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In boreal forests of eastern Canada, wildfire has gradually been replaced by clearcut harvesting as the most extensive form of disturbance. Such a shift in disturbance may influence the chemical properties of the forest floor and its capacity to cycle and supply nutrients, with possible implications for forest productivity. We compared the effects of stem-only harvesting (SOH), whole-tree harvesting (WTH) and wildfire on the chemical composition of forest floor organic matter and nutrient availability for plants, 15–20 years after disturbance in boreal coniferous stands in Quebec (Canada). The forest floor on plots of wildfire origin was significantly enriched in aromatic forms of C with low solubility, whereas the forest floor from SOH and WTH plots was enriched with more soluble and labile C compounds. The forest floor of wildfire plots was also characterized by higher N concentration, but its high C:N and high concentration of 15N suggest that its N content could be recalcitrant and have a slow turnover rate. Total and exchangeable K were associated with easily degradable organic structures, whereas total and exchangeable Ca and Mg were positively correlated with the more recalcitrant forms of C. We suggest that the bulk of Ca and Mg cycling in the soil–plant system is inherited from the influx of exchangeable cations in the forest floor following disturbance. The buildup of Ca and Mg exchangeable reserves should be greater with wildfire than with harvesting, due to the sudden pulse of cation-rich ash and to the deposition of charred materials with high exchange capacity. This raises uncertainties about the long-term availability of Ca and Mg for plant uptake on harvested sites. In contrast, K availability should not be compromised by either harvesting or wildfire since it could be recycled rapidly through vegetation, litter and labile organic compounds.  相似文献   

Background: Boreal forest understory plant communities are known to be resilient to fire – the species composition of stands after a fire is quite similar to the pre-fire composition. However, we know little about recovery of individual plants within particular locations in forest stands (i.e. plot-level changes) since we usually do not have pre-fire data for plots.

Aims: We wanted to determine whether species recruited into the same or different locations in a Pinus banksiana stand that experienced a severe wildfire.

Methods: We used pre-existing permanent plots to evaluate the cover of understory after an unplanned wildfire.

Results: Across the entire stand nine of 47 species showed a significant change in cover. The largest change in a plant functional group was in the mosses, with all species present before fire being eliminated. There was no change in species diversity or total cover. At the plot level, species composition showed a much greater change. An average of 47% of the species present in a plot before the fire were absent in the same plot after the fire, and the total species turnover in plots was 88% of the species present before the fire. The plots showed a similar shift in species composition.

Conclusions: These results confirm that boreal forest communities show a high degree of resilience to fire, but within a forest stand species will be found in different locations following fire, potentially exposing them to a different set of biotic and abiotic conditions in these new locations.  相似文献   

Carbon (C) in the forest floor (FF) of the boreal region is an important reservoir of terrestrial C. We examined the effects of stand age and disturbance type (clearcutting vs. wildfire) on quantity and quality of organic C of FF in a boreal mixedwood forest of central Canada. Forest floor samples were collected from 6 post-fire (2- to 203-year-old) and 3 post-harvest age classes (2- to 28-year-old) on mesic sites, each randomly replicated three times. Samples were analyzed to determine the physical and chemical properties and the C quality was assessed by quantifying C fractions as easily labile, moderately labile and recalcitrant. Bulk density, total organic C concentration, N concentration and the cation exchange capacity increased with stand age and peaked at 85-year-old sites. Soil pH and concentration of P and K decreased with stand age. In post-fire stands, the depth of FF, total organic C, and labile C fractions increased with stand age in the 2- to 85-year-old stands, while recalcitrant C was lower in 2-year-old stands than older stands. In stands ≤28 years old, post-harvest sites had significantly higher concentration of total organic C and the three C fractions than post-fire sites in 2-year-old stands. No or marginal difference occurred between the two stand origins in 10- and 28-year-old stands. The relative proportions of C fractions did not differ with stand age or stand origin. Our results showed that the quantity of organic C in FF of boreal mixedwoods increased with stand development till 85 years and then slightly decreased in older stands, and post-harvest stands had a higher amount of organic C than post-fire stands immediately after disturbance, but the effect of two disturbances on C in FF converged shortly (within 10 years). The quality of organic C remains the same through stand development and between the two studied stand origins.  相似文献   

