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Species are often arranged along a continuum from “specialists” to “generalists”. Specialists typically use fewer resources, occur in more patchily distributed habitats and have overall smaller population sizes than generalists. Accordingly, the specialist-generalist variation hypothesis (SGVH) proposes that populations of habitat specialists have lower genetic diversity and are genetically more differentiated due to reduced gene flow compared to populations of generalists. Here, expectations of the SGVH were tested by examining genetic diversity, spatial genetic structure and contemporary gene flow in two sympatric woodpecker species differing in habitat specialization. Compared to the generalist great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major), lower genetic diversity was found in the specialist middle spotted woodpecker (Dendrocoptes medius). Evidence for recent bottlenecks was revealed in some populations of the middle spotted woodpecker, but in none of the great spotted woodpecker. Substantial spatial genetic structure and a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances were found in the middle spotted woodpecker, but only weak spatial genetic structure and no significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances in the great spotted woodpecker. Finally, estimated levels of contemporary gene flow did not differ between the two species. Results are consistent with all but one expectations of the SGVH. This study adds to the relatively few investigations addressing the SGVH in terrestrial vertebrates.


拉雅松是广西西北部稀有的乡土用材、用脂树种,有较高的经济价值,但其遗传多样性状况及种间进化关系未知。利用SSR分子标记检测拉雅松群体遗传多样性,希望对该物种保护策略的制定提供参考依据。此外,鉴于该地区自然分布的松属树种仅有拉雅松、细叶云南松与马尾松三个种,试图利用SSR分子标记信息分析拉雅松与细叶云南松、马尾松的种间亲缘关系。结果表明:7对SSR引物在拉雅松群体共检测到14个等位基因。有效等位基因数为1.653,观测杂合度为0.577,期望杂合度为0.374,Shannon信息指数为0.540,Nei多样性指数为0.367,表明拉雅松具有较高的遗传多样性。拉雅松与马尾松遗传距离最近为0.0175,与3个细叶云南松群体距离较远,平均为0.0525。拉雅松与马尾松、细叶云南松平均共祖系数(Θ)分别为0.094、0.066,据此推测拉雅松可能与马尾松存在较近的亲缘关系。讨论了拉雅松的遗传多样性保护策略。  相似文献   

Analysis of nine tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for Atlantic herring at five locations in the Northwest Atlantic including the Bras d'Or Lakes shows considerable genetic variation and significant population structure within the Coastal Nova Scotia management component, and among coastal populations and herring collected from Georges Bank. However, results are also consistent with gene flow across the Gulf of Maine. The magnitude of differentiation between the Bras d'Or Lakes sample and all others considered was sufficient to warrant further investigation. These data support the precautionary spawning-ground based management approach implemented in this area.  相似文献   

The main goal of the present study was to test if two sympatric species of Heliconia, Heliconia spathocircinata and Heliconia laneana var. flava, differ in their reproductive seasons and guilds of flower visitors. Twenty-four sampling sessions were conducted monthly between February 2001 and January 2003. Individuals of H. spathocircinata and of H. laneana var. flava were tagged within a transect of 4000×4 m. Reproductive phenophases (flowering, unripe, and ripe fruits) were recorded, and circular statistics were used to test for the regularity and frequency of phenophases. Flower visitors were observed during two flowering periods for each species. Both species had well-defined and synchronous reproductive periods, with a small overlap, suggesting a sequential flowering model. Biotic and abiotic factors seem to affect phenophases of both species. However, herbarium data suggest that the flowering period in H. spathocircinata varies less than in H. laneana, despite its wider geographic distribution. The hummingbird Phaethornis idaliae was the main floral visitor of both Heliconia species studied. H. laneana was also legitimately visited by another hummingbird species, Glaucis hirsuta, and by Lepidoptera. Some Lepidoptera, particularly the bee Trigona spinipes, were illegitimate visitors (‘nectar robbers’). We suggest that the flower of H. spathocircinata allowed a wider array of visitors, because it is bigger.  相似文献   

