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DNA markers allow us to study quantitative trait loci (QTL) - the genes that control adaptation and quantitative variation. Experiments can map the genes responsible for quantitative variation and address the evolutionary and ecological significance of this variation. Recent studies suggest that major genes segregate within and among natural populations. It is now feasible to study the genes that cause morphological variation, life history trade-offs, heterosis and speciation. These methods can determine the role of epistasis and genotype-by-environment interaction in maintaining genetic variation. QTL mapping is an important tool used to address evolutionary and ecological questions of long-standing interest.  相似文献   

Induced mutants in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans are used to study genetic pathways of processes ranging from aging to behavior. The effects of such mutations are usually analyzed in a single wildtype background: N2. However, studies in other species demonstrate that the phenotype(s) of induced mutations can vary widely depending on the genetic background. Moreover, induced mutations in one genetic background do not reveal the allelic effects that segregate in natural populations and contribute to phenotypic variation. Because other wildtype Caenorhabditis spp., including C. elegans, are now available, we review how current mapping resources and methodologies within and between species support the use of Caenorhabditis spp. for studying genetic variation, with a focus on pathways associated with human disease.  相似文献   

Little is known about the range and the genetic bases of naturally occurring variation for flavonoids. Using Arabidopsis thaliana seed as a model, the flavonoid content of 41 accessions and two recombinant inbred line (RIL) sets derived from divergent accessions (Cvi-0×Col-0 and Bay-0×Shahdara) were analysed. These accessions and RILs showed mainly quantitative rather than qualitative changes. To dissect the genetic architecture underlying these differences, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis was performed on the two segregating populations. Twenty-two flavonoid QTLs were detected that accounted for 11-64% of the observed trait variations, only one QTL being common to both RIL sets. Sixteen of these QTLs were confirmed and coarsely mapped using heterogeneous inbred families (HIFs). Three genes, namely TRANSPARENT TESTA (TT)7, TT15, and MYB12, were proposed to underlie their variations since the corresponding mutants and QTLs displayed similar specific flavonoid changes. Interestingly, most loci did not co-localize with any gene known to be involved in flavonoid metabolism. This latter result shows that novel functions have yet to be characterized and paves the way for their isolation.  相似文献   

Quantitative traits are shaped by networks of pleiotropic genes . To understand the mechanisms that maintain genetic variation for quantitative traits in natural populations and to predict responses to artificial and natural selection, we must evaluate pleiotropic effects of underlying quantitative trait genes and define functional allelic variation at the level of quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs). Catecholamines up (Catsup), which encodes a negative regulator of tyrosine hydroxylase , the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter dopamine, is a pleiotropic quantitative trait gene in Drosophila melanogaster. We used association mapping to determine whether the same or different QTNs at Catsup are associated with naturally occurring variation in multiple quantitative traits. We sequenced 169 Catsup alleles from a single population and detected 33 polymorphisms with little linkage disequilibrium (LD). Different molecular polymorphisms in Catsup are independently associated with variation in longevity, locomotor behavior, and sensory bristle number. Most of these polymorphisms are potentially functional variants in protein coding regions, have large effects, and are not common. Thus, Catsup is a pleiotropic quantitative trait gene, but individual QTNs do not have pleiotropic effects. Molecular population genetic analyses of Catsup sequences are consistent with balancing selection maintaining multiple functional polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Mutations create novel genetic variants, but their contribution to variation in fitness and other phenotypes may depend on environmental conditions. Furthermore, natural environments may be highly heterogeneous. We assessed phenotypes associated with survival and reproductive success in over 30,000 plants representing 100 mutation accumulation lines of Arabidopsis thaliana across four temporal environments at a single field site. In each of the four assays, environmental variance was substantially larger than mutational variance. For some traits, whether mutational variance was significantly varied between seasons. The founder genotype had mean trait values near the mean of the distribution of the mutation accumulation lines in all field experiments. New mutations also contributed more phenotypic variation than would be predicted, given phenotypic and sequence‐level divergence among natural populations of A. thaliana. The combination of large environmental variance with a mean effect of mutation near zero suggests that mutations could contribute substantially to standing genetic variation.  相似文献   

The method of Virk, Jinks and Pooni(7) has been further elaborated and illustrated with a simple example from the plant height data of Borojević and Borojević(3) experiment on 15 kR gamma-ray-irradiated Bankut-1205 wheat variety in the M5, M6 and M7 generations. A substantial amount of the induced variation for plant height has been found to be of additive and fixable nature. The practical utility of the method for testing the adequacy of a simple model and estimating the genetical components of variation has been amply demonstrated.The simplicity and distinctiveness of the new approach arises from the omission of rank 0 statistics corresponding to the M1 plants and arriving at the genetical equivalance of rank 1 statistics in the hierarchical analysis of variance performed on the simple pedigreed data generated in a selfing series initiated in the M1 generation following mutagenic treatment of a pure-breeding line. The new analysis avoids any assumptions about the independence or kind of dependence of mutational events and provides estimates of the additive and dominance genetical components of variation, from a single generation from M3 onwards.  相似文献   

