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Orchid bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Euglossini) are important pollinators of many plant families in Neotropical forests, habitats that have become increasingly degraded and fragmented by agricultural practices. To understand the extent to which loss of natural habitat and isolation has affected the genetic diversity and diploid male production (DMP) of two orchid bee species, Euglossa dilemma and Euglossa viridissima, we collected and genotyped 1686 males at five microsatellite loci and tested for differences in allelic richness, heterozygosity and DMP across three different types of land use (natural, agricultural and urban) and between mainland and island populations in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. We also investigated the impact of land use and geographic isolation on gene flow. Euglossa dilemma and E. viridissima seemed to be particularly resilient to loss of natural habitat; in locations with human impact, we did not find reduced genetic diversity, and populations generally showed very little population genetic structure. Only on islands did E. dilemma show significantly reduced genetic diversity. Even after accounting for putative null alleles, DMP was very low (0.2–1.3%) across all sampling sites, including on islands. We therefore suggest that DMP is an insensitive measure of inbreeding and population decline in our two study species.  相似文献   

Historical events such as colonisation, spatial distribution across different habitats, and contemporary processes, such as human-mediated habitat fragmentation can leave lasting imprints on the population genetics of a species. Orchids currently comprise 17% of threatened flora species in Australia (Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) due to the combination of fragmentation and illegal harvesting (Benwell in Recovery plan, swamp orchids Phaius australis, Phaius tancarvilliae, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney, 1994; Jones in A complete guide to native orchids of Australia including the island territories, 2nd edn, Reed Natural History, Sydney, 2006; DE in Phaius australis in species profile and threats database, Department of the Environment. http://www.environment.gov.au/sprat, 2015). The federally endangered Swamp Orchid Phaius australis has a disjunct distribution across an almost 2000 km latitudinal range along Australia’s east coast but it was estimated that 95% of the populations have been lost since European settlement (Benwell 1994). Phaius australis is endangered due to illegal collection and habitat loss that has resulted in limited connectivity between populations, in ecosystems that are vulnerable to climate change. Thus the genetic impacts of its history combined with more recent fragmentation may have impacts on its future viability especially in light of changing environmental conditions. Thirty-four populations were sampled from tropical north Queensland to the southern edge of the subtropics in New South Wales. Population genetics analysis was conducted using 13 polymorphic microsatellite markers developed for the species using NextGen sequencing. Spatial genetic patterns indicate post-colonisation divergence from the tropics southwards to its current climate niche limits. Genetic diversity is low across all populations (A?=?1.5, H e  = 0.171), and there is little evidence of genetic differentiation between regions. Consistent with population genetic theory, the historic loss of populations has resulted in significantly lower genetic diversity in small populations compared to large (P, A, He; p?<?0.05). The viability and persistence of P. australis populations now and in a changing climate are discussed in the context of conservation priorities.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a major threat to the maintenance of genetic diversity in many plant populations. Genetic effects of population size have received far more attention than the effects of isolation—or connectivity—but both are key components of the fragmentation process. To analyze the consequences of fragment size and connectivity on the neutral genetic variation and population genetic structure of the dominant gypsophile Lepidium subulatum, we selected 20 fragments along two continuous gradients of size and degree of isolation in a fragmented gypsum landscape of Central Spain. We used eight polymorphic microsatellite markers, and analyzed a total of 344 individuals. Populations were characterized by high levels of genetic diversity and low inbreeding coefficients, which agrees with the mainly outcrossing system of L. subulatum and its high abundance in gypsum landscapes. Bayesian clustering methods, pairwise F ST values and analysis of molecular variance revealed low among-population differentiation, with no significant isolation by distance. However, several genetic diversity indices such as allelic richness, number of effective alleles, expected heterozygosity and number of private alleles were negatively related to population isolation. The higher genetic diversity found on more connected fragments suggests higher rates of gene flow among more connected populations. Overall, our results highlight that fragmentation can have important effects on intra-population genetic processes even for locally abundant, dominant species. This, together with previously documented effects of connectivity on fitness of gypsophile species highlights the importance of including habitat connectivity in management and conservation strategies of this type of semiarid systems.  相似文献   

