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During the pupal molt of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, the percentage of active fat body glycogen phosphorylase increased from 5–10 to 20%, but only for a period of 5 h prior to the molt. From the time of the appearance of two sclerotized dorsal bars to the time of the molt, the concentration of total hemolymph carbohydrates doubled to 100 mM trehalose. Initially, the glucose level was high (16 mM) when compared with feeding larvae (approximately 1 mM) but decreased to zero just prior to the molt. The amount of cuticular chitosan decreased from approximately 100 mg to 10 mg at pupation; the exuvia contained approximately 7 mg. While the levels of total lipids in hemolymph were not affected, the lipid content of the fat body decreased significantly prior to the molt but increased sharply thereafter. Fat body glycogen phosphorylase in pharate pupae and pupae of M. sexta was substantially activated by the Manduca adipokinetic peptide hormone, which in pharate pupae, produced the same response at 2 and 20 pmol per insect as in ligated larval abdomens. In pupae the response was clearly reduced. Using chilling to stimulate glycogen phosphorylase, it was found that the enzyme in pharate pupae and pupae responded both in vivo and in vitro as in ligated abdomens of larvae. Thus, a transition to the adult response seems to occur during the pupal and pharate adult development. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The influence of starvation on carbohydrate metabolism in fifth instar larvae of Manduca sexta was studied. The percentage of active fat body glycogen phosphorylase increased from 10% to approximately 50% within 3 h of starvation; afterward the enzyme was slowly inactivated. The increase of phosphorylase activity might have been caused by a peptide(s) from the CC. The amount of fat body glycogen in starved animals decreased over 24 h by approximately 20 mg. The released glucose molecules seem to be converted mainly to trehalose because the hemolymph trehalose concentration in starved animals was always slightly higher than in the fed controls, and the glucose concentration decreased even when phosphorylase was activated. The chitosan content in starved larvae increased during the first 9 h of treatment to the same extent as in fed controls. It is suggested that fat body glycogen phosphorylase was activated during starvation to provide substrates for chitin synthesis and energy metabolism.  相似文献   

The relative DNA content of Manduca sexta abdominal epidermal nuclei during the final larval instar was measured by cytophotometry of whole-mount preparations of the epidermis. In the middle intrasegmental region, epidermal cells showed a ploidy level of 4C to 32C on the day of ecdysis. During the subsequent period of feeding, the proportion of higher ploidy cells, such as 16C and 32C, increased. This situation remained until the day of apolysis preceding pupal cuticle formation when mitoses reduced the cells to 2C, 4C, 8C and 16C, except for the pupal pock-mark cells, which increased to 32C or 64C. Metaphase cells showed various ploidy levels, correlated with the size of their mitotic figures. By contrast, in the anterior and posterior margin of a segment where no mitoses occurred, the cells continued to increase in ploidy throughout the instar.  相似文献   

We determined the changes in hemocyte titer and in the abundance of hemocyte types of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta during the fourth and fifth larval stadium and the beginning of the pupal stadium. As we analyzed the samples of individual insects at daily intervals, we were able to correlate phenotypical features, body weight, as well as total protein content and lysozyme activity in the hemolymph with the observations on hemocytes. In the course of the fifth larval stadium, the hemocyte titer decreased slightly and declined further after pupation. Using calculated values for total hemocyte numbers, females had about five times and males three times more hemocytes in the circulating population at the beginning of the wandering stage (in the middle of the fifth larval stadium) than immediately after the last larval--larval molt (from the fourth to the fifth larval stadium). This sexual difference was mainly due to an increase in the number of plasmatocytes, which was more prominent in females than in males. Granular cells were dominant in early fifth larval stadium while plasmatocytes were the most abundant cells in pupae. Oenocytoids and spherule cells disappeared during the wandering stage. Lysozyme activity in the hemolymph rose to a maximum during the wandering stage, with females having lysozyme values twice as high as those for males. These changes in lysozyme activity, however, did not correlate with the increase of total hemolymph protein titer which occurred already at the beginning of the wandering stage. We postulate that changes in hemocyte titers are under direct hormonal control, which has to be proven in future experiments.  相似文献   

