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We analysed family relationships among brown trout from two small tributary populations that have been suggested as a source of individuals for supportive breeding, using variation at eight microsatellite loci. As a control, we analysed a sample of supposedly unrelated individuals representing a large anadromous population, and we simulated unrelated individuals based on the allelic distributions in all three samples. Two different approaches were used: (1) pairwise estimates of relatedness between individuals and (2) a method for partitioning individuals into half-sib and full-sib families. The anadromous population did not show evidence of a significant number of closely related individuals. In both tributary populations, however, the distributions of pairwise relatedness estimates suggested the presence of several related individuals, and sibship reconstruction suggested fewer families consisting of more individuals than were observed for the simulated individuals. The expected increase of inbreeding coefficient in the two samples due to family structure was 0.026 and 0.030 respectively. Moreover, tests for recent bottlenecks yielded significant outcomes in both populations suggesting a history of low effective population sizes. Depending on the effective population size of captive spawners and past effective population sizes in the populations it could be beneficial to conduct sib-avoidance matings, though this cannot eliminate inbreeding but only delay it. Alternatively, individuals from different populations could be crossed. Sibship reconstruction provided the clearest evidence for family structure, but pairwise relatedness is the best measure for designing mating schemes, as it allows for mating as unrelated individuals as possible rather than just avoiding mating between sibs.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) and sea trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) show large karyotypic differences and their hybrid offspring is not viable due to unstable karyotype and chromosome fragmentation. However, gametes from these two species were used to induce gynogenetic development. Rainbow trout eggs activated by UV-irradiated sea trout sperm were subjected to high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) shock to prevent release of the 2nd polar body (early shock) or to inhibit the first cleavage (late shock) in order to produce diploid meiotic gynogenotes and gynogenetic doubled haploids (DHs), respectively. Cytogenetic analysis proved fish that development was induced by the sea trout spermatozoa were rainbow trout. In turn, molecular examination confirmed homozygosity of the gynogenetic DHs. Presumed appearance of the recessive alleles resulted in lower survival of the gynogenetic DH larvae (~25%) when compared to survival of the heterozygous (meiotic) gynogenotes (c. 50%). Our results proved that genomic incompatibilities between studied trout species result in the hybrid unviability. However, artificial gynogenesis including activation of rainbow trout eggs with UV-irradiated sea trout spermatozoa was successfully induced. As both species are unable to cross, application of the UV-irradiated sea trout spermatozoa to activate rainbow trout development assures only maternal inheritance with no contamination by the residues of the paternal chromosomes.  相似文献   

One main challenge in conservation biology is to preserve genetic variability and adaptive variation within and among populations. However, constant anthropogenic habitat modifications have severe effects on the evolutionary dynamics shaping wild populations and pose a serious threat to the natural evolution of biodiversity. The aim of the present study was to unravel the genetic structuring of brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations in the largest freshwater catchment in Ireland, whose habitats have experienced major human-mediated changes over at least two centuries. A total of 419 juvenile fish were sampled from nine main rivers in the Corrib catchment and were genotyped using 12 microsatellites. Both Bayesian clustering and F ST-based analyses of genetic variance sorted these populations into five main genetically distinct groups, characterized by different extent of genetic differentiation among populations. These groups were also characterized by some degree of admixture, which can be partly explained by recent gene flow. Overall, the study suggests that the Corrib trout may conform to a metapopulation model with local populations that show different degrees of isolation and are interconnected by various level of gene flow. Results add further insights into metapopulation evolutionary dynamics and provide a useful basis to implement appropriate conservation strategies.  相似文献   

