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喜树碱诱导的草地贪夜蛾Sf9细胞凋亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统植物源杀虫剂喜树碱具有优异的抑制昆虫生长发育活性, 其诱导昆虫细胞凋亡的作用方式和机制尚不明确, 极大地限制了喜树碱在植物保护领域的应用开发。本研究以1 μmol/L喜树碱诱导草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9细胞呈现细胞皱缩、微绒毛消失和染色质边集等典型细胞凋亡早期超微结构形态特征, 中期凋亡小体逐渐出现并急剧增多, DNA电泳分析可见清晰DNA片段化凋亡特征。流式细胞术分析表明1 μmol/L喜树碱诱导Sf9细胞12 h凋亡率达到最大值39.67%, 是对照的13.13倍, 随后减小。喜树碱诱导Sf9细胞凋亡在12 h和24 h 时Sf caspase-1分别出现两个活性高峰, 表明其作为效应因子在细胞凋亡级联反应过程中具有影响作用。喜树碱显著抑制Sf9细胞拓扑异构酶Ⅰ活性, 阻断解旋负超螺旋pBR322 DNA, 导致DNA损伤进而启动细胞凋亡级联反应使Sf caspase-1活性增加, 提示其信号转导过程是细胞凋亡诱导机制之一。本研究通过分析喜树碱的诱导昆虫Sf9细胞凋亡, 对揭示喜树碱诱导昆虫细胞凋亡的作用机制具有重要启示和帮助。  相似文献   

Autophagy controls insect development and can be targeted for pest control in agriculture. In the present study, starvation‐induced autophagy is investigated in the insect species Spodoptera frugiperda. Bioinformatics analysis and a search of the EST database (http://bioweb.ensam.inra.fr/spodobase) identifies a putative ATG8 gene of S. frugiperda. To generate a biomarker of autophagosome, the DNA sequence encoding the open reading frame of this gene is amplified and cloned into a pIEX‐4‐mCherry‐EGFP‐SfATG8 recombinant vector. Sf9 cells are then transfected with this expression vector and starved in phosphate‐buffered saline solution for 4 h to induce autophagy, which is examined by LysoTracker staining (Life Technologies, Grand Island, New York), western blotting and fluorescence microscopy. The results obtained show that starvation stimulates lipidation of SfATG8‐PE and the formation of autophagosomes, providing a foundation for further research with respect to autophagy in insects.  相似文献   

Silencing of yellow head virus replication in penaeid shrimp cells by dsRNA   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
RNA interference (RNAi) has been shown to inhibit viral replication in some animals and plants. Whether the RNAi is functional in shrimp remains to be demonstrated. In vitro transcribed dsRNAs of YHV helicase, polymerase, protease, gp116, and gp64 were transfected into shrimp primary cell culture and found to inhibit YHV replication. dsRNA targeted to nonstructural genes (protease, polymerase, and helicase) effectively inhibited YHV replication. Those targeted structural genes (gp116 and gp64) were the least effective. These findings are the first evidence that RNAi-mediated gene silencing is operative in shrimp cells. This could be a powerful tool for studying gene function and to develop effective control of viral infection in shrimp.  相似文献   

斑蝥素对草地贪夜蛾Sf9细胞膜完整性和膜电位的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确斑蝥素对昆虫细胞膜的作用及其机理, 本研究利用草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda的卵巢细胞系Sf9细胞作为实验材料, 采用透射电子显微技术(transmission electron microscope , TEM)、 激光共聚焦显微镜(laser scanning confocal microscope, LSCM)结合荧光探针FDA/PI及DiBAC4(3)技术研究斑蝥素(cantharidin, CTD)对Sf9细胞膜完整性及膜电位(membrane potential, MP)的影响。结果表明: 32 μmol/L CTD处理6 h和12 h后, 电镜观察均未发现细胞膜结构破损; FDA/PI染色后, 32 μmol/L CTD处理0.5 h后细胞FDA荧光强度比对照显著降低(P<0.05), 碘化丙啶(propidium iodide, PI)染色的细胞比例与对照无显著性差异(P≥0.05)。32 μmol/L CTD处理140 s后即引起MP发生显著性去极化(P<0.05); 64 μmol/L CTD处理瞬时MP发生显著性去极化(P<0.05); 32 μmol/L CTD处理3 h内及64 μmol/L CTD处理2 h 内MP仍保持显著性去极化(P<0.05), 之后去极化程度降低; 32 μmol/L CTD处理6 h及64 μmol/L CTD处理3 h时MP去极化与对照组相比已无显著性差异(P≥0.05)。结果说明, CTD处理短时间内可引起Sf9细胞膜电位去极化并维持一段时间, 同时导致细胞活性发生不可逆下降, 但未对细胞膜结构完整性产生破坏。  相似文献   