Tissue culture may generate useful genetic variation for quantitative traits. The objective of this study was to analyze genetic variation for ten quantitative traits of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] among lines derived from the tissue culture of three cultivars. The three cultivars used to obtain R0 plants from tissue culture were BSR 101, Hodgson 78, and Jilin 3. A total of 63 R0-derived lines of BSR 101, eight of Hodgson 78, and 42 of Jilin 3 was planted with the untreated controls in row plots in a randomized complete-block design with three replications at two locations for each of 2 years. The traits evaluated were days to beginning bloom (R1), beginning seed (R5), beginning maturity (R7), full maturity (R8), height, lodging, seed yield, seed weight, protein content, and oil content. Significant (P < 0.05) variation was observed among lines for each of the ten quantitative traits. There was 57.1% of the BSR 101 lines, 87.5% of the Hodgson 78 lines, and 76.2% of the Jilin 3 lines that were significantly different from the controls for at least one trait. The percentages of lines that were significantly different from the control for an individual trait ranged from 2.7% for oil content to 25.7% for R7. The magnitude of the changes was relatively small. Although this genetic variation may be useful for cultivar development, greater variability at less expense would be expected with conventional artificial hybridization.Journal Paper No. J-14958 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, IOWA, USA Project No. 2475.  相似文献   

In an effort to better understand the dramatic differences in vegetative and floral morphology that differentiate species within the genus Lycopersicon, quantitative trait loci (QTL) for leaflet and perianth size and shape characters were mapped in an interspecific F2 population of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum × L. pennellii). Thirty-six highly significant (P0.001) QTL were associated with 18 separate traits. QTL for correlated traits were generally not colocalized in the genome unless there was a clear codependence between the traits (e.g., organ length and area). Little or no overlap in QTL positioning between different organs was observed, suggesting that the genes determining the size and shape of leaflets, sepals, and petals are organ specific. Thus, while leaves are considered the developmental and evolutionary precursors to floral organs, genes acting late in development to determine certain aspects of morphology (namely shape and size) must have specialized to exert control over individual organs. Five of the leaflet-trait QTL map to analogous regions in the genome of eggplant, and therefore it appears there has been some conservation in the genes controlling leaf morphology within the Solanaceae.  相似文献   

Prompted by recent recognitions of the omnipresence of horizontal gene transfer among microbial species and the associated emphasis on exchange, rather than isolation, as the driving force of evolution, this essay will reflect on hybridization as one of the central concerns of nineteenth-century biology. I will argue that an emphasis on horizontal exchange was already endorsed by 'biology' when it came into being around 1800 and was brought to full fruition with the emergence of genetics in 1900. The true revolution in nineteenth-century life sciences, I maintain, consisted in a fundamental shift in ontology, which eroded the boundaries between individual and species, and allowed biologists to move up and down the scale of organic complexity. Life became a property extending both 'downwards', to the parts that organisms were composed of, as well as 'upwards', to the collective entities constituted by the relations of exchange and interaction that organisms engage in to reproduce. This mode of thinking was crystallized by Gregor Mendel and consolidated in the late nineteenth-century conjunction of biochemistry, microbiology and breeding in agro-industrial settings. This conjunction and its implications are especially exemplified by Wilhelm Johannsen's and Martinus Beijerinck's work on pure lines and cultures. An understanding of the subsequent constraints imposed by the evolutionary synthesis of the twentieth century on models of genetic systems may require us to rethink the history of biology and displace Darwin's theory of natural selection from that history's centre.  相似文献   

Resolving natural phenotypic variation into genetic and molecular components is a major objective in biology. Over the past decade, tomato interspecific introgression lines (ILs), each carrying a single 'exotic' chromosome segment from a wild species, have exposed thousands of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting plant adaptation, morphology, yield, metabolism, and gene expression. QTL for fruit size and sugar composition were isolated by map-based cloning, while others were successfully implemented in marker-assisted breeding programs. More recently, integrating the multitude of IL-QTL into a single database has unraveled some unifying principles about the architecture of complex traits in plants.  相似文献   

Little is known about natural genetic variation for survival under oxidative stress conditions or whether genetic variation for oxidative stress survival is associated with that for life-history traits. We have investigated survival in a high-oxygen environment at 2 adult densities using a set of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) isolated from a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. Female and male oxidative stress survival was highly correlated. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for oxidative stress survival were identified on both autosomes. These QTLs were sometimes sex or density specific but were most often not. QTLs were identified that colocalize to the same region of the genome as longevity in other studies using the same set of RILs. We also determined early-age egg production and found QTLs for this trait, but there was no support for an association between oxidative stress survival and egg production.  相似文献   

