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The pollen morphology of the ten taxa belonging to Cassubicae Radzhi, Cracca Dumort., Ervilia (Link) Koch, Lentopsis Kupicha, Trigonellopsis Rech. f. and Variegatae Radzhi sections of the genus Vicia L. subgenus Vicilla (Schur) Rouy (Fabeae, Fabaceae) in Turkey has been examined by use of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Twelve morphometric characters are analysed with one-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s honestly significant difference test for multiple comparisons. Polar axis and equatorial diameter of pollen grains range from 24.64 to 44.19 and from 15.90 to 30.42 μm, respectively. The pollen grains are prolate–spheroidal to perprolate (P/E = 1.09–2.07), but the prolate shape occurs in the majority of the taxa. The regular pollen grains of all taxa are trizonocolporate, isopolar, and released in monads. Ornamentation of the mesocolpium is psilate–perforate in V. tenuifolia subsp. dalmatica and V. tenuifolia subsp. tenuifolia (sect. Cracca), reticulate–rugulate in V. villosa subsp. villosa (sect. Cracca), and reticulate–perforate in the remaining taxa. The apocolpium and colpus area are reticulate–perforate in V. hirsuta (sect. Cracca), V. ervilia (sect. Ervilia) and V. lunata subsp. grandiflora (sect. Trigonellopsis), and psilate, psilate–slightly perforate or perforate in the other taxa. The results obtained from analyses of pollen grains from the studied taxa of the subgenus Vicilla reveal significant differences in general morphology and some morphometric attributes, and ornamentation types. However, it is concluded that pollen morphology has proved to be uninformative for differentiating the subgenera Vicilla and Vicia.  相似文献   

In this study, the pollen morphology of 18 wild taxa of Lathyrus L. grown in Turkey: L. pallescens (Bieb.) Koch, L. brachypterus Cel., L. haussknechtii Sirj., L. karsianus P. H. Davis, L. satdaghensis P. H. Davis, L. nivalis Hand.-Mazz, L. atropatanus (Grossh.) Sir., L. armenus (Boiss. and Huet) Sirj., L. cyaneus (Stev.) Koch var. cyaneus, L. cyaneus var. pinnatus?Davis, L. digitatus (Bieb.) Fiori, L. tukhtensis Czecz., L. variabilis (Boiss. and Ky.) Maly, L. spathulatus Cel. L. elongatus (Bornm.) Sirj., L. cilicicus Hayek and Siehe, L. boissieri Sirj., and L. bitlisicus Pe?men was examined by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The pollen grains were 3-zonocolporate, of spheroidal-subprolate-prolate (P/E?=?0.957?C1.252) types, and medium in size. Equatorial view: rectangular or elliptical-obtuse-convex, polar view: circular, triangular or quinquangular-obtuse-convex. The smallest pollen grains belonged to L. elongatus (P?=?36.972/E?=?38.636) and the largest to L. cyaneus var. cyaneus (P?=?46.332/E?=?32.864). The ornamentation was perforate-foveolate or slightly reticulate. Some photographs included in this work were taken using both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

In this study, pollen grains and anatomical features of Turkish lilies were investigated under the electron (SEM) and light (LM) microscope. LM and SEM observations showed that the pollen grains are monosulcate, heteropolar, elliptical in polar view and oblate. Numerical results based on combined palynological and anatomical characters were discussed and compared with traditional taxonomic treatments. It was found that the midrib shape, mesophyll type, P/E (polar/equatorial), sulcus length, and lumina width are the most valuable traits in separating the examined taxa. The numerical analysis showed that Lilium candidum L. differs from the rest Turkish Lilium and also confirmed a close relationship between L. szovitsianum Fisch. & Avé-Lall. and L. armenum Miscz. ex Grossh. Also this study is the first report dealing with anatomical and palynological features of all Turkish lilies.  相似文献   

 Variation of 80 multistate morphological characters and isozymes encoded by 13 loci among 23 vetch species of the type subgenus of the genus Vicia in comparison with V. dumetorum, V. pisiformis and V. sylvatica of the subgenus Cracca is described and analyzed with cladistic parsimony and phenetic neighbour-joining methods by using two different ways of coding. Morphological analyses showed the subgenus Vicia monophyletic and revealed subgroups in a general agreement with traditionally recognized sections, except showing V. faba nested within section Narbonensis and ambiguity in the position of V. lathyroides and V. bithynica. Parsimony analysis of orthozymes as presence/absence characters revealed in the subgenus two basic monophyletic clades: 1) V. faba and three species of the section Peregrinae, V. michauxii, V. aintabensis and V. peregrina, in one subclade linked with species of the Narbonensis and Hyperchusa sections together with V. pisiformis of subgenus Cracca in a second subclade; 2) species belonging to sections Vicia, Sepium, Pseudolathyrus and Lathyroides together with V. sylvatica of the subgenus Cracca. Neighbour-joining analysis of orthozymes revealed the same two basic groups, differing only in the relative position of some species in subclusters. Both isozyme analyses showed paraphyly of the subgenera Vicia and Cracca. Parsimony analysis of orthozymes as character states of isozymes yielded a largely unresolved strict consensus cladogram of 209 most parsimonious trees, and reweighting of characters failed to produce a stable tree. Phylogenetic congruence and discordance among morphological and isozyme analyses, coding ways, homoplasy and weighting of characters are discussed. Received November 20, 2001 Accepted January 31, 2002  相似文献   

