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为研究tRNATrp 与色氨酰tRNA合成酶(TrpRS) 的相互识别及其结构、功能关系, 纯化了枯草杆菌TrpRS并用溴化氰活化的Sepharose 4B 将TrpRS固定化, 固定化TrpRS的蛋白质回收率为95 .5 % , 活力回收率为31.3% 。研究了固定化TrpRS的酶学性质, 其热稳定性和贮存稳定性方面均比液相TrpRS有了较大的提高, 最适温度、最适pH 均有一定程度的增大, 工作稳定性良好。以固定化TrpRS为亲和层析介质, 对含有20 个核苷酸随机序列、长度为56 个核苷酸的单链RNA 随机库进行了3 轮筛选,RNA 群体亲和固定化TrpRS的比例从4 .3 % 上升至14 .7 % 。筛选得到了与tRNATrp 氨基酸接受茎类似的RNA二级结构。实验结果表明固定化TrpRS可以作为SELEX 亲和层析介质, 进行模拟tRNATrp 分子的RNA 随机库的SELEX 筛选。  相似文献   


Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase from yeast, a dimer of molecular weight 125,000 and its cognate tRNA (Mr=24,160) were co-crystallized using ammonium sulfate as precipitant agent. The presence in the crystals of both components in the two-to-one stoichiometric ratio was demonstrated by electrophoresis, biological activity assays and crystallographic data. Crystals belong to the cubic space group 1432 with cell parameter of 354 Å and one complex particle per asymmetric unit.

The solvent content of about 78% is favorable for a low resolution structural investigation. By exchanging H2O for D2O in mother liquors, advantage can be taken from contrast variation techniques with neutron radiations. Diffraction data to 20 Å resolution were measured at five different contrasts, two of them being close to the theoretical matching point of RNA and protein in the presence of ammonium sulfate. The experimental extinction of the diffracted signal was observed to be close to 36% D2O, significantly different from the predicted value of 41%. The phenomenon can be explained by the existence of a large interface region between the two tRNAs and the enzyme. These parts of the molecules are hidden from the solvent and their protons are less easily exchangeable. Accessibility studies toward chemicals of tRNAAsp in solution and in the presence of synthetase are in agreement with such a model.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida Tryptophan Synthetase   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The two protein components of Pseudomonas putida tryptophan synthetase have been purified to homogeneity. Although there is general similarity between the Pseudomonas enzyme and that of the enteric bacteria, many differences were found. Components from Escherichia coli and P. putida do not stimulate each other enzymatically, and the enzymes differ in their response to monovalent cations. Serine deamination occurs best with the intact enzyme of P. putida, not with the beta(2) subunit alone as in E. coli. The amino acid compositions of the alpha subunits differ appreciably. These findings extend earlier studies showing differences between enteric organisms and pseudomonads in the regulation and genetic organization of the enzymes of the tryptophan pathway.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are an ancient enzyme family that specifically charges tRNA molecules with cognate amino acids for protein synthesis. Glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GlyRS) is one of the most intriguing aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases due to its divergent quaternary structure and abnormal charging properties. In the past decade, mutations of human GlyRS (hGlyRS) were also found to be associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. However, the mechanisms of traditional and alternative functions of hGlyRS are poorly understood due to a lack of studies at the molecular basis. In this study we report crystal structures of wild type and mutant hGlyRS in complex with tRNA and with small substrates and describe the molecular details of enzymatic recognition of the key tRNA identity elements in the acceptor stem and the anticodon loop. The cocrystal structures suggest that insertions 1 and 3 work together with the active site in a cooperative manner to facilitate efficient substrate binding. Both the enzyme and tRNA molecules undergo significant conformational changes during glycylation. A working model of multiple conformations for hGlyRS catalysis is proposed based on the crystallographic and biochemical studies. This study provides insights into the catalytic pathway of hGlyRS and may also contribute to our understanding of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.  相似文献   

Gene Interaction in Tryptophan Synthetase Formation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Yanofsky C  Bonner DM 《Genetics》1955,40(6):761-769

Tryptophan Synthetase Activity in Pea Seedling Extracts   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Indole-accumulating and indole-utilizing tryptophan synthetase mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were found to form complementing diploids with unusual growth properties. These strains grew at nearly the wild-type exponential rate, but only after an abnormally prolonged lag period of a duration that depended on the initial cell density. The exaggerated lag was reduced by adding low concentrations of indole in the medium. The growth properties were interpreted to be a consequence of the inability of these strains to synthesize tryptophan by the normal mechanism.  相似文献   