We collected spiders from tree-bark, foliage and litter habitats in deciduous and conifer dominated stands in NW Alberta (Canada) to define these assemblages and consider their conservation significance. To establish habitat associations, we used Indicator Species Analysis (ISA) together with a species dominance metric (DV′) newly proposed here. Of the 116 species collected, 78 were collected from bark. Results support categorizing 16 species as true bark-dwellers, 16 as facultative bark-dwellers and 46 as accidental bark-dwellers or species of unknown association. Species that were strong indicators of particular microhabitats in analyses restricted to bark habitats lost their indicator value when foliage and ground habitats were also considered, suggesting that bark habitats are critical for specific life-history functions. Clubiona canadensis Emerton 1980, Callobius nomeus (Chamberlin 1919), Pocadicnemis americana Millidge 1976 and Enoplognatha intrepida (Sørensen 1888) were the most common bark-dwelling species but their dominance varied among forest cover-types and trapping techniques. Collecting period, forest cover-type, habitat, and trapping technique were generally important environmental variables influencing composition of bark-dwelling assemblages. Although less important in structuring assemblages, tree status (dead or alive) and decay class were important for particular species. Bark habitats are crucial for boreal forest spider assemblages and must be considered central to maintenance of spider diversity.  相似文献   

Forest succession following fire in a forest mosaic of northwestern Quebec has been studied in order to: (1) describe the successional pathways using communities of different ages and (2) evaluate convergence of successional pathways and possible effect of fire suppression on the establishment of steady-state communities. As a first step, ordination and classification techniques were used in order to remove changes in forest composition which are related to abiotic conditions. Then, ordinations based on tree diameter distributions were used to study shifts in species composition in relation to time since the last fire.Even under similar abiotic conditions, successional pathways are numerous. However, regardless of forest composition after fire, most stands show convergence toward dominance of Thuja occidentalis and Picea mariana on xeric sites and dominance of Abies balsamea and Thuja occidentalis on more mesic sites. Stable communities of >300 yr occur on xeric sites while on mesic sites directional succession still occurs after 224 yr. Nearly all species involved in succession are present in the first 50 yr following fire. Only Abies balsamea and Thuja occidentalis increase significantly in frequency during succession. Following initial establishment, successional processes can generally be explained by species longevity and shade tolerance. Early successional species may be abundant in the canopy for more than 200 yr while the rapid decrease of Picea glauca, a late successional species could be related to spruce budworm outbreaks. Considering the short fire rotation observed (about 150 yr), a steady-state forest is unlikely to occur under natural conditions, though it may be possible if fire is controlled.  相似文献   

Populus deltoides is considered to be a weak resprouter and highly susceptible to wildfire, but few post‐wildfire studies have tracked P. deltoides response and resprouting within the Great Plains of North America. Following a wildfire in southwestern Kansas, U.S.A., we surveyed burned and unburned areas of a cottonwood riparian forest along the Cimarron River that included a major understory invader, tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb.). We tested the following hypotheses, which are consistent with the current understanding of P. deltoides response to wildfire in the Great Plains: (1) regeneration of P. deltoides will be low in areas burned by the wildfire; (2) the number of dead P. deltoides individuals will be greater in the wildfire than unburned areas; and (3) tamarisk regeneration will be higher than P. deltoides regeneration in the wildfire areas because tamarisk is considered a stronger resprouter. We found evidence contrary to two of our hypotheses 3 years following the wildfire. (1) P. deltoides regeneration was high following the wildfire, averaging 692 individuals/ha. (2) The number of dead mature cottonwood trees was greater in wildfire plots than in unburned plots. (3) There was more P. deltoides regeneration than tamarisk regeneration following wildfire. These findings, which diverge from the majority of studies examining P. deltoides regeneration in the Great Plains, suggest that differing local environmental and forest stand conditions, coupled with the timing and intensity of the fire, could be important determinants of riparian forest species' responses to wildfire.  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration in boreal jack pine stands following harvesting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A large area of boreal jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) forest in Canada is recovering from clear‐cut harvesting, and the carbon (C) balance of these regenerating forests remains uncertain. Net ecosystem CO2 exchange was measured using the eddy‐covariance technique at four jack pine sites representing different stages of stand development: three postharvest sites (HJP02, HJP94, and HJP75) and one preharvest site (OJP). The four sites, located in the southern Canadian boreal forest, Saskatchewan, Canada, are typical of low productivity jack pine stands and were 2, 10, 29, and 90 years old in 2004, respectively. Mean annual net ecosystem production (NEP) for 2004 and 2005 was ?137±11, 19±16, 73±28, and 22±30 g C m?2 yr?1 at HJP02, HJP94, HJP75 and OJP, respectively, showing the postharvest jack pine stands to be moderate C sources immediately after harvesting, weak sinks at 10 years, moderate C sinks at 30 years, then weak C sinks at 90 years. Mean annual gross ecosystem photosynthesis (GEP) for the 2 years was 96±10, 347±20, 576±34, and 583±35 g C m?2 yr?1 at HJP02, HJP94, HJP75, and OJP, respectively. The ratio of annual ecosystem respiration (R) to annual GEP was 2.51±0.15, 0.95±0.04, 0.87±0.03, and 0.96±0.03. Seasonally, NEP peaked in May or June at all four sites but GEP and R were highest in July. R at a reference soil temperature of 10 °C, ecosystem quantum yield and photosynthetic capacity were lowest for the 2‐year‐old stand. R was most sensitive to soil temperature for the 90‐year‐old stand. The primary source of variability in NEP over the course of succession of the jack pine ecosystem following harvesting was stand age due to the changes in leaf area index. Intersite variability in GEP and R was an order of magnitude greater than interannual variability at OJP. For both young and old stands, GEP had greater interannual variability than R and played a more important role than R in interannual variation in NEP. Based on year‐round flux measurements from 2000 to 2005, the 10‐year stand had larger interannual variability in GEP and R than the 90‐year stand. Interannual variability in NEP was driven primarily by early‐growing‐season temperature and growing‐season length. Photosynthesis played a dominant role in the rapid rise in NEP early in stand development. Late in stand development, however, the subtle decrease in NEP resulted primarily from increasing respiration.  相似文献   

