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Pseudoknots are abundant in RNA structures. Many computational analyses require pseudoknot-free structures, which means that some of the base pairs in the knotted structure must be disregarded to obtain a nested structure. There is a surprising diversity of methods to perform this pseudoknot removal task, but these methods are often poorly described and studies can therefore be difficult to reproduce (in part, because different procedures may be intuitively obvious to different investigators). Here we provide a variety of algorithms for pseudoknot removal, some of which can incorporate sequence or alignment information in the removal process. We demonstrate that different methods lead to different results, which might affect structure-based analyses. This work thus provides a starting point for discussion of the extent to which these different methods recapture the underlying biological reality. We provide access to reference implementations through a web interface (at http://www.ibi.vu.nl/programs/k2nwww), and the source code is available in the PyCogent project. 相似文献
Nixon PL Rangan A Kim YG Rich A Hoffman DW Hennig M Giedroc DP 《Journal of molecular biology》2002,322(3):621-633
A hairpin-type messenger RNA pseudoknot from pea enation mosaic virus RNA1 (PEMV-1) regulates the efficiency of programmed -1 ribosomal frameshifting. The solution structure and 15N relaxation rates reveal that the PEMV-1 pseudoknot is a compact-folded structure composed almost entirely of RNA triple helix. A three nucleotide reverse turn in loop 1 positions a protonated cytidine, C(10), in the correct orientation to form an A((n-1)).C(+).G-C(n) major groove base quadruple, like that found in the beet western yellows virus pseudoknot and the hepatitis delta virus ribozyme, despite distinct structural contexts. A novel loop 2-loop 1 A.U Hoogsteen base-pair stacks on the C(10)(+).G(28) base-pair of the A(12).C(10)(+).G(28)-C(13) quadruple and forms a wedge between the pseudoknot stems stabilizing a bent and over-rotated global conformation. Substitution of key nucleotides that stabilize the unique conformation of the PEMV-1 pseudoknot greatly reduces ribosomal frameshifting efficacy. 相似文献
Protein NMR structure determination with automated NOE assignment using the new software CANDID and the torsion angle dynamics algorithm DYANA 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
Combined automated NOE assignment and structure determination module (CANDID) is a new software for efficient NMR structure determination of proteins by automated assignment of the NOESY spectra. CANDID uses an iterative approach with multiple cycles of NOE cross-peak assignment and protein structure calculation using the fast DYANA torsion angle dynamics algorithm, so that the result from each CANDID cycle consists of exhaustive, possibly ambiguous NOE cross-peak assignments in all available spectra and a three-dimensional protein structure represented by a bundle of conformers. The input for the first CANDID cycle consists of the amino acid sequence, the chemical shift list from the sequence-specific resonance assignment, and listings of the cross-peak positions and volumes in one or several two, three or four-dimensional NOESY spectra. The input for the second and subsequent CANDID cycles contains the three-dimensional protein structure from the previous cycle, in addition to the complete input used for the first cycle. CANDID includes two new elements that make it robust with respect to the presence of artifacts in the input data, i.e. network-anchoring and constraint-combination, which have a key role in de novo protein structure determinations for the successful generation of the correct polypeptide fold by the first CANDID cycle. Network-anchoring makes use of the fact that any network of correct NOE cross-peak assignments forms a self-consistent set; the initial, chemical shift-based assignments for each individual NOE cross-peak are therefore weighted by the extent to which they can be embedded into the network formed by all other NOE cross-peak assignments. Constraint-combination reduces the deleterious impact of artifact NOE upper distance constraints in the input for a protein structure calculation by combining the assignments for two or several peaks into a single upper limit distance constraint, which lowers the probability that the presence of an artifact peak will influence the outcome of the structure calculation. CANDID test calculations were performed with NMR data sets of four proteins for which high-quality structures had previously been solved by interactive protocols, and they yielded comparable results to these reference structure determinations with regard to both the residual constraint violations, and the precision and accuracy of the atomic coordinates. The CANDID approach has further been validated by de novo NMR structure determinations of four additional proteins. The experience gained in these calculations shows that once nearly complete sequence-specific resonance assignments are available, the automated CANDID approach results in greatly enhanced efficiency of the NOESY spectral analysis. The fact that the correct fold is obtained in cycle 1 of a de novo structure calculation is the single most important advance achieved with CANDID, when compared with previously proposed automated NOESY assignment methods that do not use network-anchoring and constraint-combination. 