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Large clostridial glucosylating toxins (LCGTs) are produced by toxigenic strains of Clostridium difficile, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium novyi and Clostridium sordellii. While most C. sordellii strains solely produce lethal toxin (TcsL), C. sordellii strain VPI9048 co‐produces both hemorrhagic toxin (TcsH) and TcsL. Here, the sequences of TcsH‐9048 and TcsL‐9048 are provided, showing that both toxins retain conserved LCGT features and that TcsL and TcsH are highly related to Toxin A (TcdA) and Toxin B (TcdB) from C. difficile strain VPI10463. The substrate profile of the toxins was investigated with recombinant LCGT transferase domains (rN) and a wide panel of small GTPases. rN‐TcsH‐9048 and rN‐TcdA‐10463 glucosylated preferably Rho‐GTPases but also Ras‐GTPases to some extent. In this respect, rN‐TcsH‐9048 and rN‐TcdA‐10463 differ from the respective full‐length TcsH‐9048 and TcdA‐10463, which exclusively glucosylate Rho‐GTPases. rN‐TcsL‐9048 and full length TcsL‐9048 glucosylate both Rho‐ and Ras‐GTPases, whereas rN‐TcdB‐10463 and full length TcdB‐10463 exclusively glucosylate Rho‐GTPases. Vero cells treated with full length TcsH‐9048 or TcdA‐10463 also showed glucosylation of Ras, albeit to a lower extent than of Rho‐GTPases. Thus, in vitro analysis of substrate spectra using recombinant transferase domains corresponding to the auto‐proteolytically cleaved domains, predicts more precisely the in vivo substrates than the full length toxins. Except for TcdB‐1470, all LCGTs evoked increased expression of the small GTPase RhoB, which exhibited cytoprotective activity in cells treated with TcsL isoforms, but pro‐apoptotic activity in cells treated with TcdA, TcdB, and TcsH. All LCGTs induced a rapid dephosphorylation of pY118‐paxillin and of pS144/141‐PAK1/2 prior to actin filament depolymerization indicating that disassembly of focal adhesions is an early event leading to the disorganization of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Clostridium sordellii lethal toxin and Clostridium novyi α-toxin, which are virulence factors involved in the toxic shock and gas gangrene syndromes, are members of the family of clostridial glucosylating toxins. The toxins inactivate Rho/Ras proteins by glucosylation or attachment of GlcNAc (α-toxin). Here, we studied the activation of the autoproteolytic processing of the toxins by inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP(6)) and compared it with the processing of Clostridium difficile toxin B. In the presence of low concentrations of InsP(6) (<1 μM), toxin fragments consisting of the N-terminal glucosyltransferase (or GlcNAc-transferase) domains and the cysteine protease domains (CPDs) of C. sordellii lethal toxin, C. novyi α-toxin, and C. difficile toxin B were autocatalytically processed. The cleavage sites of lethal toxin (Leu-543) and α-toxin (Leu-548) and the catalytic cysteine residues (Cys-698 of lethal toxin and Cys-707 of α-toxin) were identified. Affinity of the CPDs for binding InsP(6) was determined by isothermal titration calorimetry. In contrast to full-length toxin B and α-toxin, autocatalytic cleavage and InsP(6) binding of full-length lethal toxin depended on low pH (pH 5) conditions. The data indicate that C. sordellii lethal toxin and C. novyi α-toxin are InsP(6)-dependently processed. However, full-length lethal toxin, but not its short toxin fragments consisting of the glucosyltransferase domain and the CPD, requires a pH-sensitive conformational change to allow binding of InsP(6) and subsequent processing of the toxin.  相似文献   