In the present report, we have analysed the subgenus Vicia by karyological and molecular approaches with the aim to clarify the relationships among Vicia species included in this subgenus by previously evidenced morphological investigations. Multivariate analysis using several karyomorphological parameters in addition to symmetry indices has allowed the construction of a dendrogram of linkage distances very useful to compare and to include in a phylogenetic tree obtained by internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA sequences. Moreover, a separate analysis was performed combining our molecular data on ITS sequences with those reported in the literature for the section Vicilla. Our analyses partly confirm the monophyletic status of the various sections in which the subgenus Vicia has been divided, however questioning, in some cases, the real need to maintain all the nine sections so far accepted and the placement of some individual species in the two subgenera Vicia and Vicilla.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of seven Alyssum L. taxa growing on serpentine soils in different places in the European Mediterranean macrobioclimate territory were studied, described and compared. Cluster analysis was performed to show similarity between species and their populations. The shape of the pollen grains varies among the species and among the grains within the same anther. The pollen grains are 3-colpate, prolate, with long and narrow colpi reaching the poles. The ornamentation of the exine varies from micro-reticulate to reticulate between the species. Pollen sterility/fertility was also calculated. The highest percentage of sterile pollen (73.76%) was calculated for Alyssum murale subsp. murale and the lowest (9.54%) for A. bertolonii subsp. bertolonii. All species are representatives of sect. Odontarrhena (C.A. Meyer) Koch well known as Ni-hyperaccumulators. Nickel and other elements present in pollen and stamen were studied by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The stamen parts of all species were micromorphologically analyzed by scanning electron microscopy coupled to an energy-dispersive X-ray probe. Accumulation of Ni was detected in the stamens of all studied species and rarely in the pollen grains. The distribution patterns of Ni were similar among the species examined.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 38 Trigonella species was investigated with light microscopies and scanning electron microscopies. Pollen slides were prepared using Wodehouse technique. The pollen grains of Trigonella members are radially symmetrical and isopolar, their outlines are oblong in equatorial view and circular in polar view. Amb is semicircular. The pollen grains are prolate-spheroidal, oblate-spheroidal, suboblate, spheroidal, and prolate with the polar axes 13.5–49.9 μm and the equatorial axes 10.4–43.7 μm. The smallest dimensions are observed in T. spinosa and T. brachycarpa, and the largest in T. carica and T. rhytidocarpa. The pollen grains of Trigonella taxa are usually tricolporate or rarely tricolpate, pantocolporate, tetracolporate, and tricolpodiporate. Various ornamentation types were observed: Microreticulate (section Samaroideae, Pectinatae, Falcatulae, Cylindricae, Bucerates, Reflexae, Isthmocarpae, Capitatae and Foenum-graecum), rugulate-scabrate (section Lunatae, Uncinatae), perforate (T. halophila, T. rigida and T. carica from section Bucerates) and retipilatae (section Biebersteinianae) at equator region and psilate-perforate (section Samaroideae, Pectinatae, Bucerates, Reflexae, Isthmocarpae, Foenum-graecum, T. coelesyriaca, T. cilicica), rugulate-scabrate (section Lunatae, Uncinatae), microreticulate (Falcatulae, Cylindricae and Foenum-graecum) and retipilatae (section Biebersteinianae) at polar region. Ornamentations, pollen shape and the aperture type have been observed as important morphological characters.  相似文献   