Lab-reared sphingid and noctuid moths appear to feed less than wild moths, and often are starved to enhance responsiveness in feeding assays. To measure the impact of larval nutrition on adult feeding, we raised a model sphingid species, Manduca sexta, on control or modified diets (reduced sugar, protein or water, supplemented beta-carotene) or cut tobacco leaves, then conducted feeding assays with artificial flowers. Behaviour was scored and analysed in a double-blind manner. Larval diet affected adult eclosion time, size and fat content, the latter of which was inversely proportional to moth approaches to the floral array in a flight cage. In contrast, behaviours refractory to feeding (sitting, escaping) were associated with sex and barometric pressure, but not with diet or fat content. Frequency of floral approaches and probing was not associated with any variable. However, moths reared on beta-carotene-supplemented diet were 2-3 times more likely to feed, and significantly less likely to sit or show "escape" behaviour than were moths from most other treatments. Our results suggest that decreased visual sensitivity, rather than increased fat content, accounts for reduced adult feeding by lab-reared M. sexta.  相似文献   

The tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, undergoes several larval molts before transforming into a pupa and then an adult moth. Each molt culminates in ecdysis, when the old cuticle is shed. Prior to each larval ecdysis, the old cuticle is loosened by pre-ecdysis behavior, which consists of rhythmic compressions that are synchronous along the abdomen and on both body sides, and rhythmic retractions of the abdominal prolegs. Both pre-ecdysis and ecdysis behaviors are triggered by a peptide, eclosion hormone. The aim of the present study was to investigate the neural circuitry underlying larval preecdysis behavior. The pre-ecdysis motor pattern was recorded in isolated nerve cords from eclosion hormone-treated larvae, and the effects of connective transections and ionic manipulations were tested. Our results suggest that the larval pre-ecdysis compression motor pattern is coordinated and maintained by interneurons in the terminal abdominal ganglion that ascend the nerve cord without chemical synaptic relays; these interneurons make bilateral, probably monosynaptic, excitatory connections with identified pre-ecdysis motor neurons throughout the abdominal nerve cord. This model of the organization of the larval pre-ecdysis motor pattern should facilitate identification of the relevant interneurons, allowing future investigation of the neural basis of the developmental weakening of the pre-ecdysis motor pattern that accompanies the larval-pupal transformation.Abbreviations A3, A4... abdominal ganglia 3, 4... - AT terminal abdominal ganglion - ALE anterior lateral external muscle - DN dorsal nerve - DNA anterior branch of the dorsal nerve - DNL lateral branch of the dorsal nerve - DNP posterior branch of the dorsal nerve - EH eclosion hormone - TP tergopleural muscle - VN ventral nerve - VNA anterior branch of the ventral nerve - VNL lateral branch of the ventral nerve - VNP posterior branch of the ventral nerve  相似文献   

