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We have compared the rate of synthesis, half-life, and steady-state content of the oncoprotein p53 in logarithmically growing cultures of (a) primary embryo, (b) immortalized but untransformed, and (c) spontaneously transformed mouse fibroblasts. Steady-state p53 content derived from metabolic labeling and immunoprecipitation data revealed either no change or only a slight decrease (up to 1.5-fold depending on the antibody used) in transformed cells compared with immortal or primary cultures, p53 showed the same short half-life in all cell types. In contrast, immunocytochemical analysis of p53 content in intact cells demonstrated an increase in the proportion of cells with detectable nuclear p53 from approximately 4% in primary and immortal cultures to approximately 10% in fully transformed cells, together with a marked increase in the intensity of nuclear positivity. We suggest that transformation is associated with an increase in the cellular content of p53 in a subcellular pool which was not detectable in detergent for immunoprecipitation. In addition, immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated a marked heterogeneity in p53 content in all cell types which was not related to clonal variation, cell cycle phase, or growth state. These data challenge previous suggestion regarding the role of p53 in growth control.  相似文献   

The high level and intranuclear location of the cellular phosphoprotein p53 are usually regarded as invariant features of SV40-transformed fibroblast lines. During the development of improved methods for immunocytochemical detection of p53 using SVA31 E7 mouse fibroblasts, we have observed unexpected and marked variations in its distribution. Cells grown on plastic coverslips were fixed in acetone and the content and distribution of p53 and SV40 large T-antigen analysed by an indirect immunoperoxidase procedure using monoclonal antibodies PAb122 and PAb 248 for p53, and PAb416 for large T. First, we observed in all cultures an apparent reversal of intracellular compartmentalization, with strong cytoplasmic and absent nuclear/chromatin positivity in mitotic cells and young daughter cells. More importantly, for a short period, between 18-24 h after trypsinization and cell passage, we observed a marked overall reduction in detectable nuclear p53 content in all cells with both PAb122 and PAb248 antibodies. The first observation also held for SV40 large T-antigen, the second only for p53. These variations have important practical implications for the immunocytochemical analysis of cellular content and intracellular compartmentalization of p53. The biological implications of our findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

Mutations in the p53 gene are the most common genetic alterations in many tumour histotypes. Many of these mutations induce conformational changes resulting in p53 protein stabilisation and consequently an accumulation detectable with immunochemical methods. Available data on the correlation between p53 gene alterations and p53 overexpression widely vary. In this study we analysed the correlation between p53 gene alterations detected by DGGE, SSCP and sequencing and protein expression detected by flow cytometric and immunohistochemical approaches by using PAb 1801 antibody. The study was performed on 21 bladder tumours and 10 cell lines derived from different tumour histotypes as representative of different methodologic problems which can be met starting from different types of biological material. The best correlation (81%) was observed between p53 mutations and FCM results, using a double evaluation criterion for the latter which includes the percentage of positive cells and "delta values", evaluated as the difference between the mean values of Pab 1801 stained cells and isotypic control. The high correlation obtained between results from this FCM double criterion and p53 gene mutations is a good starting point for the analysis on large series of tumours and for a multiparameter FCM analysis including p53 protein levels.  相似文献   

This protocol describes a rapid, precise method for generating sets of embryonic stem (ES) cells or mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) harboring point mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene (officially known as Trp53). The strategy uses cells from the Trp53 (p53-null) 'platform' mouse, which allows site-specific integration of plasmid DNA into the Trp53 locus. Simple PCR protocols identify correctly targeted clones and immunoblots verify re-expression of the protein. We also present protocol modifications needed for efficient recovery of MEF clones expressing p53 constructs that retain wild-type function, including growth at low (3%) oxygen and transient downregulation of p53 regulators to forestall cell senescence of primary MEFs. A library of cell lines expressing various p53 mutants derived from the same population of primary fibroblasts or platform ES cells can be acquired and screened in less than 1 month.  相似文献   

