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By using the splenic fragment assay in a KLH-primed host, we have evaluated the clonal anergy model of tolerance in DBA/2 and spontaneously autoimmune NZB mice. Unlike immature B cells from DBA/2 mice (which are tolerized by encounter with TNP-OVA), SIg- B cells from NZB mice respond to TNP-KLH with equal precursor frequency in TNP-OVA-tolerized or control fragments. In additional experiments, SIg- bone marrow or mature spleen cells of DBA/2 or NZB origin were adoptively transferred into irradiated (DBA/2 X NZB) F1 X xid hosts, and host-derived splenic fragments were stimulated in vitro with LPS and growth factors. These experiments revealed a substantial anti-ssDNA precursor frequency in NZB marrow and spleen (2.5 and 5.1, respectively, per 10(7) transferred cells). In DBA/2 SIg- marrow cells, there was an anti-ssDNA precursor frequency of 1.3 to 3.5/10(7) transferred cells; however, anti-ssDNA-producing clones were reduced in fragments derived from recipients of DBA/2 as compared with NZB spleen cells (0.2 to 1.9/10(7) transferred cells). By using a replica plate technique, we evaluated fragments from recipients of DBA/2 SIg- marrow cells or mature spleen cells for anti-TNP reactivity. In fragments derived from recipients of DBA/2 SIg- marrow cells, 92% of anti-TNP-producing fragments also bound ssDNA. In fragments derived from recipients of DBA/2 spleen cells, only 43% of anti-TNP-producing fragments also bound ssDNA. Our findings document that NZB marrow-derived immature B cells abnormally resist tolerance induction, and that clonal anergy/selection operates in directing the B cell repertoire away from autoantibody formation.  相似文献   

The incidences of positive anti-erythrocyte autoantibodies (AEA) in New Zealand Black (NZB), C57BL/6, their F1, F2 hybrid, and the F1 × NZB backcross mice were 100, 0, 0, 17, and 51%, respectively. This finding is in keeping with the idea that a combined effect of one to three dominant predisposing NZB gene(s) and a single dominant modifying C57BL/6 gene regulates the AEA production. Studies suggested that the modifying locusAem-1 is loosely linked toMup-1 locus on chromosome 4, and the gene order isAem-1: Mup-1: Gpd-1. We analyzed the effects of theAem-1 locus on other autoimmune traits and found that the gene action ofAem-1 is unrelated to the spontaneous productions of dsDNA-specific antibodies, the retroviral gp70-anti-gp70 immune complexes and natural thymocytotoxic autoantibod ies and to the serum level of retroviral gp70. A significant association was observed between the negative AEA and the low (normal) serum IgM level in (C57BL/6 × NZB)F1 × NZB backcross mice. It remains to be determined whether theAem-1 locus also controls the serum IgM level.Abbreviations used in this paper AEA anti-erythrocyte autoantibody - NTA natural thymocytotoxic autoantibody - gp70 major glycoprotein constituent of the murine C type retrovirus envelope - Mup-1 major urinary protein complex-1 - Gpd-1 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-1 - Akp-1 alkaline phosphatase-1 - Es-1 esterase-1 - Igh-1 immunoglobulin (IgG2a) heavy chain-1  相似文献   

An antigen-specific suppressive T cell factor, which was extracted from carrier-primed T cells, was further characterized in an in vitro secondary antibody response. The factor was capable of suppressing secondary IgG antibody response of primed spleen cells when it was added to the culture together with relevant antigen. The suppressive T cell factor was not released from primed T cells by a short-term culture with antigen, but was kept bound to the membrane of the residual cultured cells, only the physical disruption of which can release the T cell factor. The target of the suppressive T cell factor was determined as being the helper T cell, since the factor did not exert any effect in the absence of the helper T cell with identical specificity to that of the factor. The suppressive activity was completely absorbed with alloantisera specific for products of the I region of H-2 complex, although various anti-immunoglobulin antisera failed to do so. Close analysis of the specificity of alloantisera capable of absorbing the suppressor molecule indicated that the suppressive T cell factor may, in fact, be an I region gene product probably coded for by genes in I-A and/or I-B (including I-E) subregions.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring thymocytotoxic autoantibodies (NTA) have been suggested to be the cause of thymic atrophy and T cell disorders in human and murine lupus. Definitive studies on NTA's role in the induction of SLE, however, have been lacking due to the lack of a pure source of NTA. Although it is clear that NTA are a heterogeneous group of antibodies, the nature of their antigens has remained obscure. We report the characteristics of a monoclonal NTA, designated SAG-3, which appears more reflective of the activities previously reported of serum NTA than other NTA-secreting clones. SAG-3 is an IgM autoantibody cytotoxic for 80 to 90% of thymocytes, 20 to 25% of splenic lymphocytes, 25 to 30% of lymph node cells, and less than 3% cortisol-resistant thymocytes, bone marrow, and fetal liver cells. SAG-3 is murine-specific without reactivity towards rat, hamster, or guinea pig, and appears very early in thymic development, on day 17 fetal thymocytes. SAG-3 is equally cytotoxic against several strains of mice, including both Thy-1.1 and Thy-1.2 allotypes, and the cytotoxicity is absorbed by brain but not liver cells. Reactive thymocytes occurred throughout the cortical regions of the thymus, indicating preferential affinity towards immature thymocytes. Although the serologic activities of SAG-3 suggest that Thy-1 alloantigen is its target, SAG-3 antigen is found to be distinct from Thy-1 and also from Lyt-1, Lyt-2, or L3T4 antigens. The binding of SAG-3 to thymocytes could be competitively inhibited by NTA-positive NZB sera.  相似文献   

