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An analysis of higher-order structures of globular proteins by means of a distance-constraint approach is presented. Conformations are generated for each of 21 test proteins of small and medium sizes by optimizing an objective functionf=w ij(d ijd ij)2, whered ij is a distance between residuesi andj in a calculated conformation, d ij is an assigned distance to the (ij) pair of residues which is determined based on the statistics of known three-dimensional structures of 14 proteins in the earlier study, andw ij is a weighting factor. d ij involves information about hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity of each amino acid residue and about connectivity of a polypeptide chain. In these calculations, only the amino acid sequence is used as input data specific to a calculated protein. With respect to higher-order structures regenerated in the optimized conformations, the following properties are analyzed: (a) N14 of a residue, defined as the number of residues surrounding the residue located within a sphere of radius of 14 Å; (b) root-mean-square differences of the global and local conformations from the corresponding X-ray conformations; (c) distance profiles in the short and medium ranges; and (d) distance maps. The effects of supplementary information about locations of secondary structures and disulfide bonds are also examined to discuss the potential ability of this methodology to predict the three-dimensional structures of globular proteins.  相似文献   

Two DNA binding proteins, Cro and the amino-terminal domain of the repressor of bacteriophage 434 (434 Cro and 434 repressor) that regulate gene expression and contain a helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif responsible for their site-specific DNA recognition adopt very similar three-dimensional structures when compared to each other. To reveal structural differences between these two similar proteins, their dynamic structures, as examined by normal mode analysis, are compared in this paper. Two kinds of structural data, one for the monomer and the other for a complex with DNA, for each protein, are used in the analyses. From a comparison between the monomers it is found that the interactions of Ala-24 in 434 Cro or Val-24 in 434 repressor, both located in the HTH motif, with residues 44, 47, 48, and 51 located in the domain facing the motif, and the interactions between residues 17, 18, 28, and 32, located in the HTH motif, cause significant differences in the correlative motions of these residues. From the comparison between the monomer and the complex with DNA for each protein, it was found that the first helix in the HTH motif is distorted in the complex form. While the residues in the HTH motif in 434 Cro have relatively larger positive correlation coefficients of motions with other residues within the HTH motif, such correlations are not large in the HTH motif of 434 repressor. It is suggestive to their specificity because the 434 repressor is less specific than 434 Cro. Although a structural comparison of proteins has been performed mainly from a static or geometrical point of view, this study demonstrates that the comparison from a dynamic point of view, using the normal mode analysis, is useful and convenient to explore a difference that is difficult to find only from a geometrical point of view, especially for proteins very similar in structure. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 enzymes are hemeproteins that catalyze the monooxygenation of a wide‐range of structurally diverse substrates of endogenous and exogenous origin. These heme monooxygenases receive electrons from NADH/NADPH via electron transfer proteins. The cytochrome P450 enzymes, which constitute a diverse superfamily of more than 8,700 proteins, share a common tertiary fold but < 25% sequence identity. Based on their electron transfer protein partner, cytochrome P450 proteins are classified into six broad classes. Traditional methods of protein classification are based on the canonical paradigm that attributes proteins’ function to their three‐dimensional structure, which is determined by their primary structure that is the amino acid sequence. It is increasingly recognized that protein dynamics play an important role in molecular recognition and catalytic activity. As the mobility of a protein is an intrinsic property that is encrypted in its primary structure, we examined if different classes of cytochrome P450 enzymes display any unique patterns of intrinsic mobility. Normal mode analysis was performed to characterize the intrinsic dynamics of five classes of cytochrome P450 proteins. The present study revealed that cytochrome P450 enzymes share a strong dynamic similarity (root mean squared inner product > 55% and Bhattacharyya coefficient > 80%), despite the low sequence identity (< 25%) and sequence similarity (< 50%) across the cytochrome P450 superfamily. Noticeable differences in Cα atom fluctuations of structural elements responsible for substrate binding were noticed. These differences in residue fluctuations might be crucial for substrate selectivity in these enzymes.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the dynamic features of protein interfaces is necessary for a deeper understanding of protein–protein interactions. We performed normal‐mode analysis (NMA) of 517 nonredundant homodimers and their protomers to characterize dimer interfaces from a dynamic perspective. The motion vector calculated by NMA for each atom of a dimer was decomposed into internal and external motion vectors in individual component subunits, followed by the averaging of time‐averaged correlations between these vectors over atom pairs in the interface. This averaged correlation coefficient (ACC) was defined for various combinations of vectors and investigated in detail. ACCs decrease exponentially with an increasing interface area and r‐value, that is, interface area divided by the entire subunit surface area. As the r‐value reflects the nature of dimer formation, the result suggests that both the interface area and the nature of dimer formation are responsible for the dynamic properties of dimer interfaces. For interfaces with small or medium r‐values and without intersubunit entanglements, ACCs are found to increase on dimer formation when compared with those in the protomer state. In contrast, ACCs do not increase on dimer formation for interfaces with large r‐values and intersubunit entanglements such as in interwinding dimers. Furthermore, relationships between ACCs for intrasubunit atom pairs and for intersubunit atom pairs are found to significantly differ between interwinding and noninterwinding dimers for external motions. External motions are considered as an important factor for characterizing dimer interfaces.  相似文献   