We studied habitat choice, diet, food consumption and somatic growth of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) during the ice-covered winter period of a subarctic lake in northern Norway. Both Arctic charr and brown trout predominantly used the littoral zone during winter time. Despite very cold winter conditions (water temperature <1°C) and poor light conditions, both fish species fed continuously during the ice-covered period, although at a much lower rate than during the summer season. No somatic growth could be detected during the ice-covered winter period and the condition factor of both species significantly declined, suggesting that the winter feeding rates were similar to or below the maintenance requirements. Also, the species richness and diversity of ingested prey largely decreased from summer to winter for both fish species. The winter diet of Arctic charr <20 cm was dominated by benthic insect larvae, chironomids in particular, and Gammarus lacustris, but zooplankton was also important in December. G. lacustris was the dominant prey of charr >20 cm. The winter diet of brown trout <20 cm was dominated by insect larvae, whereas large-sized trout mainly was piscivorous, feeding on juvenile Arctic charr. Piscivorous feeding behaviour of trout was in contrast rarely seen during the summer months when their encounter with potential fish prey was rare as the small-sized charr mainly inhabited the profundal. The study demonstrated large differences in the ecology and interactions of Arctic charr and brown trout between the winter and summer seasons.  相似文献   

Intraspecific genetic variation can have similar effects as species diversity on ecosystem function; understanding such variation is important, particularly for ecological key species. The brown trout plays central roles in many northern freshwater ecosystems, and several cases of sympatric brown trout populations have been detected in freshwater lakes based on apparent morphological differences. In some rare cases, sympatric, genetically distinct populations lacking visible phenotypic differences have been detected based on genetic data alone. Detecting such “cryptic” sympatric populations without prior grouping of individuals based on phenotypic characteristics is more difficult statistically, though. The aim of the present study is to delineate the spatial connectivity of two cryptic, sympatric genetic clusters of brown trout discovered in two interconnected, tiny subarctic Swedish lakes. The structures were detected using allozyme markers, and have been monitored over time. Here, we confirm their existence for almost three decades and report that these cryptic, sympatric populations exhibit very different connectivity patterns to brown trout of nearby lakes. One of the clusters is relatively isolated while the other one shows high genetic similarity to downstream populations. There are indications of different spawning sites as reflected in genetic structuring among parr from different creeks. We used >3000 SNPs on a subsample and find that the SNPs largely confirm the allozyme pattern but give considerably lower F ST values, and potentially indicate further structuring within populations. This type of complex genetic substructuring over microgeographical scales might be more common than anticipated and needs to be considered in conservation management.  相似文献   

Salmon Salmo salar L. and brown trout S. trutta L. juveniles were examined for the presence of accidental monogenean ectoparasitic species of Gyrodactylus Nordmann, 1832 in the Baltic and White Sea basins of Russian Karelia in order to estimate the frequency of host-switching attempts on an ecological timescale. To collect phylogeographical information and for exact species identification, the parasites were characterised by nuclear internal transcribed spacer sequences of rDNA (ITS) and, for some species, also by their mitochondrial DNA (CO1 gene) sequences. Four accidental Gyrodactylus species were observed on salmon and brown trout. A few specimens of G. aphyae Malmberg, 1957, the normal host of which is the Eurasian minnow Phoxinus phoxinus (L.), were observed on lake salmon from the Rivers Kurzhma (Lake Kuito, White Sea basin) and Vidlitsa (Lake Ladoga, Baltic basin). G. lucii Kulakovskaya, 1952, a parasite of the northern pike Esox lucius L., was observed on salmon in the Kurzhma. In the River Vidlitsa, two specimens of G. papernai Ergens & Bychowsky, 1967, normally on stone loach Barbatula barbatula (L.), were found on salmon. On anadromous White Sea salmon in the River Pulonga in Chupa Bay, a few salmon parr carried small colonies of G. arcuatus Bychowsky, 1933, which were shown to have originated from the local three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus L. consumed as prey. No specimens of Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg, 1957 were observed, although the Pulonga is the nearest salmon spawning river to the River Keret', which is heavily infected with introduced G. salaris. In the River Satulinoja, Lake Ladoga, three specimens of G. lotae Gusev, 1953, from burbot Lota lota (L.), were collected from a single brown trout S. trutta. All nonspecific gyrodactylid infections on salmonids were judged to be temporary, because only a few specimens were observed on each of the small number of infected fishes. The prevalence of endemic G. salaris was also low, only 1% (Nfish = 296) in Lake Onega and 0.7% (Nfish = 255) in Lake Ladoga, while brown trout specific Gyrodactylus species were not observed on any of the 429 trout examined from the Ladoga basin. The host-specific and unspecific burden of Gyrodactylus spp. on these 'glacial relict' populations of salmon and brown trout was very low, suggesting a generalised resistance against the co-evolved freshwater parasite community, or some kind of 'vaccination' effect. These hypotheses deserve further testing.  相似文献   

