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Flow device analyses and micromanipulation were used to assess the adhesive and cohesive integrity of the immobilised bacterial populations (biomass) of Pseudomonas fluorescens, which were harvested at different growth times and applied to a substrate made of stainless steel subsequently accommodated in a specially designed flow chamber. After the biomass was exposed to a fluidic environment for a period of time, the biomass samples were removed from the flow chamber and the apparent adhesion and cohesion of the remaining biomass was measured using a micromanipulation technique. The surface area of the substrate covered by the biomass exposed to the fluid flow was monitored by a digital camera and then quantified by image analysis. The results indicate a strong correlation between micromanipulation measurements and flow chamber experiments. The micromanipulation data show that the apparent adhesive strength of the biomass increased with the growth time. Moreover, the apparent adhesive strength was found to be stronger than the bacterial cohesive strength. The data was used to interpret the removal behaviour of the biomass from the flow chamber. Using these techniques, specific mechanisms of biomass detachment from a surface and optimised cleaning strategies can be postulated.  相似文献   

Exposure of spreading anchorage-dependent cells to laminar flow is a common technique to measure the strength of cell adhesion. Since cells protrude into the flow stream, the force exerted by the fluid on the cells is a function of cell shape. To assess the relationship between cell shape and the hydrodynamic force on adherent cells, we obtained numerical solutions of the velocity and stress fields around bovine aortic endothelial cells during various stages of spreading and calculated the force required to detach the cells. Morphometric parameters were obtained from light and scanning electron microscopy measurements. Cells were assumed to have a constant volume, but the surface area increased during spreading until the membrane was stretched taut. Two-dimensional models of steady flow were generated using the software packages ANSYS (mesh generation) and FIDAP (problem solution). The validity of the numerical results was tested by comparison with published results for a semicircle in contact with the surface. The drag force and torque were greatest for round cells making initial contact with the surface. During spreading, the drag force and torque declined by factors of 2 and 20, respectively. The calculated forces and moments were used in adhesion models to predict the wall shear stress at which the cells detached. Based upon published values for the bond force and receptor number, round cells should detach at shear stresses between 2.5 and 6 dyn/cm(2), whereas substantially higher stresses are needed to detach spreading and fully spread cells. Results from the simulations indicate that (1) the drag force varies little with cell shape whereas the torque is very sensitive to cell shape, and (2) the increase in the strength of adhesion during spreading is due to increased contact area and receptor densities within the contact area. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The parallel plate flow chamber provides a controlled environment for determinations of the shear stress at which cells in suspension can bind to endothelial cell monolayers. By decreasing the flow rate of cell-containing media over the monolayer and assessing the number of cells bound at each wall shear stress, the relationship between shear force and binding efficiency can be determined. The rate of binding should depend on the delivery of cells to the surface as well as the intrinsic cell-surface interactions; thus, only if the cell flux to the surface is known can the resulting binding curves be interpreted correctly. We present the development and validation of a mathematical model based on the sedimentation rate and velocity profile in the chamber for the delivery of cells from a flowing suspension to the chamber surface. Our results show that the flux depends on the bulk cell concentration, the distance from the entrance point, and the flow rate of the cell-containing medium. The model was then used in a normalization procedure for experiments in which T cells attach to TNF-alpha-stimulated HUVEC monolayers, showing that a threshold for adhesion occurs at a shear stress of about 3 dyn/cm2.  相似文献   

Intermicrobial aggregation is described as one of the factors contributing to dental plaque formation. Intermicrobial aggregation is usually measured by mixing potential partners suspended in a liquid phase (‘coaggregation’). However, even if aggregation in the liquid phase occurs, adhesion of microorganisms to partners already adhering to a substratum surface may also occur (‘co-adhesion’). Coaggregation assays have been performed in order to measure coaggregation and to model co-adhesion, although it is not yet clear which the two prevails in vivo. Apart from being semi-quantitative (scores run from 0 to 4) it is questionable whether coaggregation assays really mimic co-adhesion. This study was designed to develop a method to quantitative assess co-adhesion of microbial pairs in order to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms governing co-adhesion. Co-adhesion of coaggregating and non-coaggregating partners (S. oralis, S. sanguis and A. naeslundii) to glass has been studied in a parallel plate flow chamber using real time image analysis. The spatial arrangements of adhering bacteria were analyzed by radial pair distribution functions, revealing the relative density of adhering bacteria around adhering bacteria from the same (g22(r)) or a partner strain (g21(r)). Pair distribution functions g21(r) of coaggregating pairs clearly reveal a preference of coaggregating streptococci (S. oralis J22 and S. sanguis PK2951) to adhere around the actimomyces (A. naeslundii PK213 or T14V-J1), which were used to coat the bare glass substratum. Besides, the distribution function g21(r) showed differences in co-adhesion patterns for strains with the same coaggregation score. From the results presented in this paper it can be concluded that with a parallel plate flow chamber, co-adhesion can be quantified on a continuous scale under well controlled conditions, more closely resembling those occurring in vivo.  相似文献   

