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The gamma-ray induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in root meristem cells of Vica faba was studied autoradiographically by calculating the number of cells with different 3H-thymidine labelling degree. It was found that the level of unscheduled synthesis in cells with intermediate dose (500 R) irradiation was higher than that in cells with lower dose (250 R) irradiation; however, higher dose (1000 R) irradiation would inhibit the reparative replication.  相似文献   

辐射后单个细胞DNA结构变化的定量检测   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
细胞照射后可产生DNA链断裂、DNA-DNA交联、DNA-蛋白质交联等重要的DNA结构损伤,最终可导致DNA高级结构-DNA超螺旋结构状态的改变,而引发DNA复制、表达等一系列改变.参考国外报导,建立了单细胞电泳法(single cell gel electrophoresis assay),并辅以图象分析技术,可快速检测低达0.1Gy剂量所致DNA结构损伤,并得到了较好的剂量-效应关系,可望成为生物剂量计,用于环境低剂量辐射的监测.  相似文献   

Establishing an effective method to improve stem cell differentiation is crucial in stem cell transplantation. Here we aimed to explore whether and how sodium butyrate (NaB) induces rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to differentiate into bladder smooth muscle cells (SMCs). We found that NaB significantly suppressed MSC proliferation and promoted MSCs differentiation into SMCs, as evidenced by the enhanced expression of SMC specific genes in the MSCs. Co-culturing the MSCs with SMCs in a transwell system promoted the differentiation of MSCs into SMCs. NaB again promoted MSC differentiation in this system. Furthermore, NaB enhanced the acetylation of SMC gene-associated H3K9 and H4, and decreased the expression of HDAC2 and down-regulated the recruitment of HDAC2 to the promoter regions of SMC specific genes. Finally, we found that NaB significantly promoted MSC depolarization and increased the intracellular calcium level of MSCs upon carbachol stimulation. These results demonstrated that NaB effectively promotes MSC differentiation into SMCs, possibly by the marked inhibition of HDAC2 expression and disassociation of HDAC2 recruitment to SMC specific genes in MSCs, which further induces high levels of H3K9ace and H4ace and the enhanced expression of target genes, and this strategy could potentially be applied in clinical tissue engineering and cell transplantation.  相似文献   

The skin of ICR mouse was irradiated with beta-rays from 90Sr-90Y with surface doses up to 30 krad. Unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) was measured by autoradiography after labeling the skin with radioactive thymidine using the forceps-clamping method. The level of UDS in epithelial cells of the skin was detected as an increasing function of radiation dose. Fibroblastic cells, compared with epithelial cells and hair follicle cells at the same depth of the skin, showed a lower level of UDS, indicating a lower DNA repair activity in fibroblasts. Cancer risk of the skin was discussed.  相似文献   

Satellite cells (SCs) represent a distinct lineage of myogenic progenitors responsible for the postnatal growth, repair and maintenance of skeletal muscle. Distinguished on the basis of their unique position in mature skeletal muscle, SCs were considered unipotent stem cells with the ability of generating a unique specialized phenotype. Subsequently, it was demonstrated in mice that opposite differentiation towards osteogenic and adipogenic pathways was also possible. Even though the pool of SCs is accepted as the major, and possibly the only, source of myonuclei in postnatal muscle, it is likely that SCs are not all multipotent stem cells and evidences for diversities within the myogenic compartment have been described both in vitro and in vivo. Here, by isolating single fibers from rat flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) muscle we were able to identify and clonally characterize two main subpopulations of SCs: the low proliferative clones (LPC) present in major proportion (∼75%) and the high proliferative clones (HPC), present instead in minor amount (∼25%). LPC spontaneously generate myotubes whilst HPC differentiate into adipocytes even though they may skip the adipogenic program if co-cultured with LPC. LPC and HPC differ also for mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), ATP balance and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) generation underlying diversities in metabolism that precede differentiation. Notably, SCs heterogeneity is retained in vivo. SCs may therefore be comprised of two distinct, though not irreversibly committed, populations of cells distinguishable for prominent differences in basal biological features such as proliferation, metabolism and differentiation. By these means, novel insights on SCs heterogeneity are provided and evidences for biological readouts potentially relevant for diagnostic purposes described.  相似文献   