AB toxins such as ricin and cholera toxin (CT) consist of an enzymatic A domain and a receptor-binding B domain. After endocytosis of the surface-bound toxin, both ricin and CT are transported by vesicle carriers to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The A subunit then dissociates from its holotoxin, unfolds, and crosses the ER membrane to reach its cytosolic target. Since protein unfolding at physiological temperature and neutral pH allows the dissociated A chain to attain a translocation-competent state for export to the cytosol, the underlying regulatory mechanisms of toxin unfolding are of paramount biological interest. Here we report a biophysical analysis of the effects of anionic phospholipid membranes and two chemical chaperones, 4-phenylbutyric acid (PBA) and glycerol, on the thermal stabilities and the toxic potencies of ricin toxin A chain (RTA) and CT A1 chain (CTA1). Phospholipid vesicles that mimic the ER membrane dramatically decreased the thermal stability of RTA but not CTA1. PBA and glycerol both inhibited the thermal disordering of RTA, but only glycerol could reverse the destabilizing effect of anionic phospholipids. In contrast, PBA was able to increase the thermal stability of CTA1 in the presence of anionic phospholipids. PBA inhibits cellular intoxication by CT but not ricin, which is explained by its ability to stabilize CTA1 and its inability to reverse the destabilizing effect of membranes on RTA. Our data highlight the toxin-specific intracellular events underlying ER-to-cytosol translocation of the toxin A chain and identify a potential means to supplement the long-term stabilization of toxin vaccines.  相似文献   

Clostridium sordellii lethal toxin (LT) is a glucosyltransferase which inactivates small GTPases from the Rho and Ras families. In the present work, we studied the effects of two variants, LT82 and LT9048, on the integrity of epithelial cell barrier using polarized MCCD (Mouse Cortical Collecting Duct) and MDCK (Madin-Darby Canine Kidney) cells. Our results demonstrate for the first time that LTs have very limited effects on tight junctions. In contrast, we show that both toxins modified the paracellular permeability within 2-4 h. Concomitantly LT82 and LT9048 induced a disorganization of basolateral actin filaments, without modifying apical actin. Both toxins mainly altered adherens junctions by removing E-cadherin-catenin complexes from the membrane to the cytosol. Similar effects on adherens junctions have been observed with other toxins, which directly or indirectly depolymerize actin. Thereby, Rac, a common substrate of both LTs, might play a central role in LT-dependent adherens junction alteration. Here, we show that adherens junction perturbation induced by LTs results neither from a direct effect of toxins on adherens junction proteins nor from an actin-independent Rac pathway, but rather from a Rac-dependent disorganization of basolateral actin cytoskeleton. This further supports that a dynamic equilibrium of cortical actin filaments is essential for functional E-cadherin organization in epithelia.  相似文献   

Toxins A and B, which are the major virulence factors of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and pseudomembranous colitis caused by Clostridium difficile, are the prototypes of the family of clostridial glucosylating toxins. The toxins inactivate Rho and Ras proteins by glucosylation. Recent findings on the autocatalytic processing of the toxins and analysis of the crystal structures of their domains have made a revision of the current model of their actions on the eukaryotic target cells necessary.  相似文献   

Clostridium sordellii is an emerging human pathogen and frequent contaminant of cadaver-derived tissue transplant material. Herein, we provide data suggesting the potential for severe C. sordellii-associated disease may be dictated by whether the specific strain produces lethal toxin (TcsL) or sordellilysin (SDL), a cholesterol-dependent cytolysin. The virulence factor profiles of 14 C. sordellii isolates were determined, and culture supernatant from six of the isolates was found to be cytotoxic to mammalian cells; yet, only one of these strains conferred cytotoxicity via production of TcsL. Cytotoxicity of TcsL- strains correlated with the production of sordellilysin, which was also recognized by an antiperfringolysin O antibody. However, supernatant from TcsL+, SDL- strains demonstrated a lower LD50 relative to TcsL-, SDL+ strains, suggesting the potential for severe C. sordellii-associated disease may be determined by the particular strain colonizing the host.  相似文献   

