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A proteome study based on 2-D gel electrophoresis was performed in order to analyse the cold-stress response of Arabidopsis plants. The emphasis was to monitor the overall changes in the protein complement after prolonged exposure rather than short-term responses. Two different temperature regimes were used (6 degrees C and 10 degrees C) and plants were exposed to cold-stress exposure for 1 week. Protein patterns were also monitored after re-shifting plants to control conditions for a further week. To monitor gradual changes in the response to the two cold-stress conditions, the analysis was performed with DIGE technology with the inclusion of an internal standard. In the experiments using 6 degrees C, 22 spots with at least 2-fold altered expression were found; among them 18 were increased and four were decreased. When plants were exposed to 10 degrees C, 18 of these 22 spots still showed a 2-fold change; however, the alterations were, in general, more moderate than observed under 6 degrees C. Spot identification was performed by MALDI-TOF and ESI-MS/MS. Many of the proteins identified have previously been described in the context of cold-stress responses, indicating the validity of this proteome approach for further in-depth studies.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of heparin, a glycosaminoglycan widely used in releasing tags from fusion proteins, on isoform 8 of Arabidopsis thaliana PM Ca(2+)-ATPase (ACA8) expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain K616. Heparin stimulates hydrolytic activity of ACA8 with an estimated K(0.5) value for the complex of 15 +/- 1 microg ml(-1), which is unaffected by free [Ca(2+)]. Heparin increases V(max) up to 3-fold while it does not significantly affect the apparent K(m) for free Ca(2+) and for the nucleoside triphosphate substrate. The heparin effect is not additive with that of exogenous calmodulin and heparin is ineffective on a mutant devoid of the N-terminal auto-inhibitory domain (Delta74-ACA8). Altogether, these results indicate that heparin activation is due to partial suppression of the auto-inhibitory function of ACA8 N-terminus. Pull-down assays using heparin-agarose gel show that heparin directly interacts with ACA8. Binding to the heparin-agarose gel occurs also with a peptide reproducing ACA8 sequence (1)M-I(116). Several single-point mutations within ACA8 sequence A56-T63 significantly alter the enzyme response to heparin, suggesting that heparin interaction with this site may be involved in ACA8 activation. These results highlight a new difference between the plant PM Ca(2+)-ATPase and its animal counterpart, which is inhibited by heparin.  相似文献   

Ca2+ signals through store-operated Ca2+ (SOC) channels, activated by the depletion of Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum, regulate various physiological events. Orai1 is the pore-forming subunit of the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channel, the best characterized SOC channel. Orai1 is activated by stromal interaction molecule (STIM) 1, a Ca2+ sensor located in the endoplasmic reticulum. Orai1 and STIM1 are crucial for SOC channel activation, but the molecular mechanisms regulating Orai1 function are not fully understood. In this study, we demonstrate that protein kinase C (PKC) suppresses store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) by phosphorylation of Orai1. PKC inhibitors and knockdown of PKCβ both resulted in increased Ca2+ influx. Orai1 is strongly phosphorylated by PKC in vitro and in vivo at N-terminal Ser-27 and Ser-30 residues. Consistent with these results, substitution of endogenous Orai1 with an Orai1 S27A/S30A mutant resulted in increased SOCE and CRAC channel currents. We propose that PKC suppresses SOCE and CRAC channel function by phosphorylation of Orai1 at N-terminal serine residues Ser-27 and Ser-30.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide is an important regulatory agent in plants. This study demonstrates that exogenous H2O2 application to Arabidopsis thaliana root epidermis results in dose-dependent transient increases in net Ca2+ influx. The magnitude and duration of the transients were greater in the elongation zone than in the mature epidermis. In both regions, treatment with the cation channel blocker Gd3+ prevented H2O2-induced net Ca2+ influx, consistent with application of exogenous H2O2 resulting in the activation of plasma membrane Gd3+-sensitive Ca2+-influx pathways. Application of 10 mm H2O2 to the external plasma membrane face of elongation zone epidermal protoplasts resulted in the appearance of a hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+-permeable conductance. This conductance differed from that previously characterized as being responsive to extracellular hydroxyl radicals. In contrast, in mature epidermal protoplasts a plasma membrane hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+-permeable channel was activated only when H2O2 was present at the intracellular membrane face. Channel open probability increased with intracellular [H2O2] and at hyperpolarized voltages. Unitary conductance decreased thus: Ba2+ > Ca2+ (14.5 pS) > Mg2+ > Zn2+ (20 mM external cation, 1 mM H2O2). Lanthanides and Zn2+ (but not TEA+) suppressed the open probability without affecting current amplitude. The results suggest spatial heterogeneity and differential sensitivity of Ca2+ channel activation by reactive oxygen species in the root that could underpin signalling.  相似文献   