Azadirachtin as a kind of botanical insecticide has been widely used in pest control. We previously reported that azadirachtin could induce apoptosis of Spodoptera litura cultured cell line Sl-1, which involves in the up-regulation of P53 protein. However, the detailed mechanism of azadirachtin-induced apoptosis is not clearly understood in insect cultured cells. The aim of the present study was to address the involvement of lysosome and lysosomal protease in azadirachtin-induced apoptosis in Sf9 cells. The result confirmed that azadirachtin indeed inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis. The lysosomes were divided into different types as time-dependent manner, which suggested that changes of lysosomes were necessarily physiological processes in azadirachtin-induced apoptosis in Sf9 cells. Interestingly, we noticed that azadirachtin could trigger lysosomal membrane permeabilization and cathepsin L releasing to cytosol. Z-FF-FMK (a cathepsin L inhibitor), but not CA-074me (a cathepsin B inhibitor), could effectively hinder the apoptosis induced by azadirachtin in Sf9 cells. Meanwhile, the activity of caspase-3 could also be inactivated by the inhibition of cathepsin L enzymatic activity induced by Z-FF-FMK. Taken together, our findings suggest that azadirachtin could induce apoptosis in Sf9 cells in a lysosomal pathway, and cathepsin L plays a pro-apoptosis role in this process through releasing to cytosol and activating caspase-3.  相似文献   

The scarcity of fundamental knowledge on the baculovirus-host cell interaction is a major drawback for the improvement of bioprocesses through Metabolic Engineering. After the first hours post-infection, the virus takes over the control of cellular machinery, leading to the repression of host gene expression and imposing a high metabolic burden to insect cells. Nevertheless, there is a lack of detailed data on the metabolic responses to infection, which are ultimately responsible for system productivity performance. In this work, a further insight into the central metabolism of Sf9 cells is achieved by a combined analysis of enzyme activities, cellular cofactors (ATP and NAD(P)(+)/NAD(P)H) and metabolic fluxes. Hexokinase and isocitrate dehydrogenase were identified as feasible limiting steps of metabolism; carbon and nitrogen metabolism enzymes were differentially regulated during batch cultures. Moreover, alterations occurring after infection demonstrated the importance of maintaining the energetic state of the cells for baculovirus replication, since ATP accumulated in a MOI-dependent way, and the glutamate dehydrogenase anaplerotic pathway was greatly activated. Altogether, cellular de-energization and stress responses are relevant factors in the metabolic burden imposed by infection. The implications for the improvement of bioprocess performance are discussed.  相似文献   

A secretory form of human α3-fucosyltransferase IX (sFUT9) was overexpressed in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells using the stable expression vector pIB/V5-His-TOPO and the signal sequence of human interleukin 2 for efficient secretion. sFUT9 was active and its three potential N-glycosylation sites were occupied. sFUT9 efficiently fucosylated the type II acceptors Galbeta4GlcNAC-R and Fucalpha2Galbeta4GlcNAc-R (R = (CH2)3NHCO(CH2)5–NH-biotin) but not the corresponding sialylated acceptor, and only very poorly the type I (Galbeta3GlcNAc-R) related acceptors. sFUT9 showed a clear preference for glycoproteins containing type II acceptors, with values of 121, 113 and 110 microU/million cell for asialofetuin, erythropoietin and asialoerythropoietin, respectively, values approximately 11-fold higher than those obtained for the small acceptors.  相似文献   