Large clostridial toxins glucosylate some small G proteins on a threonine residue, thereby preventing their interactions with effector molecules and regulators. We show that the glucosyltransferase domain of lethal toxin from Clostridium sordellii (LT(cyt); amino acids 1-546), which is released into the cytosol during cell infection, binds preferentially to liposomes containing phosphatidylserine as compared with other anionic lipids. The binding of LT(cyt) to phosphatidylserine increases by two orders of magnitude the rate of glucosylation of liposome-bound geranyl-geranylated Rac-GDP. Limited proteolysis and deletion studies show that the binding site for phosphatidylserine lies within the first 18 N-terminal residues of LT(cyt). Deletion of these residues abolishes the effect of phosphatidylserine on the activity of LT(cyt) on liposome-bound geranyl-geranylated Rac-GDP and prevents the morphological effects induced by LT(cyt) microinjection into various cells, but it does not affect the intrinsic activity of LT(cyt) on non-geranyl-geranylated Rac-GDP in solution. We conclude that the avidity of LT(cyt) for phosphatidylserine facilitates its targeting to the cytosolic leaflet of cell membranes and, notably, the plasma membrane, where this anionic lipid is abundant and where several targets of lethal toxin reside.  相似文献   

The (Ca(2+)+Mg2+)-ATPase of the plasma membrane is activated by negatively charged phospholipids. The mechanism of this activation was investigated by studying the effect of negatively charged phospholipids on the steady-state phosphointermediate level and on the p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity. Both parameters were differentially affected by different acidic phospholipids. The level of phosphoprotein intermediate was not affected by phosphatidylserine (20% of total phospholipid), but it was increased by 60% by phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate. Phosphatidylserine increased the p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity, whereas phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate had no significant effect. It is suggested that phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate mainly affects a reaction step which leads to accelerated formation of the phosphointermediate, whereas the action of phosphatidylserine would affect two reaction steps, one upstream and one downstream of the phosphointermediate.  相似文献   

Janosi L  Gorfe AA 《Biophysical journal》2010,99(11):3666-3674
The Kras protein, a member of the Ras family of bio-switches that are frequently mutated in cancer and developmental disorders, becomes functional when anchored to the inner surface of the plasma membrane. It is well known that membrane attachment involves the farnesylated and poylcationic C-terminus of the protein. However, little is known about the structure of the complex and the specific protein-lipid interactions that are responsible for the binding. On the basis of data from extensive (>0.55 μs) molecular dynamics simulations of multiple Kras anchors in bilayers of POPC/POPG lipids (4:1 ratio), we show that, as expected, Kras is tethered to the bilayer surface by specific lysine-POPG salt bridges and by nonspecific farnesyl-phospholipid van der Waals interactions. Unexpectedly, however, only the C-terminal five of the eight Kras Lys side chains were found to directly interact with the bilayer, with the N-terminal ones staying in water. Furthermore, the positively charged Kras anchors pull the negatively charged POPG lipids together, leading to the clustering of the POPG lipids around the proteins. This selective Kras-POPG interaction is directly related to the specific geometry of the backbone, which exists in two major conformational states: 1), a stable native-like ensemble of structures characterized by an extended geometry with a pseudohelical turn; and 2), less stable nonnative ensembles of conformers characterized by severely bent geometries. Finally, although the interface-bound anchor has little effect on the overall structure of the bilayer, it induces local thinning within a persistence length of ∼12 Å. Our results thus go beyond documenting how Kras attaches to a mixed bilayer of charged and neutral lipids; they highlight a fascinating process of protein-induced lipid sorting coupled with the (re)shaping of a surface-bound protein by the host lipids.  相似文献   