Abstract This study investigates how abundance, diversity and composition of understorey spiders were influenced by four different forest habitats in a southern Brazilian Araucaria forest. The study area encompasses a landscape mosaic comprised of Araucaria forest, Araucaria plantation, Pinus plantation, and Eucalyptus plantation. Understorey spiders were collected by beating the vegetation inside three patches of each forest habitat. To assess possible predictors of spider assemblage structure, several patch features were analysed: potential prey abundances, estimation of vegetation cover, diversity index of vegetation types, patch ages, patch areas, and geographical distance between patches. To assess the influence of high‐level taxa approaches on spider assemblage patterns, analyses were carried out individually for family, genera and species levels. Additionally, Mantel tests were carried out in underlying similarity matrices between each taxon. Significant differences in spider abundances among forest habitats were found. Pinus plantations showed the highest abundance of spiders and Eucalyptus plantations showed the lowest abundance. Spider abundance was significantly influenced by patch ages, geographical distance and vegetation cover. Expected numbers of families, genera and species did not vary among forest habitats. Spider composition of two Eucalyptus patches differed from the other forest patches, probably due to their low vegetation cover and isolation. Genera composition was the best correlate of species composition, showing that a higher‐level surrogate can be an alternative to the species approach. The understorey spider diversity in this managed area could be maintained when suitable habitat structures are provided, thus ensuring the connectivity between different habitat types. Further studies should focus on individual species responses to the conversion of native forest to monocultures.  相似文献   

Wildfires have major effects on forest dynamics, succession and the carbon cycle in the boreal biome. They are a significant source of carbon emissions, and current observed changes in wildfire regimes due to changes in climate could affect the balance of the boreal carbon pool. A better understanding of postwildfire vegetation dynamics in boreal forests will help predict the future role of boreal forests as a carbon sink or source. Time series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Shortwave Infrared Index (NDSWIR) derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Terra satellite were used to investigate whether characteristic temporal patterns exist for stands of different ages in the Siberian boreal forests and whether their postwildfire dynamics are influenced by variables such as prewildfire vegetation cover. Two types of forests, evergreen needle‐leaf (ENF) and deciduous needle‐leaf (DNF), were studied by analysing a sample of 78 burned forest areas. In order to study a longer time frame, a chronosequence of burned areas of different ages was built by coupling information on location and age provided by a forest burned area database (from 1992 to 2003) to MODIS NDVI and NDSWIR time series acquired from 2001 to 2005. For each of the burned areas, an adjacent unburned control plot representing the same forest type was selected, with the aim of separating the interannual variations caused by climate from changes in NDVI and NDSWIR behaviour due to a wildfire. The results suggest that it takes more than 13 years for the temporal NDVI and NDSWIR signal to recover fully after wildfire. NDSWIR, which is associated to canopy moisture, needs a longer recovery period than NDVI, which is associated to vegetation greenness. The results also suggest that variability observed in postwildfire NDVI and NDSWIR can be explained partially by the dominant forest type: while 13 years after a fire NDVI and NDSWIR are similar for ENF and DNF, the initial impact appears to be greater on the NDVI and NDSWIR of ENF, suggesting a faster recovery by ENF.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of wildfires on ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungal communities in Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris ) stands. Below- and above-ground communities were analysed in terms of species richness and evenness by examining mycorrhizas and sporocarps in a chronosequence of burned stands in comparison with adjacent unburned late-successional stands. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-region (rDNA) of mycobionts from single mycorrhizas was digested with three restriction enzymes and compared with an ITS–restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) reference database of EM sporocarps. Spatial variation seemed to be more prominent than the effects of fire on the EM fungal species composition. Most of the common species tended to be found in all sites, suggesting that EM fungal communities show a high degree of continuity following low-intensity wildfires. Species richness was not affected by fire, whereas the evenness of species distributions of mycorrhizas was lower in the burned stands. The diversity of EM fungi was relatively high considering that there were only three EM tree species present in the stands. In total, 135 EM taxa were identified on the basis of their RFLP patterns; 66 species were recorded as sporocarps, but only 11 of these were also recorded as mycorrhizas. The species composition of the below-ground community of EM fungi did not reflect that of the sporocarps produced. EM fungal species present in our ITS–RFLP reference database accounted for 54–99% of the total sporocarp production in the stands, but only 0–32% of the mycorrhizal abundance.  相似文献   