Species endemic to sky island systems are isolated to mountain peaks and high elevation plateaux both geographically and ecologically, making them particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Pressures associated with climate change have already been linked to local extinctions of montane species, emphasizing the importance of understanding the genetic diversity and population connectivity within sky islands systems for the conservation management of remaining populations. Our study focuses on the endangered alpine skink Pseudemoia cryodroma, which is endemic to the Victorian Alps in south-eastern Australia, and has a disjunct distribution in montane habitats above 1100 m a.s.l. Using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and microsatellite loci, we investigated species delimitation, genetic connectivity and population genetic structure across the geographic range of this species. We found discordance between genetic markers, indicating historical mtDNA introgression at one of the study sites between P. cryodroma and the closely related, syntopic P. entrecasteauxii. Molecular diversity was positively associated with site elevation and extent of suitable habitat, with inbreeding detected in three of the five populations. These results demonstrate the complex interaction between geography and habitat in shaping the population structure and genetic diversity of P. cryodroma, and highlight the importance of minimising future habitat loss and fragmentation for the long-term persistence of this species.  相似文献   

Geranium molle is known as Dovefoot Geranium or Awnless Geranium. Dovefoot Geranium is a low-growing herb with pink flowers and sharply toothed leaves. Dovefoot Geranium is native to Eurasia and has been introduced to many habitats of the world. This species is very similar to G. robertianum but its palmate-like leaves and bilobed petals show differences. This plant is considered to be anodyne, astringent and vulnerary. We have no information on its population genetic structure, genetic diversity, and morphological variability in Iran. Therefore, due to the importance of these plant species, we performed a combination of morphological and molecular data for this species. For this study, we used 132 randomly collected plants from 18 geographical populations in 4 provinces. Genetic diversity parameters were determined in these populations. STRUCTURE analysis and K-Means clustering identified 14 gene pools in the country and revealed isolation by distance among the studied populations. The Mantel test showed correlation between genetic and geographical distance. AMOVA revealed a significant genetic difference among populations and showed that 40% of total genetic variation was due to within-population diversity. The consensus tree of both molecular and morphological data identified divergent populations. These data may be used in future breeding and conservation of this important medicinal plant in the country.  相似文献   

Endemic, obligate outcrossing plant species with narrow geographic distributions and disjunct populations are prone to loss of genetic diversity. Simultaneously, delineating clear species boundaries is important for targeted conservation efforts. The rare and endemic cactus, Sclerocactus brevihamatus subsp. tobuschii (SBT), has a parapatric relationship with Sclerocactus brevihamatus subsp. brevihamatus (SBB) but genetic distance between the two taxa is unknown. We: (1) developed taxon-specific polymorphic microsatellites, (2) assessed genetic diversity within and among nine populations of SBT, and within one population of SBB, and (3) estimated the genetic relationship between the two subspecies. Within-population genetic diversity of SBT was moderate to high (mean Ho?=?0.37; mean He?=?0.59). Indirect estimate of inbreeding corrected for null alleles (Fis-INEst) was low for SBT, ranging from 0.03 to 0.14 (mean Fis-INEst?=?0.07). Genetic differentiation among populations of SBT was low based on Fst (0.08) and AMOVA (ФPT?=?0.10). Lack of genetic and spatial correlation in SBT populations coupled with the presence of private alleles and bottleneck events in several populations suggests that reproductive isolation is occurring but that sufficient time may not have yet passed to manifest strong differentiation. Cluster analyses segregated the 10 populations into three distinct groups, and separated SBB genotypes clearly. Results suggest that while hybridization between the two subspecies may occur, SBT is clearly differentiated genetically from SBB to retain its current taxonomic status.  相似文献   