1. Experiments were carried out to investigate the incidence of cannibalism throughout the larval development of the noctuid moth Spodoptera frugiperda, and to examine the risk of infection from consuming conspecifics infected with a nuclear polyhedrosis virus (SfNPV). 2. Cannibalism was observed commonly even when food was not limiting, but occurred more frequently at low food quantities and/or high rearing densities. The sex of the larvae had no effect on the incidence of cannibalistic behaviour, however the probability of cannibalism occurring was affected by larval stage. The frequency of cannibalism was significantly higher among fifth- and sixth-instar larvae than among earlier instars, and larvae were more likely to consume younger conspecifics than larvae of the same stage. 3. Fifth-instar larvae offered fourth-instar victims fed equally on healthy larvae, virus-infected larvae (2 days post-infection), uninfected corpses, and virus-killed corpses (6 days post-infection). Horizontal transmission of SfNPV was only recorded in larvae offered virus-killed corpses, however, and total mortality in this treatment was only 32%. 4. In a similar experiment, fourth-instar larvae avoided cannibalising virus-killed corpses. Horizontal transmission of SfNPV was recorded in fourth-instar larvae that consumed 2-day post-infected larvae. The low incidence of cannibalism observed in fourth-instar larvae, however, suggests that this is unlikely to provide an important route for the transmission of SfNPV.  相似文献   

Concentrated conditioned medium (CM) fractions from Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 and Trichoplusia ni cells, eluting from a gel filtration column at around 10 kDa, were found to exhibit strong antibacterial activity against Bacillus megaterium and Escherichia coli. The B. megaterium cells incubated in the CM fraction from Sf9 cells rapidly lost viability: after 8 min the viability had decreased to 0.7%, as compared with the control. Addition of the CM fraction to E. coli cells resulted in a less drastic drop in viability: 65% viability was lost after 60 min of incubation. Further, exposure to the CM fraction caused a substantial leakage of intracellular proteins, as demonstrated by SDS-PAGE analysis. Cell lysis was confirmed by optical density measurements, microscopic investigations and flow cytometry. B. megaterium exposed to a CM fraction from T. ni cells lost 97% of their viability in about 40 min. Ubiquitin, thioredoxin and cyclophilin were identified in the antibacterial fraction from Sf9 cells by mass spectrometry and N-terminal amino acid sequencing. Other proteins in the fraction gave no matches in a database search. Since ubiquitin was shown not to cause the antimicrobial effect and thioredoxin and cyclophilin were likely not involved, the responsible agent may be an unknown protein, not yet registered in databases. The antimicrobial effect of the CM fraction from T. ni cells most probably comes from a lysozyme precursor protein.  相似文献   

Proper assembly of nucleocapsids of the baculovirus Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus is prevented by cytochalasin D, a drug that interferes with actin microfilament function. To investigate the involvement of microfilaments in A. californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus replication, a fluorescence microscopy study was conducted that correlated changes in distribution of microfilaments with events in the life cycle of the virus. Tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate-labeled phalloidin was used to label microfilaments, and monoclonal antibody was used to label p39, the major viral capsid protein. Three microfilament arrangements were found in infected cells. During uptake of virus, thick cables were formed. These were insensitive to cycloheximide, indicating that this configuration was a rearrangement of preexisting cellular actin mediated by a component of the viral inoculum. At the time of cell rounding and before viral DNA replication, ventral aggregates of actin were observed. These were sensitive to cycloheximide but not to aphidicolin, indicating that an early viral gene mediated this actin rearrangement. Ventral aggregates did not result from the rounding process itself. Uninfected cells prerounded with colchicine did not form ventral aggregates. Cells prerounded with colchicine and then infected did form aggregates. At the time of exponential production of progency virus, microfilaments were found in the nucleus surrounding the virogenic stroma. In this area (where nucleocapsid assembly is known to take place) microfilaments colocalized with p39. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western immunoblot analysis identified p39 among proteins retained on an f-actin affinity column. We postulate that microfilaments in the nucleus provide a scaffold to position capsids for proper assembly and filling with DNA.  相似文献   