Type II NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductases are single polypeptide proteins widespread in the living world. They bypass the first site of respiratory energy conservation, constituted by the type I NADH dehydrogenases. To investigate substrate specificities and Ca(2+) binding properties of seven predicted type II NAD(P)H dehydrogenases of Arabidopsis thaliana we have produced them as T7-tagged fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. The NDB1 and NDB2 enzymes were found to bind Ca(2+), and a single amino acid substitution in the EF hand motif of NDB1 abolished the Ca(2+) binding. NDB2 and NDB4 functionally complemented an E. coli mutant deficient in endogenous type I and type II NADH dehydrogenases. This demonstrates that these two plant enzymes can substitute for the NADH dehydrogenases in the bacterial respiratory chain. Three NDB-type enzymes displayed distinct catalytic profiles with substrate specificities and Ca(2+) stimulation being considerably affected by changes in pH and substrate concentrations. Under physiologically relevant conditions, the NDB1 fusion protein acted as a Ca(2+)-dependent NADPH dehydrogenase. NDB2 and NDB4 fusion proteins were NADH-specific, and NDB2 was stimulated by Ca(2+). The observed activity profiles of the NDB-type enzymes provide a fundament for understanding the mitochondrial system for direct oxidation of cytosolic NAD(P)H in plants. Our findings also suggest different modes of regulation and metabolic roles for the analyzed A. thaliana enzymes.  相似文献   

Zhou  Lina  Gao  Xiaoyu  Weits  Daan A.  Zeng  Peng  Wang  Xinyu  Cai  Jing 《Plant and Soil》2021,467(1-2):531-547
Plant and Soil - Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an important signaling molecule in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In higher plants, H2S regulates different processes throughout development and stress...  相似文献   

ACA8 is a plasma membrane-localized isoform of calmodulin (CaM)-regulated Ca(2+)-ATPase of Arabidopsis thaliana. Several phosphopeptides corresponding to portions of the regulatory N-terminus of ACA8 have been identified in phospho-proteomic studies. To mimic phosphorylation of the ACA8 N-terminus, each of the serines found to be phosphorylated in those studies (Ser19, Ser22, Ser27, Ser29, Ser57, and Ser99) has been mutated to aspartate. Mutants have been expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and characterized: mutants S19D and S57D--and to a lesser extent also mutants S22D and S27D--are deregulated, as shown by their low activation by CaM and by tryptic cleavage of the N-terminus. The His-tagged N-termini of wild-type and mutant ACA8 (6His-(1)M-I(116)) were expressed in Escherichia coli, affinity-purified, and used to analyse the kinetics of CaM binding by surface plasmon resonance. All the analysed mutations affect the kinetics of interaction with CaM to some extent: in most cases, the altered kinetics result in marginal changes in affinity, with the exception of mutants S57D (K(D) ≈ 10-fold higher than wild-type ACA8) and S99D (K(D) about half that of wild-type ACA8). The ACA8 N-terminus is phosphorylated in vitro by two isoforms of A. thaliana calcium-dependent protein kinase (CPK1 and CPK16); phosphorylation of mutant 6His-(1)M-I(116) peptides shows that CPK16 is able to phosphorylate the ACA8 N-terminus at Ser19 and at Ser22. The possible physiological implications of the subtle modulation of ACA8 activity by phosphorylation of its N-terminus are discussed.  相似文献   

Sensing mechanical stresses, including touch, stretch, compression, and gravity, is crucial for growth and development in plants. A good mechanosensor candidate is the Ca2+-permeable mechanosensitive (MS) channel, the pore of which opens to permeate Ca2+ in response to mechanical stresses. However, the structure-function relationships of plant MS channels are poorly understood. Arabidopsis MCA1 and MCA2 form a homotetramer and exhibit Ca2+-permeable MS channel activity; however, their structures have only been partially elucidated. The transmembrane topologies of these ion channels need to be determined in more detail to elucidate the underlying regulatory mechanisms. We herein determined the topologies of MCA1 and MCA2 using two independent methods, the Suc2C reporter and split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid methods, and found that both proteins are single-pass type I integral membrane proteins with extracellular N termini and intracellular C termini. These results imply that an EF hand-like motif, coiled-coil motif, and plac8 motif are all present in the cytoplasm. Thus, the activities of both channels can be regulated by intracellular Ca2+ and protein interactions.  相似文献   