The rabbit retina was used to study, in vitro, the responses of central nervous tissue to changes in extracellular osmolarity. After isolation, retinas were incubated in either hypertonic or hypotonic medium containing 80 milliosmols more or 80 milliosmols less sodium chloride than the isotonic control medium. After fixation and embedding, comparable areas of each retina were sectioned and studied with the phase and electron microscopes. The diameters of receptor cell inner segments, synapses, nuclei, and mitochondria were measured on micrographs; mean nuclear areas and volumes were calculated. Cutouts from micrographs also provided areas and volumes of the receptor cell nucleus and its 'surround' of axons, dendrites, glial processes, and extracellular space. In general, hypertonic incubation produced decreases in the linear dimensions, areas, and volumes of the receptor cell, its nucleus, and its mitochondria that were consistent with their behaviour as osmometers. After hypotonic incubation, the increases in the diameters of inner segments, synapses, and mitochondria were in the predicted range. The increases for the nuclei themselves, and the nuclei and their 'surround' were less than expected. This may have been due to the failure of the preparative techniques to maintain the swollen state of these larger structures.  相似文献   

Continuous cultures in which a high-pressure chemostat was used were employed to study the growth responses of (i) deep-sea microbial populations with the naturally occurring carbon available in seawater and with limiting concentrations of supplemental organic substrates and (ii) pure cultures of copiotrophic barophilic and barotolerant deep-sea isolates in the presence of limiting carbon concentrations at various pressures, dilution rates, and temperatures. We found that the growth rates of natural populations could not be measured or were extremely low (e.g., a doubling time of 629 h), as determined from the difference between the dilution rate and the washout rate. A low concentration of supplemental carbon (0.33 mg/liter) resulted in positive growth responses in the natural population, which resulted in an increase in the number of cells and eventually a steady population of cells. We found that the growth responses to imposed growth pressure by barophilic and barotolerant pure-culture isolates that were previously isolated and characterized under high-nutrient-concentration conditions were maintained under the low-nutrient-concentration limiting conditions (0.33 to 3.33 mg of C per liter) characteristic of the deep-sea environment. Our results indicate that deep-sea microbes can respond to small changes in substrate availability. Also, barophilic microbes that are copiotrophic as determined by their isolation in the presence of high carbon concentrations and their preference for high carbon concentrations are versatile and are able to compete and grow as barophiles in the low-carbon-concentration oligotrophic deep-sea environment in which they normally exist.  相似文献   

Eggs from three snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) were divided between two natural nests in a factorial experiment assessing the role of the nest environment as a cause for variation in body size and energy reserves of hatchlings at our study site in northcentral Nebraska. Nest # 1 was located in an unshaded area on the south side of a high sandhill, whereas nest #2 was located in an unshaded area on level ground. Eggs in nest #1 increased in mass over the course of incubation, with eggs at the bottom of the nest gaining more mass than eggs nearer to the surface. In constrast, eggs in nest #2 lost mass during incubation, with eggs at the bottom declining less in mass than eggs at the top of the cavity. Hatchlings from nest #1 were much larger (but contained smaller masses of unused yolk) than hatchlings from nest #2. Additionally, eggs from the lower layers in both nests tended to produce larger hatchings (but with smaller masses of unused yolk) than eggs from the upper layers. Thus, ecologically important variation in body size and nutrient reserves of hatchling snapping turtles results from variation in the environment among and within nests.  相似文献   

The emerging field of genomics examines the relationship between genetic and phenotypic variation by describing and analyzing patterns of natural variation on a genome-wide scale. In this endeavor, an important tool is the use of microarrays, which enable simultaneous screening of thousands of assays. Microarrays were originally designed for the detection of differences between samples and are thus ideally suited to high-throughput studies of natural variation. Novel microarray platforms enable the high throughput survey of variation at multiple levels, including DNA sequences, gene expression, protein binding, and methylation. However, most microarray data analysis tools, notably normalization methods, were developed for experiments in which only few features differed between samples. In studies of natural variation, this assumption does not always hold, raising a number of new challenges.  相似文献   

The diurnal variations of the glycogen content and of glycogen phosphorylase activity in periportal and pericentral areas of rat liver parenchyma have been analyzed in periodic acid Schiff (PAS)-stained cryostat sections using quantitative microdensitometry. Glycogen content and phosphorylase activity were always higher in periportal areas than in pericentral areas throughout the daily cycle. The glycogen content was highest at the end of the active period during darkness and lowest at the end of the resting period. Phosphorylase activity appeared to be inversely correlated with the glycogen content in both areas. It is concluded that the glycogen content is regulated by phosphorylase activity, which may be due to local cAMP concentration.  相似文献   

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