G A Grabowski  W R White  M E Grace 《Enzyme》1989,41(3):131-142
A cDNA encoding human acid beta-glucosidase (N-acylsphingosyl-1-O-beta-D-glucoside: glucohydrolase, EC expressed catalytically active enzyme in transfected COS-1 or infected Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells. The expression plasmid p91023(B) (p91023B/Glc) and a Baculovirus (AcMNPV/Glc) containing the cDNA were constructed and used with the respective cells. By immunoblotting a glycosylated, 63-kilodalton human acid-beta-glucosidase was detected in the transfected or infected cells. A 56-kilodalton human polypeptide was obtained after complete deglycosylation with N-Glycanase. The expressed human enzymes also had partial endoglycosidase H sensitivity. The human enzyme expressed at high levels in Sf9 cells and had normal immunologic properties. With the partially purified enzyme from Sf9 cells, intact function of active site was indicated by normal kcat and Kmapp or Kiapp values for alternative substrates or potent inhibitors, respectively. The expressed enzyme was also activated normally by the negatively charged lipid, taurocholate. The results of these studies indicate that the Baculovirus expression system could provide a convenient source of normal human enzyme for structure/function investigations. In addition, this expression system should prove useful for the identification and evaluation of putative etiologic point mutations in Gaucher disease variants with kinetically altered residual enzymes.  相似文献   

Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) ovarian cells, natural hosts for baculovirus, are good model systems to study apoptosis and also heterologous gene expression. We report that uninfected Sf9 cells readily undergo apoptosis and show increased phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2alpha) in the presence of agents such as UVB light, etoposide, high concentrations of cycloheximide, and EGTA. In contrast, tunicamycin, A23187, and low concentrations of cycloheximide promoted eIF2alpha phosphorylation in Sf9 cells but without apoptosis. These findings therefore suggest that increased eIF2alpha phosphorylation does not always necessarily lead to apoptosis, but it is a characteristic hallmark of stressed cells and also of cells undergoing apoptosis. Cell death induced by the above agents was abrogated by infection of Sf9 cells with wild-type (wt) AcNPV. In contrast, Sf9 cells when infected with vAcdelta35, a virus carrying deletion of the antiapoptotic p35 gene, showed increased apoptosis and enhanced eIF2alpha phosphorylation. Further, a recombinant wt virus vAcS51D expressing human S51D, a phosphomimetic form of eIF2alpha, induced apoptosis in UVB pretreated Sf9 cells. However, infection with vAcS51A expressing a nonphosphorylatable form (S51A) of human eIF2alpha partially reduced apoptosis. Consistent with these findings, it has been observed here that caspase activation has led to increased eIF2alpha phosphorylation, while caspase inhibition by z-VAD-fmk reduced eIF2alpha phosphorylation selectively in cells exposed to proapoptotic agents. These findings therefore suggest that the stress signaling pathway determines apoptosis, and caspase activation is a prerequisite for increased eIF2alpha phosphorylation in Sf9 cells undergoing apoptosis. The findings also reinforce the conclusion for the first time that the "pancaspase inhibitor" baculovirus p35 mitigates eIF2alpha phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Summary Insect cells have been propagated in monolayers in T-flasks or in suspension culture in spinner flasks, the latter being conducted over a range of spinner speeds. In both configurations, the cells were also infected with either wild or recombinant -galactosidase baculovirus at MOI of 0.1, 1 and 10. The strength of both uninfected and infected cells was also measured by a micro-manipulation technique. No significant difference in growth rate was obtained between monolayer culture and suspension culture at the spinner rate which was optimum for growth. This optimum was quite sharp. At the lowest speeds cells settled, whilst above the optimum speed the spinner action led to significant cell damage. The maximum infectivity was obtained at this optimum speed which also gave maximum survival after infection. There were significant changes of cell survival and infection, even over relatively small changes of speed, and presumably energy dissipation rate. As changes in growth in turbine-agitated bioreactors have been shown to be much less, even when the energy inputs varied by two orders of magnitude, these findings throw doubt on the usefulness of spinner flasks for assessing shear sensitivity of cell lines. The percentage of infected cells and -galactosidase production were significantly lower in the monolayer culture compared to that in the suspension culture at MOI values below 10 pfu/cell. This difference is explained as being due to the reduced movement of released virus particles from infected to non-infected cells in the T-flasks.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress has been shown to be associated with apoptosis (programmed cell death) in a number of cell systems. We earlier reported in vitro cultured Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells as a model system to study oxidative stress induced apoptosis (J Biosciences 24 (1999) 13) and the inhibition of UV-induced apoptosis by the baculovirus antiapoptotic p35 protein that acts as a sink to sequester reactive oxygen species (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96 (1999) 4838). We now show that UV-induced apoptosis in Sf9 cells, is preceded by the release of mitochondrial cytochrome c into the cytosol and consequent activation of Sf-caspase-1. The inhibitory effect of different antioxidants including scavengers of oxygen radicals such as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), alpha tocopherol acetate, benzoate and reduced-glutathione (GSH) on ultra violet B (UVB)-induced apoptosis in cultured Sf9 cells was assessed. Both, cytochrome c release as well as Sf-caspase-1 activation was inhibited by pre-treatment with antioxidants such as BHA and alpha tocopherol acetate, suggesting that these antioxidants inhibit apoptosis by acting quite upstream in the apoptosis cascade at the mitochondrial level, as well as downstream at the caspase level.  相似文献   