Normal mode analysis of subtilisin-eglin c complex was performed to investigate the dynamics at the interface between the enzyme and the inhibitor. The internal motions of the complex calculated from the normal modes were divided into three parts: the internal motions changing the shape of each molecule, the external rigid-body motions changing their mutual dispositions, and the coupling between the internal and external motions. From the results of the analysis, the following characteristic features were found in the dynamics at the interface regions: 1) negative correlation between the internal and external motions within each molecule, and 2) positive correlation between the external motions of the two molecules. The former decreases the apparent amplitudes of motions at the interface. The latter minimizes the interference between individual motions of the two molecules. These dynamic characteristics allow the enzyme and the inhibitor to move as freely as possible. This finding suggests that the experimental evidence of the large entropy gain on binding should be attributed not only to strong hydrophobic interactions, but also to the dynamic structure of the complex, which is found to minimize an unavoidable loss of the conformational entropy on binding. Proteins 32:324–333, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A method is described for the prediction of probable folding pathways of globular proteins, based on the analysis of distance maps. It is applicable to proteins of unknown spatial structure but known amino acid sequence as well as to proteins of known structure. It is based on an objective procedure for the determination of the boundary of compact regions that contain high densities of interresidue contacts on the distance map of a globular protein. The procedure can be used both with contact maps derived from a known three-dimensional protein structure and with predicted contact maps computed by means of a statistical procedure from the amino acid sequence alone. The computed contact map can also be used to predict the location of compact short-range structures, viz. -helices and -turns, thereby complementing other statistical predictive procedures. The method provides an objective basis for the derivation of a theoretically predicted pathway of protein folding, proposed by us earlier [Tanaka and Scheraga (1977) Macromolecules10, 291–304; Némethy and Scheraga (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A.76, 6050–6054].  相似文献   

An elastic network model (ENM), usually Cα coarse‐grained one, has been widely used to study protein dynamics as an alternative to classical molecular dynamics simulation. This simple approach dramatically saves the computational cost, but sometimes fails to describe a feasible conformational change due to unrealistically excessive spring connections. To overcome this limitation, we propose a mass‐weighted chemical elastic network model (MWCENM) in which the total mass of each residue is assumed to be concentrated on the representative alpha carbon atom and various stiffness values are precisely assigned according to the types of chemical interactions. We test MWCENM on several well‐known proteins of which both closed and open conformations are available as well as three α‐helix rich proteins. Their normal mode analysis reveals that MWCENM not only generates more plausible conformational changes, especially for closed forms of proteins, but also preserves protein secondary structures thus distinguishing MWCENM from traditional ENMs. In addition, MWCENM also reduces computational burden by using a more sparse stiffness matrix.  相似文献   

