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The aims of the present study were to compare (1) Holstein-Friesian heifers versus early postpartum lactating cows, and (2) different age categories of crossbred beef heifers versus cows, in terms of oocyte yield, morphological quality and developmental competence. Four experiments were designed to test the associated hypotheses. In Experiment 1, ovum pick up was carried out twice weekly for a period of 5 weeks on Holstein-Friesian heifers (n = 8) and early postpartum cows (n = 8). Oocytes were submitted to in vitro maturation (IVM), fertilization and culture. Significantly more follicles were punctured on the ovaries of heifers than cows (10.4 versus 7.8, P < 0.001). This was reflected in a significantly higher number of total oocytes (4.7 versus 2.8, P < 0.001) and grade 1-2 oocytes recovered/animal from heifers than from cows (3.0 versus 1.8, P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the percentage of oocytes cleaving after fertilization, or in the percentage reaching the blastocyst stage between heifers and cows. In Experiment 2, oocytes were obtained by manual aspiration from the ovaries of slaughtered crossbred beef heifers (under 30 months, n = 1241) and cows (over 4 years old, n = 1125), and processed in vitro as above. No significant difference was observed between the two groups in terms of the number of aspirated follicles or oocytes recovered. A significantly higher proportion (P < 0.01) of cow oocytes than heifer oocytes reached the blastocyst stage (Day 8: 46.5% versus 33.4%). In Experiment 3, ovaries were separated according to age of heifer into three groups: (1) 12-18 months, (2) 19-24 months and (3) 25-30 months, and compared with cow oocytes. There was no significant difference in the blastocyst yield between the different age groups of heifers. Irrespective of heifer age, the blastocyst yield on Day 8 was significantly lower than that from cow oocytes (35.0, 35.2, 36.5 and 48.3%, respectively, P < 0.05). In Experiment 4, a significantly higher proportion (P < 0.001) of presumptive zygotes derived from abattoir-derived cow oocytes reached the blastocyst stage following culture in vivo in the ewe oviduct than those derived from heifer oocytes (Day 8: 53.1% versus 25.2% for cow and heifer oocytes, respectively). In conclusion, the origin of the oocyte has a significant impact on its subsequent developmental potential. These results would suggest that in an in vitro production system, cow oocytes should be preferentially used over those from heifers in order to maximize blastocyst development.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine whether the selection of immature oocytes by a combination of cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs) morphology and staining with brilliant cresyl blue (BCB) would be helpful in selecting developmentally competent oocytes, and thereby increase the efficiency of blastocyst production from ovarian oocytes of FSH-primed, adult goats. In a second experiment the interaction between oocyte quality and semen donor was assessed. In a third experiment the usefulness of Vero cells for co-culture with goat embryos was investigated. In the pool of morphologically normal COCs recovered from ovaries following slicing (21.9+/-11.0), the mean rate of COCs classified as BCB+ was 85.6%, and the BCB- was approximately 11%. Oocytes classified as grade 1 and BCB+ exhibited the highest developmental competence (P<0.001) after in vitro maturation and fertilization compared with oocytes of grade 1 BCB- and grade 2 BCB+ or BCB-. There were no significant differences in developmental competence in grade 2 oocytes, regardless of BCB coloration. No significant differences in embryo cleavage and blastocyst formation rates among three bucks were observed when morphologically normal, BCB+ oocytes were used. For all tested bucks, differences in embryo production efficiency were related only to the oocyte quality. Similar blastocyst rates were developed from embryos co-cultured with goat oviduct epithelial cells (34.3%) and with Vero cells (33.3%). These results show that the most important criterion for selection of COCs before maturation is the visual assessment of morphological features. Staining with BCB of COCs recovered from adult goats does not enhance efficiency of selection of developmentally competent oocytes for IVF.  相似文献   