B cell unresponsiveness was examined in vitro by using spleen cells from autoimmune NZB, BXSB/Mp male, MRL/Mp-Ipr/Ipr (MRL/l), and control mice, and the tolerogen trinitrophenyl human gamma-globulin (TNP-HGG). The B cell subset responsive to TNP-Brucella abortus in each autoimmune and control strain that was tested was highly susceptible to tolerance induction with the use of high epitope density conjugates (TNP30HGG and TNP32HGG). When a tolerogen with a lower epitope density was used (TNP7HGG), several control strains were all rendered tolerant in a thymic-independent and hapten-specific manner. NZB B cells were resistant to all concentrations of TNP7HGG tested, whereas B cells from BXSB/Mp male and MRL/1 mice were resistant to low concentrations of this tolerogen. NZB mice were resistant in addition to tolerance induction with TNP9HGG, TNP10HGG, and TNP12.7HGG. Experiments were performed to determine whether splenic macrophages played a role in resistance to tolerance in NZB mice. The mixing of NZB and control DBA/2J T cell-depleted splenocytes revealed no modulatory effects by the accessory cells in culture. Moreover, B cells rigorously depleted of macrophages by double Sephadex G-10 column passage exhibited characteristic patterns of resistance or susceptibility in NZB and control strains, respectively. These findings support the conclusion that resistance to tolerance in NZB mice is determined at the B cell level and are consistent with the hypothesis that diverse immunoregulatory disturbances contribute in varying degrees to the development of systemic lupus erythematosus in different inbred strains of mice.  相似文献   

The programmed death-1 (PD-1)/programmed death-1 ligand 1 (PD-L1) pathway regulates both stimulatory and inhibitory signals. In some conditions, PD-1/PD-L1 inhibits T and B cell activation, induces anergy, and reduces cytotoxicity in CD8(+) T cells. In other conditions, PD-l/PD-L1 has costimulatory effects on T cells. We recently showed that induction of suppressive CD8(+)Foxp3(+) T cells by immune tolerance of lupus-prone (New Zealand black × New Zealand white)F(1) (BWF(1)) mice with the anti-DNA Ig-based peptide pConsensus (pCons) is associated with significantly reduced PD-1 expression on those cells. In this study, we tested directly the role of PD-1 by administering in vivo neutralizing Ab to PD-1 to premorbid BWF(1) and healthy control mice. Anti-PD-1-treated mice were protected from the onset of lupus nephritis for 10 wk, with significantly improved survival. Although the numbers of T cells declined in aging control mice, they were maintained in anti-PD-1-treated mice, including CD8(+)Foxp3(+) T cells that suppressed syngeneic CD4(+)CD25(-) T cell proliferation and IFN-γ production, reduced production of IgG and anti-dsDNA IgG, induced apoptosis in syngeneic B cells, and increased IL-2 and TGF-β production. The administration of anti-PD-1 Ab to BWF(1) mice after induction of tolerance with pCons abrogated tolerance; mice developed autoantibodies and nephritis at the same time as control mice, being unable to induce CD8(+)Foxp3(+) T suppressor cells. These data suggest that tightly regulated PD-1 expression is essential for the maintenance of immune tolerance mediated by those CD8(+)Foxp3(+) T cells that suppress both T(h) cells and pathogenic B cells. PD-1 regulation could represent a target to preserve tolerance and prevent autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Various functions of macrophage derived from young (2-month-old) and old (14- to 17-month-old) New Zealand Black (NZB) mice with autoimmune disease were studied and compared with macrophage functions of age-matched BALB/c mice. Macrophages from young and old NZB mice demonstrated elevated levels of β-glucuronidase, cathepsin D, lysozyme, and DNase compared with those from age-matched BALB/c. DNase activity in the macrophages of NZB mice significantly increased with age. Macrophages from young and old NZB mice had greater phagocytic capacity for both 125I-labeled Shigella flexneri and Staphylococcus albus than did BALB/c macrophages. NZB macrophages from both young and old mice had higher bactericidal activity against S. albus than those from age-matched BALB/c mice. The number of macrophage/granulocyte colony-forming cells (CFC) in both bone marrow and spleen was markedly higher in young and old NZB mice than in BALB/c mice. Colony-stimulating factor (CSF) released by macrophages derived from NZB mice had higher CFC activity than that released from macrophages of age-matched BALB/c mice. In NZB mice, the CSF activity significantly increased with age. It is suggested that potentiation of macrophage number and activity compensates for the deficiency of T cell functions in NZB mice with autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