Oceanic archipelagos are typically rich in endemic taxa, because they offer ideal conditions for diversification and speciation in isolation. One of the most remarkable evolutionary radiations on the Canary Islands comprises the 16 species included in Limonium subsection Nobiles, all of which are subject to diverse threats, and legally protected. Since many of them are single-island endemics limited to one or a few populations, there exists a risk that a loss of genetic variation might limit their long-term survival. In this study, we used eight newly developed microsatellite markers to characterize the levels of genetic variation and inbreeding in L. macrophyllum, a species endemic to the North-east of Tenerife that belongs to Limonium subsection Nobiles. We detected generally low levels of genetic variation over all populations (H T = 0.363), and substantial differentiation among populations (F ST = 0.188; R ST = 0.186) coupled with a negligible degree of inbreeding (F?=?0.042). Obligate outcrossing may have maintained L. macrophyllum relatively unaffected by inbreeding despite the species’ limited dispersal ability and the genetic bottlenecks likely caused by a prolonged history of grazing. Although several factors still constitute a risk for the conservation of L. macrophyllum, the lack of inbreeding and the recent positive demographic trends observed in the populations of this species are factors that favour its future persistence.  相似文献   

RAPD and ISSR analyses revealed genetic diversity and relationships among 11 populations of two closely related northeast China Vicia species, Vicia ramuliflora and V. unijuga. Both methods yielded similar and complementary results, showing high genetic diversity. Vicia ramuliflora had 100% polymorphic loci in both RAPD and ISSR, and V. unijuga had 100% polymorphic loci for RAPD and 98.96% for ISSR. Genetic differentiation was moderate among populations of each species. Genetic variation was distributed mainly within populations for the two species. The high level of gene flow was important for the allocation of genetic variation. The UPGMA dendrogram and principal coordinates analysis at the level of individuals and populations showed that V. ramuliflora and V. unijuga were more closely related than either of them was to the outgroup species, V. cracca. The small molecular variance of V. ramuliflora and V. unijuga supports the conclusion that these two species had a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Previous phylogeographical studies of the Sino-Himalaya (SH) regions have mainly focused on seed plants from forest or alpine grassland habitats, whereas the flora of the subnival summits, especially the ferns, has largely been ignored. Here, we report on phylogeographical studies on Polystichum glaciale, a rare fern endemic to the subnival belt of the SH region. Based on cpDNA/nDNA sequences, strikingly rich genetic diversity was detected in P. glaciale. Combined with the lack of ‘isolation by distance’ and the major genetic differentiation among populations revealed by AMOVA, they collectively suggested that P. glaciale exhibited island-like population genetic structure. Phylogeographical structure with two genetic groups (N vs. S) was further identified in P. glaciale by the SAMOVA based on cpDNA data, of which the geographical pattern was mainly associated with the biogeographical boundary between the northern and southern Hengduan Mountains at 29°N latitude. We concluded that extremely complex topography of SH region and highly fragmented subnival habitat have played a critical role in shaping phylogeographical structure and genetic differentiation of P. glaciale. Mismatch distribution analyses and ecological niche modelling suggested P. glaciale has undergone north-westward retreat after the LGM. Predictions of its future distribution indicated the possibility of compression within suitable subnival habitats. We suggest in situ conservation should be urgently implemented to preserve this rare fern. Our results represent a first framework for a comprehensive understanding of the biogeographical history of fern species associated with the subnival belt of the SH region and the effects of historical events on its genetic architecture.  相似文献   