Enzymatic DNA methylation of carbon 5 of cytosines is an epigenetic modification that plays a role in regulating gene expression, differentiation, and tumorigenesis. DNA (cytosine-C5)-methyltransferase-1 is the enzyme responsible for maintaining established methylation patterns during replication in mammalian cells. It is composed of a large ( approximately 1100 amino acids (a.a.)) amino-terminal region containing many putative regulatory domains and a smaller ( approximately 500 a.a.) carboxy-terminal region containing conserved, catalytic domains. In this study, murine DNA (cytosine C5)-methyltransferase-1, fused to an amino-terminal hexahistidine tag, was expressed by infecting Spodoptera frugiperda cells for 46 h with a recombinant baculovirus carrying the DNA (cytosine-C5)-methyltransferase-1 cDNA. A total of 3 x 10(8) infected S. frugiperda cells yielded approximately 1 mg of full-length, hexahistidine-tagged DNA (cytosine-C5)-methyltransferase-1, which was purified approximately 450-fold from RNase-treated S. frugiperda cell extracts by nickel affinity chromatography. The characterization of hexahistidine-tagged DNA (cytosine-C5)-methyltransferase-1 through DNA methylation and inhibitor-binding assays indicated that the purified enzyme had at least a 30-fold higher catalytic efficiency with hemimethylated double-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotide substrates than unmethylated substrates and was most active with small oligodeoxyribonucleotide substrates with a capacity for forming stem-loop structures. The expression and purification procedures reported here differ significantly from the original reports of baculovirus-mediated hexahistidine-tagged DNA (cytosine-C5)-methyltransferase-1 expression and purification by nickel affinity chromatography and provide a consistent yield of active enzyme.  相似文献   

Baculoviruses from Autographa californica (AcNPV-E2) and Spodoptera frugiperda (SfNPV-2) were titered in five insect cell lines: IAL-PID2, IAL-SFD1, IPLB-SF-21AE, TN-368, and IAL-TND1. AcNPV-E2 replicated in all the cell lines while SfNPV-2 did not replicate in the lines TN-368 and IAL-TND1. Further in vivo studies of SfNPV-2 showed the virus was not infectious when fed to Trichoplusia ni larvae per os or when injected into the hemocoel. These data suggest that the barrier to SfNPV-2 infectivity in T. ni is at the cellular level, as opposed to the midgut.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is a promising technology for the development of next-generation insect pest control products. Though RNAi is efficient and systemic in coleopteran insects, it is inefficient and variable in lepidopteron insects. In this study, we explored the possibility of improving RNAi in the fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda by conjugating double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) with biodegradable chitosan (Chi). dsRNA conjugated with chitosan was protected from degradation by endonucleases present in Sf9 cell-conditioned medium, hemolymph, and midgut lumen contents collected from the FAW larvae. Chi–dsRNA complexes showed reduced accumulation in the endosomes of Sf9 cells and FAW tissues. Exposing chitosan formulated dsRNA in Sf9 cells and the tissues induced a significant knockdown of endogenous genes. Chi–dsIAP fed to FAW larvae induced knockdown of iap gene, growth retardation, and mortality. Processing of dsRNA into small interfering RNA was detected with chitosan-conjugated 32P-UTP-labeled ds green fluorescent protein in Sf9 cells and FAW larval tissues. Overall, these data suggest that dsRNA conjugated with chitosan helps dsRNA escape from the endosomes and improves RNAi efficiency in FAW cells and tissues.  相似文献   

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