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Maize [Zea mays L. ssp. mays (Poaceae)] was domesticated from Balsas teosinte (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis Iltis & Doebley) in present‐day Mexico. Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda JE Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is among the most important pests of maize in Mexico and Central America. We compared the strength of plant defenses against fall armyworm between micro‐sympatric landrace maize and Balsas teosinte in the field and laboratory. The field comparison, conducted in Mexico, consisted of comparing the frequency of fall armyworm infestation between young maize and Balsas teosinte plants in dryland agricultural fields in which Balsas teosinte grew as a weed. The laboratory comparison contrasted the performance of fall armyworm larvae provided a diet of leaf tissue excised from maize or Balsas teosinte plants that were intact or had been primed by larval feeding. In the field, maize plants were more frequently infested with fall armyworm than Balsas teosinte plants: over 3 years and three fields, maize was infested at a ca. 1.8‐fold greater rate than Balsas teosinte. In the laboratory, larval growth, but not survivorship, was differently affected by feeding on maize vs. Balsas teosinte, and on primed vs. intact plants. Specifically, survivorship was ca. 98%, and did not differ between maize and Balsas teosinte, nor between primed and intact plants. Larvae grew less on intact vs. primed maize, and similarly on intact vs. primed Balsas teosinte; overall, growth was 1.2‐fold greater on maize compared to Balsas teosinte, and on primed compared to intact plants. Parallel observations showed that the differences in growth could not be attributed to the amount of leaf tissue consumed by larvae. We discuss our results in relation to differences in the strength of plant defenses between crops and their ancestors, the relevance of unmanaged Balsas teosinte introgression in the context of fall armyworm defenses in maize, and whether greater growth of larvae on primed vs. intact plants signifies herbivore offense.  相似文献   

Some physical properties of teosinte (Zea mays subsp. parviglumis) pollen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In parts of the world where teosinte and maize are grown in close proximity, there is concern about gene flow between them. Pollen is the primary vehicle for gene flow. Quantifying the biophysical properties of pollen, such as its settling speed and dehydration rate, is important for evaluating outcrossing potential. These properties were measured for teosinte (Zea mays subsp. parviglumis) pollen. Pollen was found to have an average settling speed of 0.165 m s(-1), which agrees well with theoretical values based on the size of the pollen grains. The conductance of the pollen wall for water was derived from the time rate of change of pollen grain size and gave an average conductance of 3.42x10(-4) m s(-1). Water potential, psi, of teosinte pollen was determined at various values of relative water content (dry-weight basis), theta, by using a thermocouple psychrometer and by allowing samples of pollen to come to vapour equilibrium with various saturated salt solutions. Non-linear regression analysis of the data yielded psi (MPa) = -4.13 theta(-1.23) (r2=0.77). Results for conductance and psi were incorporated into a model equation for the rate of water loss from pollen grains, which yielded results that agreed well (r2=0.96) with observations of water loss from pollen grains in air. The data reported here are important building blocks in a model of teosinte pollen movement and should be helpful in establishing the main factors influencing the degree and the direction of pollination between teosinte populations and between maize and teosinte.  相似文献   

Moeller DA  Tenaillon MI  Tiffin P 《Genetics》2007,176(3):1799-1809
Surveys of nucleotide diversity in the wild ancestor of maize, Zea mays ssp. parviglumis, have revealed genomewide departures from the standard neutral equilibrium (NE) model. Here we investigate the degree to which population structure may account for the excess of rare polymorphisms frequently observed in species-wide samples. On the basis of sequence data from five nuclear and two chloroplast loci, we found significant population genetic structure among seven subpopulations from two geographic regions. Comparisons of estimates of population genetic parameters from species-wide samples and subpopulation-specific samples showed that population genetic subdivision influenced observed patterns of nucleotide polymorphism. In particular, Tajima's D was significantly higher (closer to zero) in subpopulation-specific samples relative to species-wide samples, and therefore more closely corresponded to NE expectations. In spite of these overall patterns, the extent to which levels and patterns of polymorphism within subpopulations differed from species-wide samples and NE expectations depended strongly on the geographic region (Jalisco vs. Balsas) from which subpopulations were sampled. This may be due to the demographic history of subpopulations in those regions. Overall, these results suggest that explicitly accounting for population structure may be important for studies examining the genetic basis of ecologically and agronomically important traits as well as for identifying loci that have been the targets of selection.  相似文献   