A good secondary IgG response to the hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza virus has been obtained in vitro in Marbrook-type cultures of influenza-primed mouse spleen cell suspensions stimulated with inactivated influenza virus. Anti-HA antibody was quantitated by a solid phase radioimmunoassay (RIA) by using purified HA as substrate. The T dependence of this secondary response was shown by depletion of T cells and reconstitution with a source of primed or unprimed T cells. The help given by T cells primed to the homologous virus was many times greater than that given by unprimed T cells, although the latter was significant. The system described will allow investigation of the specificity requirements of helper T cells engaged in the anti-HA response.  相似文献   

Congenitally athymic (nude) mice on an NZB, NZW, and BALB/c background were produced by repetitive selective backcrossing. F'12 generation nude mice of these three strains were compared to their littermate nu/+ controls with respect to survival, histology, blood counts, splenic surface markers, response to mitogens, spontaneous plaque-forming cells, and appearance of naturally occurring thymocytotoxic antibodies (NTA). Under specific pathogen-free conditions, NZB nude mice survive less than 3 weeks, dying of a runting-like disease with infection by local normally noninvasive organisms. A contributing factor to his premature death is the relative absence of T cell progenitor populations in the NZB nude vs NZW nude or BALB/c nude groups. Furthermore, NZB nude mice have a significantly earlier appearance of NTA than nu/+ littermates and likewise appear to have heightened spontaneous polyclonal B cell responses against the haptens dansyl, nitroiodophenyl, trinitrophenyl,2,4 dinitrophenyl, and sulfonate. It is suggested that NZB mice have several critical immunologic defects, including abnormalities of thymic epithelial cells, T cell differentiation pathways, and chronically polyclonal activated B cell populations. These defects interact to produce the clinical expression of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Previous in vivo experiments have provided evidence of suppressive activity induced by multiple allogeneic pregnancies. The reactivity of maternal spleen cells toward paternal strain alloantigens was investigated by use of MLR microculture technique. A study of the kinetics of the MLR showed an early peak of reactivity (48-hr culture) followed by a decline leading to a decreased reactivity by 96 hr when spleen cells from allogeneically pregnant mice were compared to those of virgin or even isogeneically pregnant mice, suggesting the possible action of MLR regulatory cells. A strong suppression of a H-2k (CBA) anti-H-2a (A/J) or anti-H-2d (C57BL/Ks) MLR was observed when mitomycin-treated spleen cells from CBA mice multiparous by A/J or C57BL/Ks (but not CBA) males were added to the culture. This suppression was abolished by treating the regulatory cell population with anti-theta serum plus complement or replacing the 1% normal mouse serum in the medium by a proper antiidiotypic mouse serum.  相似文献   

New Zealand Black (NZB) mice exhibit polyclonal B cell activation and elevated immunoglobulin production, an abnormality associated with the spontaneous autoimmune disease that affects this strain. To further our understanding of this abnormality of B cell differentiation and maturation, we have employed two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to analyze the proteins synthesized by lymphocytes of several strains. Two proteins were produced by lymphocytes from NZB mice but not those from normal strains. One was a 16 kd protein with a pI of 5.1, and the other was a 27.5 kd protein with a pI of 4.5. The presence of the xid gene on the NZB background suppressed production of both proteins. They were synthesized by spleen cells but not by bone marrow or lymph node cells, and production was restricted to enlarged B lymphocytes. p16 was synthesized by normal mouse strain B cells upon stimulation with LPS. The 27.5 kd protein was shown to be secreted. On the basis of partial amino acid sequence determination of proteins eluted from gels, p27.5 was identified as J chain and p16 as the C terminal fragment of mu-chain. The synthesis of two other proteins, 13 kd and 18 kd in size, was elevated in NZB spleen lymphocytes. The 18 kd protein was identified as translation initiation factor eIf-4D. The increased level of this protein may be related to the upregulation of immunoglobulin synthesis.  相似文献   