In the present study, the data of the initial adhesion of platelets onto the wall of a flow chamber with an obstacle in steady human blood flows were obtained. The flowfields and the distribution of stress-related factors were simulated numerically by a finite volume method and the fluid dynamic effect on the platelet adhesion is discussed. In addition to the wall shear effect, the normal stress effect was also taken into account. A parameter Vn/¦Vt¦ was devised to assess the combined effect of both shear and normal forces in platelet adhesion. It was found that the peak adhesion occurred next to, but not on, the impingement point on the obstacle where the value of Vn/¦Vt¦ was negative. In these regions, direct impact played a major role in platelet adhesion. On the other hand, near the separation point before the obstacle where Vn/¦Vt¦ was insignificant, the mechanism was believed to be different from that in the direct impact region. Denser adhesion there might be caused by the accumulation and frequent collision of particles due to flow retardation and/or detour of the flow path. Interestingly, relatively low adhesion was found inside the recirculation regions. These results show that the normal stress effect (impingement) should be considered in platelet adhesion in addition to the shear effect.  相似文献   

A parallel-plate flow chamber was used to measure the attachment and detachment rates of Escherichia coli to a glass surface at various fluid velocities. The effect of flagella on adhesion was investigated by performing experiments with several E. coli strains: AW405 (motile); HCB136 (nonmotile mutant with paralyzed flagella); and HCB137 (nonmotile mutant without flagella). We compared the total attachment rates and the fraction of bacteria retained on the surface to determine how the presence and movement of the flagella influence transport to the surface and adhesion strength in this dynamic system. At the lower fluid velocities, there was no significant difference in the total attachment rates for the three bacterial strains; nonmotile strains settled at a rate that was of the same order of magnitude as the diffusion rate of the motile strain. At the highest fluid velocity, the effect of settling was minimized to better illustrate the importance of motility, and the attachment rates of both nonmotile strains were approximately five times slower than that of the motile bacteria. Thus, different processes controlled the attachment rate depending on the parameter regime in which the experiment was performed. The fractions of motile bacteria retained on the glass surface increased with increasing velocity, whereas the opposite trend was found for the nonmotile strains. This suggests that the rotation of the flagella enables cells to detach from the surface (at the lower fluid velocities) and strengthens adhesion (at higher fluid velocities), whereas nonmotile cells detach as a result of shear. There was no significant difference in the initial attachment rates of the two nonmotile species, which suggests that merely the presence of flagella was not important in this stage of biofilm development.  相似文献   

Biomathematical models and experiments have indicated that passive extracellular conductors influence field stimulation. Because metallic conductors prevent optical mapping under the conductor, we have evaluated a passive translucent indium tin oxide (ITO) thin-film conductor to allow mapping of transmembrane potential (V(m)) and stimulatory current under the conductor. A 1-cm ITO disk was patterned photolithographically and positioned between 0.3-cm(2) mesh shock electrodes on the ventricular epicardium of isolated perfused rabbit hearts stained with 4-{2-[6-(dibutylamino)-2-naphthylenal]ethenyl}-1-(3-sulfopropyl)-, hydroxide, inner salt (di-4-ANEPPS). For a 1-A, 10-ms shock during the action potential plateau, optical maps from fluorescence collected using emission ratiometry (excitation at 488 nm and emissions at 510-570 and >590 nm) indicated that the disk altered V(m) by as much as the height of an action potential. DeltaV(m) became more positive near the edge of the disk, where the ITO conductance gradient was parallel to applied current, and more negative near the opposite edge, where the gradient was not parallel to current. For diastolic shocks, the disk expedited membrane excitation at the sites of positive DeltaV(m) in the heart and in a cardiac model with realistic ITO disk surface and interfacial conductances. Optical maps of ITO transmittance and the model indicated that the disk introduced anodal and cathodal stimulatory current at opposite edges of the disk. Thus ITO allows study of the stimulatory effects of a passive conductor in an electric field.  相似文献   

