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渭北旱塬苹果种植分区土壤水分特征   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
在区域尺度和定位观测的基础上,探讨了渭北塬区不同苹果种植分区的土壤水分特征.结果表明,渭北旱塬苹果种植分区土壤水分特征主要受降水和蒸散量的影响.在区域尺度上,苹果地潜在蒸散量是台塬东部区>高原沟壑区>台塬西部区.3种类型区苹果地土壤水分都存在亏缺现象,台塬东部区苹果地平均土壤水分亏缺量为390.9mm.最大亏缺量为674.6mm,最小亏缺量为186.3mm;高原沟壑区苹果地水分平均亏缺量、最大亏缺量分别为264.4和441.2mm,偶尔也出现水分盈余的现象;台塬西部区总体上表现为亏缺。但苹果地出现水分盈余的现象较高原沟壑区普遍,最大盈余量达151.8mm.渭北旱塬苹果地水分储存量也存在区域分异,在全生育期2m土层水分储存量台塬西部区>高原沟壑区>台塬东部区.这种变化特性与降水量的时空变化、果树对土壤水分的消耗量及降水年型有关;具体表现为苹果地耗水量以台塬东部区最大,高原沟壑区次之,台塬西部区最小,干旱年苹果全生育期耗水量低于丰水年.在干旱年份,苹果树耗水量除来源于生育期问的有效降水外,还有相当一部分依赖于3m以下土层贮水,形成土壤干层。影响果业持续发展.  相似文献   

以森林资源遥感分类为切入点,以黄土高原丘陵沟壑区陕西黄龙县境内的水土保持林作为对象,针对ETM+遥感影像在森林信息提取中存在的大量混合像元的问题,引入一种基于针叶林-阔叶林-灌草(C-B-G)模型的混合像元分解方法,通过这种方法,分别得到研究区针叶林、阔叶林、灌草的覆盖图像,并提取出了针阔混交林的分布情况.采用ERDAS 9.1对分类结果进行精度评价,结果表明针阔混交林的分类精度相对于通用分类方法--监督分类的精度提高了20%,说明该方法可以改善植被信息提取的效果.  相似文献   

以亚热带红壤丘陵区典型水田和旱地土壤为研究对象,向土壤中添加14C标记稻草,培养30 d后,提取与原位土壤中结构相似的14C可溶性有机碳(DOC);将14C DOC加入水田和旱地土壤中,并设置45%、60%、75%、90%和105%田间持水量(WHC)5个水分梯度,在标准状态下(25 ℃)培养100 d,监测14C DOC在土壤中的矿化过程.结果表明: 培养100 d后,两种土壤中28.7%~61.4%的标记DOC被矿化为CO2,且5个水分条件下,水田土壤DOC的矿化率均显著高于旱地,这主要是由于水田土壤DOC的结构组成比旱地土壤更简单.好气条件(56%~75%WHC)有利于两种土壤DOC的分解,淹水条件(105%WHC)则有利于DOC的积累.土壤处于好气条件(45%~90%WHC)时,DOC的生物可分解率及易分解态所占比例均随着含水量的增加而增加.100 d内,水田和旱地易分解态DOC分别占其累积矿化量的80.5%~91.1%和66.3%~72.4%,说明DOC的生物可分解率主要由其易分解态组分所占比例决定.  相似文献   

Konjak (Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch) was grown under normal (350 bar) or enriched (700 bar) CO2 partial pressure in glasshouses kept at 33/26 °C. Doubling the CO2 partial pressure resulted in twice the yield of corm because the net CO2 assimilation rate doubled and, due to the simple source-sink relationship, the increased production was partitioned to the corm. The response to CO2 of assimilation by konjak is discussed in relation to its original habitat in the tropics.  相似文献   

