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As a step towards understanding the higher‐level phylogeny and evolutionary affinities of quadrifid noctuoid moths, we have undertaken the first large‐scale molecular phylogenetic analysis of the moth family Erebidae, including almost all subfamilies, as well as most tribes and subtribes. DNA sequence data for one mitochondrial gene (COI) and seven nuclear genes (EF‐1α, wingless, RpS5, IDH, MDH, GAPDH and CAD) were analysed for a total of 237 taxa, principally type genera of higher taxa. Data matrices (6407 bp in total) were analysed by parsimony with equal weighting and model‐based evolutionary methods (maximum likelihood), which revealed a well‐resolved skeleton phylogenetic hypothesis with 18 major lineages, which we treat here as subfamilies of Erebidae. We thus present a new phylogeny for Erebidae consisting of 18 moderate to strongly supported subfamilies: Scoliopteryginae, Rivulinae, Anobinae, Hypeninae, Lymantriinae, Pangraptinae, Herminiinae, Aganainae, Arctiinae, Calpinae, Hypocalinae, Eulepidotinae, Toxocampinae, Tinoliinae, Scolecocampinae, Hypenodinae, Boletobiinae and Erebinae. Where possible, each monophyletic lineage is diagnosed by autapomorphic morphological character states, and within each subfamily, monophyletic tribes and subtribes can be circumscribed, most of which can also be diagnosed by morphological apomorphies. All additional taxa sampled fell within one of the four previously recognized quadrifid families (mostly into Erebidae), which are now found to include two unusual monobasic taxa from New Guinea: Cocytiinae (now in Erebidae: Erebinae) and Eucocytiinae (now in Noctuidae: Pantheinae).  相似文献   

In this study, we clarify the relationships between the basal lineages in the moth family Noctuidae using DNA sequence data from eight independent gene regions. Data matrices (6.4 kbp) are analysed using parsimony and model‐based methods (maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference). Our results support the family Noctuidae as a monophyletic group in which most subfamilies have hindwing vein M2 reduced or absent. Our phylogenetic hypothesis suggests that in the Noctuidae, the plesiomorphic condition is that in which vein M2 arises about one‐third of the way up the discocellular vein between the origins of M1 and M3, mainly parallel to M3, and is of thickness similar to vein M3. Most Noctuidae lineages possess an apomorphic (derived) condition in which hindwing vein M2 is markedly reduced or totally absent, so that the cubital vein appears to be three‐branched and these lineages are hence referred to as ‘trifine’. However, Noctuidae also include a number of lineages in which vein M2 is unreduced, or only slightly reduced, and these are more problematic for morphological association with the family Noctuidae. Our results also show that the subfamily Acronictinae is not closely related to Pantheinae, but instead shows a closer association with Amphipyrinae. Among the major lineages of Noctuidae, we postulate a general trend, with numerous exceptions, in larval host plants from woody plants in the basal groups towards herb feeding in derived groups. Similarly, the major radiations of monocot‐feeding groups within the family Noctuidae are in the higher trifines. The following taxonomic changes are proposed: Thiacidinae, syn. nov., a junior synonym of Pantheinae, and Dyopsinae, stat. nov., are reinstated as a subfamily.  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of the Korean Lymantria Hübner, 1819 was conducted. A total of nine species of five subgenera with two unrecorded species are listed: Lymantria (Porthetria) dispar Linnaeus 1758, L. (P.) xylina Swinhoe 1903, L. (Lymantria) monacha (Linnaeus 1758), L. (L.) minomonis Matsumura 1933 (new to Korea), L. (L.) similis monachoides Schintlimeister 2004 (new to Korea), L. (L.) lucescens (Butler 1881), L. (Nyctria) mathura Moore 1865, L. (Collentria) fumida Butler 1877, and L. (Spinotria) bantaizana Matsumura 1933. Lymantria (Lymantria) minomonis and L. (L.) similis monachoides are newly added to the Korean fauna. Lymantria (L.) minomonis was found only on Bogildo Island of Jeollanam‐do in the southern part of Korea, and L. (L.) similis monachoides was collected in central Korea. Lymantria (Porthetria) xylina and L. (Collentria) fumida were not examined in this study, and it is considered that the previous records were due to misidentification or they are only distributed in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. We provide diagnoses of two unrecorded species and adult habitus and genitalia photos of the Korean Lymantria species.  相似文献   