The adhesion of cells to other cells or to surfaces by receptor-ligand binding in a shear field is an important aspect of many different biological processes and various cell separation techniques. The purpose of this study was to observe the adhesion of model cells with receptor molecules embedded in their surfaces to a ligand-coated surface under well-defined flow conditions in a parallel plate flow chamber. Liposomes containing glycophorin were used as the model cells to permit a variation in the adhesion parameters and then to observe the effect on adhesion. A mathematical model for cell sedimentation was created to predict the deposition time and the velocity preceding adhesion for the selection of experimental operating conditions and the methods useful for data analysis. The likelihood of cell attachment was represented by a quantity called the sticking probability which was defined as the inverse of the number of times a liposome made contact with the surface before attachment occurred. The sticking probability decreased as the cell receptor concentration was lowered from approximately 10(4) to 10(2) receptors per 4-microns diam liposome and as the shear rate increased from 5 to 22 s-1. The effect of the wall shear rate and particle diameter on detachment of liposomes from a surface was also observed.  相似文献   

The application of physical stimuli to cell populations in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine may facilitate significant scientific and clinical advances. However, for the most part, these stimuli are evaluated in isolation, rather than in combination. This study was designed to combine two physical stimuli. The first being a microstructured tissue culture polystyrene substrate, known to produce changes in cell shape and orientation, and the second being laminar shear stress in a parallel plate flow chamber. The combined effects of these stimuli on endothelial cell monolayers cells were evaluated in a parallel plate flow chamber and using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. The topography of the cell monolayers cultured on different microstructured surfaces was determined using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), and this topographic information was used to construct the CFD model. This research found that while the specific underlying structures were effectively planarized by the cell monolayer, significant differences in cell shape and orientation were observed on the different microstructured surfaces. Cells cultured on grooved substrates aligned in the direction of the grooves and showed higher retention after 1-h LSS conditioning than those cultured on pillars. The modeled shear stress distributions also showed differences. While minor differences in the magnitude of shear stress were noted, aligned cell monolayers experienced significantly lower spatial gradients of shear stress when compared with cells that were not pre-aligned by surface features. The results presented here provide an analysis of how one form of physical stimulus can be moderated by another and also provide a methodology by which the understanding of cell responses to topographic and mechanical stimuli can be further advanced.  相似文献   

The displacement of Enterococcus faecalis 1131 from hydrophobic and hydrophilic substrata by isolates of Lactobacillus casei 36 and Streptococcus hyointestinalis KM1 was studied in a parallel plate flow chamber. The experiments were conducted with either 10 mM potassium phosphate buffer or human urine as the suspending fluid, and adhesion and displacement were measured by real-time in situ image analysis. The results showed that E. faecalis 1131 was displaced by lactobacilli (31%) and streptococci (74%) from fluorinated ethylene propylene in buffer and that displacement by lactobacilli was even more effective on a glass substratum in urine (54%). The passage of an air-liquid interface significantly impacted on adhesion, especially when the surface had been challenged with lactobacilli (up to 100% displacement) or streptococci (up to 94% displacement). These results showed that the parallel plate flow system with real-time in situ image analysis was effective for studying bacterial adhesion and that uropathogenic enterococci can be displaced by indigenous bacteria.  相似文献   

An experimental technique is described to determine contact angles on bacterial layers deposited on cellulose triacetate filters. Measurements with water, water-n-propanol mixtures, and alpha-bromonaphthalene were employed to calculate surface free energies of various oral bacteria. Differences of 30 to 40 erg cm-2 were obtained for four different bacterial species isolated from the human oral cavity, if the concept of dispersion and polar surface free energies is applied. The free energies obtained were used to calculate interfacial free energies of adhesion of these bacteria from saliva onto tooth surfaces. Bacterial adhesion is energetically unfavorable, if the enamel surface free energy is less than 50 erg cm-2.  相似文献   