Materials of preliminary investigations of the life strategy of mykiss Parasalmo mykiss and trout Salmo trutta introduced to water bodies of Chili are considered. Analysis of the structure of scales demonstrated that, in mykiss and trout, the estuarine and riverine-estuarine types of life strategy prevail. This seems to be related to good feeding conditions in fjords. The hypothesis is suggested that, in the area of Chilean fjords, the successful introduction to rivers and artificial rearing in cages in brackish water resulted in the formation of a peculiar and highly dynamic population system. Elements of this system are from both fish of natural self-reproducing populations and fish grown in cages. There is a continuous exchange with genetic information between them as the fish that have escaped from cages attain maturity, arrive to rivers for spawning, and reproduce together with wild fish.  相似文献   

Brown trout populations in the Belgian rivers Scheldt and Meuse have been intensively stocked in the past decades, often with material of uncertain origin. Moreover, the species habitat has become increasingly fragmented, preventing gene flow between neighboring populations. We assessed how this impacted genetic diversity and population structure by analyzing 12 wild populations (total n=309) and seven hatchery stocks (n=200) at the mitochondrial control region with SSCP and at 27 RAPD loci. Historical records indicate that brown trout from distant locations have been used to supplement hatchery stocks; nevertheless we detected non-Atlantic mitochondrial genomes in only one population of the Scheldt basin and in one hatchery. In general, the hatchery samples displayed a higher genetic diversity and differentiated less among each other (global FST(mtDNA)=0.311/FST(RAPD)=0.029) compared to the wild populations (global FST(mtDNA)=0.477/FST(RAPD)=0.204). This is due to frequent exchanges between hatcheries and regular supplementation from several indigenous populations. Gene pools present in most downstream sections from tributaries of the Meuse were similar to each other and to the hatchery samples, despite the presence of migration barriers. Assignment analyses indicated that the contribution of hatchery material to the upstream parts was limited or even completely absent in populations separated by a physical barrier. Intensive stocking and exchange between hatcheries has homogenized the downstream sections of the Meuse River, whereas the migration barriers preserved the indigenous upstream populations. As such, uncontrolled removal of barriers might result in an irreversible loss of the remnant indigenous gene pools.  相似文献   

In the present study, a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assay was used to survey variation in a 1450-bp mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) segment which comprises part of the cytochrome oxidase III (COIII) and ATPase subunit VI genes in 8 brown trout (Salmo trutta L) populations from the southern Balkans. In addition, a 300 bp fragment at the 5′ end of the control region was sequenced from representatives of the populations studied providing the opportunity to assign PCR-RFLP haplotypes into major phylogenetic lineages (i.e. Atlantic, Danubian, marmoratus, Adriatic and Mediterranean). The level of polymorphism found in the 1450 bp segment suggests that this PCR-RFLP assay may be useful for future diagnostic analyses of mitochondrial DNA in brown trout populations. A reduced within-population genetic variability but considerable among-population differentiation was observed. The results are in accordance with previous data on phylogeography of Mediterranean brown trout suggesting that mitochondrial DNA haplotypes are distributed in a mosaic pattern as a consequence of a complex evolutionary history. The present study shows that brown trout populations from the Southern Balkans are highly divergent and possess a unique genetic profile that should be taken into account when establishing conservation management programs. Handling editor: C. Sturmbauer  相似文献   