Differentiation of Rat Lens Epithelial Cells in Tissue Culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth and differentiation of rat lens epithelial cells in tissue culture were studied. Cells could be maintained for a number of generations in an undifferentiated state in suspension culture. When cultured as monolayers, they grew and differentiated in a series of six defined stages described here. These stages include morphological changes (elongation, followed by cell "spreading" or formation of cell aggregates), and biochemical changes (appearance of y-crystallin protein as detected by immunofluorescence). The process of differentiation appeared to be accelerated in the vicinity of elongated cells, occurred more rapidly at high cell density, and required frequent changes of medium. This suggests that cell-cell communication, and not medium factors, may be essential for promoting differentiation. The final morphology of the differentiated cells differed, depending on the embryonic age of the rats used as a source of lens epithelial cells. This implies that the programme for differentiation changes as a function of the embryonic age of the lens.  相似文献   

It is reported that adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) had multilineage differentiation potential, and could differentiate into neuron-like cells induced by special induction media, which may provide a new idea for restoration of erectile dysfunction (ED) after cavernous nerve injury. The aim of this research was to explore the neuronal differentiation potential of ADSCs in vitro. ADSCs isolated from inguinal adipose tissue of rat were characterized by flow cytometry, and results showed that ADSCs were positive for mesenchymal stem cell markers CD90 and CD44, but negative for hematopoietic stem cell markers. ADSCs maintained self-renewing capacity and could differentiate into adipocytes and neurocytes under special culture condition. In this research, two methods were used to induce ADSCs. In method 1, ADSCs were treated with the preinduction medium including epithelium growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) for 3?days, then with the neurogenic induction medium containing isobutylmethylxanthine, indomethacin, and insulin. While in method 2, BDNF was not used to treat ADSCs. After induction, neuronal differentiation of ADSCs was evaluated. Neuronal markers, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and ??-tubulin III (Tuj-1) were detected by immunofluorescence and Western Blot analyses. The expressions of GFAP and Tuj-1 in method 1 were obviously higher then those in method 2. In addition, the positive rate of the neuron-like cells was higher in method 1. It suggested that ADSCs are able to differentiate into neural-like cells in vitro, and the administration of BDNF in the preinduction medium may provide a new way to modify the culture method for getting more neuron-like cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear leucocytes have been induced to synthesize new DNA by exposure to UV light. Preliminary observations (not included) also indicate that 6-MeV electrons and incubation with the radiomimetic agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) are effective agents for inducing unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS). A study of the kinetics of UV-induced DNA synthesis suggests that there are at least two processes operating, one fast and essentially complete within the first 1–2 h and the second lasting at least 8 h.  相似文献   

Isolation and Osteogenic Differentiation of Rat Periosteum-derived Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Selection of appropriate cultures having an osteogenic potential is a necessity if cell/biomaterial interactions are studied in long-term cultures. Osteoblastic cells derived from rat long bones or calvaria have the disadvantage of being in an advanced differentiation stage which results in terminal differentiation within 21 days. In this regard, less differentiated periosteum-derived osteoprogenitors could be more suitable. Periosteum-derived cells were isolated from the tibiae of adult Wistar rats (n = 12). The osteogenic potential with regard to alkaline phosphatase activity, morphology, nodule formation and mineralization was studied by culturing them in an osteogenic medium for up to 4 months. Seventy-five percent of the cultures (n = 9) did not show any increase in alkaline phosphatase activity nor nodule formation during long-term culture for up to 4 months. Nevertheless, in 25% of the cultures, alkaline phosphatase activity started from negligible (<5 mM pNP/mg protein) and increased towards approximately 50 mM pNP/mg protein. Three-dimensional nodule formation was observed at passages 3–5. In further passages (P5–P7), nodule formation capacity decreased and a diffuse mineralization pattern was observed. Suitable cultures with osteogenic capacity, can be selected at early passages based on the presence of cuboidal cells. These cells have the advantage of retaining their osteogenic potential even after prolonged cultivation (6–7 passages) before final differentiation occurs. Although periosteal cells are suitable for long term in vitro evaluation of biomaterials, the isolation and selection is time consuming. Hence, a more appropriate source to study cell/biomaterial interactions should be more convenient.  相似文献   

Dissociated cells of pineal bodies of new-born rats were cultured to see what cell types would be differentiated during culture in vitro for about 4 weeks. In early stages of culture, about 10 days after inoculation, flattened cells with piliform processes, small round cells and small bubbling cells were distinguishable in the cultures. After about 2 weeks, neuronal cells with axon-like processes and multinuclear muscle-like cells were differentiated. On further culture, the latter cells differentiated into mature striated myotubes. The developmental origin of myotube formed in cell cultures of pineal body is discussed.  相似文献   