Genetic factors influencing the outcome of bovine ovum pick-up-in vitro production (OPU-IVP) and its relation to female fertility were investigated. For the first time, genetic parameters were estimated for the number of cumulus-oocyte complexes (Ncoc), quality of cumulus-oocyte complexes (Qcoc), number and proportion of cleaved embryos at Day 4 (NcleavD4, PcleavD4), and number and proportion of total and transferable embryos at Day 7 of culture (NembD7, PembD7 and NTembD7, PTembD7, respectively). Data were recorded by CRV (formally Holland Genetics) from the OPU-IVP program from January 1995 to March 2006. Data were collected from 1508 Holstein female donors, both cows and pregnant virgin heifers, with a total of 18,702 OPU sessions. Data were analyzed with repeated-measure sire models with permanent environment effect using ASREML (Holstein Friesian). Estimates of heritability were 0.25 for Ncoc, 0.09 for Qcoc, 0.19 for NcleavD4, 0.21 for NembD7, 0.16 for NTembD7, 0.07 for PcleavD4, 0.12 for PembD7, and 0.10 for PTembD7. Genetic correlation between Ncoc and Qcoc was close to zero, whereas genetic correlations between Ncoc and the number of embryos were positive and moderate to high for NembD7 (0.47), NTembD7 (0.52), and NcleavD4 (0.85). Genetic correlations between Ncoc and percentages of embryos (PcleavD4, PembD7, and PTembD7) were all close to zero. Phenotypic correlations were in line with genetic correlations. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between Qcoc and all other traits were not significant except for the phenotypic correlations between Qcoc and number of embryos, which were negative and low to moderate for NembD7 (-0.20), NTembD7 (-0.24), and NcleavD4 (-0.43). Results suggest that cumulus-oocyte complex (COC) quality, based on cumulus investment, is independent from the total number of COCs collected via OPU and that in general, a higher number of COCs will lead to a higher number of embryos produced. The correlation between the estimated breeding values for Ncoc and PTembD7 of sires in this study and the sires breeding index for female-fertility based on the Dutch cattle population was close to zero. This study revealed OPU-IVP traits (NembD7, NTembD7, and Ncoc) that could be of potential value for selection. Introduction of such traits in breeding programs would enhance the number of offspring from superior donors as well as improve the cost efficiency of OPU-IVP programs.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to characterize oocyte fertilization and embryo cleavage in nine AI bulls to find parameters suitable for prediction of in vitro fertility. According to the d8 blastocysts rate, they were categorized as high, medium and low productive (HP, MP and LP, mean: 25.4, 21.0 and 13.6% respectively) bulls. For these categories, oocyte penetration and fertilization efficiency were assessed at 6 and 18 hours post insemination (hpi), respectively. Some presumptive zygotes were cultured and cleaved and fast-cleaved embryo rates were checked at 44 hpi. The penetration rate was significantly higher for HP bulls than for MP and LP bulls (67.9 versus 50.3 and 33.1%; p<0.01). The syngamy rate was significantly higher for HP bulls than for MP and LP bulls (21.4 versus 10.2 and 5.7%; p<0.05). Conversely, no significant differences in fertilization rates were found among HP, MP and LP bulls. The cleavage rate was significantly higher for HP than LP bulls (82.4 versus 74.4%; p<0.01). The fast cleavage rate was significantly higher for both HP and MP bulls, as compared with LP bulls (82.1 and 84.7 versus 73.5%; p<0.01). A strong correlation was found between blastocyst production and penetration (r=0.803), syngamy (r=0.826), cleavage (r=0.635) and fast cleavage (r=0.709). In conclusion, all the evaluated parameters showed a predictive value, the most significant being early penetration and syngamy.  相似文献   