The core domain of p53 is extremely susceptible to mutations that lead to loss of function. We analysed the stability and DNA-binding activity of such mutants to understand the mechanism of second-site suppressor mutations. Double-mutant cycles show that N239Y and N268D act as 'global stability' suppressors by increasing the stability of the cancer mutants G245S and V143A-the free energy changes are additive. Conversely, the suppressor H168R is specific for the R249S mutation: despite destabilizing wild type, H168R has virtually no effect on the stability of R249S, but restores its binding affinity for the gadd45 promoter. NMR structural comparisons of R249S/H168R and R249S/T123A/H168R with wild type and R249S show that H168R reverts some of the structural changes induced by R249S. These results have implications for possible drug therapy to restore the function of tumorigenic mutants of p53: the function of mutants such as V143A and G245S is theoretically possible to restore by small molecules that simply bind to and hence stabilize the native structure, whereas R249S requires alteration of its mutant native structure.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal reorganization is an ongoing process when cells adhere, move or invade extracellular substrates. The cellular force generation and transmission are determined by the intactness of the actomyosin-(focal adhesion complex)-integrin connection. We investigated the intracellular course of action in mouse embryonic fibroblasts deficient in the focal adhesion proteins vinculin and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and the nuclear matrix protein p53 using magnetic tweezer and nanoparticle tracking techniques. Results show that the lack of these proteins decrease cellular stiffness and affect cell rheological behavior. The decrease in cellular binding strength was higher in FAK- to vinculin-deficient cells, whilst p53-deficient cells showed no effect compared to wildtype cells. The intracellular cytoskeletal activity was lowest in wildtype cells, but increased in the following order when cells lacked FAK+p53 > p53 > vinculin. In summary, cell mechanical processes are differently affected by the focal adhesion proteins vinculin and FAK than by the nuclear matrix protein, p53.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of Pin1, a regulatory molecule of the oncosuppressor p53, on both cell cycle arrest and apoptosis by treating primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) with etoposide. Etoposide induced G1 arrest in both wild-type and Pin1 null (pin1(-/-)) MEFs, and G2/M arrest and apoptotic cell death in MEFs lacking either p53 only (p53(-/-)) or both Pin1 and p53 (pin1(-/-)p53(-/-)). Both pin1(-/-) and pin1(-/-)p53(-/-) MEFs were enhanced the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria, which might induce apoptosis. In response to etoposide treatment, apoptotic cell death was displayed in pin1(-/-)p53(-/-) MEFs but not in pin1(-/-) MEFs. These results suggest that p53 retards growth and suppresses etoposide-induced apoptosis in pin1(-/-) MEFs.  相似文献   

Sodium butyrate, which blocks the cell cycle of many cell types in the G1 phase, strongly inhibits the synthesis of the transformation related, 53 kDa protein in 3T6 fibroblasts but much less so in SV 40 transformed mouse cells. By several criteria, this effect of the fatty acid appears to be indirect; p 53 synthesis takes place several hours after the butyrate-sensitive step in G1. The results are discussed in the light of a putative role of p 53 in growth control.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor gene p53 has been identified as the most frequent target of genetic alterations in human cancers. Most of these mutations occur in highly conserved regions in the DNA-binding core domain of the p53 protein, suggesting that the amino acid residues in these regions are critical for maintaining normal p53 structure and function. We previously used molecular dynamics calculations to demonstrate that several amino acid substitutions in these regions that are induced by environmental carcinogens and found in human tumors produce certain common conformational changes in the mutant proteins that differ substantially from the wild-type structure. In order to determine whether these conformational changes are consistent for other p53 mutants, we have now used molecular dynamics to determine the structure of the DNA-binding core domain of seven other environmentally induced, cancer-related p53 mutants, namely His 175, Asp 245, Asn 245, Trp 248, Met 249, Ser 278, and Lys 286. The results indicate that all of these mutants differ substantially from the wild-type structure in certain discrete regions and that some of these conformational changes are similar for these mutants as well as those determined previously. The changes are also consistent with experimental evidence for alterations in structure in p53 mutants determined by epitope detectability using monoclonal antibodies directed against these regions of predicted conformational change.  相似文献   

The tumour suppressor gene p53 is the gene most often reported to be mutated in clinical cancers with something like half of all tumours harbouring mutations. Further, many studies have suggested that p53 mutations have prognostic importance and sometimes are a significant factor in determining the response of tumours to therapy. The value of knowing the p53 status of individual tumours will increase if currently researched strategies aimed at developing p53-based treatment protocols come to fruition. There are quite a number of techniques used to detect p53 defects in both tumours and in the germline of cancer-prone families, although some of these methods are indirect and each has certain drawbacks. In this brief review we will discuss the value of two assays of p53 function as a means of detecting and partly characterizing p53 mutations. The two assays are the apoptotic assay, which measures the response of peripheral blood lymphocytes to radiation-induced DNA damage and the FASAY, a yeast based assay which assesses the ability of a given p53 protein to transactivate p53 target genes. Both of these assays are rapid, yielding results within 5 days. Further, they not only offer the possibility of detecting p53 mutations but also of characterizing a given mutation in terms of two of p53's most important functions, namely the induction of apoptosis and the transactivation of target genes.  相似文献   