Analysis of fine scale genetic structure in continuous populations of outcrossing plant species has traditionally been limited by the availability of sufficient markers. We used a set of 468 SNPs to characterize fine‐scale genetic structure within and between two dense stands of the wild ancestor of maize, teosinte (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis). Our analyses confirmed that teosinte is highly outcrossing and showed little population structure over short distances. We found that the two populations were clearly genetically differentiated, although the actual level of differentiation was low. Spatial autocorrelation of relatedness was observed within both sites but was somewhat stronger in one of the populations. Using principal component analysis, we found evidence for significant local differentiation in the population with stronger spatial autocorrelation. This differentiation was associated with pronounced shifts in the first two principal components along the field. These shifts corresponded to changes in allele frequencies, potentially due to local topographical features. There was little evidence for selection at individual loci as a contributing factor to differentiation. Our results demonstrate that significant local differentiation may, but need not, co‐occur with spatial autocorrelation of relatedness. The present study represents one of the most detailed analyses of local genetic structure to date and provides a benchmark for future studies dealing with fine scale patterns of genetic diversity in natural plant populations.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Peek AS  Dunams D  Gaut BS 《Genetics》2002,162(2):851-860
Plant defense genes are subject to nonneutral evolutionary dynamics. Here we investigate the evolutionary dynamics of the duplicated defense genes hm1 and hm2 in maize and its wild ancestor Zea mays ssp. parviglumis. Both genes have been shown to confer resistance to the fungal pathogen Cochliobolus carbonum race 1, but the effectiveness of resistance differs between loci. The genes also display different population histories. The hm1 locus has the highest nucleotide diversity of any gene yet sampled in the wild ancestor of maize, and it contains a large number of indel polymorphisms. There is no evidence, however, that high diversity in hm1 is a product of nonneutral evolution. In contrast, hm2 has very low nucleotide diversity in the wild ancestor of maize. The distribution of hm2 polymorphic sites is consistent with nonneutral evolution, as indicated by Tajima's D and other neutrality tests. In addition, one hm2 haplotype is more frequent than expected under the equilibrium neutral model, suggesting hitchhiking selection. Both defense genes retain >80% of the level of genetic variation in maize relative to the wild ancestor, and this level is similar to other maize genes that were not subject to artificial selection during domestication.  相似文献   

Previous association analyses showed that variation at major regulatory genes contributes to standing variation for complex traits in Balsas teosinte, the progenitor of maize. This study expands our previous association mapping effort in teosinte by testing 123 markers in 52 candidate genes for association with 31 traits in a population of 817 individuals. Thirty-three significant associations for markers from 15 candidate genes and 10 traits survive correction for multiple testing. Our analyses suggest several new putative causative relationships between specific genes and trait variation in teosinte. For example, two ramosa genes (ra1 and ra2) associate with ear structure, and the MADS-box gene, zagl1, associates with ear shattering. Since zagl1 was previously shown to be a target of selection during maize domestication, we suggest that this gene was under selection for its effect on the loss of ear shattering, a key domestication trait. All observed effects were relatively small in terms of the percentage of phenotypic variation explained (<10%). We also detected several epistatic interactions between markers in the same gene that associate with the same trait. Candidate-gene-based association mapping appears to be a promising method for investigating the inheritance of complex traits in teosinte.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of maize (Zea mays subsp. mays) is of general interest because of its economic and scientific importance. Here we show that many cellular traits described previously in developing caryopses of maize are also seen in its wild progenitor teosinte (Zea mays subsp. parviglumis). These features, each with a possible role in development, include (1) an early programmed cell death in the maternal placento-chalazal (P-C) layer that may lead to increased hydrolytic conductance to the developing seed; (2) accumulation of phenolics and flavonoids in the P-C layer that may be related to antimicrobial activity; (3) formation of wall ingrowths in the basal endosperm transfer layer (BETL); (4) localization of cell wall invertase in the BETL, which is attributed to the increased transport capacity of photosynthates to the sink; and (5) endoreduplication in endosperm nuclei suggested to contribute to increased gene expression and greater sink capacity of the developing seed. In maize caryopsis, these cellular traits have been previously attributed to domestication and selection for larger seed size and vigor. Given the conservation of the entire cellular program in developing teosinte caryopses described here, we suggest that these traits evolved independently of domestication and predate human selection pressure.  相似文献   