The distribution of regular secondary structures, viz. α-helices and β-strands, along the length of over 70 properties whose secondary structural details have been reported, has been analysed. The occurrence of these regular structures tends to be a maximum at the N- and C-termini. Our analysis suggests that both these free ends could possibly serve as nucleating centers for secondary structures and could play an important role in the folding of proteins.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between a 200-ps molecular dynamics simulation in vacuum and a normal mode analysis on the protein bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) in order to elucidate the dual aspects of harmonicity and anharmonicity in the dynamics of proteins. The molecular dynamics trajectory is analyzed using principal component analysis, an effective harmonic analysis suited for comparison with the results from the normal mode analysis. The results suggest that the first principal component shows qualitatively different behavior from higher principal components and is associated with apparent barrier crossing events on an anharmonic conformational energy surface. The higher principal components appear to have probability distributions that are well approximated by Gaussians, indicating harmonicity. Eliminating the contribution from the first principal component reveals a great deal of correspondence between the 2 methods. This correspondence, however, involves a factor of 2, as the variances of the distribution of the higher principal components are, on average, roughly twice those found from the normal mode analysis. A model is proposed to reconcile these results with those from previous analyses.  相似文献   

Hyuntae Na  Guang Song 《Proteins》2014,82(9):2157-2168
Normal mode analysis (NMA) has been a powerful tool for studying protein dynamics. Elastic network models (ENM), through their simplicity, have made normal mode computations accessible to a much broader research community and for many more biomolecular systems. The drawback of ENMs, however, is that they are less accurate than NMA. In this work, through steps of simplification that starts with NMA and ends with ENMs we build a tight connection between NMA and ENMs. In the process of bridging between the two, we have also discovered several high‐quality simplified models. Our best simplified model has a mean correlation with the original NMA that is as high as 0.88. In addition, the model is force‐field independent and does not require energy minimization, and thus can be applied directly to experimental structures. Another benefit of drawing the connection is a clearer understanding why ENMs work well and how it can be further improved. We discovered that can be greatly enhanced by including an additional torsional term and a geometry term. Proteins 2014; 82:2157–2168. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Prediction of the location of structural domains in globular proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The location of structural domains in proteins is predicted from the amino acid sequence, based on the analysis of a computed contact map for the protein, the average distance map (ADM). Interactions between residues i and j in a protein are subdivided into several ranges, according to the separation |i-j| in the amino acid sequence. Within each range, average spatial distances between every pair of amino acid residues are computed from a data base of known protein structures. Infrequently occurring pairs are omitted as being statistically insignificant. The average distances are used to construct a predicted ADM. The ADM is analyzed for the occurrence of regions with high densities of contacts (compact regions). Locations of rapid changes of density between various parts of the map are determined by the use of scanning plots of contact densities. These locations serve to pinpoint the distribution of compact regions. This distribution, in turn, is used to predict boundaries of domains in the protein. The technique provides an objective method for the location of domains both on a contact map derived from a known three-dimensional protein structure, the real distance map (RDM), and on an ADM. While most other published methods for the identification of domains locate them in the known three-dimensional structure of a protein, the technique presented here also permits the prediction of domains in proteins of unknown spatial structure, as the construction of the ADM for a given protein requires knowledge of only its amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

The singular value decomposition (SVD) provides a method for decomposing a molecular dynamics trajectory into fundamental modes of atomic motion. The right singular vectors are projections of the protein conformations onto these modes showing the protein motion in a generalized low-dimensional basis. Statistical analysis of the right singular vectors can be used to classify discrete configurational substates in the protein. The configuration space portraits formed from the right singular vectors can also be used to visualize complex high-dimensional motion and to examine the extent of configuration space sampling by the simulation. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