We designed a new efficient and reliable immunosensor and demonstrated its analytic performance to capture breast cancer MCF7 and T47D cells, under laminar flow, onto antibody-coated long alkylsilane self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) in a parallel plate flow chamber. The surface floor of the laminar flow chamber was grafted with an amino-terminated long alkyl chain spacer, 21-aminohenicosyl trichlorosilane (AHTS) followed by tethering a specific monoclonal antibody directed against the human epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) antigen, which is overexpressed in primary breast cancer. Properties of the AHTS- and antibody-grafted surface floor were compared to that of surface floors coated with the short alkyl spacers 3-glycidoxy-propyl trimethoxysilane (GPTS) or 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane (APTES) and antibodies. A theoretical model was constructed according to the geometry of the flow chamber in order to calculate the trajectories that would use cell flows. Cell capture experiments demonstrated that cell immobilization was optimized throughout the whole flow chamber. High cell capture was yielded on antibody-tethered long alkyl AHTS surface. This new procedure offers multiple advantages: a versatile tool readily applied to a panel of purified antibodies, an enrichment of cell immobilization using repetitive cell flow, and a stable capturing surface suitable for long term storage and handling.  相似文献   

Donor bacteria containing JCFL39, a temperature-sensitive traD mutant of the F sex factor, were used at the nonpermissive temperature to accumulate stable mating pairs with recipient cells. At this stage in conjugation, extracellular F pili were removed by treatment with 0.01% sodium dodecyl sulfate. Upon then shifting to the permissive temperature for JCFL39, transfer of the F plasmid was observed. The mating pairs that were accumulated with JCFL39 at the nonpermissive temperature were readily observed by electron microscopy in wall-to-wall contact with the recipient bacteria. These results demonstrate that the traD product, which is known to be required in transferring DNA to a recipient bacterium, acts after the stage at which extracellular F pili are required. In addition, we concluded that DNA transfer takes place while donor and recipient cells are in surface contact and not necessarily through an extended F pilus as envisioned in some models of bacterial conjugation.  相似文献   

Adhesive interactions between Candida albicans and oral bacteria are generally thought to play a crucial role in the microbial colonization of denture acrylic, which may lead to denture stomatitis. This study investigated the influence of saliva on the adhesive interactions between C. albicans and Streptococcus sanguis or Actinomyces naeslundii on denture acrylic. First, bacteria were allowed to adhere to the acrylic surface from a flowing suspension, and subsequently yeasts were flowed over the acrylic surface. The organisms were assayed in the presence or absence of human whole saliva. All experiments were carried out in a parallel plate flow chamber and enumeration was done in situ with an image analysis system. In the absence of adhering bacteria, adhesion of C. albicans from buffer was more extensive than from saliva. However, in the presence of adhering bacteria, yeast adhesion from saliva was increased with respect to adhesion of yeasts from buffer, indicating that specific salivary components constitute a bridge between bacteria and yeasts. In all cases, yeast aggregates consisting of 3 to 5 yeast cells were observed adhering to the surface. A surface physico-chemical analysis of the microbial cell surfaces prior to and after bathing the microorganisms in saliva, suggests that this bridging is mediated by acid-base interactions since all strains show a major increase in electron-donating surface free energy parameters upon bathing in saliva, with no change in their zeta potentials. The surface physico-chemical analysis furthermore suggests that S. sanguis and A. naeslundii may use a different mechanism for adhesive interactions with C. albicans in saliva.  相似文献   

When analyzed in a flow cytometer, particles are suddenly accelerated to high velocities (1-10 m.s-1) over very short distances. This feature is essential to obtain high analysis rates and low coincidence levels, but translates into very strong velocity gradients (greater than 10(5) s-1): particles experience strong hydrodynamic stresses that elongate them and tend to dissociate weakly associated complexes. In order to analyze fragile conjugates formed by heterotypic adhesion between two cell types, a flow cytometer was modified to make hydrodynamic stress not only much weaker but also adjustable. A new and easily adaptable flow cell was designed for the instruments of the FACS series; it provided satisfactory hydrodynamic conditions on a wide continuous range of flow rates. Accompanying electronic adaptations permitted standard analysis between 0.01 and 10 m.s-1. At 0.01 m.s-1, the velocity gradient roughly amounts to 50 s-1. Conjugates formed by the adhesion between human B and resting T lymphocytes, disrupted in conventional flow cytometers, could be detected and precisely quantified provided analysis velocity was kept below 0.1 m.s-1. We conclude that low velocity flow cytometry makes possible the quantification of weak intercellular adhesion phenomena, and is potentially useful for the future development of new biomechanical techniques and other applications.  相似文献   