Over the course of maize evolution, domestication played a major role in the structural transition of the vegetative and reproductive characteristics that distinguish it from its closest wild relative, Zea mays subsp. parviglumis (Balsas teosinte). Little is known, however, about impacts of the domestication process on the cellular features of the female gametophyte and the subsequent reproductive events after fertilization, even though they are essential components of plant sexual reproduction. In this study, we investigated the developmental and cellular features of the Balsas teosinte female gametophyte and early developing seed in order to unravel the key structural and evolutionary transitions of the reproductive process associated with the domestication of the ancestor of maize. Our results show that the female gametophyte of Balsas teosinte is a variation of the Polygonum type with proliferative antipodal cells and is similar to that of maize. The fertilization process of Balsas teosinte also is basically similar to domesticated maize. In contrast to maize, many events associated with the development of the embryo and endosperm appear to be initiated earlier in Balsas teosinte. Our study suggests that the pattern of female gametophyte development with antipodal proliferation is common among species and subspecies of Zea and evolved before maize domestication. In addition, we propose that the relatively longer duration of the free nuclear endosperm phase in maize is correlated with the development of a larger fruit (kernel or caryopsis) and with a bigger endosperm compared with Balsas teosinte.  相似文献   

The influence of different Al concentrations, (0, 60 and 120 M Al) on growth and internal concentrations of Al, Si and selected organic acids was analysed in plants of teosinte (Zea mays L. ssp. mexicana), a wild form of maize from acid soils from Mexico. The plants were grown in nutrient solutions (pH 4.0) with or without 4 M silicon. Analysis with the GEOCHEM speciation program did not reveal differences between free activities of Al3+ in solutions with and without 4 M Si, but solutions with Si yielded lower concentrations of monomeric Al species, [Al]mono, when analysed by a modified aluminon method. Plants grown on solutions with similar [Al]mono, but differing in silicon, showed highly significant differences in growth and tissue concentrations of Al and organic acids. Silicon prevented growth inhibition at [Al]mono concentrations as high as 35 M, while plants grown without Si suffered severe growth reductions with 33 M [Al]mono. In solutions with similar [Al]mono concentrations plants with Si had lower tissue Al concentrations and higher concentrations of malic acid than plants without Si. In view of both the significant influence of Si on the response of plants to Al toxicity and the fact that some soluble Si is always present in soil solutions, the addition of low Si concentrations to nutrient solutions used for Al-tolerance screening is recommended.  相似文献   

Indirect two-generation analysis of pollen flow has proven to be an effective alternative to exhaustive paternity analysis in numerous plant populations. In this investigation, the method is extended to an annual wild maize species, Zea mays ssp. parviglumis (Poaceae). Our analysis of mating system in parviglumis revealed high levels of outcrossing and higher biparental inbreeding than typically observed in grasses. Pollen dispersal analysis suggested low levels of long-distance dispersal. Given previous evidence for intrapopulation genetic structure in parviglumis populations, we explored the impact of cryptic population structure on estimates of mating system and pollen flow. Subpopulations inferred through spatially explicit Bayesian assignment showed markedly different values for both mating system parameters and pollen flow than the entire population. Finally, a novel method of pollen haplotype assignment revealed nonrandom mating consistent with intrapopulation structure. These results indicate parviglumis could be particularly susceptible to habitat fragmentation currently occurring throughout Mexico due to recent changes in land use.  相似文献   

In previous papers we found that the frequency of B chromosomes in native races of maize varies considerably in different populations. Moreover, we found genotypes that control high and low transmission rates (TR) of B chromosomes in the Pisingallo race. In the present work crosses were made to determine whether the genes controlling B-TR are located on the normal chromosome set (As) or on the B chromosomes (Bs). We made female f.0B × male m.2B crosses between and within high (H) and low (L) B-TR groups. The Bs were transmitted on the male side in all cases. The mean B-TR from the progeny of f.0B (H) × m.2B (H) and f.0B (H) × m.2B (L) crosses was significantly higher than that from f.0B (L) × m.2B (L) and f.0B (L) × m.2B (H) crosses. The results show that the B-TR of the crosses corresponds to the H or L B-TR of the 0B female parents irrespective of the Bs of the male parent. This indicates that B-TR is genetically controlled by the 0B female parent and that these genes are located on the A chromosomes.  相似文献   