Genetic variation—primarily in 19 genetic loci of seven enzyme systems—was analyzed in accessions from various parts of the geographic range ofSolanum pennellii, which according to all tested biosystematic criteria behaves like a species ofLycopersicon. In comparison with the largely sympatricL. hirsutum andL. pimpinellifolium, this species exhibits the same trends of reduced allogamy and decreased genetic variation toward the north and south margins of its distribution, though to a much lesser degree; it does not exhibit their trends toward smaller flower size in the same peripheral regions. All three species agree to a considerable extent in the ranking of their tested loci in respect to degree of variablility; however, overall polymorphy is highest inS. pennellii. Except for the appearance of self-compatibility at its southernmost margin,S. pennellii is exclusively and rigidly self-incompatible. Alleles are distributed much more uniformly over the range than in the previously mentioned species, marginal and internal endemic mutants being much less abundant. A marked geographic disagreement is evident in regions of high and low variation. These differences in patterns of genetic variability are reconciled in terms of observed differences in mating systems, probable age of distributions, and adaptive strategies.  相似文献   

Many bumblebee species have been suffering from significant declines across their ranges in the Northern Hemisphere over the last few decades. The remaining populations of the rare species are now often isolated due to habitat fragmentation and have reduced levels of genetic diversity. The persistence of these populations may be threatened by inbreeding depression, which may result in a higher susceptibility to parasites. Here we investigate the relationship between genetic diversity and prevalence of the parasitic mite Locustacarus buchneri in bumblebees, using the previously-studied system of Bombus muscorum and Bombus jonellus in the Western Isles of Scotland. We recorded L. buchneri prevalence in 17 populations of B. muscorum and 13 populations of B. jonellus and related the results to levels of heterozygosity. For B. muscorum, we found that prevalence of the mite was higher in populations with lower genetic diversity but there was no such relationship in the more genetically diverse B. jonellus. In contrast to population-level measures of genetic diversity, the heterozygosity of individual bees was not correlated with infection status. We suggest population-level genetic homogeneity may facilitate parasite transmission and elevate prevalence, with potential consequences for population persistence.  相似文献   

The biodiversity crisis has had particularly harsh impacts on marine environments. However, there is still considerable uncertainty about how many species have been seriously impacted and the effectiveness of protection measures (e.g., marine protected areas or MPAs) due to high levels of cryptic species in many taxa. Here, we employ an integrative taxonomy approach to mullet species in the genus Mugil. In addition to its high economic value, this genus is notable for having diversified ~29 million years ago without marked morphological and ecological divergence. We obtained 129 specimens of Mugil from the Coral Coast MPA, the largest of its kind in the Tropical Southwestern Atlantic marine province. Although morphometric and meristic traits revealed six taxonomically recognized species, only five mitochondrial lineages were observed. All individuals morphologically identified as M. incilis belonged to the mitochondrial lineage of Mugil curema, which is consistent with misidentification of morphologically similar species and an overestimation of species diversity. Remarkably, Mugil species in our sample that diverged up to ~23 million years ago are also the most morphologically similar (M. curema and M. rubrioculus), suggesting extreme morphological conservatism, possibly driven by similarities in habitat use and life‐history traits. This study demonstrates the potential utility of integrative taxonomy (including DNA barcoding) for contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.  相似文献   

Plantago algarbiensis and Plantago almogravensis are two endangered and endemic species from Portugal. Due to the rarity and endangered nature of these species as well as the lack of molecular data, their genetic variation was evaluated using ISSR and RAPD markers. P. algarbiensis species showed higher genetic variability (73.9% of polymorphism) than P. almogravensis (61.2%). The two species revealed a high level of genetic diversity, with a Nei's genetic diversity of 0.1965 and 0.2309 and a Shannon's diversity index of 0.2975 and 0.3520, for P. almogravensis and P. algarbiensis, respectively. A low level of genetic differentiation was observed (Gst = 0.1873) among the species. However, the cluster and PCA analyses, based on genetic similarity, revealed two main, clearly separate clusters, which directly corresponded to the plants isolated from each species. In situ and ex situ measures should be applied in order to preserve both species but, based on these results, P. almogravensis population should be a priority for conservation.  相似文献   