After immunization with native type II collagen (CII), susceptible strains of mice (H-2q) develop a polyarthritis that mimics rheumatoid arthritis. Although the underlying mechanisms are still undefined, T cells and particularly CD4+ lymphocytes seem to play a crucial role in the initiation of collagen-induced arthritis. To investigate whether CD8+ cells may participate in the pathogenesis of the disease, we have generated lines and clones of cytotoxic T cell hybridomas reactive to CII by fusion of lymph node and spleen cells from bovine native CII-primed C3H.Q (H-2q) mice and the AKR-derived thymoma cell line BW 5147. Clones were selected for their ability to lyse syngeneic macrophages pulsed with bovine native CII in an Ag-dependent manner. The two hybrid clones that were characterized, exhibited cell surface phenotypes of cytotoxic cells and reacted with CII purified from various species. However, each of them recognized different determinants on the CII molecule. P3G8 clone was specific for an epitope shared by CII and type XI collagen, whereas P2D9 clone reacted with CII and type IX collagen. Both hybridomas recognized CII-pulsed targets in association with H-2Kq molecules. These data indicate that the two CII-specific cytotoxic clones recognize different epitopes that are shared by other articular collagens and will allow us to test their influence on the development of arthritis in vivo.  相似文献   

We determined if self-reactive T cells are able to escape thymic tolerance in autoimmune New Zealand mice. T cells utilizing V beta 17a and V beta 11 encoded receptors have been shown to be clonally eliminated in nonautoimmune mice expressing I-E because of their potential self-reactivity. Similarly, V beta 8.1+ and V beta 6+ T cells are tolerized in the thymus of nonautoimmune mice that express Mls-1a. These T cell subsets were quantitated in the lymph nodes and spleens of (NZB x NZW)F1 and (NZB x SWR)F1 mice. In young mice from both autoimmune strains, deletion was similar to that observed in control animals matched for I-Ed and Mls-1a expression. Furthermore, older female autoimmune mice with elevated levels of IgG antinuclear antibodies and severe lupus-like renal disease did not demonstrate evidence of a global tolerance defect. We also found that the levels of residual V beta 17a+ cells in MHC-matched control F1 strains were further reduced by up to 80% in autoimmune (NZB x SWR)F1 mice. The greater in vivo elimination corresponded to an enhanced ability of NZB spleen cells, compared with other H-2d spleen cells, to stimulate V beta 17a+ hybridomas in vitro. The increased stimulation in culture could not be attributed to quantitative differences in I-E Ag expression. The results suggest that autoreactive T cells have been eliminated in these autoimmune mice by normal mechanisms of self-tolerance. Furthermore, the data demonstrate the existence of an NZB minor locus not present in other H-2d strains that influences T cell repertoire and enhances stimulation of T cells potentially reactive to self class II MHC Ag.  相似文献   

Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) suppressed the in vitro secondary antibody response in mice to the protein antigens human gamma globulin (HGG) and turkey gamma globulin (TGG). This is the first report of LPS inhibiting a secondary antibody response. Consistent suppression was dependent on the time of LPS addition; LPS added at culture initiation was less effective than LPS added 12 to 48 hr later. The mitogenic moiety of LPS was the inhibitory principle, as shown by the lack of suppression of spleen cells from C3H/HeJ mice, and the inability of the polysaccharide component, but not the lipid component of LPS, to suppress A/J spleen cells. The mechanism of suppression by LPS was not due to large numbers of B cells proliferating in response to LPS, since removal of B cells not bearing specificity for the priming antigen did not reduce suppression by LPS. However, the possibility exists that LPS may act through B cells specific for the priming antigen.  相似文献   

Immune responses by mice to heterologous insulins are controlled by H-2-linked Ir genes. In studies to determine the mechanism(s) of nonresponsiveness, we found that although pork insulin fails to stimulate antibody or proliferative responses in H-2b mice, it does stimulate enhanced responses to subsequent challenge with an immunogenic species of insulin, such as beef insulin. Experiments described in this communication analyze the cell type primed in H-2b mice by pork insulin using an adoptive transfer protocol. The results demonstrate that pork insulin primes T cells that can express helper activity when recipient mice are challenged with beef but not pork insulin. This helper T cell activity is insulin specific in both elicitation and effect but is dependent upon stimulation by beef insulin for expression. Our interpretation of these results is that 2 antigen-specific T cell subpopulations are required for the generation of insulin-specific antibody responses and that the Ir gene defect in this case is expressed as a failure of specific interaction of these 2 T cell populations.  相似文献   

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