Aims We compare performance of ecosystem classification maps and provincial forest inventory data derived from air photography in reflecting ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) biodiversity patterns that are related to the forest canopy mosaic. Our biodiversity surrogacy model based on remotely sensed tree canopy cover is validated against field-collected ground data.Methods We used a systematic sampling grid of 198 sites, covering 84 km 2 of boreal mixedwood forest in northwestern Alberta, Canada. For every site, we determined tree basal area, characterized the ground beetle assemblage and obtained corresponding provincial forest inventory and ecosystem classification information. We used variation partitioning, ordination and misclassification matrices to compare beetle biodiversity patterns explained by alternative databases and to determine model biases originating from air photo-interpretation.Important findings Ecosystem classification data performed better than canopy cover derived from forest inventory maps in describing ground beetle biodiversity patterns. The biodiversity surrogacy models based on provincial forest inventory maps and field survey generally detected similar patterns but inaccuracies in air photo-interpretation of relative canopy cover led to differences between the two models. Compared to field survey data, air photo-interpretation tended to confuse two Picea species and two Populus species present and homogenize stand mixtures. This generated divergence in models of ecological association used to predict the relationship between ground beetle assemblages and tree canopy cover. Combination of relative canopy cover from provincial inventory with other geo-referenced land variables to produce the ecosystem classification maps improved biodiversity predictive power. The association observed between uncommon surrogates and uncommon ground beetle species emphasizes the benefits of detecting these surrogates as a part of landscape management. In order to complement conservation efforts established in protected areas, accurate, high resolution, wide ranging and spatially explicit knowledge of landscapes under management is primordial in order to apply effective biodiversity conservation strategies at the stand level as required in the extensively harvested portion of the boreal forest. In development of these strategies, an in-depth understanding of vegetation is key.  相似文献   

The ‘Natural Disturbance Paradigm’ for forest management seeks to meet conservation goals by modeling industrial harvest in fire-driven forest systems on patterns associated with wildfire. Fire suppression and increased forest harvesting may have detrimental effects on biodiversity, and therefore prescribed burning is suggested to retain legacies of wildfire not emulated under natural disturbance based approaches. The merits of this approach are being tested in the EMEND experiment in the Canadian boreal mixedwood forest. We compared responses of ground-dwelling spiders between sites subjected to prescribed post-harvest burning and retention harvest during three seasons during the first 7 years after disturbance. Overall, 38,661 adult spiders representing 190 species were collected. Estimated species richness was highest in undisturbed sites in all 3 years. Burning had the strongest negative effect on species richness 1–2 years after treatment; however, richness was higher in burns than in harvested sites 5–6 years post-disturbance. Species turnover was highest within controls but tended to increase over time between burned and harvested plots. Lower turnover in burned and harvested sites may reflect habitat homogenization by disturbance, suggesting a management and conservation challenge in relation to naturally disturbed and undisturbed areas. Species were grouped into disturbance-specialists, disturbance-tolerant, disturbance-generalists and generalists; 22 species were significant indicators for untreated sites, 18 for the burn and three for the harvest treatments. No major differences were observed in the spider fauna between harvested and burned areas within the first 6–7 years post-disturbance, and little evidence of recovery toward the pre-harvest fauna was evidenced. However, long term experiments may improve understanding of natural disturbance processes and improve management of boreal forests.  相似文献   