Major progress has been made recently toward resolving the phylogeny of Noctuoidea, the largest superfamily of Lepidoptera. However, numerous questions and weakly supported nodes remain. In this paper we independently check and extend the main findings of multiple recent authors by performing maximum‐likelihood analyses of 5–19 genes (6.7–18.6 kb) in 74 noctuoids representing all the families and a majority of the subfamilies. Our results strongly support the six family system of Zahiri et al., with the former Lymantriidae and Arctiidae subsumed within the huge family Erebidae, and Noctuidae restricted largely to the subfamilies with so‐called trifine hindwing venation. Our data also strongly corroborate monophyly of the set of four families with quadrifid forewing venation, to the exclusion of Notodontidae, and removal from the latter of Oenosandridae. Other among‐family relationships, however, remain unsettled. Our evidence is equivocal on the position of Oenosandridae, which are sister group to either Notodontidae alone or to all other noctuoids. Like other recent nuclear gene studies, our results also provide no strong support for relationships among the four quadrifid forewing families. In contrast, within families our analyses significantly expand the list of robustly resolved relationships, while introducing no strong conflicts with previous molecular studies. Within Notodontidae, for which we present the largest molecular taxon sample to date, we find strong evidence for polyphyly for some, or all, recent definitions of the subfamilies Thaumetopoeinae, Pygaerinae, Notodontinae and Heterocampinae. Deeper divergences are incompletely resolved but there is strong support for multiple ‘backbone’ nodes subtending most of the subfamilies studied. Within Erebidae, we find much agreement and no strong conflict with a recent previous study regarding relationships among subfamilies, and somewhat stronger support. Although many questions remain, the two studies together firmly resolve positions for over half the subfamilies. Within Noctuidae, we find no strong conflict with previous molecular studies regarding relationships among subfamilies, but much stronger resolution along the ‘backbone’ of the phylogeny. Combining information from multiple studies yields strongly resolved positions for most of the subfamilies. Finally, our results strongly suggest that the tribes Pseudeustrotiini and Prodeniini, currently assigned to the largest subfamily, Noctuinae, do not belong there. In sum, our results provide additional corroboration for the main outlines of family‐level phylogeny in Noctuoidea, and contribute toward resolving relationships within families.  相似文献   

The Old World tribe Syntomini is the most neglected of the three major groups of the subfamily Arctiinae – the most megadiverse lineage (c. 11 000 species) of the superfamily Noctuoidea, comprising about a quarter of its entire species diversity. In none of the previous morphogenetic studies was Syntomini (which are often conspicuously spotted, aposematic moths) sampled adequately enough to provide information about the tribe's systematic diversity and relationships above species level. As such data are of crucial importance for a comprehensive understanding of arctiine diversity and evolution, we have investigated the relationships of the major lineages of Syntomini based on up to eight mitochondrial and nuclear genes and 91 species, representing 39 genera. We cover most of the known genera and major geographic regions, including, for the first time, Madagascar, where there is a significant syntomine radiation. We find that the thyretines, in particular, which are restricted to the Afrotropical region, are paraphyletic. As a result we propose to treat Thyretina syn.n. (Thyretini sensu Przyby?owicz, 2009) as an artificial assemblage and synonymize it under Syntomini. Thyretes Boisduval and Pseudothyretes Dufrane stand on their own close to the Madagascan radiation, whereas all but one of the Madagascan syntomines comprise a monophylum, with the genus Fletcherinia Griveaud instead being related to at least one species of Ceryx Wallengren in Africa. Also surprising from a biogeographical point of view is that the genus Dysauxes Hübner, which includes the European Handmaiden moth, is nested within the Madagascan radiation. Our study also makes it clear that much more detailed studies are needed to revise not only Ceryx from Asia and Africa but the Afrotropical syntomine genera, many of which do not form clades in our phylogenetic reconstruction, and to further inventory the diversity that is present in the Afrotropics. Based on our results, we consider Thyretarctia Strand stat. rev., Daphaenisca Kiriakoff stat.n. and Callobalacra Kiriakoff stat.n. as valid genera. We also move Anapisa Kiriakoff and return Meganaclia Aurivillius and Nacliodes Strand to Syntomini.  相似文献   

