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This study investigated the sensitivity of managed boreal forests to climate change, with consequent needs to adapt the management to climate change. Model simulations representing the Finnish territory between 60 and 70 degrees N showed that climate change may substantially change the dynamics of managed boreal forests in northern Europe. This is especially probable at the northern and southern edges of this forest zone. In the north, forest growth may increase, but the special features of northern forests may be diminished. In the south, climate change may create a suboptimal environment for Norway spruce. Dominance of Scots pine may increase on less fertile sites currently occupied by Norway spruce. Birches may compete with Scots pine even in these sites and the dominance of birches may increase. These changes may reduce the total forest growth locally but, over the whole of Finland, total forest growth may increase by 44%, with an increase of 82% in the potential cutting drain. The choice of appropriate species and reduced rotation length may sustain the productivity of forest land under climate change.  相似文献   

Cultural variation may play an important role in human nutrition and must be considered in either clinical or public health intervention particularly in areas with large immigrant populations. Acculturative and environmental change influence the food habits and health of transitional groups. Nutritional assessment may be complicated by cultural variation. The relationship between ethnicity and nutrition may be of evolutionary significance. Food beliefs may have beneficial or detrimental effects on health status. The study of acculturating populations may elucidate the pathogenesis of nutrition-related chronic diseases. Appreciation of the interaction of culture and nutrition may be of benefit to physicians and nutritionists in clinical practice and to those concerned with the prevention of nutrition-related chronic diseases.  相似文献   

James D. Sullivan  George Rona 《CMAJ》1964,91(12):647-654
Tumours of non-endocrine origin may exert deleterious effects by elaborating active principles which disturb body regulation. Systemic manifestations are fairly common with neoplasms of the lung, kidney, gastro-intestinal tract and thymus. The secretion of these tumours may have a known chemical structure (serotonin), may present hormone-like action (parathormone, antidiuretic hormone, insulinoid), or have well-defined biological properties (erythropoietin, gastrin-like principle). Tumours may stimulate endocrine glands by an unknown mechanism, producing disorders such as Cushing''s syndrome, hypercalcemia, gynecomastia and hypoglycemia. Thymomas may be associated with autoimmune diseases. Tumours may extensively utilize or excrete some metabolite (glucose) or electrolyte (Na or K). Awareness of the systemic effects of various neoplasms may lead to an early diagnosis and proper treatment of these manifestations.  相似文献   

Non-replication and inconsistency had been common features in the search for common variants of candidate genes affecting the risk of complex diseases. They may continue to require attention in the current era, when massive hypothesis-free testing of genetic variants is feasible. An empirical evaluation of the early experience with genome-wide association (GWA) studies suggests several examples where proposed associations have failed to be replicated by subsequent investigations. Non-replication and inconsistency is defined here in the framework of cumulative meta-analysis. Ideally, associations exist, GWA finds them, and subsequent investigations should replicate them. However, a number of other possibilities need to be considered. No common genetic variants may associate with the phenotype of interest and GWA may find nothing; or associations may exist, but GWA may miss them. Associations that do not exist may be falsely selected by the GWA and subsequent studies may appropriately refute them or falsely replicate them. Finally, GWA may find true associations that are nevertheless falsely non-replicated in the subsequent studies; or associations may be genuinely inconsistent across study populations. A list of options is presented for consideration in each of these scenarios.  相似文献   

A sample of full-trained adult male peacocks was collected and measured to determine whether or not there were any morphological correlates of train elaboration. Peacocks with longer or heavier trains are those with relatively large fat reserves for their overall body mass. The proportion of feathers in the train which have eyespots is also greater in peacocks with a relatively large muscle. These relationships indicate that train elaboration may be condition-dependent. Females that prefer males with larger trains may therefore gain good condition males, which may reflect overall genetic quality. There is also a significant tendency for larger-trained peacocks to have high louse loads, after controlling for body mass. It may be that larger-trained males are older, and have accrued more lice than younger ones. Alternatively, long-trained males may have acquired more lice through direct contact with more females than shorter-trained birds.  相似文献   