A large number of plant Ca2+/H+ exchangers have been identified in endomembranes, but far fewer have been studied for Ca2+/H+ exchange in plasma membrane so far. To investigate the Ca2+/H+ exchange in plasma membrane here, inside-out plasma membrane vesicles were isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana leaves using aqueous two-phase partitioning method. Ca2+/H+ exchange in plasma membrane vesicles was measured by Ca2+-dependent dissipation of a pre-established pH gradient. The results showed that transport mediated by the Ca2+/H+ exchange was optimal at pH 7.0, and displayed transport specificity for Ca2+ with saturation kinetics at K m = 47 μM. Sulfate and vanadate inhibited pH gradient across vesicles and decreased the Ca2+-dependent transport of H+ out of vesicles significantly. When the electrical potential across plasma membrane was dissipated with valinomycin and potassium, the rate of Ca2+/H+ exchange increased comparing to control without valinomycin effect, suggesting that the Ca2+/H+ exchange generated a membrane potential (interior negative), i.e. that the stoichiometric ratio for the exchange is greater than 2H+:Ca2+. Eosin Y, a Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor, drastically inhibited Ca2+/H+ exchange in plasma membrane as it does for the purified Ca2+-ATPase in proteoliposomes, indicating that measured Ca2+/H+ exchange activity is mainly due to a plasma membrane Ca2+ pump. These suggest that calcium (Ca2+) is transported out of Arabidopsis cells mainly through a Ca2+-ATPase-mediated Ca2+/H+ exchange system that is driven by the proton-motive force from the plasma membrane H+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Treatment of Arabidopsis thaliana cells with oligogalacturonides (OG) initiates a transient production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), the concentration of which in the medium peaks after about 20 min of treatment. The analysis of OG effects on Ca (2+) fluxes shows that OG influence both Ca (2+) influx and Ca (2+) efflux (measured as (45)Ca (2+) fluxes) in a complex way. During the first 10 - 15 min, OG stimulate Ca (2+) influx and decrease its efflux, while at successive times of treatment, OG cause an increase of Ca (2+) efflux and a slight decrease of its influx. Treatment with sub- micro M concentrations of eosin yellow (EY), which selectively inhibits the Ca (2+)-ATPase of plasma membrane (PM), completely prevents the OG-induced increase in Ca (2+) efflux. EY also suppresses the transient feature of OG-induced ROS accumulation, keeping the level of ROS in the medium high. The biochemical analysis of PM purified from OG-treated cells indicates that treatment with OG for 15 to 45 min induces a significant decrease in Ca (2+)-ATPase activation by exogenous calmodulin (CaM), and markedly increases the amount of CaM associated with the PM. During the same time span, OG do not influence the expression of At-ACA8, the main isoform of PM Ca (2+)-ATPase in suspension-cultured A. thaliana cells, and of CaM genes. Overall, the reported results demonstrate that the PM Ca (2+)-ATPase is involved in the response of plant cells to OG and is essential in regulation of the oxidative burst.  相似文献   

The calcium sensor protein caldendrin is abundantly expressed in neurons and is thought to play an important role in different aspects of synapto-dendritic Ca2+ signaling. Caldendrin is highly abundant in the postsynaptic density of a subset of excitatory synapses in brain and its distinct localization raises several decisive questions about its function. Previous work suggests that caldendrin is tightly associated with Ca2+ - and Ca2+ release channels and might be involved in different aspects of the organization of the postsynaptic scaffold as well as with synapse-to-nucleus communication. In this report we introduce two new EF-hand calcium sensor proteins termed calneurons that apart from calmodulin represent the closest homologues of caldendrin in brain. Calneurons have a different EF-hand organization than other calcium sensor proteins, are prominently expressed in neurons and will presumably bind Ca2+ with higher affinity than caldendrin. Despite some significant structural differences it is conceivable that they are involved in similar Ca2+ regulated processes like caldendrin and neuronal calcium sensor proteins.  相似文献   

Plant auto-inhibited Ca2+-ATPases (ACA) are crucial in defining the shape of calcium transients and therefore in eliciting plant responses to various stimuli. Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes ten ACA isoforms that can be divided into four clusters based on gene structure and sequence homology. While isoforms from clusters 1, 2 and 4 have been characterized, virtually nothing is known about members of cluster 3 (ACA12 and ACA13). Here we show that a GFP-tagged ACA12 localizes at the plasma membrane and that expression of ACA12 rescues the phenotype of partial male sterility of a null mutant of the plasma membrane isoform ACA9, thus providing genetic evidence that ACA12 is a functional plasma membrane-resident Ca2+-ATPase. By ACA12 expression in yeast and purification by CaM-affinity chromatography, we show that, unlike other ACAs, the activity of ACA12 is not stimulated by CaM. Moreover, full length ACA12 is able to rescue a yeast mutant deficient in calcium pumps. Analysis of single point ACA12 mutants suggests that ACA12 loss of auto-inhibition can be ascribed to the lack of two acidic residues—highly conserved in other ACA isoforms—localized at the cytoplasmic edge of the second and third transmembrane segments. Together, these results support a model in which the calcium pump activity of ACA12 is primarily regulated by increasing or decreasing mRNA expression and/or protein translation and degradation.  相似文献   