Developments in the use of drugs to improve reproduction and embryo production have focused on estrus and ovulation synchronization protocols and embryonic survival. Protocols for synchronization of ovulation eliminate the need for detection of estrus and allow timed insemination of all cows enrolled. Various estrogenic, progestational, GnRH and PGF2 alpha-like drugs are used to synchronize follicle development, CL regression and induction of ovulation. Strategies are discussed to optimize such programs to maximize herd pregnancy rates. Use of bovine Somatotrophin (bST) in combination with the Ovsynch protocol resulted in increased pregnancy rates, indicating possible effects on oocyte and embryonic development. Treatment of embryo donor cows with bST reduced the proportion of unfertilized oocytes and increased the number of transferable embryos. Furthermore, bST increased pregnancy rate when given to the recipient. Sub-luteal plasma progesterone concentrations after insemination have been associated with lower pregnancy rates. Injection of hCG on day 5 post-insemination resulted in induction of an accessory CL, increased plasma progesterone concentrations and increased conception rates. Strategies involving the use of sustained GnRH agonists to enhance CL development and alter follicular development are considered for future programs to enhance pregnancy rates.  相似文献   

Chorion is the major component of silkmoth eggshell. More than 95% of its dry mass consists of proteins that have remarkable mechanical and chemical properties protecting the oocyte and the developing embryo from a wide range of environmental hazards. We present data from electron microscopy (negative staining and shadowing), X-ray diffraction and modeling studies of synthetic peptide analogues of silkmoth chorion proteins indicating that chorion is a natural amyloid. The folding and self-assembly models of chorion peptides strongly support the beta-sheet helix model of amyloid fibrils proposed recently by Blake and Serpell [Structure 4 (1996) 989-998].  相似文献   

The effect of treatment of donor cattle with progestagen and oestradiol or FSH on in vivo oocyte recovery and in vitro embryo production was studied. Forty-eight beefxFriesian cows formed eight replicates of six treatments in a 2 (no steroid versus steroid)x3 (none, single or multiple dose(s) of FSH) factorial design in which follicles were aspirated once weekly for 3 weeks. Oocytes were graded, washed, matured for 20-24h and then inseminated with frozen/thawed semen from a single sire followed by coculture on granulosa cell monolayers.Treatment with steroid had no significant effect on any follicular, oocyte or embryo production variate other than to reduce the number (P<0.05) and the diameter of large follicles>10mm (P<0.01) present at aspiration. FSH increased numbers of medium (6-10mm) and large follicles (P<0.01) and there was a corresponding decrease in the number of small follicles (2-5mm; P<0. 01). The total number of follicles at aspiration increased from 17. 7+/-1.60 for animals not treated with FSH to 23.6+/-1.97 following multiple dose treatment with FSH (P<0.05). Significantly, more follicles were aspirated following FSH treatment (no FSH 9.7+/-1.09, single dose FSH 13.6+/-1.30, multiple dose FSH 17.3+/-1.52; P<0.05) and numbers of oocytes recovered per cow per week increased (no FSH 4.1+/-0.76, single dose FSH 5.3+/-0.87, multiple dose FSH 5.9+/-0. 94) but the differences were not significant. Significantly, more good oocytes (Category 1) were recovered from animals treated with FSH (P<0.05). There was no overall significant effect of FSH on embryo production rate or the total number of transferable embryos produced but the number of transferable embryos was highest following administration of multiple doses of FSH.In conclusion, progestagen plus oestradiol 17beta treatment did not affect follicle, oocyte and embryo production of oocyte donors aspirated once per week. FSH treatment, however, significantly increased the number of follicles aspirated and Category 1 oocytes recovered. Multiple dose administration of FSH resulted in the production of the highest number of transferable embryos but this effect was not significant.  相似文献   