Timber harvesting can influence headwater streams by altering stream productivity, with cascading effects on the food web and predators within, including stream salamanders. Although studies have examined shifts in salamander occupancy or abundance following timber harvest, few examine sublethal effects such as changes in growth and demography. To examine the effect of upland harvesting on growth of the stream‐associated Ouachita dusky salamander (Desmognathus brimleyorum), we used capture–mark–recapture over three years at three headwater streams embedded in intensely managed pine forests in west‐central Arkansas. The pine stands surrounding two of the streams were harvested, with retention of a 14‐ and 21‐m‐wide forested stream buffer on each side of the stream, whereas the third stream was an unharvested control. At the two treatment sites, measurements of newly metamorphosed salamanders were on average 4.0 and 5.7 mm larger post‐harvest compared with pre‐harvest. We next assessed the influence of timber harvest on growth of post‐metamorphic salamanders with a hierarchical von Bertalanffy growth model that included an effect of harvest on growth rate. Using measurements from 839 individual D. brimleyorum recaptured between 1 and 6 times (total captures, n = 1229), we found growth rates to be 40% higher post‐harvest. Our study is among the first to examine responses of individual stream salamanders to timber harvesting, and we discuss mechanisms that may be responsible for observed shifts in growth. Our results suggest timber harvest that includes retention of a riparian buffer (i.e., streamside management zone) may have short‐term positive effects on juvenile stream salamander growth, potentially offsetting negative sublethal effects associated with harvest.  相似文献   

Aim Nestedness occurs when species present in depauperate sites are subsets of those found in species‐rich sites. The degree of congruence of site nestedness among different assemblages can inform commonalities of mechanisms structuring the assemblages. Well‐nested assemblages may still contain idiosyncratic species and sites that notably depart from the typical assemblage pattern. Idiosyncrasy can arise from multiple processes, including interspecific interactions and habitat preferences, which entail different consequences for species co‐occurrences. We investigate the influence of fine‐scale habitat variation on nestedness and idiosyncrasy patterns of beetle and bird assemblages. We examine community‐level and pairwise species co‐occurrence patterns, and highlight the potential influence of interspecific interactions for assemblage structure. Location Côte‐Nord region of Québec, Canada. Methods We sampled occurrences of ground‐dwelling beetles, flying beetles and birds at sites within old‐growth boreal forest. We examined the nestedness and idiosyncrasy of sites and sought relationships to habitat attributes. We analysed non‐random species co‐occurrence patterns at pairwise and community levels, using null model analysis and five ‘association’ indices. Results All three assemblages were significantly nested. There was limited congruence only between birds and flying beetles whose nestedness was related to canopy openness. For ground‐dwelling beetles, nestedness was related to high stand heterogeneity and sapling density, whereas site idiosyncrasy was inversely related to structural heterogeneity. For birds, site idiosyncrasy increased with canopy cover, and most idiosyncratic species were closed‐canopy specialists. In all assemblages, species idiosyncrasy was positively correlated with the frequency of negative pairwise associations. Species co‐occurrence patterns were non‐random, and for flying beetles and birds positive species pairwise associations dominated. Community‐level co‐occurrence summaries may not, however, always reflect these patterns. Main conclusions Nestedness patterns of different assemblages may not correlate, even when sampled at common locations, because of different responses to local habitat attributes. We found idiosyncrasy patterns indicating opposing habitat preferences, consistent with antagonistic interactions among species within assemblages. Analysis of such patterns can thus suggest the mechanisms generating assemblage structures, with implications for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