As a consequence of founder effects, small population size and demographic constraints, island populations are often characterized by low genetic diversity and high inbreeding. The effects of inbreeding are more pronounced in haplo-diploid insects like bees than in similar diploid species, because their method of sex determination requires heterozygosity at a sex locus. Inbreeding leads to homozygosity at the sex locus and the production of non-viable diploid males. This means that island populations of bees are particularly prone to extinction. Here we determine the levels of diversity and isolation between islands and mainland populations of the bumble bee Bombus morio in southeast Brazil. We analyzed 659 individuals from 24 populations, sequencing two mitochondrial genes (COI and Cytb) and genotyping all individuals at 14 microsatellite loci. Surprisingly, genetic diversity was high and genetic isolation was low in all populations except Teodoro Sampaio (mainland) and Ilha da Vitória (island). Genetic diversity is not significantly correlated with island area, but is lower in populations that are more distant from the mainland. Except perhaps for Ilha da Vitória, we suggest that the island populations are unlikely to go extinct due to genetic factors. Finally, based on its genetic distance from all other populations, we identify a putative new subspecies in the Teodoro Sampaio region.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic structure and diversity are largely mediated by a species’ ecological niche and sensitivity to climate variation. Some species with narrow ecological niches have been found to exhibit increased population differentiation, limited gene flow across populations, and reduced population genetic diversity. In this study, we examine patterns of population genetic structure and diversity of four bumble bee species that are broadly sympatric, but do not necessarily inhabit the same ecological niche in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Testing for the effect of isolation by geographic distance (IBD) with linearized F st and D est found that Bombus sylvicola and B. mixtus exhibited significant IBD across populations. In contrast, both B. melanopygus and B. flavifrons, two species that are distributed across a broad elevation gradient, exhibited no IBD, a result further corroborated by Bayesian a priori population assignment tests. Furthermore, we discovered that B. sylvicola populations distributed on the Olympic Peninsula have significantly less average allelic diversity than populations distributed in the Cascade Mountains. Our results suggest that populations distributed in the Olympic Mountains represent a distinct genetic cluster relative to the Cascade Mountains, with B. sylvicola and B. mixtus likely experiencing the greatest degree of population genetic differentiation relative to B. flavifrons and B. melanopygus. While bumble bees are known to co-exist across a diversity of habitats, our results demonstrate that underlying population genetic structure and diversity may not necessarily be similar across species, and are largely governed by their respective niches.  相似文献   

Tallgrass prairie habitats within North America have suffered severe fragmentation and habitat loss as land has been converted for agricultural purposes. Habitat loss and fragmentation can affect gene flow and the genetic structure of insect populations. Neoconocephalus bivocatus is a prairie obligate katydid found only in isolated prairie patches. We compared genetic diversity and population differentiation using AFLP markers in N. bivocatus and N. robustus, a grassland generalist that is not isolated to prairie fragments and occupies a more contiguous range. Similar levels of genetic diversity were present within populations of both species. While population genetic structure was found in both species, there was no relationship between assigned genotypes and sampling localities. This genetic structure may instead be evidence of a past barrier to gene flow that has since been removed. Genetic differentiation within both species was low, with no evidence of a correlation with geographic distance, indicating neither species is dispersal limited at these distances. We see no significant reduction in genetic diversity or genetic differentiation within N. bivocatus when compared to N. robustus. We therefore conclude that while N. bivocatus utilizes a fragmented landscape, long-distance dispersal likely maintains gene flow between isolated prairie patches.  相似文献   