相似文献
The 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of the group 2 coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) genome contains a predicted bulged stem-loop (designated P0ab), a conserved cis-acting pseudoknot (PK), and a more distal stem-loop (designated P2). Base-pairing to create the pseudoknot-forming stem (P1(pk)) is mutually exclusive with formation of stem P0a at the base of the bulged stem-loop; as a result, the two structures cannot be present simultaneously. Herein, we use thermodynamic methods to evaluate the ability of individual subdomains of the 3' UTR to adopt a pseudoknotted conformation. We find that an RNA capable of forming only the predicted PK (58 nt; 3' nucleotides 241-185) adopts the P2 stem-loop with little evidence for P1(pk) pairing in 0.1 M KCl and the absence of Mg(2+); as Mg(2+) or 1 M KCl is added, a new thermal unfolding transition is induced and assignable to P1(pk) pairing. The P1(pk) helix is only marginally stable, ΔG(25) ≈ 1.2 ± 0.3 kcal/mol (5.0 mM Mg(2+), 100 mM K(+)), and unfolded at 37°C. Similar findings characterize an RNA 5' extended through the P0b helix only (89 nt; 294-185). In contrast, an RNA capable of forming either the P0a helix or the pseudoknot (97 nt; 301-185) forms no P1(pk) helix. Thermal unfolding simulations are fully consistent with these experimental findings. These data reveal that the PK forms weakly and only when the competing double-hairpin structure cannot form; in the UTR RNA, the double hairpin is the predominant conformer under all solution conditions. 相似文献
RNA unfolding and folding reactions in physiological conditions can be facilitated by mechanical force one molecule at a time. By using force-measuring optical tweezers, we studied the mechanical unfolding and folding of a hairpin-type pseudoknot in human telomerase RNA in a near-physiological solution, and at room temperature. Discrete two-state folding transitions of the pseudoknot are seen at approximately 10 and approximately 5 piconewtons (pN), with ensemble rate constants of approximately 0.1 sec(-1), by stepwise force-drop experiments. Folding studies of the isolated 5'-hairpin construct suggested that the 5'-hairpin within the pseudoknot forms first, followed by formation of the 3'-stem. Stepwise formation of the pseudoknot structure at low forces are in contrast with the one-step unfolding at high forces of approximately 46 pN, at an average rate of approximately 0.05 sec(-1). In the constant-force folding trajectories at approximately 10 pN and approximately 5 pN, transient formation of nonnative structures were observed, which is direct experimental evidence that folding of both the hairpin and pseudoknot takes complex pathways. Possible nonnative structures and folding pathways are discussed. 相似文献
Recent structural and functional characterization of the pseudoknot in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomerase RNA (TLC1) has demonstrated that tertiary structure is present, similar to that previously described for the human and Kluyveromyces lactis telomerase RNAs. In order to biophysically characterize the identified pseudoknot secondary and tertiary structures, UV-monitored thermal denaturation experiments, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and native gel electrophoresis were used to investigate various potential conformations in the pseudoknot domain in vitro, in the absence of the telomerase protein. Here, we demonstrate that alternative secondary structures are not mutually exclusive in the S. cerevisiae telomerase RNA, tertiary structure contributes 1.5 kcal mol(-1) to the stability of the pseudoknot (≈ half the stability observed for the human telomerase pseudoknot), and identify additional base pairs in the 3' pseudoknot stem near the helical junction. In addition, sequence conservation in an adjacent overlapping hairpin appears to prevent dimerization and alternative conformations in the context of the entire pseudoknot-containing region. Thus, this work provides a detailed in vitro characterization of the thermodynamic features of the S. cerevisiae TLC1 pseudoknot region for comparison with other telomerase RNA pseudoknots. 相似文献