We compared the stream habitat characteristics and macroinvertebrate assemblages of boreal headwater streams in both the Finnish and the Russian parts of a single river basin, the Koitajoki River. Over the last 50 years, the Finnish side of the catchment has been managed using modern forestry techniques, whereas Russian side has remained nearly unexploited and is near to its natural state. Differences in silvicultural activities were observed to contribute to differences in habitat structure. The channel habitats were in fairly natural state in the Russian reference streams, whereas the impacted Finnish sites were cleared and straightened. In comparison with the impacted channels, the abundance of coarse woody debris (CWD) was 10–100-fold higher in the reference streams. Implications on the forestry-induced deterioration of water quality were also observed. On the contrary, only small differences in macroinvertebrate assemblages were detected. Despite the lower amount of retentive structures (CWD), significantly higher relative abundance of shredders was observed in the forestry-impacted streams. Otherwise the zoobenthic communities were quite similar in the two subcatchments. We suggest that several mechanisms may explain this similarity: (1) community structure is controlled by naturally acidic conditions, (2) the adverse impacts of forestry on habitat structure and water quality of streams may be compensated by increased input of deciduous litter and organic compounds from drained, structurally young riparian forests and (3) macroinvertebrate species have flexible feeding habits and may thus readily adapt to changing conditions.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of habitat structure and composition to biodiversity are often scale-dependent. Although bird communities in boreal forest have been largely altered and threatened by forest harvesting, bird habitat selection in this ecosystem has not been fully understood. Our study aimed to assess the relative contributions of habitat structure and composition on the assemblages of boreal birds at multiple spatial scales characterized by radii ranging from 100 to 1,000?m. We recorded bird species occurrence at 96 stations located in an old-growth forest in the C?te-Nord region of Québec, Canada. We characterized habitat structure using the proportion of dense, open, and sparse stands, and habitat composition using the proportions of coniferous, mixedwood, and deciduous stands. We used partial canonical correspondence analyses and hierarchical variance partitioning to assess the relative contribution of habitat structure and composition on bird assemblage, and logistic regression to model the probability of occurrence for individual species in response to habitat variables. Our results revealed that habitat structure and composition explained similar proportions of the variance in bird assemblage (21.7 vs. 21.6?%), regardless of spatial scale. Whilst logistic regression yielded fair predictions in the occurrence of individual species (i.e., area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve >0.70 for 90?% of the species), it further confirmed our findings in community level analysis. Our study indicates that habitat structure and composition are both important in shaping bird assemblages, but spatial scale draws little influence on their relative contributions.  相似文献   

The slow decomposition rate of boreal forest floor bryophytes contributes both to maintaining high soil C reserves as well as affecting conditions for tree growth by maintaining excessively high soil water content, cooling the soil and slowing nutrient cycles. In this study, mass loss of three bryophyte species (Pleurozium schreberi, Sphagnum capillifolium, S. fuscum) was measured in unharvested, partial cut and low-retention cut forest blocks. Mesh decomposition bags containing the three species and wood sticks were placed at two depths in colonies of either P. schreberi or S. capillifolium (environment) in the three harvest treatments and retrieved after two growing seasons. Mass loss was primarily related to substrate type (P. schreberi > S. capillifolium > wood sticks > S. fuscum) and secondarily to depth. Harvest treatment and environment (P. schreberi or S. capillifolium) only weakly affected sphagna mass loss. The weak effect of harvest treatment suggests that conditions created by low retention cuts do not to stimulate decomposition in this system and are not important enough to stimulate carbon loss, or to counteract paludification. On the other hand, the strong effect of bryophyte type indicates that conditions affecting bryophyte colonization and succession are of great importance in driving carbon and nutrient cycles.  相似文献   

Carbon stocks in managed forests of Ontario, Canada, and in harvested wood products originated from these forests were estimated for 2010–2100. Simulations included four future forest harvesting scenarios based on historical harvesting levels (low, average, high, and maximum available) and a no‐harvest scenario. In four harvesting scenarios, forest carbon stocks in Ontario's managed forest were estimated to range from 6202 to 6227 Mt C (millions of tons of carbon) in 2010, and from 6121 to 6428 Mt C by 2100. Inclusion of carbon stored in harvested wood products in use and in landfills changed the projected range in 2100 to 6710–6742 Mt C. For the no‐harvest scenario, forest carbon stocks were projected to change from 6246 Mt C in 2010 to 6680 Mt C in 2100. Spatial variation in projected forest carbon stocks was strongly related to changes in forest age (r = 0.603), but had weak correlation with harvesting rates. For all managed forests in Ontario combined, projected carbon stocks in combined forest and harvested wood products converged to within 2% difference by 2100. The results suggest that harvesting in the boreal forest, if applied within limits of sustainable forest management, will eventually have a relatively small effect on long‐term combined forest and wood products carbon stocks. However, there was a large time lag to approach carbon equality, with more than 90 years with a net reduction in stored carbon in harvested forests plus wood products compared to nonharvested boreal forest which also has low rates of natural disturbance. The eventual near equivalency of carbon stocks in nonharvested forest and forest that is harvested and protected from natural disturbance reflects both the accumulation of carbon in harvested wood products and the relatively young age at which boreal forest stands undergo natural succession in the absence of disturbance.  相似文献   

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