The differences in the embryo production potential of four rams used in a commercial embryo transfer program were examined in both in vivo and in vitro embryo production systems. Processing frozen-thawed spermatozoa through Percoll density gradients prior to in vitro insemination eliminated differences in the estimates of sperm viability between the four rams, and yet, differences in embryo production persisted throughout the in vitro culture period. However, there was no effect of ejaculate within ram on embryo production rates. In addition, the timing of the onset of the differences between the rams at each stage of in vitro embryo development were revealed. Ram 2 differed from ram 4 in the proportion of fertilized oocytes at 17 h post-insemination (pi) and by 52 h, ram 3 differed from ram 4 in the proportion of cleaved embryos, and the observed differences between ram 1 and ram 2 in their blastocyst production were initiated prior to activation of the embryonic genome. Once differences in embryo development rates were detected among the four rams, they persisted throughout the in vitro culture period. The reduced in vitro fertilization (IVF) rates from ram 2 compared with the other rams was paralleled in vivo by the significantly lower proportion of embryos recovered from ewes mated to ram 2, and this was further exacerbated by a significantly lower embryo survival rate after transfer. However, the subtle differences observed in the timing of the contribution of each sire to embryo development during in vitro culture were not able to be detected in vivo. However, the higher proportions of transferable quality blastocysts obtained from ewes mated to ram 4 did not result in increased embryo survival throughout the remainder of gestation. Therefore, in this study, the blastocyst production potential for a particular sire, either in vitro or in vivo, does not necessarily reflect the potential for the production of live offspring.  相似文献   

Development of new technology related to in vitro embryo production has allowed for the commercial use of this method of reproduction. In the present work, we evaluate the efficiency of this technology compared with conventional embryo production based on results obtained with a standard procedure, including the sexing of embryos. The donor animals were mature nonlactating dairy cows (n = 92) kept under a constant environment and feeding program in an ET center. Ultrasound guided transvaginal ovum pick-up following 48 h pre-treatment with FSH has been used for the IVF-IVC protocol. A total of 437 oocyte recovery sessions performed on 92 cows yielded 4145 oocytes, which were used in an IVF-IVC protocol. Using the conventional approach, 156 embryo collections on 49 cows yielded 1652 ova and embryos. All Quality 1 and 2 embryos were sexed by a PCR procedure, and embryos of the desired sex were transferred to synchronized recipients located at the center. The results obtained in the IVF protocol showed that 4 oocyte collections per cow performed within 60 d, yielded 38 oocytes, which resulted in 18.8 viable embryos, of which 7.05 were female. After transfer of the female embryos, an average of 3.8 recipients were pregnant at 60 d. One embryo collection under the conventional approach yielded an average of 1.2 female pregnancies, which was confirmed during the same 60-d time period. These results indicate that IVF procedures can effectively replace conventional embryo production methods when a predetermined number of pregnancies of known sex are needed within a short period of time.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to optimize a superovulation protocol in rats in order to produce a large number of good-quality embryos suitable to develop rat embryonic stem (rES) cells. We first evaluated the ovulation kinetics of three rat strains: Wistar, Fisher and ACI/N. Animals (n=30 per strain) were treated with 50 IU of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG), and ovulation was induced with 50 IU of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) 50 h apart. Next, we evaluated the dose-response curves of PMSG and hCG in Wistar rats in order to obtain the highest number of embryos. The parameters evaluated for superovulation efficiency were: percentage of mated females, percentage of pregnant females and the average number of embryos collected per female. The results of these experiments suggested that the best dose combination was 50 IU for each hormone. Subsequent experiments, again with Wistar rats, were designed to test which of four hormonal combination treatments (30/30, 30/50, 50/30, and 50/50 IU of PMSG/hCG) will produce the largest numbers of good-quality embryos. Embryo quality was evaluated by embryo development uniformity, embryo morphology, embryo survival in an in vitro culture and embryo ability to generate rES-like cells. Results from these experiments showed that 30/50 IU of PMSG/hCG was the treatment that induced the best embryo quality. In conclusion, our results indicated that, in Wistar rats, the most appropriate hormonal combination dose for superovulation protocols with high number of good-quality embryos was 30 IU of PMSG and 50 IU of hCG given 50 h apart. We are performing further studies with rES-like cells produced with the present methodology to evaluate if they are able to participate in the production of germ-line chimeras.  相似文献   