Activation and inactivation of fat body glycogen phosphorylase was investigated in ligated abdomens of larval Manduca sexta and in vitro. After maximal activation through Manduca adipokinetic hormone (AKH) or chilling, inactivation of glycogen phosphorylase commenced as soon as the stimulus for the activation was removed indicating that the enzyme system in the fat body is fine-tuned to low phosphorylase activities which is necessary to allow glycogen synthesis. In intact ligated abdomens phosphorylase can be activated repeatedly by either stimulus showing that the fat body system does not lose its responsiveness. It was impossible to achieve complete conversion of the inactive form of phosphorylase into the active form even after administration of AKH and simultaneous chilling. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Wells C  Aparicio K  Salmon A  Zadel A  Fuse M 《Peptides》2006,27(4):698-709
In insects, ecdysis or shedding of the old cuticle, consists of a series of behaviors that are regulated by the coordinated actions of a number of neuropeptides, one of which is ecdysis triggering hormone (ETH). ETH acts directly on central pattern generators of the abdominal ganglia to trigger onset of pre-ecdysis behaviors, as well as indirectly to activate release of eclosion hormone, thereby inducing onset of ecdysis behaviors through a cGMP-mediated mechanism. We assessed the minimal C-terminal amino acids required for biological activity of ETH, by assessing: (i) onset of pre-ecdysis and ecdysis behaviors in vivo, after injection of peptide analogs, (ii) onset of fictive pre-ecdysis and ecdysis motor patterns in vitro, as recorded extracellularly, after incubation of the CNS with the peptide analogs, and (iii) accumulation of cGMP within cells of the abdominal ganglia, as assessed immunohistochemically. Amidation of ETH at the C-terminus was required to elicit a biological response in vivo and in vitro, as well as an accumulation of cGMP within the CNS. The five amino acid amidated C-terminus of ETH (NIPRMamide) was the minimal moiety able to induce a robust pre-ecdysis response in vivo and in vitro, while a seven amino acid core (NKNIPRMa) was required for induction of ecdysis, including accumulation of cGMP immunoreactivity within the CNS. Analogs smaller than 12 amino acids in length were only active at very high concentrations in vivo, suggesting that smaller fragments might be susceptible to hemolymph degradation. Some alanine substitutions or removal of internal amino acids altered the activity of ETH, as well as the time of onset of ecdysis behaviors, suggesting that internal amino acids play a role in maintaining proper folding of the peptide for successful binding or activity at the ETH receptor.  相似文献   

In the tobacco hornworm moth, Manduca sexta, vitellogenin (Vg) is a very high-density (1.29 g/ml) phosphoglycolipoprotein containing 13% lipids, 3% carbohydrates, and 0.6% protein-bound phosphorus. Vitellogenin (Mr~500,000) has two apoproteins designated apoVg-l (Mr 177,000 ± 3,600) and apoVg-ll (Mr45,000 ± 5,000). ApoVg-l and apoVg-II can be dissociated with 6 M guanidine HCI and separated from each other by gel permeation chromatography. Immunoblotting experiments using antibodies against the apoproteins showed that apoVg-l and apoVg-II antigens were immunologically distinct polypeptides. Antibodies against Vg reacted only with apoVg-l. Antibodies against Vg and apoVg-l reacted with Vg in double immunodiffusion experiments, whereas antibodies against apoVg-II did not. These results suggest that in the native Vg molecule, apoVg-II is positioned inside the molecule away from the aqueous environment. Only apoVg-I contained covalently bound carbohydrate as shown by fluorescein isothiocyanateconjugated concanavalin A, periodate-Schiff reagent, and in vivo labeling with 3H-Man. In vivo labeling with 32P-inorganic phosphate and chemical determination showed that apoproteins of both Vg and vitellin contain covalently bound phosphate groups.  相似文献   