In this study, mitogenome of Somena scintillans (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) were sequenced and compared with other Noctuoidea species. The mitogenome is 15,410 base pairs in length. All 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) are initiated by ATN codons except cox1 with CGA and all of PCGs terminate with TAA except nad4 with TAG. The codons ACG and CGC are absent. All the tRNA genes could be folded into the typical cloverleaf secondary structure except the trnS1 which not only loses dihydrouridine (DHU) arm but also mutates its anticodon into TCT. In the AT-rich region of the mitogenome the motif ‘ATAGA’ mutates to ‘ATATA’ and two copies of 161 bp-tandem repeats and two ‘TA’ short tandem repeats are founded. Phylogenetic analyses showed that S. scintillans is clustered into subfamily Lymatriinae. The phylogenetic relationships within Noctuoidea is (((Nolidae + (Euteliidae + Noctuidae)) + Erebidae) + Notodontidae)  相似文献   

A molecular analysis was performed on 56 taxa in the orchid genus Cypripedium using nrDNA ITS and five chloroplast regions (trnH-psbA, atpI-atpH, trnS-trnfM, trnL-F spacer, and the trnL intron). The genus Cypripedium was confirmed as monophyletic. Our data provided strong support for monophyletic grouping of eight infrageneric sections (Subtropica, Obtusipetala, Trigonopedia, Sinopedilum, Bifolia, Flabelinervia, Arietinum, and Cypripedium) defined in earlier taxonomic treatments, and paraphyletic grouping of two sections (Irapeana and Retinervi). Within the genus Cypripedium, the first divergent lineage consisted of two Mesomaerican species, and subsequently the Cypripedium debile lineage from eastern Asia was split. Our study did not support the notion that two Asian species (Cypripedium subtropicum and Cypripedium singchii) were closely related to either Mesoamerican Cypripedium irapeanum or North American Cypripedium californicum, as indicated by previous interpretations based on morphological evidences. In addition, one pair of vicariant species, Cypripedium plectrochilum (eastern Asia) and Cypripedium arietinum (North America), unique to section Arietinum, was confirmed. Furthermore, within the monophyletic section Cypripedium two previously recognized subsections, Cypripedium and Macrantha, were shown to be paraphyletic. Our results suggested that this section split into two groups based on distribution (North America vs. Eurasia) instead of such previously used, morphological traits as flower color, and the shape of the lips (labellum) and lateral petals.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) have been widely used for studies on phylogenetic relationships and molecular evolutionary biology. Here, the complete mitogenome sequence of Spilosoma lubricipedum (Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Arctiinae) was determined (total length 15,375 bp) and phylogenetic analyses S. lubricipedum were inferred from available noctuid sequence data. The mitogenome of S. lubricipedum was found to be highly A + T-biased (81.39%) and exhibited negative AT- and GC-skews. All 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) were initiated by ATN codons, except for cox1 with CGA. All tRNAs exhibited typical clover-leaf secondary structures, except for trnS1. The gene order of the S. lubricipedum mitogenome was trnM-trnI-trnQ-nad2. The A + T-rich region of S. lubricipedum contained several conservative features common to noctuid insects. Phylogenetic analysis within Noctuoidea was carried out based on mitochondrial data. Results showed that S. lubricipedum belonged to Erebidae and the Noctuoidea insects could be divided into five well-supported families (Notodontidae + (Erebidae + (Nolidae + (Euteliidae + Noctuidae)))).  相似文献   