Population genetic diversity is widely accepted as important to the conservation and management of wildlife. However, habitat features may differentially affect evolutionary processes that facilitate population genetic diversity among sympatric species. We measured genetic diversity for two pond‐breeding amphibian species (Dwarf salamanders, Eurycea quadridigitata; and Southern Leopard frogs, Lithobates sphenocephalus) to understand how habitat characteristics and spatial scale affect genetic diversity across a landscape. Samples were collected from wetlands on a longleaf pine reserve in Georgia. We genotyped microsatellite loci for both species to assess population structures and determine which habitat features were most closely associated with observed heterozygosity and rarefied allelic richness. Both species exhibited significant population genetic structure; however, structure in Southern Leopard frogs was driven primarily by one outlier site. Dwarf salamander allelic richness was greater at sites with less surrounding road area within 0.5 km and more wetland area within 1.0 and 2.5 km, and heterozygosity was greater at sites with more wetland area within 0.5 km. In contrast, neither measure of Southern Leopard frog genetic diversity was associated with any habitat features at any scale we evaluated. Genetic diversity in the Dwarf salamander was strongly associated with land cover variables up to 2.5 km away from breeding wetlands, and/or results suggest that minimizing roads in wetland buffers may be beneficial to the maintenance of population genetic diversity. This study suggests that patterns of genetic differentiation and genetic diversity have associations with different habitat features across different spatial scales for two syntopic pond‐breeding amphibian species.  相似文献   

Life‐history theory suggests species that typically have a large number of offspring and high adult mortality may make decisions that benefit offspring survival in exchange for increased adult risks. Such behavioral adaptations are essential to understanding how demographic performance is linked to habitat selection during this important life‐history stage. Though studies have illustrated negative fitness consequences to attendant adults or potential fitness benefits to associated offspring because of adaptive habitat selection during brood rearing, equivocal relationships could arise if both aspects of this reproductive trade‐off are not assessed simultaneously. To better understand how adaptive habitat selection during brood rearing influences demographics, we studied the brood survival, attendant parental survival, and space use of two sympatric ground‐nesting bird species, the northern bobwhite (hereafter: “bobwhite”; Colinus virgininanus) and scaled quail (Callipepla squamata). During the 2013–2014 breeding seasons, we estimated habitat suitability across two grains (2 m and 30 m) for both species and determined how adult space use of these areas influenced individual chick survival and parental risk. We found the proportion of a brood's home range containing highly suitable areas significantly increased bobwhite chick survival (β = 0.02, SE = 0.006). Additionally, adult weekly survival for bobwhite was greater for individuals not actively brooding offspring (0.9716, SE = 0.0054) as compared to brooding adults (0.8928, SE = 0.0006). Conversely, brood habitat suitability did not influence scaled quail chick survival during our study, nor did we detect a survival cost for adults that were actively brooding offspring. Our research illustrates the importance of understanding life‐history strategies and how they might influence relationships between adaptive habitat selection and demographic parameters.  相似文献   

Under current climate change scenarios, numerous lakes are predictedto experience increases in maximum temperatures and in the timing,frequency and duration of heat waves. To investigate the effectsof the magnitude and timing of thermal stress on zooplanktoncommunities we compared the thermal responses and seasonal phenologiesof two sympatric species, Epischura lacustris and Daphnia catawba.Thermal responses were measured in the laboratory as differencesin demography of field animals at temperatures characteristicof temperate lakes in spring, summer and autumn (15–30°C).Epischura lacustris had a significantly lower temperature tolerancethan D. catawba, which appears to explain differences in theirseasonal phenologies. Divergence in thermal tolerances and seasonalphenologies of these sympatric species strongly suggests thatthe response of the zooplankton community in this lake to warmingevents will differ greatly with the timing and severity of thethermal stress. Similar effects are to be expected in otherlakes containing these species and other zooplankton communities.  相似文献   