Ultrasound-guided transvaginal follicular aspiration of oocytes from live cows combined with IVM, IVF and in vitro culture (IVC) is a procedure for producing preimplantation-stage bovine embryos and a source of oocytes for pronuclear microinjection of DNA for producing transgenic cattle. This experiment was designed to compare in vitro embryo development rates between oocytes derived from transvaginal follicular aspiration and those obtained from cows at slaughter. Nine cows were subject to a twice-weekly aspiration. Oocytes were aspirated with a 5 MHz ultrasound transducer packaged in a vaginal probe equipped with a dorsal-mounted needle guide (16-ga). All visible follicles (>2 mm) were punctured with a 17-ga, 55-cm needle at each aspiration session and the contents removed under vacuum suction. Oocytes underwent IVM/IVF/IVC. Microinjection of DNA was performed during the pronuclear stage of development, and the zygotes were co-cultured on Buffalo Rat Liver (BRL) cells in modified M199 at 39 degrees C in 5% CO2 and air. After 7 d in culture, embryos were removed and scored for development. A Chi-square analysis was used to compare transvaginal follicular-derived oocytes (microinjected and not) and slaughterhouse-derived, matured in transit oocytes (SHDMT; microinjected and not). Nonmicroinjected embryos resulting from IVF of transvaginal aspiration-derived oocytes developed to blastocysts at a higher rate than SHDMT oocytes (40.0 vs 30.8%; P < 0.05). There was no difference in development rates between the microinjected groups (aspiration = 15.9% vs SHDMT = 12.8%). Higher proportions of the embryos generated from the aspirated oocytes were of excellent or good quality following culture (P < 0.05). In the present experiments the effects of microinjection may overshadow some effects of ova source, but transvaginal follicular aspiration may provide a more consistent, synchronous population of oocytes than those derived from commercial slaughter house sources for use with in vitro systems.  相似文献   

Following in vitro maturation, approximately 90% of immature bovine oocytes will reach metaphase II and extrude the first polar body; approximately 80% will undergo fertilization and cleave, at least once, to the two-cell stage. However, only about 30-40% will ever reach the blastocyst stage. This would suggest that the post-fertilization part of the process of in vitro embryo production, the longest part, is the main period determining blastocyst yield. The experiments described in this paper clearly demonstrate that this is. in fact, not the case and that it is events further back along the developmental axis that determine the proportion of immature oocytes reaching the blastocyst stage. The results also show, however, that the post-fertilization culture period is of profound importance in determining the equality of those blastocysts that do develop, with those produced in vitro consistently being of inferior quality to their in vivo produced conterparts. The challenge for the future is to modify our conditions of post-fertilization embryo culture in an attempt to mimic those that occur naturally in vivo and in that way improve blastocyst quality.  相似文献   

Contribution of the oocyte to embryo quality   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The ability of a bovine embryo to develop to the blastocyst stage, to implant and to generate a healthy offspring is not a simple process. To clarify the importance of the contribution of the oocyte to the embryo quality, it is important to define more precisely the different types of competence expressed by oocytes. The ability to resume meiosis, to cleave upon fertilization to develop into a blastocyst, to induce pregnancy and to generate an healthy offspring are all separate events and succeeding in the first events does not ensure the success of subsequent ones. Furthermore, these events are associated with the three types of maturation processes observed in the oocyte: meiotic, cytoplasmic and molecular. These abilities vary also upon the type of follicle the oocytes is removed from. Larger or slow-growing follicles have been shown to foster better eggs than small or actively growing follicles. Hormonal stimulation can also affect oocyte competence with the nature of the effect (positive or negative) depending on timing and dose. This complex situation requires better definition of the contribution of each factor affecting the oocyte competence and the resulting embryo quality.  相似文献   

