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Covalent modification of the specific cysteine residue(s) by oxidative stress robustly potentiates transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) and sensitizes nociception. Here we provide biochemical evidence of dimerization of TRPV1 subunits upon exposure to phenylarsine oxide and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), two chemical surrogates of oxidative stress. A disulfide bond formed between apposing cysteines ligates two C termini, serving as the structural basis of channel sensitization by oxidative covalent C-terminal modification. Systematic cysteine scanning of the C terminus of a cysteineless TRPV1 channel revealed a critical region within which any cysteine introduced phenylarsine oxide activation to mutant TRPV1. Oxidative sensitization persisted even when this region is substituted with a random peptide linker containing a single cysteine. So did insertion of this region to TRPV3, a homolog lacking the corresponding region and resistant to oxidative challenge. These results suggest that the non-conserved linker in the TRPV1 C terminus senses environmental oxidative stress and adjusts channel activity during cumulative oxidative damage by lowering the activation threshold of gating elements shared by TRPV channels.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) is known as a receptor of capsaicin, a spicy ingredient of chili peppers. It is also sensitive to a variety of pungent compounds and is involved in nociception. Here, we focused on the structural characteristics of capsaicin, and investigated whether vanillylmanderic acid (VMA), vanillic acid (VAcid), vanillyl alcohol (VAlc), vanillyl butyl ether (VBE), and vanillin, containing a vanillyl skeleton similar to capsaicin, affected the TRPV1 activities. For detection of TRPV1 activity, intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was measured in HEK 293 cells heterologously expressing mouse TRPV1 (mTRPV1-HEK) and in mouse sensory neurons. Except for vanillin, four vanilloid analogues dose-dependently increased [Ca2+]i in mTRPV1-HEK. The solutions that dissolved VMA, VAcid and vanillin at high concentrations were acidic, whereas those of VAlc and VBE were neutral. Neutralized VAcid evoked [Ca2+]i increases but neutralized VMA did not. Mutation of capsaicin-sensing sites diminished [Ca2+]i responses to VAcid, VAlc and VBE. VAcid, VMA, and vanillin suppressed the activation of TRPV1 induced by capsaicin. VAcid and VMA also inhibited the acid-induced TRPV1 activation. In sensory neurons, VMA diminished TRPV1 activation by capsaicin or acids. The present data indicate that these structural characteristics of chemical compounds on TRPV1 may provide strategies for the development of novel analgesic drugs targeting nociceptive TRPV1.  相似文献   

Cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1)-induced suppression of transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) activation provides a therapeutic option to reduce inflammation and pain in different animal disease models through mechanisms involving dampening of TRPV1 activation and signaling events. As we found in both mouse corneal epithelium and human corneal epithelial cells (HCEC) that there is CB1 and TRPV1 expression colocalization based on overlap of coimmunostaining, we determined in mouse corneal wound healing models and in human corneal epithelial cells (HCEC) if they interact with one another to reduce TRPV1-induced inflammatory and scarring responses. Corneal epithelial debridement elicited in vivo a more rapid wound healing response in wildtype (WT) than in CB1?/? mice suggesting functional interaction between CB1 and TRPV1. CB1 activation by injury is tenable based on the identification in mouse corneas of 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG) with tandem LC–MS/MS, a selective endocannabinoid CB1 ligand. Suppression of corneal TRPV1 activation by CB1 is indicated since following alkali burning, CB1 activation with WIN55,212-2 (WIN) reduced immune cell stromal infiltration and scarring. Western blot analysis of coimmunoprecipitates identified protein–protein interaction between CB1 and TRPV1. Other immunocomplexes were also identified containing transforming growth factor kinase 1 (TAK1), TRPV1 and CB1. CB1 siRNA gene silencing prevented suppression by WIN of TRPV1-induced TAK1–JNK1 signaling. WIN reduced TRPV1-induced Ca2 + transients in fura2-loaded HCEC whereas pertussis toxin (PTX) preincubation obviated suppression by WIN of such rises caused by capsaicin (CAP). Whole cell patch clamp analysis of HCEC showed that WIN blocked subsequent CAP-induced increases in nonselective outward currents. Taken together, CB1 activation by injury-induced release of endocannabinoids such as 2-AG downregulates TRPV1 mediated inflammation and corneal opacification. Such suppression occurs through protein–protein interaction between TRPV1 and CB1 leading to declines in TRPV1 phosphorylation status. CB1 activation of the GTP binding protein, Gi/o contributes to CB1 mediated TRPV1 dephosphorylation leading to TRPV1 desensitization, declines in TRPV1-induced increases in currents and pro-inflammatory signaling events.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1) is a protein currently under scrutiny as a pharmacological target for pain management therapies. Recently, the role of TRPV1-microtubule interaction in transducing nociception stimuli to cells by cytoskeletal rearrangement was proposed. In this work, we investigate TRPV1-microtubule interaction in living cells under the resting or activated state of TRPV1, as well as in presence of structurally intact or depolymerized cytoskeletal microtubules. We combined a toolbox of high resolution/high sensitivity fluorescence imaging techniques (such as FRET, correlation spectroscopy, and fluorescence anisotropy) to monitor TRPV1 aggregation status, membrane mobility, and interaction with microtubules. We found that TRPV1 is a dimeric membrane protein characterized by two populations with different diffusion properties in basal condition. After stimulation with resiniferatoxin, TRPV1 dimers tetramerize. The tetramers and the slower population of TRPV1 dimers bind dynamically to intact microtubules but not to tubulin dimers. Upon microtubule disassembly, the interaction with TRPV1 is lost thereby inducing receptor self-aggregation with partial loss of functionality. Intact microtubules play an essential role in maintaining TRPV1 functionality toward activation stimuli. This previously undisclosed property mirrors the recently reported role of TRPV1 in modulating microtubule assembly/disassembly and suggests the participation of these two players in a feedback cycle linking nociception and cytoskeletal remodeling.  相似文献   

Endovanilloids are defined as endogenous ligands of the transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) protein, a nonselective cation channel that belongs to the large family of TRP ion channels, and is activated by the pungent ingredient of hot chilli peppers, capsaicin. TRPV1 is expressed in some nociceptor efferent neurons, where it acts as a molecular sensor of noxious heat and low pH. However, the presence of these channels in various regions of the central nervous system, where they are not likely to be targeted by these noxious stimuli, suggests the existence of endovanilloids. Three different classes of endogenous lipids have been found recently that can activate TRPV1, i.e. unsaturated N-acyldopamines, lipoxygenase products of arachidonic acid and the endocannabinoid anandamide with some of its congeners. To classify a molecule as an endovanilloid, the compound should be formed or released in an activity-dependent manner in sufficient amounts to evoke a TRPV1-mediated response by direct activation of the channel. To control TRPV1 signaling, endovanilloids should be inactivated within a short time-span. In this review, we will discuss, for each of the proposed endogenous ligands of TRPV1, their ability to act as endovanilloids in light of the criteria mentioned above.  相似文献   