Three cDNA clones coding for the 12.8, 13.3, and 14.6 kDa larval cuticular proteins of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, were isolated and characterized. Hybridization to abdominal epidermal RNA from different stages showed that the genes for the 12.8 and 13.3 kDa proteins were expressed only during larval life. By contrast, the gene for the 14.6 kDa protein was expressed throughout the segment during the feeding, growing larval stages, then only in the flexible intersegmental regions during the deposition of endocuticle in the pharate pupa and adult. Quantitative RNA dot blot hybridizations showed that the RNA for each protein disappeared during the larval molt when the ecdysteroid titer was high, then reappeared during the preecdysial deposition of endocuticle. All disappeared when the epidermis became pupally committed at the onset of wandering. Exposure of the fourth instar epidermis to 20-hydroxyecdysone (20HE) in vitro under conditions that lead to the formation of a new larval cuticle by 48 hr caused the disappearance of these RNAs by 18 hr. Exposure of Day 2 fifth instar epidermis to 20HE in vitro caused a depression of these RNAs which in the case of the RNAs coding for the 12.8 and 13.3 kDa proteins was partially prevented by simultaneous exposure to methoprene, a juvenile hormone (JH) mimic. By contrast, the RNA for the 14.6 kDa protein was suppressed by exposure to methoprene alone. Thus, each of these larval cuticular genes is turned off by high ecdysteroid; the presence or absence of JH determines whether or not this suppression is permanent in some or all cells.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopy revealed a series of structural changes that occur in the fat body of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, during the fifth, i.e. the final, larval stadium. At each developmental stage studied, the cells of the fat body were homogeneous in structure. We found no evidence suggesting the presence of more than one type of fat body cell. Our structural data are consistent with published observations on biochemical activities of M. sexta fat body at particular developmental stages. Specific points of agreement include: (a) acquisition of Golgi complex (GC) and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) concomitant with the time of major protein production; (b) loss of many cellular organelles (such as GC and RER) as protein production drastically decreases; (c) accumulation of protein granules and urate granules after the onset of wandering (i.e. during the pre-pupal period); (d) accumulation of lipid and glycogen throughout the feeding period. In addition we found that (a) the plasma membrane reticular system (PMRS) developed during the period when protein secretion was great; (b) the PMRS was lost abruptly at the onset of wandering; and (c) the nucleus changed in shape from being roughly spherical to elliptoid in the pre-pupal stage. We found that the structure of M. sexta fat body is similar to that published for other Lepidoptera. However, it differs from that of Heliothis zea in that regional differences are not obviously apparent.  相似文献   


Translational activity in the oocyte and early embryo of Manduca sexta may be regulated by a number of mechanisms including availability of ribosomal subunits, the protein complement of the maternal mRNP, and the presence of a functional 5′ cap structure on the maternal mRNA. We present preliminary experiments concerning the role of intracellular pH in the activation of protein synthesis and the nature of the cortical cytoskeleton of the mature oocyte and its possible role in immobilizing maternal mRNA.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the larval epidermis of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, contains a 29 kDa nuclear protein (JP29) that binds pothoaffinity analogs of juvenile hormone (JH), but does not bind JH I with high affinity. We now find that JP29 is also associated with the insecticyanin granules, and we show that JP29 mRNA is regulated in a complex fashion by both 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and JH. Studies with day 2 fourth instar larval epidermis in vitro showed that a molting concentration 12 μg/ml) of 20E caused the disappearance of JP29 mRNA, irrespective of the presence or absence of JH; this effect was dependent on the concentration of 20E (ED50=200 ng/ml). The reappearance of JP29 mRNA around the time of ecdysis required the presence of JH at head capsule slippage (HCS), since little appeared in larvae allatectomized about 6 h before HCS unless JH I was applied at the time of HCS. Maintenance of JP29 mRNA in fifth instar epidermis also required the continued presence of JH in both isolated abdomens and in vitro. Culture of either day 1 or day 2 fifth instar epidermis without hormones for 24 h caused decline of JP29 mRNA, which was accelerated by 20E in a concentration-dependent manner (ED50 = 30 and 10 ng/ml 20E respectively). When day 2 epidermis was exposed to 500 ng/ml 20E for 24 h to cause pupal commitment, JP29 mRNA disappeared. Neither methoprene nor JH I (in either the presence or the absence of the esterase inhibitor O-ethyl, S-phenyl phosphamidethiolate [EPPAT]) was able to prevent this loss, although both slowed its rate. The mRNA for the larval cuticle protein LCP14 was found to be regulated similarly to that for JP29 by 20E, but differently by JH. The JP29 protein was relatively long-live, persisting after the disappearance of its mRNA for at least 19 h during the larval molt and for more than 24 h in vitro. Although trace amounts of JP29 are found for the first 12 h after pupal ecdysis, injection of 5 μg JH II into pupae during the critical period to cause the synthesis of a second pupal cuticle had no effect on the amount of JP29 present. Thus, although the presence of JP29 in larval epidermis is associated with and dependent on JH, high amounts are not associated with the “status quo” action of JH on the pupa. The role of this protein consequently remains obscure. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 34:409–428, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Fifth instar larvae of the tobacco hornworm,Manduca sexta, tolerate 1-h exposures to temperatures as high as 42°C. Above 42°C, survival declines rapidly to 18% at 44°C and 0% at 48°C. As in other insects, the heat-shock response ofManduca sexta involves the induction of synthesis of heat-shock proteins very similar in size to theDrosophila heat-shock proteins (84, 73, 71, 27, 25, 23, and 22 kd). In the epidermis, heat-shock protein synthesis peaks at 42°C, correlating with the heat sensitivity of both the tissue itself and the intact larva. Some heat-shock proteins have different isoelectric forms depending on tissue. Also, the heat-shock proteins are synthesized over a wider range of temperatures in the imaginal discs and the fat body as compared to the epidermis. In contrast to dipteran insects,Manduca sexta does not exhibit a strong repression of non-heat-shock protein synthesis under tolerable conditions.Abbreviations TCA trichloroacetic acid - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - AZT arbitrary Zeitgeber time - kd kilodaltons  相似文献   