Jaaska V 《Annals of botany》2005,96(6):1085-1096
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The phylogenetic relationships among 27 vetch species belonging to the subgenus Cracca of the genus Vicia were studied in comparison with three species of Lathyrus section Lathyrus on the basis of isozyme variation. METHODS: Isozymes encoded by 15 putative loci of ten enzymes were resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isozyme variation was analysed by using parsimony and neighbour-joining methods. KEY RESULTS: The analyses revealed 63 parsimony-informative and 36 species-specific orthozymes. Of the latter, 23 are monomophic and are suitable for identification of V. benghalensis, V. palaestina, V. dumetorum, V. pisiformis, V. sylvatica, V. onobrychioides, V. cappadocica, V. cretica, V. articulata, V. tetrasperma, V. ervilia, V. hirsuta and V. loiseleurii. Polymorphism with heterozygous and homozygous isozyme genotypes was found for V. cracca, V. tenuifolia, V. ochroleuca, V. villosa, V. sylvatica, V. cassubica, V. sparsiflora, V. megalotropis, V. altissima, V. onobrychioides, V. cassia, V. cretica and L. heterophyllus, reflecting outcrossing in these species. By contrast, V. benghalensis, V. palaestina, V. disperma, V. dumetorum, V. pisiformis, V. orobus, V. pauciflora, V. tetrasperma and V. loiseleurii had only homozygous isozyme genotypes at polymorphic loci. Isozyme-based phylogenetic trees are presented. CONCLUSIONS: Sections Cracca, Ervum, Pedunculatae and Lenticula of traditional taxonomy are monophyletic groups, whereas sections Oroboideae (= Vicilla) and Panduratae appear polyphyletic and section Cassubicae is split into two species-couples linked at a low level of support. Treatment of ervoid species in a separate subgenus Ervum is not supported because of its polyphyly.  相似文献   

Morphological data were gathered from 1539 herbarium specimens representing the taxa of Vicia subgenus Vicia. Specimens were scored for 43 vegetative, 84 inflorescence, 23 legume and 24 seed characters. The data were analysed using cluster analysis and ordination techniques. The results of the analysis were used to produce a classification of the subgenus. The proposed classification contains nine sections, nine series, 38 species, 14 subspecies and 22 varieties. The classification is discussed in relation to previous classifications.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 20 wild taxa belonging to Lathyrus (Syn: Eulathyrus), Orobastrum (Taub.) Boiss. and Cicercula (Medic.) Gren. & Godr. sections of Lathyrus L. grown in Turkey (L. rotundifolius Wild. subsp. miniatus (Bieb. ex Steven) P.H. Davis, L. grandiflorus Sibth. & Sm., L. saxatilis (Vent.) Vis., L. vinealis Boiss. & No?, L. inconspicuus L. var. inconspicuus, L. inconspicuus var. stenophyllus (Boiss.) Rech. f., L. tauricola P.H. Davis, L. woronowii Bornm., L. hierosolymitanus Boiss., L. cassius Boiss., L. gorgoni Parl. var. gorgoni, L. pseudo-cicera Pamp., L. sativus L., L. blepharicarpus Boiss., L. stenophyllus Boiss. & Heldr., L. belinensis Maxted & Goyder, L. phaselitanus Hub.-Mor. & P.H.Davis, L. chrysanthus Boiss., L. chloranthus Boiss., and L. trachycarpus (Boiss.) Boiss were examined by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in this study. The pollen grains were 3-zonocolporate, spheroidal, subprolate, and prolate (P/E?=?0.99–1.48) types, and were medium in size (equatorial view: rectangular or elliptical-obtuse-convex; polar view: circular, triangular and quinquangular-obtuse-convex). The smallest pollen grains belonged to L. tauricola (P?=?30.94/E?=?31.20) and the largest to L. grandiflorus (P?=?50.60/E?=?36.40). The ornamentation was reticulate and reticulate-granulate in the mesocolpium, and usually psilate in the apocolpium. Some photographs included in this work were taken using both LM and SEM.  相似文献   