The genomes are regularly targeted by epigenetic regulatory mechanisms (DNA methylation, histone modifications, binding of regulatory proteins) in infected cells. In addition, proteins encoded by microbial genomes may disturb the action of a set of cellular promoters by interacting with the same epi-regulatory machinery. The outcome of this may result in epigenetic dysregulation and subsequent cellular dysfunctions that may manifest in or contribute to the development of pathological changes. How epigenetic methylation decorations on DNA and histones are started and established remains largely unknown. The inherited nature of these processes in regulation of genes suggests that they could play key roles in chronic diseases associated with microbial persistence; they might also explain so-called hit-and-run phenomena in infectious disease pathogenesis. Microbes infecting mammals may cause diseases by causing hyper-methylation of key cellular promoters at CpG di-nucleotides and may induce pathological changes by epigenetic reprogramming of host cells they are interacting with elucidation of the epigenetic consequences of microbe–host interactions may have important therapeutic implications because epigenetic processes can be reverted and elimination of microbes inducing patho-epigenetic changes may prevent disease development.  相似文献   

 本文针对国外近十几年来在CO2浓度升高对植物的直接影响方面所开展的生理生态学研究方法、动态、基本结论、存在问题等内容做了简要的介绍。大气CO2浓度在过去200年内已增加了80μmol·mol-1,生长在高CO2环境下的植物,其生理生态、形态及化学成分等方面将会发生相应的变化。表现在光合作用速率出现不同程度的提高;呼吸作用受抑制;气孔密度减少,水分利用效率增加;生物量及产量增加;一些关键蛋白质及酶、非结构性碳水化合物含量增加;组织中的氮、硫等元素含量降低;根系及花的发育也随CO2浓度的升高而提前等。不同光合途径(C3、C4及CAM)及不同植被类型(自然植被、栽培植被)的植物随CO2浓度发生的上述指标的变化在长期反应与短期反应方面具有很大的差异。另外,实验控制条件如温度、光照、水分、养分甚至实验装置(如花盆)的大小对预测结果也有很大的影响。  相似文献   

H. Cohen 《CMAJ》1963,88(18):932-938
A total of 18 peritoneal dialyses were performed on 14 patients at the Hamilton Civic Hospital over a period of 11 months. Nine of these patients were in uremia, four had non-nephrotoxic intoxication, and one had hepatic coma. Patients with chronic uremia may present with acute renal failure which may be treated by peritoneal dialysis with resultant significant prolongation of life. A decreased mortality rate might be expected in acute renal failure if dialysis is implemented before the classical picture of uremia develops. Many non-nephrotoxic intoxicating substances are readily dialysable. Considerable benefit to the patient and decreased time in hospital may result from the use of this procedure in cases of intoxication with such substances. Peritoneal dialysis may be of value in treatment of intractable congestive heart failure. This procedure may eventually provide another means of treating hepatic coma.  相似文献   

Patients with active acromegaly are insulin-resistant and glucose-intolerant, whereas children with growth hormone (GH) deficiency (GHD) are insulin-sensitive and may develop fasting hypoglycaemia. Surprisingly, however, hypopituitary adults with unsubstituted GHD tend to be insulin-resistant, which may worsen during GH substitution. During fasting, which may be considered the natural domain for the metabolic effects of GH, the induction of insulin resistance by GH is associated with enhanced lipid oxidation and protein conservation. In this particular context, insulin resistance appears to constitute a favourable metabolic adaptation. The problem is that GH substitution results in elevated circadian GH levels in non-fasting patients. The best way to address this challenge is to employ evening administration of GH and to tailor the dose. Insulin therapy may cause hypoglycaemia and GH substitution may cause hyperglycaemia. Such untoward effects should be minimized by carefully monitoring the individual patient.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts may contract under natural conditions and give up water to the rest of the cell, thus indicating changes in metabolism or constitution. Such contractions may be produced experimentally. In Nitella the chloroplasts are ellipsoid bodies which, under natural conditions, may contract to spheres with a loss of volume. This may be brought about by lead acetate, ferric chloride, and digitonin: the contraction may occur while the cell is alive. The contraction in lead acetate is reversible (in lead nitrate little or no contraction occurs). In Spirogyra the chloroplast is a long, spirally coiled ribbon which may contract under natural conditions to a short nearly straight rod with a loss of volume. This can be brought about by inorganic salts and in other ways while the cell is still alive.  相似文献   