Summary Preliminary results from a large number of reciprocal crosses between the closely related sympatric species S. gourlayi Hawkes (2n=4x=48) and S. oplocense Hawkes (2n=6x=72) indicated that they are difficult to hybridize. Pollen-pistil incompatibility barriers were detected via fluorescent microscopy. The cross incompatibility reaction occurred at three sites in 6x×4x crosses; on the stigma, in the first one-third of the style, and in the first two-thirds of the style. In the reciprocal 4x×6x crosses the incompatibility reaction invariably occurred in the ovary. Backcrosses of interspecific pentaploid hybrids (that were occasionally formed) to both parental populations were fully compatible, partially compatible, and fully incompatible with three sites of cross-incompatibility reaction similar to those observed in 6x×4x crosses, respectively. Both polyploid species were found to be selfcompatible, whereas their F1 hybrids were found to be self-incompatible. An hypothesis based on interactions of dominant cross-incompatibility (CI) genes in pistils and dominant specific complementary genes in pollen grains is postulated to explain these observations. The cross-incompatibility system that appears to be operating in nature between 4x S. gourlayi and 6x S. oplocense provides a way for gene exchange between sympatric populations without threatening the identity of either species.  相似文献   

The trade-off between behavioral dominance and resource discovery ability represents a mechanism which could facilitate the coexistence of species, but evidence of the existence of this trade-off is limited and is often derived from experiments using artificial bait. In this study, I performed a field experiment to investigate the outcome of potential food competition between an encounter species (Paratrechina longicornis) and an exploitative one (Pheidole taivanensis) and to examine the factors that may explain the behavior of P. taivanensis when obtaining food (lizard eggs) without being attacked by P. longicornis. When P. longicornis was experimentally introduced to eggs occupied by P. taivanensis for 1 day, it displaced P. taivanensis. However, P. longicornis ignored lizard eggs which had been occupied by P. taivanensis for 2 or more days, and did not displace P. taivanensis, because by that time the eggshells had been damaged by P. taivanensis so they could no longer be used by P. longicornis. Eggshells were damaged more quickly by P. taivanensis at Santimen, southwestern Taiwan, than at four other study sites where there were lower intensities of food competition between P. taivanensis and P. longicornis. The displacement percentage was higher at Santimen which had higher ant population densities. The present study shows that lizard eggs may constitute a natural, ephemeral resource for which ants compete in space and time. Comparisons between study sites with and without ants suggest the existence of a trade-off between resource discovery and territorial defense.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization is becoming more frequent worldwide due to increasing global changes and translocations of organisms. For individual organisms, the most significant negative consequences are sterility or inviability of hybrid offspring. However, hybridization sometimes leads to fertile offspring, promoting introgression from one species into another. In such situations, hybridization can play a key role in evolution and speciation. Combining hypervariable DNA (microsatellites) and mitochondrial DNA markers with the use of several modeling methods allow an efficient detection of hybridization processes. The present study therefore investigates hybridization between two ant species, Tetramorium immigrans and T. caespitum, using multiple methods, and systematically comparing results with simulated data to ensure accurate identification of hybrids. Introgression was revealed both by backcross detection based on 14 nuclear microsatellite loci and by mitochondrial‐nuclear discordance based on comparison with mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I). Results were spatially consistent, with hybrids located at latitudes where parental species are sympatric. The causes and consequences of hybridization and introgression between T. caespitum and T. immigrans remain to be further investigated, especially because T. immigrans could be an invasive species in France.  相似文献   

The diversity of the endophytic Nostoc symbionts of two thalloid bryophytes, the hornwort Anthoceros fusiformis and the liverwort Blasia pusilla, was examined using the tRNA(Leu) (UAA) intron sequence as a marker. The results confirmed that many different Nostoc strains are involved in both associations under natural conditions in the field. The level of Nostoc diversity within individual bryophyte thalli varied, but single DNA fragments were consistently amplified from individual symbiotic colonies. Some Nostoc strains were widespread and were detected from thalli collected from different field sites and different years. These findings indicate a moderate level of spatial and temporal continuity in bryophyte-Nostoc symbioses.  相似文献   