The discriminator nucleotide (position 73) in tRNA has long been thought to play a role in tRNA identity as it is the only variable single-stranded nucleotide that is found near the site of aminoacylation. For this reason, a complete mutagenic analysis of the discriminator in three Escherichia coli amber suppressor tRNA backgrounds was undertaken; supE and supE-G1C72 glutamine tRNAs, gluA glutamate tRNA and supF tyrosine tRNA. The effect of mutation of the discriminator base on the identity of these tRNAs in vivo was assayed by N-terminal protein sequencing of E. coli dihydrofolate reductase, which is the product of suppression by the mutated amber suppressors, and confirmed by amino acid specific suppression experiments. In addition, suppressor efficiency assays were used to estimate the efficiency of aminoacylation in vivo. Our results indicate that the supE glutamine tRNA context can tolerate multiple mutations (including mutation of the discriminator and first base-pair) and still remain predominantly glutamine-accepting. Discriminator mutants of gluA glutamate tRNA exhibit increased and altered specificity probably due to the reduced ability of other synthetases to compete with glutamyl-tRNA synthetase. In the course of these experiments, a glutamate-specific mutant amber suppressor, gluA-A73, was created. Finally, in the case of supF tyrosine tRNA, the discriminator is an important identity element with partial to complete loss of tyrosine specificity resulting from mutation at this position. It is clear from these experiments that it may not be possible to assign a specific role in tRNA identity to the discriminator. The identity of a tRNA in vivo is determined by competition among aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, which is in turn modulated by the nucleotide substitution as well as the tRNA context.  相似文献   

The sequence of the amino terminal 28 residues of the tryptophan synthetase alpha chain of Serratia marcescens is presented and compared with the related sequences of alpha chains of other bacteria.  相似文献   

A trpE mutant of Serratia marcescens (E-7) was isolated, and the multimeric enzyme tryptophan synthetase (EC was purified to homogeneity from derepressed cells. The A and B subunits were resolved, and the B subunit was partially characterized and compared with the Escherichia coli B subunit as part of a comparative evolution study of the trpB cistron of the trp operon in the Enterobacteriaceae. The S. marcescens B subunit is a dimer (beta(2)), and its molecular weight was estimated to be 89,000. The separate subunits (beta monomers) had molecular weights of approximately 43,000. The B subunit required pyridoxal phosphate for catalytic activity and had an apparent K(m) of 9 x 10(-6) M. The N terminus of the B subunit was unavailable for reaction with terminal amine reagents (blocked), whereas carboxypeptidase digestion released a C-terminal isoleucine. Using S. marcescens B antiserum in agar immunodiffusion gave an almost complete reaction of identity between the B subunits of S. marcescens and E. coli. The antiserum was used in microcomplement fixation, allowing for a comparison of the overall antigenic surface structure of the two B subunits. The index of dissimilarity for the heterologous E. coli enzyme compared with the homologous S. marcescens enzyme was 2.4, indicating extensive similarity of the two proteins at their surfaces. Comparative antiserum neutralization of B-subunit enzyme activity showed the E. coli enzyme to cross-react 85% as well as the S. marcescens enzyme. With regard to the biochemical and immunochemical parameters used in this study, the S. marcescens and E. coli B subunits were either identical or very similar. These findings support the idea that the trpB cistron of the trp operon is a relatively conserved gene in the Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   

We examined to determine whether senescence-induced tryptophan levels are positively associated with levels of glutamine synthetase (GS1), the initial enzyme in tryptophan biosynthesis. We generated transgenic rice plants in which GS1 was suppressed by RNA interference technology. The transgenic line showed a dramatic decrease in GS1 protein and glutamine content, but the levels of tryptophan and mRNA of the key tryptophan biosynthetic genes upon senescence were comparable to those of the wild type.  相似文献   

1. Anthranilate synthetase activity in crude extracts from tissue cultures of Daucus carota L. (carrot), Nicotiana tabacum L. (tobacco; cv. Wisconsin 38 and xanthi), Glycine max Merr. (soybean) and Oryza sativa L. (rice) was completely inhibited by l -tryptophan (5 to 50 μM). Mutant carrot and tobacco lines, capable of growth in the presence of 5-methyltryptophan, required 500 to more than 1000 μM tryptophan for complete inhibition of enzyme activity, respectively. 2. Except for the mutant tobacco line, the concentrations of free tryptophan in all tissue cultures tested were greater than the levels necessary to completely inhibit the respective anthranilate synthetase activities in vitro. These findings would indicate that much of the free tryptophan is compartmentalized away from the regulatory enzyme, anthranilate synthetase. This could implicate compartmentalization of the inhibitor as a biosynthetic control mechanism. 3. During the growth of normal and mutant carrot tissues the anthranilate synthetase enzyme must be at least 7.8 and 10.8% active, respectively, in order to accumulate the amount of tryptophan found in the tissues. 4. Of the substrates and cofactors required for anthranilate synthetase activity in vitro, Mg2+ and glutamine were present at near optimal levels in the carrot and tobacco tissues, but chorismate was found to be significantly below the optimal concentrations.  相似文献   

Two different types of allelic complementation were observed in tryptophan synthetase mutants of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Each type is associated with a different mechanism for the enzymatic conversion of indole-3-glycerol phosphate (InGP) to tryptophan. Mechanism I is utilized by a hybrid tryptophan synthetase that resembles, but is not identical with, the wild-type enzyme. Mechanism II is due to a sequential conversion of InGP to free indole, and indole to tryptophan. Two partially active mutant enzymes rather than a single hybrid enzyme catalyze the sequential reaction steps. This is an example of intracellular cross-feeding. The quantitative evaluation of mechanism II leads to the conclusion that tryptophan synthetase in yeast is most likely a dimer of two identical subunits.  相似文献   

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