Patterns of genomic divergence between hybridizing taxa can be heterogeneous along the genome. Both differential introgression and local adaptation may contribute to this pattern. Here, we analysed two teosinte subspecies, Zea mays ssp. parviglumis and ssp. mexicana, to test whether their divergence has occurred in the face of gene flow and to infer which environmental variables have been important drivers of their ecological differentiation. We generated 9,780 DArTseqTM SNPs for 47 populations, and used an additional data set containing 33,454 MaizeSNP50 SNPs for 49 populations. With these data, we inferred features of demographic history and performed genome wide scans to determine the number of outlier SNPs associated with climate and soil variables. The two data sets indicate that divergence has occurred or been maintained despite continuous gene flow and/or secondary contact. Most of the significant SNP associations were to temperature and to phosphorus concentration in the soil. A large proportion of these candidate SNPs were located in regions of high differentiation that had been identified previously as putative inversions. We therefore propose that genomic differentiation in teosintes has occurred by a process of adaptive divergence, with putative inversions contributing to reduced gene flow between locally adapted populations.  相似文献   

The tertiary structure of a maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) non-symbiotic hemoglobin (Hbm) was modeled using computer tools and the known tertiary structure of rice Hb1 as a template. This method was tested by predicting the tertiary structure of soybean leghemoglobin a (Lba) using rice Hb1 as a template. The tertiary structures of the predicted and native Lba were similar, indicating that our computer methods could reliably predict the tertiary structures of plant Hbs. We next predicted the tertiary structure of Hbm. Hbm appears to have a long pre-helix A and a large CD-loop. The positions of the distal and proximal His are identical in Hbm and rice Hb1, which suggests that heme-Fe is hexacoordinate in Hbm and that the kinetic properties of Hbm and rice Hb1 are expected to be very similar, i.e. that Hbm has a high O2-affinity. Thermostability analysis showed that Hbm CD-loop is unstable and may provide mobility to amino acids located at the heme pocket for both ligand binding and stabilization and heme-Fe coordination. Analysis of the C-terminal half of Hbm showed the existence of a pocket-like region (the N/C cavity) where interactions with organic molecules or proteins could be possible. Lys K94 protrudes into the N/C cavity, suggesting that K94 may sense the binding of molecules to the N/C cavity. Thus, it is likely that the instability of the CD-loop and the possibility of binding molecules to the N/C cavity are essential for positioning amino acids in the heme pocket and in regulating Hbm activity and function.  相似文献   

We utilized maize (Zea mays L.) lines expressing the salmon silk (sm) phenotype, quantitative trait locus analysis, and analytical chemistry of flavone compounds to establish the order of undefined steps in the synthesis of the flavone maysin in maize silks. In addition to the previously described sm1 gene, we identified a second sm locus, which we designate sm2, located on the long arm of maize chromosome 2. Our data indicate that the sm1 gene encodes or controls a glucose modification enzyme and sm2 encodes or controls a rhamnosyl transferase. The order of intermediates in the late steps of maysin synthesis was established as luteolin --> isoorientin --> rhamnosylisoorientin --> maysin.  相似文献   

Enhancement of oxygen transport from shoot to root tip by the formation of aerenchyma and also a barrier to radial oxygen loss (ROL) in roots is common in waterlogging‐tolerant plants. Zea nicaraguensis (teosinte), a wild relative of maize (Zea mays ssp. mays), grows in waterlogged soils. We investigated the formation of aerenchyma and ROL barrier induction in roots of Z. nicaraguensis, in comparison with roots of maize (inbred line Mi29), in a pot soil system and in hydroponics. Furthermore, depositions of suberin in the exodermis/hypodermis and lignin in the epidermis of adventitious roots of Z. nicaraguensis and maize grown in aerated or stagnant deoxygenated nutrient solution were studied. Growth of maize was more adversely affected by low oxygen in the root zone (waterlogged soil or stagnant deoxygenated nutrient solution) compared with Z. nicaraguensis. In stagnant deoxygenated solution, Z. nicaraguensis was superior to maize in transporting oxygen from shoot base to root tip due to formation of larger aerenchyma and a stronger barrier to ROL in adventitious roots. The relationships between the ROL barrier formation and suberin and lignin depositions in roots are discussed. The ROL barrier, in addition to aerenchyma, would contribute to the waterlogging tolerance of Z. nicaraguensis.  相似文献   