刘天天  邓文洪 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2622-2627
2007年4月至7月,2007年12月至2008年1月,分别在北京市门头沟区小龙门森林公园、百花山自然保护区以及延庆县松山自然保护区,对同域分布的普通(Sitta europaea)和黑头(Sitta villosa)两种同域分布的类种群密度进行了调查。普通在小龙门森林公园、百花山自然保护区和松山自然保护区的种群密度分别是40.92、96.67只/km2和16.67只/km2。而黑头在上述3个调查区域的种群密度分别是2.03、16.67只/km2和23.33只/km2。普通的总体平均密度(51.4只/km2)高于黑头(20.68只/km2)。两种类分布的海拔和林型存在着差异。普通在海拔高度1070—1350 m的分布比较多。在海拔段1070—1250 m区间,普通的数量随海拔高度的增加呈递增的趋势。而黑头在海拔600—800 m分布较多,随着海拔高度的增加,种群数量呈递减趋势。普通主要分布在阔叶林和针阔混交林中,而黑头主要分布在针叶林中。  相似文献   

Population increases over the past several decades provide natural settings in which to study the evolutionary processes that occur during bottleneck, growth, and spatial expansion. We used parallel natural experiments of historical decline and subsequent recovery in two sympatric pinniped species in the Northwest Atlantic, the gray seal (Halichoerus grypus atlantica) and harbor seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina), to study the impact of recent demographic change in genomic diversity. Using restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing, we assessed genomic diversity at over 8,700 polymorphic gray seal loci and 3,700 polymorphic harbor seal loci in samples from multiple cohorts collected throughout recovery over the past half‐century. Despite significant differences in the degree of genetic diversity assessed in the two species, we found signatures of historical bottlenecks in the contemporary genomes of both gray and harbor seals. We evaluated temporal trends in diversity across cohorts, as well as compared samples from sites at both the center and edge of a recent gray seal range expansion, but found no significant change in genomewide diversity following recovery. We did, however, find that the variance and degree of allele frequency change measured over the past several decades were significantly different from neutral expectations of drift under population growth. These two cases of well‐described demographic history provide opportunities for critical evaluation of current approaches to simulating and understanding the genetic effects of historical demographic change in natural populations.  相似文献   

This study explored the genetic basis of phenotypic differences between two sympatric species of ecologically and morphologically divergent sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus complex). The aim was to understand how many loci determine the differences and to what extent the differences are due to additive or nonadditive gene action. I reared the two parental species, F1 and F2 hybrids, and both backcrosses in the laboratory and measured the following quantitative characters: gill raker number and length (both involved in feeding), lateral plate number and pelvic spine length (both involved in predator defense), and growth (a fitness component). I then applied joint-scaling regression models to estimate composite additive, dominance and epistatic effects, and their contribution to divergence of parental lines. A simple additive model was sufficient for gill raker number and growth; additive and dominance effects contributed significantly to divergence in plate number and pelvic spine length; and additive, dominance, and epistatic effects contributed significantly to divergence in gill raker length. Wright's estimator for the number of loci for the four morphological characters ranged from 1 to 50. My results suggest that adaptive divergence between limnetic and benthic sticklebacks has taken place through a variety of genetic mechanisms specific to different traits. Though interspecific hybrids are completely fertile and viable in the laboratory, they are selected against in the wild. The pattern of inheritance for the traits examined here directly influences how well hybrids can exploit the two major resource environments in the wild.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hummingbird flower mites feed and reproduce in flowers of host plants pollinated by hummingbirds, and use the nostrils and bill of the hummingbird to move from plant to plant. These mites compete with the pollinator for the nectar produced by flowers. An investigation was made of the relationship between the pattern of nectar production and the effects of hummingbird flower mites in the flowers of two sympatric species of Heliconia (Heliconiaceae). METHODS: Nectar production was sampled by carrying out two experiments: 2-hour intervals and accumulated nectar. Flowers with and without mites were used in both experiments. KEY RESULTS: Exclusion of mites increased nectar production, especially in accumulated daily production (a maximum of 49 % more nectar). Both Heliconia species had the same pattern of nectar production: a high concentration in the morning, which was progressively reduced as the day passed. This pattern of nectar production coincides with the behaviour of the pollinator, which makes more frequent visits in the morning, as observed in a previous study. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the impact of mites on nectar availability of Heliconia is more important with regard to total volume of nectar produced irrespective of flower longevity. A high variation among individuals in nectar produced in the populations was also observed. Hummingbird flower mites strongly affect availability of nectar for hummingbirds.  相似文献   

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