 本文针对国外近十几年来在CO2浓度升高对植物的直接影响方面所开展的生理生态学研究方法、动态、基本结论、存在问题等内容做了简要的介绍。大气CO2浓度在过去200年内已增加了80μmol·mol-1,生长在高CO2环境下的植物,其生理生态、形态及化学成分等方面将会发生相应的变化。表现在光合作用速率出现不同程度的提高;呼吸作用受抑制;气孔密度减少,水分利用效率增加;生物量及产量增加;一些关键蛋白质及酶、非结构性碳水化合物含量增加;组织中的氮、硫等元素含量降低;根系及花的发育也随CO2浓度的升高而提前等。不同光合途径(C3、C4及CAM)及不同植被类型(自然植被、栽培植被)的植物随CO2浓度发生的上述指标的变化在长期反应与短期反应方面具有很大的差异。另外,实验控制条件如温度、光照、水分、养分甚至实验装置(如花盆)的大小对预测结果也有很大的影响。  相似文献   

Comparison of chromosome number at somatic and spermatogonial mitoses has demonstrated the increase in the number of additional chromosomes in cells of germinal tissue. This may evidence a mechanism of B-chromosomes accumulation in foxes. B-chromosomes may lag as univalents, may form bivalent associations, or occasionally form trivalents at the stage of diakinesis-metaphase I, and they may associate with macrobivalents (A-chromosome bivalents). The analysis of metaphase II has shown that the distribution of B-chromosomes in the second metaphase is random resulting in gametes with various numbers of B-chromosomes.  相似文献   

The evolution of SARS-CoV-2 remains poorly understood. Theory predicts a group-structured population with selection acting principally at two levels: the pathogen individuals and the group of pathogens within a single host individual. Rapid replication of individual viruses is selected for, but if this replication debilitates the host before transmission occurs, the entire group of viruses in that host may perish. Thus, rapid transmission can favor more pathogenic strains, while slower transmission can favor less pathogenic strains. Available data suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may follow this pattern. Indeed, high population density and other circumstances that favor rapid transmission may also favor more deadly strains. Health care workers, exposed to pathogenic strains of hospitalized patients, may be at greater risk. The low case fatality rate on the Diamond Princess cruise ship may reflect the founder effect—an initial infection with a mild strain. A vaccine made with one strain may confer limited immunity to other strains. Variation among strains may lead to the rapid evolution of resistance to therapeutics. Finally, if less pathogenic strains are largely associated with mild disease, rather than treating all SARS-CoV-2 positive individuals equally, priority could be focused on testing and contact tracing the most seriously symptomatic patients.  相似文献   

Ott RS  Memon MA 《Theriogenology》1980,13(2):155-164
Breeding soundness examinations of rams and bucks may be performed by veterinarians as a service for clients. A physical examination for breeding soudness includes a general examination for health with special consideration of the reproductive organs. Careful examination of the penis, prepuce, and testicles may reveal diseases or abnormalities which decrease reproductive potential. Rams with small or hypoplastic testicles are unsatisfactory potential breeders as testicle size is positively related to sperm production. Libido may be assessed during semen collection procedures or from observations of the owner. Semen quality may be evaluated using tests for motility, concentration, and morphology of spermatozoa. Rams may be declared satisfactory, questionable, or unsatisfactory potential breeders as a result of the examination.  相似文献   

The acute side effects caused by cannabis use are mainly related to psyche and cognition, and to circulation. Euphoria, anxiety, changes in sensory perception, impairment of memory and psychomotor performance are common effects after a dose is taken that exceeds an individually variable threshold. Cannabis consumption may increase heart rate and change blood pressure, which may have serious consequences in people with heart disease. Effects of chronic use may be induction of psychosis and development of dependency to the drug. Effects on cognitive abilities seem to be reversible after abstinence, except possibly in very heavy users. Cannabis exposure in utero may have negative consequences on brain development with subtle impairment of cognitive abilities in later life. Consequences of cannabis smoking may be similar to those of tobacco smoking and should be avoided. Use by young people has more detrimental effects than use by adults. There appear to be promising therapeutic uses of cannabis for a range of indications. Use of moderate doses in a therapeutic context is usually not associated with severe side effects. Current prohibition on cannabis use may also have harmful side effects for the individual and the society, while having little influence on prevalence of use. Harm is greatest for seriously ill people who may benefit from a treatment with cannabis. This makes it difficult to justify criminal penalties against patients.  相似文献   