In the native range of the brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in Europe, the hybridization of native populations by nonnative domesticated strains introduced by stocking is one of the most serious threats to the long-term conservation of diversity within this species. With the objective of conserving and restoring the native gene pool, fishery managers are beginning to implement various management strategies at the local scale. Nevertheless, few case studies have been published that investigate the effectiveness of the various different conservation strategies for native brown trout populations. In the Chevenne Creek, a small French mountain stream, we tested the strategy of removing nonnative individuals by multiple electrofishing carried out by fishery managers in order to evaluate its feasibility and effectiveness for eliminating a nonnative population threatening a native population. Electrofishing produced major reductions in the nonnative population between 2006 and 2009, with 82–100% of nonnative individuals being removed over a period of 4 years. Nevertheless, despite multiple-electrofishing campaigns, this nonnative population was not entirely eradicated, and some natural recruitment persisted. The young of the year and subadults were less effectively removed than the adults. The results suggest that repeated electrofishing campaigns can be used by managers to reduce the nonnative brown trout population with the objective of conserving the native gene pool, but the removal operation must be continued for at least 4 consecutive years. This strategy, which is feasible in small streams, has to be followed by complementary operations to allow the restoration of a new, native, self-sustainable brown trout population.  相似文献   

Partial migration is a common phenomenon, yet the causes of individual differences in migratory propensity are not well understood. We examined factors that potentially influence timing of migration and migratory propensity in a wild population of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) by combining experimental manipulations with passive integrated transponder telemetry. Individuals were subjected to one of six manipulations: three designed to mimic natural stressors (temperature increase, food deprivation, and chase by a simulated predator), an injection of exogenous cortisol designed to mimic an extreme physiological challenge, a sham injection, and a control group. By measuring length and mass of 923 individuals prior to manipulation and by monitoring tagged individuals as they left the stream months later, we assessed whether pre-existing differences influenced migratory tendency and timing of migration, and whether our manipulations affected growth, condition, and timing of migration. We found that pre-existing differences predicted migration, with smaller individuals and individuals in poor condition having a higher propensity to migrate. Exogenous cortisol manipulation had the largest negative effect on growth and condition, and resulted in an earlier migration date. Additionally, low-growth individuals within the temperature and food deprivation treatments migrated earlier. By demonstrating that both pre-existing differences in organism state and additional stressors can affect whether and when individuals migrate, we highlight the importance of understanding individual differences in partial migration. These effects may carry over to influence migration success and affect the evolutionary dynamics of sub-populations experiencing different levels of stress, which is particularly relevant in a changing world.  相似文献   

For the first time, an analysis was carried out of allozyme variability in trout (Salmo trutta) from three rivers of Iran. We studied 23 gene loci coding enzymes: glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH), aspartate aminotransferase (AAT), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine kinase (CK), malic enzyme [NADP-dependent MDH] (MEP), superoxide dismutase (SOD), esterase (EST), and esterase D (EST-D). The obtained data demonstrate the similarity between the trout samples from different rivers of Iran according to genetic characteristics. Taking into account the differences by allozyme markers of allele frequencies and allele composition of some loci, we should expect that Iranian trout diverges significantly in genetics from the other trout populations of the Caspian Sea.  相似文献   

A firm knowledge of the normal structure is crucial for evaluating pathological processes and morphofunctional correlations. Stereological liver structure characterization had its debut for mammals in the 1960s, but only in the 1980s did it start to be used in fishes. Using stereology, our aim was to verify the hypothesis that in parallel with the well-known annual seasonal changes in the liver–body ratio of brown trout, hepatocytes would vary their number and/or size, and that gender differences likely exist. Three-year-old specimens were used. Five animals per gender were examined in May (endogenous vitellogenesis), September (exogenous vitellogenesis), and February (spawning season end). The liver was fixed by perfusion, and its total volume estimated. Systematically sampled material was embedded in epoxy or in metachrylate resins. Stereology was executed on light and electron microscopy images. Unbiased design-based techniques were applied, using physical disectors and differential point counting. Target parameters were the relative (per unit volume) and total number of hepatocytes, the mean cell and nuclear volumes, and the total volumes of hepatocytes and their nuclei. Data support that in both genders the number of hepatocytes and the volume of its nucleus change along the breeding cycle. The cell number increased from endogenous to exogenous vitellogenesis (accompanying relative liver size gains), later followed by a decline in the cell number, still detectable after the spawning season. The total liver volumes of the cell and nucleus also increased from May to September in females, despite that the mean hepatocyte nuclear volume showed a minimum in September. No statistical changes in the mean cell volume were detected, regardless of the tendency for lower mean values in September. Changes were more marked in females and showed a higher correlation with the gonad weight. It was firstly suggested that numerical (rather than cell size) changes govern the shifts of the relative liver weight seen during the brown trout annual breeding cycle, and eventually of other fishes. We hypothesized that there are seasonal cycles of hepatocyte mitosis (from after spawning to exogenous vitellogenesis) and of apoptosis (at spawning). These cycles would be regulated by sex steroids, being more striking in females.  相似文献   

