling within the dragon’s thermal activity zone.  相似文献   

We investigated whether thyroxine influences hatchling growth rate of the western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) throught its effects on thermoregulatory behaviors. We reared control and thyroxine-injected hatchlings from three populations of S. occidentalis that differ in growth rate in a thermal gradient. We also measured the daily changes in body temperature and activity level (proportion of time spent out of retreat sites) of control and thyroxine-injected lizards. Previous studies have shown that within and among population differences in growth rate of the western fence lizard are correlated with the maintenance of high activity levels (proportion of time spent outside of retreat sites) and high body temperatures throughout the day. Growth rate was not influenced by injections of thyroxine. However, injections of thyroxine did elevate average daily body temperature and daily activity. Although administration of thyroxine uniformly increased the probability of activity throughout the day, it did not appear to alter the daily changes in activity. Previous studies have shown that the slower-growing hatchlings from northern populations exhibit a decline in activity during the later part of the thermal cycle, whereas the faster growing southern hatchlings maintain the same level of high activity throughout the thermal cycle. The decline in activity of northern populations was not prevented by thyroxine injection used in our current study. Northern lizards receiving exogenous thyroxine were still less active later in the day compared to early in the day, even though activity level throughout the day was elevated. Thus, the effects of thyroxine on temperature regulation observed in our study (general increase in activity level) appear to be unrelated to those aspects of temperature regulation (e.g., daily changes in behavioral thermoregulation) that are correlated with among population differences in growth rate. We also raised hatchlings in a cycling thermal regime (forced thermal cycle of 34°C:15°C, 12L:12D) where behavioral thermoregulation is not possible. The growth rate of lizards forced to cycle between 34°C:15°C on a daily basis was significantly lower than those lizards allowed to behaviorally thermoregulate, further underscoring the importance of the circadian pattern of thermoregulation for growth.Abbreviations GR growth rate - MR metabolic rate - SMR standard metabolic rate - SVL snout-vent length - T4 thyroxine - T b body temperature - T e environmental temperature  相似文献   

In this study we have examined the interactions of bombesin (1 microgram ICV), neurotensin (1 microgram ICV), TRH (10 micrograms ICV), somatostatin (10 micrograms ICV), PGE2 (10 micrograms ICV) and naloxone (10 mg/kg SC) on thermoregulation in the rat at room temperature (20 +/- 1 degree C). Given alone, bombesin, neurotensin, somatostatin and naloxone all produced hypothermia (bombesin greater than neurotensin greater than somatostatin congruent to naloxone). PGE2 was hyperthermic, and TRH had no effect. Bombesin and PGE2 neutralized one another's effects. Neurotensin had no effect on PGE2-induced hyperthermia. Naloxone enhanced the hypothermic effect of bombesin and somatostatin enhanced the rate of onset of hypothermia after bombesin. TRH had no effect on bombesin-induced hypothermia. TRH, somatostatin and naloxone had no effect on neurotensin-induced hypothermia. TRH antagonized the hypothermia due to naloxone and somatostatin.  相似文献   

We studied physiological thermal adaptation in the lizard Microlophus atacamensis along a latitudinal range.  相似文献   

爬行动物的体温依赖于外界热环境的变化,本研究以荒漠沙蜥(Phrynocephalus przewalskii)为对象,收集其冬眠前活动期间的体温与地面和离地10 cm的空气温度,研究爬行动物体温节律性变化与环境温度的关系.研究结果表明,荒漠沙蜥在环境温度高于20℃后开始外出活动,其体温随着地面温度和空气温度的上升而逐步...  相似文献   

沙蜥属Phrynocephalus作为鬣蜥科Agamidae中的古北界类群,分布区复杂的地质、地理历史对该属物种形成、分化及分布格局的形成具有重要的影响.近年来,随着生物地理学理论的不断发展,各国学者从不同角度对沙蜥属的生物地理学做了大量研究.本文主要综述了这方面的研究进展;同时基于沙蜥属的研究现状对今后的研究做出展望.  相似文献   

Using video cameras and motion detection software, we examined sequential positions of the lizard Podarcis carbonelli in a temperature gradient to look for patterns in spatial and temporal thermoregulatory movements. As lizards shuttled between warm and cool areas, their movements were typically slow; punctuated by bursts of speed. The animals were relatively inactive when heating, moved almost continually when cooling, and spent less time heating than cooling. Traditional modeling techniques proved unsuccessful, so we assessed the movement patterns with nonlinear dynamical techniques. The shuttling frequency, and the pattern of velocity changes, both met the qualitative attributes (self similarity, strange attractors, and noisy power spectra) and the quantitative criteria (positive Lyapunov exponent and capacity and/or correlation dimensions less than 5) that suggest deterministic chaos. These movement patterns appear regular, but at unpredictable times the patterns become disturbed before returning to regulation. There are both behavioral and physiological advantages to movements that follow a model of deterministic chaos control.  相似文献   