In this paper, we present the results from a comprehensive study of nanosecond-scale implicit and explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations of the wild-type telomerase RNA hairpin. The effects of various mutations on telomerase RNA dynamics are also investigated. Overall, we found that the human telomerase hairpin is a very flexible molecule. In particular, periodically the molecule exhibits dramatic structural fluctuations represented by the opening and closing of a non-canonical base-pair region. These structural deviations correspond to significant disruptions of the direct hydrogen bonding network in the helix, widening of the major groove of the hairpin structure, and causing several U and C nucleotides to protrude into the major groove from the helix permitting them to hydrogen bond with, for example, the P3 domain of the telomerase RNA. We suggest that these structural fluctuations expose a nucleation point for pseudoknot formation. We also found that mutations in the pentaloop and non-canonical region stabilize the hairpin. Moreover, our results show that the hairpin with dyskeratosis congenita mutations is more stable and less flexible than the wild-type hairpin due to base stacking in the pentaloop. The results from our molecular dynamics simulations are in agreement with experimental observations. In addition, they suggest a possible mechanism for pseudoknot formation based on the dynamics of the hairpin structure and also may explain the mutational aspects of dyskeratosis congenita. 相似文献
Two complementary approaches for systematic search in torsion angle space are described for the generation of all conformations of polypeptides which satisfy experimental NMR restraints, hard-sphere van der Waals radii, and rigid covalent geometry. The first procedure is based on a recursive, tree search algorithm for the examination of linear chains of torsion angles, and uses a novel treatment to propagate the search results to neighboring regions so that the structural consequences of the restraints are fully realized. The second procedure is based on a binary combination of torsion vector spaces for connected submolecules, and produces intermediate results in Cartesian space for a more robust restraint analysis. Restraints for NMR applications include bounds on torsion angles and internuclear distances, including relational and degenerate restraints involving equivalent and nonstereoassigned protons. To illustrate these methods, conformation search results are given for the tetrapeptide APGA restrained to an idealized -turn conformation, an alanine octapeptide restrained to a right-handed helical conformation, and the structured region of the peptide SYPFDV. 相似文献
Domenico Sanfelice Geoff Kelly Stephen Curry Maria R. Conte 《Biomolecular NMR assignments》2008,2(2):107-109
1H, 15N and 13C chemical shift assignments are presented for the N-terminal region of human La protein, in the apo and 5′-UUUU RNA-bound state. Secondary structure analysis shows conformational changes in the interdomain linker upon complex formation. 相似文献
Irene M.A. Nooren Ke-Yu Wang Philip N. Borer István Pelczer 《Journal of biomolecular NMR》1998,11(3):319-328
The subject RNA models the binding site for the coat protein of the R17 virus, as well as the ribosome recognition sequence for the R17 replicase gene. With an RNA of this size, overlaps among the sugar protons complicate assignments of the 1H NMR spectrum. The cross peaks that overlap significantly in 2D-NOE spectra can frequently be resolved by introducing a third, in our approach the double-quantum, frequency axis. In particular the planes in a 3D-NOE/2QC spectrum perpendicular to the 2Q axis are extremely useful, showing a highly informative repeating NOE-2Q pattern. In this experiment substantial J-coupling confers special advantages. This always occurs for geminal pairs (H5/H5 for RNA plus H2/H2 for DNA), as well as for H5/H6, for H3/H4 in sugars with substantial populations of the N-pucker, for H1/H2 for S-puckered sugars, and usually for H2/H3. For the 24-mer RNA hairpin the additional information from the 3D-NOE/2QC spectrum allowed assignment of all of the non-exchangeable protons, eliminating the need for stable-isotope labeling. 相似文献
Davis JH Tonelli M Scott LG Jaeger L Williamson JR Butcher SE 《Journal of molecular biology》2005,351(2):371-382