Conclusive evidence of improved outcome due to adjunctive anxiolytic therapy in some somatic conditions is lacking. However, such therapy may facilitate patient management without being "curative". The resulting improved feeling of well-being may be of value in the management of gastrointestinal disorders, migraine and myocardial infarction. Negative effects may be observed in acute respiratory conditions, especially during acute exacerbations of chronic conditions, with the administration of benzodiazepines; hence they should be used with caution. The use of these agents in treating persons with hypertension seems to be of no value and may even be detrimental. Careful evaluation of each case is desirable, and treatment should be planned with its termination in mind.  相似文献   

Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (EHK) is a distinct pathologic entity that may present as a generalized congenital disorder. A localized form occurring only upon the female genitalia may not be well appreciated by clinicians dealing with women. EHK of the female genitalia is a rare diagnosis, with just 6 cases reported within the indexed literature. Clinically, it may resemble condyloma, although involvement of human papillomavirus has never been demonstrated. Providers unfamiliar with this entity may be further confused by reports of the histopathologic features. Herein, we describe a case and review the literature with respect to EHK of the female genitalia. Familiarity with this condition is desirable, as confusion with condyloma is likely, yet the prognosis is decidedly different.  相似文献   

The killing of genetically unrelated young by males has been viewed as a strategy that forces victimized females to advance the onset of their next fertile period, thus infanticidal males gain a time advantage that may be crucial to maximize reproductive success. Among females that may raise several broods in a year, a failure occurring relatively earlier in the time-course of the previous breeding attempt may result in an increased investment in the next breeding attempt. This female strategy may be exploited by males in their own interest, and may strongly select for male infanticidal behaviour. I demonstrate that, in the house sparrow, females mated with infanticidal males re-laid earlier, initiated more breeding attempts and fledged more offspring than females mated with non-infanticidal males. These results suggest that both the time saving and the manipulation of female investment are independent mechanisms conferring advantages that may have selected for male infanticide in the studied population.  相似文献   

Several pharmaceutical agents have been associated with rare but serious retinopathies, some resulting in blindness. Little is known of the mechanism(s) that produce these injuries. Mechanisms proposed thus far have not been embraced by the medical and scientific communities. However, preclinical and clinical data indicate that oxidative stress may contribute substantially to iatrogenic retinal disease. Retinal oxidative stress may be precipitated by the interaction of putative retinal toxins with the ocular redox system. The retina, replete with cytochromes P450 and myeloperoxidase, may serve to activate xenobiotics to oxidants, resulting in ocular injury. These activated agents may directly form retinal adducts or may diminish ocular reduced glutathione concentrations. Data are reviewed that suggest that indomethacin, tamoxifen, thioridazine, and chloroquine all produce retinopathies via a common mechanism-they produce ocular oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Tinea pedis is a chronic fungal infection of the feet, very often observed in patients who are immuno-suppressed or have diabetes mellitus. The practicing allergist may be called upon to treat this disease for various reasons. Sometimes tinea infection may be mistaken for atopic dermatitis or allergic eczema. In other patients, tinea pedis may complicate allergy and asthma and may contribute to refractory atopic disease. Patients with recurrent cellulitis may be referred to the allergist/immunologist for an immune evaluation and discovered to have tinea pedis as a predisposing factor. From a molecular standpoint, superficial fungal infections may induce a type2 T helper cell response (Th2) that can aggravate atopy. Th2 cytokines may induce eosinophil recruitment and immunoglobulin E (IgE) class switching by B cells, thereby leading to exacerbation of atopic conditions. Three groups of fungal pathogens, referred to as dermatophytes, have been shown to cause tinea pedis: Trychophyton sp, Epidermophyton sp, and Microsporum sp. The disease manifests as a pruritic, erythematous, scaly eruption on the foot and depending on its location, three variants have been described: interdigital type, moccasin type, and vesiculobullous type. Tinea pedis may be associated with recurrent cellulitis, as the fungal pathogens provide a portal for bacterial invasion of subcutaneous tissues. In some cases of refractory asthma, treatment of the associated tinea pedis infection may induce remission in airway disease. Very often, protracted topical and/or oral antifungal agents are required to treat this often frustrating and morbid disease. An evaluation for underlying immuno-suppression or diabetes may be indicated in patients with refractory disease.  相似文献   

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