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The question was investigated of whether for crypt epithelia of the jejunum of the mouse all cells labelled after a single injection of 3H-TdR subsequently divide or whether cells exist in the crypt which synthesize metabolic DNA and, therefore, do not undergo division after labelling.
A double labelling experiment was performed with a first injection of 3H-TdR followed 1 hr later by an injection of 14C-TdR. Then from double emulsion autoradiographs of isolated squashed crypts the number of 3H-only, 14C-only and double labelled cells and mitoses were counted.
The double labelling produced a narrow, 1 hr wide sub-population of 3H-only labelled cells. This subpopulation of S cells completed its division before labelled cells were lost from the crypts by migration onto the villi. The results showed that this subpopulation of 3H-only cells completely doubled within 3 hr and then remained constant through 6 hr. From this result it was concluded that every cell labelled after a single injection of 3H-TdR divides.
From the same autoradiographs the flow rate through the end of mitosis was measured. From the flow rate and the mitotic index a mitotic duration of 0·5 hr was determined. The agreement of this measured mitotic time with the value calculated from the labelling index, mitotic index and S duration is also strong evidence that every labelled cell divides.
Both experiments show that the intestinal crypt does not contain cells synthesizing metabolic DNA.  相似文献   

The frequency distribution of cells through the mitotic cycle in lower and upper portions of jejunal crypts of the rat was examined by the 3H-14C-thymidine double labelling technique. Isolated crypts were cut perpendicular to the longitudinal axis so that the percentage of cells in the lower portion varied from 16 to 74 %. The lower and upper portion of the same crypt were squashed separately on one microscope slide and the number of 3H- and 14C-only labelled cells were scored to determine the flow rate into and out of S for the two portions. The mitotic cycle and its phases of the crypt epithelial cells were also determined. For lower portions of crypts which contained less than 40 % of the total cell number in that crypt the flow rate into S was about 1–7 times that of the flow rate out of S indicating that nearly every mitosis in this region produced two proliferative daughter cells. As the proportion of cells in the lower part of the crypt increased the quotient of the flow rate into S divided by the flow rate out of S decreased, and approached the steady state value of 1 0 in lower portions containing 60–74 % of the cells. For upper portions of crypts which contained less than 40% of the total crypt cells the flow rate into S was about 0 2 times that of the flow rate out of S, indicating that in this region mitoses predominantly produced non-proliferative daughter cells. The results obtained were in good agreement with the model of crypt cell proliferation proposed by Cairnie, Lamerton & Steel (1965b).  相似文献   

An autoradiographic study was made of the 3H-uridine incorporation into RNA and DNA in nucleus and cytoplasm of parenchymal cells in the regenerating liver of the mouse after a pulse time of 2 hr. After a decreased uptake of precursor into the parenchymal nucleus during the first 6 hr compared with the normal value, incorporation increased and was maximal at 36 hr; normal values were restored at 72 hr. The cytoplasmic labelling, after an initial small decrease, reached a maximum at 12 hr; this changed to normal 48 hr after hepatectomy. RNase-digestion of the liver sections left a small incorporation in both nucleus and cytoplasm: presumably DNA. This incorporation is maximal at 12 hr over the nucleus and at 24 hr over the cytoplasm. After a 2 hr pulse of 3H-thymidine, there was a marked uptake of the precursor into DNA about 24 hr after hepatectomy. This was maximal at 48 hr and reached normal values at 72 hr. A small amount of incorporation of 3H-thymidine into DNA was seen immediately after the operation, and this population of weakly labelled nuclei was still rather large 72 hr later.  相似文献   

The toxicity of 3H-5-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine (3H-IUdR) was evaluated by injecting tumor-bearing C3H mice with different concentrations of ethanol (the solvent), different doses of tritium tagged onto either IUdR or thymidine and different chemical doses of IUdR, and then measuring the 3H-IUdR incorporation into duodenal and mammary tumor DNA as well as the cellular kinetics of duodenal crypt cells. Ethanol (37% or less, 0.2 ml/mouse) does not significantly inhibit IUdR incorporation into DNA, and the incorporation after a tritium dose of 75 μCi 3H-IUdR/mouse (about 3 μCi/g body weight) is not less than the incorporation following an injection of 25 μCi 3H-IUdR/mouse when the IUdR dose is below 0.005 μmole per mouse. The toxic effects are primarily due to chemical toxicity from IUdR per se. IUdR, at doses of 0.2 μmoles per mouse does inhibit IUdR incorporation into duodenal and tumor DNA, and the duodenal labeling index and the fraction of labeled mitoses are significantly reduced when 0.013 μmole IUdR per mouse is injected. Also some of the duodenal cells containing IUdR apparently undergo only one post-labeling division and the generation time (Tc) of the cells containing IUdR (25 μCi 3H-IUdR/mouse) is 15.3 hr as compared to 13.3 hr for cells labeled with 3H-T (75 μCi/mouse). This increase in Tc is probably not statistically significant; nevertheless, these results do indicate that one must be exceedingly cautious when using 3H-IUdR as a radiotracer for studies concerned with in vivo cellular kinetics and, at least for C3H mice, the dose should be less than 0.01 μmole per 25 g mouse.  相似文献   