Arenicolids comprise a group of four genera in which about 30 nominal species are described. Whereas the biology of many arenicolids is well known, the phylogenetic relationships of these worms are inadequately studied. A close relationship of Arenicolidae and Maldanidae is generally accepted. The phylogenetic relationships of arenicolid taxa were reconstructed based on sequence data of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene, the nuclear 18S rRNA gene, and a small fraction of the nuclear 28S rRNA gene. Members of all described arenicolid genera are included in the data set. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using Maximum Likelihood, Bayesian inference, and Maximum Parsimony. The monophyly of the Maldanidae, as well as of the Arenicolidae is supported by all conducted analyses. Two well supported major clades are highest ranked sister taxa in the Arenicolidae: one containing all Abarenicola species and one containing Arenicola, Arenicolides, and Branchiomaldane. Evidence is given for a closer relationship between the two investigated Branchiomaldane species and Arenicolides ecaudata in the combined analysis. In the light of the molecular data the best explanation for structural and morphological observations is that Branchiomaldane evolved by progenesis.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the families of passerine birds have been the subject of many debates. These relationships have been investigated by using a number of different character sets, including morphology, proteins, DNA-DNA hybridization, and mitochondrial DNA gene sequences. Our objective was to examine the phylogenetic relationships of a set of passerine songbirds (Oscines) and to test the taxonomic relationships proposed by. We sequenced 1403 aligned bases encompassing the mitochondrial transfer-RNA-Valine and 16S ribosomal RNA genes in 27 species from 14 families (including a Suboscine outgroup). Our results differ in significant ways from the superfamily designations of Sibley and Ahlquist by questioning the monophyly of the Sylvioidea and by placing the Regulidae in the Corvoidea.  相似文献   

With 556 species described to date, Kalyptorhynchia includes about one‐third of all species of rhabdocoel flatworms. In this study, we present the first molecular phylogenetic analysis of this taxon. The final analysis comprises 110 species. These represent 11 of the 17 known families. The largest family (241 known species), Polycystididae, is represented by nine of 10 subfamilies and 33 of the 58 genera. Sequence data from 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA were analysed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Of the two taxa traditionally recognised within Kalyptorhynchia, Eukalyptorhynchia and Schizorhynchia, only Schizorhynchia is monophyletic. All eukalyptorhynch families, except Cicerinidae, are monophyletic. On the other hand, two of the three schizorhynch families included are not monophyletic. Within Polycystididae, the traditional taxonomy was not reflected in our phylogenetic analyses and most subfamilies are polyphyletic. These results suggest that current classification, mostly based on characters of the genital system, suffers from homoplasy. Where possible, a revised classification, taking into account these new findings, is given.  相似文献   

Total DNA was extracted from 55 species of theLeguminosae (including 29 species ofLupinus). The chloroplast generbcL and the ITS 1 + 2 regions of nuclear RNA genes were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced directly. The sequences obtained were evaluated with character state (Maximum Parsimony) and distance methods (Neighbour Joining). Phylogenetic trees obtained with both data sets and methods are mostly congruent.Genisteae andCrotalarieae are sister groups and share ancestry with theThermopsideae/Podalyrieae. The genusLupinus, which forms a monophyletic clade within theGenisteae, shows a distinct Old-New World disjunction and appears to be divided into several more or less distinct groups: (1) The species from the eastern part of South America. (2) The homogeneous rough-seeded group (Scabrispermae) of the Old World species which is well distinguished from the smooth-seeded group (Malacospermae). (3) Within the rather heterogeneous smooth-seeded lupins a smaller subgroup withL. angustifolius, L. hispanicus andL. luteus is recognized. (4) Also separated are North American lupins and South American species with a western distribution. Genetic distances imply that the genusLupinus evolved during the last 12–14 million years, ruling out the hypothesis that the present Old-New World disjunction can be interpreted as a result of the continental drift. The genetic data suggest an origin in the Old World and an independant colonisation of the Eastern parts of South America as opposed to North America and the Western parts of South America.  相似文献   