T Ichiye  M Karplus 《Proteins》1991,11(3):205-217
A method is described for identifying collective motions in proteins from molecular dynamics trajectories or normal mode simulations. The method makes use of the covariances of atomic positional fluctuations. It is illustrated by an analysis of the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Comparison of the covariance and cross-correlation matrices shows that the relative motions have many similar features in the different simulations. Many regions of the protein, especially regions of secondary structure, move in a correlated manner. Anharmonic effects, which are included in the molecular dynamics simulations but not in the normal analysis, are of some importance in determining the larger scale collective motions, but not the more local fluctuations. Comparisons of molecular dynamics simulations in the present and absence of solvent indicate that the environment is of significance for the long-range motions.  相似文献   

The mechanosensitive channel (MscL) is an integral membrane protein which gates in response to membrane tension. Physiological data have shown that the gating transition involves a very large change in the conformation, and that the open state of the channel forms a large non-specific pore with a high conductance. The Escherichia coli channel structure was first modeled by homology modeling, starting with the X-ray structure of the homologous from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Then, the dynamical and conformational properties of the channel were explored, using normal mode analysis. Such an analysis was also performed with the different structures proposed recently by Sukharev and co-workers. Similar dynamical behaviors are observed, which are characteristic of the channel architecture, subtle differences being due to the different relative positioning of the structural elements. The ability of particular regions of the channel to deform is discussed with respect to the functional and structural properties, implied in the gating process. Our results show that the first step of the gating mechanism can be described with three low-frequency modes only. The movement associated to these modes is clearly an iris-like movement involving both tilt and twist rotation.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the glucose oxidase were studied using a combination of experimental and theoretical techniques. Quasi elastic neutron scattering experiments were used to obtain the vibrational frequencies of the protein. These were compared to theoretical results obtained by normal mode analysis. Results indicate a good match between the experimental and theoretical values. Molecular dynamic simulation with covariant analysis was used to study the structure and dynamics of glucose oxidase. Various parameters like the radius of gyration, root mean square fluctuations, solvent accessibility were studied for evaluating the structural stability of the protein. The frequency of vibration calculated from the three methods is used to derive the large scale motions. Theses studies were used to predict the suitable lysine residues for linkage with carbon nanotubes.  相似文献   

The vibrational entropy of native BPTI, with three disulfide bonds, was determined by use of normal mode calculations and compared with that of folded variants having either one less disulfide bond or lacking a peptide bond at the trypsin-reactive site. Favorable contributions to the free energy of 2.5–5.1 kcal/mol at 300 K were calculated for the reduction of disulfide bonds in the folded state, whereas no favorable contribution was found for the hydrolysis of the peptide bond cleaved by trypsin. This is on the order of the effect of disulfides in the unfolded state. The implications of these results for the stabilization of a folded protein by the introduction of crosslinks are discussed. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Dror Tobi 《Proteins》2013,81(11):1910-1918
Protein enzymes enable the cell to execute chemical reactions in short time by accelerating the rate of the reactions in a selective manner. The motions or dynamics of the enzymes are essential for their function. Comparison of the dynamics of a set of 1247 nonhomologous enzymes was performed. For each enzyme, the slowest modes of motion are calculated using the Gaussian network model (GNM) and they are globally aligned. Alignment is done using the dynamic programming algorithm of Needleman and Wunsch, commonly used for sequence alignment. Only 96 pairs of proteins were identified to have three similar GNM slow modes with 63 of them having a similar structure. The most frequent slowest mode of motion describes a two domains anticorrelated motion that characterizes at least 23% of the enzymes. Therefore, dynamics uniqueness cannot be accounted for by the slowest mode itself but rather by the combination of several slow modes. Different quaternary structure packing can restrain the motion of enzyme subunits differently and may serve as another mechanism that increases the dynamics uniqueness. Proteins 2013; 81:1910–1918. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