This study aimed to characterize eight accessions of Vicia narbonensis L. originated from different Mediterranean countries. The cytology of these species is rarely known despite the fact of its great socio-economical and ecological interest in these arid and semi-arid zones. This work aimed mainly to characterize the karyotype, morphological pod and seed traits of the species. Karyotypes of all accessions were similar to a diploid number of 2n = 2x = 14. All the accessions have submetacentric chromosomes with a secondary constriction attached to the long arm of pair VII close to the centromere. Variation in chromosome size was observed; it ranged from 5.86 μm to 7.62 μm. Indices of karyotype asymmetry were calculated as the total form percentage (TF%) and symmetric indices (Syi) which ranged from 33.75% to 35.42% and from 51.01% to 54.85%, respectively. The predominance of submetacentric chromosomes indicated that the karyotype is symmetrical and can be considered as primitive. However, the analysis of quantitative parameters measured on pods and seeds showed a significant variation between accessions. A relationship between centromeric index and the pod beak length was found. Estimation of phenotypic diversity using the Shannon diversity index (H′) showed that the length, the seed color and the number of seeds per pod are the most polymorphic traits with respectively, H = 0.92, 0.80 and 0.83. Cluster analysis of karyological, pod and seed traits showed four groups of accessions. This clustering is partially due to the geographical origin of the studied accessions. The variation in chromosome size, pod and seed traits could offer potentially valuable genetic resources for the improvement of V. narbonensis which is considered as neglected and underutilized crop species (NUCS).  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 30 taxa of the genus Salvia, belonging to sections Salvia, Horminum, Drymosphace, Plethiosphace and Hemisphace from Turkey were examined by light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Detailed pollen morphological characteristics are provided for these taxa. Among the studied taxa, S. verticillata subsp. verticillata from sect. Hemisphace has the smallest pollen grains, and S. pachystachys from sect. Salvia possesses the largest ones. The basic shape of the pollen grains in most taxa is suboblate, oblate-spheroidal or prolate-spheroidal. However subprolate pollen grains are recorded for S. macrochlamys from sect. Salvia. The grains are hexacolpate in all taxa, but in S. recognita from sect. Salvia also octacolpate pollen was found. Three distinct exine sculpturing types exist, reticulate-perforate (the common type), reticulate-granulate and bireticulate. The reticulate-perforate and bireticulate sculpturing patterns can be divided into subtypes based on the number of perforations and the number of secondary lumina in each primary lumen. Pollen morphological characteristics of the taxa studied are compared and discussed on the basis of taxonomical concepts. In some cases, these characters are useful in distinguishing the sections. For instance, the presence of 1-2 large central secondary lumina per primary lumen is a significant character of sect. Horminum separating it from the other sections. As well, the presence of holes on colpus membrane ornamentation can be used as a diagnostic taxonomic character for sectional division between sect. Hemisphace and others. S. ballsiana from sect. Salvia is clearly distinct from the other taxa examined by its unique pollen morphology. Further, for several macromorphologically similar taxa pollen structures provide additional evidence to delimite them from each other.  相似文献   

A new species, Lathyrus egirdiricus H.Genc & A.Sahin (section Cicercula; Fabaceae), is described from Turkey, with illustrations and taxonomic comments. Characteristics of the species are compared with those of the related species Lathyrus hirsutus L., L. stenophyllus Boiss. & Heldr., L. sativus L., L. cassius Boiss. and L. gorgoni Parl., from which it differs mainly in the shape, length, width and venation of leaflets, length and width of the stipule, flower colour, legume and style length. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 301–305.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜研究了茜草科粗叶木属Lasianthus 16种2亚种、1变种及相关的5属5种的花粉形态。粗叶木属的花粉属于广孢型, 单粒。一般中等大小, 绝大多数为圆球形, 少数为近长球形或长球形。花粉形态特征, 特别是在萌发孔和外壁纹饰上表现出多样化。根据孔沟的数目或是否具有内孔, 可以将萌发孔分为(3-)4-(-5)孔沟和3孔。在所观察的这些种中, 萌发孔以3-4孔沟为主要类型, 比例为62.4%。外壁纹饰可分为细网状、粗网状和穴状。有部分种的花粉极面有穴状纹饰, 其余均为网状纹饰。网眼一般椭圆形、近圆形、三角形或者不规则形。少数外壁纹饰网脊上有颗粒状雕纹或模糊的颗粒, 网脊轮廓线呈波浪形, 一般凸出且平滑。大部分种的花粉具有沟膜, 沟膜上具有瘤状突起或小颗粒状, 沟边缘一般较平滑, 或粗糙, 有的种具有沟桥。  相似文献   

八种野豌豆属植物的核型研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文研究了八种野豌豆的核型,并首次报道了长尖野豌豆的染色体数目及其核型和新疆野豌豆的核型。同时提出了野豌豆属核型进化的两种趋势:原始基数的减少,从x=7→x=6→x=5;从多年生进化到一年生,核型的不对称性也随之增加。  相似文献   

《Nordic Journal of Botany》2007,25(3-4):194-198
The spores of Homalothecium sericeum (Hedw.) Schimp., Brachythecium populeum (Hedw.) Schimp., B. velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp. var. salicinum (Schimp.) Mönk., B. velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp. var. validum C. Jens. and Eurhynchium hians (Hedw.) Sande Lac. were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy for the first time. The apertural region consists of a leptoma in all spores. Two spore types, characterized by their surface ornamentation, are established, reflecting the species taxonomic relationships. While the surface ornamentation is of the insuloid type in Eurhynchium hians, it consists of a granuloid type in Homalothecium sericeum , Brachythecium populeum , B. velutinum . var. salicinum, B. velutinum var. validum. The spore wall of the family Brachyteciaceae includes sclerine (the dinstinction between exine and perine may be difficult to define) and intine. The taxonomy of the genera Brachytecium and are discussed on the basis of their spore morphology.  相似文献   

A new species of Astragalus L., A. trabzonicus (section Onobrychoidei DC.), is described and illustrated from north‐east Anatolia in Turkey. The diagnostic, pollen morphological, and chromosomal characteristics are discussed. A distribution map and conservation status are given. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 741–747.  相似文献   

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