Three traditional tribes of Fordini, Pemphigini and Eriosomatini comprise Pemphiginae, and there are two subtribes in Fordini and Pemphigini, respectively. Most of the species in this subfamily live heteroecious holocyclic lives with distinct primary host specificity. The three tribes of Pemphigini (except Prociphilina), Eriosomatini and Fordini use three families of plants, Salicaceae (Populus), Ulmaceae (Ulums) and Anacardiaceae (Pistacia and Rhus), as primary hosts, respectively, and form galls on them. Therefore, the Pemphigids are well known as gall makers, and their galls can be divided into true galls and pseudo-galls in type. We performed the first molecular phylogenetic study of Pemphiginae based on molecular data (EF-1alpha sequences). Results show that Pemphiginae is probably not a monophylum, but the monophyly of Fordini is supported robustly. The monophyly of Pemphigini is not supported, and two subtribes in it, Pemphigina and Prociphilina, are suggested to be raised to tribal level, equal with Fordini and Eriosomatini. The molecular phylogenetic analysis does not show definite relationships among the four tribes of Pemphiginae, as in the previous phylogenetic study based on morphology. It seems that the four tribes radiated at nearly the same time and then evolved independently. Based on this, we can speculate that galls originated independently four times in the four tribes, and there is no evidence to support that true galls are preceded by pseudo-galls, as in the case of thrips and willow sawflies.  相似文献   

Linnaeus described 166 nominal species of Noctuoidea, of which 144 (86.7%) are currently used as valid names, 18 are synonyms, one is a homonym and three taxa remain unknown. Seven taxa were described solely from illustrations in contemporary literature. Lectotypes are designated for 139 (87.4%) of the 159 remaining taxa, 122 of them from the Linnaean collection in London, 13 from the Queen Ludovica Ulrica's collection in Uppsala, Sweden, and four from other contemporary collections. Two Linnaean senior synonyms are introduced: Hada plebeja comb. nov. (Linnaeus, 1761) for the current H. nana (Hufnagel, 1766) and Oeonistis altica (Linnaeus, 1768) comb. nov. for Oe. entella (Cramer, 1779). Erebus occiduus (Linnaeus, 1758) syn. nov. is a junior subjective synonym of E. crepuscularis (Linnaeus, 1758); L. marmorides (Cramer, 1775) Stat. rev. should be reinstated for Letis occidua auct. In two species pairs the Linnaean names have been interpreted incorrectly. The lectotype designation of Phalaena prasinana Linnaeus, 1758, by Lempke (1947) is invalid because the specimen is not syntypic. According to the new lectotype, Pseudoips prasinanus (Linnaeus, 1758) comb. nov. replaces P. faganus (Fabricius, 1781), and Bena bicolorana (Fuessly, 1775) comb. nov. is available for the other species. Abrostola triplasia (Linnaeus, 1758) Stat. rev. replaces A. trigemina (Werneburg, 1864), and for the other species A. triparlila (Hufnagel, 1766) should be reinstated. One neotype designation [Eilema complanum (Linnaeus, 1758)], one lectotype designation [Xylena exsolela (Linnaeus, 1758)], and precedence of a junior synonym [Ophideres fullonia (Clerck, 1764)] over its unused senior synonym are to be referred to the ICZN; until their decision the current usage must be followed. The identity of Mesapamea secalis (Linnaeus, 1758) stat. rev. corresponds to current usage, but, under presence of syntypic material, the recent neotype designation by Lempke (1988) will be referred to the ICZN. The revision is mainly based on the discovery that the insect pins and the way specimens are prepared give evidence of the authenticity of the material. Contrary to the views of earlier authors, Linnaeus had his labels with the specific name pinned against the bottom of the drawers by the specimen pin. Because the labels have been moved twice during subsequent curations, their present position is less indicative of the authenticity than has been previously suggested. The origin of the so-called n-labels is discussed.  相似文献   