There is great interest in improving cellular attachment to synthetic materials, particularly for developing small diameter tissue-engineered vascular grafts. However, limited research has been conducted to evaluate the adhesion characteristics of different cell types to absorbable substrates. Tissue engineered vessels typically fail as a result of delamination of the endothelial cell layer when exposed to fluid or blood flow. The focus of this research was to design and evaluate a flow chamber, using fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells, to probe the bounds of the system. A flow chamber was designed and fabricated to compare the relative adhesion characteristics of cells to absorbable polymer films. A preliminary investigation of mouse fibroblast (3T3M) adhesion to semicrystalline poly-L-lactide (PLL) films was conducted to determine general operating specifications. Cell coverage on films was evaluated using a live-dead assay and image analysis; following exposure to flow, tests were similarly conducted. Based on these results, additional studies were conducted to compare the adhesion of rat aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) and endothelial cells (EC) on PLL films.  相似文献   

Even though blood pumps have come into clinical usage, thrombo-embolic complications still pose a major problem, and they have not yet been clarified and quantified. However, it is known that the basis of thrombus formation is platelet adhesion, which is thought to be closely associated with the shear rate. Therefore, our current interest focuses on the effect of shear conditions on platelet adhesion. We have designed and carried out an experimental setup allowing fluorescent microscopy of whole blood within a rotational viscometer under controllable shear conditions. A small area of the bottom plate was coated with type I collagen, which provided a model of the injured vessel as a target for platelet adhesion. Using this setup, the time course of platelet adhesion under several different shear rates, ranging from 127 to 723 s?1, was studied. Platelet adhesion increased along with shear rates up to 283 s?1, followed by a gradual decrease when the shear rate exceeded 346 s?1. The adhesion amounts were statistically significant between 283 and 173 s?1 (p = 0.02), 173 and 127 s?1 (p = 0.035), and 283 and 503 s?1 (p = 0.03), respectively. This result suggests that there is an optimal shear condition around 300 s?1 for platelet adhesion to type I collagen.  相似文献   

In our previous study [Hong Y, Brown DG (2009) Appl Environ Microbiol 75(8):2346–2353], the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) level of adhered bacteria was observed to be 2–5 times higher than that of planktonic bacteria. Consequently, the proton motive force (Δp) of adhered bacteria was approximately 15% greater than that of planktonic bacteria. It was hypothesized that the cell surface pH changes upon adhesion due to the charge‐regulated nature of the bacterial cell surface and that this change in surface pH can propagate to the cytoplasmic membrane and alter Δp. In the current study, we developed and applied a charge regulation model to bacterial adhesion and demonstrated that the charge nature of the adhering surface can have a significant effect on the cell surface pH and ultimately the affect the ATP levels of adhered bacteria. The results indicated that the negatively charged glass surface can result in a two‐unit drop in cell surface pH, whereas adhesion to a positively charged amine surface can result in a two‐unit rise in pH. The working hypothesis indicates that the negatively charged surface should enhance Δp and increase cellular ATP, while the positively charged surface should decrease Δp and decrease ATP, and these results of the hypothesis are directly supported by prior experimental results with both negatively and positively charged surfaces. Overall, these results suggest that the nature of charge on the solid surface can have an impact on the proton motive force and cellular ATP levels. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;105: 965–972. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

4'-(Dialkylamino)-3-hydroxyflavones are characterized by an excited-state proton transfer reaction between two tautomeric excited states, which results in two emission bands well separated on the wavelength scale. Due to the high sensitivity of the relative intensities of the two emission bands to solvent polarity, hydrogen bonding and local electric fields, these dyes found numerous applications in biomembrane studies. In order to further improve their fluorescence characteristics, we have synthesized new dyes where the 2-phenyl group is substituted with a 2-thienyl group. In organic solvents, the new dyes exhibit red shifted absorption and dual fluorescence. Although they show lower sensitivity to solvent polarity and H-bond donor ability (acidicity) than their parent 3-hydroxyflavone dyes, they exhibit a much higher sensitivity to solvent H-bond acceptor ability (basicity). Moreover, when tested in lipid vesicles of different surface charge, the new dyes show much better resolved dual emission and higher sensitivity to the surface charge of lipid bilayers than the parent dyes. The response of the new dyes to surface charge is probably connected with the H-bond basicity of the membrane surface, which is the highest for negatively charged surfaces. As a consequence, the new dyes appear as prospective fluorophores for the development of new fluorescent probes for biomembranes.  相似文献   

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