Two repeated DNA sequences isolated from a partial genomic DNA library of Helianthus annuus, p HaS13 and p HaS211, were shown to represent portions of the int gene of a Ty3 /gypsy retroelement and of the RNase-Hgene of a Ty1 /copia retroelement, respectively. Southern blotting patterns obtained by hybridizing the two probes to BglII- or DraI-digested genomic DNA from different Helianthus species showed p HaS13 and p HaS211 were parts of dispersed repeats at least 8 and 7 kb in length, respectively, that were conserved in all species studied. Comparable hybridization patterns were obtained in all species with p HaS13. By contrast, the patterns obtained by hybridizing p HaS211 clearly differentiated annual species from perennials. The frequencies of p HaS13- and p HaS211-related sequences in different species were 4.3x10(4)-1.3x10(5) copies and 9.9x10(2)-8.1x10(3) copies per picogram of DNA, respectively. The frequency of p HaS13-related sequences varied widely within annual species, while no significant difference was observed among perennial species. Conversely, the frequency variation of p HaS211-related sequences was as large within annual species as within perennials. Sequences of both families were found to be dispersed along the length of all chromosomes in all species studied. However, Ty3 /gypsy-like sequences were localized preferentially at the centromeric regions, whereas Ty1/ copia-like sequences were less represented or absent around the centromeres and plentiful at the chromosome ends. These findings suggest that the two sequence families played a role in Helianthusgenome evolution and species divergence, evolved independently in the same genomic backgrounds and in annual or perennial species, and acquired different possible functions in the host genomes.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal genetic structure of brown trout populations from three small tributaries of Lake Hald, Denmark, was studied using analysis of variation at eight microsatellite loci. From two of the populations temporal samples were available, separated by up to 13 years (3.7 generations). Significant genetic differentiation was observed among all samples, however, hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that differentiation among populations accounted for a non-significant amount of the genetic differentiation, whereas differentiation among temporal samples within populations was highly significant (0.0244, P<0.001). Estimates of effective population size (N e) using a maximum-likelihood based implementation of the temporal method, yielded small values (N e ranging from 33 to 79). When a model was applied that allows for migration among populations, N e estimates were even lower (24–54), and migration rates were suggested to be high (0.13–0.36). All samples displayed a clear signal of a recent bottleneck, probably stemming from a period of unfavourable conditions due to organic pollution in the 1970–1980’s. By comparison to other estimates of N e in brown trout, Lake Hald trout represent a system of small populations linked by extensive gene flow, whereas other populations in larger rivers exhibit much higher N e values and experience lower levels of immigration. We suggest that management considerations for systems like Lake Hald brown trout should focus both on a regional scale and at the level of individual populations, as the future persistence of populations depends both on maintaining individual populations and ensuring sufficient migration links among these populations.  相似文献   