Zahiri, R., Kitching, I. J., Lafontaine, J. D., Mutanen, M., Kaila, L., Holloway, J. D. & Wahlberg, N. (2010). A new molecular phylogeny offers hope for a stable family level classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera). —Zoologica Scripta, 40, 158–173. To examine the higher level phylogeny and evolutionary affinities of the megadiverse superfamily Noctuoidea, an extensive molecular systematic study was undertaken with special emphasis on Noctuidae, the most controversial group in Noctuoidea and arguably the entire Lepidoptera. DNA sequence data for one mitochondrial gene (cytochrome oxidase subunit I) and seven nuclear genes (Elongation Factor‐1α, wingless, Ribosomal protein S5, Isocitrate dehydrogenase, Cytosolic malate dehydrogenase, Glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase and Carbamoylphosphate synthase domain protein) were analysed for 152 taxa of principally type genera/species for family group taxa. Data matrices (6407 bp total) were analysed by parsimony with equal weighting and model‐based evolutionary methods (maximum likelihood), which revealed a new high‐level phylogenetic hypothesis comprising six major, well‐supported lineages that we here interpret as families: Oenosandridae, Notodontidae, Erebidae, Nolidae, Euteliidae and Noctuidae.  相似文献   

Abstract.  A phylogenetic hypothesis for the tribe Ithomiini (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Danainae) is presented, based on sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunits I and II (COI–COII) region and regions of the nuclear genes wingless and Elongation factor 1-alpha . Branch support for each clade is assessed, and a partition congruence index is used to explore conflict among gene regions. The monophyly of the clade is strongly supported, as are many of the traditionally recognized subtribes and genera. The data imply paraphyly of some genera and tribes, but largely support recent classifications and phylogenetic hypotheses based on morphological characters.  相似文献   

Moenkhausia is one of the most speciose genera in Characidae, currently composed of 75 nominal species of small fishes distributed across South American hydrographic basins, primarily the Amazon and Guyanas. Despite the large number of described species, studies involving a substantial number of its species designed to better understand their relationships and putative monophyly are still lacking. In this study, we analysed a large number of species of Moenkhausia to test the monophyly of the genus based on the phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences of two mitochondrial and three nuclear genes. The in‐group included 29 species of Moenkhausia, and the out‐group was composed of representatives of Characidae and other members of Characiformes. All species of Moenkhausia belong to the same clade (Clade C); however, they appear distributed in five monophyletic groups along with other different genera, which means that Moenkhausia is polyphyletic and indicates the necessity of an extensive revision of the group.  相似文献   

Central Asian mountain voles Alticola is one of the least known groups of voles both in evolution and life history. This genus includes three subgenera Alticola s.str., Aschizomys and Platycranius, and belongs to the tribe Clethrionomyini comprising also red‐backed voles Clethrionomys and oriental voles Eothenomys. In order to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships within Alticola and to examine its position within the tribe, mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene variation was estimated, and the results were compared with morphological and palaeontological data. Maximum likelihood (ML), neighbor‐joining (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses show that the genus Alticola does not appear to be a monophyletic group since the representatives of Aschizomys branch within Clethrionomys, whereas two other subgenera (Alticola and Platycranius) form a separate monophyletic clade. Flat‐headed vole Alticola (Platycranius) strelzowi is nested within the nominative subgenus showing close association with A. (Alticola) semicanus. Surprisingly, the two species of Aschizomys do not form a monophyletic group. The results of the relaxed‐clock analysis suggest that the Alticola clade splits from the Clethrionomys stem in early Middle Pliocene while basal cladogenetic events within Alticola s.str. dates back to the late Middle to early Late Pliocene. A scenario of evolution in Clethrionomyini is put forward implying rapid parallel morphological changes in different lineages leading to the formation of Alticola‐like biomorphs adapted to mountain and arid petrophilous habitats. Corresponding author: Vladimir S. Lebedev, Zoological Museum, Moscow State University, B. Nikitskaya 6, 125009 Moscow, Russia. E‐mail: wslebedev@hotmail.com Anna A. Bannikova, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Vorobievy Gory, 119992 Moscow, Russia. E‐mail: hylomys@mail.ru Alexey S. Tesakov, Geological Institute RAS, Pyzhevsky 7, 119017 Moscow, Russia. E‐mail: tesak@ginras.ru Natalia I. Abramson, Zoological Institute RAS, Universitetskaya nab. 1, 199034 St Petersburg, Russia. E‐mail: lemmus@zin.ru  相似文献   

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