—Cortex slices of rat brain were incubated with glucose mixed-labelled with 3H and 14C in the 6-position and the 3H/14C ratios of lactate, acetate, citrate and acetylcholine were determined. The values obtained were: lactate 0·95, acetate 0·85, citrate 0·65 and acetylcholine 0·67 when expressed in relation to a glucose 3H/14C ratio of 1·00. When brain slices were incubated with [2-14C, 2-3H]acetate in the presence of unlabelled glucose, labelled acetylcholine was formed with a 3H/14C ratio not significantly different from the labelled substrate. The results indicate that citrate is a precursor to the acetyl moiety of acetylcholine.  相似文献   

A method was developed for calculating cell population kinetics with the aid of double pulse labelling with 3H-TdR. The labelling index was measured from auto-radiographs of the oral epithelium of two groups of 30-day-old rats. One group was injected once with 3H-TdR the other twice, with a time interval of 90 min between injections. DNA synthesis time was calculated from the equation:
where T s= synthesis time; LI1= labelling index in the single-injected group; LI2= labelling index in the double-injected group; and T i= time interval between injections. Synthesis time in the palate was 4.8 hr and 7.6 hr in the tongue. Generation time was calculated from the equation: T g= ( T s/LI1) × 100, where T g= generation time. Generation time in the palate was 46.1 hr and 75.8 hr in the tongue  相似文献   

The [125I]UdR loss technique was used to estimate cell loss from RIF-1, EMT6 and KHJJ tumors in order to determine the length of the delay between labeling and the beginning of the loss of labeled cells, and also to calculate a value for ø, the cell loss factor. To determine the importance of reutilization of label released from the gut and/or the influx of labeled host cells, the blood flow to some tumors was occluded during and for 30 min after injection of the label. Relatively small amounts of radioactivity entered occluded RIF-1 tumors during 9 days after injection of [125I]UdR, indicating that reutilization of systemic label and influx of labeled host cells are not significant in this system. In contrast, substantial amounts of radioactivity entered occluded EMT6 and KHJJ tumors, reaching 40% of the total activity in non-occluded tumors during 6 days following injection. After corrections were made for this influx of label, the [125I]UdR loss curves from RIF-1 and EMT6 tumors were essentially exponential from the first day following injection of label. This was interpreted as indicating the loss of proliferating as well as non-proliferating cells from both tumors. The cell loss factor derived from the [125I]UdR loss curves corrected for influx appeared to agree well with published values derived from analysis of percent labeled mitoses curves. In contrast, the corrected [125I]UdR loss curves from KHJJ tumors showed that loss of activity began three days after injection of label, indicating that primarily nonproliferating cells are lost from this tumor.  相似文献   

The125I-UdR method for measuring cell loss from solid tumors has been re-evaluated. The rate of tumor cell loss from three established lines (S102F, S102S and Slow) of the C3H mouse mammary tumor was determined by the 125I-UdRmethod and the results were compared to the estimates for cell loss as determined by the combined approach of cellular 3H-TdR autoradiography and volumetric growth-rate determinations. This detailed comparison shows that the two methods complement each other but cannot substitute for one another because they give different quantitative information. The combined approach measures the flow of viable cells, as determined morphologically, from the proliferating compartment to the quiescent compartment, the quiescent compartment out of the tumor, etc., but does not evaluate the flow of degenerate cells or acellular (necrotic) debris. In contrast, the 125I-UdR method indicates the net flow of intact cells and/or dead cells as well as debris from the tumor as the I25l-labeled material is lost from the tumor, but gives limited internal information. Thus, depending on the specific experiment, an investigator could choose one or the other of the methods to answer the question. Perhaps both would be desirable at times; however, in most cases, one could not substitute one method for the other. The data from the Slow tumors also indicate that in certain tumors, the quantitative information from the 125I-UdR method may be quite limited, i.e. the confidence limits within an experiment as well as the replication error between experiments may be high.  相似文献   