In the present study, we show that lethal toxin from Clostridium sordellii (TcsL-82) activates the three MAP kinase pathways, but that only a permeable and specific c-Jun-NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitor, JNK inhibitor II, prevents toxin-dependent actin depolymerization and cell rounding. We show that JNK activation is dependent on entry of the toxin N-terminal domain into the cytosol as bafilomycin A1, which prevents acidification of endocytic vesicle and subsequent cytosolic translocation of the toxin N-terminal domain, prevents JNK activation. Inhibition of JNK activity delays small GTPase glucosylation generated by N-terminal domain catalytic activity. Using a cell line mutant deficient in UDP-glucose, we observed that activation of JNK occurs even in the absence of small GTPase glucosylation and, thus, is independent of the toxin intrinsic catalytic activity. Facilitation of target glucosylation by JNK activation appeared to be restricted to TcsL-82 and was not a general feature of large clostridial toxins. Indeed, it was not observed with Toxin B from Clostridium difficile although this toxin also activates JNK.  相似文献   

The C-terminal domain of the pro-apoptotic protein Bax (Bax-C) is supposed to act as a membrane anchor motif when Bax is activated leading to programmed cell death. A synthetic peptide which imitates this domain has been used to study the mechanism of peptide-phospholipid interaction. We have used static and MAS-NMR techniques to show that the interaction of Bax-C with membranes is modulated by the presence of a negatively charged phospholipid like phosphatidylglycerol. Bax-C slightly shifted upfield the 31P resonances coming from phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine. However the width of the resonance peaks was considerably higher when phosphatidylglycerol was present. Bax-C substantially decreased the T1 relaxation times of phosphatidylglycerol and those of phosphatidylcholine when mixtured with phosphatidylglycerol, but T1 values were not decreased when phosphatidylcholine was the only phospholipid present in the membrane. 13C-MAS-NMR showed that T1 values were decreased when Bax-C was incorporated into the lipid vesicles and this reduction affected similarly to carbons located in different regions of the membrane when the only phospholipid present was phosphatidylcholine. However, when phosphatidylglycerol was also present, the decrease in T1 affected considerably more to some carbons in the polar region. These results indicate that Bax-C interacts differently with the polar part of the membrane depending on whether phosphatidylglycerol is present or not, suggesting that an electrostatic interaction of Bax-C with the membrane determines the location of this domain. Fluorescence spectroscopy showed that the Trp residues of Bax-C were placed in a microenvironment more hydrophobic and less accessible to quenching by acrylamide when phosphatidylglycerol was present.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases are the preferred targets of various bacterial cytotoxins, including Clostridium difficile toxins A and B, Clostridium sordellii lethal toxin, the cytotoxic necrotizing factors (CNF1) from Escherichia coli, and the dermonecrotizing toxin (DNT) from Bordetella species. The toxins inactivate or activate specific sets of Rho GTPases by mono-O-glucosylation and deamidation/transglutamination, respectively. Here we studied the structural basis of the recognition of RhoA, which is modified by toxin B, CNF1, and DNT, in comparison with RhoD, which is solely a substrate for lethal toxin. We found that a single amino acid residue in RhoA and RhoD defines the substrate specificity for toxin B and lethal toxin. Change of serine 73 to phenylalanine in RhoA turned RhoA into a substrate for lethal toxin. Accordingly, change of the equivalently positioned phenylalanine 85 in RhoD with serine allowed glucosylation by toxin B. Comparable results were achieved with the Rho-activating and transglutaminating enzymes CNF1 and DNT. Here, amino acid glutamate 64 of RhoA and the equivalent aspartate 76 of RhoD define substrate specificity for CNF1 and DNT, respectively. These data indicate that single amino acid residues located in the switch II region of Rho proteins determine enzyme specificity for diverse bacterial toxins.  相似文献   