Energy homeostasis of the oocyte is a crucial determinant of fertility. Following ovulation, the oocyte is exposed to the unique environment of the Fallopian tube, and this is reflected in a highly specialised biochemistry. The minute amounts of tissue available have made the physiological analysis of oocyte intermediary metabolism almost impossible. We have therefore used confocal imaging of mitochondrial and cytosolic redox state under a range of conditions to explore the oxidative metabolism of intermediary substrates. It has been known for some time that the early mouse embryo metabolises external pyruvate and lactate but not glucose to produce ATP. We now show at the level of single oocytes, that supplied glucose has no effect on the redox potential of the oocyte. Pyruvate is a cytosolic oxidant but a mitochondrial reductant, while lactate is a strong cytosolic reductant via the activity of lactate dehydrogenase. Unexpectedly, lactate-derived pyruvate appears to be diverted from mitochondrial oxidation. Our approach also reveals that the level of reduced glutathione (GSH) in the oocyte is maintained by glutathione reductase, which oxidises intracellular NADPH to reduce oxidised glutathione. Surprisingly, NADPH does not seem to be supplied by the pentose phosphate pathway in the unfertilised oocyte but rather by cytosolic NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase. Remarkably, we also found that the oxidant action of pyruvate impairs development, demonstrating the fundamental importance of redox state on early development.  相似文献   

Oocyte incubation time before freezing is one of the factors affecting oocyte vitrification. In the assisted reproductive technology (ART) clinics, it is sometimes decided to perform oocyte vitrification after a long period of incubation time due to various conditions, such as inability to collect semen samples, unsuccessful urological interventions (PESA, TESE, etc.), or unexpected conditions. A time factor of up to 6 h has been studied in the available reports. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate oocyte incubation time before freezing at 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h after retrieval. Metaphase II (MII) oocytes were obtained from NMRI female mice after being randomly divided into the five groups of 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h of freezing via hormonal stimulation following retrieval and entered into the vitrification-warming process. The thawed oocytes were evaluated according to the survival criteria and then inseminated with the sperms of male mice for in vitro fertilization. The next day, the embryo formation rate and embryo quality were assessed. Our results demonstrated that even after 24 h of incubation, the survival rate of oocytes was 51.35% with the embryo formation rate of 73.21%. However, the survival and embryo formation rates significantly decreased within 12, 18, and 24 h after retrieval compared to the groups vitrified at 0 h. The embryo quality was significantly reduced by vitrification at 0 to 24 h after retrieval. According to our data, although a prolonged incubation time before freezing reduced the survival rate, there was still a chance for oocytes to stay alive with acceptable embryo formation and quality rates after vitrification warming of oocytes.  相似文献   

A brief overview of the progress made during the past approximately 40 years on the development of methods for in vitro production of cat embryos and intra- and interspecies embryo transfer is described. The presentation is focused primarily on research done over the past 30 years at the Cincinnati Zoo (1980–1995) and at the Audubon Nature Institute, New Orleans (1996–present) beginning with original studies on determining optimal doses of porcine FSH for ovarian stimulation and uterine embryo recovery, cryopreservation, and transfer. A key early finding was the ability of cats to respond to multiple gonadotropin (porcine FSH) treatments by repeated stimulation of follicular development. With a ≥6-month interval between FSH treatments, over the past 15 years (1998–2013), we have done 1603 laparoscopic oocyte retrievals on 337 cats and recovered >38,000 mature oocytes (mean = 24.1 per laparoscopic oocyte retrieval). The limited information available on in vivo blastocyst development in the cat during the latter portion of the preimplantation period (approximately Days 8 to 12 after coitum or approximately Days 7 to 11 after ovulation) was assembled for the purpose of comparing and contrasting it with the growth, expansion, and zona functioning of in vitro-derived blastocysts. Also, results of transferring morulae and/or blastocysts into synchronous recipients are described to emphasize evidence that appears to allude to an essential role for an intact zona pellucida in successful implantation and subsequent development in the cat. Until 2003, our in vitro-derived embryos were transferred into the uterine horns of recipients to determine the feasibility of producing offspring from such primary methods as IVF, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, SCNT, and embryo cryopreservation. With the exception of SCNT embryos, pregnancy rates were satisfactory, but embryo survival rates were not. Subsequently, after finding that SCNT embryo survival rate could be improved using laparoscopic transfer of early cleavage stage embryos into the oviduct, we applied the technique to embryos derived using IVF with sex-sorted sperm, oocyte vitrification, and embryo cryopreservation. Overall, a pregnancy rate of 67% (14/21) has resulted. Most recently, with the oviductal embryo transfer technique, two litters of Black-Footed cat kittens have been born from intra- and interspecies transfer of cryopreserved embryos.  相似文献   