通过对小鼠肌母细胞C2C12的培养,研究C2C12细胞的增殖与分化的关系以及胰岛素在细胞分化过程中的作用。在对照组中,C2C12细胞增殖占了明显的优势,细胞形态几乎没有发生变化;而在实验组中,C2C12细胞在换为分化培养基24小时后,就出现了部分细胞衰亡和死亡的现象,尤其是在48小时细胞的死亡率达到最高,存活细胞开始从增殖期进入分化期,72小时出现了少量肌管,在96小时细胞分化效果达到最好。而在添加了胰岛素的分化培养基中的细胞分化效果明显好于没有添加胰岛素的分化培养基中的细胞,结果表明,胰岛素促进C2C12细胞的分化。  相似文献   

Abstract: Changes in the ganglioside long-chain base (LCB) composition in rat cerebellar granule cells in culture were studied during differentiation and aging. The total native ganglioside mixtures, extracted from the cells maintained in culture up to 22 days, were fractionated by reversed-phase HPLC, each ganglioside homogeneous in the oligosaccharide chain as well as in the LCB being quantified. Two main LCBs were components of the ganglioside species of cultured cells, the C18:1 LCB and the C20:1 LCB. The content of C20:1 ganglioside molecular species was low and quite constant during differentiation, comprising ∼8% of the total ganglioside species content, the C20:1 LCB appearing to be represented more in the ganglioside of the "b series" (GD1b, GT1b, and GQ1b) than in the "a series" (GM1 and GD1a). During aging in culture, for 8–22 days, the content of the C20:1 species of all gangliosides increased, being more pronounced for GM1 and GD1a.  相似文献   

It has been reported that rat bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) are differentiated into neuronal cells by administration of 2-mercaptoethanol [Woodbury et al (2000) J Neurosci Res 61:364–370]. In this study, we examined the effects of various sulfhydryl (SH) compounds on the differentiation of BMSCs obtained from rat femurs. Neuronal differentiation was detected morphologically and immunocytochemically. It was found that the cells treated with reduced glutathione (GSH) apparently differentiated into neurons, showing extensive processes, and expressing neuron-specific enolase and microtubule-associated protein 2. Glutathione monoethyl ester (GEE), which increased the cellular GSH content, showed no effect on the expression of neuronal markers. It is concluded that the neural differentiation of BMSCs occurs by the administration of GSH. It was suggested that extracellular and not intracellular GSH have effects on the induction of the neuronal differentiation of BMSCs.  相似文献   

Striated muscle fibers appeared in monolayer cultures of rat anterior pituitary cells maintained in αMinimum Essential Medium (αMEM). As muscle differentiation in cultures of pituitary cells under ordinary conditions has not hitherto been reported, an in vitro study was undertaken to determine what factor(s) is responsible for this myogenesis. When dispersed anterior pituitary cells were culrured in three different media, αMEM, Medium 199 and Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM), only αMEM induced a high incidence of striated muscles. The nature of the serum (fetal calf, calf and horse) and its concentration (1–10%) did not affect myogenesis.
In monolayers in αMEM, the sequence of differentiation of striated muscle was as follows: 1) Elongated cells, resembling myoblasts appeared; 2) these cells fused; and finally 3) cross striations appeared. Rhythmic contraction was most intense in striated muscle fibers, but it was also obsrved in myotubes without cross striations and even in myogenic cells before fusion. The possible origin of muscles in these pituitary cultures is discussed.  相似文献   

To evaluate the function of rat mesenchymal stem cells (rMSCs) on denervated gastrocnemius muscles and to address the role of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) in rMSCs, denervated Wistar rats were separately injected with culture media (sham control), CNTF protein, 2.5?×?105 siCNTF-treated rMSCs, 2.5?×?105 GFP-transfected rMSCs, or 2.5?×?105 untreated rMSCs. Muscle function was assessed at different time points post-surgery. Tibial nerve and gastrocnemius muscle samples were taken at 4, 8, and 12?weeks for histochemistry, and neuromuscular junction repair was also examined by electron microscopy. Fluorescence immunocytochemistry on tissue sections confirmed neurotrophin expression in rMSCs but with little evidence of neuronal differentiation. The engraftment of rMSCs significantly preserved the function of denervated gastrocnemius muscle based both on evaluation of muscle function and direct examination of muscle tissue. Further, the density and depth of the junctional folds were visibly reduced 12?weeks after surgery and transplantation, especially in control group. Knockdown of CNTF expression in rMSCs failed to block muscle preservation, although administration of CNTF protein alone inhibited muscle atrophy, which indicating that delivery of rMSCs could preserve gastrocnemius muscle function following denervation and post-junctional mechanisms involved in the repairing capability of rMSCs.  相似文献   