The interaction of Aluminum with phosphatidyl serine lipid vesicles containing variable amounts of phosphatidyl ethanolamine, phosphatidyl choline and cholesterol has been studied by lipid phase separation monitored by fluorescence quenching. The interaction of Al3+ with neutral phospholipid membranes has also been investigated. Maximal lipid phase separation can be demonstrated in mixed phosphatidyl ethanolamine-cholesterol vesicles when using concentrations of aluminum between 87.5 and 125 microM. Millimolar concentrations of Ca2+, Mn2+, Cd2+ and Zn2+ were without any effect. Aluminum also induced fusion of phospholipid membranes monitored by resonance energy transfer between N-(7-nitro-2,1,3, benzoxadiazol-4 yl) phosphatidyl ethanolamine and N-(lissamine Rhodamine B-sulfonyl) phosphatidyl ethanolamine, either when containing low amounts of phosphatidyl serine (12.5%) or without any negatively charged phospholipid. Aluminum-induced fusion of liposomes was also monitored by the fluorescence of the terbium-dipicolinic acid complex (Tb-DPA3-) formed during fusion of vesicles containing either Tb-(citrate)6- complex or sodium salt of dipicolinic acid.  相似文献   

The nature and magnitude of the surface dipole potential chi at a membrane/water interface still remain open to discussion. By combining measurements of differential capacity C and charge density sigma at the interface between self-assembled monolayers of phosphatidylserine and phosphatidic acid supported by mercury and aqueous electrolytes of different concentration and pH, a sigmoidal dependence of chi upon sigma is revealed, with the inflection at sigma = 0. This behavior is strongly reminiscent of the surface dipole potential due to reorientation of adsorbed water molecules at electrified interfaces. The small increase in C with a decrease in the frequency of the AC signal below approximately 80 Hz, as observed with phospholipid monolayers with partially protonated polar groups, is explained either by a sluggish collective reorientation of some polar groups of the lipid or by a sluggish movement of protons across the polar head region.  相似文献   

Chitin synthases are vital for growth in certain oomycetes as chitin is an essential component in the cell wall of these species. In Saprolegnia monoica, two chitin synthases have been found, and both contain a Microtubule Interacting and Trafficking (MIT) domain. The MIT domain has been implicated in lipid interaction, which in turn may be of significance for targeting of chitin synthases to the plasma membrane. In this work we have investigated the lipid interacting properties of the MIT domain from chitin synthase 1 in Saprolegnia monoica. We show by fluorescence spectroscopy techniques that the MIT domain interacts preferentially with phosphatidic acid (PA), while it does not interact with phosphatidylglycerol (PG) or phosphatidylcholine (PC). These results strongly suggest that the specific properties of PA are required for membrane interaction of the MIT domain. PA is negatively charged, binds basic side chains with high affinity and its small headgroup gives rise to membrane packing defects that enable intercalation of hydrophobic amino acids. We propose a mode of lipid interaction that involves a combination of basic amino acid residues and Trp residues that anchor the MIT domain specifically to bilayers that contain PA.  相似文献   

The usefulness of cytopathic indicators for the titration of Cl perfringens beta and epsilon toxins has been investigated. Neutralization experiments with monoclonal antibodies have shown that the entities responsible for the lethal and dermonecrotic effects of Cl perfringens beta toxin preparations are identical. However, the cytopathic effects of the same preparations are caused by other entities. Therefore, titrations based upon lethal and dermonecrotic indicators of beta toxin are equally valid but those based on cytopathic effects are not. Similar experiments with Cl perfringens epsilon preparations have shown that their lethal, dermonecrotic and cytopathic activities are all caused by the same entity. It follows that all three activities can be valid indicators for toxin neutralization tests. Cell culture titrations of Cl perfringens epsilon antitoxin performed on rabbit sera at the levels of test prescribed by the European Pharmacopoeia have produced consistent results which agree closely with the dermonecrotic test. This test has, in turn, been shown to reflect the results of the mouse lethal test accurately. Titrations of cattle and sheep sera at lower levels of test have also produced results in close agreement with the in vivo test. It is concluded that cell culture titration offers a valid in vitro alternative to the use of mouse lethal and guinea-pig dermonecrotic indicators for the titration of sera generated in the course of potency tests and field trials of Cl perfringens epsilon vaccines.  相似文献   

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