Three different gonadotrophin regimens for the stimulation of donors for laparoscopic folliculocentesis were tested in a total of 142 ewes. The recovered oocytes were subjected to in vitro maturation, fertilization, and culture (IVM/IVF/IVC) for 7 d using standard procedures for sheep. The estrous cycles of all ewes were synchronized using intravaginal sponges containing 60 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) inserted for 14 d. In Experiment 1, all ewes were superovulated with a total dose of 125 IU FSH and 125 IU LH. One-half of the ewes received the gonadotrophin treatment in 4 decreasing doses at 12-h intervals starting 48 h before follicle aspiration (Control), while the other half received the total dose in a single injection at -24 h before collection (Oneshot). There were no significant differences between treatments for recovery rate (81.6 +/- 5.3 vs 77.4 +/- 10.3), cleavage rate (60.6 +/- 20.8 vs 61.4 +/- 23.4), or normal development to the blastocyst stage (20.8 +/- 18.2 vs 13.1 +/- 10.3). However, a higher percentage of ewes produced at least 1 normal blastocyst in the Control group (56.4 vs 31.6%; P < 0.05). In Experiment 2, the control regimen was repeated in half of the ewes, while the remainder were treated with half of the FSH total dose plus 500 IU eCG in a single injection at -24 h before oocyte collection (Oneshot-eCG). The recovery rate (80.9 +/- 5.6 vs 73.3 +/- 15.3), cleavage rate (76.8 +/-19.9 vs 79.7 +/- 22.6), normal development to blastocysts (19.2 +/- 15.3 vs 23.3 +/- 10.7), and percentage of ewes producing at least 1 normal blastocyst (55.9 vs 51.6%) did not differ between treatments. The large variability observed between ewes in the production of normal blastocysts is comparable to that observed with standard MOET procedures, in which a proportion of donors fail to produce good embryos. With the in vitro procedures described here, we were able to produce normal embryos from more than half of the treated ewes, indicating that the technology is useful for the multiplication of genetically valuable animals affected by temporary or irreversible infertility.  相似文献   

Despite their importance as a research model, particularly in developmental toxicology investigations, there are few established standards for maintaining Xenopus spp. frogs in the laboratory. The authors review the literature on handling, housing, nutrition, and breeding of Xenopus spp. for optimal oocyte production.  相似文献   

Superovulation treatments and embryo transfer in Angora goats   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
A high incidence of early luteal regression after PMSG superovulation was associated with low recovery of embryos from reproductive tracts of Angora goats flushed later than Day 5 after onset of oestrus. Embryos were successfully recovered (mean 7.9/female) by flushing on Days 2-5. Mean ovulation rate after an FSH regimen (16.1 +/- 0.8) was significantly higher than that after a single injection of PMSG (10.8 +/- 1.2). Fertilization rate and survival of embryos following transfer to naturally synchronized recipient feral goats did not differ between the two gonadotrophin regimens: the mean number of kids born to 47 donors treated with FSH (7.5 +/- 0.6) was significantly greater than that to 28 donors treated with PMSG (4.8 +/- 0.6). Irrespective of hormonal treatment, the numbers of embryos recovered and of kids born were correlated with ovulation rate (r = 0.82, P less than 0.001 for both). Embryo survival was influenced by ovulation rate in recipients, with 52%, 63% and 75% of transferred embryos being carried to term by recipients with 1,2 and 3 CL, respectively (P less than 0.01). More embryos survived (65%) when 2 embryos were transferred to each recipient than when 1 (51%) or 3 (48%) were transferred. In recipients receiving 2 embryos, survival was significantly improved by transfer of both embryos to the same oviduct (70%) than when one was transferred to each oviduct (62%). The percentage survival of embryos was optimal when oestrus of recipients was synchronized within +/- 1 day of oestrus in donors.  相似文献   

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