The microstructure of the feeding activity of tobacco hornworm caterpillars (Manduca sexta Johansson) on tomato leaf was examined by means of an automated cafeteria. In this device each activity of the caterpillar generates a characteristic slow electrical change which can be recorded. The apparatus is therefore both accurate and sensitive. Examination of the activity records indicated that larger animals ate more than smaller ones by increasing both bite frequency and the lengths of meals. Meal frequency did not increase. Correlations amongst a variety of measures indicated that there was regulation of feeding both between and within meals.  相似文献   

The principal locomotory appendages of the Manduca sexta caterpillar, the prolegs, are present on the third through sixth abdominal segments (anal prolegs located on the terminal segment were not included in this study). Previous studies have characterized some of the proleg retractor muscles and their motoneurons. In the present study we identified additional proleg motoneurons and their putative homologs in the non-proleg-bearing segments. One of the motoneurons present in the proleg-bearing segments is absent in the non-proleg-bearing segments. At pupation the prolegs are lost, their muscles degenerate, and some of their motoneurons regress structurally. Subsequently, subsets of the proleg motoneurons and their homologs in other segments die in a segment-specific pattern. This is the first report of segment-specific motoneurons, and of segment-specific death of identified motoneurons, in Manduca. During adult development the surviving proleg motoneurons innervate the tergosternal muscle (TSM) and grow bilateral dendritic arbors. Dendritic growth is completed by about the 12th of the 18 days of adult development. Following adult emergence all but one of the respecified proleg motoneurons dies. The hormonal dependence of dendritic outgrowth was tested by isolating abdomens to eliminate the ecdysteroid-secreting glands in the thorax. Between the second and fifth days after pupation the motoneurons became progressively more competent to undergo dendritic outgrowth following abdomen isolation. The extent of dendritic outgrowth paralleled the degree of morphological development attained by isolated abdomens. It is concluded that ecdysteroids are required for motoneuron outgrowth, but our findings suggest that, unless an abdominal source of ecdysteroids exists in pupae, a relatively small exposure may be sufficient.  相似文献   

The effects of X-irradiation upon Manduca sexta egg hatchability and larval survival were studied using LD50's. Radiosensitivity declined with age in developing eggs (LD50 of 9.4 kR in 2.5 to 3-days eggs contrasted to 18.2 kR in 4 to 4.5-day eggs) and in larvae. The dose-response patterns obtained agree with those previously reported for other insects.The maximal (ED0) and minimal (ED100) X-ray exposures resulting in eclosion successes of 100% and 0%, respectively, were utilized throughout pupal-adult development as measures of radiation sensitivity. A pronounced decrease in radiosensitivity was noted through the day of eclosion (Day 0: ED0 = 7.3 kR; ED100 = 18.7 kR; Day 22: ED0 = 45.0 kR, ED100 = 105.0 kR). X-irradiation during the pupal-adult transformation was observed to inhibit eclosion without disrupting normal metamorphosis.  相似文献   

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