Airways are densely innervated by capsaicin-sensitive sensory neurons expressing transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) receptors/ion channels, which play an important regulatory role in inflammatory processes via the release of sensory neuropeptides. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of TRPV1 receptors in endotoxin-induced airway inflammation and consequent bronchial hyperreactivity with functional, morphological, and biochemical techniques using receptor gene-deficient mice. Inflammation was evoked by intranasal administration of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (60 microl, 167 microg/ml) in TRPV1 knockout (TRPV1(-/-)) mice and their wild-type counterparts (TRPV1(+/+)) 24 h before measurement. Airway reactivity was assessed by unrestrained whole body plethysmography, and its quantitative indicator, enhanced pause (Penh), was calculated after inhalation of the bronchoconstrictor carbachol. Histological examination and spectrophotometric myeloperoxidase measurement was performed from the lung. Somatostatin concentration was measured in the lung and plasma with radioimmunoassay. Bronchial hyperreactivity, histological lesions (perivascular/peribronchial edema, neutrophil/macrophage infiltration, goblet cell hyperplasia), and myeloperoxidase activity were significantly greater in TRPV(-/-) mice. Inflammation markedly elevated lung and plasma somatostatin concentrations in TRPV1(+/+) but not TRPV1(-/-) animals. In TRPV1(-/-) mice, exogenous administration of somatostatin-14 (4 x 100 microg/kg ip) diminished inflammation and hyperreactivity. Furthermore, in wild-type mice, antagonizing somatostatin receptors by cyclo-somatostatin (4 x 250 microg/kg ip) increased these parameters. This study provides the first evidence for a novel counterregulatory mechanism during endotoxin-induced airway inflammation, which is mediated by somatostatin released from sensory nerve terminals in response to activation of TRPV1 receptors of the lung. It reaches the systemic circulation and inhibits inflammation and consequent bronchial hyperreactivity.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential vanilloid subfamily member 1 channels are polymodal sensors of noxious stimuli and integral players in thermosensation, inflammation and pain signaling. It has been shown previously that under prolonged stimulation, these channels show dynamic pore dilation, providing a pathway for large and otherwise relatively impermeant molecules. Further, we have shown recently that these nonselective cation channels, when activated by capsaicin, are potently and reversibly blocked by external application of quaternary ammonium compounds and local anesthetics. Here we describe a novel phenomenon in transient receptor potential channel pharmacology whereby their expression levels in Xenopus laevis oocytes, as assessed by the magnitude of macroscopic currents, are negatively correlated with extracellular blocker affinity: small current densities give rise to nanomolar blockade by quaternary ammoniums and this affinity decreases linearly as current density increases. Possible mechanisms to explain these data are discussed in light of similar observations in other channels and receptors.  相似文献   

A series of non-vanillyl resiniferatoxin analogues, having 4-methylsulfonylaminophenyl and fluorophenyl moieties as vanillyl surrogates, have been investigated as ligands for rat TRPV1 heterologously expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Although lacking the metabolically problematic 4-hydroxy substituent on the A-region phenyl ring, the compounds retained substantial agonist potency. Indeed, the 3-methoxy-4-methylsulfonylaminophenyl analog (1) was modestly (2.5-fold) more potent than RTX, with an EC50 = 0.106 nM. Further, it resembled RTX in its kinetics and pattern of stimulation of the levels of intracellular calcium in individual cells, as revealed by imaging. Compound 1 displayed modestly enhanced in vitro stability in rat liver microsomes and in plasma, suggesting that it might be a pharmacokinetically more favorable surrogate of resiniferatoxin. Molecular modeling analyses with selected analogues provide evidence that the conformational differences could affect their binding affinities, especially for the ester versus amide at the B-region.  相似文献   

A series of trisubstituted pyrimidines were synthesized to improve aqueous solubility of our first TRPV1 clinical candidate (1; AMG 517), while maintaining potent TRPV1 inhibitory activity. Structure-activity and structure-solubility studies led to the identification of compound 26. The aqueous solubility of 26 (>or=200microg/mL, 0.01 HCl; 6.7microg/mL, phosphate buffered saline (PBS); 150microg/mL, fasted-state simulated intestinal fluid (SIF)) was significantly improved over 1. In addition, compound 26 was found to be orally bioavailable (rat F(oral)=24%) and had potent TRPV1 antagonist activity (capsaicin IC(50)=1.5nM) comparable to that of 1.  相似文献   

We aimed to discover a novel type of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) antagonist because such antagonists are possible drug candidates for treating various disorders. We modified the structure of hit compound 7 (human TRPV1 IC50 = 411 nM) and converted its pyrrolidino group to a (hydroxyethyl)methylamino group, which substantially improved inhibitory activity (15d; human TRPV1 IC50 = 33 nM). In addition, 15d ameliorated bladder overactivity in rats in vivo.  相似文献   