Mean transit times as well as variances of the transit times through the individual phases of the cell cycle have been determined for the crypt epithelial cells of the jejunum of the mouse. To achieve this the fraction of labelled mitoses (FLM) technique has been modified by double labelling with [3H] and [14C]thymidine. Mice were given a first injection of [3H]thymidine, and 2 hr later a second injection of [14C]thymidine. This produces a narrow subpopulation of purely 3H-labelled cells at the beginning of G2-phase and a corresponding subpopulation of purely 14C-labelled cells at the beginning of the S-phase. When these two subpopulations progress through the cell cycle, one obtains FLM waves of purely 3H- and purely 14C-labelled mitoses. These waves have considerably better resolution than the conventional FLM-curves. From the temporal positions of the observed maxima the mean transit times of the cells through the individual phases of the cycle can be determined. Moreover one obtains from the width of the individual waves the variances of the transit times through the individual phases. It has been found, that the variances of the transit times through successive phases are additive. This indicates that the transit times of cells through successive phases are independently distributed. This statistical independence is an implicit assumption in most of the models applied to the analysis of FLM curves, however there had previously been no experimental support of this assumption. A further result is, that the variance of the transit time through any phase of the cycle is proportional to the mean transit time. This implies that the progress of the crypt epithelial cells is subject to an equal degree of randomness in the various phases of the cycle.  相似文献   

Abstract— The incorporation in vivo of 32P1 was significantly increased in all glycerophosphatide of preparations of denervated muscle membrane in frogs. There was no increase in incorporation of 32P1 into sphingomyelin. Disuse induced by tenotomy did not significantly increase incorporation of 32P1 into phospholipids of the muscle membrane. The phospholipid content of muscle membranes remained unchanged as a result of denervation or tenotomy. Denervation produced an increase in the incorporation of [2-3H]glycerol into all glycerophosphatides in parallel with the increase in 32P1 incorporation. Although the stimulated incorporation of 32P1 was increased in the regions of the muscle membrane rich in endplates, the most marked effect was in the endplate-poor region where activity in phosphatidylserine was most markedly increased.  相似文献   

The fate of cells arrested by Vincristine (VCR) in metaphase is of interest because of the wide use of this substance in cancer chemotherapy and, particularly, in relation to its use in so-called ‘synchronization’ therapy. The present study was designed to answer the question of whether cells blocked in metaphase by VCR subsequently proliferate further or whether they become infertile and die. By means of a double labelling technique with [3H] and [14C]thymidine (TdR) it was shown that all VCR-arrested metaphases in the JB-1 ascites tumour subsequently became necrotic. These cells did not re-enter a viable G2 phase following arrest and thus could not take part in a wave of synchronous proliferation. In agreement with earlier studies, VCR was found to lead to arrest in metaphase, not only of cells in or shortly prior to mitosis at the time of VCR administration, but also of the majority of cells which had at this time been in the S and G2 phase.  相似文献   

The meiotic inducing hormone, 1-methyladenine, first isolated from starfish has been implicated to play some role in the gamete maturation of a number of marine invertebrates. However, there have been controversial and sometimes opposite conclusions due to the fact that there is no direct bioassay system other than in starfish.
Using 3H-1-methyladenine, we demonstrated that the hormone was localized exclusively in the outer epithelial cells of gonads of sea urchins as revealed by autoradiography. Uptake by the testes differs from that by the ovaries. Competition data show that the uptake of the labelled hormone is real and also show the different rates of uptake by the gonads of male and female sea urchins.
It is concluded that 1-MA may exhibit differential effects on cell types due to their differentiated state and the seasonal variations of the organisms. The action of 1-MA is, therefore, multiple and not restricted to the gametes although its action would ultimately result in gamete maturation.  相似文献   

Cell kinetic parameters of cells in the crypt of the jejunum of the mouse were obtained autoradiographically. A number of different methods used in cell proliferation studies were applied to the same animal strain kept under constant conditions. In order to avoid effects of geometrical factors, squashes of isolated crypts were used.
The generation time was determined by the per cent labelled mitoses method of Quastler, modified by double labelling with 3H- and 14C-TdR. This modified method permits a more exact determination of the generation time. The duration of the cycle was 14 hr.
Double labelling experiments in which an injection of 3H-TdR was followed by an injection of 14C-TdR after 1 hr showed that the cell flux was 7.0%/hr at the beginning of the S-phase and 7.68%/hr at the end. Assuming steady state growth a constant cell flux of 7.15%/hr within the whole cycle can be derived from the measured generation time of 14 hr. These results clearly show that the crypt epithelia constitute a steady state system with constant frequency distribution of the cells throughout the cycle.
The per cent labelled mitoses method after a single injection of 3H-TdR as well as double labelling experiments with 3H- and 14C-TdR give an estimate of the S-phase of 8.0 or 7.4 hr respectively. Double determinations lead to a value of 0.54 or 0.52 hr respectively for the duration of mitosis and to values of 77% and 72%  相似文献   