Tertiary interactions are critical for proper RNA folding and ribozyme catalysis. RNA tertiary structure is often condensed through long-range helical packing interactions mediated by loop-receptor motifs. RNA structures displaying helical packing by loop-receptor interactions have been solved by X-ray crystallography, but not by NMR. Here, we report the NMR structure of a 30 kDa GAAA tetraloop-receptor RNA complex. In order to stabilize the complex, we used a modular design in which the RNA was engineered to form a homodimer, with each subunit containing a GAAA tetraloop phased one helical turn apart from its cognate 11-nucleotide receptor domain. The structure determination utilized specific isotopic labeling patterns (2H, 13C and 15N) and refinement against residual dipolar couplings. We observe a unique and highly unusual chemical shift pattern for an adenosine platform interaction that reveals a spectroscopic fingerprint for this motif. The structure of the GAAA tetraloop-receptor interaction is well defined solely from experimental NMR data, shows minor deviations from previously solved crystal structures, and verifies the previously inferred hydrogen bonding patterns within this motif. This work demonstrates the feasibility of using engineered homodimers as modular systems for the determination of RNA tertiary interactions by NMR. 相似文献
Yaroslava G. Yingling Bruce A. Shapiro 《Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics》2013,31(4):303-319
Abstract The pseudoknot domain is a functionally crucial part of telomerase RNA and influences the activity and stability of the ribonucleoprotein complex. Autosomal dominant dyskeratosis congenita (DKC) is an inherited disease that is linked to mutations in telomerase RNA and impairs telomerase function. In this paper, we present a computational prediction of the influence of two base DKC mutations on the structure, dynamics, and stability of the pseudoknot domain. We use molecular dynamics simulations, MM-GBSA free energy calculations, static analysis, and melting simulations analysis. Our results show that the DKC mutations stabilize the hairpin form and destabilize the pseudoknot form of telomerase RNA. Moreover, the P3 region of the predicted DKC-mutated pseudoknot structure is unstable and fails to form as a defined helical stem. We directly compare our predictions with experimental observations by calculating the enthalpy of folding and melting profiles for each structure. The enthalpy values are in very good agreement with values determined by thermal denaturation experiments. The melting simulations and simulations at elevated temperatures show the existence of an intermediate structure, which involves the formation of two UU base pairs observed in the hairpin form of the pseudoknot domain. 相似文献
Kai Huang Michael Andrec Sarah Heald Paul Blake James H. Prestegard 《Journal of biomolecular NMR》1997,10(1):45-52
A neural network which can determine both amino acid class andsecondary structure using NMR data from 15N-labeled proteinsis described. We have included nitrogen chemical shifts,3JHNH coupling constants, -protonchemical shifts, and side-chain proton chemical shifts as input to athree-layer feed-forward network. The network was trained with 456 spinsystems from several proteins containing various types of secondarystructure, and tested on human ubiquitin, which has no sequence homologywith any of the proteins in the training set. A very limited set of data,representative of those from a TOCSY-HSQC and HNHA experiment, was used.Nevertheless, in 60% of the spin systems the correct amino acid classwas among the top two choices given by the network, while in 96% ofthe spin systems the secondary structure was correctly identified. Theperformance of this network clearly shows the potential of the neuralnetwork algorithm in the automation of NMR spectral analysis. 相似文献
Determination of a molecular torsional angle in the metarhodopsin-I photointermediate of rhodopsin by double-quantum solid-state NMR 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
Feng X Verdegem PJ Edén M Sandström D Lee YK Bovee-Geurts PH de Grip WJ Lugtenburg J de Groot HJ Levitt MH 《Journal of biomolecular NMR》2000,16(1):1-8
We present a solid-state NMR study of metarhodopsin-I, the pre-discharge intermediate of the photochemical signal transduction cascade of rhodopsin, which is the 41 kDa integral membrane protein that triggers phototransduction in vertebrate rod cells. The H-C10-C11-H torsional angles of the retinylidene chromophore in bovine rhodopsin and metarhodopsin-I were determined simultaneously in the photo-activated membrane-bound state, using double-quantum heteronuclear local field spectroscopy. The torsional angles were estimated to be || = 160 ± 10° for rhodopsin and = 180 ± 25° for metarhodopsin-I. The result is consistent with current models of the photo-induced conformational transitions in the chromophore, in which the 11-Z retinal ground state is twisted, while the later photointermediates have a planar all-E conformation. 相似文献