In spite of the abundance and broad distribution of social wasps, little information exists concerning thermoregulation by individuals. We measured body temperatures of the yellowjackets Vespula germanica and V. maculifrons and examined their thermoregulatory mechanisms. V. germanica demonstrated thermoregulation via a decreasing gradient between thorax temperature and ambient temperature as ambient temperature increased. V. maculifrons exhibited a constant gradient at lower ambient temperatures but thorax temperature was constant at high ambient temperatures. Head temperature exhibited similar patterns in both species. In spite of low thermal conductances, a simple heat budget model predicts substantial heat loads in warm conditions in the absence of thermoregulation. Both species regurgitated when heated on the head. A smaller volume of regurgitant was produced at lower head temperatures and a larger volume at higher head temperatures. Small regurgitations resulted in stabilization of head temperature, while large ones resulted in 4°C decreases in head temperature. Regurgitation was rare when wasps were heated upon the thorax. Abdomen temperature was 3–4°C above ambient temperature, and approached ambient temperature under the hottest conditions. No evidence was found for shunting of hot hemolymph from thorax to abdomen as a cooling mechanism. The frequency of regurgitation in workers returning to the nest increased with ambient temperature. Regurgitation may be an important thermoregulatory strategy during heat stress, but is probably not the only mechanism used in yellowjackets.Abbreviations M b body mass - M th thorax mass - T a ambient temperature - T ab abdomen temperature - T b body temperature - T h head temperature - T th thorax temperature - C t thermal conductance  相似文献   

We studied, at 2200 m altitude, the thermal biology of the Pyrenean rock lizard, Iberolacerta bonnali, in the glacial cirque of Cotatuero (National Park of Ordesa, Huesca, Spain). The preferred thermal range (PTR) of I. bonnali indicates that it is a cold-adapted ectotherm with a narrow PTR (29.20–32.77 °C). However, its PTR (3.57 °C) is twice as wide as other Iberolacerta lizards, which may be explained by its broader historical distribution. The studied area is formed by a mosaic of microhabitats which offer different operative temperatures, so that lizards have, throughout their entire daily period of activity, the opportunity to choose the most thermally suitable substrates. I. bonnali achieves an effectiveness of thermoregulation of 0.95, which makes it the highest value found to date among the Lacertidae, and one of the highest among lizards. Their relatively wide distribution, their wider PTR, and their excellent ability of thermoregulation, would make I. bonnali lizards less vulnerable to climate change than other species of Iberolacerta. Thanks to its difficult access, the studied area is not visited by a large number of tourists, as are other areas of the National Park. Thus, it is a key area for the conservation of the Pyrenean rock lizard. By shuttling between suitable microhabitats, lizards achieve suitable body temperatures during all day. However, such thermally suitable microhabitats should vary in other traits than thermal quality, such as prey availability or predation risk. Hence, it seems that these not-thermal traits are not constraining habitat selection and thermoregulation in this population. Therefore, future research in this population may study the causes that would lead lizards to prioritize thermoregulation to such extent in this population.  相似文献   

Cicadas prevent body temperature from exceeding tolerable levels by a combination of behavioral responses and sweating. Sweating is activated when body temperature reaches a critical set-point temperature. We investigated control of sweating in the cicada, Tibicen dealbatus, by chemically manipulating biosynthesis of prostaglandins and other eicosanoids. Injecting prostaglandins in amounts equal to those that induce behavioral fever in scorpions and crustaceans resulted in only a small increase in set-point temperature. Blocking prostaglandin biosynthesis with cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors such as aspirin produced significant changes in set-point temperature, confirming that prostaglandins are involved in control of sweating. However, the effect of cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors was not the opposite of the effect of prostaglandins. Instead, the effect of cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors depended strongly on the value of setpoint temperature prior to treatment. Results of biochemical manipulations of other steps in eicosanoid biosynthetic pathways corroborated the results of cyclo-oxygenase inhibition and indicated that eicosanoids other than prostaglandins may be involved in control of body temperature in normothermic T. dealbatus. The effect of cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors on a given set-point temperature depended on the ambient temperature experienced by cicadas during the experiment. Surprisingly, cicadas exposed to ambient temperatures 40°C delayed activation of sweating until body temperature exceeded values normally recorded from T. dealbatus in the field. Control of body temperature in normothermic cicadas is thus complex, involving inputs from body temperature sensors, ambient temperature sensors, and at least two cyclo-oxygenase-dependent regulatory pathways.Abbreviations PUFA polyunsatured fatty acid(s) - T a ambient temperature - T b body temperature - T set set-point of body temperature for activation of sweating  相似文献   

Summary The supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei of the lizard Liolaemus cyanogaster c. were studied by use of histochemical, immunocyto-chemical and electron microscopic methods. The immunofluorescence staining for neurophysin was applied to methacrylate-embedded material before and after treatment of the sections with urea and trypsin. Pseudoisocyanine was applied to sections previously used for immunocytochemistry. The ultrastructural study showed that the SON and PVN neurons possess neurosecretory granules (nsg), distributed throughout the perikaryon, and large (2 to 12 m) electron-dense droplets located within dilatations of the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Whereas the perikaryon (nsg) and the secretory droplets are stainable with pseudoisocyanine, only the former displays immunoreactivity for neurophysin. However, after treating the sections with urea and trypsin, the same secretory droplets become immunoreactive. It is suggested that the secretory droplets are sites of storage for the precursor of neurophysin, and that the tryptic digestion either triggers its conversion into neurophysin or exposes its immunoreactive sites. Based on the ultrastructure and the histochemical behavior of the secretory droplets, it is also postulated that they contain, in addition to peptides, a glycoprotein component.Supported by Grant S-77-28 from the Dirección de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de ChileThe authors wish to thank Prof. B.T. Pickering for providing the antineurophysin serum and Mrs. Elizabeth Santibáñez for her assistance  相似文献   

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