In the next few decades, climate of the Amazon basin is expected to change, as a result of deforestation and rising temperatures, which may lead to feedback mechanisms in carbon (C) cycling that are presently unknown. Here, we report how a throughfall exclusion (TFE) experiment affected soil carbon dioxide (CO2) production in a deeply weathered sandy Oxisol of Caxiuanã (Eastern Amazon). Over the course of 2 years, we measured soil CO2 efflux and soil CO2 concentrations, soil temperature and moisture in pits down to 3 m depth. Over a period of 2 years, TFE reduced on average soil CO2 efflux from 4.3±0.1 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 (control) to 3.2±0.1 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 (TFE). The contribution of the subsoil (below 0.5 m depth) to the total soil CO2 production was higher in the TFE plot (28%) compared with the control plot (17%), and it did not differ between years. We distinguished three phases of drying after the TFE was started. The first phase was characterized by a translocation of water uptake (and accompanying root activity) to deeper layers and not enough water stress to affect microbial activity and/or total root respiration. During the second phase a reduction in total soil CO2 efflux in the TFE plot was related to a reduction of soil and litter decomposers activity. The third phase of drying, characterized by a continuing decrease in soil CO2 production was dominated by a water stress‐induced decrease in total root respiration. Our results contrast to results of a drought experiment on clay Oxisols, which may be related to differences in soil water retention characteristics and depth of rooting zone. These results show that large differences exist in drought sensitivity among Amazonian forest ecosystems, which primarily seem to be affected by the combined effects of texture (affecting water holding capacity) and depth of rooting zone.  相似文献   

胶州湾滨海湿地土壤溶解性有机质的三维荧光特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
訾园园  孔范龙  郗敏  李悦  杨玲 《生态学杂志》2016,27(12):3871-3881
为了了解滨海湿地土壤中溶解性有机质的结构特征及来源,2014年1月在胶州湾采集光滩、碱蓬、芦苇和大米草湿地的土壤样品,测定土壤溶解性有机质(DOM)含量,利用三维荧光技术进行光谱分析.结果表明: 胶州湾4种湿地类型土壤溶解性有机碳(DOC)含量表现为大米草湿地>光滩>碱蓬湿地>芦苇湿地,垂直剖面上随土层深度的增加DOC含量均呈减少的趋势.经光谱分析,胶州湾湿地土壤DOM的三维荧光光谱(3DEEMs)中出现了B、T、A、D和C等5种荧光峰,分别代表类酪氨酸、类色氨酸、类富里酸、类可溶性微生物副产物和类腐殖酸5种组分.利用荧光区域积分(FRI)法对5种组分进行定量分析,类色氨酸、类富里酸和类酪氨酸在DOM各组分含量中居前3位,类可溶性微生物副产物和类腐殖酸的含量次之,二者含量差异不显著.DOM的5种组分相互之间均呈显著正相关,与DOC含量呈显著正相关,与总磷、有效磷、总氮有不同程度的相关性.胶州湾4种湿地类型土壤DOM主要由生物相互作用内源产生,且腐殖化程度较低.  相似文献   

以各类作物农田水分为对照,连续两年对宁南山区不同生长年限苜蓿深层土壤水分以及10年生苜蓿地耕翻后轮作不同年份作物农田的水分进行了测定.结果表明,随着苜蓿生长年限的增加,干层深度与厚度先增加后减小.3年生苜蓿干层深度为720cm,6年生干层最深可达1000cm以下,10年生干层深度为920cm,3~12年生苜蓿地0~700cm土层基本上均属于土壤干层范围.苜蓿地0~800cm土壤湿度随生长年限增加而降低,2004年测定的4、7年生和12年生苜蓿地0~700cm土层平均含水率分别为5.30%、5.22%和5.01%;2005年测定的3、6年生和10年生苜蓿地0~800cm土层湿度分别为6.26%、5.60%和5.27%;而800~1000cm土层湿度在一定年限后有恢复趋势.300cm为苜蓿地降水下渗的最大临界深度,300cm以下土壤干层一旦形成,将长期存在,7~12年生苜蓿300~700cm土层湿度仅维持在4.0%左右.苜蓿地和农田的土壤干层厚度与湿度有较大差异,草粮轮作可使苜蓿土壤干层水分基本恢复到农田湿度,而且轮作年份越长,土壤各层次水分恢复效果越好,10年生苜蓿轮作18年后土壤水分基本恢复到农田状态.  相似文献   