T Ichiye  M Karplus 《Proteins》1987,2(3):236-259
Positional probability density functions (pdf) for the atomic fluctuations are determined from a molecular dynamics simulation for hen egg-white lysozyme. Most atoms are found to have motions that are highly anisotropic but only slightly anharmonic. The largest deviations from harmonic motion are in the direction of the largest rms fluctuations in the local principal axis frame. Backbone atoms tend to be more nearly harmonic than sidechain atoms. The atoms with the largest anharmonicities tend to have pdfs with multiple peaks, each of which is close to harmonic. Several model pdfs are evaluated on the basis of how well they fit probability densities from the dynamics simulations when parameterized in terms of the moments of the distribution. Gram-Charlier and Edgeworth perturbation expansions, which have been successful in describing the motions of small molecules in crystals, are shown to be inadequate for the distributions found in the dynamics of proteins. Multipeaked distribution functions are found to be more appropriate.  相似文献   

In order to systematically analyze functionally relevant dynamical correlations within macromolecular complexes, we have developed computational methods based on the normal mode analysis of an elastic network model. First, we define two types of dynamical correlations (fluctuation-based and density-based), which are computed by summing up contributions from all low-frequency normal modes up to a given cutoff. Then we use them to select dynamically important "hinge residues" whose elastic distortion affects the fluctuations of a large number of residues. Second, in order to clarify long-range dynamical correlations, we decompose the dynamical correlations to individual normal modes to identify the most relevant modes. We have applied these methods to the analysis of the motor domain of Dictyostelium myosin and have obtained the following three interesting results that shed light on its mechanism of force generation: first, we find the hinge residues are distributed over several key inter-subdomain joints (including the nucleotide-binding pocket, the relay helix, the SH1 helix, the strut between the upper 50 kDa and the lower 50 kDa subdomains), which is consistent with their hypothesized roles in modulating functionally relevant inter-subdomain conformational changes; second, a single mode 7 (for structure 1VOM) is found to dominate the fluctuation-based correlations between the converter/strut and the nucleotide-binding pocket, revealing a surprising simplicity for their intriguing roles in the force generation mechanism; finally, we find a negative density-based correlation between the strut and the nucleotide-binding pocket, which is consistent with the hypothesized signaling pathway that links the actin-binding site's opening/closing with the nucleotide-binding pocket's closing/opening.  相似文献   

Normal modes have been used to explore the inherent flexibility of the alpha, beta and gamma subunits of F(1)-ATPase in isolation and as part of the alpha(3)beta(3)gamma complex. It was found that the structural plasticity of the gamma and beta subunits, in particular, correlates with their functions. The N and C-terminal helices forming the coiled-coil domain of the gamma subunit are highly flexible in the isolated subunit, but more rigid in the alpha(3)beta(3)gamma complex due to interactions with other subunits. The globular domain of the gamma subunit is structurally relatively rigid when isolated and in the alpha(3)beta(3)gamma complex; this is important for its functional role in coupling the F(0) and F(1) complex of ATP synthase and in inducing the conformational changes of the beta subunits in synthesis. Most important, the character of the lowest-frequency modes of the beta(E) subunit is highly correlated with the large beta(E) --> beta(TP) transition. This holds for the C-terminal domain and the nucleotide-binding domain, which undergo significant conformational transitions in the functional cycle of F(1)-ATPase. This is most evident in the ligand-free beta(E) subunit; the flexibility in the nucleotide-binding domain is reduced somewhat in the beta(TP) subunit in the presence of Mg(2+).ATP. The low-frequency modes of the alpha(3)beta(3)gamma complex show that the motions of the globular domain of the gamma subunit and of the C-terminal and nucleotide binding domains of the beta(E) subunits are coupled, in accord with their function. Overall, the normal mode analysis reveals that F(1)-ATPase, like other macromolecular assemblies, has the intrinsic structural flexibility required for its function encoded in its sequence and three-dimensional structure. This inherent plasticity is an essential aspect of assuring a small free energy cost for the large-scale conformational transition that occurs in molecular motors.  相似文献   

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