Within their natural habitat plants are subjected to a combination of different abiotic stresses, each with the potential to exacerbate the damage caused by the others. One of the most devastating stress combinations for crop productivity, which frequently occurs in the field, is drought and heat stress. In this study we conducted proteomic and metabolic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana plants subjected to a combination of drought and heat stress. We identified 45 different proteins that specifically accumulated in Arabidopsis in response to the stress combination. These included enzymes involved in reactive oxygen detoxification, malate metabolism, and the Calvin cycle. The accumulation of malic enzyme during the combined stress corresponded with enhanced malic enzyme activity, a decrease in malic acid, and lower amounts of oxaloacetate, suggesting that malate metabolism plays an important role in the response of Arabidopsis to the stress combination. Cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase 1 (APX1) protein and mRNA accumulated during the stress combination. When exposed to heat stress combined with drought, an APX1-deficient mutant (apx1) accumulated more hydrogen peroxide and was significantly more sensitive to the stress combination than wild type. In contrast, mutants deficient in thylakoid or stromal/mitochondrial APXs were not more sensitive to the stress combination than apx1 or wild type. Our findings suggest that cytosolic APX1 plays a key role in the acclimation of plants to a combination of drought and heat stress.  相似文献   

In many plants raffinose family oligosaccharides are accumulated during cold acclimation. The contribution of raffinose accumulation to freezing tolerance is not clear. Here, we investigated whether synthesis of raffinose is an essential component for acquiring frost tolerance. We created transgenic lines of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions Columbia-0 and Cape Verde Islands constitutively overexpressing a galactinol synthase (GS) gene from cucumber. GS overexpressing lines contained up to 20 times as much raffinose as the respective wild-type under non-acclimated conditions and up to 2.3 times more after 14 days of cold acclimation at 4 degrees C. Furthermore, we used a mutant carrying a knockout of the endogenous raffinose synthase (RS) gene. Raffinose was completely absent in this mutant. However, neither the freezing tolerance of non-acclimated leaves, nor their ability to cold acclimate were influenced in the RS mutant or in the GS overexpressing lines. We conclude that raffinose is not essential for basic freezing tolerance or for cold acclimation of A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Ca2+和K+对拟南芥幼苗镉毒害的缓解作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文探讨了外源钙(Ca)或钾(K)处理对不同程度的镉(Cd)胁迫(0–80 μmol·L–1)下拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)幼苗的生长和生理特性的影响。综合Ca和K对不同浓度Cd胁迫下拟南芥幼苗生长、根长以及生物量的影响情况, 表明各浓度Cd胁迫下外源Ca2+的最适缓解浓度均为10 mmol·L–1; 而K+的最适缓解浓度在低浓度(20和40 μmol·L–1)和高浓度(60和80 μmol·L–1)Cd胁迫下分别为10 mmol·L–1和20 mmol·L–1。在低浓度Cd胁迫下, 添加适宜浓度的Ca2+或K+后幼苗可溶性蛋白和丙二醛(MDA)含量以及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性相比未添加Ca和K的对照组无显著变化, 而过氧化物酶(POD)活性和总酚、类黄酮、花色素苷, 酸溶性硫醇化合物、谷胱甘肽(GSH)、植物螯合肽(PCs)的含量均下降; 高浓度Cd处理下, 添加适宜浓度的Ca2+或K+后幼苗的SOD活性升高, POD活性降低, 可溶性蛋白、MDA、总酚、类黄酮、花色素苷、酸溶性硫醇化合物、GSH以及PCs的含量也均低于对照组。在各浓度Cd胁迫下, 添加外源Ca或K均使拟南芥幼苗根部细胞DNA损伤减弱, 表现为TT嘧啶二聚体的累积量显著减少(P<0.05)。以上结果表明, 在Cd胁迫(尤其是高浓度Cd胁迫)下, 外源Ca或K通过调节酚类、金属螯合物质的代谢水平以及提高拟南芥的抗氧化能力来缓解Cd对拟南芥幼苗的毒害效应, 缓解细胞DNA损伤。该研究结果不仅能够为深入探讨Ca和K对缓解重金属毒害的分子机理提供实验依据, 而且为Ca和K应用于重金属污染的防治提供参考。  相似文献   

拟南芥叶细胞游离钙离子的测定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
低温(4℃)条件下将钙离子荧光探针Fluo-3/AM导入拟南芥叶细胞,利用激光共聚焦显微技术检测了胞内钙离子荧光强度的分布。实验证明,低温导入Fluo-3/AM法测定拟南芥叶细胞中钙离子荧光强度的变化切实可行。茉莉酸(JA)处理能够诱导胞内游离钙离子浓度的升高。  相似文献   

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