A genetic transformation system has been developed for callus cells of Crataegus aronia using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Callus culture was established from internodal stem segments incubated on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 5 mg l−1 Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 0.5 mg l−1 6-benzyladenine (BA). In order to optimize the callus culture system with respect to callus growth and coloration, different types and concentrations of plant growth regulators were tested. Results indicated that the best average fresh weight of red colored callus was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg l−1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 1.5 mg l−1 kinetin (Kin) (callus maintenance medium). Callus cells were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium harboring the binary plasmid pCAMBIA1302 carrying the mgfp5 and hygromycin phosphotransferase (hptII) genes conferring green fluorescent protein (GFP) activity and hygromycin resistance, respectively. Putative transgenic calli were obtained 4 weeks after incubation of the co-cultivated explants onto maintenance medium supplemented with 50 mg l−1 hygromycin. Molecular analysis confirmed the integration of the transgenes in transformed callus. To our knowledge, this is the first time to report an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system in Crataegus aronia.  相似文献   

We isolated the full-length cDNAs of engrailed and dpp-BMP2/4 orthologues from the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis and examined their expression patterns during development by the whole mount in situ hybridization. At the gastrula and trochophore stages, engrailed is expressed in the peripheral ectoderm of the presumptive and invaginating shell gland, corroborating its role in the shell formation that is widely conserved among molluscs. At the same stages, dpp-BMP2/4 is expressed in the right-hand side ectoderm of the shell gland and in the invaginating stomodaeum. Unlike in the gastropod Patella vulgata, our results suggested that dpp-BMP2/4 has a role in the shell formation, rather than in the regional specification and that it could be involved in the specification pathway of the left–right asymmetry of the developing shell in L. stagnalis.  相似文献   

Ten experimental and 10 control experiments on a parallel swing and 4 experiments on a rotating stand were carried out on fries of the trout Salmo gairdneri, strain Rofor. Depending on changes of motor activity the fish can be separated into three groups: (1) the “freezing” fish, in which the mean swimming rate dropped sharply with the beginning of swinging; (2) the shuttleswimming fish, in which the mean swimming rate in the process of swinging practically did not change, but which with beginning of swinging started the from-wall-to-wall swimming in the horizontal plane by changing direction of the movement with a frequency close to the swinging frequency; (3) the “restless” fish, in which significant fluctuations of the mean swimming rate were observed. A decrease of the motor activity in the first group fish seems to be a protective reaction. By “freezing,” they decrease the vestibular apparatus stimulation. Analysis of the available data allows thinking that the shuttle swimming is based on an unconditional rheoreaction characteristic of pelagic fish. Its realization during swinging depends on activity of otolith organs that until now have not been considered a possible sensor for realization of the rheoreaction. Taking into account the principal role of otoliths in this process, we called this rheoreaction variant the otolithotropic reaction. With increase of stimulus strength, the shuttle movement frequency becomes equal to stimulation frequency. At the same time, sharpness of the otolith reaction is gradually deteriorated, which, however, is not associated with the fatigue of the fish. In fish of the third group, the behavioral changes that are as pronounced as those in fish of the two former groups were not revealed. However, the character of behavior of this fish group with increase of time and amplitude of the variable acceleration is to be elucidated. Thus, we have managed for the first time to describe a new fish reaction to swinging—the otolith reaction and to confirm the conclusion that the swinging affects the fish motor activity [1]. We suggest that a sharp decrease of the mean swimming rate and a disturbance of otolith reaction are the signs of the fish motion sickness.  相似文献   

We performed an analysis of allozyme variation in brown trout from Vorobiev creek. Seventeen allozyme loci encoding glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH), aspartate aminotransferase (AAT), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and esterase D (EST-D) were studied. We found statistically significant differences in allele frequencies for the AAT-1,2*, G3PDH-2,3*, LDH-5*, and MDH-2* loci between brown trout samples collected in 1981–1982 and/or 1992–1995. We suggest that temporal changes of allele frequencies in brown trout from Vorobiev Creek are associated with gene drift.  相似文献   

New combinations are proposed in anticipation of the Polygonaceae treatment in the forthcoming volume of Intermountain Flora: Polygonum kelloggii var. esotericum, P. kelloggii var. watsonii , Rumex densiflorus var. pycnanthus , R. salicifolius var. utahensis, and R. occidentalis var. tomentellus. Typifications are proposed to facilitate ongoing studies in Polygonaceae and to maintain current usage.  相似文献   

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