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Osteoporosis is a disease that increases skeletal fracture risk and places a significant health and economic burden on patients, families, and health systems. Many treatment options exist, but patient use is suboptimal, thus undermining the potential cost-effectiveness of treatments. In the previous issue of Arthritis Research & Therapy, Hiligsmann and colleagues expanded the findings of previous studies to report, from a sample of 257 patients with osteoporosis, the preference to trade off clinical outcomes for the amenity provided by convenient dosing regimens. This editorial critiques the strengths and limitations of the methods, discusses the potential utility of patient treatment preferences, and suggests avenues for further research.  相似文献   

New rounds of bacterial chromosome replication are triggered during each cell division cycle by the initiator protein, DnaA. For precise timing, interactions of DnaA-ATP monomers with the replication origin, oriC, must be carefully regulated during formation of complexes that unwind origin DNA and load replicative helicase. Recent studies in Escherichia coli suggest that high and low affinity DnaA recognition sites are positioned within oriC to direct staged assembly of bacterial pre-replication complexes, with DnaA contacting low affinity sites as it oligomerizes to 'fill the gaps' between high affinity sites. The wide variability of oriC DnaA recognition site patterns seen in nature may reflect myriad gap-filling strategies needed to couple oriC function to the lifestyle of different bacterial types.  相似文献   

Endometrial carcinoma (EC) is the leading female genital tract malignancy in industrialized countries. It will become an important public health problem in the coming years in the USA and Europe, where its incidence is increasing, and next‐generation interventions should include periodical screening in high‐risk women. In this review, we discuss the importance to gynaecologists of detecting women at high risk and offering an adequate screening programme. Screening for EC is particularly challenging and there is currently no proven programme for the surveillance of women estimated to be at an increased risk of developing this form of cancer. The data in the literature, including this and previous issues of Cytopathology, and personal experience suggest that endometrial liquid‐based cytology (LBC) might play an essential role in a screening policy for EC. LBC may enable practitioners to reduce age‐adjusted mortality for women at high risk for EC.  相似文献   

The aggregation of parents with offspring is generally associated with different forms of care that improve offspring survival at potential costs to parents. Under poor environments, the limited amount of resources available can increase the level of competition among family members and consequently lead to adaptive changes in parental investment. However, it remains unclear as to what extent such changes modify offspring fitness, particularly when offspring can survive without parents such as in the European earwig, Forficula auricularia. Here, we show that under food restriction, earwig maternal presence decreased offspring survival until adulthood by 43 per cent. This effect was independent of sibling competition and was expressed after separation from the female, indicating lasting detrimental effects. The reduced benefits of maternal presence on offspring survival were not associated with higher investment in future reproduction, suggesting a condition-dependent effect of food restriction on mothers and local mother-offspring competition for food. Overall, these findings demonstrate for the first time a long-term negative effect of maternal presence on offspring survival in a species with maternal care, and highlight the importance of food availability in the early evolution of family life.  相似文献   



Phylogenetic trees resulting from molecular phylogenetic analysis are available in Newick format from specialized databases but when it comes to phylogenetic networks, which provide an explicit representation of reticulate evolutionary events such as recombination, hybridization or lateral gene transfer, the lack of a standard format for their representation has hindered the publication of explicit phylogenetic networks in the specialized literature and their incorporation in specialized databases. Two different proposals to represent phylogenetic networks exist: as a single Newick string (where each hybrid node is splitted once for each parent) or as a set of Newick strings (one for each hybrid node plus another one for the phylogenetic network).  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma is rare, but increasing in prevalence in the United States. Recent studies have shown that sorafenib, a multikinase inhibitor, can reduce tumor progression in patients with this cancer. However, complete remission has not been observed. We report a case of a 78-year old patient with unresectable metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma who had a rapid and complete clinical response following therapy with sorafenib for six months. No evidence of disease recurrence has been noted for 6 months after discontinuation of therapy.  相似文献   

The enemy release hypothesis is often used to explain the success of non‐native species invasions. Growing evidence indicates that parasite or pathogen species richness increases over time in invasive non‐native species; however, this increase should not directly translate into release from enemy pressure as infection intensity of parasites (number of parasites per host) has a more profound impact on host fitness. The changes in intensity of parasitic infections in invasive non‐native species have not yet been thoroughly analysed in newly colonized areas. The goal of this study was to determine whether gastrointestinal parasite (nematode and trematode) infection intensity has increased with time since the populations of American mink Neovison vison were established and how host demographic parameters affect infection intensity. We tested the enemy release hypothesis by substituting space for time, evaluating parasite abundance in American mink at six sites along a chronosequence of mink invasion history. Nematode and trematode abundance increased with time since mink introduction, from a few parasites on average per mink after 16 yr, to 200–250 parasites per mink after 34 yr. The rate of increase in parasite abundance varied among demographic groups of mink (sex and age). Both nematodes and trematodes were more abundant in males than in females, and in subadults than in adults. Higher nematode abundance negatively affected body condition of mink. Our results provide evidence that non‐native species are released from enemy pressure only in the first phase of invasion, and that infection is modulated by host demographics and season. These results contribute to the evaluation of the long‐term patterns of parasite accumulation in invasive non‐native species after their colonization of new territories.  相似文献   

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