A series of 2-(3,5-substituted 4-aminophenyl)acetamide and propanamide derivatives were investigated as human TRPV1 antagonists. The analysis of the structure-activity relationship indicated that 2-(3,5-dihalo 4-aminophenyl)acetamide analogues displayed excellent antagonism of hTRPV1 activation by capsaicin and showed improved potency compared to the corresponding propanamides. The most potent antagonist (36) exhibited potent and selective antagonism for hTRPV1 not only to capsaicin but also to NADA and elevated temperature; however, it only displayed weak antagonism to low pH. Further studies indicated that oral administration of antagonist 36 blocked the hypothermic effect of capsaicin in vivo but demonstrated hyperthermia at that dose. A docking study of 36 was performed in our established hTRPV1 homology model to understand its binding interactions with the receptor and to compare with that of previous antagonist 1.  相似文献   

A series of 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridyl-4-carboxamides, exemplified by 6, have been synthesized and evaluated for in vitro TRPV1 antagonist activity, and in vivo analgesic activity in animal pain models. The tetrahydropyridine 6 is a novel TRPV1 receptor antagonist that potently inhibits receptor-mediated Ca2+ influx in vitro induced by several agonists, including capsaicin, N-arachidonoyldopamine (NADA), and low pH. This compound penetrates the CNS and shows potent anti-nociceptive effects in a broad range of animal pain models upon oral dosing due in part to its ability to antagonize both central and peripheral TRPV1 receptors. The SAR leading to the discovery of 6 is presented in this report.  相似文献   

膀胱中辣椒素受体的分布和功能研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
膀胱中的辣椒素受体(TRPV1,VR1)主要来源于支配膀胱的感觉神经纤维和膀胱上皮细胞。表达TRPV1的初级感觉神经纤维主要分布在膀胱上皮的基层及基层下,而表达TRPV1的膀胱上皮主要是表层和基层细胞。膀胱中TRPV1的主要功能是感受伤害性刺激而致痛以及感受压力刺激而参与排尿反射。实验性膀胱炎和逼尿肌过度活动时,膀胱中的TRPV1表达增加或被磷酸化而增强其功能。通过脱敏或阻断剂以抑制TRPV1的功能,可以改善某些膀胱病变的症状。  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence indicating that intracellular Ca2+ participates as a second messenger in TLR4-dependent signaling. However, how intracellular free Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]i) is increased in response to LPS and how they affect cytokine production are poorly understood. Here we examined the role of transient receptor potential (TRP), a major Ca2+ permeation pathway in non-excitable cells, in the LPS-induced cytokine production in macrophages. Pharmacologic experiments suggested that TRPV family members, but neither TRPC nor TRPM family members, are involved in the LPS-induced TNFα and IL-6 production in RAW264 macrophages. RT-PCR and immunoblot analyses showed that TRPV2 is the sole member of TRPV family expressed in macrophages. ShRNA against TRPV2 inhibited the LPS-induced TNFα and IL-6 production as well as IκBα degradation. Experiments using BAPTA/AM and EGTA, and Ca2+ imaging suggested that the LPS-induced increase in [Ca2+]i involves both the TRPV2-mediated intracellular and extracellular Ca2+ mobilizations. BAPTA/AM abolished LPS-induced TNFα and IL-6 production, while EGTA only partially suppressed LPS-induced IL-6 production, but not TNFα production. These data indicate that TRPV2 is involved in the LPS-induced Ca2+ mobilization from intracellular Ca2+ store and extracellular Ca2+. In addition to Ca2+ mobilization through the IP3-receptor, TRPV2-mediated intracellular Ca2+ mobilization is involved in NFκB-dependent TNFα and IL-6 expression, while extracellular Ca2+ entry is involved in NFκB-independent IL-6 production.  相似文献   

Jia  Xiaoli  Yu  Tao  Xiao  Chao  Sheng  Deqiao  Yang  Mengcheng  Cheng  Quanyi  Wu  Jing  Lian  Ting  Zhao  Yun  Zhang  Shizhong 《Molecular biology reports》2021,48(2):1217-1223
Molecular Biology Reports - Cardiac complications are leading causes of death in diabetic patients. Imbalance of Ca2+ homeostasis is a hallmark of cardiac dysfunction in diabetes, while TRPV...  相似文献   

The Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 channel, TRPV4, is a Ca2+ and Mg2+ permeable non-selective cation channel involved in many different cellular functions. It is activated by a variety of physical and chemical stimuli, including heat, mechano-stimuli, endogenous substances such as arachidonic acid and its cytochrome P450-derived metabolites (epoxyeicosatrienoic acids), endocannabinoids (anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol), as well as synthetic α-phorbol derivatives. Recently, TRPV4 has been characterized as an important player modulating osteoclast differentiation in bone remodelling and as a urothelial mechanosensor that controls normal voiding. Several TRPV4 gain-of-function mutations are shown to cause autosomal-dominant bone dysplasias such as brachyolmia and Koszlowski disease. In this review we comprehensively describe the structural, biophysical and (patho)physiological properties of the TRPV4 channel and we summarize the current knowledge about the role of TRPV4 in the pathogenesis of several diseases.  相似文献   

Acidic airway microenvironment is one of the representative pathophysiological features of chronic inflammatory respiratory diseases. Epithelial barrier function is maintained by TJs (tight junctions), which act as the first physical barrier against the inhaled substances and pathogens of airway. As previous studies described, acid stress caused impaired epithelial barriers and led the hyperpermeability of epithelium. However, the specific mechanism is still unclear. We have showed previously the existence of TRPV (transient receptor potential vanilloid) 1 channel in airway epithelium, as well as its activation by acidic stress in 16HBE cells. In this study, we explored the acidic stress on airway barrier function and TJ proteins in vitro with 16HBE cell lines. Airway epithelial barrier function was determined by measuring by TER (trans-epithelial electrical resistance). TJ-related protein [claudin-1, claudin-3, claudin-4, claudin-5, claudin-7 and ZO-1 (zonula occluden 1)] expression was examined by western blotting of insoluble fractions of cell extraction. The localization of TJ proteins were visualized by immunofluorescent staining. Interestingly, stimulation by pH 6.0 for 8 h slightly increased the epithelial resistance in 16HBE cells insignificantly. However, higher concentration of hydrochloric acid (lower than pH 5.0) did reduce the airway epithelial TER of 16HBE cells. The decline of epithelial barrier function induced by acidic stress exhibited a TRPV1-[Ca2+]i-dependent pathway. Of the TJ proteins, claudin-3 and claudin-4 seemed to be sensitive to acidic stress. The degradation of claudin-3 and claudin-4 induced by acidic stress could be attenuated by the specific TRPV1 blocker or intracellular Ca2+ chelator BAPTA/AM [1,2-bis-(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N'',N''-tetra-acetic acid tetrakis(acetoxymethyl ester)].  相似文献   

Neurons of the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) are necessary for thirst and vasopressin secretion during hypersmolality in rodents. Recent evidence suggests the osmosensitivity of these neurons is mediated by a gene product encoding the transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) channel. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether mice lacking the TRPV1 channel had blunted thirst responses and central Fos activation to acute and chronic hyperosmotic stimuli. Surprisingly, TRPV1-/- vs. wild-type mice ingested similar amounts of water after injection (0.5 ml sc) of 0.5 M NaCl and 1.0 M NaCl. Chronic increases in plasma osmolality produced by overnight water deprivation or sole access to a 2% NaCl solution for 48 h produced similar increases in water intake between wild-type and TRPV1-/- mice. There were no differences in cumulative water intakes in response to hypovolemia or isoproterenol. In addition, the number of Fos-positive cells along the lamina terminalis, including the OVLT, as well as the supraoptic nucleus and hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, was similar between wild-type and TRPV1-/- mice after both acute and chronic osmotic stimulation. These findings indicate that TRPV1 channels are not necessary for osmotically driven thirst or central Fos activation, and thereby suggest that TRPV1 channels are not the primary ion channels that permit the brain to detect changes in plasma sodium concentration or osmolality.  相似文献   

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