草甸湿地土壤溶解有机碳淋溶动态及其影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用土柱淋溶试验研究了草甸湿地有机土层(2~13 cm)DOC的淋溶动态,并探讨了土壤呼吸、NH4+产生速率和淋溶液pH与DOC生成速率的关系.试验第一周,小叶章湿草甸(Ⅺ)和小叶章沼泽化草甸(Ⅻ)土壤DOC的释放速率经历了一个快速下降的过程,而后达到平稳水平,其DOC的释放动态可用一次指数衰减方程进行描述(R2>0.96,P<0.05).整个试验期间(35 d),两种草甸湿地土壤DOC的累积释放量分别为2109(Ⅺ)和506.58 μgC·g-1(Ⅻ),CO2的累积释放量为679.64(Ⅺ)和455.54 μgC·g-1(Ⅻ),表明Ⅺ的低DOC释放可能与高CO2释放所造成的微生物碳源受限有关.DOC的释放速率与NH4+的生成速率呈显著正相关(r=0.886,P<0.05;r=0.972,P<0.01),而与淋溶液pH无相关性.多元回归分析表明,草甸湿地DOC的生成主要受土壤氮矿化潜势制约(P<0.05).  相似文献   

We examined the effects of atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and soil moisture stress (SMS) on leaf‐ and stand‐level CO2 exchange in model 3‐year‐old coppiced cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr.) plantations using the large‐scale, controlled environments of the Biosphere 2 Laboratory. A short‐term experiment was imposed on top of continuing, long‐term CO2 treatments (43 and 120 Pa), at the end of the growing season. For the experiment, the plantations were exposed for 6–14 days to low and high VPD (0.6 and 2.5 kPa) at low and high volumetric soil moisture contents (25–39%). When system gross CO2 assimilation was corrected for leaf area, system net CO2 exchange (SNCE), integrated daily SNCE, and system respiration increased in response to elevated CO2. The increases were mainly as a result of the larger leaf area developed during growth at high CO2, before the short‐term experiment; the observed decline in responses to SMS and high VPD treatments was partly because of leaf area reduction. Elevated CO2 ameliorated the gas exchange consequences of water stress at the stand level, in all treatments. The initial slope of light response curves of stand photosynthesis (efficiency of light use by the stand) increased in response to elevated CO2 under all treatments. Leaf‐level net CO2 assimilation rate and apparent quantum efficiency were consistently higher, and stomatal conductance and transpiration were significantly lower, under high CO2 in all soil moisture and VPD combinations (except for conductance and transpiration in high soil moisture, low VPD). Comparisons of leaf‐ and stand‐level gross CO2 exchange indicated that the limitation of assimilation because of canopy light environment (in well‐irrigated stands; ratio of leaf : stand=3.2–3.5) switched to a predominantly individual leaf limitation (because of stomatal closure) in response to water stress (leaf : stand=0.8–1.3). These observations enabled a good prediction of whole stand assimilation from leaf‐level data under water‐stressed conditions; the predictive ability was less under well‐watered conditions. The data also demonstrated the need for a better understanding of the relationship between leaf water potential, leaf abscission, and stand LAI.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度增高对麦田土壤硝化和反硝化细菌的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
硝化和反硝化细菌是土壤中与氮转化有关的微生物菌群 ,大气CO2 浓度升高可能对它们的数量产生影响。位于中国无锡的稻 麦轮作农田生态系统FACE平台 2 0 0 1年 6月开始运行。本试验在 2 0 0 3年小麦生长季研究了土壤 (0~ 5cm和 5~ 10cm土层 )中硝化和反硝化细菌在大气CO2 浓度升高条件下的变化。试验采用最大可能法 (MPN)计这两种微生物菌群的数量。结果表明 ,0~ 5cm土层硝化菌数拔节期和成熟期FACE低于对照 ,而孕穗期FACE高于对照 ,5~ 10cm土层硝化菌数越冬期与成熟期FACE低于对照 ,大气CO2 浓度升高使得麦田土壤硝化细菌数目减少。 0~ 5cm土层各个生长期反硝化菌数FACE与对照均没有明显差异 ,5~ 10cm土层反硝化菌数拔节期FACE低于对照 ,大气CO2 浓度升高对麦田土壤反硝化菌的影响不大。  相似文献   

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