In 2012, the orchid mealy bug Pseudococcus microcirculuswas first detected in situ in North America’s more diverse orchid region, the Big Cypress Basin (Collier Co FL). A follow-up survey showed that the mealy bug is more widespread and found on epiphytic orchids in two locations, in both the Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve (sites B and F) and the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge (sites M and C). There, we collected mealy bugs (n=54) from 35 orchid individuals and screened allelic variation at seven microsatellite loci. We estimated genetic diversity and differentiation among all sites and compared the variation among individuals collected on the same plant. Genetic differentiation between sites M and C (F ST=0.03, P<0.01) and, M and B (F ST=0.04, P<0.01) was detected. We also detected significantly lower mean pairwise relatedness among individuals from site B compared to all the other locations, and this population had the lowest inbreeding coefficient. Genetic diversity and mean pairwise relatedness were highly variable among plants with multiple individuals; however, plants from sites F and M tend to have collections of individuals with higher mean pairwise relatedness compared to sites B and C. Our results indicate that there is genetic diversity and differentiation among mealy bugs in these locations, and that collections of individuals on the same plant are genetically diverse. As such, the mealy bugs throughout these areas are likely to be genetically diverse and exist in multiple distinct populations.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of European freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera (L.), appears exceptional with highest genetic variability found in the northernmost European populations of Scandinavia and lower genetic variability in central and southern Europe. The objective of this study was to investigate genetic diversity and differentiation of 14 southernmost populations on the Iberian Peninsula which greatly differ in terms of life span and habitat conditions from the rest of central and northern European populations. The analyses of ten microsatellite loci revealed a pronounced level of genetic divergence and very low genetic diversity. These results match the expectations of geographically peripheral populations with respect to their genetic composition. The life history strategy, the narrow ecological niche of the species, and anthropogenic habitat modifications have most likely shaped the genetic pattern of Iberian pearl mussel populations. The peripheral position with less optimal habitat conditions may increase the extinction risk of these populations and thus effective conservation strategies for the Iberian M. margaritifera are needed. The successful conservation of the species at its southwestern margin requires inclusion of genetically different conservation units which may reveal local adaptation.  相似文献   

Genetic structure of natural populations of the rare relict plant Manchurian birthwort (Aristolochia manshuriensis Kom.) in the Russian part of its area was analyzed using allozyme markers. The studied A. manshuriensis populations differed in the degree of their intrapopulation differentiation. The populations Nezhinka and Anan’evka were more differentiated (F ST = 0.1209 and 0.0576, respectively); these populations are located close in the regions of intense economic activity and are exposed to the strongest anthropogenic impact. A low degree of differentiation was detected in the population Malaya Borisovka (F ST = 0.0393), localized to intact habitats. The overall heterogeneity test has demonstrated that the population Malaya Anan’evka, exposed at present to small anthropogenic stress yet growing in disturbed habitats, displays no differentiation. These results suggest that at least three populations are influenced by genetic drift connected with a decrease in the reproductive and effective population sizes, which is caused, in particular, by anthropogenic impact. A high level of genetic similarity between the A. manshuriensis populations in Primor’e is discussed in connection with the evolutionary history of this species.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Gene flow and genetic variability within and among alpine plant populations can be greatly influenced by the steep environmental gradients and heterogeneous topography of alpine landscapes. In this study, the effects are examined of natural isolation of alpine habitats on genetic diversity and geographic structure in populations of C. thyrsoides, a rare and isolated European Alpine monocarpic perennial with limited seed dispersal capacity.


Molecular diversity was analysed for 736 individuals from 32 populations in the Swiss Alps and adjacent Jura mountains using five polymorphic microsatellite loci. Pollen flow was estimated using pollen grain-sized fluorescent powder. In addition, individual-based Bayesian approaches were applied to examine population structure.

Key Results

High within-population genetic diversity (HE = 0·76) and a relatively low inbreeding coefficient (FIS = 0·022) were found. Genetic differentiation among populations measured with a standardized measure was considerable (GST = 0·53). A significant isolation-by-distance relationship was found (r = 0·62, P < 0·001) and a significant geographic sub-structure, coinciding with proposed postglacial migration patterns. Altitudinal location and size of populations did not influence molecular variation. Direct measures of pollen flow revealed that insect-mediated pollen dispersal was restricted to short distances within a population.