Kelley MR  Lee WR 《Genetics》1983,104(2):279-299
As a model system for studying mutagenesis, the oocyte of Drosophila melanogaster has exhibited considerable complexity. Very few experiments have been conducted on the effect of exposing oocytes to chemical mutagens, presumably due to their lower mutational response relative to sperm and spermatids. This lower response may be due either to a change in probability of mutation induction per adduct due to a change in the type of DNA repair or to a lower dose of the mutagen to the female germ line. To study molecular dosimetry and DNA repair in the oocyte, the large number of intracellular constituents (mtDNA, RNA, nucleic acid precursors and large quantities of proteins and lipids) must be separated from nuclear DNA. In this paper we present results showing reliable separation of such molecules enabling us to detect scheduled nuclear and mitochondrial DNA synthesis. We also, by understanding the precise timing of such events, can detect unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) as a measure of DNA repair. Furthermore, by comparing the UDS results in a repair competent (Ore-R) vs. a repair deficient (mei-9L1 ) strain, we have shown the oocyte capable of DNA repair after treatment with ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). We conclude that the important determinant of mutation induction in oocytes after treatment with EMS is the time interval between DNA alkylation and DNA synthesis after fertilization, i.e., the interruption of continuous DNA repair.  相似文献   

目的:观察泽漆主要活性成分大戟苷(euphornin)对大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(rMSC)成骨分化的影响。方法:从大鼠股骨中分离培养rMSC,并诱导其成骨分化。用MTT法检测细胞增殖情况,通过茜素红染色,碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性检测和钙含量测定分别定性、定量地判断其在成骨分化中的效果。实时定量PCR(Q-PCR)检测主要成骨标志因子骨桥蛋白(OPN)和一型胶原蛋白(COL-Ⅰ)及主要转录因子骨形成蛋白2(BMP2)、Runt相关转录因子2(Runx2)和Osterix(Osx)mRNA的表达。结果:大戟苷能剂量依赖性地抑制rMSC成骨分化,并一定程度地抑制其细胞增殖。COL-Ⅰ和OPN的表达在第4、8天分别有显著下降。BMP2、Runx2和Osx等关键转录因子的表达也被明显抑制。结论:大戟苷能抑制rMSC成骨分化,其作用主要是通过抑制BMP通路相关因子的表达而实现的。  相似文献   

肌卫星细胞在失重肌萎缩中的可塑性变化及机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肌卫星细胞在骨骼肌生长发育和出生后骨骼肌损伤修复中起着重要的作用,但是有关肌萎缩中肌卫星细胞的可塑性变化、作用及其机制尚不清楚.本研究采用小鼠尾悬吊模拟失重效应诱导失重肌萎缩,动态分析了失重肌萎缩发生过程中不同类型肌纤维的肌卫星细胞数量和增殖、分化潜能可塑性的改变,发现在失重肌萎缩过程中,处于安静状态的肌卫星细胞显著增多、激活增殖的肌卫星细胞显著减少,而具有成肌分化潜能的肌卫星细胞有持续减少趋势.此外,在失重肌萎缩比目鱼肌单根肌纤维移出的体外培养中,证明了失重肌萎缩肌纤维肌卫星细胞可塑性降低的特征性变化.进一步,通过对比分析Smad3基因敲除及其同窝野生型小鼠,在失重肌萎缩中肌卫星细胞可塑性的差异性变化,揭示了Smad3在调控失重肌萎缩肌卫星细胞可塑性变化中的关键作用.  相似文献   

干细胞自我更新及分化潜能一方面是内源性转录因子相互协调控制的结果,另一方面表观遗传修饰也起着重要的作用。该文综述了DNA甲基化修饰的机理、哺乳动物DNA甲基化的特点以及干细胞分化的DNA甲基化修饰。  相似文献   

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