Synergistic interaction between H-ras and p53 were systematically examined during skin tumorigenesis. Concurrent expression of an activated H-ras gene and a mutant p53 gene was accomplished by crossing p53(Val135/wt) mice with TG.AC mice. Topical application to wild-type mice with benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) alone produced approximately 26% skin tumor incidence, whereas BaP treatment of p53(wt/wt)Hras(TG.AC/wt), p53(Val135/wt)Hras(wt/wt), and p53(Val135/wt)Hras(TG.AC/wt) mice produced a 75%, 77%, and 100% incidence of skin tumors, respectively. An average of 0.33 tumor per mouse was observed in wild-type (p53(wt/wt)Hras(wt/wt)) mice, whereas approximately 1.54, 1.96, and 3.08 tumors per mouse were seen in BaP-treated p53(wt/wt)Hras(TG.AC/wt), p53(Val135/wt)Hras(wt/wt), and p53(Val135/wt)Hras(TG.AC/wt) mice, respectively. The effects on total tumor volume were even more striking with 7-, 48-, and 588-fold increases in tumor volume compared with wild-type (p53(wt/wt)Hras(wt/wt)) in p53(wt/wt)Hras(TG.AC/wt), p53(Val135/wt)Hras(wt/wt), and p53(Val135/wt)Hras(TG.AC/wt) mice, respectively. Histopathologically, all tumors from p53(wt/wt)Hras(wt/wt) mice were either papillomas or well-differentiated squamous cell carcinomas, whereas the tumors in p53(wt/wt)Hras(TG.AC/wt), p53(Val135/wt)Hras(wt/wt), and p53(Val135/wt)Hras(TG.AC/wt) mice were principally squamous cell carcinomas with varying degree of invasiveness. Particularly, tumors in p53(Val135/wt)Hras(TG.AC/wt) mice exhibited the most rapid growth and the extreme form of tumor invasion. Microarray analysis revealed that dominant-negative p53 (Val135) and activated H-ras affected several cellular processes involved in tumorigenesis possibly through its effects on apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, and Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways. The present study provides the first in vivo evidence that a germ line p53 mutation and activated H-ras act synergistically to profoundly enhance tumor progression.  相似文献   

In agreement with Knudson's two-hit theory, recent findings indicate that the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes is not only mediated by the loss of function but also by the dominant-negative or gain-of-function activity. The former generally accompanies loss of a wild-type allele whereas in the latter a wild-type allele is retained. N-Ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU), which efficiently induces point mutations, reportedly leads to the development of tumors by activating ras oncogenes. Little is known about how ENU affects tumor suppressor genes and, therefore, we examined ENU-induced mutations of p53 and Ikaros in thymic lymphomas and compared these with mutations of Kras. In addition, loss of heterozygosity was examined for chromosome 11 to which both p53 and Ikaros were mapped. The frequency of point mutations in p53 and Ikaros was 30% (8/27) and 19% (5/27), respectively, comparable to that observed in Kras (33%: 9/27). In total, 14 of the 27 thymic lymphomas examined (52%) harbored mutations in at least one of these genes. One Ikaros mutation was located at the splice donor site, generating a novel splice isoform lacking zinc finger 3, Ik (F3del). Interestingly, 90% (10/11) of the tumors with point mutations retained wild-type alleles of p53 and Ikaros. Sequence analysis revealed that the most common nucleic acid substitutions were T>A (4/8) in p53, T>C (4/5) in Ikaros and G>A/T (8/9) in Kras, suggesting that the spectrum of mutations was gene dependent. These results suggest that point mutations in tumor suppressor genes without loss of the wild-type allele play an important role in ENU-induced lymphomagenesis.  相似文献   

Gene targeting is a technique that allows the introduction of predefined alterations into chromosomal DNA. It involves a homologous recombination reaction between the targeted genomic sequence and an exogenous targeting vector. In theory, gene targeting constitutes the ideal method of gene therapy for single gene disorders. In practice, gene targeting remains extremely inefficient for at least two reasons: very low frequency of homologous recombination in mammalian cells and high proficiency of the mammalian cells to randomly integrate the targeting vector by illegitimate recombination. One known method to improve the efficiency of gene targeting is inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP). It has been shown that PARP inhibitors, such as 3-methoxybenzamide, could lower illegitimate recombination, thus increasing the ratio of gene targeting to random integration. However, the above inhibitors were reported to decrease the absolute frequency of gene targeting. Here we show that treatment of mouse Ltk cells with 1,5-isoquinolinediol, a recent generation PARP inhibitor, leads to an increase up to 8-fold in the absolute frequency of gene targeting in the correction of the mutation at the stable integrated HSV tk gene.  相似文献   

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