The natural isolation of suitable habitats for C. thyrsoides restricts gene flow among the populations as expected for a monocarpic species with very limited seed dispersal capacities. The observed high within-population genetic diversity in this rare monocarpic perennial is best explained by its outcrossing behaviour, long-lived individuals and overlapping generations. Despite the high within-population genetic diversity, the considerable genetic differentiation and the clear western–eastern differentiation in this species merits consideration in future conservation efforts.Key words: Alpine plant, Campanula thyrsoides, genetic diversity, gene flow, genetic differentiation, glacial history, GST, habitat isolation, microsatellites, monocarpy, SSR  相似文献   

Currently, many Brazilian orchids are threatened with extinction resulting from habitat loss and intense harvesting pressure stemming from their value as ornamental plants. Therefore, the genetic diversity in remaining populations is fundamental to the survival of these species in natural environments. In order to inform conservation strategies, this study evaluated the genetic diversity and structure of Cattleya granulosa populations. The sample consisted of 151 individuals from 12 populations in the Atlantic Forest, northeastern Brazil, evaluated using 91 ISSR markers. Genetic variability was assessed through molecular variance, diversity indexes, clusters of genotypes through Bayesian analysis, and tests for genetic bottlenecks. From all polymorphic loci, genetic diversity (HE) varied between 0.210 and 0.321 and the Shannon index ranged from 0.323 and 0.472. Significant genetic differentiation between populations (ΦST = 0.391; P < 0.0001) resulted in the division of the populations into five groups based on the log-likelihood Bayesian analysis. We found significant positive correlation between geographical and genetic distances between populations (r = 0.794; P = 0.017), indicating isolation by distance. Patterns of allelic diversity within populations suggest the occurrence of bottlenecks in most C. granulosa populations (n = 8). Therefore, in order to maintain the genetic diversity of the species, the conservation of spatially distant groups is necessary.  相似文献   

Population decline and fragmentation often lead to reduced genetic diversity and population differentiation. Habitat destruction throughout Madagascar has caused population decline and extinction of many endemic species. Lemur populations, including those of the largest extant lemur, Indri indri, have been fragmented into remaining forest patches. We assessed the level of genetic diversity in indri populations in three protected reserves by genotyping a total of 43 individuals at 17 microsatellite loci. Genetic diversity in terms of heterozygosity was high in all three reserves, with no differences between reserves. Population structure and F ST analyses revealed Analamazaotra Forest Station and the Torotorofotsy Conservation Area, which are separated by ca. 18 km to be genetically differentiated from each other with some admixture. Betampona Strict Nature Reserve, which is separated from the other reserves by ca. 130 km, exhibited clear population genetic differentiation, with no signs of admixture with the other reserves. Our genetic diversity estimates are similar to those for other Indridae in similar habitats and may reflect past rather than current population processes, given that populations have declined recently. Our results suggest that Betampona may be genetically isolated and that it is important to maintain gene flow between remaining populations to prevent loss of genetic diversity for the future conservation of Indri indri.  相似文献   

Melampyrum sylvaticum is an endangered annual hemiparasitic plant that is found in only 19 small and isolated populations in the United Kingdom (UK). To evaluate the genetic consequences of this patchy distribution we compared levels of diversity, inbreeding and differentiation from ten populations from the UK with eight relatively large populations from Sweden and Norway where the species is more continuously distributed. We demonstrate that in both the UK and Scandinavia, the species is highly inbreeding (global F IS = 0.899). Levels of population differentiation were high (FST = 0.892) and significantly higher amongst UK populations (FST = 0.949) than Scandinavian populations (FST = 0.762; P < 0.01). The isolated populations in the UK have, on average, lower genetic diversity (allelic richness, proportion of loci that are polymorphic, gene diversity) than Scandinavian populations, and this diversity difference is associated with the smaller census size and population area of UK populations. From a conservation perspective, the naturally inbreeding nature of the species may buffer the species against immediate effects of inbreeding depression, but the markedly lower levels of genetic diversity in UK populations may represent a genetic constraint to evolutionary change. In addition, the high levels of population differentiation suggest that gene flow among populations will not be effective at replenishing lost variation. We thus recommend supporting in situ conservation management with ex situ populations and human-mediated seed dispersal among selected populations in the UK.  相似文献   

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