We investigate the interplay between genetic diversity and recombination in maize (Zea mays ssp. mays). Genetic diversity was measured in three types of markers: single-nucleotide polymorphisms, indels, and microsatellites. All three were examined in a sample of previously published DNA sequences from 21 loci on maize chromosome 1. Small indels (1-5 bp) were numerous and far more common than large indels. Furthermore, large indels (>100 bp) were infrequent in the population sample, suggesting they are slightly deleterious. The 21 loci also contained 47 microsatellites, of which 33 were polymorphic. Diversity in SNPs, indels, and microsatellites was compared to two measures of recombination: C (=4Nc) estimated from DNA sequence data and R based on a quantitative recombination nodule map of maize synaptonemal complex 1. SNP diversity was correlated with C (r = 0.65; P = 0.007) but not with R (r = -0.10; P = 0.69). Given the lack of correlation between R and SNP diversity, the correlation between SNP diversity and C may be driven by demography. In contrast to SNP diversity, microsatellite diversity was correlated with R (r = 0.45; P = 0.004) but not C (r = -0.025; P = 0.55). The correlation could arise if recombination is mutagenic for microsatellites, or it may be consistent with background selection that is apparent only in this class of rapidly evolving markers.  相似文献   

Twenty-one native populations (1120 individuals) of maize from Northern Argentina were studied. These populations, which belong to 13 native races, were cultivated at different altitudes (80-3620 m). Nineteen of the populations analyzed showed B chromosome (Bs) numerical polymorphism. The frequency of individuals with Bs varied from 0 to 94%. The number of Bs per plant varied from 0 to 8 Bs, with the predominant doses being 0, 1, 2, and 3. Those populations with varying number of Bs showed a positive and statistically significant correlation of mean number of Bs with altitude. The DNA content, in plants without Bs (A-DNA)(2n = 20), of 17 populations of the 21 studied was determined. A 36% variation (5.0-6.8 pg) in A-DNA content was found. A significant negative correlation between A-DNA content and altitude of cultivation and between A-DNA content and mean number of Bs was found. This indicates that there is a close interrelationship between the DNA content of A chromosomes and doses of Bs. These results suggest that there is a maximum limit to the mass of nuclear DNA so that Bs are tolerated as long as this maximum limit is not exceeded.  相似文献   

We selected genotypes of high and low B chromosome transmission rate (TR) in a native race of maize (Pisingallo) from northwest Argentina. We made 20 female OB male IB and 20 f.IB m.OB crosses. The former (GOm) showed a large variation of B TR, with a mean of TR ± SE = 0.52 ± 0.06, ranging from 0.17 to 0.98. In the latter (GOf) the mean was TR = 0.47 ± 0.02 ranging from 0.31 to 0.58. Plants showing the highest and the lowest TR were selected to constitute the progenitors of the G1 generations. We made 19 f.0B m.2B crosses, studying 24–30 plants per cross. The TR of the high (H) and low (L) lines in Glm (GlmH and GlmL) significantly differed (TRH = 0.65 ± 0.03, TRL = 0.40 ± 0.01), indicating that the H and L lines are different groups. The large variation in male TR suggests that preferential fertilization of gametes carrying B chromosomes does not always occur. We also selected plants showing high and low TR in the progenies of f.lB m.OB crosses (GOf), and made 24 f.1B m.0B crosses, studying 23–30 plants per cross. The TRs of the H and L lines in G1f (GlfH and GlfL) were significantly different (TRH = 0.48 ± 0.025, TRL = 0.40 ± 0.02). The TRs in G0f and G1fL were significantly different (TR = 0.47 ± 0.02 and 0.40 ± 0.02, respectively), while this was not the case between G0f and G1fH. Our results demonstrate the existence of genotypes controlling B TR in this native population of maize.  相似文献   

Landraces are domesticated local plant varieties that did not experience a deliberate and intensive selection during a formal breeding programme. In Europe, maize landraces are still cultivated, particularly in marginal areas where traditional farming is often practiced. Here, we have studied the evolution of flint maize landraces from central Italy over 50 years of on-farm cultivation, when dent hybrid varieties were introduced and their use was widespread. We have compared an 'old' collection, obtained during the 1950s, before the introduction of hybrids, and a recent collection of maize landraces. For comparison, a sample of maize landraces from north Italy, and of improved germplasm, including hybrids and inbred lines were also used. A total of 296 genotypes were analysed using 21 microsatellites. Our results show that the maize landraces collected in the last 5–10 years have evolved directly from the flint landrace gene pool cultivated in central Italy before the introduction of modern hybrids. The population structure, diversity and linkage disequilibrium analyses indicate a significant amount of introgression from hybrid varieties into the recent landrace populations. No evidence of genetic erosion of the maize landraces was seen, suggesting that in situ conservation of landraces is an efficient strategy for preserving genetic diversity. Finally, the level of introgression detected was very variable among recent landraces, with most of them showing a low level of introgression; this suggests that coexistence between different types of agriculture is possible, with the adoption of correct practices that are aimed at avoiding introgression from undesired genetic sources.  相似文献   

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