Bone marrow plasma cells from fifteen cases of multiple myeloma, immunologically typed, were incubated with different tritiated compounds. The labelling index with tritiated thymidine is generally low, while the mean grain count is fairly normal in the active cells. The labelling index of 3H-uridine and 3H-leucine was very high, while the mean grain count per cell lies within the normal range. The results obtained with 3H-phenylalanine-mustard (melphalan), which is a drug used in the treatment of the plasmacytoma, show also incorporation values roughly comparable to those of 3H-leucine. The present data seem to support the clinical use of melphalan as a compound that is actively incorporated into the plasma cells of plasmacytoma although inhibition of protein synthesis due to specific binding to protein was not demonstrated.  相似文献   

Abstract— The uptake of [3H]norepinephrine ([3H]NE) and [3H]serotonin ([3H]5-HT) by rat brain synaptosomes is reduced as a result of pretreatment of the synaptosomes with phospholipase C (EC or phospholipase A2 (EC This effect is not due to inhibition of the Na+-K+-ATPase but rather is caused by hydrolysis of neuronal membrane phospholipids, mainly phosphatidylcholine, which seem to be important to the uptake.  相似文献   

Following a 10 min pulse labeling with 3H-TdR, flasks of asynchronous monolayer cultures of Chinese hamster ovary cells were subjected to mitotic selection at 2 hr intervals. The mitotic index of the selected populations was always greater than 90%. Counts per min per cell obtained by liquid scintillation counting were plotted versus time after the pulse label. Comparisons were made between cycle times obtained by the mitotic-scintillation counting method and by the standard per cent labeled mitosis technique. The resulting curves were used for calculations of the cell cycle times and the lengths of G1, S, G2 and M phases of the cell cycle. There was less than 2% difference in the cell cycle times obtained using the scintillation method as compared to times calculated from autoradiographic data obtained from individual petri dishes. The mitotic-scintillation counting technique is simple, accurate and rapid and allows the calculation of the cell kinetics parameters within 1 hr of the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

The percentages of labelled lymphocytes in smear preparations of mouse thymus were higher than those in similar preparations of mesenteric lymph nodes with either generally labelled tritiated deoxycytidine, [3H]CdR, or tritiated thymidine, [3H]TdR. Lymphocytes in the thymus cortex and in germinal centres of mesenteric lymph nodes were intensely labelled with [3H]CdR, whereas with [3H]TdR lymphocytes in the peripheral region of thymus and medullary cords of mesenteric lymph nodes were heavily labelled. The majority of lymphocytes in thymic cortex and germinal centres of mesenteric lymph nodes were labelled weakly with [3H]TdR. Thus, labelling patterns with [3H]CdR differed from those with [3H]TdR in lymphoid tissues of the mouse. Mouse lymphocytes can utilize [3H]CdR as a precursor molecule for cytosine and thymine in DNA. The ratio of radioactivity of thymine to that of cytosine was measured biochemically in DNA extracted from lymphocytes labelled with [3H]CdR. This radioactivity ratio in thymus was higher than that in mesenteric lymph nodes. These results suggest that the metabolic activities of utilizing CdR for DNA synthesis differ within lymphocyte populations in various lymphoid tissues in the mouse.  相似文献   

Abstract— Rabbit retinae were homogenized in isotonic sucrose and subjected to differential and density gradient centrifugation. Preliminary electron microscopic examination of some of the fractions indicated that in addition to the subcellular particles usually observed in brain homogenates, the photoreceptor cells gave rise to several characteristic fragments. These included fragmented outer limbs, aggregations of mitochondria from the inner segments, and photoreceptor terminals. Unlike the synaptosomes formed from the conventional type of synapses in the retina, these photoreceptor terminals appeared to sediment mainly in the low speed crude nuclear pellet (P1).
Retinae were incubated with low concentrations of [14C]GABA and/or [3H]dopamine prior to subcellular fractionation and in these experiments the P2 pellet was further fractionated on sucrose density gradients. Analysis of the radioactivity in the fractions showed that labelled GABA was accumulated by osmotically sensitive particles which had the sedimentation characteristics of synaptosomes. The panicles accumulating [3H]dopamine appeared to belong to a different, slightly lighter, population than those accumulating [14C]GABA. It is tentatively suggested that the particles accumulating labelled GABA were synaptosomes because the fractions containing these particles also possessed most of the GAD activity of the gradient. In contrast, GABA-T and MAO activity was found in the dense fractions of the gradients usually associated with mitochondria.
When retinae were incubated with a high concentration of labelled GABA a'lighter'population of particles seemed to accumulate the amino acid than when a low external GABA concentration was used. These results suggest that the high and low affinity uptake processes for GABA in the retina may have different cellular sites.  相似文献   

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